xt7kd50fz294_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_02/Folder_13/Multipage1799.pdf 1960-1965 1965 1960-1965 section false xt7kd50fz294_14 xt7kd50fz294 big/44W /;74 ”O

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 October Board meeting

The Board of the Garden Club of Lex-

ington met October 81 at the home of Mrs.
Hagan. The adjustment of the Garden gates was

discussed. The difficulty being that the ,
way they are(i§un§\ngychildren can swing
on them and eventually make them sag so thatr
they will not close. The problem was refer-
red to the Garden Committee.

Mrs. Schubert has asked to be replaced

on the Board. Miss Daisy Hume has kindly

{/41 cut \raQML
consented to tgkemher‘prsrce.1

In 1958 it was yotetho take $3 from the
dues of the active member and $5 from
associates to put in the Garden treasury. 1 "
N1-.- . _ i. -7 W.
The Board not being sure whether that was~v

Miss Sally Johnston, Chairman of the
Admissions Committee, reported that the.

Com. has made some changes in the Admissions

rules~and the forms.
Mrs. Garrick asked again and again and AGAIN
for material for the Bulletin.


 After the business was concluded the .L.
. ' moreramflwrmimmfia delicious lunch
' Wow

was tafien—up—rhus making it most worthwhile

to be a member of the Board.

Respectfully submitted

Proposed changes in admission rules and

£srms, made by the Admissions Chairman

and Committee.

. After each election of new members by the
Board all other candidates will be dropped,
and their sponsors are free. Names of candidates

may be,submitted at any time.

sank“ ,
A member.ma¥ be free to nominate or sponsor

a person two years after the admission of her

last candidate.

The method of voting shall be as follows:
All candidates shall be voted on by a simple
"yes" or "no", each Board member being allowed to V671?
. yes for no more than the number of vacancies
to be filled.Balloting to be continued £0; as

long as necessary. The above section III of thee


 by-lawe on membership must be read at a regular

meeting of the Club once a year.


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41455555” 5455-7 M5 5,4554/5555/M 55/ .
14/177 OMTM 5454, W
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4477/“ 5W7 M 5. ,551557/5 225”
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544545 5554 55/5/5555 55‘ 554 .
777% /’ ’ 7W ““5 ”W7
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45/ 4754/4 712455574554 4 5555,4571 5%

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775M ‘ //»Zéqam W gae/ %

WW 50/05, 4V WW €56» (gage,

2,76; «(fl/«MM MWMWL,WM £7



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A7 AAA/772 11 /W 511% @417 /
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2/70 7’7 MAM/221.71 72 71/7/2222
7% 2/7/7221 7622 2 22/740677 .
72212118772224 /2 ALL/11222 /
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21112342M21M/427 77277772747
2% 727172777 771,722 ,7; 62117 772711


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M7244 WM 5’75” /W (CZ/29266

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 {455455/ 45445 4/ 554751 ;?WM 5524/ 1
4444444 425 5 5 W5 «25” O
4425 45"? 44414 545%544/ $716444 44

.564" 444/745’ 42 44565 542 44 52/54.

#547 55% 554% /;/5764

42557444/42'577 23445544 4724/

, ”(Lg/6455? 5A¢C4€

{1454/5 flay :44 5474 Wff/


 The Board met on Nov.7 at the Garien

. Cottage. A quorum of eleven were present.

’The Treasurer reported a balance of 3 1750.41
.Mr Saunier at last sent in his bill:
$ 394.51 for big gate
$ I88.7I for small one and $ 36.25 for sun-dial.
Mrs. Hagan received a letter about the
Zone meeting in Beaumont in March asking
for suggestions for subjects for discussion.
This Club was asked to report on their
public relations.
Mrs. Crump,was asked to be the Chairman
,of our next Fall Festival. She accepted with
two conditions. One, that she have Mrs. Bush
as Co-Ghairman and that she be given a free
hand. The Board gratefully agreed.r
’Miss Johnston reported for her Committee
on admissions. They have clarified the by-laws

which she will report to the ¢¢¢r¢tauzp Club.

Ru A ( Mrs. Combs asked for transportation

expenses for Mrs. Cartright who is to speak
to the Club Nov.II) omit reading as speaker
_ is present. Expenses to be $35

. PrOgrams for next year were discussed.

Should we have a paid professional speaker

or some just plain EOOd ones Who are free


 It was also suggested that we might have
a meeting which included other Garden Clubs.

The advisability of condenséing the Zone
LAJ’M 5‘20 —- dud/WM

meetings reports.4

' Respectfully submitted

1 -,/ (>#-~«
iridxxvu~ (/1 .419ch




The Garden Club of Lexington met Nov.IOth

at the home of Mrs. Herndon with 27 p¢¢¢¢n

membershpreient. Mrs. Hagan opened the meeting

and announced two resignations from the Board,
Mrs. Schubert because of illness and Mrs. Boyce
because her job would not permit attendance at
Board meetings. The minutes of the last meeting
were reviewed briefly by Mrs. Boyce and approved.
Mrs. Storey who is taking Mrs. Boyce' place
as Secretary, read the minutes of the last Board
meeting and thev also were approved.
Mrs. Hagan then took up the business of the
t1 ' Qer
We: the Admission By-laws, the form cfr
which has been rather fague. Miss Johnston's
Committee have made a study of them and suggested
some changes to made them simppler and better
understood. Mrs. Garrick made the motion that
the changes be adotped and Mrs. Clark seconded it.
It was passed byra majority vote.
Mrs. Hagan then called for reports from the
Standing Committees.

Awards: Mrs. Hamilton
Mrs. Herndon received Two gold and one blue seal.

Mrs. Holladay One gold.


 Mrs. Garrick announced that her pleas have been

answered and that she has two articles for the

. next Bullitin and one being written.

Horticulture. Mrs. Holladay said that a car
load of horticulturists spent a delightful day
in the mountains, that being the official horti-
cultural meeting for the month.

Mrs. Combs, Pregram Chairman, introduced
Mrs. Conkwright who gave a most delightful and
informative talk on the Tennessee Botanical
Gardens and Fine Arts Center in Nashville which
formally was the estate of Walter qharp and was
called ¢M¢r¢k¢¢ Cheekwood. Her talk was illus-
trated by beautiful slides.

The meeting was adjourned and we all enjoyed
Mrs. Herndos's cake and the company of Dr. Herndon

with tea.
Respectfully submitted

Patricia Storey Boyce


 For a December meeting the Garden

guests at a beautiful Christmas party.

esses were Mrs. Worth, at whose home

was held, Mrs. Estes, Mrs. Pennington

Club were g
Our host-
the party

and Mrs.Wile.

The beautiful decorations set a high standard

to he fOllowed in our own homes. Christmas arrange-

ments were breught by the members ani
made to :
Mrs. Estes, ngld, 3 blue

Mrs. Worth 3 gold, I blue

awards were

Mrs. Pennington, 1/g¢x¢ I blue

Ire. Givens, I gold
Mrs. Boyce, I gold
Mrs. Crutcher, I blue
Mrs. Storey, I gold
Mrs. Ray, I gold

Most delicious refreshments were servedrwith

Eaven the punohka liquid {inner arrangement. May

we always find such charming hostesses at Chris


Respectfully surmitted

Martha fl.



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 Meeting of March 24

. It was announced that Open House in Kentucky

will be May Is to“ BI. Mrs. Pennington will be
fine—(”KM 432mg this Club. Wf“
There will be a Wild Flower Show at Gatlinbung
April 27 to 29. Registration fee will be $3.
The Hwards at the last meeting were:
Mrs. Kavanaugh I gold
? blue
I red
Miss~Sallie Johnston I gold
I blue
I red
The last issue of the Bulletin had 5 articles
from the Southern Zone, which was a particular
credit to Mrs. Garrick. It was reported that
the Garden at Ashland is now beautiful and
members are urged to visit it.
Mrs. Hagan read in detail the projects to
voted on at the annual meeting in Haiwil Hawaii.
Our deligates go uninstructed.
Mrs.Morris reported on the panel discussions
held at the meeting in Texas. Mrs. Morris
being out of town the report was read by Mrs. Garrick
. Mrs. Tilton told most interestingly of the

beautiful entertainments and lovely decorations

or the visiting deligates,


 Mrs. Hagan gave the report on the business
. sessions and on the Presidents luncheon
eere problems common so all member Clubs were

All those present were then greatly re-
freshed by the delicious sandwiches, cakes and
spiced tee and most of all by the perfectly
beautiful and fragrant wild cherry blossoms

with which Mrs. Kavanaugh's house was filled.

Respectfully submitted


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