xt7kd50fz294_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_02/Folder_11/Multipage1682.pdf 1957-1959 1959 1957-1959 section false xt7kd50fz294_13 xt7kd50fz294 . Wifflfijw M aflwim
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The Garden Club of Lexington met Friday, April 11,

.1958 at "The Larches", home of Mrs. John Harris Clay
in Paris, Kentucky. The President, Mrs. Robert Warfie
presided and opened the meeting by thanking Mrs. Clay.

The minutes of the March meeting were read and
approved upon motion of Mrs. Stoll, seconded by Mrs.

The Treasurer, Mrs. Worth, reported a balance of

' /
, ,' 3C1 k ‘7


Mr“ Warfield made the follow,ng announcements:

.r'k f1.


April 12 —— Flower Show sponsored by the
Lexington Council of Garden Clubs, 2:30
to 9:00 PM at Slendover School, and a
few openings still remain in two classes.

April 21 -- the meeting of the Hemoracalis
society at the Lexington Public Library.
The guest speamer will be Stella Monroe is

April 22, 23, and 2hth -- Flower Show
Judging School. Ruth Kitsner will speak
on the 23rd. The fee is $6.00 for the
full course and exam, or *Bxfifi $3.00 for
either day. The 2hth 's the exam.

April 30th -- day in Cincinnati as guests 0
the Indian hills Garden Club, the Town anc
Country Garden Club, and the Garden Club
of Cincinnati. Tnere will be a tour of
four gardens, leaving the Cincinnati Coun:
try Club at lO;hS. Lunch will be at the
Country Club at 12:30. There will be a
lecture at 2:30 at the Fine Arts Museum
by Arnold Davis of the Cleveland Garden

April 30th -~ an antique doll show and plan:
sale by the :oe and lope Garden Club from
9:00 to 9:00 at 306 Glendover Road.

iay 5th -- a flower show by the Rafinesque
Garden Club at Hillenmeyer Garden Center
1:00-7:00 PM. They are asking for entrie
especially iris.


 ' April '58

May 16, 17, and 18th —- Open House in Ken-
tucky, lO:OO-5:00 on Friday and Saturday
and 2:00—5:30 on Sunday.

I These announcements were amplified as follows:

Lexington Council of Garden Clubs flower show -
Mrs. Tilton commented that this is the first
time that the twelve clubs have put on a show
together. The staging is in charge of Mrs. Paul
Little, and the Council has taken out an insur—
ance policy because of the many fine and valuable
things that are being used in the staging. She
expressed appreciation to Hillenmeyers for their
extensive heap with the show.

Cincinnati trip - a Greyhound bus accomodating 37
people has been chartered for the trip. The
cost will be between $5.00 and $6.00 a person.
The bus will begin loading at the Greyhound
station at 7:h5 AM and will leave at 8:00. Mrs.
Joseph Wile is handling reservations and already
has a list of 30 —— only 7 places remain.


House in Kentucky -- Mrs. Clay Simpson reported
that the William Gess house had been withdrawn,
making a total of 15 places on the local portion
of the tour. A tour map is being made by Hillen
meyer‘s. Each of the local clubs is to have a
chairman in charge of securing hostesses from
her own club. Miss Dudley Jume is the chairman
of hostesses in this club, and Mrs. Spence Car-
rick is over—all chairman of hostesses. Mrs.
Clifton Thompson is in charge of flower arrange-
ments in the houses. , w~


Mrs. Warfield made these additional announcements:

Mrs. John Crosby has qualified as a National
Amateur Flower Sh0w Judge. With Miss Sallie
Johnston, this make two National Judges among
the members of the fiaxingtnn Garden Club of
Lexington. Miss Johntton is at present judging
at a show in BMHHMfi(;W¢”’and Mrs. Crosby at a
show in Huntington, West Virginia.

Dues of $13.00 for Active Members and $18.00 for
Associate Members will be payable in May.

The Southern Zone Meeting in Ormond Beach, Flo—
rida, ending today, has been attended by Mrs.
Perry Hamilton, Mrs. William McClymonds, and



Mrs. Spence Garrick.
Blue Grass Region of the Garden Clubs of Kentucky —-

Miss Sunshine Sweeny reported on the Regional
meeting attended by herself, Miss Daisy Ewme, and
Miss Dudley Hume. There were 89 delegates attending,
and much interest was shown by Mrs. Purcival in the
"Ashland" Garden. Mrs. York of Glasgow is making a
collection of slides of Kentucky gardens to be sent
to the Garden Club of America, and Miss Sweeny asked
that good slides of the "Ashland" Garden be made for
the collection.

Standing Committee Reports :


The Billboard Amendment to the Highway Bill has
been passed. Miss Sweeny read the following
comment on this Amendment from Newsweek Magazine:
" . . . If money doesn't talk loud enough, the
Garden Clubs will - as sure as roses have thornS”


HORTICULTURE -- Mrs. Lawrence Crump

The wild flower walk at Clifton will take place
sometime next week. Interested members will be
notified by phone. '

PROJECT -- Mrs. Henry Holladay
The Gates have not been painted because they
must be rehung. Wednesday manning work-days in

the Garden have started. Alley and two members
were pres nt last Wednesday. ’

AWARDS -- Mrs. Richard Crutcher

Attention was invited to the arrangements, five
of which has been done by the hostess, Mrs. Clay,
and the other four of which had been brought from
Lexington by members. Awards were made as follow:

One GOLD each —- Mesdammes Crump, Warfield, Worth
and Simpson.

(3) L2.)
MhBee GOLD and the BLUE -— Mrs. Clay.

. Corresponding Secretary -
Substututing for Mrs. Hagan, Mrs. Tilton NIEXK
read a letter of appreciation from Mrs. Warfield,
thanking the Club for the crock of white tulips
that were sent her during her recent illness.


 April ’58

The business being concluded, the meeting was

turned over to the Program Cdeirman, Mrs. James Morris.

.Sne introduced Mrs. dolladay Wlio reviewed t7 e book
abhn and William Bartram's America. This is an edited
and recently published collection of the letters and
journals xhn of the father and son who were our first
native American botanists, pre-ddting Audubon and Rafi:
nssque by half a centurynx.


Following the business meeting and program, the
members were served tea and invited to inspect Mrs.
Clay's garden.

Respectfully submitted,
Lyra... aavaék {ML “q {N

Secretory pro tem.





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 . The We‘dhlw mecq—{ufi‘cf ‘Hw: Garden
(“LL 0“ Lefa‘udl‘l‘rh 0)! Fvwla ,3ung '21::

was huCH- avOuwup a. buy of “Ag nucleus

6‘5- mtg. trams: mrnvh, mvs. Q1314 0;ch Cvukllu;
M's. Roby/‘1' wfivfi‘c'd) and “'(‘(Q Rcldqua’ gfidtg‘
Tia was a-tvvcl 00‘ ‘LU: Asia-44 engage. by
MW "1;. Myfi'mfg.wt‘u:qiq M’qd mPS-C’fi
$'w.fl ‘1 4h: absemg a“. ”byfiaseph (fit/C.

‘uus‘ncu MCI; H.

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Mal-‘1;‘ A‘l’ n4". eva‘t‘lu's by, Uctcmlhq
‘44... MN WCMI'er , ”1.5. $401 Unlb'n anal
.MIS.R\£\MLJ Schwhci‘f" . The. Mu‘nu‘fts a)“
‘LHL m‘Hj Mecid;v1 «mi 1111 "Wk—1": BOQD‘Q

Wl¢¢+\.vu‘ wt": veal «and «(Winnie/m ”(“9"

5‘1 ”1:53 Sod”: Wabash—n ’SQC~J¢J b7 M15.

.Mvs. Wargzli‘ abhovual?! ‘Hud’ plan-3 ff?
‘Ha‘ Fafl Frshrml urn: bth‘dc‘ manic WU”!
WI vs. wn (LCM bg as Ghana! and? Met H

““1 J is} mar-(we (“Y-«my RS Chafimau of
(“at Sucker: (mm; re .

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MIS. SIWP'SM , Chq;‘l W01“ 61‘ 0W?"

H-gsuut {n Ktukckv, repnifle VH2“ ’44!)
haul b-trn a ‘ffiaqucxgl Sue-ct): Olen-L
{Fthuec' her «Wielakzq frr‘lhc Caryn-
AH‘Vh 01‘ all ‘Hac mtvubw-g \ia maky‘nj
1+ 50- Thru- haJ beau «Bowl 53°60 peqyl‘
rm “"6 MES: (2me a} “at ‘I'Mw‘fiany


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. W W ‘l-rcusaucv)

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I z, I‘m-lkvfym 4...; but ,<,«.alu4.;, 4m.
‘S\q'13.‘ 17m A‘Skl‘lk'! gldgn’vo, “not “Mu.“ mgr."
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