xt7kd50fz294_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063.dao.xml Garden Club of Lexington (Lexington, Ky.) 5.85 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, two scrapbooks, 1 map folder archival material 2019ms063 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Garden Club of Lexington records Minutes text Minutes 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fz294/data/2019ms063/Box_2019ms063_01/Folder_22/Multipage1091.pdf 1939-1946 1946 1939-1946 section false xt7kd50fz294_10 xt7kd50fz294 <




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A Egard a ,I. v a_ the Lexingto.
was held . W rette Ho 81 on
Jef‘til" Hg " rxi'TS.
1 Mrs. Laffer
arrick and M15

etter from the Grrden Club of Am
saying that the chl*‘np Garden
was hfcspp~1U{ WLth tne Locetors, age
The ureqideut or chairman of each
resoonsible r 3‘st 0P Wflrdens or
n vicfnitv, A13 mew CDCPC must Pooly
ntrnl CfPfice in New York for aoulication
visit War “as,



lnfl Garden, quthgm
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— Mr. Gable's

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 Motiefi uede by Niee Clay,
M10 Hamilton that the delege,eL h. evnuel


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Ere. LHWVLil resorted
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;;;er mcqitianijig .he eeJx:ntjte
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fire. it.‘:- to write an
these w w y be accompanied
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,en 3 g. f _ - = 1‘; by Mrs.

936 eeefinded bw

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NiSs ‘; Leysen,
Chairman 0’ ;, Bird Committee of the Feéerated
Garden Clubs Kentuekv, asking her to be on the

Miss Clay reverted that Mrs.
Club Chairmen.



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 A Board meeting of the Lexington Garden
Club was held at the LaFayette Hotel, May 25,
1959, at ten o'clock A. M., with eight members
present. The President presided.

Mrs. Wanless reported that Mrs. W. P.
Averitt had sent in her resignation as member
of the Garden Club, which was accepted with
regrets. On motion of Mrs. McDonald, seconded
by Mrs. Wright, it was resolved that Mrs.
Averitt be made an Honorary Member of the Club.

The President read a letter from Miss
Mabelle Van Meter in which she tendered her
resignation from the Club, which was accepted
with regrets. On motion of Mrs. Kavanaugh,
seconded by Mrs. Lawwill, it was resolved that
she be made an Honorary Member of the Club.

Mrs. Lawwill, chairman of the By-laws
Committee, presented to the Board the proposed
new By-laws, as follows:

1. No person who is a member of another
Garden Club is eligible to become a
member of the Garden Club of Lexington.

Only one person can sponsor a new member
every two years.

No new member shall nominate or sponsor
a name fer membership unless she has been
a member at least two vears.

After names of applicants for membership
have been proposed to the Board, they
cannot be voted upon until the following

On motion of Mrs. McDonald, seconded by
Mrs. Kavanaugh, it was resolved the Board
accept these recommendations.

A letter was read from Miss Cordelia
Lindsey, vice~chairman of Conservation


 Committee, Frankfort Garden Club, asking

those that had contributed to the fund toward
the saving of the Frankfort Hills would consent
to the retaining of those funds as long as
there was hope‘ On motion of Miss Daisy Hume,
seconded by Mrs. Kavanaugh, it was resolved

the monev donated by this Club be so retained
for two years.

Mrs. stwill save a most satisfactory
reoort of the Garden Tour held on May 15, 14 and
15, stressing the aoosrent success and
pleasure of the visitors.

Mrs. Wanless announced that she was
resigning as President of the Club. No action
was taken.

There being no further business, the
meeting adjourned.




 The regular meeting of the Garden Club
of Lexington was held on Friday, May 25, 1959
at three o'clock P. M., at the residence of
Mrs. Louis Hillenmeyer. Members present -

Minutes of the last meeting were read
and aboroved with slight correction.

The Treasurer, Mrs. Stoll, reoorted
$296.14 in the treasury.

The Awards Committee reported as follows:

Mrs. J. McDowell - 1 gold seal.

Mrs. L. Hillenmeyer - 1 gold

Mrs. W. Vaughn — 5 gold, 2 blue and 2 red.
Mrs. Van Deren - 1 gold.

Mrs. Wright, Chairman of Horticulture,
announced the June meeting would consist of a

"little flower" show, at the home of Mrs. L.

L. Haggin, Friday, June 9, at four o'clock
P. M.

The minutes of the Board meeting of
the Garden Club of Lexington held at the
Lafayette Hotel at ten o'clock A. M., on
May 25, were read. Mrs. W. Hillenmeyer
recommended they be accepted, except the
resignation of the President, Mrs. Wanless.

Mrs. Lawwill, Chairman of Garden Tour
Committee, reported on the Garden Tour held
May 15, 14 and 15, and reoorted receiots
amounted to $955.00, with a few expenses to
be deducted. She smoke of the solendid
cooperation she received from the members of
the Garden Club,which helped to make it such
a success.

Mrs. Wanless thanked Mrs. Lawwill for
her untiring interest and work, and the members
of the Club stood in aporeciation of the same.


 Mrs. Lafferty spoke of two projects near
to her heart which she hooed for in the future.
A school for flower judging, and a study group
on trees, their coloring, etc.

After the meeting adjourned, the hostess
most graciously oresented each member present
with a large bunch of Venus peonies and
invited them to visit the peony gardens which

were in full bloom.
(22¢ .. m; AIM/.1 , m t — .




 A Board meetj_ng of the Garden Club of
Lex‘ngton was held at the Laf eyette Hotel,
on weanesday, June 20, 959 at ten o'clock
A‘ M¢

Nine members were present.
Mrs. Wanless in the chair.

A disetlssion of the revision of the
By-laws was held - no actlon was taken.

Mrs. W‘ T. Lafferty presented her
resignation as member of the Garden Club of
Lexington, which was aooeoted with deepest
regret. On motion of Miss Clay, seconded
by Mrs. Garrick, it was resolved she be
made an honorary member of the Club and
she was unanimously elected

l Ayah/w

Beer met pry.


 The regular meeting of the Garden Club
of Lexington Wes held Friday, July 14th, 1959,
st 4 o‘clock P. M. at the residence of Mrs. Case
Lsnmill and the Misses Hume.

26 members were oresent.

Minutes of the last meeting were read
and 2“ k4 OPOVEO.

There was a discussion on delinquency
of club dues and on motion of Mrs. Ed. Clerk,
seconded by Mrs Lsfferty, it was resolved that
s fee of $5.00 would be instituted for rein—

The chrds committee renorted as follows:

Mrs. Herndon hlue seals
Mrs. Coke J blue seals
Mrs. Von Deren 4 blue seals

The Fall Flower Show was discussed, to
tske place the esrly cart of October and Mrs.
Joe. Desnn UcDowell accepted the Chairmenshio
of same.

The President read 2 letter from the
den Club of Kentucky stating that nominations
officers on the Boerd VJGTG in order. On motion
IMr . Coke, scoonved by Mrs. Clerk, it was
ked th t the President soooint n nominating
cornWri tee


{ A

Mrs. Henry Graddy sooke most interest~
ingly on Hemerocsllis — naming mpny varieties
and their seasons for blooming.

After the meeting Wes over delicious
refresgments were served and the members Visited
the garde ns





anfi a v15:













 \ “win. (113i) 1"“

i The Garde _ * oi. Lexington
i held a picnic ..- ' '.
pavillion at] ’ son '11.

Mrs Louis Hiilenmé «was gen—
5 eral chairman and waskassmted by;
{Mrs Joe Desha McDoVii'éll .Mrs.
’Sterlingi Coke and Mrs. Joseph
] Wanless Jr.
1‘ Other members attending weie
Mrs. Spencer Brooker, Mrs. Henry
iBosworth Mrs. Waller Bullock
[M15 Richaid Bush, Mrs. Luthe11
:Caldwell. Miss Isabel Clay, M1s. i
Walter Hillenmeyer Misses Dudley ‘
i and Daisy Hume, Mrs. Wilson Case
fLawwill, Mrs. W L. Lafferty‘, MJS.
iJohn Lewis, Mrs 111 L. McDonald.
ers. Horace Wilson, Mrs. Flank

,‘en, Mrs Henry Qraddy of‘

d with a lunner of gold
'air if bronzed farmcr‘

‘o‘were u I‘d to hold fruits and
5 flowers. - '11" blue pale green and a
» red grapes spilled out on the tablei
to meet in the center; at the upper
part of the folded brims were
autumn floweis Grape leaves cut
'from copper screening were ar-'

ranged under the flesh grapes, and
a pair of potteiy donkeys drew
carts filled with cigarettes. The
service plates and cups and saucers,
of Burgundy-colored pottery, com-
pleted the striking arrangements.



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 The regular meeting of the Garden Club
of Lexington was held Friday, December 8, 1959
at three o'clock P. M., at the residence of
Miss Belle Clay. Twentvseieht members were
oresent and one guest.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read
and aooroved.

The Conservation Committee renorted the
Garden Club of America had sent out an aooeal
for "No Bill Boards."

Miss McDonald sooke for the Christmas
Greens Committee and mentioned the four olaces
of business whose windows were to be decorated.

The Awards Committee reoorted —
Miss Clay ~ 9 blue seals.

The Minutes of the Board meeting were
read and on recommendation of Mrs. Walter
Hillenmever, seconded by Mrs. Bedford Brown,
they were acceoted as read.

Mrs. Lafferty sooke enthusiastically of
a book written bv Rexford Newcomb on ”Old
Ventuckv Architecture," and on motion of Mrs.
Clark, seconded by Mrs. Lawwill, it was resolved
to ourchase a coov for the Garden Club of
Lexington library.

The President announced that the January
meeting would be the annual business meeting
and installation of new officers, followed
by lunch served at noon at the Lafavette Hotel.

Mrs. Louis Hillenmever oresented a most
interesting guessing contest. Samoles of
evergreens and berries and shrubs were mounted
on Cardboard. "he guessing was most enthusiastic.
Mrs. Sterling Coke won the orize for the highest
score of oerfect answers.


 Mrs. Bedford Brown geve a most interest—
ing talk on Chrietmas Decorations - stressing
the religious significance of the Season

At the close of the bus iness meeting,
Miss Clnv, assisted by Mrs Ju ldSOH, served

delicioue refreshments.




 Absence 0; th

Vificnt reporLcn

past aonth.

1i€3u$3i0h 01 tke

. ToEowell,

« 7-, A ‘ x 1 V,
dc 1.58:; S 55510....


Juriher busines

the liberty

s, Ins meeting




 ‘he re ruler YeeLlu oi the Garden Club ta
on fierce 81h 311h_re.1reog1rr1u e uiih firs.
Hillenmeyer geeeio1n There .ere 26 present.

She minutee 01 the 1581 meetirg were approved.

The Tre Eurer reoorted b“lznoe 111 bank J3m.27th
5510.50.17, .1 3 leuruzry 39 E0, leaving a
b'li 3ee on V ' 5 3 501.00 T1 2 o eoJS out.
31,464.27 1 p~ wunt in the 131 W Account.


The ewer1s **“1r»cn announe ed 1 gold and l blu:
31v n yre. Joe Graves, 1 blue 31ven ;.e. 3.1.Ven
Deren find 1 501d to 7.5. ~‘ller Rullock.

Yrs. Bullock, 3nr1zeen oi ioneervetion reporte.
She went to see Judge fl ehols wroteetin5 the cutting
01 trees elanted by our Club some tweniy ver S 850
on the fi1ehmond fike. Jud5e Zignole sr—id uney me
e Seeeial tree ‘rlm er en1 promised 5S 1025 as he
remeineo in 011138 get re more trimminj ould be
done. She also ennoenoed e pleni sale in April.

e. \Vill re d The Teroh forfieulturel l
1“ see xull oi 1niwreSt.

QrS. ‘lerk reported ilet et 5 meeting
8058110 iarden ‘ 05311 ee, it was ennownued
vereity E151 01Dlo‘ed e iull time trsined 25’
work in Lhe jerden.

"sDowell dierrfihnted the printed pr05rer
1940. The Srev11ert FQDOqued the
' 1,6CEI « ed 131110: 01 "~nt.‘:3lr2 ra110 OER-l: 1:11:
3 ,-. x

:51" ‘32-" ‘1
1'31.- x 3

_ 3,‘ _\
51.1.7...— 1 14 (1 .

seconded by
icing the meeting

arrive on fiondey.

S. e 1&3 crou5ht to the meeting the Scrap
boo: oi the Garden Club 1r0m 19916 to 1958. This
most 1ntrresst1n5 b 1k was much edmired by the mem—
here, and greet e,ore~1r31en was expressed ior this2
service $0471e club.


 Mrs. isuis 3': 135;, 7‘3 Q letter asking
the 3luo's i;;uw- ‘ ba' ' 7 _ replica oi 01d
Lort Lexington.

“irer e eis Vueeion of the 111 llque lead by
~re. Mexwill, it r;~ a a. by £13. 3lark :23 second
ed b; I as T “ 5 ‘ L ticEe'S be prizézi to be M
“‘ “ “” “ ' ‘ "“ '”* “L: ‘4 v .39 “gIQi ;37


H “wyn ,3 . 4~ 737% reviev \ren rfrfl g7
a3 4 110““ ”3 e _“-1 Trees" Vy lrsnK E. 35nd,
"Lun W7ih “'7me-" 7 ;er;uaon 9nd pheldon. Che
Club ielL m at indeM ed:qees to fire. Lclton in this
ti;e Di sorrow Jar fivepnrylnv these deli3?tiu

3he meeting adjourned 70 have tee Hit} the
L 8”, who V38 aseisied by her daughter Lies Ger
ué Bree fimnriui» e.


TeE 7ect1ully Submitted
Daisy Hume
Acting secretary


 Jlub to {yr A

. 0

* 1.01311 -:"Sb 1T5


lTOm Bhe

tfley keg

Cro'I'C GI; 0‘th



 A _1’Ef.
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Pnnouncmcnt Cl 5 Blant
aae uibrary steps at
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A w 4-“ u x
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fine at In»?


 ?he reguler meetin; oi the eereen Club of
Lexington was held on Iridey Hey 10th at three
o'clock, in the lounge oi the University dlub.
In the absence 01 the preeident, fire. iterling
Soke, iiret vice president presided. he mini
utee oi the last meeting were reed and epnroved.

The Hortiaultnre committee, were in eherge
oi inie meeting and hed arranged 3 contest.
Specimens oi 11 Shr“be were presenre‘ to be
identiiied. fire. Perry Hamilton Wee awarded
an ettrrctive prize ier most correct :nenere.

lies Sunshine aweeney Wee then intro:
diced and snake delightiully on "Fer Away Gerdens."

As there was no b Sineee 10 be brought
beiore the Zlub 5t this time, the meeting edjourn~
ed On motion.

nespectiuliv submitted

Eve Lrezier penises

JGCBTGCcf 1'3? :3“? L3";


 A cslled
5%81‘5381" 111;};



 A meeting 01 the Boerd oi the Garden Club of
Le2jn5 ton was held on June 14th, at 2:45 at firs.
Sterlin5 Coke' 8 just beiore the re5ular meeting.
Phere v.'ere senen memters pres ent.

gmu pose of tYis meeting wes to tote on
presented ior membership by the fiembership
meeting on June let. Aiter 0::sLing
: as 01 1 rs. 3;r6r1: Lxfl’ey, , r
Clry ere elected rrd 3' “1131 an
't 1115‘? -‘ 1 00 i0

2 o 1: . 1,5 fleeting

figs§eetiully submitted



 4 Gm x mgr.“ , S1130 ’L we
1? 0'5 Ah 330191”; 7‘ 5'— "’"ii 1 :1‘:i~s 1111 '1: in m 6)

request .rS. Lg.will rewwrled on the
' riberigj ‘all, 3113 she amounts

S. Bediorfi Brown brou«ht :0 the club Irom th”

eorgetown rsrden )lub the onel nee upry letter aub-
.& eeribed to by that club.

re. *rown then go ve a rpport oi the Zone
fleeting held ; 'ilmin;sfi on 11 my with firs. Grown-


 in: hield es hostess. she 3‘ve e detailed re—
port 01 1he business nd told dd the deli3htiul
enterteineent. She smoke oi soxe oi the gardens
Visited there and plsuf material used.

e. Garrick S“Oke brieil; oi 1he Annual
Ioetin3 held in Ialt iruore, end each member was
urged to :a Lhe detailed ace ount .hleh hill ap-
pear in 1he Hell issue 01 Ihe bulletin. she
told 01 the disc ussion in 1he frosident's Boun-
011 of samhods ior 12e selec1ion o: dele3e1es
to Lane zed jeiionel meetih3s end Luirested our
club de;‘ue 3n come one oi 1 0::e su33eelions.

”he Club then adjourned onnmtion, and grs.
Coke eeried delisiOus TEiTGShflFITS in 1he garden.

This meeting was under the nortidulture
IOHmittee,end was seweduled 10 be a smell ilower
show oi s esizens and errengments. ”rs. bright

eommitfee hezd these diSpleyed in rs. Coke'

guest house, 1uizh V88 8 beeutiiul

eurnris: n3 number oi entries in

es. In 1he epe:imen 31888 the Splendid

collee1ion oi new r ses diSpleved by Hrs. Louis
Hilleumeyer end “rs. Zel1er ;illenmeyer drew much
attention. The nnuber and variety oi arrang'mnt

were eeua I 10 any oi our lo 3e flower Shows,
{Tie 1 01 1/3 11:; it?‘ lg" ' x . vze'fn : u“ 1W11>d . 1.13. 1 AS ‘ '
1 1-

: ‘ - .'. 7"“.
1.1 . \V .1

, fir


a Unren

,‘ , 2 _
gre. Kelley 331d
re. Kendell McDowe 2 301d, 2 blue

Mrs. Garrick blue

jrs. Bullock blue

hrs. BrOwn blue

wiss Clay blue

Lrs. Gre :ves blue

hrs. Veu3hn gold 4 blue

“ s. H.Hillenmeysr 3(3old 1 blue

Hrs. L.Hillenmeyer 5 301d 1 blue


 HTS. Lanwill


rs. 2.?Pmilton

.7T5?. thernélon

, lSS


1 go 16. 1 blue
1 blue
1 :3;on 2 blue
1 blue
1 blue.


 One of the most delightful meeting of the year
'as held on July 12th at 4 $.3. at Castlewood, fol-
lowed by picnic supper. The arrangmcnts were nrde
by fire. Bullock and her Conservation Committee, and
was first schedulefi to be held at the resevoir.
Due to the rainy cold day, the old stable at Castlew
wood was chosen. This had been recently restored
and remodeled into a charming, comiortable picnic
and meeting place with a huge Open wood fireplace
and early American iurnishings.

Hrs. Hillenmeyer presided and there were
twenty one members 5nd one guest present. She
welcomed firs. irank “cVey and “re. Clinton Harbi-
son who have recently come into the club. The
treasurer‘s report was read and s owed a balance of
£561.19, this including zhe amount to be sent to
the Garden Club oi America,fihich.ias been delayed
awaiting the members dues wh ih were not all in.

The president reported a COpy oi the year
book had been sent the Kentucky Lederation on re+
quest. She also read a letter from hiss waits,
the teacher selected by us to go thethe Nature
Training Qénp a Wheeling 3. VA.

Kiss Daisytdume gave a report of the Conser-
vation Meeting at Baltimore during the Garden
Club oi *merica meeti e, and told of some of the
projects undertaken by other states.

Jrs. Bullock eXpressed deep regret at the
inability of Hrs. Tzndy Hughes to give the talk
on wildflowers scheduled iOr this meeting. She told
of the selection of Ties Waits to attend the Nature
Training 3amp.

Hrs. Hume then read a letter from the Gar-
den ’lub of fimerica asking each club to select a
Wartime project from one of the following five they
Conservation of lood
Conservation of seeds'and Bulbs
Funds for British Ambulances
Refugee Shildren
’nericrn hed Bross.
The feeling mi the club was that we were all taking
some part either in the Red Cross, or the work
with refugee children, but that we would like to
save seed. It was moved by fire. Bullock and sec-


 ended by hrs. choneld that subject to the ap-
proval of the fifinance 00mmittee, that our

club send a donation of $50.00 to the iund ior
British Ambulances. The motion passed unanimous-

H s. Clark reported that at the National
Council meeting they were trying to create in-
terest in the raising 01 herbs ior medicinal
purposes and guaranteed a 00mmeroial market ior

The president reported on a meeting held at
the Board 01 30mmerce where tickets to the Opera
Barman were distributed to the heads oi all
onganization. She has 50 oi these tickets to be
sold through our club.

This iinished the business of the meeting
and the members then went to the back terrace
where the picnic supper was served buifet on a long
tanle. The plates were then brought inside and
two tables were gay with colored paper cloths
garden flowers and candle light. Lanterns and

candles on the walls and mantle added to the
glow 01 the huge 10g tire, and alter the supper
was over members lingered around the lire Ior
iniormal discussions. The club exPresseé deep
gratitude to Mrs. Bullock and her oOmmittee ior
planning such a delightiul meeting, and selecting
so charming a setting.

Respectfully submitted


 A meeting oi the Emerd oi the Garden Club
oi Lexington WFS heldon September 12th at 11
A.M. at the home of the president, Mrs. Welter
Hillenmeg er.

A letter was reed by the Secretary irom
Yrs. Lindley regarding the iund for the"Hills
oi Erenkfort” project, explain thet in the very
near iuture : dee‘sion would be r we :hed reggxfixng
on their couirin/ 1he desired property, znd
eiter e risnuc ion it M s moved by We. enless
seconded by Hrz. Bullock that we leeve the sum
doneted by our club in the committees hands
until this decision was reeched. This motion

A letter from the Contributors lund Som—
mittee of the Grr en Glub oi fimerica was read an
Vrs.Cerrick made 8 motion, sesonded by :Ws. Cald—
well, thet our annual donation be sent at this
time. Motion vessed.

A discussion was held emong the board mem—
bers, :endeevoring to select 8 method for elect—
ing deleg etes to the annual meeting. It was
moved by airs. Bullock, seconded by Mrs. Henless
that the following method be used by our Club.

The president shall attend the meetings and
be empowered to select her voting delegate
and her own alternate. '
A card shall be sent to the en1.ire membership
oi the club, asking those Who can attend the
meeting to send in their names to the Secre-
tarry. hese newes Will be presented to
the board and eiter a secret bellot the names
shell be listed in the order 01 selection.
The ones receiving the thhest votes shell
fill the quote allowed our club at that meet—

This motion carried.

' There being no further buSiness the meeting
adjourned on motion.

Respectfully submitted


Redording Secretary.


 The September meeting of the Garden
Club of Lexington was held on the fifteenth
oi the month at 5 r.u. at the home of s.
Augustus Gay in Yoodiord County.

.. ."
in 7.

hrs. Hillenmeyer, the president called
the meeting to order and the minutes of the last
meeting were read h; the Secretary and approved.

”he Treasurer resorted the cheek for
54 members had been sent in to the Garden Club of
America, and a balance of $371.13 remained.

The program chairman, Mrs. MdDowell
announced the date of November 15th Ior the lee—
ture oi Mrs. Lucy Fisher of Williamsburg, Va,,
which will be held at the Little Theatre on
Tnnsylvanis Zollege campus. The details of the
arrangments were left in the hands of hrs. icDow-
ell's Committee and the Committees irom the other
garden clubs joining with us in this lecture.

The Board minutes were then read and it
was moved by Mrs. Bullock, seconded by Mrs. Stoll
that these be accepted as a whole. This motion

Mrs. Healdy renorted the completion
oi the history to 1940. also the scrap book, and
presented a bill to the club of $2. 25 ior paper

and typing.

This completed tht business of the
ay, and the president then introduced our speaker
of the afternoon, Mrs. Lucy Young Fiske, the
spoke on Audubon and showed a beautiiul collection
of slides made from his prints. Her history ed:
the life 01 fudubon was given as the slides were
shown and wastery inieresting.

On adjournment of the meeting, firs.
Gay invited the members and their guests into the
dining room where*delicious tea was served.

Yrs. Estill, chairmaa\oi AWards, re-
ported the IOllowing seals.
Hrs. Henfidon, 4 blue. Mrs. Lewis 1 gold
Mrs. Gay 2 Rblue.
pecti lly @mitted,

W W‘eé- 355'


 A meeting oi the 2erden Club oi Lexington
held at the home oi Hrs. Luther Galdwell
Obtober 11th.

9. Hillenmcyer, the president, asIEed
the meeting to order end Mrs. fiaveneugh reed the
minutes 04 ?he fiest meeting in the absence 01
Hrs. ”errick.

She treasurer reported 2 belecne of $355.20

Hrs. Teamill read : leeter irom fire. Rom
ele who protested eirongly ageinet our withdrew—
ing iron the pilgrimage. IL was moved To reier
this to e gormittee, end ihose who Open Lhiir
g<1denz to be included in ihio GOrmittee. This
was n): de by it s. Lee 111%; ;;o;onded b} [2511‘s. ’llekk.
firs. Lewwill made an eum ndment.

fire. Eillenmeyer announced :h<: lederered
Tlub meeiin; «h3ih hill he held on Octobe
at 3ouiefiille. T531 413% Is flaked io send
"J”LAIZ Oi 110MGI'E.

S. “uLlOGE wrerented ; gavel to L)e
ixde irom Eedv ood iro:n1he grove belon ing
ierden Tlub 01 Am rice.

he iolloning a"- :s were nfde.
”3.1.5; I'k l 3 3 1d

Lewwill Z :01 ' ‘1)1ue 1 red
. «fine


'” » 7! . . .‘
.L‘Tn'u On a. . u (.1
r; “73 7“,. '1'; . 1.1, l : ‘1
' , > 1,», [_~ :7,




C ,
1837-] 57'.
q ,

.T “'3313: J’ffi I: in: weeiinj trlk on
iril Tl'om‘WP hrubs 2nd ilowers, ~nd the rrotee—
tion ior vinter enfi e>hibi1ed m'ny lovely Spec 1-
mwns o: Shrubs_rnd Yerriee.

EWe bpeetiully submitted

fleerefr=2ry pro te em.


 7 *‘frxx C .m911,xé or {7
Jlub 31 we in:t)n wee hula gt 1ge hOme Oi

frf. 2oer‘e C£2rrig k on fovember 8th at 3

e. Hillenmeyern the president, 0813ed
the meeting to order and 1he winutes 01 1he
158' meeting were reed and approved. P11ere
was no refl1rt lrom the trersnrer in her «beneée

1 letter irom the Conservation Qeeting
oi tie Gsrflen Tlub of America was reed by 7189
Clay, .nd 9 resolution passed rt this meetiNg
urging 11 members or garden clubs to relrein
irom 1%“ use 31 bird lorthere in; qnille.

shed the club 10r
., 1,70 ..‘. 51;.‘ "175:1”1" i. 313‘ t"
_1'_ :11. C); 2» (v ,2 '
}:o.e to ;e v:ed
:2 _Lw 2 5a; - ,.: wru. .10.11‘€ home be
flexoreted 10, Jlrret“ N end a :m 11 admission
ohgrge be eered grew 119 rub11c Io 939 the 3hrist3
errengments Hrs. 2o} :83 reoious 1y 00mn11ed
N 1:9 oreFidfint'S reouiest that slyle heed the
ittee in oherge of these decorétlons, red

the deteils in her hands.

“he question oi our pertiiipetion in the
pilgrimage uaS egain brought to the olub
find the secretery Wes reted to read the minutes
oi the January meeting, at which time the club
voted to distentinue Our part in the pilgrimage
melt year. F e. Lawwill was {shed to head this
dieeuesion. The feeling oi the meeting wee to
aside by this motion passed at the ennuel weeting
" ‘ ,KMJZTll"‘ Suggdfljtiarx'iL 1:1. 1011 111
11 V,o ~2ula 41nd éfiree or ;our 32r—
C~O touli he Williflg 10 Dion

lore 11rovn1 raw»? 112e 1wt 1y 71011 er

enje Jory, a courtesy eltended Our
"1 Orietown Wlub.


 meeting 01 L32 ’n'fi" ? , 3arden
‘lub 01 “agingL,l r:: :1 '” a ”" "’ :L the
Rama 9” 2*? -‘;i??¢4. ,. 79.1” If L nmfiyer




hélsnce 01

. u; ’fhkw “.;"7uvrwl . ,7.‘ 1);;1r

5; nowlu ,9 ;5'- 1;: memhnrship

’ leéter irOm 1he conservatism 3h9ir;fin oi
th- lerden Tlub olimerica.umging our State to
support a niete Plznning BOQrd W9? read. This
was referred to our Tonservgtijn 70xmittce.

Elfins iafi'thc fierch meetingwnre d'sausee
and it was fia;ided 10 hsve 1he N691 ’
at Lhe ?Dme mi ” S. Hill nmpynr on
cuzrier Lambers 01 7&0 slab he 38a»

01 Menor.


 41,-. .4,
‘ '3 7'
i‘-’ b4‘. .A...

e 110d

‘ 1f
. A ifrden tint 33
, inserveti n éOamittee eihihit at
(41 4or “hob ior 110.00 2nd slco one
Tluh oi fy. ior dues 01 15 cents
want rs, §8.10.


She minutes 0: the board meeting were

hiss Deiey 'ume gave the cone erva -tion
report, she no iiied the members that those at-
tendin; the jem lork 4louer Show are invited to
attexfi a eoneermstion meeting on ‘ ednessdrv morn—
ing march 19th at 10 ::‘100k iollo1V Jed by lune heon
et the ’j'lddrf. ehe zleo reported that thie is
Shelti H 'e gee to select the ieeeher ior the
stu14 Efmp. ’190 thrt Peduoeh will GOOperete Viih
the clubs this yezr,‘b:t next year w‘ehes to with
draw, 58 they olen to send tV ;o 01 t3 eir owen
teachers to iiture oempS.

here use no retort irom the Horticulture

U S. dtoll reed a letter oi resi3n stion
irom Mia. Yorsee ‘ileon which was accepted.

Yrs. Hill=nmeyer m:de 3 report in regard
to tte llomer how in flay, nrrwin: chairman oi
Co mittees, and invite all members to the Birth-
;y party st her home on arzh 4th. She 5180 :1-
nounced the dries of Tarth 5 and 6th.1or Ehe
do oom oi Judging to be held at the University.

club to 0 on re: rd
on o te.

.. nrde : giit oi 175
Vrrieties oi ner = ;' to the Unive eity
oi Kentucky.


 Has anarded firs. Tefinekin.

The freaident intradueed the wpeaker
10 ?he a TPTHOJD, “3. Edward lsrk, tho gava
& most interesting 6rd instructive talk on
grouing rlrnts ;Tom Seed, 2hr vreprration 01
t%* soil ind GETS 01 Small plintS, 9nd r deion—
eration Oi thv division )ipl fits. general
discussion by the members iollowed.

@n adjournment oi the meeting, firs.
Mcfieekin invited the membflrs into the dining
room muere : delicious tea was served.

R Spectiuily Submittei

FCTGE?ry pro fem.



 deTiven 1rom
30 IS 01 activr

eve yone in to the
:18 Mg? baeutiltl milk

. ii 7: : (3811 t (37" 1’11. :36‘ O i
gilver bowl. Trays oi i éi~
l'llye ices were :er ed yby “rs.
r9.McDowell sn‘ infiivi usl oak;
ijhted Ccfidlefi zhd L911 til er
‘andelébrum T=K”79tfld {MeekcuisiLe picture.

anal was given V s. Hillonmeyer

on her 'ble arrangment and a gold seal to m S.
V:n Daren “5r white amargliis blgoms.

Zie ~pe':t11711;: Slnbnrittied

Fe?ord4ng Peretary.


 a small group irOm our mom ership en—
Joyed e d lightiul eiternoon visiting gardens
on April 15th. We met at the Botennie Gfrden
$2 filter enjOying ihe bloom ViSited the fol—

lowing member's gardens-

fire. Kevanemqh, Ere. Van Deren, Hrs. Clark
K s. Lewie, firs. Coke end Hrs. Halter 5nd Hrs.
Lauis Hillenmeyer.

The errly Spring blOOm was at its
peak, and ee;h garden was outetending ior some
Dertieulrr Horticultural aehievmeni. The
HBnberS fittending ihis tour hOpe the pregrem 00m—
mittee will erreng eimilar tours.

ieepectiully submitted

Recorfiing ~eeretery.


 The Garden Slub oi Le11nqton met on Tey 91
at the home 01 r 1eljtha 31011. with ir51
""‘ “ ‘1“ ‘eir.

‘rior to :31 1.. *fi; 155 Jlower *Ow 30m-
iizee get in 1 rden 1or 7roun nh01071mmesurer r ported - balenee on hind
01 ,55 .00. :‘e :leo reported a 5111 52d bee3

wide lie club in the an, 31 ”10.30 h; XTE.

reported no new

11 ;‘ 1;;Ui $1, L3, 33g1v= 7 fivwx} fled b5?
. re. Cerrielr :ne gassed, 2H1 j e. Bullock have
tce sweepstal {es vese en3wrzw «‘17 1hr winners
urges 217136. dat ed.

The 1ollowing letters were reed by the
Secretary - 1r m ire. fiobert Cuieenberry who
wishes to gave a silver cup to be used as a
‘rize at the llower how. irom 1 e. Lenless

ending in her ree11gnet1on to the club. An
announement 01 Cincinnati's second Garden Tour
"ey 171 “nd 181h ior Bundles ior Erite ein.
gnu en announinent oi the eeder1ted meeting 10
11e ‘ 01 531 r: o11: 0111 Q1; ; e31 C

*;1}, 1 =3;31’ szW‘ 1 ‘1”??? ru' gr:

3121n3 held in 511 his or er l
1 , :- ’C‘f‘? “ ""1"? 0L; , ‘1’" . L? » » Ll].
Jrner .orrie, ;hn :leo the ledereted Ireeting
attended by .re. Garrick, g S. Leiierty, Zr? .
Lfiwwill 7he misses Humee end Ire. Hillenn:eyer
at iarrodeburg :ey 61h. Hrs. Rober E e.ne .111
reprwesnt our Slub et the National Garden Club
of America meeting in Rochfister,fl.Y.

The meeting then was turned over to the
iljwer Show COnmittee, and the schedule was
dis;ussed end all Questions were brought up.



 It was MOVGd by Sri. 391111, seconded
by ;rs. Lawwill, that the JFfiirmin oi rgh
section decide on MnaL u:s needed, and IFQH fir

". t e ‘“2irmzn 51;:19: 3:9‘

6 .—

it to The Sirvic

Garnin; i; r; »
delightial rug

,4” .V ."
1, 7

4 blue

'<-‘~r*—v-‘ 7‘7


 The reguelr June meeting oi the Garden Club
of Le:ington.was held on the 15th at Z P.E.
at the home oi Lrs. Henry Bosworth, with fr
hillenmeyer erasiding.

The secretary being out oi town, no minutes
were read.

hrs. Hillenmeyer thanked all tle members
who assisted with the ilwwer shoe, iollowing
Which Hrs. Hamilton gave a detailed report of
the monies taken in and eXpended, and rlso the
Tefiular treesurer’s renort The eXpeases were —
rent $20r00 service $13.50 terre-e $5.50
tables $48.20 cups $65.00 roadside stand
$22.60 pool $9.69 printing $56.00. Mrs.
Hillenmeyer Spe