xt7kd50fxx6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fxx6n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-03-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 20, 1991 1991 1991-03-20 2020 true xt7kd50fxx6n section xt7kd50fxx6n  

Vol. XCIV. No. 128

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

lndependent since 1971

Wednesday. March 20, 1991

Arrest of officer won’t hurt, chief says

Contributing Writer

The arrest of an off-duty UK p0-
lice officer for drug possession last
week will not harm the force’s cred-
ibility with the University commu-
nity, UK Police Chief W.H. McCo-
mas said yesterday.

McComas said other police do-
partments ,... including the Lexing~
ton-Fayette Urban County Police
Department — have experienced
similar problems with drunken driv-
ing and possession of drugs among


for dean
of A & S

Senior Staff Writer

In UK‘s search for a new Arts
and Sciences dean, one finalist is re
turning to campus for further dis-
cussions and another has dropped

Richard l-Idwards, economics
chairtnan at the University of Mas-
sachusettsAmherst. is being
brought back to the catnpus tomor-
row and Friday. Chancellor for the
Lexington Campus Robert llemen—
way said Monday.

llcmenway is “bringing back Dr.
Richard Edwards for a second visit
to explore the possibilities of the de-

He would not say if that meant
Edwards is the frontllt. ‘i

Kciitiitk'x passed .:Ill '
W‘s-L titt1

fl\.t' ill

titeti».\ti. I)».

‘jez: NUNBERG ’

K TooAv


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Bat Cats to
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 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday.


Continued from page 1


As a result of that, UK was forced
to move its annual “Ping-pong ball
drop", a popular spring event in
which thousands of marked ping
pong balls are dropped 18 floors to
flocks of students below.

Stockham said it was moved in
part to avoid having a double stan-

Creech said the purpose of yester-
day's demonstration was to obtain a
“workable policy to insure our right

March 20, 1991

for free speech in this area."

Stockharn said yesterday that
while University policy does not
permit the area in front of Patterson
Office Tower to be used as a free
speech area, policy does not prohib-
it it either.

Stockharn said the controlling
factors include: level of noise; how
disruptive the protest is; and if peo-
ple are harassed in any way.

But in the demonstration yester-
day —— which included a reading of
the First Amendment -— the stu-
dents maintained that a peaceful
protest was possible.

SCS also asked the question: do
University administrators have the
right to take away a freedom such

as the one to demonstrate and. if so,
is the student body defenseless
against the administrators taking
away this right?

“It depends on what is done in the
space,” Stockharn said. “We've fol-
lowed the practice of asking stu-
dents not to use the area for demon-
strations and protests and things of
that nature."

“This entire country is a free
speech area," Overbey said.

Among those attending the dem-
onstration were students Byl Hen-
sley and Jen Saffer, running for Stu-
dent Govemment Association
president and vice president, respec-



Continued from page 1

($1.80). A quart of milk will go
from 36 kopecks (58 cents) to 50
kopeks (80 cents). according to the
reformist newspaper Komsomols-
kaya Pravda. A loaf of bread, the
staple of the Soviet diet, will triple
from the current 20 kopeks (32

Some scarce goods, such as cars,
electronics, wine, beer, cognac,
wood and construction materials,
will increase by as much as 10
times, said the head of the slate
price committee, Vyacheslav Sen-

Children’s goods will become
three times as expensive, he said, in
part to discourage small adults
from buying children‘s clothes.

But prices for vodka, coffee, fuel
and other everyday goods will re—
main the same, Senchagov said in
an lnLCl’VlC“ yesterday in the Work-
ers Tribune newspaper.

The increases stem from cuts iii
huge government subsidies to farm~

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aimed at bringing the prices of
goods closer to the real costs of pro-
ducing them, said Senchagov.

Gorbachev proposed the referen-
dum to pressure leaders of the 15 re-
publics into signing a new Union
Treaty to preserve central control in
the nation of more than 100 ethnic
groups. All republics have declared
some form of autonomy and seek
primarily to cast off the yoke of
central control of their economies
and administration.

In the referendum, the nation‘s
voters were asked, “Do you consid—
er it necessary to preserve the Un-
ion of Soviet Socialist Republics as
a renewed federation of equal sove-
reign republics, in which the rights
and freedoms of people of any na-
tionality will be guaranteed?"

Orlov told lawmakers of alleged
voting abuses in some republics.

He singled out Moldavian Presi-
dent Alexandru Mosanu for calling
for a boycott of the vote and trying
to block polling stations in the capi-
tal Kishinev and elsewhere. Howev-
er. by day's end, Orlov said, “practr
cally everyone in Kishinev who
wanted to vote had voted."

Despite the problems, Orlov said
650.000 people cast ballots in Mol-

Moldavia’s deputy prime minis-
ter, Konstantin Oborok, told the
lawmakers Sovrct officials caused
the unrest by organizing the referen-
dum against the wishes of the Mol-
davian government.

Moldavia was among the repub-
lics that refused to take part in the
referendum, prompting Communist
Party and military officials to set up
balloting on their own.

Witnesses reported hundreds of
nationalist Moldavians aided by lo-
cal police blockaded polling sta-
tions and beat up ethnic Russians
and Ukrainians trying to vote.

Preliminary results indicated the
referendum won approval by mar—

gins of 70 to 95 percent in seven re-
publics: the Ukraine. Byelorussia,
and the five Central Asian republics
of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhi-
kistan, Turkmenia and Kirghizia.

In the ad hoc voting in the Baltic
republics, Orlov said 250,000 peo-
ple cast ballots in Estonia, nearly
500.0(X) in Latvia and slightly more
than 500,000 in Lithuania. Officials
earlier said 96 percent voted “yes"
in Estonia and 97 percent in Lithua~

The reported voter turnout was
less than 50 percent, but seemed
very high considering all three Bal-
tic republics voted strongly for inde-
pendence several weeks ago.

Partial returns showed Yeltsin
winning on a question that was op
posed by Gorbachev: Creating a
popularly elected position of presi-
dency for the Russian Federation.

Yeltsin was elected last May as
chairman of Russian legislature. He
is in danger of losing that job, as
hard-line members of the Russian
Congress plan to try a no-
confidence vote when they meet
March 28.

Even if Yeltsin lost that vote, he
would be a strong favorite in an
election by the people.

Gorbachev campaigned heavily in
favor of the main referendum ques-
tion, and after voting Sunday he
said he opposed strengthening the
Russian presidency.

“We cannot talk about the prescr-
vation of the union and the union of
sovereign and independent states if
we accept this proposal," he said.

Gorbachev‘s referendum lost
heavily in the westem Ukraine. The
pro~union vote was about 16 per-
cent in Lvov and 19 percent in Ter-
nopol, where the independence
movement is strong.

In the capital, Kiev, early returns
showed 45 percent of voters favored
preserving the union and 53 percent
were opposed.


Group says hostage release
dependent on Israeli action

Associated Press

BEIRUT, Lebanon — A group
that claims to be holding two Amer-
ican hostages on Tuesday demand-
ed that Israel release a Shiite Mus-
lim cleric as a goodwill gesture that
could lead to release of the hostag-
The Islamic Jihad for the Libera-
tion of Palestine, in a typewritten
Arabic statement delivered to the in-
dependent newspaper An-Nahar and
to a Western news agency, also de-
manded that Israel free an unspeci-
fied number of Arab prisoners.

Israel said it was making “signifi-
cant efforts" to obtain the release of
foreign hostages and Israeli service-
men missing in Lebanon, an adviser
to Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe
Arens said in Jerusalem.

“Without making any linkage. I
can say that the Israeli position is

known: Israel is attaching a great
importance to the whole issue of
hostages. prisoners of war and sol-
diers missing in action and is mak-
ing significant efforts to bring them
back home," said the aide, Dan Na-

Israel has in the past offered to
exchange the Shiite cleric, Sheik
Abdul-Karim Obeid, and an esti-
mated 300 Shiites held by the Israe-
li-backed South Lebanon Army mi-
litia in exchange for all hostages
and Israeli soldiers missing in Leba-

Naveh declined comment when
asked whether the offer still stands.

The lslarnic Jihad statement said
the release of Obeid would be an
“encouraging prelude."

Obeid, an activist of Hezbollah,
or Party of God, was kidnapped by
Israeli troops from his hometown of
Jibsheet in south Lebanon in 1989.

“As for the question of the hos~

tages, the solution of this problem is
linked to the condition of freeing
the detainees held in Zionist jails,"
Islamic Jihad said in the statement

“This is the final context for the
solution and every other move is
useless,” it said.

The 23-line statement was accom-
panied by a color instamatic photo-
graph of American hostage Jesse
Turner. A photocopy of the picture
was delivered to the Western news
agency. [I showed Turner, with a
black bushy beard and eyeglasses,
wearing a gray sweatshirt and look-
ing straight into the camera.

The Islamic Jihad claims to hold
Turner, 43, of Boise, Idaho, and
Alarm Steen, 51, of Boston. Both
Americans were kidnapped on Jan.
24, 1987, from the campus of U.S.-
affiliated Beirut University College.

Hezbollah leaders met in Tehran
over the weekend with Iranian offi-



Continued from page 1

uania, Latvia and Estonia.

First on Kaufman’s list was a suc-
cessful crackdown of the Baltics by

“Gorbachev is a Western-izer as
well as an imperialist,“ he said “Be-
cause of the this, he is trying to a
middle ground where there is none.
He just doesn’t understand.”

Kaufman reiterated that Gorba-
chev doesn’t understand that most
Russians are in favor of indepen-
dence for Estonia, therefore, there
can not be a halfway reform.

“If the crackdown doesn‘t work it
will be because the army didn’t

cooperate. This will result to slow a
negotiated path of peace or some-
thing that looks like Lebanon," he

Joe Johnson, a political consul-
tant, was more concerned with the
consensus of the Soviet citizens.

“These are people hungry for
democratic ideas," he said. ”We
went over there and we were literal-
ly accosted by people pleading to us
for help."

Johnson stated that the Soviet citi-
zens were eager to learn about set-
ting up voting polls, media and
press operations, and organizing

“They are starting from the begin—
ning, I believe they have more free-
dom of the press than we do,” John-
son stated.

While consulting the Soviets po-

litically. Johnson learned that the
Soviets are afraid of a civil war.

“They (Ukrainians) have had a
taste of freedom and they are not
willing to give that up,“ he stated.

Sandy Marefat, Kentucky legisla-
tive coordinator for the Lithuania
Communications Center, said that
she was disappointed that the dis-
cussion had led to the Soviet Union
central government and Gorbachev.

”People don’t understand that
Gorbachev is working for the revita-
lization of the Communist party, be-
cause what we want is a real democ-
racy (in the Soviet Union)," she

Marefat stated that the talks of de-
mocracy in the Soviet Union should
not always lead to the central gov-
ernment and Gorbachev.



Continued lrom page 1

“Many states that pass these
measures are those that do not have
an immigration problem,” Nunberg

As a result. he said, few problems
have arisen.

In California, however, Nunberg
cited several repercussions of the


language initiative. Lobbyists there
pushed for the discontinuation of
Bell Telephone’s Hispanic Ye110w
Pages and wanted the Federal Com-
munications Commission to deny
licenses to anyone wanting to oper-
ate a foreign language broadcast.

Nunberg raised serious questions
as to whether immigraan should be
required to master the English lan-

Many states that have large num-
bers of immigrants could be forced
to fire employees who do not speak
English, which would leave many

“I’m not sure which side of the
debate I lean toward," said Kim
Robbins, a secondary English edu-
cation major. “I think that the con—

sequences should be weighed heavi—
ly before any decision is made."

Greg Stump, associate professor
of English and linguistics, says he is
concerned about the Official Lan-
guage Movement.

“I think it’s very important to re-
alize the political consequences of
such an amendment," he said.
“Your changing them (immigrants)
into something less than full citi-

“People who are the greatest de-
fenders of American values are im-
migrants or children of immi-
grants.“ The English Language
Amendment is the “success story of
modern entrepreneurial politics,” he
said. “America was supposed to be


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hy waste time in Florida
when you can waste time
in the comfort of your

own home? I posed that familiar
spring-break query myself . especial-
ly after purusing my savings-and—
loan account book.

So instead of seeing the World‘s
Largest Rubber Band Ball or the
Amazing Lizard Wrestling Ranch
near Pensacola, Fla, last week I
was left cooling my heels here in
the tri-state.

Disappointed? Not really.

I looked at it as an opportunity to
get to know my town and common-
wealth a little better. Whether its
reading back copies of Wood maga-
zine at the library or acting as a vol-
untary out-of—town—tourist-grceter at
the rest area by the interstate. I find
that the passing parade of faces and
places makes me tingle with excite-
ment to be a small-town resident.

Visiting my hometown drugstore
lunch counter is like a visit with old
friends m old friends who prompt
you to hide in the cellar whenever
they ring your doorbell.

“Whatta you want?" a gultural
voice rumbles.

It’s my favorite waitress, a sort of
a female Roy Orbison look-alike.
She’s a woman who, if nothing else,
proves the value of the prison work
furlough program. Sure, she might


Master thesis
on exhibit

Staff reports

Barbara A. Bley’s master the
sis exhibit of drawings and
paintings continues to be on dis-
play in the President’s Room of
the Otis A. Singletary Center for
the Arts. The exhibit, which
opened Sunday, features 32
works in oil, acrylic, charcoal
and pencil.

Bley also is an instructor of
fashion design, architectural
presentation techniques and de-
sign rcndering techniques at UK
and Lexington Community Col—

“It is to the figure and the line
that I return Over and ever again
for I find great comfort and soli-
tude in the expression of the line
as it moves through space carv-
ing out a three-dimensional fig‘
ure on a two~dimensional sur-
face,” Blcy said in a release.





Spending spring break in your hometown beats the pants off lounging on the beach

_ it ;
be a bit crusty on the outside. But
get to know her better; you‘ll find
the inside is even crustier. But to
her credit, I’ve never seen her open-
ly spit at anyone.

When I ease onto a stool and she
brings me a frosty glass of compli-

can resist the hand-lettered menu
display over the stove, the corrosion
on the napkin dispensers, or the the
antique donuts—under-glass that
were first baked during the War of

At one of those multiplex movie
theaters with folding chairs and a
TV-size screen at the front, 1 en-
joyed “Sex and Death II," a refresh-
ing new action-adventure film that
doesn‘t burden the viewer with
meaningful dialogue, a plot or any
human thought whatsoever.

What's the difference between


Visiting my hometown drugstore lunch counter is like
a visit with old friends —— old friends who prompt
you to hide in the cellar whenever they ring your


mentary water, my shriek of “Oh,
boy —— water!" is usually met with
her trademark ominous scowl. And
my frequent requests for her to walk
over and blow on my hot soup
prompts an audible growl.

Service with a smile? Here. it‘s
more like service with a sneer.

The ol’ lunch counter reeks of
history. Or maybe that’s yesterday's
soup of the day. (They change it so
seldom, maybe “soup»of-the—eon" is
a more appropriate term.)

What nostalgic restaurantgoer

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things, especially when you have a
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maverick 7* who Join forces to



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chase down and blow away bad
guys. If you missed this unique con-
cept the zillion or so times it‘s been
done in the past. here's your chance
to miss it again.

After my trip to Cincinnati, 1
highly recommend stopping by the
birthplace of William Howard Taft,
the 27th president of the United
States. What you've heard is true -
it‘s every bit as good as its famed
reputation has suggested.

The Taft gift shop. home of Taft
coffee mugs, Taft postcards, books
of fun facts, pajamas, dental aids,
dinette sets and automobile attach-
ments, beats the Chester A. Arthur
birthplace gift shop by a mile.

Between that and the display of
President Taft's false teeth, Taft
groupics will certainly feel have
their hunger quenched.

(Incidentally, there‘s no truth to
the rumor that the robotic Mrs. Taft
droid once malfunctioncd and acci-
dentally bludgeoncd a park ranger
to death.)

So go and enjoy this loving trib-
ute to one of America‘s past chief
executives. It’s free *9 and worth it.

Actually, the phrase “free and
worth it“ is perhaps a good credo
for my entire vacation. Others
might have lounged on beaches or
visited teeming melropolises.

But for many, spring break meant

Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, March 20, 1991 - 3

something other than fun. It's listen-
trig to the gee/er» at the courthouse
tirgutng about whose childhood was
more miserable. llCm\
from your sotk drawer to play
“shtmvariri-tell" with the neighbor—
hood kids. it‘s convincing a surly
waitress~ that ‘.\;illl the T"-l
from the tomt .m-l fli‘lillllt! :GC

it‘s u.\ln_t_'


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