xt7kd50fxx29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fxx29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1987 1987 1987-12-08 2020 true xt7kd50fxx29 section xt7kd50fxx29  

, .




The Kentucky Theatre is still along way
from being back. SEE PAGE 2.





Lady Kats win a close one at
home. SEE PAGE 6.



Today: Chance of afternoon rain
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy


Editor in chief

The manager of the UK Faculty
Club was fired Nov. 10 for failing to
satisfy expectations of the club‘s
board of directors.

The board unanimously decided at
a special meeting to fire Charles
Eviston for management reasons.
Eviston had managed the club since
it opened March 9.

“it was a decision by the board
based on his management of the

club. which included day-to-day
management and included fiscal"
responsibilities. said Daniel Reedy.
board president. Reedy would not
elaborate. but said no further action
was planned.

Eviston declined to comment last
night, referring all questions to Vice
President for Administration Ed
Carter. “1 really don’t have any-
thing to say.” Eviston said.

The private recreational facility.
called the Hilary J. Boone Faculty
Center. claims as members about 2.-

Univeraity of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Faculty club manager fired amid money woes

200 UK faculty. administrative staff,
UK Fellows and retired professors.

Members pay a $12 monthly fee
and are billed for meals and other
charges at the end of each month. A
newsletter released in early Novem-
ber reminded members to pay their
accounts due. which totaled more
than $40,000. said Art Howard, the
acting manager of the club.

This money was the sole source of
income. since the initial $2 million
(from a donation by Kentucky
horseman Hilary J. Boone and

matching UK funds) had been ear—
marked for the building's construc-
tion and furnishing. said Carter. an
original member of the board and
now an ex officio member.

However. Howard said the threat
this figure posed to the future of the
club was exaggerated.

“Basically. when you think about
it. that‘s not unusual.” he said.
“Once you operate for about a year.
it‘s a normal part of business. But it
causes a new business some cash-
f low problems. ”




Workers lay concrete on the sidewalk outside of the Mining. Min-
erals and Research Building. The building is next to the Hilary J.

Boone Faculty Club. The research building is expected to be

completed shortly.

7 Te“ “W

ALAN HAWSE Kernel Start



Alcohol task force allowed more time

News Editor

Art Gallaher. chancellor for the
Lexington campus. has granted the
alcohol task force “all the time
(they) need" to draft an alcohol pol-
icy proposal, said James Kuder. al-
cohol task force chairman.

The task force met yesterday for
the last time this semester.

Discussion over UK‘s alcohol poli-
cy has been going on for more than
a year. This task force was formed
at the begining of the semester with
the goal of drafting a proposal by
the end of the semester.

“(Gallaheri has given me an un-
specified extension. which I take as
meaning we can have all the time
we need." Kuder said.

Fight over pact could be

Associated Press

WASHINGTON —- The brewing
fight on Capitol Hill and across the
country over the medium-range mis-
sile ban that President Reagan and
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev are
set to sign may be only a warm-up
for a bloodier struggle over a treaty
to slash long-range missile arsenals.

Many of the same issues are in
both accortk. but magnified in a
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
(START) because it involves more
radical charges in the American nu-
clear arsenal.

The weapons that would be
scrapped by START are much more
important to the defense of the Unit-
ed States and allies in Western Eu-
rope and Asia than the rockets due
for dismantling under an interme-
diate-range Nuclear Forces ([NF)

Eliminatim all U.S. medium-
range rockets will still leave 4.000
U.S. nuclear weapons in Eta-ope.

“We need to allow time to discuss
the other issues - fraternities. soro-
rities." etc Kuder said. “Ob-
viously we are not going to complete
our tasks by the deadline."

Yesterday‘s discussion centered
on alcohol in the fraternities and
problems with enforcement of any

R. David Cobb. a pharmacy pro-
fessor. applauded the efforts of UK
greeks to enforce their own rules
governing alcohol at parties.

“I don‘t believe we‘re even going
to scratch the surface of what the
greeks have done,“ Cobb said. “It
used to be ‘come party. party.
party.‘ (alcohol is) not near as prev-
alent as it was 10 years ago."

Doug Wilson, acting dean of stu-



But a 50 percent reduction in strate-
gic arms — the goal set by Reagan
and Gorbachev - would make a
vastly more substantial cut in Amer-
ican armaments.

Hard choices would have to be
made by the Pentagon on which
weapom to keep and which to scrap
in order to stay under prescribed

By contrast, the impact of the
missile ban Reagan and Gorbachev
are signing Tuesday afternoon is
slight. About 7 percent of the 55.000
U.S. and Soviet warheads will be

Those critics on Capitol Hill and
elsewhere who are unwillim under
any circumstances to negotiate
arms reductions with Moscow will
be considerably more exercised

dents. agreed saying fraternities
“have made a supreme effort."

But Kuder. offering a possible al-
ternative for the policy. asked Inter-
fraternity Council President Bob
Dunn what would happen if the poli-
cy stated “no alcohol in frats.“

”It will go on: you won‘t stop it."
Dunn said.

Dunn said that drafting a prohib»
itive policy would have negative ef—
fects on the University.

“If you were to have no alcohol on
this campus you will be setting your-
self up for more liability." Dunn

Dunn said that the risk of liability
would increase with a prohibitive
policy because UK could not enforce

preview for

when it comes to globe-girdling
bombers, missiles and submarines.

And those critics. who are in favor
of treaties provided the terms are
right. also will have more to worry

The missile ban Reagan and Gor-
bachev are signing sets a precedent
for inspection of each other‘s territo-

But most of the Soviet inspectors
will go to bases in Western Europe.
where the U.S. medium-range rock-
ets are to be dismantled. Only a few
Soviet monitors will come to the
United States to make sure replace-
ments are not illegally manufac-

Only one plant. in Magda. Utah.
has been singled out for continuous
Soviet monitoring.

A START treaty would involve
more intnisive Soviet inspection of
U.S. weapons bases and factories.

American negotiators, in an effort
to avert Soviet cheatim. have set up
in the [NF accord the most intensive

“Enforcement is
Kuder said.

Not only is enforcement a prob-
lems with forming an alcohol policy.
but having a consistent policy is a
problem also.

Discussion became heated when
Cobb asked “you got 21-yearolds
that can legally drink. The question
is where can they drink?"

“The University has said that 21-
year-olds can drink on campus by
the situation at Spindletop and The
Faculty Club." Cobb said.

Cobb suggested that the Universi-
ty provide 21-year-olds with a place
of their own to purchase alcohol by
the drink on campus.

a problem."

The next task force meeting will
be announced after the end of the se-
mester. Kuder said.

larger scrap


Hard choices would
have to be made by
the Pentagon on which
weapons to keep and
which to scrap in order
to stay under
prescribed ceilings.

verification procedure ever accepted
by Moscow.

But it carries with it the burden of

If Americans go to Rmsia to pry,
the Soviets have a matching right to
poke around here.

The START treaty is bound to in-
volve a much more intensive (pers-
tion in both countries.

And that is likely to raise concenis
among American politicians and in-
telligence specialists who are leery
of hevim the Sovies here.

While these uncollected accounts
put the club in a shaky financial sit-
uation. Reedy and other board mem-
bers stressed that the situation was
not necessarily a result of Eviston's
management and did not necessarily
cause his termination.

However. Howard said Eviston
might not have been prepared for
these problems.

"Charles might not have antic-
ipated the problems he‘d have with
cash flow." Howard said. “He had

Tuesday. December 8. 1987

some big plans which were kinda
unrealistic, a little too elaborate "

Eviston was chosen from 92 appli-
cants after a national search. He
had been faculty club manager at
Louisiana State L'niversity and club
manager at Baylor Medical Center
However. Eviston didn‘t uphold his
reputation. Reedy said.

“He came and honestly ll'lt‘d to
fulfill our specifications and 1 lion-
estly believed that he tried to do
that." Reedy said.

\t‘v.‘(lllh. P411: ‘

Outgoing governor
names replacements

Associated Press

FRANKFURT — In one of her last
acts as governor. Martha Layne Col-
lins made two appointments to the
UK Board of Trustees last night.
However. she passed up the opportu-
nity to appoint two others.

Collins had four vacancies to fill
on the University of Kentucky Board
of Trustees. but made only two ap-

She reappointed current chairman
Robert McCowan to serve until De-
cember 1988 and replaced Ted Las-
setter of Lexington with Chief Jus-
tice Robert Stephens.

Collins said through her press sec»
retary. Barbara Hadley Smith. that
she left two appointments for Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson to “give him an
opportunity to contribute to the pro-
gress that is occurring in education
throughout the state."

In other last-minute appointments.
Gov. Collins included friends and
long-time associates among the doz-
ens of appointments she made on
her last day in office.

Collins and her staff members
ducked questions on why she waited
so long to make the appointments.
some of which had been pending for
as long as 18 months.

Collins said it was "because of my
philosophy." without elaboration.

George Russell. Collins' executive
assistant who is in charge of ap-
pointments. said. “1 don‘t know."
when asked why so many appoint-
ments came on the final day of the

Among the most significant jobs
tilled were on the Public Service
Commission, the Board of Tax Ap»
peals. the parole board and the gov-
erning boards of six of the state uni-

Bob Davis. a long-time friend of
Collins who was head basketball
coach at Georgetown College in Ken‘
tucky and Auburn University. was
appointed to the Public Service

Davis. who finished the adminis
tration as secretary of the Public
Protection and Regulation Cabinet.
replaces Rush Dozier. whosc term
expired in July. Davis‘ term expires
July 1. 1991.

As with all gubernatorial appoin-
tees. the person holding the job can
stay after the specific term expires
until replaced by the governor

Larry Hayes. who has been Col»
lins" closest adviser as secretary of
the Cabinet. was appomtcd to the
Board of Tax Appeals for a term ex-
piring July 7. 1991.

Lou Karibo. commissioner of the
Department of Parks in the adminis-
tration of Gov. John Y Brown Jr.
and a current employee of the De-
partment of Education, according to
one state directory. was appomted
to the parole board to replace Chair-
man Ron Simmons. whose term ex
pired 18 months ago.

Current board member John
Runda was appointed chairman and
Newton Mcfi'avy Jr. was reap-

Collins reappointed three trustees
of the University of Louisnllc
George Fischer. Louisville. Wood-
ford R. Porter. Louisville. and Gene
Gardner, Louisville.

Out—going Finance Secretary (.or»
don Duke was appointed to the
Board of Claims along with Eddic
Coleman. who served as chairman
of the Kentucky Democratic Party
for most of the Collins‘ administra

Two current members of the State
Racing Commission. R.('. Durr of
Indpendence and Curtis Green of
Lexington. were reappointed. Ken~
ncth Plattner of Covington also was

Four new members were appoint-
ed to the State Board of Education:
Frances Hamilton. Paducah. Patti
Acquisto. ()wensboro; Janc Joplin
Evans. Somerset; James B Figlcy.
Ashland; Stuart Jay of Louisville
was reappointed:

Haitian capital crippled
by strike for elections

Associated Press

PORT-AU-PRINCE. Haiti * Most
businesses were closed in the capital
yesterday as Haitians observed a
general strike called to force the rul-
ing junta to allow civilians to super-
vise elections thwarted by a terror

Although there appeared to have
been problems spreading word of
the hastily called nationwide strike.
most of downtown Port-au-Prince
was shut down.

Outlying factories that stayed
open reported up to 70 percent ab-

Radio Metropole. the only radio
station broadcasting news. indicated
the strike was ignored in Cap Hai-
tien. a port city on the north coast
and the country‘s second-largest
population center. But it said the
strike was partly successful in St.
Marc, Hinche and Port-de-Paix and
had paralyzed Gonaives, the Carib
bean nation‘s fourth-largest city.

There were no reports of violence.
Trucks filled with soldiers rumbled
through the streets and police and
soldiers stood at bus stops.

The four leading presidential can-
didates endorsed the strike, which
initially was called by key labor
unions to protest the Nov. 29
cancellation of what would have
been Haiti‘s first free elections in 30

Bands of thug shot and hacked to

death at least 34 people that Sunday
morning. Many of the victims had
lined up to vote. Soldiers did nothing
to protect people and in some cases
joined in the attacks.

Shocked by the killings. the inde-
pendent electoral council called off
the voting. Junta leader Lt Gen
Henri Namphy dissolved the civil-
ian-run council.

The government did not comment
on the strike. Its offices were open
and a secretary at the Ministry of
Finance estimated 60 percent to 70
percent of the employees were

The international airport re-
mained open. although Eastern Air»
lines canceled one of two Miami
flights and Air Jamaica canceled its
only Puerto Rico flight.

Among those who called the
strike. there was unanimity neither
on what its objective should be nor
how long it should last.

Some had called for a twoday
strike seeking restoration of the
electoral council. Others demanded
an indefinite boycott until the junta
steps down.

Some Haitians said they were con-
fused by that scenario and it could
not be determined whether it will
last two days.

Fred Pierre-Louis. president of
the Haitian Hotel and Tourism Asso-
ciation. said that although some
businesses closed for fear of dam-
age. many shut their doors to pres-


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tueedey.Decernberl.1007

Rumors won’t reopen the Kentuck

Fred Mills isn‘t doing much these

.\s a 2t)»year employee of the Ken-
tucky Theatre and as manager since
the rind-705. Mills is used to having
his hands full. Now, two months
after a tire forced the vintage movie
theater to close, all he has on his
hands is time.

\ltlls' old office is gutted. The col-
lage cutout from old movies lining
his “all are now barely detectable
under the black smoke stains. As a
result. Mills spends most of his time
in the closedoff box office, an~
>‘.\t‘l‘lll}.’, the phone. occasionally
talking to adjusters.

.\ti of the films have been packed
and shipped away for safe keeping.
.\il that‘s left are old trailers. with
titles barely legible after heat dam-
age The projection room looks like
.11: incinerator. The ruined projec-
li‘t‘.\ are covered with black.

Mills has heard all of the rumors
about the Kentucky being closed for
gum! "l have never been told that.“
he \ilti hllili attributes the rumors
to tile iilt'l that all work has stopped
for the time bemg. "For two weeks
he brought people in to take out rub-
itle .md debris." Mills said. Howev-
er management decided that it
\wultln‘t be wise to continue the
clean-up until the adjusters had set
it xtgure for the damage.

The Kentucky is owned by M. Swi-
tow a- Son Co. who also own the
\ngue ill Louisville. a theater pat-
terned after the Kentucky. The Swi-
it)“ family built the Kentucky
Theatre ill 1922. The State Theatre

mm Movies on Main) followed in

Both theaters suffered exorbitant
smoke-and-fire damage eight weeks
ago and have been closed since. The
Ltdlllslt’l‘s will meet with the Switows
during the week of Dec. 17 to survey
the cost of the damage. A decision
mil then be made as to the future of
the Kentucky.

Mills is understandably optimistic
and emphasizes that no decisions
have yet been made to close the
Kentucky "If I knew something def-
mile. i wouldn't be hanging around
lit-re." said Mills. "The waiting is
\\ hat ‘s so had. the not knowing.“

And his argument makes sense.
The S\\lIOWS do not own the prop-
erty where the Kentucky sits, only
the building. They have signed a
lease for the land through the year
Bum (‘onsequently. if the Kentucky
tint not reopen. the estate would still
have to meet the lease for the next
1: } ears

(‘ommunity interest in the Ken-
tucky certainly hasn't waned over
the past weeks. A petition is current-



“If there was a need
for more money, I don’t
think we would have
problems raising it. I do
know the affection
people have for the

(Kentucky) theater.”
Fred Mills,

theater manager

ly circulating Lexington that calls
for management to speed up the
renovation process. “Yesterday I
went to the flea market and 12 peo-
ple asked me about the theater,"
said Mills.

But even if the Switow family de-
cided not to fund the Kentucky’s re-
furbishment. the Lexington commu-
nity seems adamant not to let the
Kentucky die. “If there was a need
for more money," said Mills, “I
don’t think we would have problems
raising it. I do know the affection
people have for the theater.“

The affection isn‘t undeserved. If
the UK student body thinks an alter-
native radio station is essential. the
need for an alternative movie the-
ater is even more so. If you want to
hear progressive music bad enough,
you’ll eventually buy it. It takes a
theater to bring progressive movies
into the individual's acquaintance
unless you‘re willing to wait for the
movie's video release where a year
lag time must be expected. Finally,
Lexington radio offers more variety
than Lexington movie theaters. The
Kentucky was the only theater of its
kind in Lexington.

The SAB tries to keep up. but see-
ing a movie at the Worsham is com-
parable to renting a video and
watching it on the big screen. There

are no Lexington piigpiiéi‘es Since ’

the fire. the SAB haé‘atéti‘tsegun
showing films (“On the Waterfront”
this week) in the Old Theatre of the
Student Center on Mondays and

The attempt is admirable but not
enough. The movies are not the first
runs that come straight to the Ken-
tucky from New York's lower east


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side. When the Kentucky closed, an
option to the avant-garde was closed
off to uxington, to say nothing of
the obscure classics that the Ken-
tucky comtantly brought around
again and again.

The “coming soon" marquet at
the Kentucky still advertises for
“Medtses,” a French erotica film
that would have opened Oct 9th.
That, conversely, would have been
followed by “Matewan” on Oct. 16, a
movie about coal miners which just
opened nationally last weekend.
We‘ve also already missed “Surf
Nazies Must Die," “Eat a Peach."
“My Life as a Dog" and “Jean de

It is up to the Lexington commu-
nity to keep up with the ongoing
plight of the Kentucky. The owners
should be aware that the theater is
important to the community. Peti-
tions and letters should give them
enough evidence that it is worth the
trouble to pump life back into the
Kentucky. If not, the patrons of the
Kentucky will simply have to pick

It wouldn't even be outlandish for
the student body to take up the
cause of a faltering art form and
start financing it. it‘s been done be-

Erik Reece is an English junior
and a Kernel arts columnist.




The fire at the Kentucky Theatre burned the man-
ager's office and the restrooms. Because of fire

Idle Hour

S. Limestone
Versailles Rd.
Wilhite Dr.
North Park

Erik Reece
Arts Editor

.9: . saga


walls, the rest of the theater only suffered smoke
damage, which could still mean extensive repairs.


Frank Mills knows renovating the
Kentucky will be along climb.

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Associated Press

MOSCOW — Thorsands of Soviets
are streaming to the United States
to settle or visit relatives who emi-
grated in the 1970s, creating an 11-
hour workday for officials at the
US. Consulate and opening up new
channels of contact between the su-

The increase in the number of So-
viets going to the United States is
part of an overall shift in Kremlin
emigration policies in the months
leading up to this week‘s U.S.-Soviet
summit meeting. Thousands of
Jews, ethnic Germans, Armenians

and others have left permanently or
for visits to the West this year.

Jewish emigration, a hot political
issue in the West, is nowhere near
the peak reached in 1909, when more
than 51,000 Soviet Jews left for is-
rael or other Western nations.

However, emigration and private
trips are up sharply from 1%6, when
only 914 Jews and 698 ethnic Ger-
mans emigrated all year and only
500 Soviets, most of them officials,
made it to the United States each

At the US. Embassy, the boom in
emigration and visitor applications
means the consulate, usually de~
serted on most weekday afternoons,

is jammed with Armenians and

“It's like the Metro out there,"
said US. Consul-General Max Rob-
inson, gesturing to the consulate's
main room but referring to the busy
Moscow subway.

Piles of visa application forms in
Rissian and extra chairs have ap-
peared to cope with the flow of Soviv

Each day the applicants arrive by
the dozens, sometimes hundreds, to
present their Soviet documents au-
thorizing the visit to the two Soviet
policemen who stand guard outside
the embassy entrance. Once inside,
they face another security check by

the US. staff, straining the young
Marine guards’ command of Rus-

At the consular section of the
aging compound, the prospective
emigres and visitors dutifully copy
sample application forms displayed
around the waiting area, which is
adorned with a map of the United
States and a poster from Texas.

This week, a team of six experts
from Washington is on hand to com-
puterize the consulate files “because
we're so busy,“ Robinson said.

The consular staff generally start
work at 8:30 am. and are often
around until 7:30 pm. to process
visa applications, he said.

Kentuckian given go-ahead on heart transplant

Associated Pres

LOUISVILLE — Walton Jones Jr.,
the Kentucky photographer who re-
ceived an artificial heart when his
bypass surgery failed, was given the
medical go-ahead yesterday for a
human heart transplant.

“The transplantation workup is
complete, and Mr. Jones has just
been placed on the organ procure-
ment list on the highest rating,"
said Donna Hazle, a spokeswoman
for Humana Hospital-Audubon.

Dr. William DeVries, the pioneer
artificial heart surgeon who per-
formed the operation on Jones last

Friday, said Jones was awake and
alert Monday.

DeVries and Jones had discussed
the possibility of getting an artificial
heart implant if his bypass surgery
failed, but the prospect hit home
only when the surgeon brought in
the consent form, said Jones' cardio-

The notion of being tied to a ma-
chine for the rest of his life scared
him, said Dr. David Dageforde. “He
would say over and over and over,
‘If I only have so long, 1 want to be
very active."

Even after Jones discussed the ar-
tificial heart again with DeVries and


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”.‘f.’ {lie flay/fluM/Zibm (wiédfil


signed the consent form last
Wednesday, he apparently never
thought it would come to that, Dage-
forde said.

On Tuesday, two days before the
bypass surgery, Jones went deer
hunting and told hunting companion
Robert James that if the operation
hadn’t been planned already, he‘d
have put it off because his heart
medicine was making him feel so
much better.

But Jones, 60, a commercial pho-
tographer, had suffered two heart
attacks in the past three years that
had nearly killed him, and his heart

was already so weak that one more
most likely would kill him.

He went ahead with the operation,
which he expected to free him from
the risk of heart attack and let him
continue the vigorous outdoor life he

But by 4 pm. Friday, it was clear
that what had seemed like a remote
possibility had become reality:
Jones was about to die and DeVries
had to implant the plastic heart.

Jones had understood that the are
tificial heart implant could be per-
manent but believed the possibility
was remote, Dageforde said. "He
was always the eternal optimist.“

Kentucky Kernel

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Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. December 6. 1961 — 3

Increase in travel means emigration by Soviets to America

Extra personnel, already added at
the West German Consulate, are
ruled out because the Soviets limit
the number of US. staff at the em~
bassy to 226, Robinson said.

Increased emigration mostly af-
fects Armenians. In November 1906,
Robinson said. just 50 Soviets ap
peared at the consulate with permis-
sion to settle in the United States.

This November. the total was
1,175. Of these, 737 applications were
processed, and 673 were from Arme-

“If the Soviets continue to give
these people exit permissions, we‘re
talking 12,000 to 15,000 people a
year,“ Robinson said. "That‘s sig-
nificant emigration from one coun-
try to another, especially if its large-
ly from one republic.

“It's like, ‘Will the last person in
Yerevan please turn out the light?”
he said, adding that as many as 80.-
000 Armenians reportedly want to
emigrate to the United States. There
is a large Armenian population in

Last year, about 500 Soviets a
month made individual trips to the
United States, Robinson said, three-
quarters of them on official busi»

That number has grown to about
1,000 a month since August, when
the effects of new Soviet regulations
on visiting relatives abroad began to

Last month, 920 Soviets —— 420 of
them Jewish — got visas to visit rel-
atives in the United States, where
many of the Jewish emigres of the
10705 settled.

The increase means that Soviets
of all ages are getting a rare direct
glimpse at the United States and can
resume contacts with family mem«
bers they have not seen for years.

“It's like a miracle, I‘m so
happy," one elderly Muscovite said
last week after receivmg permission
to go to New York to see his daugh-
ter — his only child — for the first
time in 12 years.

A Western source familiar With
visa issuance to Israel w handled by
the Dutch Embassy since the Suri-
ets severed ties with the Israelis in
1967 — said about 8.000 users have
been issued this year compared With
950m all of 1986

The source spoke on condition he
not be further identified



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 4 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. December I. 1007



It’s time University
faced up to reality,

allowed alcohol here

For more than a year the controversy over whether al-
cohol should be allowed on campus has centered on liabili-

Administrators, faculty and even the Kentucky Kernel
have all