xt7kd50fxv1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fxv1m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky College of Nursing Kentucky -- Lexington University of Kentucky College of Nursing 2003 2004  newsletters  English University of Kentucky College of Nursing  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky College of Nursing publications Nursing CONnections, Winter 2003-2004 text CONnections, Winter 2003-2004 2003 2003 2004 2019 true xt7kd50fxv1m section xt7kd50fxv1m � Editor
M. Claire Baker

Patricia Burkhart, Ph.D., R.N.
Diane Chlebowy, Ph.D., R.N.
Terry Green
Jeffery Johnson, M.S.N.
Lynne Hall, Dr.P.H., R.N.
Nancy Mangrum
Julie Sebastian, Ph.D., A.R.N.P., F.A.A.N.
Eula M. Spears, M.S.N.
Peg Teachey
Carolyn Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.

M. Claire Baker

M. Claire Baker
Jeffery Johnson, M.S.N.
Nancy Mangrum
UK Medical Arts and Photography
Carolyn Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.

is published annually by the
University of Kentucky College of Nursing.
Carolyn A. Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.
University of Kentucky
College of Nursing
315 College of Nursing Bldg.
Lexington, KY 40536-0232

Visit us on the Web at

From the dean
What a year this has been! It has been full of numerous challenges and many, many successes for
the College. The most recent indication of the success of our educational programs is that in
February three of the six finalists for the student poster awards at the 2004 meeting of the Southern
Nursing Research Society were UK College of Nursing students! Yes, out of a field of 120 posters we
had three of the finalists! This is an outstanding tribute to our students and to our faculty. The
majority of the entrants are doctoral students, but one of the finalists was
Megan Popielarczyk, a junior in our undergraduate program. She was
selected for her poster which described the work she has been doing with
Dr. Debbie Reed and her team, Children’s and Parental Response to an
Educational Farm Safety Intervention.” Brooke Bentley, a Ph.D. student in
the college, received second prize for her work on “Factors Related to
Nonadherence to a Low Sodium Diet in Heart Failure Patients.” Another
Ph.D. student, Major Marla J. De Jong, received honorable mention for her
poster on “Anxiety Is not Manifested by Elevated Heart Rate and Blood
Pressure in Acutely Ill Cardiac Patients.” Both Brook and Marla are working
with Dr. Debra Moser and her team. It was a thrilling moment when these
investigators were honored by the Society and received their certificates.
We are working hard to enrich the educational experience of all students in the College. Within
the last year we have acquired considerable new space on the fourth floor to expand the clinical
laboratory space, more than doubling the original space, and have been renovating the area for use
in both our baccalaureate and master’s programs. This past fall we moved into part of this space
and in January we moved back into the original area which has been renovated.
We have also acquired considerable new space on the fifth floor, which represents a significant
expansion of our research space. We are currently busy renovating this area for use by faculty, staff,
and students in all programs engaging in research.
The College has also acquired new space on the second floor, previously the AHEC area. It has
been refurbished and reconfigured and now houses Dr. Julie Sebastian, assistant dean for advanced
practice nursing, the office for our Master of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice
programs, offices for our clinical practices, and some of the faculty that work with these programs.
We are excited about the launch of our Second Degree B.S.N. Program for individuals who
already hold a baccalaureate in another field and wish to enter nursing. We will begin the program
in the fall, enabled by some financial support from University of Kentucky Hospital and Saint
Joseph Hospital of Lexington. We are grateful for the support of these two institutions and for the
leadership their nursing executives are providing, Karen Stefaniak at UK Hospital and Christine
Mays at Saint Joseph.
There are many opportunities for students in our undergraduate program to be engaged with
faculty in various forms of scholarship through the undergraduate Honors Program, the Nurse
Scholars Program, and the undergraduate Clinical Interest Groups in cardiovascular and oncology
nursing, and caring for the diabetic patient. Also we hope to expand our “study abroad” offerings.
All of these initiatives and the continuing need to upgrade and add the latest equipment and
supplies to the clinical labs involve finding funds to keep the good things going. We all know that
the state budget for education is not close to keeping pace with the needs of the universities.
The UK budget is especially stretched and each of the colleges, including the College of Nursing,
is experiencing a budget cut. We are concerned about continuing to maintain the high quality of
our programs and invite you to team with us through a monetary investment in the College. This
is an investment in the future of nursing in central Kentucky and beyond.
There are a number of ways to do this: through the annual phonathon which is coming up;
simply putting a check in the mail; or by calling our development officer, Terry Green, at
(859) 323-6635 so she can share with you the many options for making a contribution and making
a difference in the College.
In closing I am pleased to let you know that the Health Sciences Learning Center, the building
that we have been occupying since the late 70s, has been renamed the College of Nursing Building!
I also want to thank each of you who have stepped forward and provided support for the College.
We appreciate your interest, your trust, and your investment in the College’s mission.

Carolyn A. Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.

� Contents

2 From the dean

The College

An evolution: from lab to Clinical Simulation Facility
Recently published books and chapters
New faculty
Dean, assistant dean visit nursing programs in Uzbekistan

College development

Good news times two: Marion McKenna and Dorothy endowments
Making a difference – thank you for your support
Please say “yes” to student callers
Student scholarship recipients
Pamela Kidd scholarship update

An evolution

Undergraduate program

Know someone who wishes they’d gone into nursing?
Undergraduate interest groups spark desire to learn about state’s common illnesses
Ah...a day at the spa
All in the family: These students have nursing coursing through their veins

Graduate programs
18 Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Track added to M.S.N. Program
18 D.N.P. Program students have international practice experiences
18 Ph.D. students receive national honors and awards

Research and published scholarship

Planting research seeds early
Research briefs
Research team receives $1.6 million from NIH to help persons with heart failure
Published scholarship

All in the family


1200 patients, mosquitoes, and malaria...but what an incredible experience
2003 alumni awards presented an annual luncheon
Alumni recognize graduating students
Nurses continue to receive high ratings: a message from your alumni association
25 College of Nursing Alumni Association Board of Directors, 2003-2004

Clinical practice activities
26 Clinical practice is model for integrating practice, education, and research
26 Good Samaritan Nursing Center celebrates 10 years of service
27 A “sense-sational” event for kids

Incredible experience

� The College

An evolution
from lab to Clinical Simulation Facility
Since you last read about the old College of Nursing “lab,”
there have been 10 months worth of pulling out, tearing
down, jack hammering, refacing, wiring, painting, negotiating, tweaking of plans, squeezing of inpatient beds through
narrow hallways, looming deadlines, and a legal pad or two
full of the myriad details that come with a major renovation.
After the February 2003 completion of the nearby Health
Sciences Building, the College was able to reclaim substantial
real estate adjacent to the existing lab space. The old space
totaled 2650 square feet. Students and instructors now work
in a much more comfortable 6,650 square feet.
In Phase I’s Clinical Simulated Health Assessment Center,
four individual exam rooms look as if they’ve been plucked
straight from a primary care facility. Each will be equipped
with two video cameras for validation of student clinical
performance skills. With video, the faculty instructor can
observe the student in real time or choose to tape the session
for later viewing. Students will be more relaxed with this
arrangement as well.
The lion’s share of this space holds a flexible and adaptable
classroom area that comfortably accommodates 40 students.
Tables and chairs are all on wheels so they can easily be
rearranged to fit any configuration needed for a day’s activities. Electrical and computer connections in the floor accommodate portable computer terminals provided by the College
or for the students’ own laptops. A media center serves as a
base for the instructor, containing a complete PC setup
connected to the University’s Intranet with the instructor’s
preloaded PowerPoint lecture files and M-Net access.
The next room holds the Clinical Simulated Family Care
Center with a bed each for obstetrics, newborn nursery,
newborn intensive care, neonate intensive care and pediatrics,
along with a scaled-down version of nurses’ station. Adjacent
to this space is classroom space that will hold up to 18
students including the same flexible classroom features and
instructor media center. (Previous to the renovation the
College had a few pediatric models but no space dedicated to
working with obstetric and pediatric patients.)
The space that contained the old lab has been remodeled to
become the Adult Critical Care and Basic Nursing Care Adult
Clinical Care Simulation Centers. Privacy curtains separate



inpatient “rooms.” Each will contain an inpatient-style bed,
headwall, and over-bed table – convenient for spreading out
books and notes. All the headwalls will have electricity but
due to budget constraints, only one will be fully functional
with oxygen, suction, and monitor.
Accordion-style wall dividers previously separated the two
original lab rooms. Those dividers have been resurfaced and
will remain in place so the space remains flexible to accommodate large groups if necessary.
Mary Jayne Miller, B.S.N., clinical simulation lab instructor,
has served as project manager for the renovation. Miller and
the entire “Dream Team” that designed the new space are very
pleased with progress thus far but know there is much work
remaining. Assistant Professor Melanie Hardin-Pierce,
M.S.N., one of the Dream Team members, says, “The new
facility adds much to our curriculum by providing a place
where students can practice and apply their clinical problemsolving skills in a safe, supportive environment. Simulation
takes learning beyond mere passive engagement, to a place
where they are in the moment and are ‘learning by doing.’”
Phase III, which the College does not yet have the funds to
renovate, physically divides Phases’ I and II spaces. This area
will provide a regular “home” for the College’s computerdriven human patient simulator, SimMan. The plan for this
area includes a fully functioning headwall and video cameras
for validation of student skills with an adjacent anteroom
with a monitor for real- time viewing. Another area of Phase
III will contain a Community Care Center (a home-like
setting) and an area dedicated to research, where researchers
can bring subjects for lab work or interviews. Teaching
assistants will have space to work as well and will be accessible
for student questions and guided intensive practice or
tutoring if needed.
Though the new facilities are already a huge improvement
over the old, the first two phases don’t have all the amenities
the faculty had hoped to provide students. The budget for
equipment was divided equably among programs so that each
faculty group could make decisions about how to best allocate
its share.
Miller, along with Karen Minton, the College’s business
officer, did much negotiating with vendors and tweaking of

Winter 2003-2004

� the plans to obtain the absolute essentials. For example, some
laminate cabinets were refaced rather than purchasing new
ones. UK Hospital donated a used pediatric bed and privacy
curtains. A large portion of the new equipment was purchased
from one company, but the same vendor also donated or

greatly discounted prices on the beds for obstetrics, neonatal,
acute care and critical care. The company representative is
also assisting the College in finding a refurbished NICU bed.
Another company donated four automated external
defibrillators (AEDs) used in conjunction with CPR for
sudden cardiac arrest victims.
Claudia Diebold, M.S.N., lecturer, says, “These new and
improved clinical simulation areas have greatly enhanced our
education program at UK and it is only the beginning. We are
all very excited about the numerous endeavors that are now
possible as we strive to create innovative learning opportunities for our students.”
Approximately $150,000 is needed to complete Phases I and II
and another $650,000 is needed to build and furnish Phase III.
In these times of decreasing state financial support, we’ve grown
to depend more and more on donations from friends of the
College. Please consider joining our other donors in helping to
fund the education of future nurses. Mail your check (made
payable to University of Kentucky College of Nursing; note
on the check that it is for the Clinical Lab), to: University of
Kentucky, College of Nursing, Attn: Development Office,
315 College of Nursing Bldg., Lexington, KY 40536-0232.




University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� Recently published
books and chapters
Fundamentals of Nursing Research, 3rd edition
Dorothy Young Brockopp, R.N., Ph.D., professor and
assistant dean for the undergraduate program, and Marie T.
Hastings-Tolsma. Copyright 2003, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Home Health Care for Children Who Are Technology
Juanita W. Fleming, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N., professor emeritus.
Copyright 2003, Springer Publishing Company.
Microbiology, 6th edition.
English, French, Spanish editions. Lansing Prescott, John P.
Harley, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor, and Donald Klein.
Copyright 2004, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Zoology, 6th edition.
Steven Miller and John P. Harley.
Copyright 2004. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
John P. Harley. Copyright 2004, McGraw-Hill Yearbook of
Science and Technology.
Caring for the Heart Failure Patient
Simon Stewart, Debra K Moser, D.N.Sc., R.N., F.A.A.N.,
professor and Linda C. Gill Chair of Nursing, and David
Thompson. Copyright 2004, Martin Dunitz Publishing.
Community and Public Health Nursing, 6th edition
Marcia Stanhope, R.N., D.S.N., F.A.A.N., associate dean and
professor, and Jeanette Lancaster. Copyright 2004, Elsevier.

Loan, T.D. (2004). Respiratory disorders. In M.A. Hogan & T.
Madayag (eds.), Medical-Surgical Nursing. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall Health.
Moser, D.K., Lennie, T. A., & Doering, L.V. (2004). Nonpharmacologic management of heart failure. In S. Stewart,
D. K. Moser, & B. Riegel (eds.), Caring for the heart failure
patient, Martin Dunitz: London, England.
Moser, D. K., & Riegel, B. (2004). Management of heart
failure in the outpatient setting. In D. Mann (ed.), Heart
Failure: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Elsevier.
Prevost, S. S. (2004, in press). Relieving pain and providing
comfort. In Hudak, Gallo, Morton and Fontaine (eds.),
Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach (8th ed.), Lippincott.
Sebastian, J.G. (2004). Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview; and The Advanced Practice Nurse in the
Community. In Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J., Community and
Public Health Nursing (6th ed.), St. Louis: Mosby.
Wagner, K.D., Hardin-Pierce, M. (2004). Acute Pancreatic
Dysfunction; and Acute Hepatic Dysfunction. In P.S. Kidd,
K.D. Wagner, High Acuity Nursing, (4th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ; Prentice Hall Health. In press.
Williams, C.A. (2004). Community-Oriented PopulationFocused Practice: The Foundation of Specialization in Public
Health Nursing. In Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J., Community
and Public Health Nursing (6th ed.), St. Louis: Mosby.
Fundamentals of Nursing Research, with Dorothy Brockopp
as first author, was awarded a Book of the Year Award in the
nursing research category by the American Journal of
Nursing, the official journal of the American Nurses

New faculty
Kristin Ashford, M.S.N., R.N., lecturer
Teaches in the undergraduate program
Area of interest: women’s health and highrisk obstetrics

Anderson, D. G., & Allen, Kacy (2004, in press). Families and
public health nursing. In Hanson, S. M., Family health care
nursing: Theory, practice and research. 3rd ed., Philadelphia: FA
Anderson, D. G., Ward, H. J., Hatton, D. C. (2004). Family
health risks. In Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J., Community and
Public Health Nursing (6th ed.), St. Louis: Mosby.

Kristin Ashford

Hardin-Pierce, M. (2004). Gastrointestinal Dysfunction; and
Nursing Care of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction. In P.S. Kidd &
K.D. Wagner, High Acuity Nursing, (4th ed.). Appleton &
Lange, Stamford, Connecticut. In press.
Kaiser, L. M., Hatton, D. C., & Anderson, D. G. (2004).
Women’s health. In Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J., Community
and Public Health Nursing (6th ed.), St. Louis: Mosby.



Terry Lennie, Ph.D., R.N., associate
Teaches in the graduate program
Area of interest: illness-related changes in
appetite and nutritional status

Donna Robinson, M.S.N., R.N., lecturer
Teaches in the undergraduate program
Area of interest: antepartum-maternal/
newborn nursing
Terry Lennie

Winter 2003-2004

� Dean, assistant dean
visit nursing programs
in Uzbekistan
Dean Carolyn Williams and Assistant Dean for Advanced
Practice Nursing Julie Sebastian consulted with two nursing
programs in the central Asian country of Uzbekistan in
September 2003. They were asked to provide an initial
assessment and consultation for these programs by the
University of Kentucky School of Public Health. Principle
investigator Tom Samuels, School of Public Health, and his
team hold a grant with the American International Health
Alliances to work with two of the medical universities in
Uzbekistan around public health management issues.
Williams’ and Sebastian’s visit followed a visit to the UK
College of Nursing by four Uzbek physicians in early September 2003. Physicians serve as the primary faculty members in
Uzbek nursing programs right now because so few nurses are
prepared to do so. These physicians expressed their commitment to facilitating nursing education and their desire to have
well prepared nurses take over the roles as faculty members in
these programs.
The four physician visitors sat in on undergraduate and
graduate nursing classes while at UK, and visited several
clinical agencies and clinical sites with faculty and students.
Numerous College faculty members, students, and clinical
colleagues participated in the visits and helped the physicians
get a picture of nursing practice, education, and research in
the United States.
Uzbekistan is one of the former Soviet republics and is in
the process of establishing baccalaureate-level nursing
education in the country’s institutes, which are comparable to
Some of the issues related to nursing in countries in the
former Soviet bloc are described in a recently published paper
in Sigma Theta Tau International’s Reflections on Nursing
Leadership by Sharon Weinstein and Ann Marie Brooks
(2003). Prior to 1999, all nursing education was provided at a
level similar to high schools in the U.S. In 1999, the
Uzbekistani government decided to move nursing education
into the institutes for higher education.
Williams and Sebastian consulted with deans and faculty
members at ToshMI-I and ToshMI-II, the two medical
institutes in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. As part of their visit, they
learned that all ten baccalaureate nursing programs in
Uzbekistan use the same curriculum. Because of this any
changes that ToshMI-I and ToshMI-II might adopt would also
be adopted at the other schools.
One cohort of B.S.N. students has graduated so far from
ToshMI-I and ToshMI-II. These graduates are working


primarily in hospitals supervising nurses prepared at the high
school level.
The nurses and physicians in both schools expressed great
interest in higher education for nurses and a real desire to
learn more about nursing in western countries. The situation
in Uzbekistan is unique in that the country is still developing
its own infrastructure and shifting its social, political, and
economic processes to a market model.
Williams and Sebastian were impressed by the extent to
which people in this country wish to improve the quality of
life in Uzbekistan but the degree to which they lack many
basic resources to do so. For example, the deans of the two
schools requested assistance with obtaining up-to-date
nursing texts. However, few Uzbekistani students read or
speak English, so textbooks, journal papers, and other
learning materials must be translated into Russian or Uzbek.
The country itself is beautiful and has a rich cultural history.
People told Williams and Sebastian that multiculturalism is
valued and that the country includes people of more than 120
nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. The most prevalent
religion is Muslim, with Christianity and Judaism also
represented. The country is agrarian and relies heavily on the
production of cotton.
Although the climate was described as a sharp continental
climate with dramatic shifts between hot and cold, farmers are
able to grow a wide range of fruits and vegetables. It was
harvest time during Williams’ and Sebastian’s visit and the
fruits and vegetables were beautiful and abundant.
Families seem to be large and quite close. Many family
members live in the same house, which often includes more
than one small building surrounding a central courtyard.
The population is much younger on average than the
population in the U.S
The question now is how the nursing community in the
Western world can help colleagues in these countries. Uzbek
society, like the other former Soviet bloc countries, is undergoing major social and economic change. The nursing
profession likewise is attempting major change in structure,
function, and interdisciplinary relationships with physicians
in particular.
Weinstein, S.M. & Brooks, A.M.T. (2003). Nursing in the
NIS/CEE region: It’s changing face. Reflections on Nursing
Leadership, 29(4): 16-19, 44.

University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� Cardiovascular Nursing
and Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Faculty Positions
Join us in the heart of the beautiful Kentucky Bluegrass – rated by Forbes magazine as one of the nation’s
Top 20 places for business and careers.
The University of Kentucky College of Nursing offers a full range of programs: B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D. and
D.N.P. It is part of a dynamic academic health center that also includes the Colleges of Dentistry, Health
Sciences, Medicine, and Pharmacy, as well as the School of Public Health.

Cardiovascular nursing faculty position
We are seeking a cardiovascular researcher and educator, with experience in advanced adult or critical care
nursing, to join a team of scientists committed to research, scholarship, and mentorship of graduate students.

Doctor of Nursing Practice program faculty position
We are seeking an educator with experience in clinical nursing leadership at the executive or top clinical
level, who has a commitment to scholarship, innovation, research, and evidence-based practice. This
position involves major responsibilities teaching in the D.N.P. program, our newest doctoral program
focusing on clinical leadership and executive management.

• Earned doctorate in nursing or a related field
• Master’s degree in nursing
• Demonstrated commitment to scholarship

Rank and salary are commensurate with experience. Salary is competitive. Excellent benefits.

For cardiovascular position,
please send curriculum vitae to:

For D.N.P. Program position,
please send curriculum vitae to:

Carolyn A. Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.
Dean and Professor
University of Kentucky
College of Nursing
315 College of Nursing Bldg.
Lexington, KY 40536-0232
E-mail: cawill00@uky.edu

Juliann G. Sebastian, A.R.N.P., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.
Assistant Dean for Advanced Practice Nursing
University of Kentucky
College of Nursing
202 College of Nursing Bldg.
Lexington, KY 40536-0232
Phone: (859) 323-3304
FAX: (859) 323-1357
E-mail: jgseba00@uky.edu

An Equal Opportunity University

� College development

Good news times two:
McKenna and Luther
endowments funded
Two of the College’s great educators of the past – Marion
McKenna, second dean of the College, and Dorothy Luther,
associate professor – both made a difference during their
lifetimes and continue to make a difference long after their
passing. The College of Nursing is proud and pleased to
announce that the UK Board of Trustees approved matching
funds for the Marion McKenna Endowed Professorship in
Nursing Leadership and the Dorothy Luther Nursing Fellowship. The matching money, which will come from the
Research Challenge Trust Fund, brings both of these endowments to well over $100,000 each.
Dean Carolyn Williams said, “This is enormously important
for our program and we are so very grateful to all those who
have made this possible.” Because these funds were endowed,
the principle will be invested and remain as long as the
University exists, and the income generated will continue to
benefit the College year after year.
The McKenna professorship will help position the College
to be highly competitive in recruiting and retaining a faculty
member of distinction. The Luther fellowship will help attract
the best and brightest to our adult nursing program.
The establishment of the McKenna professorship was
announced at the College’s 40th anniversary celebration with
former Dean McKenna in attendance. She was most pleased
and honored. What is unusual about this particular professorship is that there were an unprecedented 281 donors who
made this possible. Many of these donors gave multiple gifts
and a few have pledged over time. Every donation was
important as we strived for the $50,000 minimum required
for the match from the Research Challenge Trust Fund.
Dean McKenna’s sister, Joan Jarvis, was a major donor to
this fund. She said, “My sister’s entire career was guided by
two ideals: education and service. Her dedication to service
was exemplified both by her career as an educator and her
military service. Her profession in academia was a manifestation of her belief in the value of education as well as commitment to service.
“It is nearly impossible to express the thanks our family feels
to those who contributed to realize her dream. I am sure
Marion would be both pleased and honored, as her family is,
to have her vision and name live on through the guardianship
of the University of Kentucky.”


Pictured are Marion McKenna, second dean of the College, Terry
Green, College development officer, and Dorothy Luther, former
associate professor, at the 1989 opening of the UK Markey Cancer

The Luther fellowship came about after her death in 1999
when the College learned she had bequeathed a portion of her
estate to the College. The decision to honor Luther’s memory
with a fellowship in her name was made without hesitation.
Luther, or “Dottie” as most of us knew her, taught at the
College for 16 years in the adult nursing program. Many of
her student and faculty colleagues’ lives were enriched because
of their association with her. On a daily basis she demonstrated her commitment to providing students the best
learning opportunities possible. She was a gentle and thoughtful person but always tenacious in her support of her profession
and the College’s graduate program.
Her bequeathal was just a few thousand dollars short of the
minimum required for a Research Challenge Trust Fund
match so an appeal was sent to her former colleagues. Almost
immediately eight of her friends generously responded with
well over the amount needed. The Luther fellowship will be
awarded next year and every year after that.
As we honor the memory of these two fine women, we hope
others will see this and begin to think about how they want to
be remembered. Please consider a gift that will keep on giving
for generations to come. The pressures of shrinking revenue,
expanding technologies, demands from the marketplace, and
growing competition to maintain and increase our national
ranking make private donations imperative. We need your
support and hope that you will remember the UK College of
Nursing as one of those institutions that positively affected
your life.
To inquire about establishing an endowment at the University
in your name or in the name of a loved one or if you are
considering including the College in your estate plan, please
call the College of Nursing Development Office at (859) 323- 6635.

University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� Making a difference
The following people
kindly and generously gave to
the College of Nursing
during 2003. We thank each
and every one for helping to
make a difference. Together
we can do great things!
Abbott Laboratories
Ms. Anna F. Abrams
Mrs. Lisa K. Adams
Dr. Marsha H. Adams
Mrs. Patricia A. Adams
Ms. Trina L. Adkins
Mrs. Debra G. Alberstadt
Ms. Debrah G. Albert
Ms. Paula S. Alexander
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Allen
Mrs. Lilli M. Allen
Mrs. Cassandra J. Almy
Ms. Lisa B. Amburgey
Dr. Debra G. Anderson
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Anderson
Mrs. Cynthia G. Arbra
Ashland Inc. Foundation
Ms. Ruth A. Assell
Mrs. Linnea P. Axman
Ms. Nancy D. Bair
Dr. Sharon J. Barton
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bary
Mrs. Carla K. Baumann
Mrs. Anne M. Baumgartner
Ms. Linda C. Beers
Mrs. Anne D. Bell
Ms. Wilda J. Benham
Ms. Laurianne K. Berles
Mrs. Karen S. Bernardy
Mrs. Christina V. Bethel
Mrs. Cheryl Y. Biddle
Ms. Kelly B. Binkley
Dr. Linda K. Birk
Mrs. Agnes L. Black
Mrs. Anna S. Black
Mrs. Rosemarie Blau
Bluegrass Regional Foot
and Ankle Associates
Mrs. Louise H. Booth
Mrs. Nancy K. Booth
Ms. Ann Padgett Boss
Mrs. Jenny M. Bottoms
Mrs. Leona A. Box
Mrs. Eulene Y. Boyle
Ms. Jennifer L. Bramel
Mrs. Billie H. Breeze
Ms. Evelyn Briddell
Ms. Janet D. Brotherson
Miss Bette G. Brotherton
Mrs. Catherine A. Brunker
Mrs. Elizabeth Bryan
Mrs. Marilyn M. Bryant

Frances Shea Buckley,
NC, USN, Ret.
Ms. Nancy D. Butler
Mrs. Kimberly F. Byrne
Col. Nancy L. Caldwell
Ms. Donna G. Campbell
Ms. Susan A. Cannon
Ms. Kristy K. Carey
Ms. Elizabeth A. Carow
Ms. Carol A. Carpenter
Mrs. Carol A. Carroll
Mrs. Robbie C. Carson
Kit B. Carter
Ms. Robin Carter
Ms. Lyn L. Caruso
Ms. Karma B. Cassidy
Mrs. Lucille L. Caudill
Mrs. LeeAnn D. Chambliss
Mrs. Sharon B. Chandler
Mrs. Hazel W. Chappell
Charitable Gift Fund
Mrs. Lari G. Chillag
Dr. Norma J. Christman
Ms. Debra H. Clark
Mrs. Peggy J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Cobb
Dr. Henry P. Cole
Mrs. Rebecca J. Cole
Mrs. Lois R. Colliver
Ms. Phyllis A. Combs
Mrs. Ruth Anne Mattews Combs
CON December 2003
Ms. Vicki L. Conaway
Mrs. Sharon M. Cooksey
Mrs. Leslie M. Cooper
Ms. Judith L. Cornett
Mrs. Jennifer B. Cowley
Ms. Cynthia R. Crabtree
Ms. Lois Jane Craigmyle
Mrs. Rebecca L. Crosley
Ms. Theresa A. Crow
Ms. M. Margaret Cull
Ms. Ellen M. Currey
Dr. Marcia A. Dake
Ms. Victoria J. Dambrocia
Mrs. Carol T. Davis
Ms. Katherine E. Davis
Ms. Patricia A. Davis
Mrs. Patricia D. Day
Mrs. Jill A. Debolt
Ms. Sandra S. Delaney
Dr. Mary C. DeLetter
Mrs. Ellen B. Demos
Mrs. Charlotte C. Denny
Mr. Richard L. Dickens
Ms. Carol A. Dickey
Mrs. Sue P. DiGiusto
Mr. Larry W. Disney
Mrs. Debbie J.Grubbs Dobson
Mrs. Jane L. Doehnert

Ms. Jenny D. Dorris
Mr. and Mrs. Stell Dorsey
Mrs. Suzanne P. Dozier
Mrs. Melissa Hopkins Dunbar
Ms. Edythe A. Egbert
Mrs. Terri Smith Elswick
Mrs. Julie C. Emig
Mrs. Constance Smith Enlow
Mrs. Donna H. Ensor
Ms. Lynda Mary Erick
Mrs. Evelyn P. Evans
Mrs. Kathleen M. Evans
Keith Everitt
Mrs. Patricia Jeffery Fallert
Dr. Pamela B. Farley
Mrs. Rita Farrell
Mrs. Deborah A. Feldmann