xt7kd50fxt2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fxt2n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 2005 Vol.76 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, February 2005 Vol.76 No.2 2005 2005 2019 true xt7kd50fxt2n section xt7kd50fxt2n f A Volume 76, Number 2 U. S. Postage
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‘ February 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Servii 40506‘005 '
Three honored during 2005 convention Ferry
Three people received recognition for their work 1 g3??? :, ‘ ' News/N .‘jcs '
throughout the Past year at the 2005 KPA Conventlon neuritis? .. . 3
held Ia” ”'21 in downtown LOUiSViHe‘ ; -‘ I ludgesNeedeéfor 3
John Nelson, 2004 KPA president, was awarded the ‘ ' _ Gi’ANPAtt '
Ba... Bingham Freedom of Information Award: Liz ante ' a“ , ,1»ch vet-55;: 1 ,
Hansen, KPA journalism board of directors representa- fiéégig .. .. J. Loekmgfor 3.99333“ iohelp ;
tive, was presented the Russell Metz Most Valuable £§§ fgfig’éfitfia a?” ludgevwehaVemooffliemfined
Member Award and Carl West, editor of the Frankfort ‘ fl“? 5 upfOI‘YOu 1, ..K;:..j;j;(.
State Journal, was given the Lewis Owens Community Jfiw‘fi‘” 2%. . ‘ 1‘ ._....” .3... I?’E‘h‘u‘tifgla3l’rF‘£”’£‘"*’1‘3f17xK1313§t 1?
Service Award. . a? - mag” 5% WfllbeludgmstheGeorngress
The Barry Bingham Freedom of Information Award it A. 7 I V Assoaationnewsandadvernsmg ’
—- This award is presented periodically to an individual wig; Z contestsatthe'fimbaasysmtesm .5 W
recognized for outstanding service to Kentucky journal- 5‘5 Lexington 1 t . 5 .. g ,. ~ .5 .
ism who exemplifies the traits, characteristics and tenac- P i J ,V A: And on Friday, February 18’
ity exhibited by Barry Bingham,‘~Sr;,’while associated l 3 " Mthllbejudgmgthenewgsand J
“R- 7. with the Courier—Journal and Louisville Times. This is the -i V W; :agfivertxsmfgmontemngegjttte 311.
first time the award has been presented since 1999. . ‘ Nébl‘fiSkfiPfi‘ifiSASSQCEafiOflm
David Hawpe made the presentation during the KPA ..- i. ‘ ' Louisvdleartheflohdayfnn 3’
presented this award for his work during his year as v_. ' BOfilfildgil‘lgS begmai 3:30 i ’7
president on an audit of public agencies throughout the -.' ,7 . 3"“(East3133W1th3COnfinental : .
state. After 10 months of organization, audits of local 2 if}? F breakfastandbothrequirenews- '
juvenile records. ' {fiamt‘tr ’5 J KPA/809“264'57211 m" 94.33% he?
”2004 KPA President John Nelson has spearheaded ’ ” ' Wig”. "f __fatscammack@kypresscom J
See HONORED Page 11 - - - ._Fornreripehticai writer a:
“"* " I A? A1 Crossto be Toas'tfl‘d ' I:
" . " I f1'43. "Kentucky PDfifidmiWfll finalt'
‘ ' " handlers ramparts Pofific'al- .
,; ”.ga’if Right Top: David Hawpe, of the Courier-Journal, presents “ :j f} A1 Cresslme Courier»
_ - 3.» KPA 2004 President John Nelson with the Barry Bingham '.,}6nrna‘3’stongtime petiti'caIWriter, ;
' 31,. I .f;~ . 95;}? Freedom of Information Award for his work on FOI projects andcohzm 13‘1ng willberoasted on .3
' Mg; 7 .. 3}"? during his presidency. Right, bottom: John Nelson, 2004 KPA “MonééjdfiebZSm Frankfortw .y
, r- .» p . . PreSIdent, presents Liz Hansen, KPA Board Journalism Crossleft thefjnewspaper m
i. J .. - n . Representative, With the Russell Metz Most Valuable Member Augustto begome interim diree 5 ,
j '- ' . 1;. . ~ “ Award for her assistance with the public records audit con- torofthe IIiStituté forRural‘v J;
t." . . * ducted in October. Left: Tim Kelly, of the Lexington Herald- JV. 5 _;_ ; . a -‘
i 7‘ l .913" .4 ' Leader, presents Carl West, editor of The State Journal, with founiahsm&Commmfity issues 1
_ i if? the Lewis Owens Community Service Award for his involve- aftheUmvemRyomem . ,1; 'f
- ‘ - ment with the Kentucky Book Fair held annually in Frankfort. . [5; , / . 1 gg]; if
, . . V West is the founder and president of the event that brings in SeeNEWSrm P839113. 3
authors and patrons from across the U.S. I ‘ ,

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, February 2005
entuc y peep e, papers 1n t e news ,
Christine Ordway has been reps and managers. She will also LCNI since 1991, most recently Cincinnati Enquirer and The News A
named sales recruitment manger for work with LCNI Ad Director, Pat working as major account manager Journal in Wilmington, Del., before
Landmark Community News- Richardson, in improving sales force for regional sales in Shelbyville. She being named executive editor at the
papers, Inc. effective in late January. effectiveness through implementing has served Landmark as general Statesman Journal in Salem, Ore. K
The new corporate staff position will training programs and skill develop- manager for Florida Special He returned to Detroit in 2000. B
be responsible for the recruitment ment of sales reps and managers. Publications in Beverly Hills, Fla., After 30 years on the street as a a1
and selection of advertising sales. Ordway has been an employee of advertising sales manager for reporter, Jim Abernathy was named W
Sumter County Times, a weekly in editor of The Mayfield Messenger 3‘
Th K k P newspaper in Bushnell, Fla., adver- 1n December. He Will manage news 0‘
__ e antuc y rBSS___ tising team leader for Citrus County content and compose pages. He is a b‘
’ ' Chronicle, a daily newspaper in native of Hickman and a graduate of if
The Kentucky Press (Permit # 939)ispub.~ District 11 -Glenn Gray, Manchester Crystal River, Fla. and advertising Fulton County High School. He re
fished monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise account representative also for the received a bachelor’s degree in jour-
Association] Kenmley Press Service, 1110 ' . ' ' , Chronicle. She attended Central nalism from Murray State t}
TlgyurddassP05ta$¢fspa1§a§91asgm ‘ Dmmc‘ 12’Donna CW/ Casey Florida Community College in University in 1971 and worked for 2(
_' 42141"8ubsmphon P1103 15 $8 per County News ' ' I . . Lecanto Fla. in 1989. the Hickman County Gazette before
year. Postmaster: Send change of address , . ‘ . . . . . b‘
to The Kentucky Press,‘101 Consumer District 13’ Don White, Anderson News A Un1versrty of Kentucky gradu- JOlnlng the Messenger staff. fe
Lane, Frankfort/KY. 40601, (502)223-8821. , .1 , ' ate was named the editor of The Brian Lovvorn has been promot- cl
‘ . , ‘ - District 14 ~Teresa scenters, Berea Citizen Tennessean newspaper in Nashville ed to fill the position of sports editor b (
Officers . ‘ ' p , , . . . . ' p in December. The new editor, at The Messenger in Madisonville. f0
Kentucky Press Association , StateAthal‘ge ’ I . , Everett]. Mitchell 11, has been man- He replaces Adam Pruiett who in
P ‘d . Ch H P F . anbéfiadgfisfgf‘mdqgg‘gr: d aging editor of The Detroit News. resigned form the position in
#831 lent- ar e ortrnann, rankhn - N om“ all. ’ exmgt 01.1 ‘r‘ — ea er. ‘ He replaces Frank Sutherland, 59, November. Lovvorn is a
Favorite . , -WiHieSawyersflondon Sentinel Echo ~ . . . . . —
. ., _ . ,» . _ M iVanPatten, BowlingGre'e‘ItBaiiyc* 5 who retlred as edltor Sept. 30 but Madlsonv1lle natlve and a graduate
President-Elect{ClermGrayManchesterNews remains with the newspaper as a of Madisonville-North Hopkins ‘
. :5ng .;> Dim started his career at The Detroit The Messenger in 1999, filing a role
LEdgerand Times f i, BowhngGreenaxlyNews worked as a manager at The See PEOPLE on Page 12 g N
Treasurer’i‘ayiorfiayes 1 = AdverhngmswnSWBWheafleY a
Kentucky New Era" 1' 3 WfOWItNe-WSERWWE artist for the current Kentucky Press In
PanPreSIdmt'JohnNemThe -..1.. {15,33 Cmulaaenfiivmtdinsslahnsomi ‘ ' '
1. ,. . story, Bram Freeze, dled athls home 10
AdvocateMessengenDanvfle . Lemmfiemld'mei‘
. . 31 j‘ . I"_.' 5 7.2. -.;>;.,:‘ If. u . ‘ . ..:';~:;§:,-:.,».;.3-.; 3:1; gfiéc-z3-‘35;"iI.E55;;::.j:"::yifg‘:f-'c:-333g;1:553:35 _j_'*: :v5.:’-:3"..=..':.‘.§’.'.\’=12"le? Saturday, Jan. 22. He was 37.10
1' :1 . :11 ’ Ledger Independent '
BoardofDirectorsspiriv'g;. j Wmmm»€iiffpelfi1am;j . . Yates was a native of Frankfort, a fe-
D15tncti~AhceRouse MmayiedgeermflkyT—ifiimes Chlef Photographer dIES veteran of the United States Navy lis
“dimes f 7;; 30b Warner, Chief photographer and a member of the Methodist $6
gDisuthJedDdhngham, Dawsmi th-Iamemfiestemléenmdqr Uzuversity Maysville, died Wednesday, Feb. 2 at at
519.33%?st ‘ x j‘ £11.53: . . . 1 . C' . .
“ _ .: . -. om co 'c t'ons stemmin r0 . .
W3. PM! WWI-he Henderson '-: AshieyFackDmsmoiefitShohi r mp l a l - g. m publlsher dles C
Gleaner ‘ , _ _ . _ . . ;. , anAugust 2004 automobile acc1dent. . or
, . . I z Kentuckyl’tessAssocwshonStafi He was 49' Norvm Atterbury ”Jack” Perry, a B e
Mei-4 “59.3 19b?! 3111681?me BametDawdéimmmmveWr Warren also worked as a photog— former gézsgaferd p ubIIDisherlsand ag
’ 7 * .3 I T: '- Emilie 0” “er ' owner' 19 a “I ay/ eC- 1“
'gDiStriIct”5.-,Ricm FMKenmds’ TeresaRevIettlrofSalas rapier for the ASSOClatEd Press’ Frankfort. He was 89. an
‘ " . , ..= 3.: .. 1;:1 1". j . f:f','“’:'57~“(\"Qf 3 1;: '-iv::.3..s-:>:g*’:-.a:.~'=:-¢:~=' National Press and Morehead NEWS. .
Standard DamGMMWSWmWOI . . . Per moved to Frankfort in 1950
, I. $3,. ; lDanaLeazNewsBureau r He was a former firefighter and ry h bl‘ h h an
1W 2.11.11} f sit! ; ‘1. '. BuifySamsBeokkeepmgAsslstant Warner was paralyzed in the acci- Iourna . He also was owner—publls. - be
a;._,i;;..::;3\5,:_.;." v} '; . g'IStephameConraé,Remarch/Markebng dent that occurred in Eau Claire, er of the News Democrat 1n
W7mywm Game: : 1.: - Comm Wise 0.. Au 13 He was navel... Carronton and later was founding
CountyNews . .f ’vSueCaxnn‘tacleAdmmxstxatlveAsmsmt . ' . .g' . g partner of ‘Shelbyville-based
. . ,. .. 3.; ,-: , w1th hlS Wife and youngest son to m‘
_ _ . , . . . _ .. . .. RadeIMcCartyAdverusmgAsswtant . Landmark Communi News-
DismCtszmMetz, BathCountyNews . fiony‘yvgargmmmgk 'f';.;:{‘.‘}§if Seattle where another son served in I ty
=»21..Qut'ioot a: -_ " : -. Tans Hensleyreaxsheeterk the Navy. Papers, nc- . we
. 5;. . 2_~; g .' .V if; Perry, a natlve of Columbus, w(
md9-{omtcaTackefi,Pamtsvflie 7 . Miss, graduated from Duke or;
W , .1 .25 .y. Lexmgton Hoerald Leader University in 1938 and Harvard
Stafimembmefifimmmdmctors staff artist dies Business School in 1940. re(
“ii-EmmShefiineaWe $$fi§§ie§fisfmgflmm‘ Frank Leonard Yates, staff artist After being discharged from the be:
EMF-‘1 P I, . , . nme®kypmssc0m 1.1.: .3 at The Lexmgton Herald—Leader and See DEATHS on Page 10 Sp]:
. . . , p ,, co
n.‘ 4 At -'tl.' Y ",.l':""1|r):1 h . 41.; V {12“ “I fight: {fr .' v' I“). .i-_" n: I: 1 :1 :I S . fl; ‘ v. tx';;';:\; 1‘ .‘j'J'; »I: .r «.4, yin'. 411.5:3' "\tj‘r"; I. ‘;‘.\J $21

 The Kentucky Press, February 2005 - Page 3 .
2005 KPA boot camp will take a new form 5
The three-week .. two workshops This year’s mini—boot camp will awards banquet. Take the KPA
KPA Journalism Oh, By {1’ this summer or be geared more toward reporters awards banquet and multiply the
Boot Camp held 5 fall. One will take who have been in the field for a few attendance by nearly two and you ,
annually since 2001 The Way place in Central years and seek additional training will see how many high school stu— ; .
will go on hiatus this _’_— m or _ Eastern and/ or refresher courses. dents and teachers attend the high ;
summer. In its place, By David Greer 54W Kentucky while Watch subsequent issues of the school event. It’s big. Very big. ,
KPA plans a couple KPA Mam Services g‘ 1/3? the other will be Kentucky Press for details. As such, we will need judges, lots .
of two-day mini- Director 'V held in the west— KHSJA. Membership in the of judges for the KHSJA contest. 1'
boot camp continu- . ern part of the Kentucky High School Journalism When contacted, please help us in
ing education workshops for state. That should cut down on com- Association stands at 103 for the this massive effort by sending all the ?
reporters. muting and lodging costs for papers. 2004-05 school year. If not a record, judges you can spare. :
The plan now is to return to the The three-week boot camp is it’s certainly the highest membership Since the high school contest fea- 'V I
three—week format in the summer geared toward recent hires and oth- enrollment in several years. tures broadcast and yearbook entries V'
2006. The attendance for the 2004 ers who might want to switch careers Many newspapers across the state as well, we also have to recruit judges ‘
boot camp at Georgetown College or even begin a new career after have sponsored one or more local from those fields. Newsroom i
fell to less than 50 percent of the retirement. The course covers the schools this year. Those papers are employees at WLEX in Lexington V’
class’s capacity. By waiting a year basics of journalism and is geared true heroes, inmy View. and several college yearbook advis- V?
before returning to the three-week toward those wanting to be newspa— The KHSJA state convention is set ers were of tremendous help last 7
format, we hope demand will again per reporters or entry-level current for May 4 at the Executive West in year.
increase for our 2006 session. reporters who have no formal train- Louisville. Like the KPA convention, The contest judging date, time and
In the meantime, the plan calls for ing in the field. the KHSJA affair features a huge site will be announced soon.
_. __ __ _. __ __. __._.._—._——______—____ .3,
o o o '1
Campaign underway to aid Fulton Leader editor
_ When friends of 'FultOn' Leader " 7 V Vv : A? %'é‘ ‘2 ~ f a W .71
Editor John 0. Jones found out that H61PIOh§ :Q’J‘s‘gfi‘IIl§ g ‘ *1? gigs 17
medical insurance would not cover («V;«;‘V’V "“§h§gr“.§§¢:cf’vw ‘ > 2‘ . 33:" ,MWWQZWL ., . * it} 5"" ‘
logical center for rehabilitation fol- jig/Ewm“ » II : 2 g (at, V I??? -. '7
lished a campaign to help raise the %W%§% . .g. ysffl“\z>\a JR t 1’ ‘2’ ‘ ., ,
amount and more was reached This is the banner that has been running in the Fulton Leader and on its web site encouraging readers to donate to the fund.
thanks to donations from area to help raise money for John 0. Jones, editor of the Fulton Leader, in his recovery from an aneurysm at a rehabilitation cen-
churches, individuals and other ter in Paducah.
132$:ZégfionA13vgrctcigifgm§1 a: Jan. 24 where friends read samples Paducah. He is improving Gammon ends which helps cut the costs of the
' . of Jones’ articles and columns said, but still had a long road ahead weekly therapy and will allow him :2
ager at the Fulton Leader, donations . . . . :,
.11 comin through the years. of him. . to. stay additional time, Gammon .;
areus‘ge believegd we could reach that ”The churches haVe been a huge . ”He’s made a lot of progress. His said. . . ’3’,
amount but just not in such a short contributing factor,” Gammon said. interaction 18 better, he can carry or} A Web Site, www.helpjohn- 5
time ” Gammon said. ”People have The Fulton Leader and other conversatipn'andcan stay on task, nyjones.com was developed .by 7,
beer; very very generous.” newspapers in the area held a sub.- she said. His Wife said she s seen Rodney. Taylor, one 'of Jones child— ,,
Gamm’on said the goal was scription drive for Jones where It more progress here at this faCility hood friends. The Site has a secure :V
. _ contributed a portion of every sub- than she has all along. PayPal system that Will allow dona— .;.
reached Wlth very httle effort and scription sold to the fund Jones was in a coma for three tions by credit card to be directed to .'
mostly by word 0f mouth. After the organized events the weeks at Jackson-Madison County the Jones family. Accounts also have ‘5
”The $60,000 came in in just four Johnn Jones Fund had over $621000 Hospital in Jackson, Tenn. following been established at banks in Fulton. ::
W991: by jiftbtrfymg to £335 the in it a: of Jan. 27_ I his brain injury. He was later taken The Web site also provides a link to .3
wor aroun e ore we a an ,, . . ' ' ' ‘ , ,
y 1...... :3.333.33.212.3‘331‘23312":33:: C°i::t.t.*;:::“.:;;¥m........... ;
TWO organized events held 20w p 6:02:18 come together, weeks. I . P help contact Gammon or William
recently were a gospel singing and a ammon sai ' - At CCS, Jones receives Mitchell at The Fulton leader at 270- 41
benefit dinner. Alocal church held a (As for Jon:s,bhe 1.5 cufrrentllly speech / cognitive, occupational and 472-1121.
special gospel singing where they un ergomg re a l itation or t e ph sical thera ies as well as coun- ***Information for this article was 7
, , aneurysm at the Center for y p . ’ , , . ,
collected $2,000 ina love offer1ng.A Comprehensive Services Kentucky, seling and soc1al therapy. He has also obtained from Rita Mitchell 5 ,
r_.° . $25 a plate benefit dinner was held a residential therapy facility in been returning home on the week— article in the Fulton Leader. ,7

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, February 2005
KPA needs your help t0 NAA seeks a review
0 o o '
fight legislatlve blllS media ownership ruling ‘
By ASHLEY PACK OHB 11. We believe this bill is
KPA General unconstitutional as written and Vienna, Va. — The Newspaper FCC’s repeal of the 1975 across-the-
Counsel 5‘ changes judicial decisions which hold Association of America has peti- board ban on newspaper owner—
Dinsmore &; Shol e as it that prohibiting a witness from talk— tioned the US. Supreme Court to ship of broadcast stations was justi-
Believe it or not— i t ing about the content ofhis or her tes- review a Third Circuit Court of fied. The court said the commis-
it’s that time of year timony is an unconstitutional prior Appeals decision last year remand- sion’s repeal of the 1975 ban was ‘
again. The legislators restraint on speech. We are working ing the FCC’s new cross-media supported by record evidence. It
are back in Frankfort with the sponsor to Clarify the lan— rules back to the agency. also found that newspaper-broad-
which means we need your help. It’s guage. ”The FCC rule changes on news— cast combinations can provide '
a short session this year __ time is of OHB 59. Another bill that has paper-broadcast cross-ownership localism and that a blanket prohibi-
the essence. resurfaced from last year is a bill were based on solid evidence that tion is not necessary to protect
Every year, we ask for your help which creates a new exemption to the repealing the outdated rules Witt diversity. ;
and many of you step up to the plate. Open Meetings and Open Records greatly serve the public interest in a “The media world is totally dif-
We truly appreciate your efforts. Just Laws for records concerning home- way that is consistent With the com— ferent now as compared to when "
a few reminders: land security. Last year, the sponsor mission’s competition, localism and this ban went into effect in 1975,”
(1) When e—mails go out asking for of the bill, Rep. Mike Weaver, was diversity goals,” said NAA Sturm said. ”The experiences in the
your help, it is important that you put willing to take the concerns of the President and CEO John F. Sturm. 40-or-so grandfathered markets
the request on the top of your list of news media and other consfituencies ”Whether it did 30 years ago or not, over 30 years have demonstrated
things to do. Bills move fast in com— into account in the fine-tuning of his a total ban on cross-ownership does that newspaper-owned stations
mittee, especially in a short session, bill. We were satisfied that the final h0t make sense in the highly produce more local news and PUb'
and sometimes a delay of a few hours version of the bill only exempted diverse mass media world Of 2005-" lic affairs programming than other
or days will mean that you have what was necessary. This same ver- Last summer the US. Court of broadcast stations. The only thing
missed your opportunity to comment sion has been introduced this year. Appeals for the 3rd Circuit in the ban has succeeded in doing is to
.l on the bill. We will be closely monitoring this bill Philadelphia decided to remand the deny most local communities clear-
. (2) Your voice really does count. for any language changes. FCC’s new cross-media rules. 1y established public-interest bene- , . e... ,.
' Legislators are highly influenced by OHB 69. This bill creates several However, the court found that the fits.” ”M '
their constituents, and a telephone new sections of the Kentucky Crime
‘ call or an e—mail can go a long way to Victim Bill of Rights. We are con- . .
letting them know what individuals cemed with one specific rovision G bl h
~ back home are thinking about the bill. which requires law enfgrcement eorgla pu ls er
' Moreover, you have the special power agencies, attorneys for the .
. of writing editorials ex lainin and Commonwealth, and courts to ”make d d t f NN A
commenting on the billspwhichghave every reasonable effort to protect the name prESl en 0
an enormous influence. privacy of the victim.” At this point, it
i This year we have several bills we is unclear what this provision means. Mike Buffington, editor of the Inc., which publishes three other
}' saw last year, and a few new ones: We have contacted Rep. Stan Lee for Jackson Herald in Jefferson, Ga, W35 newspapers: The Commerce NEWS,
: - HB 5 and HB 74. Last year, we further clarification, but may call on elected president of the National Commerce, Ga.; The Banks County -
,_ needed your help fighting a bill con- you to help. Newspaper Association during the News, Homer, Ga.; and The Madison '2
ceming criminal expungement which OHB 77, At last, one bill that association’s 118th annual convenh'on County Journal, Danielsville, Ga.
. went farther than any before when it changes the law in the positive direc- and trade show in Denver. Buffington is a past president of
~ said that people convicted of class D tion, Again, this bill was introduced Buffington succeeds Robert the Georgia Press Association, he
: felonies could ask the court to last year, but fell by the wayside in a Sweeney, publisher and editor of served as NNA state chairman from
expunge the records, in essence House committee. Rep. Derrick Villager Newspapers in Denver, who 1993 until elected an NNA regional
f rewriting judicial history as if the Graham’s bill requires the Attorney becomes immediate past president. director in 1997.
" crime never occurred, as if the arrest General’s office to provide detailed Buffington had been vice president. New to NNA'S board are: Mark
; and charge never occurred, and, of explanations of the Open Meetings Also elected asanNNA officer was W.C. Stodder, vice president of news-
1 course, as if the conviction never Law and Open Records Law to local Jerry Reppert, publisher of the papers, Dolan Media Co. in
occurred. This bill had a great deal of government officials. We fully sup- Gazette-Democrat in Anna, I11., as Milwaukee, Wis. Stodder succeeds
support in the House judiciary com- port this bill and are hopeful it can be vice president. Elected as treasurer Sam Spencer, executive vice president
mittee, and passed the House without passed into law this session. was Jerry Tidwell, publisher of the for Dolan Media Co., as the represen—
‘ any problem. It died in a Senate com- To access the full text of any of the Hood County News in Granbury, tative for American Court and
_; rnittee. It’s back this year in two sep- above-mentioned bills, go to Texas. Commercial NeWSpaperS; Harrison
arate bills—H3 5 sponsored by Rep. hfip:[ [WWW-Ire.state.ky.us[ and click Tidwell had been Region8director Cochran, publisher for the Aurora
§ Rob Wilkey and HB 74 sponsored by ”Legislation and Legislative Record,” for the association. John Montgomery Publishing Company in Aurora,
Rep, Gray. Both have been assigned then go to ”2005 Regular Session,” was appointed to fill the remainder of C010,, as the Suburban Newspapers
1: to the Judiciary Committee which ”House bills," and click on the specif- Tidwell’s term as Region 8 director of America Rep; and Daniel M.
: meets on Wednesdays at noon. This ic bill number. Or you can call your In addition to serving as editor of Phillips, publisher of the Oxford
\ bill is the toughest fight we are facing hotline attorneys and we can fax or e- The Herald, Buffington is also vice (MiSS~) Eagle, as an alt-large director,
I -. this year, and we will need your help. mail you a copy‘ of the‘bill. . ° ‘ president of MainStr'e'et Newspapers representing the past presidents. ,’ i.

 The Kentucky Press, February 2005 - Page 5
A G O ' '
The Winchester Sun/ Winchester within three business days whether to materials could be and would in all action had not been taken, the AG’s
Police Department comply with the request and notify in probability be considered an invasion office asked that the Board advise
. The Attorney General’s office was writing the person making the of personal privacy by the party them what the status of the investiga-
asked to decide whether the request, within three days, of its deci- involved, Spencer said. tion was and what action remained
Winchester Police Department violat- sion. An agency response denying in Spencer elaborated on the Board’s to be taken. It also asked that the
ed the Open Records Act in denying whole or in part, inspection of any position saying that at a regularly Board describe what the nature of the
Winchester Sun reporter Tim record should include a statement of scheduled meeting of the Perry litigation was in Perry County Board
Weldon’s request to inspect ”all crim- specific exception authorizing the County Board of Education, informa- of Education v. John Paul Amis and
inal complaints filed with (the) withholding of the record and a brief tion and materials were presented to finally it wanted the Board to provide
Winchester police on Nov. 16.” explanation of how the exception Board members in closed session. The it with copies of all records that were
Including ”all information contained applies to the record withheld. closed session was called because responsive to Walter’s request.
on the second page that does not Although the Department indicat- there was a discussion of a personnel Amis advised the office that the f
specifically harm the (departrnent’s) ed that page two of the Uniform matter that might involve discipline only documents in his possession ’
; investigation." - Offense Report is not subject to public of personnel. that were responsive to Walters’
In a response dated Nov. 18, disclosure pursuant to KRS 61.870 the According to Spencer, some time request were the minutes of the Oct.

i Winchester City Manager Ed Burtner AG’s office stated that the ago, the Perry County Board of 21 meeting.

" advised Weldon that his request was Department did not directly reference Education retained the services of Spencer notified the AG’s office ,
under review pending receipt of an one or more of the exceptions codified Ken Henry of the firm of Pedley, that the disputed records are not in ';
opinion from City Attorney William at KRS 61.878(1)(a) through (1) or Zielke, Gordinier & Pence, PLLC to his possession or the possession of
A. Dykeman on the question of access offer an explanation of how those represent it in a lawsuit filed against the Perry County School Board, but 7
to page two of the requested records. exceptions apply to reports generated Amis, on a contract issue. As a result are instead in the possession of the
On Nov. 24, Burtner notified Weldon on Nov. 16. of discovery and research performed attorney hired by the board to repre- I
that his request was denied because For those reasons, the Attorney by Henry as part of that lawsuit, he sent it in the case, Ken Henry. 1
the request for ”all criminal com- General’s office found that the became aware of the contents of Spencer provided the AG’s office ,
plaints” is a misidentified demand for Department did not meet its statutory Amis’ laptop computer. Furthermore, with a copy of a letter he sent to 3
a complete uniform offense report burden of proof in denying Weldon’s he interviewed certain witnesses who Henry asking that Henry provide the '
and that page two of the report is not request. had information concerning Amis. disputed records to the AG’s office.

, subject to public disclosure until the The Hazard Herald/Perry County The information gathered by Henry Henry provided the AG’s office

- ’ offense is closed following a final Board of Education as part of that ongoing lawsuit would with copies of the records in his pos- :

judicial disposition, at which time the The Attorney General’s office was in all probability be very embarrass- session that the Board reviewed in

form may still require some redaction. asked to decided whether the Perry ing to Amis and could lead to disci— executive session on Oct. 21. I:

' Dykeman said disclosure of page two County Board of Education violated pline. This is the reason for not shar- After reviewing the information, ;

information would ”constitute an the Open Records Act in denying ing the materials provided at the the AG’s office ruled that although 3

unwarranted invasion of privacy.” Hazard Herald reporter Randy meeting by Henry. the record on appeal does not sup- '

In support of the Department’s Walters’ undated request for any and Spencer concluded that the board port the Board’s apparent reliance on ’

L position, Dykeman provided the all documents, pictures, recordings or kept no minutes of the closed session, KRS 61.878(1)(a), the record does ‘
AG’s office with a copy of a Uniform statements made in the closed session but that the minutes of the open ses- support the Board’s decision to with- =

3r Offense Report from which informa- of the Perry County Board of sion indicate that, ”The Board went hold the disputed records pursuant
5’ tion, including the complainant’s Education meeting held on Oct. 21, into closed session, came out of closed to KRS 61.878(1)(i) and (j), based on
3' name and address had been redacted. 2004 to discuss ”alleged improprieties session and that a motion was then the fact that an investigation is ongo- f
m The AG’s ruling stated the of a sexual nature concerning the made to refer the matter for further ing and no final action has been 3
Department’s response was ”proce— superintendent of the Perry County investigation with the appropriate takeninthe matter of the superinten-

3f durally deficient and substantively Schools, John Paul Amis.” state agency.” dent’s removal. It also found that dis- _:_
1e incorrect.” . By letter dated Oct. 28, 2004, Perry - Unable to resolve the appeal on the closure of some of those records ,
:n The AG’s office found that the County Board of Education Chairman information it had received, the AG’s would violate provision of federal 3
a1 Winchester Police Department violat— Donnie R. Spencer denied Walters’ office asked a series of questions to law, the Child Pornography 3
ed KRS 61.870(1) by failing to identify request, advising him that documents Amis and the Perry County Public Prevention law, and that the Board’s 1

‘k the specific exceptions to public are precluded from inspection for Schools to facilitate the review. It decision to withhold those records ’
é inspection upon which it relied by many reasons, including when there asked that the Board substantiate its was also justified on the basis of KRS
in partially denying the newspaper’s would be an invasion of personal pri— partial denial of Walters’ request by 61.878(1)(k), requiring public agen-
is request and by failing to explain the vacy or a possible discipline of per- advising them, in writing, whether cies to withhold all public records or f
at application of those exceptions to the sonnel. The records reviewed during final action has been taken in the dis- information the disclosure of which 1
m records withheld. KRS 61.8800) pro— the closed session relate to a person— ciplinary matter or a decision has is prohibited by federal law or regula-
[C1 vides that a public agency determine nel matter and the disclosure of the been made to take no action. If final tion. 1
)I'l ‘ l ' 9 ’
.. - ' — Looking or an employee. 2
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