xt7kd50fvv4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fvv4b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-10-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  4, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  4, 1935 1935 1935-10-04 2013 true xt7kd50fvv4b section xt7kd50fvv4b Best Copy Available






Kyian Pictures Set DETROIT



Men nnd Women

Dramatics Are Urged
to Attend Initial Meet-in-



of Year

Points Gained During Year
by Freshmen Add Toward
Membership in Club




ganization of the University,
hold its Initial meeting at 7 o'clock
Tuesday night, October 8, In Room
303, White hall, when election of
officers will be held. All freshmen
and new students on the campus
desiring membership
in Strollers
must attend this first meeting.
Plans will be discussed for Amateur night, which is annually sponsored by Strollers and Is held for
the benefit of freshman men and
women. Two cups will be awarded
to the outstanding performers, one
girl and one boy. Last year's winners were Dot Wunderllch
Dick Bush. Points will also be
awarded to each contestant which
will help toward gaining membership in this dramatic society. A
plays will be
number of one-a-ct
selected by active members for
presentation during November in
order to select members of the cast
for their annual production In the
on the
Strollers was founded
University of Kentucky campus on
March 3, 1911, by a group of students Interested In developing their
dramatic talents. In the past years
much attention has been devoted
to the type of offering which would
appeal to the audience as well as
the cast. The selection of characters for proper parts has also been
heavily stressed.
Frank Fowler, director of Guig-no- l,
and the man behind the scenes
In most of that groups' recent successes, has been secured as faculty
adviser. Mr. Fowler is well known
throughout the collegiate dramatic
world for his able direction and In-

struction in dramatics.
Among some of the outstanding
successes during the history of
Strollers have been "The 13th
Chair," "Good News," and "Horses
Are r omantic". Last year a smash
hit was scored when Gilbert and
Sullivan's "H. M. S. Pinafore" was
presented in the Guignol theater
under the direction of Frank Fowler.


freshmen who feel
dramatic ability or who
ticipated in high school
are urged to attend this



first meet-


and instructor of hygiene in the
Department of Hygiene received a
PhD. degree in bacteriology this
summer from Massachusetts State
College at Amherst, Mass. The subject of Dr. Hamilton's thesis was
"Bacterial C a r b o hydrates." Dr.
Hamilton received his B.S.A. at

McGill University, Montreal, Canada in 1928 and his M. A. at McGill
In 1928.


Pictures for the 1936
will be taken In Memorial hall beginning Monday, October 7, and continuing for two
weeks. Each organization
been assigned a special day for
taking pictures, and will not be
taken any other day.
Pictures will cost $1 for the
first and SS cents for each ad-

Message From

The President
Upperclassmen at the University of Kentucky are elglible for
the Rhodes Scholarship. This
scholarship provides a stipend
of $2000 a year for study at the
University of Oxford. The candidates must be citizens of the
United States and unmarried, be
between the ages of 19 and 25,
and have completed at least the
sophomore year at college. The
qualities which are considered in
making selections
are literary
and scholastic ability and attainments, and qualities of manhood, moral force and physical
Applications must be In the
hands of the Secretary of the
State Committee not later than
November 3. The Secretary In
Kentucky is Mr. R. T. Taylor,
The State Committee will meet to decide upon
candidates on December 12, and
the District Committee will meet
on December 16. The scholars
elected will enter Oxford in
October 1930.
The Rhodes Scholarship is
one of the great scholarships.
It is known all over the world,
and gives the student who wins

unusual opportunity to
know English
traditions and
purposes, as well as to secure
the highest kind of educational
advantage. The President of the
it an

University of Kentucky
that a good many students will
apply. Application blanks and
information may be secured In
his olflce. The University of
Kentucky is allowed to designate

four candidates.
Pres., Univ. or Ky.

DOWNS Rosenwald Fund


ditional print.




Dr. Edwin R. Embree, president
of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, will
be the speaker at the second convocation of the year which will be
held In Memorial hall on Friday,
October 18, it was announced to
day. The subject of Doctor
address will be "The Mark
of an Educated Man, or How to
Tell a College Graduate from the
Birds and the Fishes."
Doctor Embree, who now lives in
Chicago, spent a large part of his
early life in Kentucky.
He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees
from Yale. For a while he worked
as a reporter on the New York Sun.
He has specialized in the study of
races and In primitive culture, and
has made a special study of the
relations of the negro race and the
white race. He has also studied
extensively about conditions in the
Far East.
Shortly after he received his
M.A. degree from Yale, Doctor Empresident of
bree was appointed
the Julius Rosenwald Fund.
Among the many books that he
has written are "The Story of a
New Race," "Religion by Contrary,"
A New School for American Sa
moa," and "Samoa Offers an Exchange."

Cubs Score in Fourth Inning
as Tommy Rridges Goes
Whole Route



International News Service


Winners of Contest Will Be
Given Chance to Appear
on National Network


With the Drosrject of annenrinir
on Major Bowes' Amateur Hour and
Rudy Vallee's weekly program, an
opportunity is offered talented Un- iverslty musicians and singers to
appear in the Lion Club's Amateur
Hour, being heid at the Opera
House every Thursday between 9
hj i
ant in j'lrwlFstation WLAP.
Attractive prizes are offered for
each night, includlnsr a iio first-prize, $7.50 second prize, and $5
third prize. The first prize win- - '
ners will appear together on the
final night to compete for the
trip to New York, for appearance with Major Bowes and
Rudy Vallee.
University students Interested In'



Sports Editor
Navin Field, Detroit, Oct. 3
(INS) Having suffered In dogged
silence through the utter discomfiture of Its favorite ball club yesterday, Detroit's impulsive populace
prepared today to take another
beating, this time from the weather,
for the second game of the 1935
World Series between the Detroit
Tigers and Chicago Cubs. Temperatures well down toward freezing had
the fans huddling miserably in the
stands, with a
roaring down the length of the stadium and adding to the discomfort.
The weather was son Inclement
early in the day that a postponement seemed indicated with rain
and sleet beating an unlovely refrain upon the heads of the overnight crowd. But Just when it appeared that the game neither would
nor could be played, the skies cleared, prompting an unofficial decision to go through with the game
in spite of the elements.
It was probably the coldest day
in world series history; bo cold, In
fact, that even this tempestous and
primitive citizenry was under re-

to Advisory
Board of Bar Association
Are Also Made at


To Sponsor Frosh

members, will be added the following semester.
New appointments to the advisory
board, which consists of various
members of the Kentucky State
Bar Association, were King Swope,
Lexington; Church Ford, Lexington; J. B. Snyder, Harlan: Perry
B. Miller, Louisville; Joseph
Jr., Louisville; Robert T.
Caldwell, Ashland; Calvin House,
Versailles, and James Stites, Louisville. Members of the advisory
board are chosen to serve two years,
and a new group is chosen every
year, thus insuring against an entirely new advisory board at any
Present members of the advisory
board who will serve until 1936
are: Thomas Mapother, Louisville;
James Wheeler, Paducah; Odis W.
Bertelsman, Newport; Bruce Mor-forCarlisle; James Park, Lexington; Richard Priest Dietzman,
Louisville; Ulie J. Howard, Covington, and E. F. Trabue, Louisville.
The first .issue of the Kentucky
Law Journal will be out early in
November, it was announced. Albert Jones Is student editor; John
Geyer, managing editor; Town Ha';
and John
Evans, business manager. Professor
Moreland is faculty advisor for the

Cheering Section




special meeting held In White hall.
Other officers elected are: Ralph
Hughett, Princeton,
Jack Howard, Lexington, student
auditor; Catherine Calloway, Wil- German Student Life, Jewish
liam Acosta and William Watt,
Lexington, board members.
by Speaker; Officers Are
A definite aim is worked toward
by the association. This aim is to
acquirj employment for all ComDr. Daniel Van Brunt Hegeman,
merce students. Their efforts in the
past have been very successful and, acting head of the German depart- according to Professor Tolman, will ment was the principal speaker at
be even more successful for students the first meeting of the German,
graduating in June. Other faculty club for this year, held In the Wo- -;
members who served In advisory man's building, Wednesday, Octo- - '
capacity to the Student Employ- - ber 3. Mr. Frank Lebus, Cynthlana,
mmi, association are ur. cawara senior In the college of Arts and
Wiest, dean; Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, Sciences was elected president of
Prof. Robert D. Haun and Prof. A. the group at a business session.
Other officers elected were Miss
J. Lawrence
secreProf William Tolman, executive Mary Dantzler, Lexington, Whites-burtary and Mark Marlowe,
secretary-treasurof the associatreasurer. G. G. Schmalz,
tion, presided at the reorganization
newly appointed assistant instruc-- 1
of the group
tor In the Department of German,
gave several piano selections before
All-Gre- ek
the meeting was called to order.
Dr. Hegeman emphsaized In his
talk the rigid ruling under which
the German people live. "Beslau,
the University, located in the city
of the same name is under Nazi
rule. The professors of the University, upon the beginning of a class
Suky to Direct Organization; and the ending of a class must give
All Frat Freshmen Rethe Nazi salute. Students of law
and medicine are more loyal to
quired to Join
Nazism than the students of Arts
section and Sciences, for it was in the forAn organized
mer groups that the competition
under the sponsorship of the
with Jews arose." "The Arts and
council and the direction Science students," says Dr. Hegeof Suky will be formed at 5 p. m. man, "shows
little hatred for the
Thursday, October 10, in the AlumJews.
ni gym, according to Frank Dalley,
"Living conditions of the stupresident of the council.
dents are to be brought under the
All freshman boys affiliated with restriction of the University as soon
a fraternity on the campus are re(Continued on Page Six)
quired to become members of the
group. Any independent men are
invited to become associated in the
cheering section, but it is not compulsory.
New University cheers
will be taught to the group by the
cheer leaders.
The purpose of the section, which
will occupy the seats from the 45
to the
line at all home
games, is to Increase the cheering Internatlnal News Service Staff
of the entire student body through
the selected group. All freshmen (Copyright, 1935, by International
must wear their caps at games.
News Service)
With Italian General HeadquarKLPI'BLICANS TO MEET
ters In the field, October 8 (INS)
Italian troops invaded Ethiopia
The University Republican club
will meet at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday shortly before sunrise this morning.
night in Room 111 McVey hall. A By noon troops and native forces
prominent speaker, to be an- had crossed the Malreb river in
nounced later, will be present and four places. The advance opened
address the meeting. All students with a barrage of heavy cannonadof the University, affiliated with ing from advance ai tilery positions.
the Republican party are urged to Eight-inc- h
shells awoke
the rocky walls of the mountain




Inter-fraterni- ty



l nosen

itusiness Manager;
Definite Plans Made
at Meeting

Theme of Rook Deals With
Tradition and Color of
Rlue Grass State
The 1936 Kentuckian, senior yearbook of the University, has been
definitely started on its goal of publication, the first meeting of the
year being called last Tuesday by
Bazil Baker.
Appointments were made to the
staffs and the new arrangement
for taking pictures was presented.
James Bersot, Shelbyville, was
appointed as business manager of
the Kentuckian. He was appointed
to this position on the 1935 Kentuckian by Cameron Coffman, but
due to illness did not accept the
position. He is a member of Alpha
Oamma Rho fraternity, and is a
senior in the College of Commerce.
Baker has chosen as his associate
editors, Tommy Atkins, Hopklns-villWilliam Houston, Lexington,
and Reginald Rice, Princeton.



Other appointments to the staff
include editors of the following departments: fraternity, John F.
and Jimmy Anderson; so-





The following schedule of addresses and conferences has been
arranged for Professor Ralph H.
Woods of the Department of Education: October 4 and 5: Conference of Agriculture and Home Economics teachers at Morehead; October 11 and 12: Conference at
Berea; October 18 and 19: Conference at Owensboro; October 26:
Central Ohio Educational association at Dayton; November 1 and 2:
conference at Bowling Green, and
November 8 and 9: conference at

(Continued on Page Two)

Tilt Is First Big Ten
gagement for Cats in
Seven Years

Speaker Discusses Engineering Developments at
First Assembly
of Year


use of electricity



electrical engineering in 1902. The
mining engineering department was
begun in 1901 and later metallurgical engineering was added," said
Dean Graham in outlining the history of the Engineering
System Is The minor depatrments of the colCriticism," lege Include military, chemical, and
Declares in petroleum.

"Present Sorority
Creating Public

Dean Blanding
Talk to Women's Group


"The Problem of Sorority

Rushing" was discussed by Dean Bland-

ing to the representatives of the
at the
Woman's building, Tuesday afternoon, October 1.
Martha Giltner, president of the
society. Introduced
the speaker,
Dean Blanding, who stated that the
present system was creating public
criticism which was detrimental to
the sororities, and if readjustments
were not made soon, the sororities
would be abolished on the University campus. She suggested revising the present system, waiting until second semester to begin rushing,
or to conduct it in the same manner as fraternities. The representatives were asked to discuss the
problem with their sorority group
for opinions. However, in the future
the bid day would be deferred from
the rushee or the sorority for violation of
Representatives of the association are Zeta Tau Alpha, Frances
Bush and Marjorie Gallagher; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Ann Payne Peric

The enrollment of the College of
Agriculture has increased to a total
of 347 students. One hundred and
twenty-si- x
are enrolled in home economics and 221 in agriculture.
Miss Mary S. Lyle, adult education worker, Iowa State College, accompanied by her mother, visited
the College of Agriculture while en
route from Knoxville to Cincinnati.


XI Delta,

Hazel Brown


Jean Gloster; Alpha Gamma Delta, Helen Farmer and Mildred Martin, and Alpha Delta Theta, Hallie
Downing and Betty Tiemeeyer.

Chilly autumn night breezes had
descended and shadows from the
surrounding campus buildings began to creep onto Stoll field last
night before Coach Chet Wynne
dismissed the Kentucky Wildcats
from their last workout in preparation for their encounter tomorrow In Columbus. Ohio, with the
Buckeyes of Ohio State.
The Wildcat mentor ha., been
anything but pleased with this
week's workouts and scrimmaged
his charges with the freshmen yesterday for the third time in three
days. The freshmen were equipped
with Ohio State plays and time
and time again made forward and
lateral passes good for touchdowns.
On one intricate pass play two
backs handled the ball before Earl
Sands, big freshman fullback, received it on a backward flip and
heaved it to Hodge, who trotted
over the goal line. Not a single
Wildcat was within a dozen yards
of Hodge when he accepted the
pass. This play was used very
successfully by the Buckeyes in their
campaign last year.
Captain Jimmy Long received a
broken toe In Monday's workout
and will probably see the game Saturday from the bench. Russell Ellington, outstanding Louisville contribution to the Big Blue team, will
get the starting call In Long's position tqmorrow. Another change
this week will
in the Cat line-u- p
find Elmore Simpson, husky sophomore from Alabama, In Langdan
Hay's place at fullback.
When the Wildcats and the Buckeyes face each other it will be the
first time a Kentucky team has met
a representative of th Big Ten conference in seven years. The last time
a Big Blue aggregation invaded
this conference was In 1928 and
they were handed a 7 to 0 defeat
by the Northwestern Wildcats.
Kentucky's first engagement with
a representative of the Big Ten
was "way back when." On October
12, 1895, Purdue defeated the Ken- -'
tuckians by a margin of 32 to 0. In
later years, Kentucky met, and was
defeated by such teams of the con-- I
ference as Illinois, University of
Chicago, Northwestern and the Unl- versity of Michigan. Probably the
most outstanding victory ever scored
by a Wildcat gridiron machine was
recorded in 1915, when Kentucky
defeated Purdue University by a
score of 7 to 0.
Many University students and
Lexingtonians will follow the Cats
to Columbus tomorrow in the hope
of seeing Coach Wynne and his
brave boys score the major upset
of the season by defeating the
Robert Salyers, U. K. alumni secretary, stated this week that the
headquarters for the University of
Kentucky Alumni association will
be located in the lobby of the
hotel. Members of the
excutive committee and other alumni will be on hand to greet all Kentucky students and supporters, who
are invited to visit the headquarters
before and after the game.



Deferred Rushing,
Cheering Section,



ry and Susan Johnson; Kappa Delta, Nancy Becker and Marjorie
Crowe; Delta Zeta, Nancy Costello
and Louise Payne; Delta Delta Delta, Anna Bain Hillenmeyer and
Jeanne Short; Chi Omega, Martha
Giltner and Dorothy Nichols; A-


Interfraternity Council Elects
Charles Bennett

Strollers, student dramatic organization, will meet in White hall,
7 o'clock, Monday, October 7, for
Deferred rushing, and providing
purpose of electing officers, and
for a special freshman section at the
admitting all those who have 100
football games formed the principal points and desire to become membusiness discussed by the Interfraurged to attend.
ternity council at their meeting, bers. Actives
held at the Kappa Alpha house
Lamp and Cross will meet at the
Monday night. Frank Dalley, counA. T. O. house at 7:30 o'clock Tuescil president, presided.
day October 8.
The representatives from the various fraternities discussed two types
There will be a meeting of the
of rushing, one in which no one
society In the Mud
will be pledged to a fraternity until Pryor
7:30 o'clock
alter the first semester of school, seum lecture room at 8. All pre- night. October
and the other In which no one Mjndav especially freshmen,
would be pledged until after the i nieds,
at this meetfirst six weeks of school. It was de- urged to be present
cided that no action would be taken ing.
on deferred rushing until after the
There will be a meeting of the
representatives of the various frao'clock
ternities had discussed this policy Block and Bridle club at 7:15 in the
Monday night, October 7,
with their own organization.
building. All members
It was also decided that all Agriculturalto be present.
freshmen should wear their caps at are
football games and sit in a special
There are a limited number ol
section which will be reserved lor
Suky usher will show the places open on the Business Stalf
of THE KERNEL. Those interested
freshmen to the special section.
54, McVey
As last year's treasurer of the please report in room
council did not return to school this hall, at 3 p. m. today.
year a new treasurer was elected.
Phi Epsilon Plu. honorary botCharles Beimel. Phi Kappa Tau,
any fraternity, will hold its first
was elected to fill the vacancy.
The next meeting of the Inter- meetuig of the year at 7:30 o'clock
fraternity council will be held at Thurbduy night, October 10. in.
the Kappa Sigma house on Mon- White hall.
(Continued on Page Six)
day, October 14.



Italo-Ethiopi- an

and silence and throwing great pieces
of mud and the like into the air
Italian bombing planes flew high Mussolini's two sons are each pilotabove both these thickly populated ing a bomber of the squadron
Abyssinian towns. Mussolini's own which now is on its mission In the
Count Galbazro Clano, empeior's Hinterland.
personally led his flying squadron
I returned to Asmara at 4:00 a.
"II Desperate," composed of nine m. Thursday to witness a treemen-dou- s
Caproni heavy bombers, on a misdemonstration in favor of the
sion of destruction north of Adowa Italian advance into Ethiopa. Whistles,
and a terrific din of
aiu Adlgrat.
The first field wireless meosajt-- s cheering mixed with searchlights
reaching like fingers into the Eihl
pasijed from the invading troops reported no resistance at the crossing oplau sky celebrated the actual bee
of the river. Bombing from the air ginning of the nghtuig.
and heavy shells from long range
Fifteen hundred blockeed the
(Continued on Page Six)
guns are shattering the Abyssinian







necessitated electrical engineers in
this country."
"The University began teaching




Article VII, Section I shall be
amended to read as follows:
"The executive powers shall be
vested as follows: In an Administrative Council which shall
consist of the president,
one representative from each
fraternity house and each organized residence, three representatives from each hall of
residence, and one representative from the girls not residing
In halls and residences."

Dean James Hiram Graham, of
C. T. Hertzsch;
honoraries, Elvis the Engineering college, addressed
Stahr and Frank Burger; clubs, the first Engineering assembly of
the year Wediiesday morning in
David Salyers; activity, Victor Hobday and Bobby Evans; snapshot, Memorial hall. Dr. Abner WellingRobert Hess and Ralph Holloway, ton Kelley, of the English departand staff, James Salter, John Hus- ment, played an organ prelude and
ton and Betty Jackson.
The plan of taking pictures for
The dean traced the beginnings
the yearbook will be different from of engineering
from prehistoric
that used in former years. It is the times to the present, and stated
desire of the management to simthat military and civil engineering
plify the process and at the same were the only forms of the science
time shorten the period given to known in
times. Alexander
this work. There will be only two the Great ancient
was named the greatest
weeks allotted to pictures this year,
beginning Monday, October 7, and engineer of the ancient people, and
the different groups are to meet in the building of cities by Alexander
Memorial hall, following th Sched- was discussed.
"The first American engineers
ule, which is:
Monday: Alpha Gamma Rho, A- were military; later civil engineerlpha Lambda Tau and Alpha Delta ing was begun," according to Dean
Graham. "When railroads were
Tuesday: Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha built there was a need for steel and
engineering had
Tau Omega and Alpha Gamma thus mechanical
its beginning. In 1893 there was


Wynne Holds Lengthy
Workout in Effort
to Tune Up Rig Blue


Long Expected
Is Reality As Abyssinians Are Bombed


on a proposed amendthe constitution of the
Self Government Aswill take place from
till 3 p.m. in the Administration building, and from
noon till 1 p.m. on the Patterson hall bridge ,on Friday, October 11. All woman students
In the University may vote.
The amendment, proposed by
20 members of the association,
read sas follows:
ment to
10 a.m.

rority, Betty Earle: sports, Norman

New members of the student staff
and advisory board of the Kentucky
temporary stands in left and right ' Law Journal were announced at a
field an hour and a half before meeting of the Journal staff held
game time. At this Junction, it Wednesday morning in Professor
appearing are reqjested to send an seemed unlikely that yesterday's Moreland's office hi the Law buildapplication to WLAP for assign. record crowd of 48,000 would be re- ing.
Those added to the student staff
ment on a particular program. The peated.
were Sam Kennedy, Emerson SalisiNew york winner may be offered
a permanent position on a radio
At that, the Tigers looked none bury, and Charles Tignor. Appointtoo reassuring today. Even behisd ments to the staff is made wholly
prgoram or the legitimate stage.
a long lead, they kept throwing on a basis of scholarship, a standing of two or better being necesthe ball around in a most promisEmployment Group
cuous way and twice in one inning sary for eligibility. Any students
making a standing of two this se(Continued on Page Six)
mester and who are chosen as staff
Henry W. Elliott, Lexington,

On Proposed Clause FOR HARD GAME

Oarllng; classes, Roger Brown and



Some 3,000 of them were standing in the rain when the gates
opened at 9 o'clock, but these were
of a hardy and rugged race that
feared no Arctic blast. The rest remained downtown in steam-heate- d
rooms, leaving huge gaps in the


Doctor Edwin R. Embree, of
Chicago, to Deliver Talk
on October 18

Replaces Root in
First Inning When
Tigers Score Four



Second Assembly STAFF MEMBERS



dios has charge of the photography.
The schedule for the first
week Is: Monday, Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Lambda Tau,
and Alpha Delta Theta; Tuesday, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha
Tau Omega, Alpha Gamma Delta; Wednesday, Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha XI Delta;
Thursday, Kappa Alpha, Kappa
Chi Omega;
Lambda Chi, Phi Delta Theta;
Saturday, 'Juniors and Seniors,
for half a day .


4. lflS5


Head To Speak At


Ken-tucki- an

senthey have ior in the College of Commerce,
was elected president of the Studramatics dent Employment association at n







� Best Cop
I'aitc Two


Arts and Science College
Is Largest in the University

Despite a rontlnunl
cess which has made departments
Into separate colleges from time
to time, the College of Arts and
Sciences maintains lt,s plnce by fnr
as the largest college In the University.
From a small beginning buck In
the lBBO's as a part of the old Agricultural and Mechanical College,
the College of Arts and Sciences
has grown until this semester 1088
students are enrolled. The staff of
164 persons
Includes 133 Instrucpro-

tors and 24 graduate assistants In
addition to a number of secretaries
and stenographers.
Prof. James O. White, for whom
White hall Is named, was the first
dean of the College. He was fol-

ogy offer work leading

Ph. D.
Research work in addition to instruction Is curried on In many of
the departments. Through Its museum the department of anthropology and archaeology is bringing
to light much information on prehistoric life In Kentucky. Professors William D. Funkhouser and
William 8 Webb are largely responsible for the progress made in this
New treatments for diseases are
being studied in the department of
hygiene and public health.
A study of American literature
and culture Is being made In the
Department of English.
The history department is doing
outstanding work in Oriental diplomacy and in collecting rare books
throughout the
and documents
Extension In the theory of statistics in actuarial work is being carried on in the mathematics department.
Tests conducted by the phychol-og- y
department are given in various
state institutions for the Insane and
blind. Research in addition to in
struction is an important function
of the college.
According to a statement, made
recently by Dean Boyd the college
Is alive to the new ideas now
abroad throughout the country. The
past decade has witnessed a reaffirmation of faith in the mission
of the liberal arts college, and a
radical reorganization of curricula
and methods of teaching. The old
college has taken on a new life
and is once more assuming its
place of leadership in adapting
higher education to the needs of

lowed by Prof. A. M. Miller. During this period Prof. Paul P. Boyd
became professor of mathematics
and In 1917 he was made dean and
acting president of the University.
Since President Frank L. McVey
office In 1917. Professor Boyd
has been dean of the college.
The College of Arts and Sciences,
historically, has been the mother
of professional schools. At the University of Kentucky It has existed
from the beginning with departments that were later transformed
Into colleges. One of these is the
College of Commerce. In 1918 It
was the department, of economy and
sociology, but the department grew
so rapidly that in 1925 the separate
College of Commerce was estab- lished.
There are now hi the college 25
departments dealing with a wide
variety of subjects and all 25 offer
graduate work. The departments of
chemistry, history, mathematics, po- '
litical science, physics, and psychol- - the student and the state.

U. of K. Archaeological Museum

Made Reality by Efforts of
Professor Miller, Says Dr. Webb
One of the several pluces on the
campus that has attracted considerable attention In recent years is the
Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology.

The Department of Anthropology
and Archaeology owes its present
status, in a large measure, to the
inspiration of the late Professor A.
M. Miller. In his field work in
geology Professor Miller, as a care-

ful scientific observer, located many
prehistoric sites. He called the possibilities of the investigation of
these sites to the attention of Professor William S. Webb, who was a
student In those days. In later life
Professor Miller organized several
expeditions for archaeological work
and Professor Webb accompanied
him on these trips.
This was the beginning of field
work in archaeology in Kentucky.
After Professor Miller was unable
to continue an account of illness the
work was carried on by Professor
Webb and his associates.
wealth of prehistoric sites in Kentucky and the work which was done
upon them soon attracted attention
outside of the state. This resulted
in grants from the Smithsonian Institute, from the National Research
Council and from private sources.
At first, those engaged in this
work had no official status In
archaeology. For this purpose the
Department of Archaeology was organized. Dr. William D. Funkhouser, Dean of the Graduate
school, was made Professor of Anthropology, and Professor Webb was
made head of the archaeology de-


It is to the suggestion of Professor Miller and his early interest in
the science that Prof. Webb gives
credit for his having entered the
field. It is highly probabe that no
work would have been done by anyone, except for Professor Miller's
The Museum of Anthropology and

Archaeology was installed in the
old library building In 1933. The
building also houses