xt7kd50fvv25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fvv25/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-08-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  6, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  6, 1943 1943 1943-08-06 2013 true xt7kd50fvv25 section xt7kd50fvv25 The KENTUCKY

New Army Quarter
To Begin On Monday

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.


Fall Housing

Plans Made
The possible housing shortage for
women in the fall has necessitated
the renovation of several of the
fraternity houses on the campus
and the probable occupation of
more of these houses if the problem grows more acute, according to
the office of the Dean of Women.
This summer girls have' been
housed in the Sigma Nu fraternity
house, Jewell hall, Hamilton house,
and the sorority houses. With the
beginning of the fall quarter only
transfer student will live In the
Sigma Nu house. Jewell hall, Hamilton House, the building located behind Patterson hall, formerly Anderson Inn, and the Sigma Alpha
E'pg'i"" fraternity house will be
used lor women students, according to the announcement. Freshmen will live In Anderson and the
SAE house.
All students will eat their meals
in the dining rooms In Jewell and
Boyd balls.
The spokesman stated that the
sorority houses will be occupied first
by the girls of that sorority, and
any vacancies will be filled by the
overflow from the various women's


Listening Centers
Placed In Letcher
A svstem of radio listening cen
ters for Letcher county has been
completed except for one station,
according to Elmer O. Sulzer, director of the radio studios.
With the establishment of five
new centers in the county last week
by the University, every remote part
of Letcher, with the exception of a

small district, has been brought
within three miles of a center, Sul-




Great Britain Will Fight
Until World Is Free Tandy
Mrs. McVey Will
Speak At Series

free-thinki- ng

Mrs. Frank L. McVey, wife of
president emeritus Frank L. Mc
Vey, will speak on "Venezuela," at
3 pm, Tuesday, August 9, In the
library's browsing room, in the sev

enth of the "Invitation to Reading''
series. The series is under sponsorship of the University library staff.
She will emphasize the fact that
Latin Americans and English-speaking

have become
more interdependent since the beginning of the war. Mrs. McVey will

present the similarities and differences of these peoples.
The McVeys spent nearly three
months in Venezuela last spring,
where Dr. McVey assisted In de
veloping plans for a model university city at Caracas, capital of the
South American country.
Mrs. McVey's talk will be the last
in the present reading series. Plans
are being made to conduct the reading series in the fall and winter,
according to an announcement from
the library.

Movies Scheduled

At University High
"Target for Tonight," a record
of an RAF bombing raid over Germany, will be shown at 4:10 pm,
Monday, August 9, at the University
high school auditorium.
A dramatized resume of American
"Land of Liberty," is
scheduled for 7:00 pm, Tuesday,
August 10. No admission will be

Fonda, Tierney

By Scotty McCulloch
That Great Britain will continue
the war for freedom and femocracy
as long as there Is an Englishman
to fight and as long as the
peoples of the World wish
to remain free, was stressed by Arthur H. Tandy, His Majesty's Consul at Cincinnati, who spoke Wednesday to a capacity audience In
Memorial hall.
"This war could not have been so
well fought had Britain not been on
the side of democracy," Tandy stat
ed. "Britain is a democracy, and a
working democracy that has sua
ceeded throughout the years. The
world owes a debt to. England.'
Having been in the consular service for fifteen years, Tandy has had
opportunities to analyze the feel
ings that exist between Americans
and Britons today, and he stated
that "I am shocked at the mlscon
ception In the minds of Americans

zer said.
The new sites are at Crown, Col-so- n, Star In Movie
Gordon, Defeated Creek, and
"Rings On Her Fingers," starring
Bailie. Listening centers had al- Henry
Fonda and Gene Tierney,
ready been established at Robert's
Branch, Gilley. Line Fork, Demo- will be shown Monday night, August
crat, Carcassonne, King's Creek, 9, in the Union building.
Roxana, and Big Branch,
Only one showing of the feature
A complete system of listening is scheduled, and it will begin at
centers was finished in Leslie coun- 5:45 pm, Admission is 10c.
ty last week, this being the first
time that a systematic location of
centers had been completed for an
entire county.
People living adjacent to the cenBy Doris Singleton
ters are encouraged to come to That women now in college should
them to listen to news, agricultural
complete their educabroadcasts, and other programs of remain and
tion in preference to joining the
interest, Sulzer stated.
service was the opinion voiced by
the majority of the coeds interviewed this week in a survey by The
The majority said that when the
war is over women with a liberal,
Monday In the Union cultural education will be needed
Feature begins at 5:45 more than ever to help in reconstruction. Many said that women
Mrs. Frank L. Mc- in civilian life could take over most
Vey, 3 pm , Tuesday, in the Brows- of the work that those in the service are now doing. One opinion
ing room of the library.
YM-r:15 pm, Tuesday, in was expressed that civilian women
should do this work because it
the T lounge.
pm, Wed- would be less expensive for the govDancing Class
nesday, Bluegrass room of the Union ernment. One student said. "I think
it is unnecessary for women in the
7 :30 pm, Friservice to learn how to drill, for it
Summer Swing
is doubtful if many will ever see
day, Card room. Union building.
"Target for Tonight" 4:10 pm, foreign service. They dont need to
Monday, University high school au- know how to march to handle an
office Job."
One coed stated that considering
"Land of Liberty" 7 pm, Tuesthe situation from a selfish standday, University high school
point, she would prefer to remain

Degree Applications.
Must Be Filed
All seniors and graduate students who expect to complete
their requirements for graduation In August must make application for degrees before Sat- urday, August 7, according to


Dean Leo Chamberlain.
No student will be considered
for graduation who has not filed an application. Applications
will be filed in Room 16 of the
Administration building.

"Summer Swing"
Set For Tonight

A "Summer Swing" dance will
be given Friday night from 6 to
7:15 In the Card room of the Student Union wider the sponsorship
of the Union date bureau.
The dance is in honor of the new
ASTP students on the campus. A
member of the date bureau committee said that the date boreaa is
not arranging dates for the men
students for this dance bat nrgea
that all women students attend.
The committee in charge is comabout the status of the British col
onles." Canada, India, South Af- posed of Hiss Wanda Scrivner, Miss
rica, Ireland, Scotland, all of the Jane Denny, Miss Mary Jane
and Miss Carolyn Spfcer.
dominions under the rule of the
British crown, could leave that rule.
British crown, could leave that rule Donaldson Promises
at any time they wished, if they Field House Erection
"The wrong Ideas about the col
J. Lyter Donaldson, candidate for
onies are probably the result of the Democratic nomination for govques ernor, has promised that the proopinions formed by the tax
tion that was an issue of the Amerl posed University field house will be
can Revolution," Tandy said. "A erected if he Is elected governor.
"My intention is to complete the
British olony does not pay taxes to
the mother country. On the con- project if I am elected," Donaldson
trary it pays a tax to Its own gov said in a campaign speech in Lexernment.
ington last week. "To meet postHe concluded, "Peace must be war needs, an even greater expanfostered and protected after the sion and extension of the program
war, for peace is not yet a fact. To of improvements at the University
succeed it must be nourished. This are under consideration."
peace will be attained only when
The completion of the field house
one of the two conflicting ideas, is now uncertain due to the fact
democracy and totalitarianism, that the appropriation for it 'will
bows to the other. Life would not expire next June 30.
be conceivable for Britons and
Americans without the spirit of our YM-YMeeting
common democracy."


Scheduled Tuesday

Sings Cancelled
The community sings scheduled
for Thursday evenings will be cancelled for two weeks while Miss
Mildred Lewis, assistant professor
of music, is on vacation, Bart Peak,
Y secretary, has announced.

A joint meeting of the
will be held at 6:15 pm., Tuesday,
August 10, Bart Peak, Y secretary,
All students and soldiers stationed on the campus are invited to
attend the meeting.






"Not so many women are needed
in the service as there are In other
places," one coed said. She emphasized the fact that women
would be drafted if the need became great. "I dont believe in
militarism for women," she added.
"Women should stay feminine,"
was the opinion expressed by many.
Until the present day, men have
fought our wars and won them, and
they can continue to do so. War is
a man's problem, and he often resents the intrusion of women, they
agreed. Men in the service seem to
prefer women in civilian clothes,
and not in uniform. It is the woman's task to keep up the morale
of the men in the service. Several
said that the Individuality of a
woman is ruined when she Joins the
service, and that she is not able to

ter are to return from their furloughs Saturday. Two hundred of
the 400
ASTRP men had
arrived here as of yesterday.
Students are being registered as
they come in and "classes will becin
Monday for all sections that are de
veloped, according to Dean Chamberlain.
ASTRP trainees will be enrolled
in Term 1 of the basic program and
will take the same classes as the
service men.
The men will be housed in Patterson, Boyd, Bradley. Kinkead. and
Breckinridge halls. The possibility
oi tne use of Jewell hall is "not contemplated at alL Dean Chamberlain said.

Students Sing
At Winchester
A program of vocal numbers by
two University students, Florence
Fox and Emma Ploch, was presented at a meeting of the Winchester
Rotary club last Friday.
Miss Fox, who sang several
songs, and Miss Ploch,
who presented modern music numbers, were accompanied by Elmer
G. Sulzer, director of public relaLatin-Americ- an


By Shirley Meister
Question: How is the beer shortage affecting yon?

CpL J. W. Hooper, Fort Phoenix:
The shortage of Ballantine ale
makes me miss the little green
snakes at night.
Betty Dew, Education graduate:
It's mighty hard on the feet.
Scott Reed, Law Junior: The current beer shortage is encouraging
drunkenness by enforcing quarts an
otherwise temperate students.
stand the strain as is a man.
One coed said that she was going
Pvt. Lorin Cole, Breckinridge hall:
to complete her education because It's driving a man to drink.
her work was vital in civilian life,
Nancy Comer, Education junior:
and was the equivalent of any po- It's making me lose my girlish figsition she would hold in the ser- ure.
vice. Another said that her greatest objection to Joining the service Pvt. Donald Hughes, Kinkead hall:
quart botwas the fact that a woman in the I started drinking out of
tles instead of pints.
service did not have the right to
Robert Gilley, Breckinridge hall:
marry when and whom she pleased.
Another added, "I'm too lazy for It doesn't take much of a shortage
to affect me.
military life."
CpL Lawrence O'Brien: It breaks
On the other hand, many said
that they would prefer to Join the my heart
service and get the war over with,
Pvt. Tom Feist, Kinkead hall: It
because they felt that they could proved to me that I dont like ale.
return to college and complete
CpL Buddy Warbington: Dont
their education at any time. They know whether 111 make It or not.
said that if we could not win this
CpL J. McCuHoogh:
Being a
war, education would probably be
whiskey drinker from Texas, it
worthless. Another added that by
joining the service she would be doesnt affect me.
educated by the government. One . Pvt. David R. Bolle, Kinkead hall:
coed said, "I would join the WAVES It's been very easy on my alcohol
tomorrow if I were 21. I like Its budget.
traditions, what it stands for, the
Pvt. Henry GHnrimeyer, Jr.,
work it is doing, and the people Breckinridge hall: My blood pressure 18 points.
in it."

Women Should Stay In College,Say Coeds
in school because she would be able
to hold a better position after graduation than she would in the service. She also said that she believed
that the uniform and the novelty
of the service attracted many wom-

Classes under the new quarter are
scheduled to begin Monday, August
9, for all ASTP and ASTRP trainees on campus, according to an announcement from Dean Leo Chamberlain.
The number of men to be trained
here under the two Army programs
is expected to reach 1,200, with approximately 680 new men arriving
by Monday, the Dean said.
The ASTP trainees who attended
classes at the University last quar-

� Best Copy Available
The Kentucky Kernel



LKtet4 at the Port Office at - CeLIA BEDERMAN
tnfftoo, Ky., as second class matter
ander the Act of March .

Kernel Feature Page


Betty Bohannon

Kentucky IntercoUefiate Pre
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Pre Association
National Editorial Association
1.M One
9. SO One Quarter


Folks in Uniform


fld Libbing

Business Mgr.

Carolyn Hill, Dorii Singleton, Shirley
Meister, Mary Jane Gallaher,
Charlie Patrick, Bill Sprageni

By Tevis and Fleishman
Comin' In on a wing and a prayer.
Though one lung is gone
We will still carry on



eoa national aovumsme



That's what

CtlUf PmMtktn ttnmmUtitm

New Vosjk. H. Y.
CO Madhjom A va.
Cskiss aosrea - las Ssseus

those tuberculin



Song Spinners were singing
when we first heard the
ditty. But we'd hate
to think it's typical of the entire U. S. Army Air Forces. We
hope that
American youths do not chant
in unison as they return from
a bombing mission: "What a
show, what a fight, yes we
really hit our target for to-

conit&ered the opinions of the mrlter$
stfie! erHcles mx4toeotumnt are to bererect
aot asceMertly
the osiaioa 07 The XermL
ttesuelee, a4



Says Uere



will ya'?
Big pinning of the day: KD
pledge Beth McCullough, who

during the course of the last
school year wore a coupla'
other pins has now accepted
the sword and shield of Phi
Delt Dave Disbrow . . . how
that gal does get around . . .
heard he almost smashed in a
finger when he got slightly inebriated at the Country club
Saturday night and squeezed
a highball glass . . . whats. the
matter, Dave, couldn't you
wait to gulp it down? . . .
Sorority rushing is off to a
grand and glorious start in
various and sundry ways and
everybody's doin' it . . . biggest Chi Omega rushers seem
to be Betty Clardy and Doris
Smith . . ."Smitty," incidentally sponsor of the BEST
BAND IN DIXIE, seems to
have gotten in quite a bit of
rushing while working down
at Meyers on Bluegrass day
last week, hear tell she grabbed every prospect that walked
in the door . . . and it looks
like Clardy is goin' to turn out
swimming champion cause she
takes unsuspecting (?) little
girls out swimming so much
. . . and the Alpha Gams, Tri- -

Delts, Kappas, and KD's are
breaking their necks to keep
The heartiest congratulations to "Superman" Vincent
Spagnuolo, the president of
SGA who's all out to "get for
us what we want"
he finally became Colonel of the
Week . . . who pulled that
string for you, Spag? . . .
Seen Around Town: A lotto'
the boys returned to Lexington all dolled up in new clothes
this weekend . . . Lt. Bradford
Garrison, formerly associate
editor of the 1943 Kentuckian
. . . Pvts. Lewis Sawin, formerly managing editor of The
Kernel, and Marvin Meyers,
ZBT, both stationed at Ft.
Knox . . . Seth Botts in his new
"gob" uniform looking supremely happy makin loke to
Mary Jane Riggs . . . Pvts.
"Mae" Brewer and Phi Delt
Pryor Hancock stationed at U.
of L . . . Lt. "Sonny" Hall,
former SAE prexy, stopping off
for the Crawford - Shadwick
wedding on his way to California . . .
and 1943
cheerleaders Sister Dozier and
Mary belle Calvert findin' little
to cheer about on seeing an
entirely new campus this weekend . . . Chi Omega Jean Sullivan up from Frankfort handin'
out Rodes K. Myers matches
. . . KD prexy Sara Lee Mock
in town Friday on her way up
to see Phi Delt Bill Floyd in
Cleveland. . . .
So long now, reckon that's
all there is to tell, see you next
week, it says here.





The Saga Of Jewell Hall,
Or, Life In1 A Sardine Can
By Betty Tevis

This is my story the story
that was too powerful for Hollywood or Broadway or even

Street and Smith. So I decided
to present it through The Kernel. It is the story of struggle
ond sacrifice, of life and pain,
of joy and pathos and bathos
too. It is the story of life in
Jewell hall or Who Took My
Green Sweater?
Sometimes at night as I lie
awake, breathing alternately
with my two roommates, I
think of the wonderfully good
old days in Boyd hall. Then I
had one roommate, only about
fifty coke bottles on my desk,
only two radios going at one
time, only twenty pairs of
shoes strewn across the floor

every morning. Then I could
wade across the room without
much effort ond then, too, I
could study with only one person talking to me.
Those days (bless 'em) ore
gone for the
duration. "Ready to sacrifice
for their country, the coeds of
the University of Kentucky
have moved into one of their
original three dormitories."
Now I have two roommates.
Three souls, three beds, three
dressers, three chairs, and an
indeterminate number of pictures and clothes crammed into one tiny cubicle.
But since the evacuation to
Jewell, every dorm girl (a neat
phrase to distinguish us from

(Continued on Page Three)




Greetings all you lucky people who're havin' dates, fallin'
in and out of love, and in general havin' one helluva' time
it must be a great life but
from this corner it looks
mighty dull and mighty discouraging . . . gimme some
scandal, some good juicy talk,

we thought
- sounding


lowing, some UK juniors will
be returning to this campus if
all those rumors we hear are
true. If such is true, we know
of many a gal who will need a
"Brrrr! Looks like a cold wave.
good week to wind up affairs
and make everything look like
the good old status quo. Some
young hopefuls of the local
military will find themselves
lost, too. All in all we think
that some frenzied preparaBy Mary Jane Gallaher
does not. Or, creeping back to tions will be going on next
yur udesk, you spend the rest week.
'Is that a library hook?"
you ask the glaring student ,n who
a quavering tone, as you tim- - up a truck ond drive away MAKE ME? DEPT. Last Monidly extend an
paw with the whole library, you be- - day night we attended the
to examine the suspicious vol- - 'ng too frightened to question weekly dance in the Women's
Gym. We talked to one solanother person.
The second choice of whom dier who told us all about his
This task, of preventing
the book belongs to is a fate home town and his whole life.
books from being removed
Ha! we thought a conquest.
legally from the library, is worse thon death. It definite- As we left, he turned to us
painful to the stu- ly is state property; it belongs with o grin and soid, "Next
much more
dent librarian than any other, in the library. You suffer' un- Wednesday, bring some girls.
especially if he or she is not told agonies. The kidnapped wil you:"
the type who readily asserts volume is removed from the
his rights. Keeping the physics villain's clutches while he
Our idea of an interesting
either gives silly excuses or
students quiet, checking books
afternoon: sitting in the Grad- in and out, or making nine blusters remarks about the uate reading room staring at
cents change for those new unfairness of the library, the people who come in to pore
University, and particularly
pennies in the
over all those quaint and cur- department, are you.
ious volumes of forgotten lore,
Pressing the stolen proper In that tiny
all pleasant as compared with
stark room
ty to your bosom, you attempt its rows of methodical with
this job
to drag the scoundrel back in-Having inspected from your
volumes we would sit
desk as best you can a sus- - s,ae tne portals ot your room very quietly and stare intently
pect's luggage, without inter- - to collect the fine imposed for at our victim reading the Jourrupting his progress, for re- - attempted robbery. This
nal of Abnormal Psychology.
him to stop often re-- erc,se of authority and display He would begin to squirm and
suits in insults being heaped of discipline is frequently a look around apprehensively,
upon you and your ancestors complete failure. The crimi-an- d and finally break into peals of
forbears, you have reach- - nal generally refuses to pay hysterical laughter as he jumped the hurried conclusion that the Vne' w'" no give his name ed down the book chute in the
he is relieving the lihrorv of so tne sum may be collected stacks. We would really ensome ot its bookworm tood. from any other source, and joy making some of the dull
crim- bounds off with a sneer after souls o little excited. In fact,
Therefore, the could-b- e
inal must be halted immedi- making you feel completely just to add a bit of color, we'd
ately by whatever drastic helpless.
like to go into a frenzy someFor the remainder of the day in the Reserve reading
methods necessary.
You rise from behind your day, seekers of knowledge room and throw books at evdesk, race down the hall, and ' you crouched behind your eryone while howling derisive- nab the suspected one just as desk refusing to even glance 'yhe bolts for the door and un- - ,n inspection at their books as
We guarantee that library
der the very eyes of Tom Jef- - ney leave- 0ne experience a attendance would skyrocket
de-i- n
ferson, you search his property dy !s enough after that,
after a little escapade like
fear ond trembling for one pendence on the honor system that. That's alt our library
comes into its own.
of your precious volumes.
needs to make it a thriving
Upon glancing at the of- center of campus life and acTL
I ne iype.ee
fending sheaf of paper, you
are forced into one of two emDignity is a narrow,
To the boys in the 1548th
Either ble bearing which mental
the book does not belong in spindle-shank- s
try to stand e Service Unit of the Army Spelibrary at all, and you on when they have no other cialized Training Program, we
stand there on one foot, blush- - support.
offer a hearty welcome home.
We hope they enjoyed their
ing, then mutter an apology.
"Library rules, you know ha- It's a wise girl who invites furloughs. We hope, too, that
ha," hoping uncertainly that only married people to her they have come back with an
the innocent person will take wedding. All the presents she appreciation of some of the
it as a joke, which he usually gets will be clear profit.
nicest things about Kentucky.

Am No Sherlock Holmes,
So Why Don't You Do Right?


ink-stain- ed
















� fJ

Friday, Auguu 6, 1943

Tanks Test Obstacles




Page Three

The Saga Of The How And What To Write
Jewell Hall To Your Men Now In Service
No doubt the college men who3. Changes In social relations
are going in the service this sum4. Past events, places they used
mer have already made clear to
to visit, and the community's
their friends that they want letters,
night life.
newsy and frequent ones when they
They like to read that the family
reach some far outpost The Office Is "okay and busy" and they dont
of War Information, after a sur- like gripes about privations at home.
"Letters sometimes seem more
vey among men in the service at
Important than ammunition," Mahome and overseas, reports that jor
General Lewis H. Brereton,
mail from home and friends the Commanding General of the Amerright kind of mail is one of the ican Forces in the Middle East,
reading an inspiring
most vital factors in building and said in a broadcast from New Delhi.
-- college
letter from sustaining morale.
home, I decide to bound up in the
Advice to the college student
The men in Army and Navy Spe
morning at 6 and study until 8. In
writing a soldier overseas: Use
cialized Training Programs in colthe stillness of morning, the fiendforms wherever possible. If
ish little Baby Ben screams out and leges, other college men in camps, this is not advisable, include your
my roommates bounce up with a the boys on battleships and submareturn address in the upper left
single motion. "What time is it!" rines, or manning tanks
hand corner of the envelope, and
allow plenty
Apologizing profusely, I muffle the
white space
chine guns on foreign fields, are envelope for offorwarding on the
alarm and re-sit. Smiling hapdata by
pily I pick up my textbook, con- made happy by letters that give the Postmaster. Write on one side
veniently set near my hand. I start them information about:
of the paper. When letters are
to read on page 45. At 8 I am
censored, the material is actually
L Girls back home.
cut out with' scissors, thereby deawakened with a start by the same
2. News about friends at home,
diabolical clock. I am still on page
(who is marrying whom).
material on the reverse side.
Interesting, too, are the choice
little comments hurled out of second-floor
windows during the day.
As I strut proudly by the dorm on
the arm of my newest very big moment, I hear a shrill voice yen,
"LOOK I She's finally got a man!"
I Ignore my friends and turn to my
date with a bored look and a come.
ment about Tolstoi or
"HEY!" they call again,
this time shouting my name. He
looks up inquisitively and my illusion of glamour is ruined. Later I
return, slowly stalking up the stairs,
cold fury in my eyes. I throw open
the door and stride over to my ignominious chums. With impassioned wrath I call them my best
derogatory names. "Well,
grins one, "you should have thought
about that when you told my date
last week that I cared for cows in
the Experiment station laboratory."
What can I say?
My life Is an endless round of incidentsinteresting ones. I am in
the midst of what Saroyan would
love to dub a human comedy. I
like it. In fact, I shouldn't mind
having three roommates or even
(Continued from Page Two;
the genus mown as town girl) has
twice as many clothes as she ever
had before.
Things disappear, too. I have
never seen two cakes of fragrant
green soap that I left on my dresser
on two successive days. Also some
eighty-fiv- e
bobble pins and a pint
of cologne.
The alarm clock situation Is a
ticklish one.







There's A Dixie Dealer

Obstacles built by members of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at
Fort Belvoir, Va., test the mettle of a tank in a recent demonstration. The tank is thrown high into the air as it tries to
an obstacle, bits the ground hard enough to be thrown several feet
into the air, and finds it impossible to get over the pile of logs.


Taxicabs! Phone 8200




Try Our

Only 40c











Grads !

four. Probably



Corner Lime and Maia

Have your picture

Near You



now to keep an everlasting re
membrance of your college career. Come in and let us
show you at your best. Phone today for an

will, come


Croft Appointed

141 N. Lime


To New Position
Lieut. OoL Lysle W. Croft, Lexington, former personnel director
and instructor in psychology at the
B University, was recently appointed
classification officer of the Army
Specialized Training Program Basic

Training Center of the Infantry
School at Port Benning, Georgia,
according to a dispatch received
here this week.
Colonel Croft is a graduate of
the University and received his
PhU. degree in applied psychology
as well as his reserve officer's commission while in 6chool here.
He was Instructor in psychology
and personnel director on this campus from 1934 to 1941, In 1941 he
entered active military duty as an
instructor In ' ROTC at the University, and remained here until
March, 1942, when he was transferred to the Armored Force at
Port Knox, Kentucky.
Eye Examined




E. Main



Drive In Service

Glasses Fitted

Prescriptions Filled



Dr. H. H. Fine




De Boor
Opposite Stadium

North Lime





� Best uopy Avanaoie
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Page Four

Mrs. Frank L McVey
To Address Phalanx

Prospects Are Brightening
For Cage Team Says Rupp

Mrs. Prank L. McVey, wife of
President Emeritus Frank L. McVey, will address the Phalanx fraternity at its luncheon meeting
Wednesday in the Y lounge of the
Union building.
Phalanx is the largest and newest fraternity on the campus, having been organized at the University last spring and claiming seventeen actives in school at present.
The local group is known as the
Bart N. Peak chapter. Phalanx has
chapters in the larger universities
throughout the country and was
represented at the international
assembly at Lake Geneva in 1940.
The purpose of the organization is
to establish high ideals for young
men and to enable them to attain
these ideals.
Officers are: Bruce Kennelly,
president; Norman Cnrismmn.
M. D. Van Home, secretary; and Bart N. Peak, fraternity mentor.
Actives Include: Peak, Kennelly,
Coach Adolph Ropp
Chrisman, Van Home, Clyde Parker, Robert McNeill, Bob Rogers,
William R. Nickell, Charles Rupley, . . . sees possibilities for a
Frank Smotherman, Ray Witham, ketball team at Kentucky
Bill Spragens, Ben Cowgill, David
Lococo, Bill Barton, D. O. Burke, year brightening.
and Merl Baker.



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By Bill Spragens
Prospects for basketball at Ken
tucky in the forthcoming season,
which were rather discouraging un
til recently, have begun to brighten
up, according to Adolph Rupp, head
basketball mentor.
Coach Rupp stated that Ken
tucky will definitely have a team
this season, although it possibly
will not be on a par with teams the
University has had in the past
Nevertheless, it is Rupp's belief
that Kentucky will have a good
quintet before the season is over.
It is very difficult to find boys
for the team," he said, "but I expect to have a nice team despite
this difficulty."
This season's schedule will be approximately the same as that - of
previous years. Games have already
been scheduled with Notre Dame,
Ohio State, Great Lakes, and Indiana. All of these schools have
naval units which can furnish players for their teams, and are therefore sure of having basketball this
winter, Rupp said.
As to the individual players on
this winter's roster, Rupp listed as
fairly certain prospects, Parker,
Schu, Moseley, Smotherman, and
Back. In addition to these, a group
of freshmen, who will be enrolled
this fall, will add to the strength
of the team. Among these fresh-

men are Johnson from Mt. Sterling, who distinguished himself in
KHSAA tournament play at Mt.
Sterling high, and a new member
of the DeMoisey family, from Walton, who is a brother of former
basketball star "Frenchy" De
Moisey. There are other freshmen
coming this fall who should assure
UK of a good, although unseasonseason,
ed, team for the 1943-4- 4
Rupp continued.
It is doubtful as yet as to what
colleges in the south will have teams
this season. Coach Rupp stated that
no games have