xt7kd50fvd93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fvd93/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960-06-jul15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-06-jul15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-06-jul15-ec. 1960 1960-06-jul15-ec. 2011 true xt7kd50fvd93 section xt7kd50fvd93 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of tfe university
of Kentucky, July 15, 1960.

        The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky mnet in the Pres-
ident s Office c.n the campus of the University at 10:55 a. m. , CST, Friday,
Jul.y 15, 1960, with thre following members present:  R. P. Hobson, Chairma-n;
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, J. Step,.en Watkins and Harper Gatton. Absent:
One vacancy.  President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frark D. Peterson met
with the Committee.

        -A. University Purchases Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted a record of Staye Requisitions, Special Purchase
Orders, Emergency Purchsases and oth4er documents evidencing purchases made
by the University for the various departments and divisions of the University, and
made available the documents evidencing the type of reqtuisit-ion for members of
thSe Executive Committee.

        Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, th.e following requisitions and orders as processed
for purcn-ase of merchandise, supplies, material and other items for the use
and ber~eiti of the Univfersity of Kentucky were ratified and approved:

S.D. Orders .........................
State Requisitions  ...............
Special Orders  ..........  ..........
Emergencies, State ...................
Job Order Vouchers ..............
Stores Vouchers ..................
V o u1c3hters  ...........................
Order  by  letters  ...  ................
AthleticOrders  ...    .    ..........
Emergency Purchase Orders ....

Stores Material Requisitions  .........
Food Storage Orders  ................
Requests for Quoations ......

B. Eisement to Union Ligt,



1245 -1768
1 1142750
12.388 12917
PR675- PR779
J946 41380
L1353 -Lk824
12001 -16500

Heat and PGwer Company Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted an easement o thre Cnion Light, Heat and Power
Company, Cincinnati, Ohic, for extension of electric line to the Northern Center
of the University.  Th.is easement is made necessary in order that the power
company may furnish to the Nort.hern Center electric service.  Mr. Hobson "
examined the easement and did not note that there was any indemnity clause in-
clhded. It was recommended that the easement be approved, subject to thl)e
irsertion of a clause indemnifying the University against any and all liability
co-n.a,.ected with t're power line and t-he easement o be granted.


         Uponl motion duly made, seconded and carried, the easement was ap-
proved and authorized executed when an indemnity clause is properly inserted.

         C. Agreement for Correspondence Courses Approved.

         Mr. Peterson submitted contract between the United States Govern-
ment, United States Armed Forces Institute, and the University of Kentucky
for correspondence courses to be given to U. S. Armed Forces, and set forth
the charges as published in the catalog of the University. He explained that
the work to be done was regular and the fees charged were those previously
approved and recorded in the catalog, but the U. S. Armed Forces Institute de-
sired a contract made by special authority of the governing body. He recom-
mended that the contract be authorized executed.

        The Committee being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the contract was approved and authorized executed.

        D. Vocational Education Agreements Approved.

        Mr. Peterson stated that the College of Education had worked out with
the State Department of Education agreements whereby the State Department
of Education will make additional sums of money available for work in trade and
industrial technical education, for agricultural education and vocational educa-
tion work in home economics. He said that the amount of money involved
approximated $46,000. This is a new type of assistance and the agreements
are being reported to the Executive Committee for record purposes and author-

        Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the agreements were approved and authorized filed.

        E. Purchase of 506 Rose Street Approved.

        Mr. Peterson reported that the University now owns lot at 504 Rose
Street and house and lot at 508 Rose Street. The house and lot at 506 Rose
Street is available for purchase. It is owned by Mrs. Margaret Morgan.  Mr.
Peterson explained that the University made an attempt to buy this property
some two years ago but it was not available at a reasonable price. Now that
the owner has decided to sell the property, it was Mr. Peterson' s recommenda-
tion that the property be acquired. The house is a one-floor plan in front and
a two-story plan in the rear. It has an upstairs apartment and a downstairs
apartment, plus room for the owner of the house to live in. The house is
sub-standard, but because of its proximity to the University it rents readily
and is a valuable piece of property. President Dickey and Mr. Peterson
recommended that the property be acquired.

        Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the property was authorized purchased for the price



of $11, 250. 00, with the understanding that the owner is to furnish to the Uni-
versity a deed, abstract and survey and pay taxes assessed as of transfer.

         F. Budget Transfers.

         President Dickey recommended that the sum of $420. 00 be transferred
from the unappropriated surplus of the General University Budget to Account
20 to be used in connection with the reemployment of Miss Chloe Gifford.

         President Dickey recommended budget transfer of $1,200. 00 from the
Unappropriated Surplus of the University budget to Account 1380, to take care
of additional salary of Dr. A. D. Albright, as he assumes additional responsi-
bility as University Provost.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendations
of the President were concurred in, and the Treasurer was authorized to make
the necessary budget adjustments.

        G. Budgets Approved.

        President Dickey submitted an operating budget for the Spindletop
Conference Center. He stated that during the past several years he had been
making rather constant studies of the workshops and institutes operated by the
University and that we are finding more and more that the facilities of the Uni-
versity are becoming crowded, sometimes having to shift classes around to
accommodate these meetings. He recommended a budget of $25, 000 for the
purpose of making Spindletop Mansion a center for workshops and conferences.

        President Dickey also submitted a budget for the Department of Radio,
Television and Films (restricted account), of the College of Arts and Sciences.
He stated that this budget was not available at the time the regular University
budget was considered. He stated that half the salary of the technician had
come from appropriated funds and half from restricted income, from the
Athletic Association primarily.  He recommended that the budget be approved.

        President Dickey submitted a budget for tobacco research.  He ex-
plained that the sum of $54, 000 was appropriated by the last session of the
Legislature.  The ENperiment Station has been doing much work in tobacco
research but this appropriation and the budget submitted are to emphasize
further research for the tobacco industry in Kentucky. He recommended

        Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the budget for the Spindletop Mansion as a
workshop-conference center, the budget for the Department of Radio, Television
and Films, and the budget for tobacco research were approved, and necessary
budget adjustments were authorized.



         H. Gifts.

                            From: Mrs. Emma R. Duncan, Lexington, Ky. --
                                    $1,800. 00.

        President Dickey presented check from Mrs. Emma R. Duncan,
Lexington, ky,-~--in the amount of $1, SO-. G0, given irr suppicrt- of the- W. G. Dun-
can, Lexington, Ky., in the amount of $1,800. 00, given in support of the W. G.
Duncan,Jr., scholarships. He stated that this is the third year Mrs. Duncan
has contributed this amount to the scholarship fund, and recommended that
the gift be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carrried, the Committee con-
curred in the recommendation of the President and requested him to write a
letter of appreciation to Mrs. Duncan.

                            From: Ashland Board of Trade, Ashland, Ky. --
                                    $2,400. 00.

        President Dickey reported that the Ashland Board of Trade had con-
tributed to the University the sum of $2, 400. 00 for the purpose of financing a
workshop for teachers in the Ashland School systpm to study curriculum devel-
opment and community resources, the entire amount to be used for expenses
and salaries of two instructors. He recommended that the donation be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check for $2,400. 00
was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to thank members of
the Ashland Board of Trade.

                           From: Kentucky Utilities Company, Lexington,
                                    Ky. --$1,500. 00.

        President Dickey reported that the Kentucky Utilities Company, through
its Vice President, had offered to the University its check for $1, 500. 00, with
the understanding that this be used to help finance the furnishing of some of the
rooms in the Northwest Center at Henderson, Ky. He recommended that the
gift be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check of the Kentucky
Utilities Company, in the amount of $1,500. 00, was accepted and the President
was requested to thank the donors.



                          From: Contributors to James d. Gjrahram Memorial
                                    Fund--$75. 00.

        President Dickey presented eigh.t checks, amounting to $75. 00, given
to the James H, Graham Memorial Fund by various friends. He recommended
that these be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gifts were ordered
accepted, and the President was requested to thank the donors.

                          From: Westucky Swine Producers Associations
                                    Clinton, Ky. - -X$44 000. 00X

        President Dickey reported that the Westucky Swine Producers Associ-
ation had sent to the University their check for $4,000 .00 for the area share in
employment of a swine specialist. He recommended t.at fflis check be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, tile Committee concurred
in the recommendation of the President, and asked that h.e acknowledge the

                          From: Rainbo Baking Company, Lexington, Ky. -
                                    $750. 00.

        President Dickey reported that the Rainbo Baking Company had given
to the University the sum of $750. 00 to be used to help pay expenses of tile
College Business Management Institute that can not normally be taken care of
by University funds. He recommended that the gift be accepted.

        Upon. motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of thne Rainbo
Baking Company, in the amount of $750. 00, was ordered accepted, and tile
President was requested to t1hank the donors.

                          From: Mr. Walter A. Weiss, New York-Paidntir.g.

        President Dickey reported thiat Mr. Walter A. Weiss, through Mr.
Norman Schur, 42 East 74th Street, New York, had offered the Department of
Art a painting, Abstract #21. (Catalog No. 140) by Robert D. Ka.ufmann. He
stated that the Department of Art would he glad to have this painting for its
teaching collection, and recommended that it be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of a painting
by Robert D. Kaufmann was ordered accepted, and the President was requested
to write a letter of appreciation for the same.

        I. ApEointments and Other Staff Clages,

        President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments, salary
,;djustments-. leaves of absence, resignations, prc:0motions arid other staff changes
requested by deans and heads of departments.





           Nancy Scott Brewer, Secretary, Department of Physics, beginning
July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Swanie Ray Brown, Swimming Pool Attendant, Department of
Physical Education, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Ann Smith Ambrose, Secretary, Department of Zoology, beginning
June Z2, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Dorothy Day, Research Assistant, Department of Psychology,
beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

           Ronald Russell-Tutty, Program Director and lnstructor, Depart-
ment of Radio, Television and Films, beginning July 13, 1960p ending June
30, 1961.

           Thomas Franklyn Van Laan, Instructor, Department of English,
beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Robert H. Prater, Music Director, Department of Radio, Tele-
vision and Films.

           John A. Wallwork, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology,
beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.


           Anita Sue Harney, Secretary, Department of Political Science,
beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           La Verne Havelka, Departmental Secretary, Department of Modern
Foreign Languages, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

Resig~nation s

          Wesley J. Finnell, Attendant, Department of Physical Education,
effective June 30, 1960.

          Dale Metz Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Botany,
effective September 1, 1960.

          Calvin H'. Evans, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern
Foreign Languages, effective June 30, 1960.

Changes in Status

          William E. McCubbin, Associate Professor, Department of Physical
Education, adjustment in salary, to accept position as Faculty Advisor for
Department of Athletics, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.



           Bernard M. Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical
Education, adjustment of salary because of additional duties, beginning July
1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Donna Mae Reed, Program Assistant, Department of Radio, Tele-
vision and Films, appointment extended, beginning July 1, 1960, ending Au-
gust 31, 1960.

           Loren D. Carlson, Professor and Chairman of the Department
of Physiology, Medical Center, to have joint appointment with the Department
of Anatomy and Physiology, College of Arts and Sciences, beginning September
1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Jesse G. Harris, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology,
Medical Center, to have joint appointment in the Department of Psychology,
College of Arts and Sciences, beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30,

           Carl B. Cone, Professor, Department of History, adjustment in
salary, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961. and to be Acting Held
of the Department of History, spring semester and summer of 1961.

           Leon Zolondek, Assistant Professor, Department of Ancient
Languages, appointment continued beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31,
1960 (regular appointment to begin September ).

Leaves of Absence

           Thomas D. Clark, Professor, Department of. 1istory, leave,
beginning February 1, 1961, ending May 31, 1961, to be VisitingProfessor
at the University of Wisconsin.

           James Merton England, Professor, Department of History, leave
beginning August 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Albert D. Kirwan, Professor, Department of History, sabbatical
leave beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           James H. Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern
Foreign Languages, leave, beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30,
1961, to teach in Canal Zone school system.

          R. Fletcher Gabbard, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics,
leave, beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

          Richard Hanau, Professor, Department of Physics, leave, begin-
ning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

Resignations (continued)

          Lois Goodrich, Part-time Stenographer, Department of Physical
Education, effective September 1, 1960.





           George A. Hillery, Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of Rural
Sociology and Department of Sociology, Arts, and Sciences, beginning July 1,
1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Mary Lou Conder, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Train-
ing, Barren County, Glasgow, beginning July 1, 1960.

           Mary Dell McCain, Home Demonstration Agent, Monroe County,
Tompkinsville, beginning July i, 1960.

           Marion S. Mochow, Assistant in Animal Pathology, beginning
July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Martha L. Miller, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Train-
ing, Bullitt County, Shepherdsville, beginning July 1, 1960.


           June Anderson Robertson, Foods and Nutrition Specialist, Exten-
sion, effective August 1, 1960.

           Ernest J. Nesius, Associate Director of Extrnsion, effective
August 1, 1960.

Changes in Status

           Joyce T. Hewitt, Clerk, Carroll County, Carrollton, adjustment
in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.

           Robert H. Wolfe, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Pike
County, Pikeville, to Associate County Agricultural Agent, same county,
beginning July 1, 1960.

          Iris Dixie Grugin, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Breckinridge County, Hardinsburg, to Home Demonstration Agent, Anderson
County, Lawrenceburg, with adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.

          Tommye Campbell, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, Barren
County, Glasgow, to Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, Fayette County,
Lexington, with adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.

          Robert E. Eplee, Assistant County Agricultural Agent, Rowan
County, Morehead, to Associate County Agricultural Agent, same county,
with adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.

          Barbara T. Johnson, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, to Secretary,
Experiment Station, with adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.



           James S. Evans, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, con-
 tinue appointment, beginning July 1, 1960, ending September 15, 1960.

           Marvin R. Selke, Half-time Instructor, continuation of appoint-
ment, beginning July 1, 1960.

           J. B. Williams, Associate County Agent, Warren County, Bowl-
ing Green, to Area Extension Agent in Rural Development, Breckinridge
and Grayson Counties, Leitchfield, beginning July 1, 1960.

           Joseph H. Havelka, Research Assistant, continuation of appoint-
ment, beginning July 1, 1960.

           John W. Hubbard, Research Assistant, continuation of appointment,
beginning July 1, 1960.

Leaves of Absence

           Harry Hudson Bailey, Associate Professor, Agronomy, leave
beginning July 1, 1960, ending May 31, 1961 (with ICA Contract Team in Indo-

           Harry Randolph Richards, Assistant Professor, Agronomy,
leave, beginning July 1, 1960.

Resignations (continued)

           Donald Ray Dowden, Instructor, Dairying, effective July 1, 1960.

           Barbara Parks Hord, Clerk-Stenographer, Extension, effective
August 1, 1960.

           Nona T. Akridge, Home Demonstration Agent, Caldwell County,
Princeton, effective August 1, 1960.

           W. Aubrey Etherington, Field Agent in Cream Grading, effective
July 1, 1960.

           Norma Rae Hammons, Clerk-Stenographer, Agricultural Engineer-
ing, effective July 23, 1960.

           Robert B. Grainger, Associate Professor, Animal Husbandry,
effective October 1, 1960.

           Barbara W. Allen, Secretary, Experiment Station, effective
July 18, 1960.

           The following Extension Specialists and Workers, salary adjust-
ments, effective July 1, 1.960:

Agricultural Economics
           Stephe-n Q.Allen, Wilmer Browning, Everette Mackey, Russell
Robertson, Zach Saufley, William Woodrow and C. 0. Bondurant.



Home Economics Extension
           Marian Bartlett, Elizabeth Burr, Elizabeth Helton, Verna Latzke,
Gladys Lickert, Rachel Rowland, Kathryn Sebree, Frances Stallard, Dorothy

Home Demonstration District Leaders--Women
           LHeone Gilett, Catherine Knarr, Florence Parker, Vandilla Price,
Ruth Saunders and Wilma Vandiver.

Agronomy George Everett, B. W. Fortenbery, Russell Hune, Lyle Leonard,
Ira Massie, Harold Miller, Shirley Phillips and Warren Thompson.

4-H Club
           Conrad Feltner, M.S. Garside, G. J. McKenney, James P. Ros3
Boyd W.heeler and Emma Bybee.

Public Information
           William B. Ball, Louise F. Boswell, Frank B. Borries, Robert
H. Ford. Blanche Bushong, Robert May and Joe Williams.

Agricultural Engineering
           Marvin Hall, George Jenkins, Kermit Mills and George Turner.

          Garland Bastin, Wallace King, William S. LaGrange, E. C.
Scheidenhelm and Edward Troutman.

County Agent District Leaders - Men
          Ivan C. Grad-dly, . S. Kilpatrick, R. K. Kelley, R. 14. Lickert,
H. F. Link and H. W. Whittenburg.

AnimalI Hu sband r
          .ichard Miller, George Pendergrass and Grady Sellards.

Horticulture Department
          William D. Armstrong, Wilbur W. Magill and George A, Marlowe.

          C. E. Harris and J. E. Humphrey.

Rural Development
          Charlie Dixon and Agnes Dinsmore.



           James A. Newman.

           Mary S. Sanderson.

Rural Sociolog
       Ma7Ph J. Ramsey.



           Raymond Jewel Distler, Instructor, Electrical Engineering, re-
appointed as Assistant Professor, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

Changes in Status
           WflT!mm Jerry Coy, Half-time Instructor, to Research Associate,
beginning July 1, 1960, ending September 30, 1960.

           Will Kenneth Brown, Jr., Instructor, Mechanical Engineering,
continuation of appointment, beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

           Maude V. Terhune, Secretary, Electrical Engineering, continua-
tion of appointment with adjustment irk salary, beginning July 1, 1960, ending
June 30, 1961.

           James Hiram Graham, Dean Emeritus, Special Assignment, died
June 24, 1960.



           Anne Adams Armstrong, Secretary, beginning July 1, 1960,
ending June 30, 1961,


           Viola O'Bryant, Critic Teacher, effective July 1, 1960.

           Eleanor Evans, Critic Teacher, effective July 1, 1960.

           Betty P. Lastinger, Critic Teacher, effective July 1, 1960.



Changes in Status

           Ernest D. McDaniel, Director, University Testing Service, to
assume full-time position in the Guidance Institute, beginning June 13, 1960,
ending August 8, 1960.

           George W. Rogers, Director, Counseling Service, assuming
full-time directorship of the Guidance Institute, beginning June 13, 1960,
ending August 17, 1960.

           Ruth S. Osborne, Critic Teacher, adjustment in salary, beginning
July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Elizabeth Ann Kendall, Secretary, continuation of appointment,
beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

           William E. Steiden, Critic Teacher, adjustment in salary, begin-
ning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

Leave of Absence

           Martha Sudduth, Assistant Professor, leave, beginning July 1,
1860, ending August 31, 1960.



           Robert L. Able, Part-time Instructor, beginning September 1,
1960, ending January 31, 1961.

           Marian Van Horne, Stenographer, Bureau of Business Research,
beginning July 6, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.



           Guy R. Maudlin, Instructor, Mathematics, Cumberland Center,
beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Maralea Arnett, Librarian, Northwest Center, beginning July
1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Doris Elouise Cave, Instructor, Commerce, Northwest Center,
beginning September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Ulysses Fitzhugh Craft, Maintenance Superintendent, Southeast
Center, beginning July 15, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Glenn Lovel Shupe, Maintenance Supervisor, Northern Center,
beginning August 1, 1960, ending June 30. 1961.



            Uneva Jean Graves, Secretary, Extended Programs, beginning
 July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

 Reappointment s

           Arch Lacefield, Instructor, Modern Foreign Languages, Northwest
 Center, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

            Jo Dannel Cadle, Bursar-Recorder, Southeast Center, beginning
 July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

 Change in Status

           Faye Creech Bowman, General Office Personnel, Southeast Center,
adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.



           R. Thomas Fossett, Instructor, effective September 1, 1960.

C   gsintatus

           William S. Johnson, Instructor, adjustment in salary, beginning
September 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961,

           A, C. Glasser, Professor, to do research for two months,
beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

           Ronald E. Orth, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Chemistry,
to do research for two months, beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

           Harry A. Smith, Assistant Professor, to do research for two
months, beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.



           Leonard Bruce Lacey, Histological Technician, Department of
Anatomy, beginning June 27, 1960.

           Virginia Reynolds Wall, Stenographer, College of Nursing, beginning
June 13, 1960.

           Beverly Frances Daniel, Stenographer, Department of Medicine,
beginning July 1, 1960.

          Ann P. Pennington, Secretary, Library, beginning July 1, 1960.



           Glenda Sue Juett, Secretary, Department of Anatomy, beginning
 June 20, 1960.

           Judy Ann Erschell, Clerk-Stenographer, Central Receiving,
beginning July 5, 1960.

Leave of Absence

           Merritt H. Martin, Preparator, Department of Anatomy, leave
beginning July 5, 1960.

Re signations

           Willa D. Mullis, Secretary, Library, effective June 30, 1960.

           Eva E. Thompson, Secretary, Department of Anatomy.

Changes in Status

           Ann Greene Faris, Secretary, Division of Accounting, Medical
Center, adjustment in salary, beginning July 1, 1960,

           Helene A. Baynham, Office Manager, adjustment in salary,
beginning July 1, 1960.

           Thomas R. Ford, Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral
Science, promoted to Professor to coincide with his rank in the College of
Arts and Sciences and College of Agriculture.



           Jean Stull Spencer, Secretary, beginning June 6, 1960.

Re signation

           Christine F. Myers, Secretary, effective August 1, 1960.

     --sina Brenda Hays, Assistant, University & Educational Archives,
effective June 30, 1960.

Leave of Absence

           Chloe Gifford, return from two years leave, to be Director of
Special Activities for July, 1960, with adjustment in salary, beginning August
1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.





           Diana G. Haggard, Clerk, Coumseling Service, beginning June
27, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Betty Jo Foley, Stenographer, Office of the Vice President, begin-
ning June 13, 1960.

           Katherine Harelson, Hralf-time Assistant, Acquisitions, Library,
beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31. 1960.

           Donald E. Spears, Machine Operator, Machine Statistics, beginning
July 5, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Pat Holland, Counselor, Counseling Service, beginning July 1,
1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Billie Clay Dowd, Assistant Cataloger, Library, beginning July
1, 1960.


           James E. Seegars, Jr. , Cbunselor, Counseling Service, Dean of
Admissions, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Ingram Tryon Baldwin, Counselor, Counseling Service, Dean of
Admissions, beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

           Francis Marion Criswell, Graduate Assistant, Dean of Admissions
beginning July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.

Re signations

           Ellen Yelton Disque, Admissions Clerk, Dean of Admissions,
effective July 28, 1960.

           Nancy Foley Johnson, Assistant Admissions Clerk, Dean of Ad-
missions, effective July 30, 1960.

           Joan Weissinger, Stenographer, Office of the Vice President,
effective July 28, 1960.

Leaves of Absence

           Kathleen Webster, Assistant Cataloger, Library, continuation of
leave, beginning July 1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.

           Evelyn Evans, Serials Cataloger, Library, leave, beginning July
1, 1960, ending August 31, 1960.



Changes in Status

           James E. Seegars, Jr., Counselor, Counseling Service, continu-
ation of appointment for the month of June, 1960.

           Edith Hernandez, Assistant in Acquisitions, Library, adjustment
in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.

           John W. Hamblen, Director of Computing Center and Associate
Professor of Statistics, adjustment in salary, beginning July 19 1960,
ending November 30, 1960.

           Doris Rowland, Assistant in Acquisitions, Library, adjustment
in salary, beginning July 1, 1960.

           James Kinne Smith, Part-time Assistant in Circulation, adjustmern
in salary, for July and August, 1960, and for September, 1960 (ending September
15, 1960).



           Nettie Sue Miller, Junior Bookkeeping Machine Operator, Division
of Accounting, beginning June 20, 1960.


           William M, Caldwell, Internal Auditor, Business Administration,
beginning July 1, 1960.

           Henry C. Durham, Administrative Assistant, Business Admin-
istration, beginning July 1, 1960.

           Isabella Lycan Scoville, Receptionist, Personnel, beginning
July 1, 1960, ending June 30, 1961.



           Bess Dee May, Housemother, Alpha Gamma Delta, beginning
September 1, 1960.

          Polly Ann Davis, Head Resident, Dillard House, beginnirrg Sep-
tember 1, 1960.

Leave of Absence

          Dorothy Rodes, Head Resident, Holmes Hall, leave for the month
of August, 1960.



  Change in Status

             Mautrecia Ann Roberts, Assistant Head Resident, Holmes Hall,
  adjustment in salary for the month of August, 1960, only.



             Ingeborg Haagensen, Housemother, effective June 30, 1960.

             Katharine I. Cope, Housemother, effective June 30, 1960.

             On motion duly made, seconded and carried, on President
  Dickey? s recommendation, the Executive Committee concurred in the above
  appointments, reappointments, salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resig-
  nations, promotions and other staff changes, and record was ordered. made
  in the minutes.

              J. Vacancy on Executive Committee Filled.