xt7kd50fvd6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fvd6b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1903-01-jun2. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1903-01-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1903-01-jun2. 1903 1903-01-jun2. 2011 true xt7kd50fvd6b section xt7kd50fvd6b 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd., 1903 - page 185

      Meeting of Board..

      Regular June Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
A &8 M. College of Kentucky, held at the President's room,
Gymnasium Building, College Grounds, Lexington, Ky. on the
2nd. day of June 1903.

      Mr. D. F. Frazee in the chair.

      Present:    Messrs.          Patterson,

      The chairman announced that the first in order of
Business was the selection of a chairman.

      Mr. D. F. Frazee was placed in nomination for chairman
by Mr. Stoll, which nomination was duly seconded, and upon
the vote Mr. Frazee was unanimously elected chairman.

      The chairman announced that there being a quorum
present the Board would proceed with its business.

      Absentees excused:

      Upon motion duly seconded Mr. McChord was excused
for his absence.

      Upon motion duly seconded Judge Hager was excused for
his absence.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903    page 185-186

      Referring to the death of Mr. Marcum: By Mr. Stoll.

      I desire to now formally announce to this board that
Mr. James B. Marcum , who was one of the oldest members of
this Board in service, was assassinated in Jackson, Ky.
some time ago; and I now desire to move that the Chairman
appoint a Committee of three to draft suitable resolutions
upon his death and report to this Board tomorrow morning.
Said motion was duly seconded by Judge Kinkead, put upon its
passage and carried unanimously.

      Committee to draft Resolutions on Mr. Mlarcum's8 death,

      Chairman: I will appoint upon that Committee, Mr.
Stoll, Mr. Clay, and Mr. Bell.

      Reading of Minutes.

      The Chairman announced that the next in order of
Business was the reading of the Minutes of the last meeting
of the Board.

      Committee on Girl's Dormitory.

      Upon motion of Mr. Clay, duly seconded and carried,
the Committee to nominate and report to the Board, the
Board of Supervisors for the Girl's Dormitory was excused
to consider the report during the reading of the Minutes.

      Said Committee consisting of Messrs. Barker, Clay,
Frazee, Stoll and Bell thereupon retired.

      Judge Kinkead in the chair:   Minutes of last meeting
read and approved.

      Thereupon the Secretary read the minutes of the last
Board Meeting.

      Upon motion of Colonel Nelson, duly seconded and carried
the minutes were approved as read.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2nd, 1903 - page 186-187

      The Committee to nominate Board of Supervisors for
Girl's Dormitory then returned into the Board Meeting, and
Mr. Frazee, took the chair.

      Minutes of Executive Committee.

      Thereupon the Secretary read the minutes of the
Executive Committee of meetings since last Board Meeting.

      Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, duly seconded and
carried the minutes of the Executive Committee were approved
as read.

      Committee of Ladies appear before the Board.

      At this point the chairman announced that a committee
of representative ladies of Lexington, were present by
appointment to meet with the Board, to consult about the
Women's work in the College.

      Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried
the ladies were invited to come before the board, and
make whatever statement they desired to make.

      Miss Scott reads report of Conmittee.

      Thereupon said committee of ladies appeared, and Miss
Sue Scott acted as spokesman for the ladies and presented
their news, - urging upon the Board the desirability of
establishing, at the earliest possible time, a Department
of Domestic Science in the College, with a woman dean at
the head of said Department, on equal footing with the
deans of other departments.

      Remarks were  also made by Miss Clay and Mrs. Beauchamp,
and after some discussion between members of the board the
ladies withdrew.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 187-188

     The Chairman announced that the next in order of
business was the reading of the Minutes of the Faculty.

      Reading of Minutes of Faculty dispensed with.

      Upon motion of Judge Kinkead; duly seconded and
carried, the reading of the Minutes of the Faculty was dispen-
sed with.

      The next in order of business being the President's
Report, the President Patterson thereupon read his report
and estimates of income and Expenses to the Board which is
as follows:

      President's Report.

                              Lexington, Ky. June 2nd, 1903.

The Hon. Board of Trustees
        of the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Ky.


      I have again the pleasure and the honor of reporting
to you at the close of the current collegiate session a
year of great prosperity. We apprehend in September last
when the College opuhed a decline in the list of matriculated
students in consequences of the malignant and calumnious
reports that had been industriously circulated within
the limits of the Commonwealth, and beyond. These
apprehensions were fortunately not realized, On the contrary
the attendance has been larger than that of last year. Six
hundred and nineteen students matriculated, and not with-
standing the prevalence of the epidemic of typhoid fever
and small-pox the former in the early part of the year
and the latter during the mid-winter months, the average
attendance has surpassed that of any preceding year.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 188-189

      White there has been a slight decrease in the numbers
entered in the Scientific Normal and Classical courses of
study, the increase in the Engineering and. Agricultural
courses has more than compensated for the loss in the

      Under the operation of the Ferguson Law imposing
a penalty of County Superintendents for failure to do their
duty in making known the benefits accruing to appointees,
and making appointments as required by law, I look for a
largely increased attendance during the ensuing year.

      The Summer Schools, provision for which was made by the
Board at the December meeting of 1902 are likely to be well
attended and will swell the matriculation list of the
ensuing year.

      A good opportunity for making the College known will
be afforded by the meeting of the Kentucky Educational
Association in Lexington during the latter days of June and
the convention of Institute workers called by the Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction to meet at the State College
immediately upon the adjournment of the former body will
likewise bring into prominence the work of the College
and it's results.

      The knowledge of itt's existance and of it's work is
gradually becoming known in the remoter parts of the
commonwealth and every year brings students from sections
unrepresented before.

      The average class-standing, I think, has been well
maintained during the year now closed. We have in accordance
with the instructions of the Board a year or two ago raised
the standard of admission into the Freshman Class. Last
year we required three books in Plane Geometry, this next
year five will be required.


M1NIUTES OF THE BOARD Ci- TRUSTEES, June 2nd, 1903 - page 189-190

      This has made necessary a corresponding advance in the
curriculuia of the accredited High Schools. A request to
this effect has met with an encouraging response.

      Some months ago I invited the Faculty of Kentucky
University to cooperate with us in adopting and adhering to
a common standard of admission. The invitation was at first
favorably received but afterwards declined. This is much to
be regretted. It is a matter of great difficulty, when two
institutions are situated in the same or adjacent localities
and are recognized by the general public as standing on
the same plane for one to establish and adhere to a high
standard of admission when the other does not. Students who
fail to pass entrance examinations in the former or who fail
in final examinations readily take the line of least resistance
and find refuge in the latter.

      This has been our experience for years. In the end it
would be much better for all concerned to adopt a high
standard of admission and adhere to it. It would moreover
tend to elevate the standard of scholarship in the High
schools of the Commonwealth and thus stimulate Scholarship

      As heretofore the question of ways and means must
occupy seriously the attention of the Board of Trustees. In
addition to the expenditure formerly required we have now
two additiohal items in the nature of a permanent charge
upon the resources of the College viz: the School of
Mining Engineering and the Gymnasium.

      The salaries of the Dean of the School of Mines and
his assistant are paid by the State and hence do not contribute
to swell ouar budget, but the expense of equipment and of
current expenses unfortunately fall upon the funds of
the College.

      In the case of the Gymnasium all the expense of
instruction and maintenance - including janitors wages,
fuel, light, water and repairs, amounting in the aggregate
to three thousand Dollars ($3000.00) must be met out of
the College income.


MIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 2nd, 1903 - page 190-191

      Outside of these the bills for fuel, light and water
grow year by year; so that the ordinary appropriation no
longer suffice. More is required for advertising and more
for traveling expenses.

      The expenditure for fellowships - an economic and
effective means of providing the necessary assistants required
in the Departments on account of the annually increasing
numbers of students taking instruction in them grow year
by year. Growth means the enlargement of our educational
staff; the expansion of laboratories; the addition of the
most approved apparatus for instruction and research, and all
this requires expenditure.  While then, our expenditures grow,
our income has little or no elasticity. The income from
Washington is a fixed quanity and while the income from
the half cent tax grows gradually, its growth is slow -
so slow that it Go utterly fails to keep pace with
growing expenditure.

      The tax, cannot, I suppose, be increased without sub-
mitting the proportion to a popular vote. The public are
not yet prepared for this. I see no way of getting more
money from the State for current expense except by an
application to the legislature for an appropriation of a
small amount - say l10,000 annually to continue during the
pleasure ofX the legislature. This would meet our immediate
necessities, and if judiciously and economically expended
might through the liberality of the legislature be increased
in coming years. Another possible source of income has
been suggested viz: a tax upon collateral inheritance.
A constitutional is by some members of the Board, believed
to exist. On this subject I am not competent to pronounce
an opinion. I comnment it, however, to the consideration of
this Board. There are upon it jurists of distinction whose
opinion would be highly regarded by members of the Bar who
may be representatives in the General Assembly. I may add
that Missouri derives a large annual income from this
source - an income sometimes amounting to $125,0O0
per annum.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 192

Unless there be an insurmountable constitutional obstacle
in the way, I think the proposition would encounter little
opposition. It would not affect the integrity of the estate
left by decedent while in his hands and would work no hard-
ship on distant heirs who had contributed nothing to its

      It is needless to say that under existing conditions
the most rigorous economy compatible with efficiency is
emperative. The budget made up after careful consideration
will be submitted for your consideration and approval.

      The ever recurring question of additional buildings
and equipment required by the growth of the College, again
presents itself. The Engineering courses need most urgently
either additional or enlarged space. Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering have been during the past year compelled
to subdivide their classes because of inability to instruct
their classes in the rooms and shops in consequence of
their circumscribed area. The result has been a duplication
of classes and a corresponding draft upon the time of

      The Civil Engineering classes have been placed at
even greater disadvantage while the Mining Engineering has
scareely a local habitation. To meet these demands a large
appropriation is needed. The State is now practically
free from debt. There seems to be a growing disposition
upon the part of the Commonwealth to deal liberally
with the College. I therefore suggest that a strong
committee be appointed by the Board at its present
session to ascertain the needs of the College and place
them in proper shape as the basis of an appeal to the
legislature for relief.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 193

Application should be made for an appropriation of at least
10,00O  annually for current expenses and $150.00  for
buildings and equipment. The committee having this in
charge should be appointed now in order that time should be
given to collect Statistics and mature a plan of action.   I
suggest that it would be well to communicate with members -
elect after the election and in advance of the meeting of
the General Assembly in order that public legislative opinion
should be shaped in some degree before the legislature
meets. Personal letters should, to this end, be addressed
to each member.

      If the Board can see its way to the establishment of
a School of Law, I think the time extremely opportune. A
first class Law College could be constituted and conducted
at comparatively little expense to the institution gentlemen
whom I have consulted - representing various parts of the
State - all concur in the opinion that a Law College in
connection with the State College and under its management
and supervision, would be successful.

      Moreover the time has now come when some legal
knowledge will form an integral part of the education of
every man of affairs. Its   acquisition would be healthful,
invigorating, time saving and money - saving to the
merchant, the banker, the manufacturer, the man engaged
in Commerce and to all the industrial classes for whom
the Land Grant Colleges provide such an education as
the Act of 1862 requires.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 2nd, 1903 - page 194 -195

      The belief among well - informed persons whom I have
consulted, is that a good law school would speedily become
self - sustaining, and that at the outset only a sufficient
amount, in the shape of a small stipend, should be guaranteed
to the Dean whose responsibility would be greater that that
of his colleagues, and upon whom would devolve extra duties
of organization and oversight.

      While the College is anxious to encourage athletic
sports and exercises it is proper to say that they interfere
very seriously with study and the duties of the class-room.
During those periods when foot-ball and base ball are played,
many students neglect their College duties in order to
prepare for match games.

      We play none but bona fide College Matriculates and
hence our teams are composed exclusively of College men.
Other colleges with whom they play while professing to play
College men, incorporate with their teams, so our information
is - men who are called professionals - whose college
connection is merely nominal and who receive pay for
their services. This places us at a disadvantage. The class
standard which has been required by the College for eligi-
bility to play on match games is thought by many to be too
high and a modification and interpretation of the law
seems desirable. I commend the whole subject of
Athletics to your careful consideration.

      Our literary Societies do not flourish as we would
like to see, indeed one of them, the Union Literary Society
- the oldest in the College and organized under a charter
from the State - has for some years been in a languishing
condition and now may be said to be in a state of collapse.
This is much to be regretted. No more potent auxiliary
for the development of talent for composition, declamation
and literary culture exists in connection with colleges
and universities than well organized and well regulated
literary societies.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 2nd, 1903 - page 195-196

There has been a marked decline in interest and results
since the introduction of Athletic sports and Greek letter
fraternities. Whether this decline is due to the existance
of these I as- not prepared to affirm, but the opinion pre-
vails among many that their influence is adverse to
literary work in literary Societies.

      Our coupee is a very heavy one especially in the
Scientific and Engineering lines of work. We are therefore
shut up to the alternative of either raising the standard of
admission into the Freshman class or lengthening the subsequent
course in the College by pne year. Our work has been so
highly recommended and our alumni in such demand that we
cannot afford to compromise thoroughness and efficiency
of the one or the prospect of the other by slackening
the requirements which make excellence attainable.

      I am glad to report that I was able to make satisfactory
arrangements for the conduct of the classes in Modern Languages
during the year 1902 - 1903 during the absence of Prof.
Wernicke on leave. He will return to resume his duties
in September. The arrangements were economic as well as
satisfactory - resulting in a saving of about $500.00
for the year.

      The annual recurrent importunity for assistants in
some of the Departments, notably in Physics, Mechanical
Engineering, Pedagogy and Civil Engineering meets us again
as will be seen by the reports of heads of Departments made
a part of this report and herewith submitted. I feel the
need for the relief asked for, but Bow is it to be obtained?
The relief desired would cost not less than $3,000 to
begin with, and an annual increase to $4,000 before
the expiration of two years.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 196-197

      I have said to those who apply for it that under
existing conditions there is but one way visible to me,
of obtaining the funds necessary to pay for the assistance
asked for, viz:  a reduction in all salaries of more than
a thousand dollars. The saving thus effected might enable
us to employ the assistance required. I do not see how by
an economies in expenditure other than the plan suggested,
it would be possible to obtain the necessary means and
I shrink from this expedient except as a last resort.

      Salaries are now, generally speaking, not too large.
Our men are capable and worth more money. The problems
of an annually increasing deficit with annually increasing
obligations, must be met, and the sooner we face the dis-
agreeable fact and deal with it, the better.

      We are bound as trustees to manage the affairs of
this College on the same economic lines that a provident
householder would manage the expenses of his household, viz:
force the expenditure within the limits of income, expend
nothing for what is not indispensable and reduce necessary
expenses to a mi.nitmum.

      I renew my recommendation that a competent person
be employed and his salary paid from the Fertilizer fund,
whose duty it shall be with the co-operation of the Commis-
sioner of Agriculture of the Commonwealth to organize and
conduct Farmerts Institutes during the winter months
leaving him free during the early autumn and late
spring months for service in the College.

      This would educate the farmers in some degree in
Scientific and Economic Agriculture, would familiarize
them somewhat with the work of the College and its beneficient
results and would form of them a loyal and potent constituency
ready at the polls and in the legislature to advance the
material interests of the college.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 2nd, 1903 - page 197-198

      A beginning too long delayed should now be made in
this direction and made at once. I am satisfied that the
expenditure would be fully justified under a fair construc-
tion of the fertilizer law.

      I gm of the opinion that the existing conditions under
which students live now as compared with those of ten or
fifteen years ago are not so conducive to the encourage-
ment of studious habits and ambition tio excel in class -
room work as formerly. Dances, entertainments of various
kinds, suppers, banquets, athletic sports, contests, at
home and at other Colleges all constitute a series of dis-
tractions unfavorable to habits of study and industry.
These are necessarily attended with an expense which makes
heavy inroads upon the small means which many students
bring with them. A reasonable amount of recreation and amuse-
ment is valuable and productive of good results, but when
they become primary objects in College life instead of
secondary, the College opportunities are wasted and the
end desired is not attained.

      It is also quite apparent that concurrently with this
there is a manifestly growing propensity for mischief and a
disposition to break over the limits of wholesome and
salutary restraint.  I am ready to admit that other colleges
have a similar experience; that this spirit seems to be
growing througout the country.    It is none the less to
be regretted. The injury done to the property of the
Street R. R. last autumn, the defacement of College
property more recently, and the wanton damage to room in
the dormitories and halls of the college are instances in
point.  It has occurred to me that in the case of benefici-
aries who receive traveling expenses from the College
some efficient check within the limits of the law might
be devised and sanctioned as a restraint upon lawlessness.

      The more experience I have in the lodgment of young
men in dormitories on the College grounds, the more I am
convinced that the system. is a vicious one and should at
the earliest opportunity be abolished. It affords
opportunities for combinations of mischief and for


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 2nd, 1903 - page 198-199

evading and resisting discipline, and oftentimes for the
encouragement of vice. Savings effected by the remission
of fees and the gratuity of fuel and light in many cases
furnishes money for other purposes some of which are not
such as would commend themselves to parents and guardians.
I believe that the new dormitory could be converted at
little expense and with much convenience to the College into
a building for the use of the Normal Department or the
Academy. Prof. Anderson has at my instance prepared plans
for the transformation of the new dormitory into such a

      The time has now come when the Board of Supervisors,
provided for in the Acts - making an appropriation for the
erection of a dormitory for young women - should be appointed.
The greater part of the building will be ready for occupancy
in the early autumn. A matron is to be selected and sub-
ordinate officials appointed. Much will depend upon the
selection of the Board of Supervision. Much upon their
selection of subordinates.

      The female dormitory is to be self - sustaining. The
State will make an annual appropriation of $2,000 to meet
expenses of Administration. The amount is small. The
matron's salary and all other salaries must be met from
this fund. Great care and great economy will therefore
be required in its expenditure.  A discreet, capable,
experienced woman - a woman of dignity and culture,
association with whom would be an essential part of a
liberal education should be selected for matron, with a
good knowledge of housekeeping and business, a woman
who would know when to talk and when to be silent.

      The whole commonwealth has interest in the success
of this interprise and upon its success the future of
female education in Kentucky in connection with the
State College will. largely depend.


MAINUTES OF THEA BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 2nd, 1903 - page 200

It behooves us then to consider and mature these appointments
with the same degree of care that a wise householder would
make provision for the conduct and management of his own
household. Merit, dignity, capability, culture alone
should determine the choice.

      By the untimely and tragical death of our late esteemed
colleague, J. B. Marcum of Braathitt County, the Commonwealth
has lost a good citizen, the college a sincere friend ard
the Board an honest and capable adviser.

      This body will, doubtless, before adiournmennt take
suitable action to express their sense of his worth and our

      We are engaged in the work of building up a great
institution of learning, designed originally and mainly for
the education of the industrial classes in Agriculture and
the Mechanic Arts, but permitting the inclusion of literal
and scientific instruction not directly related to these.
The Colleges and Universities founded under the act of 1862
have grown and prospered beyond all anticipation of the

      The State College of Kentucky has shared in this
general growth arn prosperity. With less endowment than
most of them it has results to show greater in comparison
than any of them. Its alum-ni in Engineering in Science in
the Liberal Arts stand in the very front rank of educated
men and women.

      Though the State has done much less thus far than
it ought to have done in producing a sufficient fund for
its support, there is we believe a growing disposition to
give with a more liberal hand to maintenance and development.
You and I will pass away but the work which we have begun
will endure through the ages.  Men are ephemeral;
institutions are eteraal. May the State College if
Kentucky be of that number and may our names as related
thereto not be written in the sand.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 201

      In conclusion I beg to congratulate you upon the
general prosperity of the year and to commend the interests
of the College ard its arrangement to your careful consider-

      I beg to thank you for the generous support which you
have given me in the conduct of its affairs and for your
continued confidence. My duties as you are aware are
always exacting - oftentimes onerous and frequently irksome
and annoying in no small degree.

      I am,

                       With much respect,

                         Your obedient Servant,

                         (Signed) James K. Patterson

      The President filed with his report a statement of
estimated income and expenditures for the ensuing year
which is as follows:  ( See next page).


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUS5EES, June 2nd, 1903 - page 202

Estimated expenditures and Incoyre.

Expenditure Salaries


President        $3300
Prof s .Neville   2000
  n White        2000
  " Brooks        2000
  it Anderson     2000
  " Roark        2000
  " Pence         2000
  " Miller       2000
  t Mathews      2000
  t Werni cke    2000
  " Kastle       2000
    MacKenzie    1900
  " Faig          1500
  t Pryor         1600
  " Patterson     1500
     Logan        1200
     Blanton      1300
     Johnson      1200
     1 Whit a    1200
     Davis        1100
     Munceey      1000
  " Winston        900
    Frankel      1100
  r Frazee        1500
  " Miss Offutt    800
      " Hogges     600
  Mrs. Blackburn  800
    i  Jones       420
 Mustaine         800
 Dicker           700
 Mulligan         700
 Aubrey           480
 Florist          600
 Janitors        1095
 Fellows         1800
 Drawing          150

    State Taxes
Interest on Bond



MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 203

Civil Eng.
Mech. Eng.
Normal Instruction
Gen. Trav. Ex.
History and Pol. Sci.
Ath. Assoc.
Class Day


Total Appropriation

Fuel & Light
Repair & Shops
Sal.Profs .Employees
Student Labor
  " Traveling
Mining Eng.
Modern Languages
Cont. Fund

- $67,000.

      Pres. Report submitted to Committee.

      Chairman: Without objection the Report of the President
goesf to the Committee on President Report.

      After some informal discussion, Mr. Stoll , as
Secretary of the Committee to nominate the board of supervisors
of the women's dormitory made to the board orally the report
of said Committee, which is as follows:

      Nomination of Board of Control for Girlts Dormitory.

      The Committee makes the following nominations for
members of the Board of Control of the Women's dormitory:
Mrs. Geo. Didlake, for the term of six years; Mrs. Lee
Bradley for the term of four years, and Mrs. Prank
Atkins for the term of two years.

      Kr. Stoll:  I now move the adoption of that Report.
Said motion was duly seconded.

  1 ,500


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 2nd, l903 - page 204

Col. Nelson, I move as amendment to that motion the substi-
tution of the name of Mrs. Harbison for Mrs. Lee Bradley,
which motion was seconded byT Judge Kinkead.

     Upon the roll call, upon the amendment the vote stood
as follows:

      Ayes: Frazee, Ramsey, Nelson, Kinkead, - 4.

      Noes: Patterson, Barker, Ferguson, Stoll, Clay,
Bell, - - 6.

      The amendment was lost.

      Upon the roll call upon the original motion the vote
stood as follows:

     Ayes: Patterson, Frazee, Barker, Ramsey, Ferguson,
Nelson, Stoll, Kinkead, Clay, Bell, - -10.

      Noes: - Nono.

      The motion was unanimously carried.

      Resignation of Judge Bradburn.

      President Patterson presents ancd reads to the Board
the resignation of Judge Bradburn as a member of this Board.

     Upon motion of Mr. Clay, duly seconded and carried
the communication was received, and the resignation of
Judge B. W. Bradburn, as a member of this Board was


MINUI`ES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 2nd, 1903 - page 204-205

      Under the head of " Unfinished Business " it was stated
to the Board that certain things which had been diected
to be done by certain committees, and especially the
Executive Committee, had not been done because of lack
of funds with which to do them.

      Thereupon Col. Nelson made the following motion.

      Resolution giving Chm. authority to borrow $16000.

      Be it resolved that the Chairman of this Board, Mr.
D. F. Frazee, be authorized and directed to borrow $16,000
in such amounts and at such times as the exigencies of
the college require, in order to liquidate accrued obligations
up to July 1st, 1903 and to execute the notes of the college

      Said motion was duly seconded by Mr. Stoll, and put
upon its passage, and upon the roll call the vote stood as

      Ayes:  Patterson, Frazee, Ramsey, Ferguson, Nelson,
Stoll, Kinkead, Clay, Bell, - - 9.

      Noes: - None.

      The motion was