xt7kd50fvd5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7kd50fvd5r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1923-06-jun12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-06-jun12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-06-jun12. 1923 1923-06-jun12. 2011 true xt7kd50fvd5r section xt7kd50fvd5r 

    Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Mreeting of the Board of
Trustees for June 3.2, 1923.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session at the University on Tuesday, June 12,
1923. The following were present: Senator H. It. Froman, Cap-
tain J. R. Rash, Senator R. P. Ernst, Judge R. C. Stoll, Mr.-
Rainey T. Wells, Mir. Frank MIcKee, iM1r. J. I. Lyle, and M1r. Howard
P. Ingels.   Frank L. MoVey-, President of the University, and
Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees for April
were approved as published.

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the Business
Agent was read and Ordered incorporated in the minutes.    The re-
port was as follows:

                      UJniversity of Kentucky

               Statement of Income and Expenditures
               .from July 1, 1922 to May 31, 1923 and
               estimated Income and Expenditures for
               June 1923.

  July 1, 1922 to May 31, 1923
  Estimated for June 1923
      State Taxt
      Vocational Education Board
      Special Agricultural Appropria-
     Veterans Bureau
     {iis0 el lane ous

   July 1, 1922 to May 31, 1923
   Est imated for June 1923





495 ,554.44


563 ,554.44

Estimate8 excess of Inc ome over
   Expenditures for 1922-1923 -
   General Fund

                            (Signed) D. H. Peak




    2. Payment of Outstanding Notes..  President MoVey stated
to the Board that the following represented the outstanding obli-
gations which the University owes: Peabody Fund, $40,000; Notes
due fog Smith Hall, $9,000; McLaughlin Note, $4,500; Mulligan
Mote, w4,750.  The statement was made to-the Board that the
Peabody Note was secured by liberty Bonds.   A motion was made by
Senator Ernst, seconded and adopted, providing that any unexpend-
edt balance of the University's funds at the end of the year be ap-
plied on the outstanding indebtedness other than the Peabody Vote.

     3. Report of the President.   President McVey then made to
the Board the following brief report:

   Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:

        "In the short time that we have for this meeting I shall
  report briefly on sole of the happenings of the University
  during the past year and indicate some of the points in the
  affairs of the University that ought to be brought before you
  at this time:

        "(a) 1 2Pinancial Situation.    I would call your atten-
   tion to the fact that we are in a better financial situation
   than me have been in a number of years.   During the past
   year we have saved from the University's budget about 025,000
   which will enable us to discharge part of our indebtedness.
   In addition to this we have received approximately $100,100
   from the Bingham Estate as inheritance tax which will be used
   to build a new wing to the Chemistry Building.   We can proba-
   bly also use this to offset any loans that will have to be
   made during the coming fall, thus saving interest.   The archi-
   tects have estimated that it will cost about $200,000 to build
   the kind of Chemistry Building that we ought to build.   Mr.
   W~hipple suggests that about $60,000 can be cut off by not
   building the auditorium portion at the present time.   It is,
   however, necessary to go ahead with the construction of the
   Chemistry Building, because it is the only- hope of our getting
   more room.

        "(b) Memorial Buildiag.   The Executive Committee of the
  Memorial Fund has recommended the erection of a building with
  the money available.   It amounts now to about $135,000.   With
  this amount we can erect an auditorium having a seating capaci-
  +y of not more than 1,800.   Instead of erecting buildings such
  as these are we ought to be erecting buildings that cost half
  a million dollars.   We simply do not have the money to do it,
  however, and at the present time we can merely care for the
  needs at hand.



     '(c) Ra]2airs.  The following report has been received
from Superintendent Nhipple on the cuestion of repairs for
University buildings.   I am submittinp this report in full
as it may be of some interest to you.W

     Annual Report, Department of Buildings and Grounds
                   School Year 1922-1923
                       June 11, 1923

   President F. L. 1;IcVey
        University of Kentucky
             Lexington, -Te ztucky

   My dear President:

        Below is a summary of work done the 1rast year:

        ? 'Constretion.    Underground light and Power In-
   stallation.   This work was started in April.    It has
   been held up from time to time Tor lack of materials.
   The last cable is now here and the work will be com-
   pleted by June 25.   The work consists of underground
   conduits for lighting and power lines and two transform-
   er houses with two banks of transformers.    We buy the
   current as untransformed power at Winslow Street.    We
   save about one-third in the rate per K. W. hour.    This
   saving is approximately $3o000 per year.    The cost of
   the installation is about $90ooo.    It eliminates all
   light and power poles and conduit was placed for tele-
   phones.   The telephone company will probably place their
   cables in the conduit without charge, eliminating all
   poles and overhead wires on the campus.

        Administration Building.   All windows in the chapel
   Were overhauled and sills renewed.    The roof was painted
   and nut in first class condition.    This year halls and
   stairwells will be repainted.    The present paint has been
   on four years.

        Gymnasium Building.   A great dea.l of lebor has been
   put on this building the past year in the way or minor re-
   pairs.   Sash and roof and glass replacement being the
   biggest items.   A new floor in the Armory is the largest
   item for the coming year.

        Old Chemistry BI  din.    Only the necessary small
   ropaiiinz has been done on this building, leaving the
   larger repairing until the building is completely over-
   haulad .



     Neville Hall.   Just the usual small repairs on
roof, windows, and plumbing were made.   The building
should be repainted.   The past year the Dispensary was
     White Hall.   The roof of this building was repaint-
ed.  A sink was placed in the Art Dear rtment on fourth
floor and lockers placed in the fourth floor hall.   Num-
erous minor repairs were made.

     Mechanical Hall.   Repairs were made to both boiler
settings.   A great many roof repairs were made and the
gutters painted.   Lots of sash repairs were made.    This
year the exterior will be repainted.   Trouble with the
heating system is almost inevitable if we have a severe
winter.   The entire building is in bad shape.   A special
appropriation of fifteen to twenty thousand dollars should
be asked for for the rewiring, renewal of heating system,
roof renewals and interior repainting.

     Science Building.   A new laboratory was fitted up on
the second floor for the Department of Physiology.   Furni-
ture collected from other departments was used and the
necessary plumbing installed.   Numerous roof and sash re-
pairs were made.   The building will be reheated this sum-
mer.   The entire building is badly in need of interior

     Mining Building.   Two class rooms and two offices in
this building were repainted the past year.   Some rear-
rangement of museum cases was made.   Minor sash and roof
rem irs were made and gutters painted.    Cabinets were built
for Professor Norwood.   A women's toilet will be installed
this year.

     Observatory.   Roof and floor repairs were made to
this building.

     Hastle Hall.   Numerous sash and plumbing repairs were
made.   Plans are now being made by Coolidge and Shattuck
for addition to this building.

     li.v'irl and PhvsicsBuilding.  The gutters to this
building were repainted.    Sash and plumbing repairs were
kept up.   Professor Webb's and Professor Terrell's offices
were repainted.   This year the exterior will be painted.

     AOricultural Building.   The Agricultural Greenhouse
was reputtied and fainted.    The usual sash and plumbing re-
pairs were made.   Home Economics rooms, and in fact all


rooms in the building need painting.   Another toilet
should be installed for women and the present fixtures
rearranged.   New hot water storage system will be in-
stalled this summer.

     Education Building.   The customary sash, roof and
plumbing repairs were made.   T2here is a tremendous
amount of glass breakage in this building and wanton de-
struction and damag-e .  The boys' toilet was repainted,
all corridor walls cleaned and electrical switches that
had been removed were replaced.   Sets of shelves were
built and placed in the assembly room.    Several bulle-
tin boards were made and placed in the building.    This
year only the general repairs will be made.

     P           Residence.   Only small repairs were
made and a skylight installed in the studio on the third
floor.   This year the exterior will be repainted and
pergola drainage installed.

     Patterson Residence.   A great many small repairs
were made to roof, plumbing and wiring.

     Women's Gvmnasium.   Only minor repairs were made
to this building.   Another year's use is about all that
can be expected from this building.    It is Anything but
satisfa c tory.

     'ibrarv.  The office used by James K. Patterson was
repainted and a newtr lighting fixture installed.  Numer-
ous minor repairs were made.   Iamp posts at the front
entrance will be repaired this yenr and men's toilet re-
arranged and vented.

     e n'D _oritor.     Hot vwater storage tank heater was
installed and metal fly screens bought and installed.

     Patterson Hall.   The recreation room and dining room
were redecorated.   French doors wvere pleced between the
parlor and hall, and parlor and hall repainted.   Window
seats and bookcases were built in the reading room.    A
bath and living room for servants w~as finished off in the
basement.   A tremendous number of small repairs were made
to plumbing, furniture, doors, locks and key fitting.
Tables in the kitchen were recovered with zinc and stove
repaired.   The gutters to the building v.ere repainted and
new donmspouts put on.   The exterior of the building needs
painting and the woodwork above the porch will need replac-
ing in another year.



     Smith Ha1i.   The usual small repairs were made to
porches, heating and plumbing.   Extensive porch repairs
should be made and are, I believe, included in 'Miss
Crane's budget for this year.

     Boyd IHal.   This building was rented last summer.
Stoves were installed, some screens made and a fire es-
cape ladder put up.   It is not a very satisfactory build-

     Grounds.   The grounds are, I believe, in better
shape this year than ever before.   We are adding areas
each year to the mowed space.   Rose Street will be paved
this summer from Maxwell to Euclid and we will got con-
siderable fill without cost if we allow the material dumped
in the low places on the campus.    The city should be com-
pelled to put in a trunk storm sewer where the branch cross-
es the campus.

     Contemplated Construction.   A great deal of planning
has been done on a stadium and basketball building.    The
basketball building Wrill undoubtedly be built this summer.
The stadium,if the Idrive" is successful, should be start-
ed next spring.

     Heat.   The past year was a moderate one on heating
expense.   The Universityv and 'Experiment Station using
1,697 tons.   The coal was very good and we bought it ex-
ceptionally low, at $4.83 per ton.    The contract was let
to the same company again this year at $4.86 per ton.

     General.   Small repairs made up the greater part of
the work this year.   The two carpenters and the plumber
and his helper answering about 2,000 calls.

     Summgr .   ..Everywhere there is need of more money.
All buildings are badly in need of paint both inside and
out.   There should be enough money so that each building
could be painted every three years both inside and out.
Roofs need new flashings and new gutters.

     In cases where the slate is over the old flashings
it means a very expensive job as the slate must be re-
moved.   Until money is available to do the work properly
it means temporary patching and the showing up of leaks
inside the building befors they can be located on the roof.

     Drinking fountains are badly needed.    The Cafeteria
has no space to expand and the present location is bad.
Classroom and laboratory space is all taken,    Increase in



   growth the coming year will tax every building to the
   limit.   I believe that a recitation building, cafe-
   teria or commons, a girls gymnasium and girls dormi-
   tory are the greatest needs.

                                   Very truly yours

                         (Signed) A. 0. Whipple
                                    Supt. Bldg. & Grds.

     "(d) Student Attendance.   The attendance for the pres-
ent year is as follows:

          Registered in regular session .. 1785
          Summer Session .593
          Department of University Exten-
             sion ........ 706
          Guidance School .140
          Practice School .95
          Short Course ini Agriculture          6
          Short Course in Mining .35
                               Total.       3360

    "During the present year 528 students were admitted to
the freshman class from 151 high schools; 115 students were
admitted from colleges; 115 counties in Kentucky, 25 other
states, and 4 foreign countries are represented this year in
the rseular sessions

     "(e) Housing.   The housing situation for women is the
same as it hns been.   The University hns rented a building
across the street from Patterson Hall where about forty girls
are housed. All told there are about two hundred girls in
LJniyvrsity buildings.  Seve-nty or eighty live in sorority
houses, end the remainder in boarding houses or with rela-
ti Tes.  There are about six hundred women students.     The
thenT s Dormitory will hold one hundred men students and the
rest are living in town.   We shall probably have an enroll-
mernt of 1,900 next reer, and the question that is in my mind
is how are we doinl to house the student body.     The facili-
ties in Lqxington are already being taxed to the limit to be
able to take care of the students now.

     "(.) ThS Facilty.   We are losinz some of our young men
on the faculty this year largely because we are not paying
sufficient salaries.   There is a distressing need for in-
creases in salarieR.   Tie salaries of regular professors
ought to be up to :4,C0O, but the University has not the money
at the present time to do what ought to be done in this direc-



        "tF~.ThM h rowded Situation.  Recently a statement
   anpeared in the press of the State, circulated by the As-
   soc-aied Press, stating that the increase in the staff of
   the University of Kentucky during the past four years has
   been more than four hundred per cent.    The person who pre-
   pared the article evidently had been confused and failed
   to tale proper account of the staff of the Experiment Sta-
   tion.   The increase in the faculty of the University since
   1914 has been forty-one per cent.   The increase in the stu-
   dent body during that period is more than two hundred per
   cent.   The result is that we are crowded to the limit and
   many of the classes are entirely too large for effective

        "(h) General Attitude Toward the University     The Uni-
   versity is rapidly gaining ground in the favor of the State.
   The attitude toward the University is improving and getting
   better all the time and we are making considerable headway."

     4. Vote Qf Thanks to DoctoT IMcVev.  A motion was made by
TIr. Ingels, seconded by Senator Ernst, and unanimously adopted
offering a vote of thanks to President MoVey for the efficient
manner in which he has handled the affairs of the University
during the past year under trying circumstances.

     5. he Organization of the College of Education.     Presi-
dent 'cVey submitted the following plan for the organization of
the College of education:  (1) The course of study shall be four
years in length; (2) The College may issue the following degrees:
B. A, in Education, B. S. in Education, M. A. in Education, and
II. S. in Education; (3) An instructor in Educational PsychologR
is to be designated from the Depertment of Psychology.    The ad-
ministration and conduct of that Department is to remain as at
present; (4) Certification of those in any college who complete
the educational requirements; (5) Combination courses for stu-
d0ents electing work in the College of Education.

     6. Degrees.   A communication was read from the Secretary of
the University CSonate recommending the candidates for degrees.
On motion duly seconded, the degrees recommended were authorized
to be conferred.   The list of degrees was as follows:

                                       June 12, 1923

   To Presin ent Prank I. bcetry:

        h9e University Senate recommends to the Board of Trus-
   tees of the University of Kentucky the following persons
   for the dOeree indicated:



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

John Regan Alb~rt
Elizabeth Marshall Allen
-Toliver Rudoff Anderson
William Arthur Anderson, Jr.
Eston Jackson Asher
Lloyd Baker Averbtt
liary Virginia Barnard
Robert Haynes Barr
Daniel Ragan Baugh
Ann Holloway Bell
Sarah Gibson Bland ing
Dorothy Sacre Blatz
Tomie Clarke Bronston
Elizabeth Gheek Brown
arion C. Brown
Wilma Huffman Brown
Mabel Ruth Coates
Katherine Frances Conroy
Mary Louise Covington
William Gayle Crutchfield
John Robert Currey
Oliver Walter Cain
John Frank Dahringer
Thomas Clyde Davidson
Luanna Duckwall
'Charles Spurgeon Foley
Hallie Kay Frye
Hilda Williams Gaugh
Peter Tribble Gentry
Edyth Claire George
Russell Morris Green
Alice Miller Gregory
IMartin Thomas Gregory
George Dan Hagan
Pearl Beatrice Marie Hainor
Lyman Baine Hall
Jnmes Fobert Hamilton
Affie Pearl Hammond
Flenor I.T Henth
Mary K~ea ton
William Howard Hickerson
Anne Humphreys Hickman
Laura Given Hubbard
Ruth Hlughson
Alma IT. Hutchen
Elizabeth Holloway Jackson

Mary Elizabeth James
Joseph Hel.m' Johnson
Otis Lamont Jones
-Lovel Hampton Iiles
Ma ry Elizabeth Lyons
Irene McNamara
A. Virgil McRee, Jr.
Graurman IMlarks
Ruby Burrows Masters
Frei Overton Mayes
James Charles Mlerz
Cabyl Miller
James Thomas Miracle
Felix Zelma Monarch
Lorraine Chilton Monroe
Jessie Fry Moore
Eleanor Beeson Morse
Caroline Pope Nicholas
Margaret Gwynn Parrish
Dewey M. Porter
Dorothy Harris Potter
Lewis Talbott Pottinger
Virginia Amelia Quisenberry
Howard Foster. Ramsey
Virginia Reeves
Ioui s Aup-ustus Riedel
Ann IMary Risen
Mary Pleas Royster
Sam Bryan Royster, Jr.
William Alexander Shelton
Samuel Straughan Shouse
DaQh White Smith
Earl Hobson Smith
Gilbert Kinc Smith
Carlos Victor Snapp
Anna Bentley Sprague
Fugene Newton Steely
Beulah Mae Stillwell
FMilton Joseph Summerville
Henry Alexander Taylor
Sarah Margaret VanDeren
Harold Fenton Waits
Nancy Spence Williams
Augusta Winn
Emmia Lee Young
Lucille Aurora Yungblut



Candidates for the DeRree of Bachelor of Science

Thomas Corwin Herndon

Norman Carl Beese

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
             in Industrial Chemistry

Flavius B. Jones

George Ridgley McDaniel

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in

Anna Louise Connor
Elizabqth Field Hume

Fannie Summers Tarlton

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                 in Agriculture.

Casper Acree
Wal ter Southall Anderson,
Robert Raymond Arnold
Reynolds T. Bell
Reece Lawrence Bryant
James V. Coleman
Frederick Gilbert Crery
Jerome Parker Durhamr
William Goebel F1inn
Strauter Harney
Antoinette Harrison
Carney Agnew Hollowell
Charles Hubbard
James Fllison Humphrey
'thelbert Ilee LanRsford
Lennie Young Lancaster
Robert Daniel McAlpin


Paul William Miller
William Mason Phipps
John Peterman Pirtle
Nathan Gould Porter
Robert Randolph Robbins
Robert David Shipman
George Lindsay Spurlin
Harvey Wor hy Stednman
Haro ld Victor Tempel
.David Boatright Todd
Campbell ,Marion Wade
Clyde Watts
Phillip Reed Watlington
Jolh Blaine Williams
Feaster W'!olford
Ralph Hicks Woods

Candidates fo-^ the Degree of Bachelor of Scignce
              in Home Economics

Edith Alexander
Ruby Miller Barlow
Elise Levwij Bohannan
Sarah. Katherine Cequin
Opal Cox
Josenhine Ray Evans
Barbara e911 Hank
Lois Pearl
Helen Porter Roberts

Anna Bess Sargent
Sarah. Falconer Simpson
Georgia Trerry Thompson
Zula Threlkeld
Carolyn Turner
Elizabeth Clay Turner
Eva May We sley
Julia Alexander Willis


1 1.

Candiftates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                 Civil BnRineerinR

Moses Alperin
Dewey C. Antrobus
Benjamin Coleman Collis
James William Colpitts
Oliver Cromwell Green
James Redmond Kelly
Francis Joseph Mlurphy, Jr.
Edward Emmett O1Hara

Halsey larvrence Royden
Henry Franklin Sammons
Jack Chester Sammons
Estes Robertson Snider
Herman louis Straus
Byron Williams
Thomas Dempsey Woodson
Thomas Bruce Fuller

Candidetes for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
               M4chanical E'ngineering

Allie Frances Arnold
William Paul Ballinger
Earle Wray Baughmpn
Harrison Dudley Brailsford
John varly Burks
Robert Clar, Jr.
Fulton Warren Clare
Iilburn Clifford Davidson
Willis Taylor Dorming
Clifford Anderson Dulre
Bruner Clarkson Erd
Shel(Ion Emerson Flick
Charles Danne Graham

William Bowman Grant
William George Hillen
Bealy Austin Meadows
Clifton O'Neal Mock
Samuel Howard Ridgway, Jr.
Vene Coleman Rogers
James Lillard Shouse
Jean Bertrand Slater
Cloyde English Taylor
Francis Abe Carr Thompson
William Preston VWhite
James EldridRe Wilkins
John Keith Williams

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                 MIining Enzineering

Carroll Sparks Carter
Philip C. Emrath
William Alexander Nisbet
Guy Mloss Patterson

William Hayden Roll
Raymond W. Sauer
Merritt Turner Skidmore

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
             Metallurgical Engine ering

James Paul Cain
Thomas Hart Hagan

Horace Miller Clay

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

John Ransom Bays
Chloe gifford
John L. Hays
Earl Iexwell Heavrin
Oliver gilm-ore Keown
Willie Williams Kirtley
Owen Scott Lee

Carl Pittman Lipe
Calvin Hill Lisman
George William l~euth
Wilbur Crafts Pickett
Thomas Elbert Sparks
Bay Omar Shehan
Earl Schmuck Winter


12 .

              Candidates for Advanced Degrees

                       Master of Arts

         Education - J. Frank Arnold
         h'6'nglish - Ollie Depew
         Education - Edward Earl Gotherman
         Economics - George Hicks Gregory
         QEducation - Nida Burr Miller
         xJEducation - M.artha Crouch Payne
         Mathematics - Augustus Sisk
         Physics - Ieland Bradley Snoddy
         'ABotany - Celia Taylor

                     M1aster of Science

         Physics - Castle Wesley Foard
         Zoology - Floyd Livingston McCollum
         Geology - Eugene Sheridan Perry

              Master of Science in Agriculture

         Agronomy - Joe Frank Freeman
         Parm Mianagement - Julian Adair Hodges
         Agronomy - Edward Marshall Johnson
         Animal Husbandry - Wayland Rhoads
         Agronomy - Jacob Dewey Warner-

                    Mechanical Engineer

Joseph Guy Aud                  Reuben Thornton Taylor
Charles William Gordon          William Mason Wallace
Harry Edward Maddox

             Graduated "With High Distinction"'

               William Arthur Anderson, Jr.
               Luanna Duckwall
               Laura Given Hubbard
               William Mason Phipps

               Graduated 'TWith Distinction"

               Norman Carl Beese
               William Goebel Finn
               Paul William I-iller
               Samuel Straughan Shouse



     7. Insurance.   A communication on the subject of insurance
was read from Mr. Peak, the Business Agent.    His statement was
as follows:

                                      June 12, .1923

   Dr. F rank L. IffcVe y
        University of Kentucky
             Lexington. Kentucky

   Dear Doctor HcVey:

        I submit herewith insurance schedule of college property,
   showing value of buildings to be $1,185,200 and value of con-
   tents to be 1312,200; also schedule of Experiment Station prop-
   erty, showing value of buildings to be $323,500 and value of
   contents to be $93,250.   The total premium for five years on
   College property is $30,846.44.    After credits for cancella-
   tions the balance to be paid now is $17,162.19.    The total
   remium for five years on Experiment Station property is
   10,343.76.   After creeits for cancellations the balance to
   be paid. now is $6,200.59.

        In acdition to the above schedule, insurance policies are
   carried on barns in Experiment Station fields totaling $5,200,
   premiums, $198.98; and tornado policies on these barns, $5,200,
   premiums $70.92.   Tornado policies are also carried on barns
   on Experiment Station farm, totaling $5,750, premiums, $92.
   No tornado insurance is carried on other Experiment Station

        Tornado insurance is carried on all College buildings,
   totaling $29,500, premium, $242.    A fire insurance policy for
   $1,000 is carried on contents of Practice House, in addition
   to scheduled policies.   A steam boiler policy for $20,000,
   premium $709,12, is carried on boilers of ColleRe and Experi-
   ment S.tation.

                                       Very truly

                             (Simned) D. H. Peak
                                          Business Agent

     8.  E   for' Y. II. C. A.  A communication was read from the
University Y. I7. C. A. authorities asking that the University
Y. P. C. *Ae be allowed. to impose a fee on the student body for its
support.   The matter was discussed at length and several objec-
tions were raised.   It was pointa out btt the President that alit
ready the University contributes $1,500 to the support of the
Y. Pe. C. A. each year.  A motion tvas made by Senator Ernst, sec-
onded and adopted that the present policy be continued.



     9. _hrohas Di Coal.    President McVey reported that the
committee on the purchase of coal had readvertised for bids in
accordance with the instructions of the Executilva Committee at
their last meeting thereby saving $1,400.   The contract was
awarded to the Fayette Coal7 Grain and Feed Company for $4.86 a
ton.   He stated that the M-ountain Dew Coal Company had made a
lower bid, but that an analysis showed that their coal was not as
good.   He presented the following statement from .Ir. Whipple cov-
&Y-ng the point:

                                       JTiune 5, 1923
   President F. L. McVey
        University of Kentucky
             Lexington, Kentucky

  My dear President:

        Below is a tabulated list of bids received for coal for
   the University of Kentucky for the school year 1923-1924:

        'Monroe Warrior-Harlan C $5.12 Per ton        $9,216
        Mathew Addy-Hazard, $2.25 and $3.25 per ton   9,354
        D. 1f. Williams Coal Co., #5, $5.28 per ton   9,504
        Pendelton Coal Co., Beattynville, $5.23        9,414
        Miountain Devw, $4.69 per ton ,                8.442
        Jfinkead Coal Co., Hazard i,4, -4.53 and
                                  $5.03 per ton        8,754
       Fayette Cosl Grain and Feed Co., Hazard #4
                                  $4.86 per ton        8,748

        The iMountain Dew Coal Company has the lowest bid per ton.
  Their analysis is as follows.

       M-oisture 3.39%
       Volatile Matter 37.l13q?.
       Fixed Carbon 55.85:ff-
       Ash 3.6;3E
       Su1rhur .99%
       33. T. U. 14.21;3,

       The Hazard #4 from either Kinkead Coal Company or 'The
  Fayette Coal "rain and Feed Company, is as follows:

       Ash 4.3%,
       B. T. U. l4.854764
       Sulphur .9%
       Moisture .61%
       Volaq t ile a
       Fixed Carbon 60.1%



        On the basis of analysis the Hazard #4 is cheaper than
   the Mountain Dew Coal Company coal.   I looked over coal de-
   livered by the IM~ountain Dew Coal Company to five of the city
   schools and it was not nearly as good in appearance as the
   Hazard #4.   Service and heat value considered, the contract
   should go to the Fayette Coal Grain and Feed Company.

                                 Very truly yours

                       (Signed) A. 0. Whipple
                                 Supt. Bldg. and Grds.

     10. leave of ubsence.   On motion duly seconded, sabbatical
leave of absence was granted to Professor Z. J. Olney for one
year on half pay beginning September 1, 1924, for the purpose of
graduate study.

     On motion duly seconded, leave of absence Was granted to
Professor 0. B. Jesness from June 20 to August 8 for the purpose
of attending the University of Minnesota to complete the work for
his master's degree.

     11. Solectioll o Dean of the College d   Iaw.  The committee
on tho selection of a Dean foi' the College bf Law reported. that
they had not yet been able to come to a conclusion regarding the
appointment of a Dean.   A motion was made, seconded, and adopted
giving the committee appointed for that purpose authority to act
in making a selection.

     12. Resignations.   The following list of resignations was
presented by President MrcVey and on motion duly seconded, approved:

     Resjinatton of 'Mrs. Catherine Burns Ballard, stenographer in
o:f~ic~Of.'er. MIerriman and MIrs. Jones, district agents, Louisville,
eofective June 4, 1923.

     ResiOtiation of Mijs Margaret Coffin, assistant professor in
Home Economics; effective at the close of the present school year.

     Resignation of 1iss Blanche Jackson, clerk in the department
of entomology and botany in the Experiment Station, effective IMay
31, 1923.

     Resitnstion of Hiss Catherine Taylor, home demonstration agent
in Oldham County, effective March 15, 1923.

     Resina tion of Mrs. MNadie B. Walton, 'home demonstration agent
in Henderson County, effective April 30, 1923.



     Resignation of R. 'V. Blair, instructor in 1M1athematics, ef-
fective at the close of the present school year.

     Resiznation of 1. S. Perry, instructor in Geology. effective
at the close of the present school year.

     Resignation of Esther L. Baus, library assistant, on account
of ill health.

     13. Awcointmqnts. The followinr list of appointments was
presented by President McVey and approved as recommended:

     Appointment of Miss Cle6 Jarrell, stenographer in the office
of M1r. Merriman and Mrs. Jong1s, district agents, Louisville, Ken-
tucky, effective June 5, 1923.   The University will pay $50 a
month toward her salary.

    Appointment of Arthur 0. Mc'arlan as associate professor in
Geology for next year at a salary of $2,500.

     Appointment of Mark H. Secrist as assistant professor in
Geology at a salary of $2,000 a year.

    Appointment of John P. Pirtle as student assistant in the de-
partment of Geology next year at a salary of $225.

     Continuation of employment of Miss MTary WVest as teacher in
model High School at a salary of $1,400.

    Appointment of R. Es Jaggeis as student assistant in Model
High School for 1923-1924 at a salary of $600.
