xt7k9882nw6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nw6b/data/mets.xml Hall, J. H. (Jacob Henry), 1855-1941 Ruebush, J. H. (James Hott), 1865-1948, joint author Ruebush, W. H. (William Howe), 1873-1957, joint author 1899 1 close score (144, [4] pages), 21 cm. Call Number: M2198 .S237 1899 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2198 .S237 1899 English Ruebush-Kieffer Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Hymns, English Revival hymns Sunday school music Protestants -- Hymns The Sacred Hymnal: for the Church, Prayer Meetings, Young People's Meetings, Sunday Schools, Revivals, and Religious Meetings of All Kinds, 1899 text The Sacred Hymnal: for the Church, Prayer Meetings, Young People's Meetings, Sunday Schools, Revivals, and Religious Meetings of All Kinds, 1899 1899 1899 2023 true xt7k9882nw6b section xt7k9882nw6b  



Sacred Hymnal



A Book of Gospel Songs and
Standard Hymns

Dayton, Virginia












Church, Prayer Meetings, Young People's Meeting.sf
Sunday Schools, wawals,





Price, 30c. per Copy, $3.00 per doz., postpdd


Copyright, 1899, bv Tm: RUEnvsn~Kxnvnn Co.







®Ib 1bunbreb. L. M.

G. FRANC, 1545.


:1:f;i:j: :1 jTC:;:F::
1:53;; EgjijEEé: :5;

g"- -a— w- 7;-

Praise God,f1‘om whom all blessings flow ;l’ruise lliin,ull creatures here below ;


E“ l _ ’5
-Q. -r“ ’
:‘FZ:§’C—, g;







u 4 J 4 ' _! _{ —«j __: '
J‘__1,L l l L l l 1 l A" w/jhfiv J l‘ i ’l’ 2 _fi‘ l lA
T." l i ‘ i J ‘ fl J L a v

figtavé: :6—§4.:‘3 . 3:31 f’t;‘2~, ‘i ’ ””” %—l:/* '


Praise Him abovey ’. heav’n-ly hostTraise l“ather.Son.aml llo ~ 15' Ghost.



Gibc lorb’s Ebrmgcr.

II. R. PALMER by per.

















1‘ i J i
W n- - ' 1 1V” , ,|,,,,,,_
I\}J 0, W fifieh h__L,9_,,,WQ , mé,‘
b —r «9— -1—
1. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed he Thy name;
2. Give us this day our (lei - ly bread,
3. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
23 ¢ i via—Uh 3;
mi 9 w- ”l’ l
v l i l .4-
A -
gig i I 41 i * l i‘¥
‘ I) Lidififi A
(i) g, i a 6h 2 __ a! :l a E
b a #9— 45— —7-

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass a - gainst us.
For Thine is the kingdom,and the powereud the gloryiorever and ever. A - men.
6‘ -6-


Copyri‘ht, 1899, by Th: Ruobush Kiefier Co.



‘—~q§4w-" A



 pl)‘ ‘








f ' ) ‘1
ll OAbHIP.
“0 come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our
Salvation.” Ps. 95: 1.

1m. 1. €0ronation. C. M.


i J 1] 7] 1 1 i I J | i i i .
§§:§”E::jg:§: :3: —i3:E£__: 4F:-_E§: E413



All hail the pow’r of Je — sus’ name! Let an — «rels prostiate fall;
2. Ye chos—en seed of ls-rael’s race, A rem—nant weak and small,
3. Ye Gen-tile sin—nersme’erfor-get The worm-wood and the gall;
4. Let ev -’ry kin—(lred, ev -‘ry tribe 011 this ter - res-trial ball,
5. O that, with yonder so—creclthrong,‘Ve at His feet may fall,












i 1- —.1——o— —a— - —- -o- —1— -o- ,
4%, EE‘ _1:C::fi:'i: 144 E L I fig: it i Q‘_‘”I
'# i— 444444.44 9— 4—94! h I
l_.__.tf_ '_ _L'A A’ _L|1, } E I E l 1 if L]; ' I
l i
. a; J i _j : F “j:— 4i I J J 1"! L
, 44— 4‘4 4 4 o— 4‘4 6:::E44a- I a,
i —4 .14— 4-0 o a4 —44 4 4—— 444- ‘ 4
i$*f:l4h§:' 'jg:§ 0—39: "i 29—? swizmv-
'3 —3- N l \,
Bring forth the 10) — 211 (ii — :i — (lem, Anilcrown Him Lord of all;

Hail Him who saves you by His graceAnd crown Him Lord of all;
G0.spread your tro-phies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all;
To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe, And crown Him Lord of all;

\Ve’ll join the ev — er — last—111g song, And crown Him Lord of all;
























ts—r—uos . [Q ‘9 L9 5] V,
8"“ r1 6 IL k r—f
*, l i i if r i?~t——h9
v I L‘ I Ll __
‘\ A
7 j I J 155 j 1:; 14;“; «
~ 4-414 4:42— :1,— - 21:.
44— :- 44— 44:4:
t V f - l'
Bring forth the roy-al (:1 — a — (lom,Ancl crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,And crown Him Lord of all.

Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all.
To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe,And crown Him Lord of all.
We‘lljoin the ev - er - last — ing song,And crown Him Lord of all.







~ F
_ z -.-....._¢-.- , gr 3- ._
@figfi‘:’:}‘ _l:—E_E,‘_*:,:;:!:i rtQ—P* ' fi:





:fl— s . '01?- 1‘
El: l l



‘.-_- V , , “v-22‘ ."_'.i.‘;-. -V... 1.4



Mayan wad-m;



1m. 2. Duke St. L. 111.

J. L. 1111111115.



2: 1b 1 1 _1_ _L_4_L
* 25:1: j: L “ 1 jE :11:
221,311 5 5. :5 _-E4— iiiiii EE
5 ;1~—~'**':'~ / fl" '55
1. (7(1111001111' 511111.111 5:1 - 1'1‘6111211'5. AttemptthygreatCre-a — tur‘spraise;
2 Euthroned 11— n1i11 the 1‘11-11111111511heres.11e gin-ry iikc a garment, wears;
:1 Raisedon 1111-1'11-ti1’111’5 1111‘1-1’ Wing. 111')t111111.1111'511u1.1115E1111-1105511114;





li11t.011.11'hatt11111;11é c1111 Speak 11i5 fame?‘V hat1er5e12111 reach the 11111-1 theme?

T11 f111111 :1 111110 of light 111 -1i111.> 1‘1111 th11u51111d 511115 ar11u1111111r11 shine.

A111111>t111511rz115e 0111—11101 t11_1 tongue 1‘1 11 1i5t111mg1111r11155ha11j11111 the 51111;;



a ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ x
1 r J 1 1 150-0- ' 1 1
‘—QJEE'_ '_EEQEE_E £i~EQE :'.:,,___L.L' r7“
‘ 512:3‘11: 1;:3: ::E E L. if. :4. E1; E:E1é:‘
5’b’:““" 'T‘W'rt‘Vt "519’ W”"" ‘ ' ‘i;.Ez:tE






tho. 3. thauwcta. 11. 31.

115.111: \VA’1‘1‘5. 11.1 \1. 3111\111511


1. 131955.11 1111' 511u1.t11e 11V- i119,r (11111: C‘a111111111e thy th11'15 that 1‘111'93-111‘111111;

3. 1111-550 my 511u1.t11e (11111 111' 11111111; 1115 f111’111‘5 claim the 111211—1151 111111511.

3. "1‘15 116.1111' S11u1.th11t sent 1115 S1111 T111111? for crimes 11'h11tht1111u hastdune!

4. Let e1’-’1‘1‘ 111111117115 111111'1 11111111255; Let 1111 11111 earth :1 — (lore His grace.






. vo- . 5o— 5 5'5 _,_
1 -é_*E)_:—‘“b Eé—ifr ‘ :f:
@1965 9—55-55 5—5 I 1- 155‘-
EE.:.CEE:i:E::: ‘ i’ *EE :1.
1 I

E1EE ,. _ .. I E.- E E.
. 55 E5955 —5 55 14 55 155515 .
1 ::1_5' 0:, t2: :: ti; E335“. “:“rff:‘“ .7225:

w w :5 3 W
Let; a11thep11w'r5with-in 11113 join I11 11'111‘k 111111 11111-511111 .50 (1'1 — 1‘11111

Letno‘c the 111111111115 1111 113th wrought Bu 1115t 111 5i - 1e11cc 211111 1111— gut.
He owns thera11511111.:11111 fur-gives ’1‘11111111111‘-1_1' f111- “125 of (1111 111115.
M1‘heartandt1111gue.withmptnrejoin 111 11011 :111111111r-511ip 5o 111 — 111111.


, ‘—o— 55o— 5’5 ~ — ~.
g his—P—i 1 9— *C—“LEi: E! 172:: E3:' 13;;2 2
@ LEEEEEE—Efl—c- E1 19-534— E 11
EE EEELEEIE:_-:E r j E::: 1:? EEE LEE ,2-

By pet. The B. M. McIntosh 0).. owners £2110 C11p7rzght.









1m. 4. ‘ILingbam. e. M.

JOSEPH FUNK. Arr. by J. H. R



1/ 9
‘ 1. O for a thou — sand tongues to sing My great Redeemer'spraise.
; 2. My gra — eious Mas‘ - ter and my God, As-sistmetoproclaim,
i 3. Je - sue, the name that calms our fears.That bids our sorrowseease.
4. He breaks the pow’r of can - cel’dsiu, He sets the pris’ner free,

























G“ i“
i :i y]— I] _d‘-'9‘J:i£: 1'19- 0 -2- 1 i1,
- ,_ 11,—: . . 11 1 711' ,1 : 1' _
§Q§i9fij 1% E E :2 :2 i: lg i? " P:
. +1 9111'l 11 IF I I
.— g; —.~-—3"j'1:~i~l’ I 1.1 J J P. . 11 . \ j
1 ;: :3“ 4:11:13: §:#é1 191: a:g:t::—,:~:j:,—
I — :‘Cf; 505070 y7597r33— 779* 5 '75 0:: 50—4
1 My frreat Re-deem-er’spraise ;The glo - lries of my
‘ As - sist me to pro~ciaim, To spread thro’ ah the
That bids our sor-rows cease,’Tis mu - sic in the
3 He sets the pris-‘ner free; His blood can make the
. W— i\
i 1| 0' a ‘ 1 i
. —l- ,1 1' _ _ d 1'- . -1—
fi‘fi Ta— 999—59599 """ 99:99 “5:109:11: - 19:1:q
'5 —o—‘r—~~-——— ii—55L—fite—l -—~ .
99:99 ::a9 ‘ ‘9—9:“““:L‘—“9:::3
ll. \ , i i
i ;:_J1j_1i 1 [‘11 I r J 11111—1ji1l1 11“”"‘1":"‘:.C3:
——!—a— A—J—i—y ,- 1—111—4 34—0 I 777777 1—1——! .
i :1:': 721:: :1 ;‘:,‘:,9: :: i1:9“:‘99: 1911'
iv \ _v§:,_9 U‘T‘ :9 i d a: ' '99'v'
‘ 1

God . . and Kin}; The tri-umphsof. the triumph of Hisgraee,
earth. . a-broad, The hon—01‘s 0f. the hon-01's of Thy name,
sin - 11er’5 ears. ’Tis life amiheaithfltis life andhealth and peace,
foul - est clean. Hix‘biood a-vails, Hisblood anvai‘is for me,

‘ I \




i I i


i —p- -o— —0 -fl—-
@3 F:f,.‘: :19‘9 ":1" 19Ftvfi#fli#z9l‘E:I:I——L Lg ‘ E


1:31.111i11l1 [ g9 r l


, , : _.— 1!.— 1.1.411 _11___
: .11 _ ;: ':_. ,',111 1‘1 ' ’ ‘ :‘ ‘1‘::: 1"
5:11:11: 311, ‘ ; 3:1:‘3Ezz— :1 1:H


The. triumphs of, His grace. The ti'i - /umphs of His grace!
The hon—01‘s of Thy name. The hon - ors of Thy name.
’Tis life and health and peaCe, ’Tis life and health and peace.
His blood a - vails for me. His blood a- vails for me

,1 ’




1 _' fl_ -



.Q. A: .3“ .1-



The Ruebuah 00.. owners.

Jun-Ni- "

How-l—1m9 “—‘W‘ —->

m :sz-





L. a k-~v


7 ——-«-v a\,«

T’Vf" m1: '11;$‘J‘1’Ww




1m. 5. loving=1kinbne5a L. M.



SAMUEL MEDLEY. American Tune.
‘ —_l \___] —l A
774— «fl __1___ Hr“ 441v ——1 —l j‘ “4——
iii—4:4 j 444’} 4‘4:4 14,1 .1“: “:1 "4+: :4: :
—Egi7—l7 7afia7f33'7'o'77 :9:9 07 , a . 9:0.o;7o:Ea:l.—7a~
4;4 d‘i a l l 7 i"."

1. A—\\':1ke,111y 50111.11) joy—fullnys And sing thy great Redeemer‘s praise;
2 He saw me ruin-ed by the fall, Yen loverlme not—withstandi11g all;

‘75. 'l‘ho’ mum—'rous hosts of might-y foes.’l‘ho’ earth and hell my way oppose,

4. When trouble. like a gloomy cloud.Has gathered thick and thunder‘dloud,

_ -,Q,‘,






1 7&7—“i74774—7 3“ «5342:1431 1,
:F:t'—' fizLEd.,,,di'.A_i . _....I___. ' ”1'",



1 He just-1y claims :1 song from me; His lov-111g-ki11d-11ess, () how free!
l He saved me from 111ylostes—Eute; His lov—ing-kind-ness, () how great!
l He safe-1y leads my soul :17 long; His lov-ing—kind-ness, Q how strong!
‘ He near my soulhas always stood! His lov-ing-kmrl-ness, () howgood!
‘ .











1 1.91
“wjigili; Efiu; ' - i-Eiti—iriifif:
, ,, s. -1 *1
: —1 K *— -—_—4 577* —:7 77lfi7—li41374\ ——— mfi —
gt: 2:: 4 7 3; :215?:::23:EE3_A_2‘H
E [ U_T*?i

Loving-kind11:ss,lo\'i11;r-ki11(l1iess.His lOV -i11g—l(i11(l-1iess, 0 how free!
Loving-kindnessloving-kindness.His lov 7ing-ki11d-11ess, 0 how great!
Loving—kindnessloving-kindness,His lov- iiig-kind — Hess, 0 how strong!
Lox'i11;;7ki11), 12s, & 10s.




Lgifig ———~—— r W4, 4 jfLJL
; Mg9§i7fL—L_7_:LJL:9;7—7_;::17_!7771 1:1L %_:+g: Biff“:
, ::;L:;::': C'L L1 'LLDLL: L. LL? :L_0LL LgL’gLLLt
"‘ ‘7 l ‘ f/ l l
J \zl , . ‘ .
. lIo-lyL l10—ly. ho - 13;! Lord God Almight — y! Ear-1y 111 the

. l-Io—ly. ho- ly. ho - ly! all the saints :1-do1'e Thee, Casting dowmheir

. Ho-ly. ho~ ly, ho — ly! Lho’ the darkness hide Thee, ’I‘ho’ the eye of

. Ho—ly. ho-ly. ho - 11'! Lord God .>\l111i;:ht-yl AllThy works shall



‘ WW w d—‘T'c‘ 3 31333— " fi— CL: ‘7:
: : : 7 77:74 ::::7L LLL ,QLLLLLQL 73L '7 7
1: _, gfrf.—--L~-~Lm 1 £11; L “LL—”LL”;—



_L_' L’W':L _LL1_L_1___WL_ i___..


73—. fl '1 y L 7: L .Q:7$:'E:p‘, i
'3‘““* 3"3'31“ W” '" " r ' 3-

l ‘r’ ”r 1

11101'11-111g 011150ng shall ri>e to Thee; Ho -1_\L hr) — 1y ho - 1V!
gold - en crownsa-1‘mn1d the glas>y sea; Cher — 11 - 111111 and 59121 -phim
sin - ful 1115111 1‘11} gloq may not see; ()11- ly Thou an 110 - ly,
praise'l‘hy name. in earth.andsky.and 511:1; Ho-ly. ho - ly, ho — 1y.

‘\ r r L,

WE»: —1 L- 5—1—17 St - A—Eh





L \r
mer—ci-fuland111iLrl1t-ylGnd o—vor all, and blest e 4111' - 1131— 1y.
fall-111g dombefox‘c 'l‘hee.Wh0 wastand art. and W — er—more shalt be.

there is none beside Thee Por- feet in pow’r.in low and 1111—11 - ty,

mer-ci - fnl and 111ight-y! God o-vcr all. and blcst e—Ler- 11:11-ly.




L 4— ‘—
. gnu—ngfi—r: ’Wa-r 7' 81:1F7E7 —E———fo—o— a
giggle ILLLQL_QI( 1L L 1 LL”
—¢W— —-LLWL~IL»¢:_W;—: La 1:: Ll::f: Hf:




S l L .

9. lottie. S. M.




#1. c) l l L - LLLLlLLLLL



How gen - tle God’s com- mands,HOW kind His pro — copts are;

His bonn— ty will pm — Vide. His saints se - cure - ly dwell;

His good-mess stands ap— proved 'l‘hm’ each snc—ceed - in}; day;
Lg Lg-



"j "1




i i

- .-1


lottie. ( Concluded.)


J» I
:Lfii : r





7: l 9 , [fl 1 : J E 2 J L
':‘“—:5"“éi— ._ a l L Ii
0 o ,1 r, . Q —‘6l—L§Ei :0:j———Zl:tiy 7_
Come,cast your bur- den on the Lord, And trust His con -stant care
That hand which bears are — a - tion up, Shall guard His chil-dren Well.
I’ll drop my bur-den at His feet, And bear a song a - way.

4— it; A a- a. .n-

















gig—“E 2:2 : i E" i? : .5 2 :9 :2"? ii
7 ll : : F : 9 T I T l E ' 2
A L L r '0 I_‘ _:_ ‘ “9:: E:_ ii!“
E E F r—r—T F“ -
1R0. 10. Hmsterbam. 7s, 6s.
-i ' j i 1 LE J JI : i I
_ —i:' :“fl—‘i—H 3:34:1L :__:_:_!v1_ ___ #3
4: 2 4:23:45: MP? 2:2:4
f‘ J l H

Rise, my soul,an(l stretch thy wingsfl‘hy bet- ter por- tion trace;
{ Rise from tran—si - to - ry things Toward heav‘n,thy na - tive place.

Riv-ers to the 0 - cean run, Nor stay in all their course;
{ Fire, as-cend-ingseeks the sun ; Both speed them to their source.
{Ceaseye pil-griumeeasetomonrn,Press on-ward to the prize;

9° 5"" r 9357:

Soon our Sav-iour will re - turn,’l‘ri - um-phant in the skies.









l l ’:

.1- 4'- 41- _¢ - H. in- «'1; £4
@2133; ”—4”. “31:3 :: E' E rt l“ .l:
: Hi: Err—r; - E - - : EE” 2:2!

l l
$:———-—J~.;———J: -Lj~E—-+—41~J—4—- ~~¢¢Ej~—.


13333;; i 1: 92:3: ‘ 4:32.22—

Sun and moon and stars (1e - cay ;Time shall soon this earth re - move;
So a soulthat’sborn of God,Pants to View His glo - rious face,
Yet a sea- son and you know Hap-py en-trance will be given,







ifi:i:3 3:”: E : - 1 - -
@gf‘. #3:]:- F—;:‘ {9—— g—o—~oflo o——p——}L9—j]











Rise my soul and haste a - way To seats pre-pared a-bove.
Up- -ward tends to His :1 - bode To rest in His em-hrace
All our sor- rows left he - low And earth exchanged forheaven














_ _,__,#«:-_ 4:4- 2'2 e- -,o- 4 ::—¢- -.- 2 . __
@§~E—p—2—~~:§—~E~ E l: , : t H
LL : E I: F :u—Ei—oI: I i II
F : L : g I. h 4_ 2 LI

: u : : ;





L"mpg"._»M.—..-..¢.,.-.,.... , 1 . _


mo. 11. (Buibe. 78. D.

































fig“; t {i :‘agigj jia J ,js, .1
Q 1 _. A 1 A _ _ _._ _. _ _ _.
$.53; 3' Et’ tz' —?*E%+,l;g— :— 9%: ifflf - fl
,4 r y 4 1 . ' '
1. j Ho - ly Spir-it faith-fulguide, Ev-er near the Christian’sside, %
I Gen- tly lead us by the hand Pilglims in a des - ert land.
2. EV - er pres- —,ent tru - est friend Ev -e1 near 'l‘hine aid to lend. g
{ Leave us not to doubt and fear, G1opi11(r on in dark- nessdrear.
3 Whenonr days of toil shallcease, Waiting still for sweet re— —lease E
Noth— mg left butheav’na11dpray’,rWond’ring if onrnameswerethere
I“ ‘ H; 1% \
4-0- I. d"' .
Q—fi— Q— 4 0—2 4——— Q -
2 - 4— ft 82—3 ——~ 4—1 I 1 5
@g-A—L—t— E11 :E 7E: J: :1751 1‘ 1.4 1.!
=1: LT ' r U ' L1r 1 I -I
D.C. Whis-per soft-1y, wan-d’rer,comelFol-low 131e, I’ll guide thee home.
g :L 1 1 .1 a L_ D 0
” ° 374' 359‘: 1,— ‘té; 5::1
a 11: 19—0 — ~t6—O 4143—4-01



Wea - ry souls for - e ’er re- joice,W11ile they hear that sweetest voice,
When the storms are rag - ing sore,Heartsgrow faint,and hopes give o’er.
Wad- ing deep the dis - mal flood, Plead— —ingnonght butJe- sus’ blood.




































.. - 1 I4 4- 4- 4—4— e-
-.~1; E 13 “item +4— 1%4—4— 13:11! EE'H
1' 1' 11 1 L? I
1 L‘ r 1; ' L '
mo. 12. Sprmg. C. M.
a 1 i 1 11 1 1 1 i: 1
4 —1 _ _ __ __5_[L
'2— ‘i gig—I‘Ti—jlf J—Ejfl—O—l—Fjg— __t;:1l"—:_—;iv
1 I
1. O for a heart topraise my God, Aheartfromsin set free,
2. A heart re-signed,snbmis-sive,meek, My great Re-deem-er’s throne—
3. O for a low-1y, contriteheart, Con-fid-ing, true, and clean,
4. A heart in ev - ’rythonghtrenewed, And full of love di - vine.
5. Thy Spir—it gra- cionsLord,im-part; Di-rect me from a - hove;
*— 10- 1— -9-. 1 —p— 49— ~9- —9-'
@33: :L: _ L :::!Lg _‘: L‘—L L *5 -_ [
1 27‘— :‘—1‘- ." 22—2142 1“? 1‘ “2‘44 1
fl ‘ J A 1 ‘1 1‘ j 1 I 1 i I
:1:‘711é'—§ 1111111210 414%
: ‘__1—' L5' __4_ ' L 1 I _7 fiLo 1L1. JJ
0 af_g——__51__:_—o y 19—: .

A heart that al-ways feels the blood go free-1y shed for me;
\Vhere on - ly Christ is heard to speak,WhereJe - sus reigns a - lone! 1
Which neither life, nordeath can part From Him thatdwells with-in.

Per- feet and right,an_d pure and good, A cop - y, Lord, of Thine!
May Thy dear name be near my healrt—That dear,best name is Love.
, —o— ~o— 4 —o— 19-
[ 0. o _ U Q'—






gig? fib-tfi—wij .

By per. The R. M. Molntolh Co . owner! 0! the Copyright.

l T

:f—? .— L .—
l l






mo. 13. WOODEIOCR. C. M.














|’\ ’\
i3) [ E i l i 1“ i I L *l i J J j ’ ‘
, .‘ I 2 ’fi . . , ~—a———o—i— 45—1.;
‘1 ‘3 I L . *1: L1 - fid—‘I‘é‘wt‘iw'sT— *0 9
- w 4 L J L . . 1 I l .1 L’ l I
i U— - a a U - c a v l p a

1 How precious is the book divine, By in- spi - ra - |tion giv’n!

2 O’er all the strait and narrow way Its ra-diant beams are cast;

‘ 4 s, 3. It sweetly cheers ourdroop-ing hearts, In this dark vale of tears;
’ 4. Thislamp,thro’ all the tediousnight Of life shallguide our way,

















I u _/:—"—i a 0 L A A ’1 I d l ___‘| . __—‘_ 2——
; 'géi—Frfi~e—e;~l fee—Ej—e—tto—‘Ef—Ef'E—el—i
l r “their u
[L& j l J! J i A ' H A
fiV#1’—lll IjA‘JIOLe‘fi—Jt—fl _
§_y:g:::g:g3gg;_y:a—y_|:g:l:_,___:~_'—g:_§ —6_

Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine,To guide our souls to heav’n.
A light whose nev- er wea-ry ray Growsbrightest at the last.
Life,li§>;ht,andjoy it still imparts, And quells our ris - ing fears.
Till we behold the clear-erlight Of an e - ter - nal day.
41- #- -Q_- -E— 1-. -fl——fi— 1—0-










m Rossmx, by GREATOREX.

‘ :57iw1‘ch—j’ri fill—41 —l 1; I itifi¢__f ’\
—.~ v -o —a _ — A~ —~a« 6— ——E
fi—‘LE—r 3:,: 6‘:§: g4 :rLa l ii: 533
















. Ma - jes- tic sweetness sits enthron’d Up - on the Saviour‘s brow;
. No mor-tal can with Him compare,A - mong the sons of men;

. . He saw me plung’din deep dis-tress, And flew to my re - lief;
. 'I‘o Him I owe my life andbreath, And all the joys I have;
. To heav’n,the place of His a-bode, He bringsmyweary feet,
. Since from Thy boun-ty I re-ceive Suchprooisof love di — vine,

























4.61:5: ,1- -3 -9}
Egg—*rF—‘t‘fl—a— 9 9’ l 9 I ‘1591 a h”? LE FLLI l a I
5.24?!) [HE E ii £41 .9}! iii: ;* _tEE,§1L0.}gjl
___:T‘_g h;p_. fiL ILL L11 TL L l

l l l l l 2 I I I ‘ p ‘1 1 1‘ ' v

i _ ‘ 1 51 fl #4 fl A

IM- ‘3 QB 5 J; _ La—q--H——q~ttv-l U a la, l+ [r——H
f bi ' a Jfg’ -l‘ Ia 4|; lg-IOII
gzfl,‘ L_,_ LL 0 d— fl ttg__ Lg , l a l e . L,1I

P -o-| ' | l V

Fair-er is He than all the fair Who fill the heav’nly train.
For me He bore the shameful cross,And car— ried all my grief.
He makes me triumph 0 - ver death, And saves me from the grave.
Shows me the glo -ries of my God, And makes my joys complete.
Had I a thousandheartsto give, Lord,theyshould all be Thine.












6 o“ -P—- 9- 9
A _. __—_ _‘_ .—
53” _L [’1’ :LE it? kilo IPFF " __ '9 i
- 5: n [14 [um ‘.'i I to 2_ _.
T 1; r1? r1 I rr 1 .
. r kiln—hm m I L! .IL LL -
l 1 1 IV,






"' .-¢1“§“VfirfiwWa 9‘ .


110.15. 11301» firm a founbation. lls.

$222132- « §_;—_27; 2L 21::th
‘39! 3:!



L g L5;:i_:2§ j

'V . - .
I. How firm a fonnda-tion.ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your
2. “Fear not; I am with thee :0 he not dismay‘d! For I 21111 thy
3.“When thro’ the deep wa-ters I call thee to :11). The I‘lV-CI'S of
4. “The soul that on Je—sus still leans for re-pose I will not, I





L~—b—b7 LL—fil7 ‘ 222—77— 7



12 2:22


‘ ’ '91— 9— l — I 9997—9719;—
- :19 5,2222 1:' r79 :ILz2g:2 1 9 2_L.l‘2222!2::1
. , 2 if 2 . ,






aIt22 :4:;:L::tf_:£2 2_ II: I
L ‘ l l L
$341511 L L2"? .7. I:
22L -2 2 2- 2.2, 22!; Lj’Ile ”IIII22LI:I:II
22" 2322-122. .~ ’ 22: 222:22272— s ~~~~~ 51.

faith in His ex - col-lent \V 01113What1no1‘1-can lle say than to

L God, and will still give thee aid. l‘ll strengthen thee,h1-lp thee,and
sor- rows shall not 0- ver - tlmx , I‘m 1 xx ill be with thee thy
1 will not de-sert to His foe 'l‘hat soul 1111’2111 hell should en -
.92 p
l 9*: o 9———-— 79— 922. —5— 2—919».—
- '2_ _ 222 22 .22 22 21
22:22»: 22: 2: 2 2L 22222222
1 I: 1 r 2 " LI .




— L —L
7—64— ‘ ‘7 99— -—' 7 9 2* 222229—2222 (—f— . 7

—o- 31— -yI ~02 L _,- ~02 ’ ' —9-

3011 He hath said Y on who nn - t1) .le - 5112 for ref inge have fled?

cause thee to stand UL» - held by My rightw)11<.1)111—11i - p1)- tent hand.
trou- Mes to bless And sane—ti - fy to thee thy deep—est dis-tress.



deav— 01‘ to Shake Ill nev - 131' 111') nev - er. 110.11ev - er for—sake.
79*o_097 79—9 —9—o790—7 9—vo '- ———7 229—
222222 12 _ F 22 2- -222 .- 22
@L = 2L L122 2:22:22: 22 222 2H

22 g:I:I :I IZI 7122::2T I III II III:L:2 22:

L 1


. r


mo. 16. Evan. e. M.

114'. \VILLIAU ll. lle'nan-ul.
Slowly, gently. L I

11:15 727 ' 7-77—7i7L727-2— 72 —77 £77777 :7
gag 323122 E2I2I2'jo irijl I1 Jr ‘ I:E1.-IIF2:I





i2. 2L6:22L:t;—_;2L,f :52. t5_ I .327 _l2_;:22-2._22L_221226,.2
—o— ~9— >0— 79- ~29 ~a- 29- >02 -97 707
1. [11 11191‘- c_\'. Lord. re71nein-l)er me. Thro' 1111 the hours of night,
2. With cheerful heart I close mine eyesfiince Thmiwiltnot remove;
3. Or if this night should mow the last And end my transient days;
1 L
L — —o —~-o—— 9———29 —o— 0— 9—0 79 0— 22
- 2 Q T591: 1'9
- 12 90 L L 22 , 3:139 2 11 I I IIII I’IPIEZ:
2.92%2—2 III_,_:1_1:.:I2127:1:II122’7222.I.'l:l_i:: 2;:
l l l 1‘ l l







Evan. ( Concluded. )








A 1. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 I
Me 1311 113111111111; ,
19119—1? ——Efl 110 ‘ t 1 l! {a g 1 L 1 1 {1:2 3:1";
'1——— — ———c‘— afio— 5—"F 51——-4~
J ‘7 i -6- '___ -6r- 1—

And grant to me most; gra-cious-ly The safe-guard of Thy 11ligjl1t.
()11, 111 themorn-ing let, me rise Re-joie—ing 111 Thy 10101
’1‘11e11take me to Thy promised 1‘est,Whe1‘e I maysing’l‘hypmise.

@1131? 121:1:1—:::5‘?fl:11


.1 71—5




Mo. 17. 1| love 365115. 8s 8; 7s.


1 r 1 I
‘ 1 5 When the world my hea1t1s 1e11(1-i11g,With its 11ea1- iest stmmof< me,
1 ' ( My g1adtho tsto God as-o en(1~111g,Fi11(1 a 1ef -11"ef1o111(1esp111r.
‘ 0 g The1e’ s ahand of mer— —cv near me Tho’ the 11 (11 es of t1o11- 111910111 ,
“ TheOr’es 2111110111 of rest to chee1 me \Vhen the toils of life a1e oer
1 3 5 O, to Jest 111peaeefo1 e1 - e1, .101ned11lth 1151p 13) souls 21—hove,
1 ’ I V‘Vhe1e no foe my heart can sev- er From the Sav-iour whom I 1ove.
1 4 { This the hope Lhatslmhsustain me, T111 life’s pil-g'rhn-age is past;
i ' Tears mavvex 2111(1 trou-ble pain me; I shall reach 1111' 11o111ez11; last_


_1_.1_ —~ R“ *—
Egg: 3i: i:&:3: ti::::::: I‘:5‘:1:::EE::VE:Q_£
~__12: ét: 2:12:C::::1: 2:";:'::': :::L¢—_:i:‘1:: 3:: "i
1 F , v 1;


I 101%! Je—;~:11S,IIal-1e-111—j:1113 I love Je-m1s.yes, I 110, I dolove



—o— -o—-o— -o- —o—
___ +- :_,

Je — 5113; He’s my Sav- 10111‘; Je— 811351111110s11nd loves me too.





. 111,m1..wr