xt7k9882nw0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nw0t/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1965 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, March 1965 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, March 1965 1965 1965 2021 true xt7k9882nw0t section xt7k9882nw0t  

















Native legends say Ireland was first inhabited by various tribes,
of which the most important were Nemedians, Formorians, Firbolgs
and Tuathe De Danann} who eventually were subdued by Milesians or
Scots. Altho Ireland is mentioned under various names by Greek
and Roman writers centuries before Christ, little authentic is
known of its inhabitants before the hth century after Christ when
as Scoti, they harried the Roman province of Britaino These expe=
ditions were extended to the coast of Gual until the time of.
Lavgaire MacNeill, about h30, in whose reign St. Patrick attempte-
ed conversion of the natives. ‘With Sto Patrick's life the autha "
entic history of Ireland may be said to begin. Born in Scotland, ‘
he was carried to Ireland as a slave. He escaped to Rome and
rose high in the church. He returned to Ireland, to convert it
to Christianity. Altho the faith had already been introduced in
some parts of the island, it was not fully established until
about a century after his deatho But he made Ireland the great
missionary school for the propagation of the faith all over
VEurope. V










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Governor Lto Governor ' '
, Editorial A
, Prose Page . 5
Commissioner Depo Commissioner The Blue Grass State 6
Dro HAROLD BLACK-Director of Institution ChaplainsB Corner 8
BOARD OF PARDONS AND PAROLES ] Tall Tales -'34» [f,: is
Dr, FRED MOFFATT WALTER FERGUSON Department Reports ' ' " ' 11
Exo Director - Chairman
Trading Post 15
Member Mmeer Member . Sports Section ' -16
JOHN wo‘wINGO HENRY E0 COWAN" Mbuntain Crier ’ :20
Warden Dep. 'Warden ‘ ‘ '
Continuation 21
Deputy Warden Cap° of Guard Statistics & Jokes 23
Revo Ho E. INMAN Revo THOMAS CLARK Crossword Puzzle _g§
Proto Chaplain Catho Chaplain _
VocoInstructor Instructor That is all that it takes to buy you a
full yearns subscription to the Castle
CASTLE STAFF on the Cumberland.
KENNETH Lo DENEEN CHARLES BAKER Send your check or money order to:
Editor Associate-Editor
Illustrator Lithographer EDDYVILLE 9 KENTUCKY 142 038



Letters to the editor are encouraged and will be welcomedo They must be signedg as
anonymous communications cannot be publishedo In the event the author of a letter
wishes to withold his or her name from publicationg this desire should be indicated
in the lettero The letter will then».be printed without the signature' at the
discretion of the editor if it contains information deemed of sufficient inter=
est to all readersoaaaoEditoro

This magazine is published by and for the inmates of the Kentucky Penitentiarys
under the supervision of John‘WoUWingog‘Wardeno All or part of any article may
be reproduced provided proper credit is given to author and magazineo Address mail
to The Editor, Castle on the Cumberlandg Box 1289 Eddyville, Kentuckyo


- 1 a






A veteran prison administration eXpert who holds a masterls degree has been
named warden of the Eddyville State Penitentiary. He replaces the late
warden, Luther Thomas, who died last month.

The appointment of John Will Wingo. 519 who has 23 years of service with
the Federal Bureau of Prisons, was made by Corrections Commissioner Joseph

Mr. Wingo, was the supervisor of education and training at the medium se—
curity Federal Corrections Institution at Milan, Michigan. He will take
over his new duties on March 29th.

Mr. Wingo was recommended by Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Myrl
rAlexander. He has completed at least 20 years of federal service and was
eligible for retirement, Cannon said. .He "has a strong background in the
treatment and rehabilitation phaSes of corrections. we were looking for a
man with this background, plus a minimum of a bachelorfls degree.” ~

Mr. Wingo, a native of Iynnville, Graves County,' is a 1935 graduate of
Murray State College. For several years after his. graduation he was a
teacher and basketball coach in Graves County Schools. ’

In 1960, Mr.'Wingo was awarded a masterfls degree from the University of
. Michigan. His major field of study was education, with a minor in social

mr. Wingo has been at the Milan institution since l9b7. From l9hh to l9h7,
he was assistant director at the Natural Bridge Camp, Greenlee, Virginia,
an institution for youthful offenders. His first federal job - in l9h2 -
we: as a correctional officer at the Ashland Correctional Institution in
19 2.

With a background such as this, and the theme being "rehabilitation": the
man here at Eddyville may look forward to some new innovations in the
education department. At least, it is with this thought. and hope, that we
anxiously await the arrival of Mr.'Wingo.









SAN QUENTIN, California (UPI) - Fifty convicted murderers are
Quentin Prison's Death Row awaiting appointments in the gas chambero

jammed into San
But most are

confident they will never take "the last walk."

There has not been an execution in the
apple-green chamber for two years, la
23-63- although the state previously ex-
ecuted an average of nine men a year,
The lack of executions since that time
is not because of an act of the legisla-
ture or victories by opponents of cap»
ital punishment. It is the result of a
combination of judicial decisionso

Justice Marshall F. MCComb of the state
Supreme Court suggested recently in an
opinion that capital punishment may be
abolished by the courts - without the
support of the voterso

The feeling of most men on Death Row now
is that they may not be executedo In
years past, they usually thought the gas
chamber was inevitable, barring some

While many Death Row inmates spend hours
on law books, they have been aided more
by recent court rulings than they have
by their own legal efforts.

In l96h, the State Supreme Court issued
a new rule in the case of Joseph Bo
Morse. It held that jurors can not prop~
erly consider the possibility that if a
man gets life instead of death, parole
officials might turn him loose,

The ruling already had reSulted in new
penalty trials for 22 men, with nine be=
ing condemned again and nine receiving
life terms so faro -

Also, the State Supreme Court issued an~
other rule -and might eventually be made
retroactive- This was the Dorado rule,
which held a suspect must be told of his
rights to counsel and to keep silento


The only man on IOwa's "Death Row" for
more than a year joined the prison's
general population in January when Gov-
ernor Harold Hughes commuted his sen-



tence to life imprisonmento

Following Governor Hughes? action, Senaa
tor Ely, Cedar Rapids, introduced a bill
in the senate which would abolish the
death penalty in Iowao


- V-mmlm

Governor ‘Warren E, Hearts of Mieesuri
granted a stay of execution to Lloyd
Anderson on the grounds that the present
state legislature would have the ques»
tion of abolishment of the capital punm
ishment law in that state up for dism






The Presidie

Credit Card companies recently received
a jolt from the UoSo Court of Appeals at
New Orleanso The Court ruled that since
credit cards have value only to the comm
pany as a device for making invoices,
they could not be classed as securitieso
This ruling was used to overthrow the
conviction of a man sentenced to prison
for interstate transportation of a stel=
en credit card, Although this has net
been a crime of major proportions in
this area it has been in many others and
the ruling will effect a number of cases
throughout the nationo


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FRANKFURT, Kentucky a UPI a No person

will be executed in Kentuckyis electric
chair at the Eddyville State Penitenw
tiary for at least the next 13 months,
Governor Edward Breathitt has decidedo

The immediate effect of his move means
that nine men on death row have won a
temporary stay of executiono

There has been only one execution in
Kentucky in the last eight years, al=
though the average population on Death
Row has been eight over that periodo

Breathitt has asked his task force on
Continued on page 21






California recently passed a bill covering the employment
release dilemmao Realizing the next to impossible task of
landing a job while still incarcerated, California has
taken a giant step in overcoming some of the pitefalls a
newly released person as to face,W The California Governor recently signed intc
law, a Bill which allows parolees to be released, via a furlough, to hunt jobs or
their owno This allows the Director of Corrections in that state to authorize short
leaves during which men may not only seek employment, but also lodgings, etco

The passing of this Bill will no doubt be a terrific aid a to some of the men a but
what about the men from “out of state?“ And, do the prison officials give the men
going out on a “furlough" a possible lead to obtaining employment?' What happens i
the man doeant have any luck in securing a job? -

Here in Kentucky, we have no such facilities, 'We do have a "sponsorashipW plane
However, this plan isn't an answer either, What Kentucky, and other states should
have, is a centralized employment agency that has contacts throughout the state for
aiding men in some type of employment, such as New YorkWS "Osborne Association,‘m
which has recognized success for many, many years,

There are presently men, here at Eddyville, that have made parole as far back as;
18 months, What can these men do to help themselves? The employment situation in
the state of Kentucky isn“t a healthy one to start with, There are a multitude of
people that are unemployed, people that have never broken a lawc These people
should receive first, whatever opportunities are available QIIF a they are more cam
pable than the men incarcerated,

The state has gone to a great deal of expense to train men while they are "doing
time,” Are their efforts to no avail? When a man takes the initiative to learn,
and to study, it takes a certain amount of courageo To sit back, and do nothing, is
one of the uSual ways of doing timeo The man that takes the time to learn, and ob:
tain an education is a man worthy of consideration in anyone”s societyo

The Governor“s Task Force has in mind a "Halfway House" to be opened in Louisvilleo
This project will have definite advantages for men coming out of prisono However,
even with a halfway house, the men are going to have a hard time, if they are
unable to obtain employment shortly after their releaseo

The picture isn't really as dreary as I may be painting ito Most of the men that
are released from here, are pretty much assured of employmento This is due to the
fact that they have outside contactsa I would imagine that there are, on an average
about twentyefive men that make parole = each year a that have no contacts what=so
ever, In some cases, the men arenvt allowed to go back to the county where they
were convicted, In other cases,‘ the men arenfit allowed to stay in the state of
Kentucky, This is where a centralized employment agency would be of the most benem
fit to the men, The long range of possibilities is endlesso The merit of a project
such as this shouldnfit be read, and then disregarded, Think about it, talk about
.it, and then do something about it, Encourage business men to hire a par01eeoooooo











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"BIG MAN" - b ' Jon Rowenhorst .. The Streth

I know a guy in another cell,

Says he's robbed banks all over hell,
But I saw his jacket, and I tell you now,
He's in for stealing his neighbor's cowo

Says he's got a Coupe De Ville still out on the street,
And a good-looking woman laying money at his feeto
Well, I won't say he's lying, but I will agree,

I dodge the cat, when he heads for meg

He's got a lO-room house and it's mortgage free,

And he said, "cash on the barrel-head, that's mel"

But the judge said, "Two years, two thousand, or both,”
And he had to take the pauperVS oaths

He's got a country estate on a twentyaacre plot,
Two or three servants and a fortyafoot yachto
He's got a Jaguar race-car that he never did use,
Hundred-dollar jackets, and custom-made shoeso

He's got the best racket that you'll ever see,
And makes more money than ten like meo

But whenever you ask him just what he does,
He whispers, "Jiggers, here comes the fuzz,

Now the only thing I never could dig,
If he's got so much and he's so big,

In court why didn't he pull his weight,
Instead of on me at this late date.

And if he's got all that I've been told,

He should have bought that court with all that goldo
But now he's here in this old state pen,

And excuse me, folks, but here he comes againo

"Look," I said, "I've heard your story so let me go;
I've heard that story a thousand times or soo

My ears are aching, you're in a ruto ‘

What'd you say man? Yeah, I'll save you the butt."
























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