xt7k9882ns6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882ns6p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2008 2008 2008-09-08 2020 true xt7k9882ns6p section xt7k9882ns6p FEATURES

The Game has 'LAX' standards

' BAD REACTION for formula in new album



IVILK Provost: five dean vacancies'normal


search at
year away

By Laura Clark

The Martin Luther King Jr. Cul-
tural Center will go without a perma-
nent program director for the rest of
this academic year.

Veleashia Smith left her position
as director of the MLK Center at the
end of August following her resigna-
tion in the spring.

The search for a replacement will
not begin until UK has decided how
to reorganize multicultural affairs and
diversity efforts. said Pat Terrell. vice
president for student affairs.

The responsibility of reorganizing
falls to Judy “JJ.” Jackson. vice pres-
ident for institutional diversity. Jack-
son‘s began the new position on July

Jackson said her main aim was to
get to know the staff and the work
they‘ve been doing.

“I need to know what‘s already
going on. what‘s working well. and
then have some time to visit with
folks before I make too many deci-
sions about what needs to change."
.lackson said.

Smith's position is currently filled
by the first MLK Center director.
Chester Grundy. Grundy. interim di-
rector through June 2009. said be-
cause Jackson is new. she is still as—
sessing all of her resources and other
staff positions.

Grundy said holding this position
for an entire year was a smart deciv

“It Would be difficult to bring in a
new person in the middle of the year
to take Smith‘s position." he said.

Smith is now the assistant director
in the Office of Multicultural Affairs
at Western Kentucky University.
Smith could not be reached to com-
ment on the reorganization or why
she left.

Terrell said Smith resigned to be
closer to her family.

Also on Jackson's plate is the re-
placement of Mahjabeen Rafiuddin.
the former director of Student Diver—
sity Engagement who resigned in
June. Rafiuddin resigned. and like
Smith‘s position. hers remains un-
filled with no date for a replacement.

Once Rafiuddin's position is
filled. it will operate under a new title
and report to the Office of Student lnv
volvcment instead of the Office of
Multicultural Affairs. Terrell said.


brok'e race

By Kevin Shenington

The Dallas Morning News

When “Glory Road" came out a
few years ago. Don Haskins got a dif-
ferent reaction from when he lived it
the first time.

The Bear had no idea what he was
getting himself into when he started
five black Texas Western players in
the 1966 NCAA basketball champi-
onship game against Kentucky. Want-
ing simply to win. he started his best

“I was young." he told The Dallas
Moming News in 2005. “and i wasn‘t

He didn‘t mean he wouldn‘t have
done it. He meant he had no idea peo-
ple could be so ugly. ignorant and

Haskins died Sunday in El Paso.
Texas. He was 78.

In only two weeks after the his-
toric win by Texas Western. now
UTEP. he received 40.000 hate letters.
Most were from the South. but he also
heard from civil rights leaders accus—
ing him of exploiting black athletes.

The response was so overwhelm—
ingly negative that Haskins at one

See Ruskin: on page 4

By Leticia Jenn
Ijanes kykernelcom

While six of UK‘s college deans have
left their positions in the past two years,
UK Provost Kumble Subbaswamy said
the turnover isn‘t out of the ordinary.

» The national average for a dean‘s
tenure is about 6.5 years. Subbaswamy
said. This makes the vacancies of the po—
sitions at UK normal. he said.

“Deans typically move on to higher
positions or return to the faculty after
their service." Subbaswamy said. “We
are fortunate that some of the senior
deans who have stepped down in the past
couple of years will remain on the facul-

“We benefit from their experience
while enjoying the ideas and enthusiasm
of new leadership.“

Since 2006. six of UK's 18 college
deans have resigned from their positions.
David Mahoney of the College of Design
was replaced by Michael Speaks during
the spring semester.

Still vacant are the positions left by
Steve Hoch in Arts and Sciences. David
Johnson in Communications and lnfor~
mation Studies. Jim Cibulka in Educa~
tion. Allan Vestal in Law and Kay Hoff~
man in Social Work. Each dean served
between five and 13 years.

Four of the deans - Hoffman. John-
son. Mahoney and Vestal — will return or
have returned to faculty positions. said
UK spokesman Tom Harris.

UK is continuing its search to replace
the deans of the remaining colleges. The
committees are actively searching for

See Deans on page 4




New looks, same result

.‘r' .


A decision

4‘9”? Hanhneor




UK head coach Rich Brooks and sophomore defensive tackle Shane McCord shakes hands with military personnel after the
Cats 38-3 victory over Norfolk State on Saturday. The Cats held the Spartans offense to 165 total yards

Changes in offense and a
constant defense guide Cars

fliLenny Comfort

Anyone in Common—
wealth Stadium could see
the changes. An inflated hel—
met for the Cats (20) to run
through during introduc—
tions. fancy signs along the
stands. new Southeastern
Conference logos on the 25--
yard linc of each side of the

But any of the 69.118
watching the first ll minutes
of UK's game against Nor-
folk State tl—l) could see
that one thing had not
changed: the Cats were still
struggling on offense.

Until head coach Rich
Brooks made the change.

The one that put fresh—
man Randall Cobb in at
quarterback. the change that
jump—started what had been
a slow offense for Brooks'

“1 planned on putting
Cobb in around the end of
the first. early second quar-
ter." Brooks said. "Cobb
gave us a real spark. running
the ball with speed and ath»

But that wasn‘t the only
change Brooks made. He
switched out senior Tony
Dixon and sophomore Der» -
rick Locke for junior Alfon—
so Smith at running back
From that point. L’K‘s of?
fense was changed.

“That's what I “as going
in the game to do.“ Cobb
said. "i went in there to give
us some life."

It took Cobb. the first
freshman to see action at


quarterback since Dusty
Bonner in 1997. a little over
a minute to excite the UK
faithful. using three plays to
put the Cats on the board.

See Football on page 3


UK sophomore running back Derrick Locke looks to
make a play in the Cats 383 wrn over Norfolk State


In light of the upcoming
2008 presidential debates.
what better time is there to
have a de—
bate about
the L'K
back posi-
11"“. than

in one
corner we
have the
f l a s b y
ime J‘reslr
man Ran
dtill Cobb
in the oih~
er. the steady sophomore
Mike Hartline. Both are llte‘v
pci‘ienced, But both could
\ei‘y well hold the late of the
2008 UK football \L’ilst‘ll in
then hands

Let‘s start thc debate.

First up I\ Cobb From
the second Cobb spurned
Tennessee and landed on
L'K‘s campus. he‘s been one
of the most talked about play-
crs on the team. Brooks has
praised the kid‘s talents and
effort. ()ffensoe coordinator
Joker Phillips has coriiiiionly
referred to Cobb .is haying
that "it” factor. “liatcxei “it"
really 1\

But nobody “as sure
what effect Cobb would real-
ly lime on the CR offense
Brooks said they would have
to find a way to get the kid
touches whether it be at the
quarterback or \Hdt‘ i'ccencr
position. but nobody really
expected Cobb to stake a le-
gitimate argument for the
starting quarterback position
as a true freshman.

Until Saturday:

Cobb replaced Hartline
near the end of the first quar~
ter Saturday and immediately




See Lindsay on page 3






First Gluck Center director dies at 81

8 Jill Luster

For James Rooney horses were a
passion that lasted as long as his life.

Rooney. the first director of the
UK‘s Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Re-
search Center. died of complications
from cancer in his Chesteitown. Md.
home Friday. He was 8].

Rooney was an expert on equine
pathology and anatomy. and he stud—
ied the way horses move.

What many people say is their
strongest memory of Rooney is his
gift with words. said Audrey Rooney.


‘ Q

his wife of nearly 48 years. James
Rooney authored several books on
equine science and acted on—and-off
in plays throughout his life.

in fact. it was while acting that
Audrey Rooney met her husband in
1960. Her all-women‘s school. Hood
College. needed a man to fill the role
of Mr. Darcy in its production of
“Pride and Prejudice." James
Rooney. at the time working as a
pathologist in a government lab audi~
tioned and got the part.

When she took the stage as Eli]-
abeth Bennett. Mr. Darcy‘s love in‘
tercst. Audrey Rooney was struck by

James‘ sonorous voice and strong

“I can't say it was lo\e at first
sight -- that‘s kind of cheesy." she
said. "but i went back and told my
roommates this is the guy I‘m proba-
bly going to marry."

Audrey and James Rooney man
ried later that year.

Rooney became interested in
horses while spending summers on a
family fami in southem Maryland.
He liked the way horses moved and
wanted to solve the mysteries behind

See Rooney on page 4

lemon: 257-1915; W 257-2872



 BASE 21 Monday, September 8, [008 ,













a Horoscope-:7
By Linda C. Black
To get the advantage, check the

day's rating: 70 IS the easrest
day, 0 the most chal/engr‘ng

Arias (March 21-April19)——
Today is a 7 , The almost
miraculous turn of events occurs
in the nick of time You‘re gain»
ing confidence in your abilities,
too. That Will come in handy
later Keepthefaith

Taurus (April 20-May 20) H
Today is an 8 —~ No need to
share news of a recent Windfall
With your friends and coworkers
Savor the knowledge in secret
and get yourself a specral treat
Gemini (May 21-June 21) , —»
Today is a 7 ~ Once you've decrd~
ed upon your obiectives, it’s time
to go shopping Put your resources
together with somebody else's, so








you can get the best

Cancer (June 22-July 22) <—
Today is a 7 7— By now you should
be ready for a break. How can you
give yourself one" By asking
someone to do a noxious chore for
you, that's how, Pay, if you must.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today IS a 6 —7 Make sure you
understand the objective before
you begin the rob An itty~bitty
mistake could grow all out of
proportion quickly Take care.
Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22) 7
Today is a 7 ~77 After a little prepa-
ration you'll be ready to relax
lnvrte a favorite person to ruin you
You've earned a miniholiday
Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)
Today is a 7 —— You're generally
able to keep your temper well
under control Usually there's no
reason to raise your vorce.
That‘s harder to remember now
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) «-
Today is a 7 ,- Wind up your
shopping now, while you have a
slight advantage You could also



sell at a profit, if you have a
mind to do that

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dac. 21)
— Today is an 8 w You have to be
telling the truth, but you don't
always have to be telling it, That's
an old lrish saying that applies in
this Situation. Discretion is advised
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
w Today is an 8 —— You’re the
lucky one, and getting luckier all
the time Make a suggestion that
helps your company increase prof—
its You're getting smarter, too.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —-
Today is a 6 v- Get into that stack
of stuff that's been piling up. There's
something in there that can't be put
off any longer. There's also some
thing that will bring in cash.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —
Today is a 7 fl- Keep quiet about
your finances, even to your friends.
You're making personal decisions
and don't need their input. Or
maybe you do7 if so, choose your
advisors carefully.



Today' 5
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your daily dos_e of entertainmengpgi culture and fun

Last season on America‘s

Next Top Model, she was one of

five homeless women who
posed behind the finalists in a
photo shoot. From that dimly lit
image. she was chmcn to com»
pets this year (CW. Wedmsdays.
8 pm.) ~ but that‘s not the
most interesting part of aspiring
designer Isis King‘s bio The sin-
gle Maryland native 22, is also
the reality show s first transgen-
dcr contestant. She tells Us‘ Na-
talie Thomas how shc got this
far -— and how fervently she do-
sims the transition to come.

Q: How (lid you go from
homeless to Top Model."

A: I wasn‘t on the street: I
was in an assisted-living pro»
gram and heard they needed
models. I basically gave my
all. I asked Mr. Jay (Manuel.
the art director). “Have you
ever had a girl that was bom
in the wrong body?" He said
no. Later. I got a call saying.
“We want you to come back.
We liked the way you did
things." I was skeptical. but I
decided to see what could

Q: When (lid you first rr’v
ulizc you were “born in the
wrong body"?

A: From as young as I can
remember. I‘ve always felt like
I was different. 1 visually
looked like a boy. but I never
felt like one on the inside. I
played with Barbies and did
double Dutch with the girls. In
high school. I came out as a
gay male: even though I felt
like that's not who I was, it
started to Change things for me.
I was voted Most Outgoing.

‘I’Ve always
felt different’

America’s Next Top Model

We Dig... contestant was born a man

Most Uniqua. I was the artist.
the fashion designer.

Q: Did you make the
change gradually or all at

A: I used to take my moth-
cr's shoes. I’ve been practicing
catwalk for years! I didn‘t start
trying on her clothes until
middle school. After college
[King earned an associate‘s
degree from the Art Institute
of Philadelphia]. I knew I was
going to start transitioning. I
went out with my best friend.
and we got my shoes.

Q: How are you complet—
ing the transition."

A: I started hormones last
summer. [They facilitate devel-
opment of feminine characteris—
tics. such as breasts.) When I
first started taking them. I got
sick a bit. and that's normal.
My body is filling out nicely.
I‘m -skinny — I think ifl were
a little thicker. I would have
seen more dramatic changes. I
go through electrolysis every
week and a half. two weeks.
Also. I used to wear silicone
[breast enhancers) for shoots.
but it‘s too hot with all that ex-
tra stuff. Most models don't
have breasts anyway! I would
also tape (nty penis) at first. but
since then I‘ve found new ways
to make everything smooth.
What I use is like a thong. I

made it myself with a piece of


Q: Do ~vou plan to have a
.\‘(’.\'—( 'hange operation 5‘

A: If I could have had it
years ago. I would have. Fi-
nances were the only thing

holding me back. My goal is
by my 25th birthday.

Inside Jen’s 30 Rock

The friends star has found
her way back to the small
screen. Jennifer Aniston. 39
—— who has four movies
awaiting rclcasc ~~ will make
a cameo appearance next sea—
son on NBC} 30 Rock,
though she Won‘t play herself.
"Her character‘s free-spirited
and —granola-ish." a source.
tells Hot Stuff. “And she was -
extremely nice and cool to
everyone on set — just a regu-
lar person." A second insider
says that in one sequence. the
star ~— who broke up with her
beau of four months. John -
Mayer. in August —— “is walk-
ing by a fire —hydrant that be-
gins spewing »water. and she
starts dancing in it!"

Tom and Katie's baby se-

Suri Cruise soon may be
a big sis. A source close to
Tom Cruise. 46. tells Hot
Stuff that he and wife Katie
Holmes. 29. “have decided
that Katie will get pregnant as
soon as she can." But when?
After all. Holmes makes her
Broadway debut October 16
in All My Sons - and will
be on stage through January.
Says the. source. “That‘s not
stopping them froin prepar-




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September 8, 2008
Page 3

Bobby Reagan
Asst, Sports Editor

Phone 257-1915
breagan®kykernel com





Continued from page 1


injected life into a stagnant
UK offense. His first play he
bolted up the middle for 16
yards. 'I‘wo snaps later. he
scampered 18 yards for his
first career college touch-

Then he fired a laser
beam to Kyrus Lanxter for 27
yards. capped that with a
touchdown run. and then
floated a beautiful 14-yard
fade to Dicky Lyons Jr. in the
end zone. Just like that it was

“When we made that sub-
stitution, it gave us a real
spark," Brooks said.

More like it added fuel to
an offensive that was in des-
perate need of a little fire-
power. In just three drives,
Cobb did what Hartline could
not do: put points on the

Cobb led UK to 21 points
in just over a quarter‘s worth
of work. Hartline. on the oth-
er hand. had mustered just
seven points in over a game.
with the one touchdown com-
ing at the benefit of a
Louisville turnover last week.

But Cobb turned the ball
over twice. One was a fumble
where Cobb sat in the pocket
too long. and the other was a
bad interception where he
tried to force the ball into
space that just wasn’t there.
They were typical freshman

They were mistakes Hart-
line. UK‘s second candidate.
hasn’t made yet. He‘s been
steady. reliable and almost
boring to a point. That isn‘t a
bad thing.

Sometimes you need a
quarterback who can manage
the game. not make mistakes
and let everybody else do
what they need to do to win


The UK offense awaits instructions from freshman quarterback Randall Cobb during its 38.3 win over
Norfolk State on Saturday at Commonwealth Stadium Cobb contributed on three UK first-half scores

the game. With the way the
defense has played through
the first two games. that
doesn‘t sound like too bad of
an idea.

Plus. Hartline has shown
the qualities of somebody
you want leading your team.
Amid'the pressure of replac-
ing All—Southeastem Confer-
ence quarterback Andre
Woodson and the saga of
Curtis Pulley. Hartline has
said and done all the right
things. His teammates and
coaches rave about his lead-
ership on and off the field
and have been behind him
from the moment Woodson
was drafted by the New York

But is leadership alone
enough to keep the starting
job? After all. Hartline doesn‘t
possess the speed. potential or
big—play ability that Cobb
does. plus it was pretty obvi-
ous Sunday who was running
the offense more efficiently.

Maybe five quarters was—
n‘t enough to warrant the

change at the qumterback po~
sition. but Brooks said they
had planned to play both
guys all along. That‘s why
Hartline. despite clearly being
outplayed by Cobb. started
the second half.

That brought about a
classless chorus of boos from
Commonwealth Stadium.
which was completely un—
called for given the limited
action we‘ve seen from both

"There‘s no place for that
in this stadium." Brooks said.
"Those two young men are
both inexperienced quarter—
backs. They‘re both going to
probably play as we move
forward. We need them both.
and we‘ll put the players on
the field when we need to win
the gatne. but we don‘t need
to be booing our own damn
players in Commonwealth
Stadium. That just makes me
sick to my stomach."

The spattering of jecrs
made it pretty obvious who
the nearly 70,000 fans want

throwing the pigskin. But that
isn‘t going to affect who
Brooks decides to go with utt-
der center. For now. Brooks
said he won‘t name a starter
for the Middle Tennessee
game until later this week and
that both will see the field for
the foreseeable future.

“If we’re not moving the
ball. we‘re going to shake it
up." Brooks said. “If I had
my druthers id rather not do
that. but that‘s where we are
right now and that‘s what
we‘re going to do.

“I know we're going to
probably have a lot of people
that want to help us make this
decision. but we‘re going to
do what‘s best for the young
men we're working with.“

Those people might not
be able to help make Brooks‘
decision. but there‘s certainly
nothing stopping them from
voicing their opinions.

Let the debate begin,

Eric Lllll/.\r'_\' is (l journal-
ism scrum: Emu/l c/iritiL
.w’t‘C" k\'/\(’I'llt’/.( UNI.






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Continued from page 1


UK never looked back in a 38—3
victory over Norfolk State. Eight min-
utes later. Cobb again put UK on the
board with a quarterback sneak on the 1-
yard line. The change was official.

But it wasn‘t. nor isn‘t. pemtanent.

Hartline re-entered the game at quar-
terback to start the third quarter. The rest
of the second half. the two quarterbacks
played to a virtual tie. After the game.
Brooks said the position was completely

“We will not decide who starts until
late in the week.“ Brooks said. "Maybe
at game time. Both will play. Rather
than say l have a designed plan. if we
aren‘t moving the ball we‘ll shake it Lip.
I would rather not do that. but that‘s
where we are.

Even with (‘obb‘s first half spark.
the two quarterbacks finished with simi—
lar stats. Hartline was 9—of—15 for oi)
yards. while Cobb completed o—of— l l for
87 yards and one touchdown. (‘ohb also

ran eight times for 49 yards and two

With both quarterbacks looking to
split snaps. Hartline believes detenses
will have trouble game planning against
the Cats. a problem that was evident
with the Spartans.

“Definitely we give different types
of looks to keep defenses guessing.“
Hartline said. “Randall can throw and
run. We‘re both young to the game. so
we try and help each other as much as
we cart.“

While the quarterback competition
stole the show. Brooks said he did see
another improvement for the offense W
the rttnning game. Sophomore Derrick
Locke led all backs with 06 yards on
five camcs and one touchdown Sopho—
more Moncell Allen ran for 71 yards on
seven can‘ies ~ all iii the fourth quarter
,7 and one touchdown. Not what
Brooks called a great running attack. but

“We're a little happier." junior Al-
fonso Smith said. “Felt we could have
done more. But c\ eryone got otit there
and we were pounding them.“

The defense also continued its domi~
nancc on the field. Despite a few drives

deep into l'K territory. Norfolk State
came away with only one field goal. It‘s
the first time [K has opcncd the season
without allowing a touchdown since
1958. It‘s also the first time the (‘ats
havcn‘t allowed their opponent to score
a touchdown in consecutnc games since
I978. when UK hcld both Virginia Tech
and Vanderbilt scoreless. That type of
defensive performance wasn‘t exactly
what Brooks had in mind when the sca~
son started.

"Did I expect us to only gixc up
three points.“ Brooks said. "Probably
not. But now I think we can do better.“

So does junior linebacker Micah

"There‘s still a lot ot room tor im-
provcmcnt." Johnson said "Little
things. a lot of things to continue to
work on."

While the running game is still pro-
gressing. the defense is still dominating.
and the quarterbacks .irc dueling. it
seems nothing can knock L‘K off its
perch. Not even a competition.

“1 don‘t consider it a battle." Hartv
line said. “Randall‘s a tcamtitatc to me.
Seeing Randall‘s success is great. We‘re
wmning games. That‘s what matters.“

of the UK-Westem gcme (Sept. 27).


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“correction ‘ W


In Friday’s Kentucky Kernel, the equestrian team’s national ranking was misstated. No years ago. not last year, the
turn was ninth in the nation. Last year the team won the National Championship.

To report an error. call the Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915
or e-mail editor@l