xt7k9882ns53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882ns53/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 2007 2007 2007-03-19 2020 true xt7k9882ns53 section xt7k9882ns53  

Cats offer
pical end to



(‘lll( ' \( ii) liiili1-1'ii1l 11.-sli1111l1111‘1
lie siii’iil'iscil I11 1.11.1. 1.1.lit‘11 111-11- 111' .-\1'1
surprise.) l


\\'\\’\\’.l\\ l\'lfR1'\‘El..( ‘( )M

.\lx\l\’(ll 1‘), 2007

3 SEC teams advance... . . .. PAGE 5
Red invades Rupp . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 8
Fans remain faithful ........ PAGE 8


('[LLBRAllNfl ii1\lr\RS()l |\l)l M NH) \( l



(5) Tennessee ................... ...77
1'4) 111111111111 1';
(1) Florida .............................
19) P11111111 ‘

(7) UNLV ...............................
(Pl Vi’l‘181,1.11".\' 1‘ "
(4) Southern Illinois ...........
1Ei1lv1‘iigiii‘id 1.1“

(3) Oregon ............................

l'lit- 31111111“ '1.*1s.1111111 l K l1.1sk.-:l1.1ll
3.1.11c 11s .1 111111111.11 111 .~111111111iis. 111111.“ 111
iliciii s111111‘s111, ll1.' 1111111111s11i111 11.111l1t'1
“1.1..11111- 1li.‘ .11111.111.1

11 \11\.‘11.l11.~1

, 111111. ..1 ..
,1.'.11l1’.. 1l‘11' 11:1vv1l .1‘1’11’

211.1111. .1: .. . ' p p ~ ' . ~ 1 (2) Memphis ........................ 78
:1.1\\11111111_;1 sum). p ~ , a ‘ " g 1. _ ‘ ‘ 17‘1l\,:1\.1113 1 .
.11 ll.'1.‘i‘1l‘.l .111.‘1 . ‘ - ' ' '_ . " ._ , '_ (5)
. . I I L ' x V ,‘ A}

1,“... USC .................................. 87

.541 .

11 i1

1 I e
l111,11‘.\.'1ll"1 illt‘ lk'l‘

l‘l1.:l\ llllsll1‘1lliill1‘l.1

SAMJHLWU I» illfliifitlh
(1) Ohio State ...................... 78
11111.11‘1'11t “

(5) Butler .............................. 62

1lii.'1‘ 1.11::t' l11siii:

CHRIS 91,111 ..1ii1i 1111.1llj. l“.
DELOTELL ‘l1.‘ 11'1111l i.‘.1i1/.1'.111ii
l\'(-I'ri(‘l 111 \l.1i1li 1.1.11 iliis
(”lilllllll‘" 1...;11; 1.\l11.li 1l1.l
A\ n_. 1

... 1 1.;

L1" \\‘l1l1‘1“,'11l)i\'\ Ill

I .‘ '. . . " ‘ I" I"? 3 s 1. 1121‘.
1111-. 11.1.1111 . .. 1 . g -> '- ‘ ' - .‘ ; 1 " (3) Texas A&M .................... 72
111.1 \11111l1( .1:1 '. . 1‘ ' li.1-.l1111 ’ ». » 1 I ‘ ' L ' ;.1 1 .
11111.11lc1‘1111i: I
‘11111 .11111. \."i.:.1x, ilk". t1.1s1111i1.1;.
.1ii1l1l1c11'2i11‘11 11 ..1s l\.1iis.1s .11111111ll.-1i

lll.‘ gt.111‘:.' ..111 1 :s'.1.1‘1l11.'1l !lit‘ ( .11s 11111\11l (2) Georgmown ------------------- 62
iii}:.i1:11111:131111111}:111.1l11is1“.\.11111s1‘.1s11i‘1 '1. l ‘ . . ,. . , ' * . V . I ‘,’. 7‘1 V: 1. ‘ ‘1]; :
l‘lit~ ( .11s'1111i 21.115 .111.11 111.1 nix-11111:; 111111 l l I ' (3) Pittsburgh ....................... 84 OT


iilcs \\.1s .1 l1: ." 1 l ‘1‘ .11l‘a.1ii1.1j_‘;- \111l1 111st

(6) (Vanderbilt. ............ 78 wt

.- .‘ 1~ ,

11111101111 Carolina: ............. s1

11111l.'111111. 11.:11..1._11111l1. 1.1s1l1.1l1
l K 1.1'11 11.: '“1.-?l\ 11:1l1.-111.*11111_' :

11154.11- -s1 .911
1‘ . J,

12) UCLA). ......................... 54

\l‘11ii li1111l1x llti'i\
11‘11.1111'1s .1111i 1 l\

llll 11.111 .1-1-s1'...‘~

.i11s.‘1l '~.\11li :1 ' ' . 1-' 'li.‘ \11.1\1'1.s l111'

11 .
like lllt' s.'.1s11' .1s.1'\l111l.- il1. ( .Ist1.\t‘1
1 .

}‘«1\1'l1“1'71‘1ls11 1... .11 . ‘ 111 Then

.il1il1i3 (11. 1...;


Thursday's Games
Kansas vs. Southern Illinms
Pittsburgh vs UCLA
Tennessee vs Ohio 81
Texas A&M vs, Memphis

.1i111~1l1.1.1l1i.-11.11l,1.1 .

l’lie 1.1111. :.~ 7l11’ . .1111 11:11.11.'1‘ ‘1‘1l‘.."1 l1’..111
1l11l11l1 '111‘:.s ‘ l 1 "11‘s! l1.1. ..1; 11.1.11
.111c11.111.111,~,1:11131 .11s 1111 li1.s 1111111l11.‘1s 1111
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\Hlll l‘ l" .."l 1. 1 11.11) '1.1"'l\\k\l .l\

\\:‘.li \l111

l'ls i.’l1'3;.111wl 11 * 1. .. :ll‘fl‘k‘ill

v1.1..1.‘ 111‘ f1.» 11.:11‘; €111.

Friday's Games


Georgetown vs Vanderbilt
Florida vs Butler

Oregon vs UNLV

.il.'1\ “1:111 1 ,1 ‘ :1:--' '11 111.111

LIEU ’11..= ‘1 ‘. 1 1. 11111111» l l\

llt‘l-L‘l .l‘j.1...


Cats fall to Kansas, missing opportunity to go to Sweet 16

€1.lori.1th1111511111h l).-s1‘11-.- .1llt‘lllg‘l s1111i1.;,~ ;1.11111111.11111- l‘\ \l111 \l11:1‘1s ~11111'1i l l\'s111~1 1-1111 1111111s .1ii1l

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l.')1l.‘ll1 s'11 1l.1111‘11s1s.1.1s1111111111’1I1‘1l1211t'111111s.s1111111; \Js11i:1.11.11i11i:.11s1 ":1. 11111111111111: .

‘ 91101111; .‘:_Illl 1."‘1111111ls i111' \1-j-i '1'1'11’11111'1
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1.1111-1111.1111.11:1 11mins

l1.1l|1:.1111.1_ ' 11111211111s 1‘ 1.1.1111cs ‘1\'.‘l.’ 11111111'11l1lt' . 11111111 ’lu ;.1‘1.. \1‘iiil‘. s.111i

University Senate to consider
extending Thanksgiving Break

Hy Juliann Vachon

Trustees: Later agenda postings
will keep public out of discussions

Bv Juliann Vachon

. .
.41 . “I.“ 1

\\11l1.11iis .1..111. 1x11l1111 lli' .1-'1 1‘ 1 '
'4 . 11111-1” Hpiiiiniis 1111111 l‘11.111l 1111'111l11‘is11111l lllhlt‘i‘s 1l11'11‘l1111 111.1s 11'

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111 1l1s111ss11111 .111111111: l11111i1l 111.11iil11'1s lll.1iii11ii s.111l


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, . . . 1 ' . . .,
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\Ullillilllt‘t‘ .11111 111i) li11.111l iiicciingsf‘ 1lis111l1111c1l 111 tiiistccs .1l111111 l11 11.11s

\.iii.1rcll.1 s.111l "But those things um l1c1111‘c ilic iiiccliiiu. lit- s.111l

siiiiiic 11.111 111 the 1lcl1lwr.111\c 111111 ess " ’ l‘lic 11111111 11r1111‘ss 111.111s l11111: 111‘
l K spulu-siiiari |.1_\ lilaninri .1grcc1l

ili.1i 1l11‘ 111.1111111\ 111 ilic lmnixl's “wirk”

1111s! lull .11; ‘1i1l.1s .11 ‘1 .1 111. ili.'1l.1\ 111
the lllt‘t‘llllfi ’1.\1ll \1‘1\ 111111,)1 111111.111
the p11h|11’s111~.1s111ii111.1111‘1i1l111.1ciiiifgs
or 1.11:1 11111111111111111 111 hand moiiilwrs
hclnrcharitl." s.111l s1.ill lriis11‘c Riiss

.1 131.1. 11'11‘1 .1111'L (1111.111; 1 i11sscs lh.‘
lllk‘ 1ll.ll1L’C is 111111 111 1\\11 11111 11111s1.l.1\ l‘11~11111~.-\.1‘1i ‘.\1'1."x

[111s.1ls iiniirt'lla presented 111 1li1'

wAgendes ' 1-111 3 -~ Calender . 1:113

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 2571915, Advertising: 257-2872



PAGE 2] Monday. March 19, 2007



5” ;9. ’7




8 114
694 ‘3 5



Cancer (June 22 July n) Today is quickly, hetore conditions change

Herezcel’esq’ .v 8 list wrat you‘ve rere'ttly SagittariuslNov.HDec.21) Tu

W » twat ': ’rti‘re authority Ycuye day is a 6 - You re haying fun With the

: , it a nigger picture love part, but you re Still not much into

“ an: t , stunts and gain leader the working This lS to he expected

,. ; his is why you always need to have
.~L~ . r Leo lJuIyZBAug. 22) Today sa? agnhwu like

v: ‘ I‘ 4 f 1.» stair ll y’l‘tl hater: acne Capricorn (Dec. 22Jan. 19) . Today


By l"lllll l‘. Ea: s

s r m ,lr .
li .Il’. . t) “I...”


{j’ilr v

. 1 \






"‘Jsfr‘ rim ' ' W'il‘l't? you want T“ he :s a £3 , the appeartr: t'ie public to he
ArieslMarch 21 April 19) ' ., ‘ ;.- . ' as art '.ll .. t day turns": “tr: your private snare Tl:
. ' r‘- ». ‘ l" ; ' 1' ‘ : 1' " " y _. t‘tt"'i*l“f’\lri1’t‘\.,‘ttlll’llll’W.
M' ‘ :1.» "' Virgo IAug.Z3$ept. HI 7 Hi Is .1 a v "til/1‘ tea‘a. Ili itrsiitvery It:
"""" , _ ‘ ' hi i": :" ‘; :-' r." 1 tr
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) Today
; - it" _: .. '~ I ; - * . »' .. ~- 'r'y a~ t’ r‘fn‘ ' rm tnaturalr-vn'nuuria
Taurus (April 20 May 20) ":p. :- . . e.‘ I‘ll : Za-r 5. a”? tn? It s easy lot you it; he (iaiet
: > 1‘ :7 . -- ; :' : ; ‘ ._: . ;, :‘ V5.3 "no .i ‘f It' "i "key "i t'i
Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) l ray . r it a l.\ .‘a to ,' on. raw, thwart“
-. f ' - ' .. :' “ :l. .i- first";
‘ - ;:' . . . . . .. "f t ' «an a VI Pisces (Feb. 19 Mar.ch 20) liillti'y
Gemini (May 21 June 21) ’r . ‘ ' ‘~ ;» "a “a: no , .l'7 h’ filter at awkward star‘,
; .: l- : " " * ' z" t wt ilt,‘ll"‘r§l am the groove What
1. , . ' : ' . ScorpiolOct.23Nov. 21) Twin rs ,“i't: rllftltil is tan, add is Iu‘t‘féllih't‘
' r ' NH ‘3' " .I’H a-so as ylull soon lisrni'er Dori
» 1 w 1.1‘ r’ .. rar- admiral: ‘t, lastplay
, 1‘s 3 Pt 3 ll' ‘1 fl" 7”" ‘JF ’JEI‘ASElly‘fEs "it.
”may 5 C HAP“ E— Warm

S] h ['uelid -\\ e.


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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kama ‘ Ql

AT ‘Gnev's'

Katherine Heigl feuds with execs

we Di 8“ over her salary on the hit show

By Eric Andersson

()n (ire)'s Anatomy. I)r.
I/llc Slmcns is kltimlt Ioi'
speaking her mind . “hether it s
telling (‘allie she's the \xrong
woman for (ieorge or ad\ocat
irig for a patient. :\s the shims
creator. Shonda Rhnnes. recent—
I) said of the young MI). "Shes
a good person. and neser Iiolds
her tongue," The same could he
said of Katherine Heigl. \xho
scrubs in as I/lic each neck on
the ABC drama, The actress. 28.
who puhlicl) slammed costar
Isaiah Washington in .lanuar)
after he used an antiga)‘ slur in
reference to costar 'I‘.R. Knight.
is speaking up again in a ver)
public feud 0\ er her salar}.

()n Februar} Zh’. a ”\iell-
placed source" - thought to he
from Heigl‘s camp - leaked to
the media that contract iiL‘g‘OIIlI'
tions I‘CI\\CCIT the actress and
Touchstone TV, the studio that
produces the shou. had stalled.
"Katie is disappointed and Iiurt
that Touchstone doesnt \aluc
her as much as her costars. es
peciall) Sandra ()h and Isaiah
Washington." the source said
l.\ source familiar \srth the \iIlIr
atioii tells Is the actress makes
less than SRlliilllt per episodei

But II the leak \\.is intended
to gi\e Ilcigl an edge in the
deal it seems to ha\e backfired.
\ot onl) did a studio statement
insist she had been offered a
significant raise. it also pointcd
out the actress is under contract.
noting. ”She'll be \\iIII the sho\\
for se\eral _\ears to come.“ Still.
on March l. Ileigl got the last

public “ord: "I am embarrassed
that this has become a public
matter and disappointed that
'I‘ouchstone felt it necessar) to
di\ulge priiate emplosment in-

.Iust Birsmess

[)id Ileigl shoot herself in
the foot’ Despite the our of
\mrds. a set insider tells l's the
spat \\asn'i that dramatic.
"Katherine did not walk out of
an) facevto-Iace meeting.” sa}s
the source. "This took place be—
iiseen agents and attorneys."
llleigl‘s rep had no comment;
ABC did not return calls.) "This
goes on all the time." sins New
York Post 'I‘\’ \\ riter I)on Ka-
plan. adding. "The_\'ll all get
raises \\ hen the time comes."

And the rift doesn't seem to
Il‘d\ e caused ripples on~set. (In
March 4. Sara Ramire/ told a
reporter Heigl is "io\el_\" and
"professional." Kate Walsh
called her "supentalented."
adding. "I:\er_\’bod_\‘s doing
their o\\n thing \sith negotia—
trons." Agrees the source. "No
one is mad at Katherine. The)
knots that in this business. it's
the ctiunalent oi asking for a
raise in an} other line of uork."

\\ Itals Newt

I end aside. Ileigl has plent_\
to look for\\ard to. last. she
stars III the June coined}
Knocked l'p lrxritten and direct,
ed b} .Iudd .‘\pato\\. \\ ho did the
saitiL‘ Ioi' 3015‘s 4Uh'car-0ld
Virgin’i as an 1:? reporter “ho
gets pregnant after a ltIlL‘illlg‘III
stand I’liis. she's planning her

“edding to singer Josh Kelle}.

In February Heigl told I's
she and Kelle) hadn't decided
“here or when » to tie the
knot, "Ma_\ he a mountain “L‘tlv
ding some“ here. I don't knou
We iust hare to narron it

.>\ Kate Walsh Backlash"

:\s Walsh gets a (irey‘s spiri—
oft. reports surface that her
costars are miffed

Do some Seattle (irace doc-
tors need to he treated for
bruised egos‘.’ In the wake of the
neVis that Kate Walsh lI)r. {\ddiA
son Montgomery is getting a
shot at her own series. costara
ring 'I‘;i_\e Diggs. reports hare
emerged that some costars are
upset. "Iiscryone felt so blind
sided." a tabloid quoted a source
as sa_\ mg. ”The rest of the cast
seemed instantly resentful of
her. The} each thought they'd be
the one chosen to get their own
shim. and no“ they're giiing
Kate the cold shoulder." But a
set source tells L's this isn't the
case. "Most actors are happ) as
long as thes're \iorking. (jreys
isnt going an)\\here.” the llisILIr
ei‘ sa)s. "No one is jealous or
ari}thing." Perhaps that's be-
catise Walsh is treading lightl}
around her costars. At a Irebru~
ar_\ 24 part) in He\erl_\ Hills. a
\iitness tells 1's. "people were
coming up to Kate and congrat-
ulating her on her spinoft.” But
Walsh. u ho mingled \\ ith party
goers as costars Katherine Heigl
and TR. Knight chatted nearb).
"seemed sh) and humble about
the \shole thing."







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Ctr'llll‘iued from page, 1

[K “its concerned. houeVer, that starting
classes on a Tuesday would not allow enough
time for the traditional opening ueek actnities
for students. especially those tor incoming
freshman. Yanarella said.

The Senate (‘ouncil \oted to apprme the
proposal for discussion at the lull l'ni\ersit_\
Senate meeting.

Senate members haw looked at different
proposals for changing the fall break in er the
last two sears.

lii‘iiersit} Senate Vice (‘haii Lilli) (haiuau


Continued from; page

fore a proposal is ptit before the
board." Hardymon said in a let-
let to UK's chapter of the Soci~
ety of Professional Journalists,
Hardymon's letter came iii re~
sponse to an open letter the or-
ganization sent the chairman.
asking him to reconsider the
new agenda practice.

"Trustees seek and TCL‘CIVL‘
input from their constituents
and the public throughout the
discussion of an}
Hard) mon said.

While full agendas are not
posted until the morning of the
board meeting. the schedule of
committee meetings is axail~
able to the public online he-



"The opportunit} is there
for people to attend these

meetings if the} want." Blan-
ton said. "The work of this
board is \er_\ transparent.
What we‘re doing is \er}
mtich in line \xith what other
institutions are doing."

But some trustees think the
public needs more information


said faculty trustee Jett

tents until the morning of the
full board meeting
an interested citi/en‘s

Monday, March 19 L’tJU/ | PAGE 3

said he applauded the persistence ot Student
(imernnient members \\ ho ser\ e on the Senate
for keeping the issue aloe

"l'ni eager loi soiiielhing good to happen
Willi the proposals,” (irabau said "I'm dissatis
lied “till the fall break as it is no“ "

S(i has been iii\ol\ed \A itli this com ersatioii
lot” SL‘\L‘riil semesters. said Senate SH lcpl‘csctl»
tame Josh ()doi

The proposal going beloie the l'iii\ersit)
Senate toda) has been poptilai among S(i seiia
tors and students. ()doi said

”People \\ ant to ha\e more time to traxel
and see their laiiiilies " ()doi said. "It‘s in the
best interest of the \\ hole student bod) to li.i\c
a \\ hole “eek ott ”

Board chair responds to student
organization's agenda concerns

James Hardymon. chairman of the Board of Trustees,
responded to an open letter from the UK chapter of the Smiery
of Professional Journalists, The organization It letter asked the
Board to reconsider changing its practice of posting meeting
agendas the day of the meeting. The text of the letter read:

I am in receipt of your letter dated March 6. 2007 regarding
the posting of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees

The board acknowledges your concerns and request how-
ever we must disagree that this is some violation of right to in-
formation The change in practice of posting the otficial agenda
the morning of the board meetings is in full compliance of all
open meeting laws and the board‘s governing policies.

The Trustee's committee and board meetings have and will
continue to be open for the public to hear discussion and debate.
Trustees seek and receive input from their constituents and the
public throughout the discussion of any issue. Russ Williams.
for example. holds a public meeting the Friday before each
board meeting where he discusses issues. The input process oc‘
curs long before a proposal is put before the board.

The Trustees believe the agenda posting process provides
sufficient notice of the actions of the board.

loi‘iiied." Dciiibo said "It‘s
highl_\ iiiilikel) that the iest oi
the toiiiiiioiixicalth \\ould
ha\e .ittcss to that illlitlll‘i.ilitill

agenda coir


l‘L'ktllISL‘ lllL'} \lt‘ll‘l l'iti‘n' L'lL‘Ll

ed board repi'eseiitalncs '

before committee meetings to be informed in a lunch While l)embo said he is
NRC place. fashion” about agenda topics. concerned abotit facilitating

llllCTt'SlCd PUNK“ ShOUld Deiiibo said. pul lit p illitll‘illilll in the dc
get inmlicd in the process "it puts lllt‘l‘L‘asL‘d pressure lll‘L‘i .‘lll\L [1“)th . h.- \lltl ll ls
1”“? before ”10 committee on faculty stall and student tie it that lllL' boiid does not
meets b_\ \oicing opinions and trustees to make sure theii \\ ant to opciatc in a closet ”
concerns to committee mem— 0“” constituents are in ‘

Former FBI ‘Most Wanted’
to speak at women’s conference

By Jonisha Watts

news@kykerneic or

English protessor Nikk} l'lliliC) iemembers
the da} she tried to take Angela l)a\is's picture in
Nairobi. Kenya,

Instead of getting the picture. she helped
Da\is duck behind a building to escape a cum d ot
people Vi ho wanted her autograph. Finne} said.

Davis. a professor at the l'niyersit) of (‘alit’orr
iiia Santa (‘ruL will be the featured speaker at the
Mary McLeod Bethune luncheon at noon on
March 22 in the Grand Ballroom at the Student

Dans came under national attention in MN
after she \\ as remm ed from a teaching position at
L'CLA because of her social acti\ ism and mem
bership in the Communist Party. accoiding to the
l'(‘ Santa (‘ruz Web site.

In 1971). Duns “as placed on the FBI's lU
Most Wanted List on false murder charges. result-
ing in a police search that sent her underground
She has incarcerated for H» months during which
time a ”Free Angela Dims" campaign “as orga
iii/ed that led to her acquittal iii Ill—‘1.
to the Web site.

The Bethune Luncheon is pait ot the 1 1th .\ll
nual Black Women‘s (‘ontereiite sponsored b_\
L'K‘s .-\frican American Studies and Research Pro
gram. The conference kicks olt \iith a potluck
dinner tonight at (i at the liiiigliam l)a\ is House
on E. Maxwell Street and continues \\lll1 L‘\L‘lll\
on Wednesday and Thursda}

This )ear‘s theme is “The ('amoullage
Women on America's Front l.iiies "

Prominent scholars from around the Loiititi')



“i“ come togctliei to talk about the curient status
and progress ot black uoiiieii. stolen“ against
\sonien. the piisou s_\ stern and l‘iJAh \xoiiicii iii
\olxcd iii \L‘lt'llLL‘ and technolog)

i‘lilllL‘}. the L‘Hlllc‘lc‘lixt‘ - at ting titre. ioi said
it \\as an east choice to lllHlt’ l).l\‘i\ to be .1
ke}note speaker at the conteiciit.

"She is a tieasiiicd human being lirincw

l)a\is. born in liii'utiiigliaiii \Ea '.s the .i'i
thor (ll [Clum i‘liith \ll'c' l1.t\ .ilsii Iailfjlil .1i
[(l \ l‘lcrklu. .llltl S'aii‘oit: i 'l".\.'i\ll“

Sade lacksoii. .iginidHnai Honoiiits ii_lltl»ll
plans to attend the twin zen. .1llil \.;i 1 shc l‘opcs
to get the opportuiim 'to 'itet't more black
uonicn who aspiic titans.- il‘e xxoii! .Ill-l

make a ditlereiitc
"ll hope toi bioadeii 2m limit/wits to P ..:i tli.
\\ork. thoughts .ii.d let-Truss .w'ii ‘l‘ tint | .. :l‘.
most cast!) relate to “
lillllt‘} urges \ltltlc'li'\ .~: .5 mitts ‘1
"l'he locus is on 'ln ‘utLh
hill the slot‘lcs that \t. .l lll'ii .‘ z.‘ ‘oi c. .r'
ing heart.“ l llllli.'\ .1" too ire.
reads Hiatk \\oiiiet‘:'s(
for black \Mtlllc‘ll oiilx It'
oiii thinking
“It iou care
and personal iiai'iamc, Iilc
sour scat at thc toiitcitiitc is \\tl|'llié,'
lickcts toi l)a\is' speech .-ic \l‘ and can be

l‘l'rshdscd h\ talliiig I“ 1S”;

Jinx til V.\,\\l]‘|t~‘[l
.lll‘k' lli. liti'l L
i‘l‘ilt'lC'li \' iii‘r'S

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and i H'ttci xi

lot i‘ioic :tiIoi

matioti old .| detailed ‘lSlillL' oi totilcii'ii.c
cketits. \isit the trintci 'iitc ~~ \\cl\ si'. .ll
http \\\\\\ iik\ cdii \\ \\Sl