xt7k9882nq50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nq50/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1989 1989 1989-10-04 2020 true xt7k9882nq50 section xt7k9882nq50  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClll, No. 40

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1 971

Wednesday, October 4, 1989


Attempt to overthrow
Noriega reportedly fails

Associated Press

Washington, D.C. — White
House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater
said late yesterday the coup against
Manuel Noriega in Panama had ap
parently failed and Noriega's forces
“are back in

“The coup
has apparently
ended," Fitzwa-
ter said.

He said the
Bush adminis
tration had no .
knowledge of , /
Noriega’s ‘ , '
whereabouts. NORIEGA

“Overall, this shows the opposi-
tion to Panama within Panama. It
shows there is a strong faction at
least within the PDF (Panamanian
Defense Forces) that felt he should
be removed,” Fitzwater said.

The Bush administration, like the
Reagan administration before it,
has called repeatedly for Noriega’s

Even so, Bush said earlier in the
day that the coup attempt was not
“some American operation.”

Asked if officials believed the
coup had failed, Fitzwater said: “We
believe it has.

We don’t have a lot more infor-
mation than what you have. But it
does appear at least that his forces
are back in control.

“Nothing's changed. Everything
remained the same. We’ll continue
to press for Noriega’s removal,"
and his arrest to stand trial in the
United States on drug charges,”
Fitzwater added.

Fitzwater said Bernard Aronson. a
State Department official, informed
Bush after the president met with
the visiting Soviet defense minister
that Noriega's forces appeared to be

“He just said ‘OK.’ and went into


Stall Writer

. Yesterday’s unsuccessful coup
attempt in Panama against Geri.
Manuel Antonio Noriega had
special significance for UK grad-
uate student Harry lglesias,
whose hometown, Panama City,
was the site of the uprising.

“It looks like it was a move
from a few middle-ranking offi-
cers as it was the case last Feb-
ruary,” said lglesias, who also is
a professor at the University of

Iglesias was last home doing
field work for his doctoral disser-
tation in April.

“I returned in late April,” lgle.
sias said. “During those days
that l was there it was quiet.
They were preparing for the May

The May 7 elections were de
clared invalid by the Panamanian
electoral council, preserving the
power the military has had for
20 years.

“We must not forget that
Panama has been living under a
military regime since 1968,”
lglesias said.

“Since 1972 they have had a
civilian president and civilian
cabinet. The fact of the matter is
political power is the army."


Coup has special significance
for Panamanian graduate student

Noriega, who was made chief
of the National Guard in 1983,
has the real power in Panama,
lglcsias said.

“That was the position that
put him in a very advantageous
position to be appointed head of
Defense Forces in 1984,” lgle-
sias said.

“I think that Noriega has the
military support, and proof of
that is the coup today has failed.
His position has been streng-

The sentiments of Panama’s
middle-ranking officers are
shared by most Panamanians,
lglesias said.

"I think the Panamanian peo-
ple want to get rid of Noriega.
The army and Noriega are an ob—
stacle to the maturation of de-
mocracy in our city," he said.

“Until this point he has dem-
onstrated enough political skills
to outmaneuver the opposition.
We don't know what will be the
aftcreffects of today's coup," said

Even if Noriega is ousted in
the future, lglesias said the ques-
tion will be: “What will be the
political role of the army, the
Defense Forces, when Noriega is



another meeting,” Fitzwater said.
“We did not take any action that
would have constituted direct in.

Denying U.S. involvement in

New ROTC chief says

Contributing Writer

A gold-medal Olympic athlete, a
former Athletics Ladies Home Jour-
nal Woman of the Year, a wife and
mother of two, a 23—year member
of the US. Air Force — Col. Micki
King Hogue is all that and more.

She is the new UK Air Force
ROTC commander, also known as
the professor of aerospace science.

While her new position may be
unusual for a woman, Hogue said
she is excited about the opportuni-
ties as commander.

“Even though it was a non-
traditional direction for a woman to
take, I had the spirit of adventure
and thought, ‘Why not?”’ she said.
“I was looking for something a
little more upbeat, a little more off
the beaten path, and a little more
exciting — and I found it."

As ROTC commander, Hogue
screens prospective officer corps
candidates. Hogue said she hopes to

have 200 in the program soon.

And those who work with her
say she is headed in the right direc-

“Col. Hogue is very fired up, en-
thusiastic about her role here and
we look forward to working with
her in the future," said Capt.
Dwayne Bernitt, an assistant pro—
fessor of aerospace studies.

“She’s a professional. She’s defi-
nitely a people person she is
great with the active duty military
staff members." said Sgt. James
Katsikides of the NCOIC Detach-

While a student at the University
of Michigan Hogue became a na-
tional diving champion. She want~
ed to stay involved in diving after
she graduated with a degree in jour-
nalism in 1966, but her prospects
in the job market appeared to be

“As a college senior, I knew two
things — I knew I had to feed my-
self after graduation, and I knew 1

UK female faculty

Associated Press

Women who are full professors
at UK aren’t paid as well as their
male counterparts and also lack ad-
vancement opportunities available
to men. according to a recent re-

“If a woman begins her academic
career at a lower salary than a com—
parably qualified man hired at the
same time, she will simply never
catch up," said the findings of the

yearlong study conducted by the
UK chapter of the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors.

In addition to significant salary
gaps, the study conducted AAUP‘s
Committee W found small num-
bers of tenured women faculty and
difficulty for women in gaining

The association is a voluntary
group that issues opinions on all
facets of higher education systems.

The committee also found sexist

the attempted overthrow, Fitzwater
said, “We had helicopters that were
in the air observing and we had
some troops around one of the
causeways there to protect access
and rights and so forth."





JAIE Moor:

SNAKE EYES: Jennie Whitehead, a senior from Midway Ky walks by the snake 5.1. "
side the Singletary Center for the Arts yesterday.


Freshman candidates air ideas

Editorial Editor

Last night twelve freshman cans
didates for senator gathered in Don
ovan Hall lobby to participate in a
forum sponsored by Student (iov.
emment Association.

Each candidate was asked two
questions by a four-member panel.
The questions encompassed every-
thing from their views on 24-hour
visitation to how they would corn
pare themselves to a Twinkie.

Roger Batsell said that he
thought he could bring “some di-
versity to the campus because I
come from a small college town."
Batsell also said he would like
more drug education programs im-
plemented to reduce drug abuse on

Asked to compare herself to a
Twinkie. Maggie Bittman said just

job a challenge

wanted to continue my athletic am-
bitions," she said.

But as the nation began to stress
physical fitness programs, Hogue
found an opening in the Air Force.

“The Air Force looked at that as
an opportunity to start recruiting
people into the service that had a
fitness background," she said.

Hogue went to Officer’s Training
School and received her commis-
sion in November 1966. And what
she initially thought would be only
a four-year stint in the military
turned out to be a 23-year career.

Hogue’s first job was with an
ROTC detachment at the Universi—
ty of Michigan. At Ann Arbor.
Mich., she trained with the coach
who worked with her while she was
an undergraduate.

She won nine United States Na-
tional Championships and two Pan
American games in 1967 and 1971.

And in 1968 she made the US.
Olympic team that competed in


attitudes by male-dominated colleg-
es and departments within the Uni-
versity have created a “strong sense
of isolation" among female faculty
members that have hampered pro-
motions and research assignments.

Fundings should be increased to
bring women‘s salaries in line with
men’s and the University's affirma-
tive action office should be re-
vamped, the report concluded.

Jean Pival, Committee W chair-
woman. said the small size of her

Injuries plague Cats’
offensive line.

Mexico City. “I
competed and l
was wmning. l
was in first
place gomg
into the finals."

But in the fi-
nals Hogue HOGUE
miscalculated a take-off from the
springboard and rotated too close to
the board. breaking her arm upon
impact. She finished the event, but
the injury ruined her chances of
winning the gold.

“I had one more dive to do. 1 felt
I was winning, and there was no
decision about whether to continue
on or not," she said. “What l
thought I could pull off on my last
dive, I wasn't able to."

Hogue fell to fourth place after
her third and final dive. “I felt like 1
cheated myself, and I wanted to
prove to myself that I could do it."
she said.

Hogue recovered from her injury

See NEW, Back page

as a Twinkle is full rz‘ with she
is ftill of ideas she hop» 3»: “..in
use to help the CIIlTIPU‘ : .1“~

“Freshmen have no ,nant‘c of
getting anything but lI-lot park
mg," said Lea Ann fiaycnport
while discussing the parking prob
lem on campus.

Julie Gardiner \illtl an:
"represent the freshmen class as Lt
whole." she said, “They need some»
one that they know cares."

Supporting a tuition hikc would
demand an administrative “goal “
said Chris Muffler. But he \dltl it
the administration did not define a
reason for raising tuition they are
“wasting our time and the students“
money." By law L'K cart only rec-
ommend a tuition increase to the
Kentucky Count‘il on Higher Edu—

Jason Rafeld said that he would
like to make some changes in the

1s otiid

may fail ()ricnut'
said orientation
‘dntl a good start.‘
have “itiorc focused "i ‘
same orientation lh
Recruiting quality \' "~"
major concern for JD": '4 .
he said the l nzwrxio u « "
beyond test stores :i'I-l 1'rll.“‘ .~
tonsidcrm: \lrJt '.
person and int-c“ l x ”a"
‘N‘itikc l-s.
tied." \tld llllillll. Rum-rd;- "
also added li‘viil he :1 .9 “wt is r .:
tor 24-hour \ minim: Nari-t-
negative \’i'C\A\
live news.
liennic Scott said she hoped ‘
be out and alert \\ "h Ll‘r.‘ trcshn'v
.itld the whole L‘dillpll‘ I 'i :3 ll" 7. ‘
anything anyiwdy with
Jason S-.rt.tcr mid f? at h - A . “

\‘c l‘RFSll\l\\, i t.\'

iti'l H

-‘-t.'tv«w‘t‘?, !' ' '

John Brock announces
candidacy for Senate

Assomated Press

FRANKl'tiltT. K\
Brock, banking on winning the
support of (Joy. Wallace Wilkiu
son, declared himself a candidate for
US. Senate yesterday and looked
toward a Democratic primary
against Harvey Sloane.

Sloane said in a written suite»
ment that he had fillst‘tl .ilniost Fl
million for a campaign against in-
cumbent Republican Mitch
McConnell in Will and that "it
will be a difficult job to play catch
up" for Brock.

McConnell said ;tll)ll‘illlg less
than a landslide Victory oxcr Brock
in the May primary “will be a sign
of political impotent-c" for Sloane.

Brock, the SUpCl'lntc‘lltlt‘lll ot pub-
lic instruction, conccdcd be this
getting a late start and and that
would make Wilkinson‘s support



o :lkir \,,;_
ltrocit \tiltl
“or iii\ support
all the gin-stun: :l. ii.l\ .'.;t '

tiit‘ t;«)‘.c',"l‘\‘f no. ‘

«.ut Uil'tl. ;' t ’ rid :. rt
tftiiit i‘iili ti’» t- x
_.titt;iti.itt ‘

t‘iit mil. .\ ..s:....
our .\lo.ii‘.c s r. tum.
an the i‘Hf : ‘\k'lln‘i v

Wilkinson's tucks”;
’cs‘pccially important t t..
it‘s late and some peppy . :.1 r: t ,1
relatively unknown 1
Brock said. “With thos; ..
lions, it's important that i not 2w
suppon ol the gncrnor
important to me "

l’rrock immediately \:.H,'c'\i
tonscnatiyc ground on «32.1,

i\i\lv. 7..

sec BRUt‘k. Exits;

are paid less, report shows

committee limited its survey ‘s
scope to full professors.

To combat those problems, the
report calls for the University to be
more responsive.

The report was compiled from
questionnaires filled out by the fe-
male full professor‘s at UK, not in-
cluding the medical center.

According to the report, ques-
tionnaires were sent to 2i women
and completed by 16.

The report calls for catch-up

funding directly trout thc l‘lL‘xl‘
dent's office to bring “union's mill
ary in line With men‘s and for it"
vamping UK‘s attirinatnc .ittion

Robert Henicnua), (‘hanccllor
for the Lexington (‘ainpux tour
mended the committee for ll\ ct—
forts, but he said he and [TK Presi-
dent David Roselle would rcscnc
any detailed comment on the report
until they have seen a study being
done on the status of women by a

t‘oitiniittct- of the t

t'ulty Senate.

lli\k‘l\ll) \ it

An ad hoc tornnuttcL- ot the ti
tulty senate is now doing .i said)
of the status of all women ctnj‘ioy-
ccs at the lTnivcrsit).

The status of minorities l\ being
\[Utilc‘tl by another faculty senate

The committee “1” prt‘sctit Il‘s
findings some time next year.

‘ONS REM schedules

Nov. 5 show.

Story. page 3.

Story, page 2.

my E35



2 — Kentucky Kornol. Wednesday. Octobor4, 1989





Clark-Mitchell combo


Giants edge in NLCS battle

Sports Editor

The National League Champi~
onship Series pits two teams
from very similar backgrounds.
In the preseason the Chicago
Cubs were picked anywhere from
second to fifth in the Eastern Di»

Kevin Mitchell — er, the San
Francisco Giants — also surprised
the baseball experts. The Giants
were picked to finish somewhere
in the middle of the Western Di-
vision, but the one~two punch of
Mitchell and Will Clark have
dominated opposing pitchers
since opening day.

Here is a look at the two clubs

Manager: No doubt. Don
Zimmer has worked miracles in
Chicago. The Cubs were sup-
posed to take a nose dive in Sep-
tember, but they didn‘t. Zimmer
is not an iron—fisted manager - he
just wrote dovm the lineup card
and let the players do their jobs
without pressure from the mang~
er. Roger Craig also worked mir-
acles. but he did it with his inju-
ry riddled pitching staff
Advantage: San F rant‘ist‘o.

First base: Even though the
Cubs‘ Mark Grace had a great
year, Clark has a big advantage
over Grace - he had the best sea-
son of his career — .333 average,
Ill RBIs and 23 home runs.
Grace’s numbers were .314 aver-
age with 79 RBIs. Both are about
equal in the field, but Clark has
postseason experience and is not
as likely to make a Bill Buckner-
type of mistake in the playoffs.

Advantage: San Francisco.
Second base: Rync Sand-

berg was the driving force in the

Cubs‘ pennant chase. Without



Sandberg and his 30 home runs
this year, the Cubs would have
taken their traditional late~season
plunge out of the playoff race.
Robby Thompson is a below—
average hitter — about .250 — but
he draws a lot of walks in the
No. 2 position. Sandberg and
Thompson are about even defen-
sively, but since Sandberg has
not made an error in his last 90
games, he has to be given the
nod defensively. Advantage: Chi-

Shortstop: Shawon Dunston
gave the Cubs what they have
been searching for at shortstop
for years — stability. Dunston hit
around .280 all season and drove
in ()0 runs. In the field, Dunston
makes up for a lot of mistakes
with his incredible throwing arm.
Jose Uribe is almost no threat at
the plate, hitting around .220.
But Uribe gets the nod defensive-
ly because he is the closest thing
to O/rie Smith in the National
League. Advantage: Chicago.

'l'hird base: If the Cubs have
a blaring weak spot, it’s at third
base. Vance Law has not even
come close to last season’s .290-
plus average. Law is hitting just
over .230. The Giants‘ Matt Wil-
liams finally proved he can play
on the Major League level after
the All-Star break to give Mitch-
ell some support. Advantage: San

Left field: Even though the
Chicago kids — Dwight Smith
and Lloyd McClendon — had a
very good year, they are not even
comparable to Mitchell. Mitchell
hit over .290 with a major
league-leading 47 home runs and


125 R813. Smith probably
would have won the Rookie of
the Year award if not for team—
mate Jerome Walton. Advantage:
San Francisco.

Center field: Chicago’s
Walton had a great rookie season
and will win the Rookie of the
Year award. The Giants‘ Brett
Butler has also had a solid sea-
son, .283 average and .400—plus
on-base percentage. Both are
above average defensively, but
Butler is slightly better, especial-
ly in Cadlestick Park. Advantage:
San Francisco.

Right field: If the Giants
have weak spot on their team,
it’s right field. Craig has tried
just about everybody he has in
right field, but nobody has re-
sponded. Candy Maldanado prob-
ably will see the most playing
time because of his experience.
The Cubs’ Andre Dawson is the
unknown quantity in the series.
Dawson must return to his old
form for the Cubs to win the ser-
ies. Advantage: Chicago.

Catcher: Craig platoons two
players as catcher — veteran Terry
Kennedy and youngster Fred
Manwearing. Kennedy probably
will see most of the duty behind
the plate. The Cubs were struck
pretty hard when Damon Berry~
hill suffered a season-ending knee
injury. Joe Girardi will do most
of the catching in Berryhill’s ab-
sence. Advantage: San Francisco.

Starting pitching: Scott
Garrelts (14-5 with a league-
leading 2.92 ERA) and Rick Re-
uschel (17-7 with a 2.64 ERA)
anchor the National League’s sec
0nd best pitching staff. The
Cubs‘ staff is led by Greg Mad-
dux (19-12, 2.95 ERA) and Rick

See GIANTS, Page 5


Barry Reeves
Sports Editor

Injuries Whipping UK line

Sports Editor

The UK offensive line is in the
midst of biggest battle of the sea-
son, and they’re loosing. The line
is at war with injury bug.

The score to date: Injured 7,
Healthy 6.

That's not a good ratio. During
the first three weeks of the seaon,
UK coach Jerry Claiborne has seen
seven of his first‘ or second-string
linemen his with injuries.

“It‘s kind of a sad situation,"
Claibome said. “Never have we had
anything like this. We've had some
injuries, but we’ve never had this
many so soon (into the season)."

One of the few healthy linemen,
Bill Hulette, said: “You’ve got to
look at (the number of injuries) as
a challenge. And you have to just
go out there and play to the best of
your abilities."

Here is a position-by-position
status of the UK offensive line:

Left tackle: Starter Mike Nord
sprained the medial ligament in the
right knee against the University of
North Carolina and is listed as
questionable for the game against
Auburn University. Sophomore
Greg Lahr started his first colle-
giate game at Alabama.

Left guard: Potential starter
Matt Branum suffered a broken left
foot in early August and is sched—
uled to return against Rutgers.
Dean Wilks, who started eight
games in 1988, suffered a knee
sprain in practice last week and is
questionable against Auburn. Todd
Perry, another potential starter, suf—
fered a sprained left ankle against
North Carolina and is listed as
probable against Auburn. Hulette,
a former walk—on. has started all


three games this season.

Center: Starter Brian Cralle has
been hospitalized in Central Baptist
Hospital in Lexington since Sept.
23. Cralle has a staph infection and
other complications that started as a
sprained wrist against Indiana.
Cralle's status for the rest of the
season is uncertain. David Crane
will make his third collegiate start
against Auburn.

Right guard: Starter Joel Maz-
zella was in for only 17 plays
against Alabama before he sprained
his left ankle. He is a probable for
the Auburn game. Redshirt fresh-
man Travis Hahn finished the Ala-
bama game after Mazzella left.

Right tackle: Starter Mike
Pfeifer, a preseason All-American,



has been the mainstay of the line.
He has been forced to play the en-
tire game after Lahr, his backup,
was shifted to the left side when
Nord got hurt.

Tight end: Starter Mike Meece
will miss at least five weeks with a
fracture of his left forearm, suffered
in the second quarter of the Alaba—
ma game. His replacements, Rod-
ney Jackson and Bobby Henderson.
both junior college transfers, had
the flu all last week.

With all the injuries, the Cats
welcomed the scheduled open date
last weekend.

“No doubt. This open date could
not have come at a better time,”

See INJURIES, Page 5

r A Style Show ‘

Blazer Dining Room

Oct. I I at Noon




SERSAWL -nven my -"“r’