xt7k9882nq1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nq1n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1985 1985 1985-11-14 2020 true xt7k9882nq1n section xt7k9882nq1n ______________________———.__________—__—_____________________
fink” M“? ‘~ _ Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent since "97] Thursday, November 14, I985 ‘
Commit ee -~——— , --—w I . oun l A.
. . a I-. C 1 approves ru es .
d rtment Cu. on chea in mc1den s
em a“; g
Group to Offer Plan A Proposal details p “’"’
rocess for faculty students - . 2'-
9 . '3 - = ".'J
. . . l -_i 12.11.
for student affairs f 11 . . . . . . -.
m B mmmms 4 to o ow in cases of cheating, plagiarizmg ._ v,-
3' twilrzi'w'l
Editor—In-Chlef ‘ > “I H) ('YNTHI.-\:\.PALORMU "A lot of \er} innocent tilt-till) be ltW\ i_.i' sin ' ' ' wrinl " r i .11
Prompted by the planned resigna- ‘ . Senior Staff Writer i-otmtc t)\erd:;.{l‘t'.\\l\'t‘ once- the} l, r ‘. ‘ l. .,' i E
p , a ('1 on .l c eating case and thc\ .. . . ., , . , ' '- ' :~.'
mill “miti‘lyzlnfi (griietli: l ‘ The Senate CounCil yesterday ap- go sort ol on their «MI‘ and lit-tort- ,f‘fffl’iuf'.’ ' “r ”m 1 4‘, ' 9.9 -j'
has headed for the last 16 ears 3 l ' proved a document from the ad hoc you know it. it puts tlle ombudsman ”if: _':v'_..“. , ,, ,3“ 3:)” IL: 5 . ' .‘.
'ttee‘ tt’n to ky .‘ .. l . committee on cheating and plagiur- m 11 position of not ll‘lnkl dblt' to di- 1 ,‘f I' . i.“ "'1‘! ' " [”T " .I 9‘. '~ _.-' ~
commi . .l.s ge I g wor IreVIew ‘ i sim that would give faculty mem- lend the t'acultx homo“. mm h' H. “L’” " ‘ i""=~ - f'l' til. it ~.\ ’ i;.
ingthediViSionofstudentaffairs. l . . d Wm. , .,., m, I. . . _ .. .
The committee will examine the l l bers and students a better Idea of \iolated soiiit- l‘lllt‘.\ that clearly ill't‘ .'.i ,r‘ V , y f ' " . '. ‘ 3 'J .~
d'v'sion' “ tructur or 'zation 1 What they can and cannot do in “elltlcllllt'tl. l‘illlngt‘l‘htlltl ll ‘ " '1 j .; .- ..
ahd adrfiinisstration .e. accgi$ng to l ‘ cases ofcheating. l'nder lhl.\ proposal. ll at; in~lriir Mimi.“ ”n.1,, .‘ .‘H ' , .'.“ W ’ , l.
_ its charge. which was written by Art ' ‘ Charles Ellinger. committee [or wants 1" l’un‘u“ " “h" "l "“ Mitlll‘ l: . i. . .i. ,iwi. ll '- ' i .
'. Gallaher. chancellor for the boxing~ l r ‘ Chairman and former academic pen”! ”“4””. ”mam“ “m ‘""" hit-xiv :v “ll' . ‘ a in 1. ‘fi'
toncampus. ombudsman. said the document was \gb’tdmh‘n} “m” m" ““"'“"““"' trim wi 1‘.‘ it .. 'fii ‘ :2. ' .‘ P -‘ ‘3' ' f- f-
Gallaher said yesterday that “the t l designed to “put fairly definable l t minimum penalty ls ii liltlil‘lL‘ mg,» m _ l m . i 1‘.
unit is not being reviewed just be- ! rules las tot the responsibility ol the “rddmnth“"”ur“' Him.” ; . _ . .. ‘. __ . MN 2 ..V .‘ 5 .
cause Bob Zumwinkle is retiring. g Instructor. the chairman. the dean Students will not be alile iii ow .i ‘m .iizzgigrii iii . lviie ., illitld'tlr-‘i ., i 4 ‘ f. 5
it's time to review the unit." l ' and also put some fat“.V Wong rule-s rcpt-iii option to (‘f‘t'lM‘ the ' i. iron. ' 2; '~-‘ ‘ .l .ihi: ' . ' .- U
The eight-member committee. l [Obefollowed bythesludenb ’ their [rilllst‘l‘lpl lht‘ current rilli- ~ tiii \ll\(. .43; _ " .
composed of representatives from . " ' . -'
variom campus departments and l ‘ J: _‘. " f
one student, will submit a report by i ‘ ree c a ters at l l K I l 0f I ‘ ' . i ‘ ‘
Dec. 15 so that its suggestions can i ‘ ’ _' ‘ , -.
be taken into consideration in ap- l ‘ ‘ l g 1 . ..
pointing Zumwinkle's successor. i a . -..> ~ 1 .. . .:
Gallahersaid. j com -, I j ‘. "
t... . :3. me e or s sponsor run ,
had two organizational meetings. .- ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ' .‘ _
will gather information by inter- j v ‘ . . .. . ’ . . ’ I \ '
viewing staff and faculty members 1 l .'. ‘ By Bh'f‘lll.\\\s()1\ .' , _f ‘
related to student affairs, said Mi» r " StaffVlriier ». 1 7 I
chael Brooks. committee chairman ‘ . . . \ , l . " 5' ,
and an associate professor of socio- Sigma Phl‘ . Eps‘k)" imtmml . , : ' -' ' . ‘
logy. 1 . chapters at Lk‘and the lHl\'t‘l‘>ll) J ' .' q" a}; | z . . . ‘ ’1
Students will have the opportunity ‘ pf {10:115\’lll9) will conibinchtht-lr ct . v ,k‘ v I . i . . t . .
to voice their opinions on the subject r or s o raist mom} for t e .-\merl N ‘ x . ' l I . i . ~ _
at two open meetings. which will be . ‘ can HeartAss-omation ‘ _ “3 I. ' l =g. -‘ ; .» K . '
held at the Commons cafeteria and 3 ‘ . ,th “N sigma Pm hp’mm Bu” “ . h i/ ‘=~ ‘ K; l ' ‘ ,. "
theStudent Center. . o r toi tharit} will begin at ll a m but \\._ -. a ,v 7 i 4 ’
Some committee members also i l _ ui'da} from the l' of L Sig lip house \ \\ f ' . ) l!“ . A)? :. .'
will meet with Zumwinkle's student 1 ’ - ‘ a A distance of about 80 miles will be . c: '3' . J‘ h . Q ,
roundtable, an informal discussion ‘ ‘ Kimmy ending at ”(.5 Chaim)" i ‘. i V L,» l x ‘ » . ' l‘
g . _ ouse l ' In
figm‘g ' “:fgutedCSEdOl'ggtzgf Dr William I)c\'ries, noted heart " '\ ‘1“ “,9, a. ‘ l ' - .-
the meetings have not been fi_ surgeon. will begin the charity ract- ‘ ® , ,A 136;, A. i p . ‘ .~ .‘
nalized,Brookssaid. r and will run the first leg of about ‘1, w i \ ' ' ‘ . il l j ' p
Brooks and Gallaher said the com- "“S‘"“‘“ " K - ' ; I, \. l . ‘ ’ . . », '
mittee also would consult with Zum- The t of L chapter thought it ‘ . ' t \ ‘ __ g ‘ '
Winkle. ‘ . woulht; be a goiod way to get to know , . i ‘ ‘ , ~ , . ' ' ; g
, - . > us tter ant to raise money for i, g . ' .' y . .
cofnlmnerf‘h‘iiediewchemdifilttgeecimbh? - __ a > charity.” said Jt‘. Ferguson. coordi- ’ " ’ -___ fl ’ ’ .' . ; -. .
said he hopes any recommendation - num'finhemnatm "W M" " ' ' ‘ . . . ~ "
for his replacement would preserve .‘. “.0 n: “j” appreciative that h“ out to i lllilt‘.\ lllltl tr replaced all raw l - . . .l. m'i-z " . ’ =
twooftheoffice‘scurrentfunctions. , "W“ ifégfi’di’é’lqiié’iafizfi 3325i iiiiiiliierriiiiiii-i- 1,. _. ~ . . _. 3,1. ,- ‘ , ‘ g . -
mzffiigmggyimimdxi‘ ”‘u'mm "°”""5'°" tant person an honorary .start .1. _ l: " ”“ ‘ ‘ ’ "' U" . ' ' ,
_ ‘ ‘ ' ° .- he run has been pli'lllnt‘tl for one ir‘l‘i wimp . - y.»
3:)" encompasfihaeVag-‘etmf stu— Statlc energy er month. the goal to ht- reached l\ V ,' 5 7
nt services. hopes ' posi- . .,— . , . 51.000 r c'na tor and it s all ior ‘t‘u It’ i i w . |. ; m ' ' ‘ é " -
tion will. remain one of student Charles Goodwin yesterday steodies a cable hoisting o ch33; of-l‘henf‘rQaTeti‘ehrity lirfll‘haret‘itih that”)??? “Will‘s-“m \dltl .' ‘u- t . 1 ~ .. ' i l”- . V ' ”I V ' '
“communicator. advocate or spokes large concrete section of 0 new parking lot on Vine Street. pate in the race. w'hich'will be like a ‘ h ‘ . hdl‘ ' - " J 'i in" _, I ' i,
SeeDEPARTMENT.page4 relay. Each runner will run about For the past two \\(‘t‘k.\ both the tlt‘ipiltn». ‘ -> i; " '.
Co 11 '1 OK I f d t l b' d' l
11 Cl S p an or DC ora program , iome 1C3 center ;, '_
By(‘YN’l1~lIAA.PAU)RMO approve the Who" heft"? the Propo- the requisite number of five full- “We have probably the second Virginia. Virginia and Missouri He on tour .\pt’kliill/illltl". tilt‘d.‘ miner- ,' = . 'l “
seniorsmfwfim sa'lscan takecttu't . member graduatefaculty members. largest master's program in mining said that Ill lht‘ beginning. most stu» al prtx‘esslnll ruck IlltK'lidnlCB. sys- . ,‘T ' w
The “Fade"“C program commit- It .1. -" ff uff' . engineering in the United States.” dents would come from Kentucky. lt‘lll.~ t‘!ll.’,int'(‘l‘lt‘i‘;l .iiiii tentilation . .' "
The Senate Cwncil yesterday ap tee chaired by councd member “'11— be “f” w“ 9 {er ‘3 s .‘c'em num‘ Leonard said. “We are doing quite but eventually the program should we lci' -‘ RU ut-nt .inj. more spe ' . " '_ j
proved proposals calling for the cre- liam Lyons. renewed-the request r 0 courses or f‘ 501” program well in research with just a master's attract \lllllt‘lll\ trom .ii-ioss the chit/9d ' .\Il .iii lK’ ".,_i“i‘ll\\t’l and z ‘ , ' , " .‘
ation of a doctoral program in min- for a doctoral program in mining en- beyond the master 5 19W]; Joseph degree and we are wondering what couniri thorn-l i- l ii mi: : xiii lie .idrlt‘d ' - ‘ '
ing engineering and a center for gineering. Whard- chairman 0f mining engi- wecoulddowithaPh.l)." The proposal includes \l\ till—lf‘tel lhi‘ iii “war it woull' be lht‘fls- " ‘ ' VI . — - \
biomedical mgineering neering. said he thought two to three courses but leonard said he ho s it'llt‘l‘ . i i x I i i . 'J l ' ‘3
' The department is taking steps to students would graduate from the If a doctoral program is created to increa .th.n mm, f . . p? it L.. ,, u H . , l -' ‘- '| .' . .’ ‘ ~‘ v. '
. . ensure that an additional faculty program on a Yearly basis. Current- at UK, it would be the onl' one in - — M ( u r 0 courses 0 , “flu“ ‘ g} .H‘NI '\. M Line.” . . - ‘ "' .
The UmverSity Senate and the member be made a full member of I bou , , ) 13to in arc a\dllilhlt‘ to teach iiixtoral leiel . » "
Council on Higher Education must . y.'a t 30 students are in the mas- the state. Leonard said the nearest . g i
the graduate faculty. thus meeting tersprogram. states With such programs are West The research component is based \ccBlUMHlK «l . page 10 ~ ,i I '. .
a l g l S -- Congress takes steps toward - , -
3% -»-~ a“ . - *§\"1* .' ‘ ‘ .
“’1’“ for 1' headin off bud etar crisis “ ' '
. ii g g y ..
symposmm t » . _______ . . , . ..
By CLIFI- HAAS began Oct 1. hilyc been approved by . ‘
g ASSOCiated Press This (increase) WOUld t‘ongress‘ \lithoul that authority. ’
Student speakers . goiernmtnt oititcs would hate been - ~ _
\ ' WtesdHLNGTON t — Congress be enough [0 keep [he force: to begin closing at midnight ‘ -
. . ~\‘ wor n separa e measures yes- toni t
descnbe disorders * . 9 . r- terday that would tfilmporarily avert government SOlVCl‘lI g ' ~ -
_, . r, . ‘ a government defa t and the dos =
B WENDY SUSAN SMITH , ' {‘3‘ > I ing of federal agencies. and thus put thrOUgh DEC. 13 ' . »
53‘“ Writa' —' ‘9 ‘ off tough budget decisions until after — *
1 _ y . ._ . gesident Reagan returns from the begun a second round of talks aimed
When W - ‘ i i“; i nevasummit. at breakin the im sse. but the)
are] Sh. m £619;ng ‘ Lawmakers were operating under have concliided the? would be im Plea- ln one "an. last year's
rm,'y 3: w to_ lose . a warning from the White House able to reach complete agreement bkxkbuster startinx Sally Field.
WIN—In mm shecould ..; , \ that the government “would tempo- before today‘s midnight deadline. makes Its cable debut this month.
In an 8|th IS i- " ‘ ranly stop paying its bills" if there Rep, Trent Lott. R-Miss. the as- F“ ' “5“ "thup. 5“ WE"
urn last n10“ mead: 3r ”9°13“- is no action by tomorrow. The ad- sistant Republican leader in the SIONsime 2-
' Karel. malice { ministration also said it would pre- Home. said "it was not only unlikely
33:" ‘ m °‘ “Wt” PW“ . , iertoseeiongterm solutiom. but probably impossible" that the TI! U! Hub-fl '- when it to
ISO mum“? "um.“"fm g _ ‘1 / ~ On a mom vote. the Home deadlinecouldbemet. the hoop tonight against cm
' .nd ' in an” I ~ ~ ( - passed and sent to the Senate legis- Thus legislators sought to buy “ht The Wildcat s season W
your ll now recovery . lation increasim the government‘s themselves time by passing the "i will begin at 7:30 p.m. in low
PITT:- _ t that m inn-mm $1.824 trillion in borrowing authority terim debl‘measure Man. For I preview of the gum,
”an and... I0“ beckutowhlnl Panelists discuss eating disorders last night at a forum at the by SN billion. This W00“ be enough ‘ ' . *m'nl
was 11 old m l we: told that Student Center. Ab0ut 00 people attended the discussion. to keep the government solvent Earlier. the Senate. by VOW? ““9-
‘m 23"”: m. which m . . . ' “WWW-13- temporarily put off a. separate
mite m cabana-line m Mb than W38 befits a slim. beautiful After years of binging, vomiting. Semi. mm was expected me, pressing. problem by swms final
lc W for me .. she said. “It person. I wanted so badly to get taking laxatives. and considering yamyo’mum today. congresSional approval to a st098th)
m u u mm him“ I mm am. i thought how great it suicide. Karen finally received the- spendms bl“ that wmld keep money
m mid be not to be able to eat," she rapy in an intensive treatment pro W50“ raisin the national flowing to most government agen- Manly cloudy skin an M
“M.thy mtbyhtl a”. mmwmmcunimu. debt limit to more than Q trillion cios, m m . II N M of
M'tmmmmw "W“"WW' Fem" "F" “ms . ”W'WWWW over Wmluwlbehh
wwwfimlhy" mailyflvetimeethetldich‘t Fm'flfl'flllhebfllm rivelphllpenedbythel'hleend Themeasure. approved bythe bundd‘h.To*-ln~
' Wichmflth'tshowaorsmdy "F‘Whlwwflllflmyme- Smetetofaeeebnhncedfedu'al Hmon'l‘msday.isneededbe “dun-tune
Kamuldhu'mlnmwuordonnythmuumlttnww." ltlbefllllfl‘timeeinoel‘ve Wbytheendofthedecedecameonlymdwnreguhr Ina-norm
m “I". end all in (lumen Kama-id. 8028mm.me6 mutton-l Wit!!! have WI! ““8 for “90" l”. Which

 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, My, New 14, 1’“
*‘h— ”M
Arts Educ, Holmes Hall
tyne“... Presents
Assistant Am tam),
2‘1:::::::>--,-::- ’- 2"“ 2.2::1:;::1-,"'.:.<;5:;'j.;-:‘-,.;.-;:-‘;;-';: --:.,.‘: 2-‘:1t2‘,::.i‘-V‘- . ._ ‘ , -. - . ' . ...”:-”-. :~:.::-=:::-:" . -: -:-2:§-.- 5-: ‘ =2:-‘-2:2‘32s:-2:--2:-:=-::-:-:- .;
o o o . . Play For
‘ w w: i
- Premieres Ill III] ht cable WCBk t -' ‘2' «2 "‘° ”""°" w”
, ' _ " a - _ V . Saturday. Nov. 16
. ' .. ' ‘ I)“ 4 7p.m.-12p.m.
. . . . , . V , 3 ‘ Over 81 I Print
.2 Three mowes and two comedy speeials worth Viewer 5 time . V ,V, a... V «2 .
, 9 .2 . "
. By \\ ESLEY MILLER man's heart 2not to mention his . ‘_
i ‘ , . ~ . Stall “m" RE.FLICK-TIONS loms‘ . as the teenage ny iiiphet -. ’ V ..‘ ._ ‘ 2 -= ____.‘. _; a...‘:_ I
_ “A Nos Amours" debuts this Sun "of; ' if! ’. 2.x ' M7,-
r.veii though it is the middle of the day on t mom.“ * . 2 \ . ”‘2 . v E N T A l
‘, ‘ ‘ month. the pay channels are offer . ' V ._' _ ‘ . " A R R
' " ' my; three movie and two comedy debuts “9“ month Vol, cable T“ In Two rising young comedians bring - 2 _ _ =. I ‘ ‘ Announces
' 2 . 2 premieresV each one appealing for proved that VVdrd‘n‘lilb fbom . I‘ut‘Vdi thmt‘ Schlzll brands of humor to VV ’ .‘ V ' f. - , .- " SPCCIHI Weekend
. V . one reason oranother Americana tan sti (arii (I‘lllLd cable '1‘\' ”“5 week St"l‘\' and Sat ‘ ,2. ‘t V . V V «V .. . R l
. . . ‘. . . . . 2 and financial success. . . . - . I” ‘ T 2 . 2 8 es
1“” and away the quality selection .. .. V .. iiiday Night Live .iluiiinus Martin '_ _ ‘ .2 Q I 2
' " V ‘ . ot thc week is last year's Places in “‘0 0f the tour h‘gh‘H} men 9‘ Short will present his littut‘lttllg (‘on- ' J . x ’ ‘ 1" $39 95 lust
. . ' 2 . ”H. ”N” which earned seven countryVmusic are featured inV198~ts W" [or ”W \"Hh \mvrm“ m” V,” 2' 2. y a, o p Ix
.' ' ”50d? nominations. including 395‘ songwriter. .“hmh premieres tin“ Wednesday on Showtime Among his I {'- 2 "I . ° N00“ Friday
-. V . V V. ‘ “mid” Robert Benton and Best Monday on tinemax. \lillio Nelson offbeat cmlmflmmtmm arc l-Id t ”l, V V. : ,V . . until
V ‘ '2 l ' 3"”92‘5 53“} ““1013 second) held plays a downonvhis-luck songwriter- Griniley aii iiitciisc iiiaiiiiic who t ,' ’ 1Q... «P "' . '
-. j I . V \tat‘s as a strongwilled woman performer. whose only “'3." ill get- idolizcs 'l‘\' wmtighim “(N l’at 2 ‘ W ' .0“ 10a.m. Monday
. 'V .. ‘V " lt'fk‘t‘d 1“ ““2‘9 her “‘0 children [mg “”7913? for; his songs V‘s. ‘0 Sujak‘ and hot dog vciidoi‘ Nelson ' l . 2 5T .3 ' 1985 and 1986
I I - . ‘ 3‘0““ l“ [WWW-“an‘r'd T9X35 after ghostwrite for m“ bUdd‘ ‘hrlb hrb’ Hepburn ‘lhit'tl cousin ot the tamed 2.-" . a. A 2 Cars
2 ‘ . -V ' . her sheriff husband is shot to death [offersont and a promising young actressi :. ../ 1;;» V ’ .
i~ ‘V 2 .- i ' The appeal of the film. which we singer $95193 Anne \Iarrcni Th \V ”V v (in ‘llt n 'tl\lt )rc ' ' N0 Mileage
.' '. ' i ‘ micres this Sunday on HBO. lies In Satirizmg the countrv music in. _ h Zuud‘ ‘ . l .l l V l. " W“ ‘ charge
. u .2" . It; su rb su )rting (.ng which m_ d str' (1 9.! Al'h R l)l h scnts (onicdy I‘.\|H‘lllllt'ltl. lamo .. ...2 ,' . _ , .-
- - . .2‘ ‘ _‘ ‘ p9 . ‘ ppfi V f. .‘ . u 3‘; 1r .‘ or “ d u< ‘. p Philips. ii halt hour nightclub act I «r 2:2. 'fi ‘ . COIIISIOI'I
.V . . . ‘ .. _ , iludos l)anny (.lover 2 Silverado 2 2 (hoose Me I has created a film f 't V thx ”TV ”Mm“. wide- . “..‘"I;-.“..m .2. ~ .n l' n
2 _ 12. V . ‘ .r as a black worker with a keen bust that can be enjoyed even by those eirrlif’n “If” \V hinm'u'm “j” um“ Q . \ V. . I SI]. a CC
'2 ‘. V ' _ ' iicss sense. Oscar nominee John who don't like country music Nev- fit: .L \(n [‘1 \ith 1) \1l 1‘9””: “ . . I available
1 . .' . ‘ .\1alkovicli as a w‘is‘ecracking blind erthcless. despite the Oscar-nomi- V l (a Sign \ h fl; (n tj‘ll t 2 2‘ , I V
. . . ‘ ' . man. Ed Harris "The t‘ocat'ola nated score. Kristofferson remains .133: Ighjhpfl ”3V”? mtmgwu lilughfer ’ ‘ ' , V ‘ ‘0“ Weekly Ra'es
, V, . .2 . . . ‘V Ivid VVasVl'ield s husband and land hopeless as a Vsinger and Warren is 5”an m Sh hockey team into a winner when he doesn‘t let up. Andrew ltuiicaii is su2
~V cinematography This was one of the Maurice I’ialat explores the subject this Saturday. stars l‘aiil \(‘\\t‘it.tll [Ni-hog them to play dirty Directed port) as a {renned T\' announcer. 257-6525
V2 ‘ '. VV _ better mine of 1984. and along with with a sensitive touch. and Sandrinc as a weary hockey \Clt’l'dll who by George Roy Hill <"The Little and wait till vou see those Hansen
. _. V V, . -2(~[,um,») - and 22'”,c lerg‘ which Bonnaire “2,11 put a flutter in any turns his lousy sciiiipi‘ittcssiitnal Iti‘iiiniiici‘ (tirl"t. this satire just brothers whenthevhittheice ————_—_
i V: itiittitittitttiitttiitit‘kiiitiiititi
‘ i - I i : Ky'I M0" Fri-Sc.
2, V . _ - V. . I; talk-«IV About $1.25
. . .. ADPi and AGR . DEVELOP BOTH SIDES OF YOUR BRAIN! sing-.- - / Maison
‘ ’ ” ’f ’ With Courses in The Colle e of Fine Arts '°' LIBIW
' :2 GREEK N16“? AT THE OSCARS p Unlvonlty Plaza Shopping Cong: “1! .0
.V . g... _..... _......._... _. W ' (2 - P s
" 2 * t / o L: ‘
_ ‘ . . ‘ DATE: NOV. 14. 1985 1 Theatre TOT introduction to Theatre .4 '5‘“ g V «
V2 : TIME: 7:00 p.m. : Theatre l26 Acting Movement TONITE I ' ‘ 0°
. ‘ ’ PLACE: Memorial Hall 1., Theatre 387 770 How to be c Critic P
‘- ’ 2' It ‘. Theatre 387 770 Shakespeare: Script to Stage MALE9D?1NCERS %«
, VV. . 3 Tickets $2.00 in advance $2.50 a! door 1» Theatre 58] Theatre History. Renaissance to Modern ' \O
' , tifittttiiiitittiiiiittiittiiiti*fiiitti é
. . -. _2 .2 MUSIC 200 Introduction to Music MO" admitted 01]] $5
. . . MUSiC 300 History of Jazz Resorvutlons 254-8127 0\
‘. , , ‘ . _- Art AH 105 AnCient through Medievel Art “VF
V -.. l the Art AH l06 Renaissance through Modern Art F I
. . Art AS 102 Visual Exploration l, Two Dimensional r ' s
' ’ ' V NIVERSI‘ I Y Art AS lO3 Visual Exploration ll, Three Dimensional Sat. ATTITU DE
-' . . ‘ Courses may satisfy GeneralStudies or College Roqulromonn —'_———.'———
. 2 ( LUB Bes-Type Typesetting 257-6525
' 4 2 I Mimosas 95c . . . . . . .
V , 2 'V _ You‘re the man in charge. And you dollars worth of sophisticaitcd A solid starting salary of 317.700,
.2 we“ Drinks 95C can handlc it. Bocausc the Navy cquipnicnt. and up to its much as KHAN!) in
3 i i - has givcn you thc managcmcnt At :ig‘c 22 you can lic a lcudcr four yours with rcgular promo-
. ' . Draft Beer 50C and technical training to gct thc in thc Navy. With all thc dccision- tions‘ and incrczrscs.
" , - ' jol) donc. making authority you nccd Rcsponsihility and rcwurd. It‘s
- ’2 V. " . Thirty mcn report to you. And to hclp you match up to your thc way you mcarsurc .s‘ucccs‘s‘ in thc
. ‘ .. " ‘ ‘ what you do includes the carc i‘csponsihility. Navy. Scc your Navy Rccruitcr or
VV' ' . .it 381 S. LIMESTONE and rcsponsthility for millions of Ihc rcwui'ds match up, too. CAI-I. 8°0-327-NAVY.
‘ H Ti ‘5‘ " . m #3 i 71* Ti- ' we.
§ . 2 f", playing This Week -, - __g2_ 2:
V V. , 2. -. D 2 Top 40 Dance an
I"'.". (3 l. S5 23"“ v
, ..' -. / % MILLIONAIRES L 1%
'3, .2 - ' 2 . (.2. j/
V;, ., V2 ; -2 . , . r.- 2:.‘E g i J ‘
‘ : , <‘ ' 2’ ;2.: E: :5 g T
i ', , .t '- i Q ’ t (D 23’ ::=_ f.
. ~ V _ , V. _ . V \ r . l g 55.5 E
'2' - . _ '2‘ ’. . :—§’ fr}; .2
. t _' ,‘V V ‘ VV‘ . V. sa—VV 2. :. * V
, ' V '.~ :5 ' . \ V 2'. a: 7'? g? _ ,
' 2 . . ' «“9 ‘Nl ’ . 7; 2 a: :2
i . i ‘ *All *N E 72* 2.: 75—; .13: e;2: 7’: 2% 3.3—:
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, ’;l'vV. Van No! To ‘hov ’ §_ ’ "‘2 7 , .A:, , . :1
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 , , I
__ .___ __ - .__-_~-._. __._______—.____
Sports Mom
.1an .
Assisiom Sports Editor
'3? ' ' 13:23:: ‘1. tir-‘sirszea (2-2. '1=§E.:I"i.'-==’:a‘:: ‘ "szi'fztz‘flii 21:22: ”‘ ”v‘ in" ,9’ ”‘t ” .--.'-.-.-€:=:- '32 2.. L '2 -. HE“.:-::;:zé~"~=i':l ”t” 2- ..__ . t ~ +.1"='.2=«..-a:e~ -
. . . -~ , .. 2 -... 2::a22e2 2.2 - . :2
Czechs bounce to town — n Sutton gets -
° ' t . . LL.“ 0 o ‘5’ I”
to tang e M 1 ca s . .. . first Signee . ., - .
B} JOHNJURY Vanderbilt and Michigan State and _ . ; .' of on -L L
Assistant Sports Editor lossesto Wisconsin. Kansas, Indiana ' seas -‘ -"L L '
andlowa. 5= 1 .,- _ 2
When the UK basketball squad Like all games played between \ _7 ° . ," -
takes on the Czechoslovakian Na— different countries. rules adopted by 6 Reggle Hanson 2 LIL ;,'.. . 1‘ ;5 , 5.‘.
tional team tonight. about the only the Federation of International Bas- , 1- "5 . :5 L, ’.L -
thing familiar to the Wildcats wiii be ketball Association Will be used for , ; all-state forward .5 5:25- ; .; . - .
playing on the hardwood floor of tonight‘sgame . Q ; :“LL‘L 21;}.{5
RuppArena. The changes include three2point ‘ / .\taffreports _.'L-‘ LL:
The Kentucky fans Wlll be able to goals Iabout 301991 from the basket 1 Q. ; ; 5 ; ; ; ; . 1;" {.'LI j 5‘
see a new coach. a few rule changes or just inside the top of the (‘ll‘t‘lt‘l. I ;; . e 2; Taking dtl\dnld,.’5t‘ oi ; .tie earl) +.1 ;g;.l;.;5 525’ ’
and a different brand of opponent at wider lanes and no alley-00p passes ;- . fl signing period 5LLL'LLLL_LL.rL.L l.eggie llan- I. 2;; ; '.’, ‘.
tonight's7‘35tipoff for dunks. Also. when the ball is in ’ L L “m fifth“: d ;n‘”“"““5_l:L‘L'LI. L.” intent 5’ L: .1
At his Rupp Arena debut before an the cylinder. it is considered live [LL pLd'L. L” ,d “LLdLLL: L h. 5LLLdCh LLL- :3th? --'.I’L’4 Lt
anticipated capacity crowd. UK andcanbetouched. [fiddlt‘sutttflflilllriOtl'llEl‘tif.:‘,\;[t‘;l;tiii_\ ;. “L!" ; .
coach Eddie Sutton will showcase The action “.1” be fast paced be- ,llanson,‘ a Moo. .545.” «art. trorri :5. .5 [..;-:55 ;.
his Wildcats in their flI‘St game cause officials are not required to ; lulaski ”mm-I “Wait”! "L’ points ‘i I"; . f;.-.
against a “real" opponent. after handle the ballafteraturnover ’ and l: ”MW” ‘1‘ 1 WW]? ;:“-“5;“-“" .I_ f1; '5-;".
playing three intrasquad scrim- “They‘ll probably score SIX to in k ' “m .LLthLzLLLlLImLLL? .“‘L“L “ “‘ re» {1'33
mages points Just off their knowledge of the 1 D “moo“ 5 _ 55 5 gum“ an d LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL . , ,5 ~L 5- ’5 -'L,L: .’L;'
“I'm sure the team is looking tor» rules 25,10,195“ gald Harden. “h“; > - o ;; Heggn , i; ;;. ; rui. I-;2;-... :ti’lllfi 2. .1 ;.;;;.;.;.;
ward to playing somebody 81w. he along \vith want-r and nt-nnen. has LSU coach Dole Br0wn folks to WKYYs Dick Gabriel "luring SFCU. .i.«.-:.2. .. 2.2mm. Pf’t‘f’F j‘ld“ 1’5“” "‘5“‘;j ';’f"d -1;.».;;.j.§-..-.‘
said play-«linternationally before Dd“ ; r“ g} ; r L ‘L' L' L h ‘;‘”; if” 5. '. ’5, ,§"'.L'.'L»_
"EV?“ though the game doesn‘t "i don't know if that will be an ad- ”n dLLH'LILLP'5LLL [LL Lu 5L5'LLL5 ”W LO .L»‘.L ‘ ’7'; .‘2'5‘ L.'.5'1
count. it Will perhaps help lb' in bet- vantage or not." Bennett said about a a complenien. 2‘” ""‘hL “Nd? J ._ ._l.-'_;~-.; ;; -'."
ter evaluating the squad." SUttOH his knowledge of the FIBA rules “an? m , . 'h . . iubt . 'L ~L L'.} L
said "We haven't really put our top "Three or four of us have plaved m. 5 5 5 1"” ’I “”2 """ "2‘ LI“ " '5 7'? '2' '- t".
. .. ; . ‘ 5 '5 I . .. ; 2 _ -. ;\---
sixor seven players together ternational ball, but theres a lot of SEC COElCheS analyze teams, held quehilonfi, :1: media day 1")?!" “h"? be “”de t" mend 60‘ .;;- ; _; 15:5 5:
"It's going to be a Change of pace us who haven't You've got a t‘lech LLLLL’L], n5 t: um] i , . 1 2 LLI L. L f .; L -- ‘L "LL!
. .; ... ; ; ; ; ; 4 ; ; ““5 a i; new»: ._ .i .i. _;.' . 1‘; 1‘;
L0 pld) a real lite opponent, Junior team coming m h‘ n “h” pL‘L-H 'n lh \\'ll.l.ll~2ll|.\1'l" Beside.~ aiialxmug thi-ii mu. ,Ii . '- . lllt‘t" academ he Mm“ * [ \e prefix 11.1)th ln‘i‘l'i a .I.’ . ' I 2;:
forward \‘timton Bennettsald. ternationalruleseverv night -‘ . . 5 , . . . . , , . . . ~ z -5 2“
5 ~ . Sports lulitor teams the toailies .iiisM-rev. .-. - kentucm fan \;.'iti l .2.» 2. k»! l 2" .' ‘
“The t lechs pla\ a different stvlc , _. 5 , - .. . . -. ‘. 2. ‘ . “ 2
5 i b' 'k'll‘ ll .5 ;' i [LK ; _ t'L 1 questions about ltitas ~il4 .. .i\ . 2. : liI it, ‘1: all. knp“ a]; mom: I \5,.' ‘o~‘_ '- we a _.‘ .. y f 5 .5
:‘ 'L L -. t? ; 5‘5“" LLLBL‘ id” l :55“; 1‘: .\ll live renewed their respec» drug testing. academic ~liillii2i“ 1: 1'2 '1.‘ -2 ..nl (tor. lie‘x'oe \tililcai I ieei wrx .;..2.2: ..' ill} .'._'.tL ‘2',5 ’ :7
:fldf‘fi OUR martin \t; io scou ti 1' ‘; iiie teams. defining strengths tor college allilete~ ant: li't’l'lu‘ ; I ..2. lvn'ieswe would be decision 1 {yum 155 ~ 2 - ,. ; _ M.“ 2 . {5-
- 5“,: "L[Eh 5.L_ dtn'jd" ‘5de lLL'LL and tieaknesses. proiecting start» :ng aiolatioiis ' .. 12a: 5. 'a_‘« 1 .\c set a To“ mmcomh 5\u"51i]‘ 5' L’.I‘.L
L L ’ L :~“. .. 9}, ”T20; ‘h; p;:~\;‘\;t_‘1[h‘:“ mg lineups and fielding questions in the area oi recruiting ai.1 ma: 2. - 2' 'tn- Scholastic ~11:- ;\ 1.5m “‘1". 5,3; -- 2-K .15 .5; i 5;“ ,L L
(I / ’ .'2‘2 {flu-wig? H1) 1 :th light ;ra L “L5” about a varietyoftopics .H'Fitlt'llllt'.\ the outspoken l‘L"t‘-‘.\l. L‘l" ' i 3-» i- .2 well 11> some “25,19; 5,525,“: He 5. 515. “Ants“: 1. 5~ -
;-— ~ —‘1 .4." 15;); Kt ”Lil ; 0 ; Lk ”29‘1”?th And aside from all the dr5\ '.\.‘l.\ in tar the most eiitertaiiiziig tr..- 2.w,2.r \iieittiei'ti 2chools But .](-I(In>1\e play-i‘ .55. . L'ttld . 2 L _ . \‘- ..;
_ _ ; ; ' 249' ; e} 32‘? 5 wort ‘1’." 0 ense chalk talk. two were actuall} en (l\'t\('ll;l>tht‘ mod critical 525i: . -'.. 2 .\ ..;lu reach gum. mm!“ l think .W. . 5; 5 ...ch -5 .. ,‘
L2‘L . ..Lj’f LLriLunLih LL LnLLLLpLLLn.erL2i \i 'h ,, termini": "\Vhilv \w continue in mike in: '~ ._-. 'sz rum! to play sutiiinimk2lnr.ni:.2I. . ‘. 2. - ~ .-
.5.5._.5_______555555555555555555.. ; n c game agaim . it. 1:221” Iilitlbltinil State coach Dale prima tillllllns oi basketball pia_. . .~u' .- 2: 11‘» 'He can plax the .1 - 2 L: -§ “.L .' ‘.
-‘ 5 ’ 5 “ state .\londa\. the (techs canned l’ . , j \ 5 5 5 - .5 h- 'I‘ ll , ,- t .. . . . . , ,, 3m 'h ' 2‘ :5 .-
- '- . » /' .‘ f .5 three; )Linters tour from “.5; -rown ant .» umrn coaCi Sonn} ei2. t t ito oilori. 2 oi; .\ .. -... - \ ,x o .m- he can pla} 555mm; 55, - 1,5,; ;; . _ .;
“ 'L rL iLL-L l\'l' pt lll'L l k L Smith, both colorful coaching continue aii-l coiitiiie and mum. : ~ ~ :t"'.t’t-7i.v~fll las' .tin» he 2 got £0041 sl‘nn’i' . .' 'L L 2
’2‘ “‘5': 5““‘_:;ml; “\ lL ll d V” personalities. were two of me tlt‘ ' Brown said, talking .llitill' ~. . ;. .. :.--2 .'t'tul‘l'i alter he _ ' . _ '
: ;. h l 1: (rec s art a FLL-qubew V” ; sbjt’ coaches \tho spoke at the the I)oii.iiiic.in plaxei' who .2... _.i. 5...». 'gei's to an Slit‘ .\utton ‘1": 5““ “ " PWJW“ hat 5' ' 2 ‘2
m K .0 h ng L] 5ed‘L5der L) 5' to“? “85m Southeastern Conference Basket» the ~ub1ect ot a recent l't't‘l‘ti‘lttth.‘ 'l M.- - . -5 5,,5; 1.. the final Hanson. the ;ti.’\' nigh; \Uhlt'ilt‘! t0 . ; - ; ; .. ; .5
IOLANDMULU "ML Lop LLL thrift n: LLL ML ‘Lm ”Le mt ball .\ledia Days yesterday at the luror i- ..5 'i2- \‘2 i.iurnament. held "mtg“? lth ”V“ L‘e‘L“ ”'LL‘LM‘LG to L‘ . 2- . .
The starting lineup for t'K is not 5 ‘ ' Radisson Hotel . . . 2 i;.:'1..: m2 tli 'llt'\t‘~ul7]€(‘l> W” ‘L ’ cats 2 .7 -L - 2 .
~~ " .- 55 5 .\t lilteieiit tllllt’> this \tlllil‘li‘l 5 - 5 . . , -52 ,.,., . .. . . -. - _ -
_\et known. but an endless list of pos- 'h Tthé-t” quOlrthLLflhxt LhLLLd :13} [he remaining five coaches ot ”mm.”- 2nd m5 5“ h going 5;; :12; an... hung candid about . Reggie i. ai. -;;i.t.;.a.. .i.n_ ,.i..;.er ; 5; 5 . .
sibilities eXists Vfl'iat is known is 5 j” d Jutmptrll t; a ;; 5:“ ; t”; .\‘l-jt‘ teams speak this afternoon ”Nun“ lLK “55;” 5.(.1L\;M;;;5;55 Iv...“ mp; . x'YLi'll .Hh probabl} “h“ LLLLL COLLLLLLLL‘LL LL .LL.LLL. :LLLLLLLLL ' '
that forward Kenny Walker will be 29‘ pom ing 2;; d 1p“ urst‘rfL‘ as the too-(la) meeting comes to ”1H;5.5.51ln..uL1.1,1 \l LL L ‘in :i .2‘ . morons about the cir- "utm" ““‘1 “p r" ”ti 'L" ‘ 5“" he ‘ ' .2 f '
oneof the starters LLLLLLLthn Juttlp h 01 (urinal, a rete;i;it 8‘51”“; ~ . . - i t 2‘ ;5 . . 5 55...”,5“; 55m“, m5 (it-(312 ha> Iit‘L‘lllt‘t. ttitwi't.!:.i .i .. ...i'a 5 ; ; ' 25
The taller of two possible lineups Pr‘ittfif . “mfg?” hi {but 1': \\ith the exception of \Lunlit'l' “m “55, 5.5.5.; 5mm“ 5:; 2 - 2. . -. \iil-‘Lli‘i‘. and the . . .55 5' .2
would have 6-f00t-9 (Lednc Jenkins Lint Ll SLLLLLLL . Li‘ ng - h iL'valL LLLLL UMCh (L M .\LL‘thon5 the [induced that Hoi‘toi‘tl “as re i“‘ "“L‘ 'L" L ‘L‘L‘H'LL! L’LL“\L‘tL“‘\Un Wlldcat tICkets ~ ’ ' L ~ - L L
or 6-10 Robert Lock at center. 6-7 in“; [Eu 22‘; ‘L‘LlLl am tLLiLL m") dLLHLLLLi coaches who spoke yesterda} 15.55,...1 mm... m5. 15.5“” an“. ”M . ;' . ., L
Bennett or M Richard Madison at :1 9..“ Q comc Hm“ an 'UL HEW“ that t)85kf‘théill 1" tht‘ lllL‘ pl‘.it'llt‘i’.\ 'ich is a good i-..-~. ;.;;;;;;k Person .1] .l bl ;. . 5 . _;
the other forward and two of three again sign which placed three teams m example «.1 H “mm .2.liicli ”5.5.555 ‘.\.2.1Ll~1¢-i‘ :. . villit'i .\llllth said St] aval a e y 5
players at guard 2- Roger Harden. ~11 vou 15,; back m a “my; m5... the final 1:; of the \'('.»\A tourna 5.9mm.“ [Id-“15.5.; 55mg :2! '..