xt7k9882nq02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nq02/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1985 1985 1985-10-01 2020 true xt7k9882nq02 section xt7k9882nq02 t D
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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 197 Int-blinked I”. University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent ulna 1911 Tuesday. October I, 1985 l '
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or Iquor, “l ' . i Q‘ ‘ . . ' ,‘ll 2",
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. , _ , a QQ Q 2 , i. u .‘va‘Q :Qi,
Cigarette cut held I . ( ii i ... . .. .:' it".

. ’. or. ' k l' . z' " "l":-

. , . Q- . . l .Ql "’i'i..,’v~

until at least Nov. ‘ . ‘ . V . ‘ : . ii

By RANDOLPH E. scrum) - Q, . i. . ‘ t] ’ 6m ,»- ‘i ’ ‘ _, -. '. g' Q"

T AssociatedPross _ r, Q, » -. i ii . \ t... - . . ,i;
.‘ 'é ;, we}i: ’ . 5‘ . i .. i‘

WASHINGTON — Americans will Q i‘. # Q . 5gp Q ‘ ~ ' QQQQ'Q Q‘ ‘Q I _'-,f'- '
find liquor and perfume more expen- ‘ Q“. ‘ g ‘Q' QQ ~. t ‘ .. _Q , a ‘ Q I; I ’
sive,butascheduled tax cutoncig- ;‘ ’s.’ - Q ' ’ "‘ t' Q,» .' e ‘. i. W 'I «1 ‘ 21;? ‘3
arettes will be sidetracked when the ’ ‘ iQi Q so?" ‘ l; - v" ”’j i Q l»'. Q ‘ ' '
government‘s 1986 fiscal year begins __ . _ . . . 4. , Q: . Q .Q Q “N 'Q Q r. . , 5",
today, i ' ;. g ,‘ ’ ‘ ._ 1 , 'i‘ QQfo-i'r

The Cigarette tax had been sched- .— o '\ 0 .~.. , Q ‘1 l ,. - l 1 '. l

uled to drop from 16 cents a pack to \ ( . c. l -' . '1 . .Q- _Q" . Q .'
8 cents with the new year. but Con- - l ' 3 * \ Q: ' _ Q/ ‘ Al 9" ~_ i" ‘Q’ ' 7.; l:
gress yesterday approved a stopgap _ Q Q Q _ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ .. - . . ' , ’iQ , f Q _~ . ‘~ Q .Q _‘
measure that will keep the levy *- v.3; “ Q ‘ iij-‘QQ m Q ’ J11 _ l . -; ‘ ‘Q~’;‘.T.Ql
whereitis until at least Nov. 15. " 1:? 53% mi Q1135. a” " “is... Q ,Q i Q " - ‘ Q .- Q _. .1 .Q_ .

“"8"“ appears likely to air * i. ii- I " “fanatoriiieaii viii-u _ “' iv . ~ , ._ . = ~ :
prove a bill later this fall to keep the "i" "‘l'Z‘iQ QjQQra;;~Q;.,QQ,QQ,Q.,.QQQQ QQQQ QQ “ “”3 QQ as! Q,“ s... Q « “'3‘ j ‘ '. ‘ Q‘
tax permanently at the 16cent rate . QQQQQ‘Q-:QiQQQQQ.QQQQQQQQ.Q~QQQQQQQQQQQQ Q Q _ Q . Q. i Q NW . QQ v. Q mQflQQ “a, ”Q Q (“‘4 .. Q i Q .Q Q Q .. QQQQQ
— meaning $5 billion in extra reve- Q . Q g. at“ 'r‘ .s‘e'iz; Q Q “”2225", - Q' Qi’ke . ' Q.
nue over the next three years - and In; is! {I}: Q «MW 2Q“ , ‘ «’3‘; Law in: , ,Q _ ‘ .. i - Q',_ -', , Q - f
may also add taxes to snuff and Q- spatial avg 'ttx‘ag'n‘ cm was“). . “ a. W . ' .. Q-Q‘ Q, ‘Q
chewingtobacco. ‘QQ QQQ ,, , Q QQ , .. he .7 .QQ Q Q Q- ,e. QQQ ~* ., Q , .. \ Q ‘,~ ‘, .Q

That leaves the tax hike on dis- ‘ ”NV“ .1" 15.5%”) Meg“. J i’ ' ' “ . Q
tilled spirits as the change that will Q“ ’ "lief .Q Q ' » »~ .Q . " " 3 Q .Q, ,Q-QQ
probably affect the most people. It Q} QfQ;.~;"- ‘ ‘ 31' / e’Q.‘ {snot Q e: _. Q . V; Q QQQQ Q‘-. Q . - Q Q j'. '
is projected to add $1.3 billion to the Q .zi-{r’ ,e Q“. , ' .-- ‘ i; *" Q QQ‘. my”. up, Aug. Q ' i " .Q .' ‘ Q _ . _Q'
treasury overthenext three years. .257; 51‘“. .473 'é‘ ‘. . /- QQ to.“ W‘TQ Q . Q Q- ,Q . . Q'i, .

In recent weeks. many liquor deal» Qfeg _ _ ’f-Q :5; *' ‘ ‘ .5 ~‘:;Q Q to?” ~Q;3,Q’ .Q Q. ~ _‘ Q Q ,-
ers took out advertisements urging Qj;_'t¥ii-~ ,. Q’ ,QQr: " 'Q , Q’Q, “ ...~ ’ ~~ .. ”‘ ‘ “'“ \ Q Q~ r - . Q‘
their customers to stock up ahead of L...“ .,,e,;s,,,.. ‘ , . l : .,
thetaxboost. Breakln’ two r : . .
lngficfizslllguzgfitfaglilsylnzlgllSgt:- UK basketball players Kenny Walker (left) and Winston Bennett breakdance er and Bennett will be featured in the basketball prexlev' $538 at 'he mag .1 ’ , -_.j- ' , Q‘ \Q ;
dials.but not wineandbeer. for a photo session will Sports Illustrated at 2001 V.I.P. last night. Walk- azine later this fall. For the story, see SPORTS page 6 I ' Q; . Q - Q.‘ ,

The increase is $2 a gallon. which . ’ . ~ ‘Q ’ Q "
sounds simple.but isn‘t. . . . QQ »Q 2 , Q QQ

mi mm .. UK receives fundin for small busrness research . . .- ‘
socalled proof gallon, which is a ‘. v Q ‘ _Q
gallon of spirits at 100 proof. The tax Q Q 3 . . " ’ I -
is currently $10.50. and will rise to ByJANET BIXLER proving produt‘tlvity in the state s “ Q _ , ‘i tune» lilit‘ i~.c'lll’\> viiiwlripziitiiii pro _ ‘ QQ QQ Q

_ , ”Small business managers dont ' ' ' ' ' ' v - ‘ 41“” Q Q} 'l . '

Because hOt all liquor 15 100 proof Seven grants totaling more than think of improving productivity" bUSlnCSSCS WI“ fall WlthanflVe years be_CduQSQe Ol llt' said the program will prcpare , Q, Q QQ _ Q Q
— 50 percent alcohot - the amount $100,000 have been awarded through Marino said ~-i hope ‘we can identify the lack of managerial ability and capital. .. docunirnt Qtatuiocma home» as- , » . ' ~. - , Q
0‘ tax varies according to both ml” the Office of Vocational Education the techniques instrumental in pro- Patricia Ramsdem. \l‘tdht‘t' 1“ ht’hlthh} lt 1‘ d tllrt‘t'lo ,4, = ‘Q " ,
umeahd WOO? to promote economic development in ductivity improvement and dcveli . . F} “i" politic tn art i>\-‘lunl‘9. Q , Q Q '

entrepreneurships and small busi- oping materials to train managers assocrale d'recmr of development m‘mt‘FtYaHHhE ahtlra‘f’arf'h . ‘ ' Q , l "

A liter bottle of 86 proof bourbon nosses throughout Kentucky. in those techniques ' ’ Hazard t'tiiiiiiiunit} (allege re» ‘* Q, ,
will have a tax increase of 45 cents; L'K received about $15,900 for re- A $10 000 r, m Q I Q Q Q _ l'K ire best qualified to have their pro tablishment of a procurement iidln “WM 51“ "W W rural am.» busi- QQ ' . .. .Q QQ
a 175 liter bottle of 90 proof vodka search in productivity improvement { ' l Q Qg 1:“ ‘1“ “n ‘ gums updated in technology. base Tiller said its purpose ]Q\ in lie.“ chlniiilt‘illt‘f‘il iiii': 't't llnlt'tll ilS- .. Q- , _ Q Q Q Q
will carry an extra 33 cents and a in small business. The research is or a E” 0, ecu?” ‘lme’l‘aan pro Gammlll said the program Will bring more dollars to buSiiiesscs dill. ‘Wdhtt ‘l“\t'l”ii‘l‘t“-'l7 ’, ' . - _ ' .3 QQ
500 milliliter bottle 0t SChhaPPS. at headed by Project Director Kenneth Qgram 0.“ 3": lgsénfiggn ‘llllfil‘l‘ apply to the eight state universities link businesses " Tht- pruit-t-i l\ tlt’fignt'tl in prtnide ‘ ' j ' -.
80proof,w0uldcost 21 cents more. Marlno of the College of Business Qéon ”3.59.“? ' 5‘“ ‘ aron .‘ er. The professors will act as consul- The cabinet also received a gram technical ri\\l.\l.'i'li't‘ tn :niixi- busi» _" . '. 7 ’ ‘ -

. entucxy hntrepreneurshlp luduca- . - _ ,. . _ , . , , - , . -‘ . i »

Q andEconomlcs. tion Pro ect Director tants to the clients and MI] be listed for 313.620 for the hentuck} JPN“ \ihlth hdit' ”tx‘xdtt’d the _ i . . Q Q .

Because perfume contains alcohol, Marino said the project will con l ' ’ as technical resources Entrepreneurship Resource Directo- .i't’ari "t lt*\> 01’ th‘N‘ Phil‘ihlhti t0 ‘ ' .i i' '
the tax Increase 0f 32 a gallon “all duct literature reviews focusing on Project Director Adrian .\1 Cam llt’ said that With this program. he FY ”pm ll M“ "M“ 1" “mm“ needs Q' I Q i I, '
also extend to that product. But product measurement and strategies m1“ of the (‘enter for 8115111853 he hopes to get people more interested Project Director James A Kur/ oi met thl‘i'UL‘h ii'il'k>lli’P> ~1htlm>t$t m ,l - , i ‘. '_ ;

Since perfume IS packaged th small for productivity improvement in velopment said the program re» in high-tech businesses, the UK Center for Busmess lim'cl \Pfi'ittt'i’rmitt‘hh ,' _ 'Q ’5 .L ' . I

““15Weverrlhetaxmkelshke- small firms. It also will develop quires small bustnesses with high» The largest grant. which was for OPment said arrangements haw \n; lint» mil 1’ tram Moms» per ,, .i '- " '

ly t0 be less noticeable than 0“ bev~ training programs for small busi- quality people to send in their propo- $20,000, was awarded to the Ken- been made with the Commerce (‘ab- anrl but it will also prm liic d net - Q _ i QQ _ Q . 'Q I

erase alcohol. noss managers in the hopes of im- sals. Research funds go to those who tuckv Commerce Cabinet for the os- inet to contract with the College of \c. Bl \l\}s~ m- i - . Q Q: Q' , Q iQ '

ADPi FarmHouse P ' t '1] d' "*"”

”3: I. Q LQ'..Q

’ 133;: rles W1 lScuSS '41:. ' :Q".Q':QIQ"Q',‘..‘

s onsor this ear’s ' '
P y role of CathollClsm ,_ , .

° .. o o .

gree 00 rive " in Central America

By MOLLY FAIR “There is always a need for blood, 5%?“ By SHARON RATCHFORI) the old and QQQQ.QQ Nicaraguan unwrn- . Q Q Q. Q QQ'Q . ‘Q i Q‘

Contributing Writer and this blood drive gets the campus 1”" '5'; Q Contributing Writer moms . . ‘_' Q- - .. i. ;-

more involved and more aware of , rjltioii Kt-i'l‘.i.n1‘lh\ .mtllht‘l‘ t'tmlr‘lb- . .‘ 3'.
Alpha Delta Pl sorority and Farm- the need for blood," said Stephanie ~ The hows and whys 0f the (Valhllllt' uttir to t‘iiii-liiankvhtmk summed Up I ’ . ‘ ti ,‘ i

Home fraternity are teaming up Woodring. ADPi philanthropy chair- (_[Q , ._ _ Church‘s involvement in Central mp pnwc “my,“ m mung "as . 'Q " .- . Q

with the Central Kentucky Bl°°d man. ., 4” 5 America Wlll be the t013th 0f Father mum Latin American c‘lergi at» l l ' l

Center to help increase its blood She said she expects independents ’- Albert Reymann‘s lecture at 3;;0 test.l.\ltir\ism QQ QQQQQ \(‘hlclc‘al hand 1 . Q '. QQ . -.

supply — which has dropped 400 as well as greeks to participate in i / meQ tomorrow in 245 Student (ion 4,”. rot-“rm ”W“ QQN QQQQ liber- . Q ‘ .~ Q

units lower than what is considered the event. “It gets us all working to- } ter. align. i. in.) rpm-1.. no“: ~ . Q ' . .

safe. getherforagoodcause." Kenneth Coleman. a political m ’“llf'fl pt’tlt‘t'lul change seems m- I ‘ Q' l . ; 'l ‘ .'

ADPi and FarmHouse are h°ldlh8 “Although the blood drive is greek ence professor and coeditor of TM pundit. Volt-mun “MN on. ('en. - ‘Q . Q ‘ ‘
the "‘le annual greek bl°°d drive sponsored, everyone is encouraged Central American CFiSlS 5011'093 ”' [rill :\fllt‘l‘l(‘it.'l catholic t'hurch has I '1 . . ~
today and tomorrow from 6330Ql0 to give, especially at “us time," J."MHAV§ kerneltirlphicx Conflict and the Failure Of US Poll (‘n(l0f\('(l r(‘\lll11llttn§ fur \tK‘lal Q Q Qi

10 pm. at FarmHouse 0“ Fraternity said Glenn Slack. FarmHorse blood she hopes to surpass that figure this The greek drive began last night Cy. said Reymann Wlll focus 0" lht‘ changes ' l ' L '-

ROW- lt may run longer depending drive chairman. “Some surgeries year. with a kickoff party held at Rick‘s role 0t Christian-based communities R9)lllallfl who sprint zlit )ears in ' 1‘ ' ‘

Oh the number 0f people Willth to have even been canceled due to lack Wilson said although the fear of Placealocalnightclub, in Central America. (‘entral >\m(‘rlt‘ri ii~ .i Manknoll ~.

donateorgamzers said. of blood 5““,in his kind of short- contracting AIDS is the main reason Such communities StUd)' the ”1m priest, h')l(l> tltigruw in ptlllllt‘dl scr- Q ‘

Suzanne Wilson, public relations age has not occurred in a long for the lack of donors. giving blood WFMl-loo FM radio in Winchester plications 0t Christianity 0" llle 1“ ence. economics and >(X‘lt)lt)gQ\ from . ' Q' :

representative for the blood center, time" is completely safe. “There is absolu- will be broadcasting live both nights their t Central American) SOCIC‘tY the (‘atholic t'niwrsit} of America . ,

said the center especially neett do- tely no risk in giving blood." she of the blood drive and giving away Coleman said. In WEISthti‘n l’t . . - l l -

nors with O-type blood because it is Woodring said about 200 people said. "Each needle is sterile and dis- tickets. albums. tapes and other Reymann also Wlll dlSCUSS tht’ ; ‘

themostcommon. gave blood last year, and she said posedof after use.“ freebies emergence of the liberation theolo» Q Q .

gy. which Coleman defined as being Q Q .

P , O O a rationale for revolution against on m

rOfessor to Stud En land S ClVll W ar jlst governments. Kathleen Blee, a
sociology professor who wrote a Q
chapter of Coleman's book. elab- A Wisconsin man has taken his bat .
‘ ° - . - (rated (I! this definition, calling llb- pipes on the road in a cross-country ‘
Grant gives scholar opportumty to focus research on king, parliament conflict er-ation theology a “theology that tip promo“. mm m
takes socialconcernsinto account " collectin donations for research.
By MARY ANN? ELLIOTT His dissertation leaned on the con- search to be “significant and revi~ semester to teach Emlish history. Q Q For den?“ of his Luingmn $me 5..
Contributinanter flicts between the king and parlia- sionist“ because it is the first of its He came to UK in the fall of 1904, l" h“ SM-Qm‘ham w‘ll “SQ“ mvmions me 2.
merit over matte: of foreign policy kind. He said because scholars have after teaching two years of Western the theology °l “helm“? ‘0 “Plat" ‘
To research material for his book inthelm. never examined the sources of con- civilization at the University of the wt relationship between

on the origins of the English Civil Cogswell hopes to make a cameo flicts. no one understands English Georgia. mm "id "110°“ that some

War of the 1m. Thomas E. 0038- tion between foreign diplomacy of foreign policyofthat time. Cogswell, 31, is “all energy and Catholic priests are dl‘BWlDS- (‘Ole- Altmh lot-Ill out“! doesn't

well is spending this semester at the the 1m and the revolution of the Cogswell‘s main reason for going MibfimnceQiiSummm said. man strongly stressed that this relax begin for UK basketball players for

University of Birmiruham in En- mos. His research my most toEngland was to research theactu- Cogswell received his uchelori, tion is by no means adhered to by two weeks. some training has begun.

gland that a cameofthe English Revolu- ll documents in the archives. He degree from the University of IllintheCatholicChurch. Forthcstory.msr0flsmeo.

Cogswell. an assistant history pro- tion comes from the Emma conti- also needed “the grant to give him Georgia and his doctorate from in fact, in her chapter in Cole-

teuor. is using a 810.000 pan! from nent. the coma-io- of Spain and time off." so he could take the time Washimton University. man's book, Blee emphasized that

the American Council of beamed So- France particularly, and that the to do the tediom and methodical re- . . “such contradictions within the WEATHER

cietiea to expand his knowledge of revolution was a certainty by mo, searchcarefully. “My .D'”°l'~ .h‘m'y “‘9‘?" Catholic Climb in Central America

179'th Wish political Nate Summers said. "mt Chhtm'l- 9“ u” MW” have made its powerful political role

n, Cogswell must be meticulous and is very platinum He ranked it in increasingl contentious .. Tod-y will see a gradual clearing and

Cogswell is spendim most of his accurate. Summers said. became the top three humanities fellowship y ‘ coo.“ impemmm Wm, . W
A colleague of Cogxwell's. Mark time in various archives lookirg at British historians are wary of Amer- programs, along with the Omen- However. in very simplified from so to 65. Tonight will be m.

Summm. a histmt Wesson said parliamentary Wt! ml other lam trading on their turf. “The helm Award and the National En- term. this rclntiomhlp sprang upas M m... m. . huh im 00 ..

WIWWWMWWIW Wt! that Vlll lld lh hll 79‘ mllSh Sharpen their knives on dowment ft! the Hulnanilic. (M of the rank of certain major events 515....” m "9W m.

viom diuertation into chapte- forrn searchandwritiru. Amer-icons,”Summers added. 500 application. only about 15 or 10 that raulted in the Central Ameri- row,wirnnmtroniooloos.

and expand some of the material. Surnma-I outsiders Copwell’s re Cogswell will return to UK next feflomhiploreuwurded.beuid. can Catlnlic Grinch opposing both

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2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL 7M7, 0cm 1. 1905
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. . 11 information
.' booth,
V . .. mum. .. .1. . IySTEVE DRIESLER _———-—— Close turns in not one, but two
. _ —- ' .V . trib ti Writer great performances as the diametri-
. P! , 1 Can u ng
. » ~ ~ , . . . .V f ‘ cally opposed Jan and Maxie. No 57-3l9‘
-. . w a. . VV It. Cmsidering the people involved, REVIEW longer typecast as the strong, inde~ . W Center ioovl 2
. . . e. 3 / t‘ “Mule"is not whatyou'd expect. pendent, "0' nonsense character . izo L‘mvem ET
' . . , . . . it “_~ ; ' ‘ the movie is a delightful comedy C10“ reveals a" “”32"“; talent ‘9’ “mm sTUDEN RD
. , 'V . \ 3’ i . 4_ {run people not known for delightful comedy that she only hinted at in OUNT CA
. . \ ‘1 “V .V‘ __ med! Glenn Close (“The Big _ heft-11m debut, “The World Accord- D‘SC V“ "nentt‘tfjfm
' _ t ‘ " 0c. i anti," “The Natural“) and Mandy by ttsing the body of the woman liv- IngtoGarp." “‘ffixnw‘ffil Wt \eeo’
. ., . ' '-’ WEN ' / . Patinkin t“Ragtime," “Yentl"l are matnherold apartment? . son-““235now-W‘- '
VV . . ‘3. . , . r , but known for the'r serious I . And then there is Ruth Gordon.
.- . §. . . g‘ . -_ V . A . . l “’5‘ The Cheyneys (Close and Patin- ho - - -
' ' t " ‘ ~ *6 and director Paul Aaron‘s last film ' - - Gordon, w d‘ed earlier "“5 year
V. . . _ . {“t. . ‘ . . kin) are a nice upstanding couple. at a e 88 was 'nf 0 f t l‘ McAlpins Hairstyling Centers
- -- . . v ,' ‘ t was Chuck Norris' “A Force of Nick is a r book t t the ‘_ g t 1 am us or 5 ea "‘8 ., . . it. .‘l
~ . . - ~ - .. are exper a 1‘ scenes right out from d th
\ V n. . . 4 an . un er e ln'w.‘ :rVflVii ."U‘t'
- r ’. . I“ t‘ . s- ' brary. and Jan 15 secretary to the 1 di t . Alth .
- . . "”‘ " ” "‘t ,. ~. Those are not exactl' excellent ' - ~ ea ng 3? ors "0535- ough 1t * " “it it: .“q A.»
_ V . ‘ . , . 3 bishop of San FranCisco. Despite would be it o tt that Cl ..
l , -- ' . , . . . ‘ - _.. credentials for a comedy, even if th ' v11.h ed it the' . “3 "6° osay ose "‘ "“’ ”i
. .. - Y t :7 » - ' e" “e r p0i eness‘ 3’ are is u taged b Gordon‘s rfor-
, ; . . = a». “at » ,. 1 ,‘h Chuck Norris mOVies are often good less than thrilled with their new ps y . . pe {.
. ‘ ' . t .' '~ a t '3“ ‘ $.28: H {can unintentional chuckle. guest mance. Gordon certainly gives her a M8800 Amo Palmmg My ' '
‘ " ' I ’1‘ ‘ xix ‘ SOwhat can You expect from these - runforher mmey. m T. W J U UH H v
V“ . ' .» i . . V: '1 -. ' \iéfi‘ \ V: \\ strange I lfeyllows'.’ Never fear JaVn has no control over what . . _ . 'V ’V‘ ' ’ ”M" m" “""
.' ~ 0‘ .\~.‘.\}_;§;‘} ; .V “Maxie" is not some weird h brid MaXie does when she takes over her _GOTdOllVS part IS small, but it is
i' - . .' . . if s . Vsrxuel‘ l. ’ “’0“! 0 of m rt' l rt: body. and She worries that Maxie filled thh the wonderful comic S&STire and AutomotiveSerVIce
, . . _ . ‘ i «l. 2 \\ \. . ’. ah gr ltpt tha tla a . .ex‘ will be successful in her attempts to sense that bubbles forth from all Of Centers
' ~ ,, ~.§s~fl \X’ pet-ts W 0 ge oge er 0 reminisce seduce Nick. her best roles. All in all. a fitting ep- ~g . MM, hi .V
.~ . V. . . V It" ‘ ‘t .. gfifw‘ Vabout the 800d times they had 1“ the itaph to her extraordinary career. 3m: Hit ’lllllil‘if Htl Entities.»
. '.VV . Q V . V, ~ ./ V” .‘ {1' .’ -- fl; “t lt ‘5 about the Sim" Ol a hOlS' Meanwhile. Nick can never be tit-3 bitti'lildllll Di gnaw
>1 ' V . it '[ ltl'i ‘ ‘ ’. l - -VV_":": . m: azggébe wastreastiemnismeg SUVl'e if theVbody he embraces COl’l- Aside from the usual “foll0w your will) Alt niiiiiim ill 37., Ram
. l, .. . ; . V g: . ,1 m . P tains the spirit of Jan or MaXie. In a dreams“ moral ‘nt ed “' m it Art. minim :i SALE
. . .. ' z ‘- . = . enteback 58 years after her death d' 'n t v t dulte h - . ‘ "We“ WM mun w m w . i
. ' I. . 'J ‘. -..- , b 'nhab't' th bod f - d ”23" g “‘5 9" a ry. _e 15 throughout. “MaXie” has little to K . , ' ,‘ . ‘ ‘ "‘ ““‘
-' j g . t : ‘i‘ . . -* - y l ”"3 e y 0 prim an faced With the bizarre temptation of b t 't ts h . bl ‘ 5 " ’ "t“ "““i‘t‘r‘ "~L"v"i*4
»’ ‘ > . 1 ~\ -~‘ " t ‘i paper Jan Cheyney — regardless of be' unf '[hfu] t hi 'f ~ 1 say. u ' ”we" _suc enjoya e
. . . * 1 *3" ‘ . 9‘ ;.~ Vr whetherJ nl'k "t mg . a1 .0 S W] e Simpy Charade“ that less ls more and the Frame 8. Save "”li‘n tin l-ui l\ iiiir
. . r I. 2’ ‘ . . " a l 651 ' bymakinglovewithher. film has no trouble standing on its w I - .. t’ f“ 3“ ~ ‘
. ' . ' ‘ l! ~' ~‘- Oh wasthatvoursecondguess" ' k H \‘ ‘1" "W7" '1'“ I“
. . . 0‘ : : ' t . ~ , . V , ownmerits. ill/ vii drum} 311 lift ll‘w‘sl" .
_ . . . Y . . . The plot is admittedly light, but Wu, NUWMM,‘ WWW he
. . , ., t. V~ 0“ see. VMax1e Malone died In a the film triumphs because of the ex- Besides, these days it isn't often , l mum
V . , . V . ‘ a: Sigitrgnlfii tat? mght :Vefol‘e cellent acting of Close. Patinkin and that a film delivers more than vou
. . ‘ ~ , ' , ‘ _ - owever. axte ex tfrom it oi ’n. ' H t' L d dD -Cl ’
‘ . . ‘ “maven-cum IS SO sure that she would have been a number of wonderful character ac- pec g ngi “(it 35 332%?" W 22:???
‘ ‘ '_ . V' . . astar. that she's going to give it one tors. most notably the late Ruth “Maxie" is playing at Southparlz (“limousine Plum 377.”.zr...
.. - . » . Glenn Close and Ruth Gordon play for laughs in Moxie. more try. and what better way than Gordon as the Cheyney‘s landlady. cinemas. Rated PG. if it mm Rn com-oft
‘. .V '. V“ N Br iii1‘_‘,,iyr 3-1 l li-Lti
. « ‘ 7 e e » ‘
, . . . . in L)l‘w(tll.l"
. ' V'V . ' T serles examlnes SOClety gets bagplpe ald DickBaker'sYamahaMusicWorld
' ' . . - e “ ljl Midland Aw ('31 7mm
'. . . "If”, . . s ‘ Jli ism. no». ,/
'- ' " ' ‘ ’ l ‘ . . B} “1‘“. Pm?“ ER and my journal." His kilt. hose and H ( ml mm 8“ ”1 IL
‘ _ ‘ . , 1r 0 0 a war "é‘u—‘Vfl' ContributingWriter spats are part of the traditional Amy‘s Roast Beef Restaurants
- ' , , ’/ , o’ . , Scottish costume. He also carries a our t; iimwnm; QSP-hflm iii
_ ' . a} JERRYBL'CK The message of the series is that ‘ (V _AFOllnd midnight Sunday. several sealskin pouch called a sporran, in mum mmlitiirtidsenlnm Ame
. ,_ ' V . Assmiated Press mankind must find a way to prevent a glhlselelVlV EON”: {Hall were SUI” which he stores personal belongings “K“"L‘" "
, . V . _ .. the next war or face annihilation. -. PFIS V.‘ 95011“ 0 bagpipes. As he arrives in each state he noti- . 7,
. , ~. V _. Ltis ANGELES — After 5.000 Dver concludes that It comes down .1133) OutSide the dorm. they saw a soft- fies the American Cancer Society. EampuVsHthdeeVs fiesteurantgo-:
' ‘ - years of fighting wars. mankind now totone solution . spoken blond man "l a kllt~ carrying He keeps the donations until he feels , L." :32"; :7}: f 1 fwi‘ffli‘
. - -. . ‘ faces the possibility that the next a 50-p0lflVldV backpack which bore the he has an amount too large to carry VV'VV ‘V‘VVVV’fo'VViVV “7'3” 5; tr: “lint: ’
' ' =. major war willbethelast. “AS Sherlock Holmes used t0 58)". ‘ ‘ logo. ”Plpmg Across the USA for safely. then he sends them bi' Him 5.1 lllliilx J U a “H T
' . V Journalist and historian Gwynne ‘When .VOU'VG‘ eliminated all the im- V Cancer. The man. was 25yearold moneyorder to theCancer Society. ' l
' . « , Dyer examines how we have come possible solutions for a problem, 4:51 '9‘ minstrel DanielVSmith from Wauwa- Although the Cancer Society is Tenth Gear Bicycle Shop tilt-fl. in.
. ' > to this state of affairs in an eight- what you re left With. however un- C: ‘6 tosa. “15.. who is walking across the aware of his efforts. he said the so ...:i..i., not time Alien Rd 3.7“
. ' Dart series that begins at 9 tonight likely. 15 the answer.‘ And the only 0‘ country to call attention to those cieties in some states are “indiffer- ""5"“ “7’ {ltfifuur‘tontm tritium.
, . . ‘ on WKLE-TV Channel 46. Telecable answer to our problem is the LYN." \ ’ a less fortunate.“ . ent" to him. He said they have no "“1 “'4'" " Alb" V1" (“SW“M ""
. . Channel 12. Dyer says in the series. “The longer ’ 1“ eaCh State he Performs lm‘ national fund-raising program and ”“0 ‘“‘ "’“m’ “Wm“
. .1 ‘ .' V _ the great powers stall on handing promptu bagpipe 50103 soliciting the mostl de d l -
, ' ' Dyer places the b'rth 0f total war their sovereign right to defend them— funds for the American Cancer 50' tiorl; from )the {gemi‘l‘ 0n fair}?e don: Ski Bunen- line" mix-t" Still". h
preCisely at 0:30 on the morning of V . , V . mannmums KernelGlophirs . V . . . . . . llfi 0 088 Vt 0 t .m llll .. m iotigi /527-1231 bug-3,
_ . June 5 1812 when Napoleon's army selves over to the L nited Nations. as Clet) While entertaining lllVS alldl' have died from the disease. wimp sin, 732.8757 9) no (is
. - . engaged the‘RussiaAns near Moscow. they all agreed to do in V1945. the for the National Film Board of Can- ences. ll: said he figese bfgplpwbetie' He said he is mostly a ”vessel for mm: . in im ticwl Valid Monday inn.
’ After 11 hours there were 70 000 greater the danger that we ll l'VlVlh Ollt ada. and they were televised in that cause agpipes _‘e a ways h the Sign" that he carries and is l“ U m Fwtav weeps huiuiavs
. ' dead and wounded ‘ of luck and haveanuclear war country. KCl‘S-TV in Seattle ac- used to call attention to important mainly concerned with reaching
. ‘ . quired the series for presentation in events. . . . people. Beg'eY 0'”9 Stores GOO” at «1"
. . "All that had changed was the In a telephone interView from To- this country and produced an eighth Smith said he began his Journey ”W “H Bt‘tllt‘v locations it
. ~ ' . . . scale. but that had changed every- ronto. where he is editing a new se- episode to provide a timelv epilogue April 1 in New Brunswick. Canada, He began playing the pipes a year “WW " 1“ ”NOW” 0” VWW'
- . . : thing." Dyer says in the first eh} ries. Dyer admitted that the United to Dyer‘s commentary. Edwin New- and has traveled through 14 states. and a half ago. He has traveled 1.500 "“ 7”“: l“ “MW” ‘1‘" PM“ i"
. sode "Modern nationalism was born Nations “‘35 “a Sllm hope. 31“ lt man is host of the last show. During the day. he plays in down‘ miles and plans to travel 4500 t0 5.‘ “WWW"!
. . ~ with the French Revolution, and it does tend to deal Wlth the real prob- town areas. while night finds him 000 miles to the West Coast. He Mr Gams pizza
, , ’ - ' ' was nationalism that changed the lent rather than the things we tend The Canadian-born Dyer n0w lives staying “m1 friendly locals or camp- stopped only once when a faulty boot w} s Limit-Mono 25278821"
. . . . scale of war .. to identify With the problem, like in London. He formerly taught mili- ing out. Only once in his travels has damaged his right foot and kept him Mimi), Shnwm Ci, 2651173
. . , Sifter that civilian populations rvehpomfiagglreiswe rulers or ideo- tary affairs at the Canadian Forces the dedicated tSVmith resorted to off the road for three weeks. ’wlttiNi‘i‘.CIti'lt3Pl(l NW 2550603
~ ,_ “ «~ ies. e is an attem t to ' ' see in inamoe. . . , 2n ‘1 VVll t.- D 27,-. i’
-. began to suffer devastation as horri. (legal “em the international . "t P f College ".1 Toronto and was a Vselllol" P g . . . For anyone mtereSted ”l makmg it) > llixllliln’ with UKSGA Dh 3344,:
9 . : bl . that nd ed b . ldi It .‘ 5-“ em 0 lecturer In war StUdlfi at Britain 5 He keeps his tent in his pack along donations the address of the Cancer - . ‘ ' NW ‘
‘ . .. e 8’ 8. ur ~V so ersV . sovereign states that causes war. Roal Militar Academ' at Sand- with “a ' ofLe " h' ' ' " ' U,“
A . . . . _ . grew worse “.th the American Cm] Each indivtdual war has specific h ) -. e3 . h: pair v1 5. s irts. sweat- SOCiety in Kentucky [8 1169 Eastern
V. . . . War. World War I and World War 11. causes but th't‘ .h. . h Vurst. He is iting a t ee-part se: ers. a lantern. a camera. a bedroll Parkway.Louisv111e.Ky.40217. Greneiete Inn 22ml Nit’hirlikvilli:
_ . . . . d 5 “ .\ 30D 3V6 was called “The Defense of Canada Hi: ‘T‘VliQi i'i it .. .
. - . . . V. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiro- wars. forth C n di n8 0 d in Cor s t ” "r“"li" “i'
Va ‘1 . _ . V shima on Aug. 6. 1945, killed 70.“)0 e a a a l‘ a C85 1 g p ’ JA\ ll lV :-Yi.ili-Vii'sV 110(lktht‘l; lzimiliiw- En
lt‘ i. Mutt xii Wm: ‘ii‘i :
‘» 2 ‘ * - .' people almost instantly. Dyer made seven one—hour shows ( U I Might”. L S
-' ' V’ , > 0 . —_ All Sports Yl'Lll all sensor sputum}
V ,. t ‘ H pm I‘ \Tilt‘ <' > t‘ . 2737 .7»
: . r Ensemble to perform tonight Have you seen ‘7; . °' ”"‘° “W" “m”
i- .' l - - "21‘1“" w l TM“ (Wilt wilt! Reiitiinti Rtl i f‘T‘
- - ' , . Sta” reports the work of composers Herbie Han- “‘9 new JUKEBOX ' / T o KEYS TAVERN . Hi: to ttt.t«iyvmt.im“mm
" ' i I ; Th UK .1 E 1 ' COCK George Gershwin. Horace Sil- 0’ / Never before have we had Il “' ” ‘l‘ "‘ ”"t ""h" "v'm "W ”""
.2 " .‘ ‘1 - ' " ~ - ~ limit it
-- , : r free ioncer??om2l§"3§ini‘legllir‘l ‘e'ams‘mm “0‘1”“ 803 AGAINl? amet-Ion"son-r'so-nshn" ll
fig . .' '- Hall of the Centerfor the Arts. The concert begins at 8 pm. and r \ i unfllnow...
. ,- - g .- The diverse program will feature is free and open to the public. a}. - . . Mo“ PCT'Y f0? “‘0 Chi-Omega
_ -. g t ' _V V. ,~ ' V . _. . T e .
‘ ; ” 803 I C8 GEtiEitiii CINEMA - SM:- ., , '"vtt-"m' Go'ttourn-ment (Friday. on. 4) imi- in .i...
.V, , V . . _ AGAIN. . “mmmgfisggmv ; a: game—NV “GOLFER'S DELIGHTS"on|y 52.00!!! 9 ’WW") MW"
-. ~- . . Welcomes $2.5035Fonionm. ;;Eti_l_ii ; mom ,,,,.,,.,.. . n.4,. u ..,.....i
5'." L . .‘V ‘.‘ V .. 4 . Vf " . .:-'::'»: i ., ‘ V' ffi-ée ; I (.‘Illfi'si .il'lls!
5.1"“ V_ . V . 1:, Zeta TOU Alpha - Tuarl‘nn "All 21%;. V . feet- . ‘ $1.00 donation ot the door - Iclelng my hr Mlulng I. Exploited ‘t
i x " , and unions-m. no um nun fie—u“ V ~ _ ”$31,? Chlldren'e Fund.
’7 : -' tum-assume) ' .5: “ .
V. .' . Sigma Nu 115355.575”) . V" 'B‘j ‘
‘ . .- Adopt-a-house immunmi I i I l -- f l
a A ‘ , Kick-off Party 1-33-1531!!! -, ._ _ .' __ _-_. F H 0
lV . . .V. V . _.. 3+. .;;:».:.: ,: . 5-- -—I!
- -;- 2-" . 233-1717 ', FAYETTE "All = 1'- arm ouse ' A lpha De I 1'0 PI
.( ,fo ‘2; L, ,1 l. 393 Waller Ave' 'mPenal Plow :1 utwousvuiiutwami nos, mam ll ”.03 Is THE PLACE TO BET"
. 5. l." ,I : mm 233-1717
-.V'V:..‘" ' " '_ ‘................; . trail-LIN _ 393W¢||0rAIOJIMpOrIaIPlou
‘- I"- - = .. ' . Amaretto Pom
.- .V . V : Chl omega : iduum‘tm 84 0
,. 5.5 'V - ., . lnvlfaflonc e ' mum . . O
, V. .. _. . , Kick WNW . We. THEJAZZ ARTIST or THE 80’s 0
. V' t , I . . . . _ .‘
, . . mum, , 4TIME GRAMMY e
' - OPEN‘MII ~ 6 K e
, , J . . TWO xavs OURS. AWARD WINNER s 2
r' _-. ' . P . e : KENK I -._ : .i . -t
. , . - . TAVERN 0 5. mg .. .. . ,-,
‘ ' 'V. 0 To benefit Mlulng I. : - I'v- .,V 3’ 3 30
,; . ' . . e Explolfod Chlldron . " onoens .r ( WY l
a . . , , 4 :ooma's amour sncmt'. . , . er ~
' ,1‘.‘ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeet "t gen, W
V- VV: V . V- \ \V V. V v
. I
' »' ******* it ' . QUARTET l
- Bee-Typo .. , m comm!
' T osonln Gym copies and complete w- UK CENTER FOR THE ARTS
V . VP 9 muddy or nighf.0nlyot WEDNESDAY “Ell“ OCT 2 WHEN: Tue'day. 0". 1 & Wednesday, 0". 2
. . , .
Service Kmlw s- m m ° '
. ' 603° ' 10000 Pom.
2 57-6525 0" mm: to mt 3mm
* * * * * * 1t ”mum {mow-gm“ WHERE: FormHouse
401 $le mnMiwiatmmi ‘ .
”3"“ m

 o I ‘ Q
KENTUCKY KENNEL 7M7, 00m 1, I!“ - J
BOth eat for bl k 0 .l bl
By JAMESF. SMITH meIaners.edafter legislativeabtfodhi: _——_—— share in a liberated South Africa agemem and pmau, (”mummy m
Associated Press wi imit power were as is u - All reasonable South Africans want other words in culture in the gem-r ' 2
forIthIose minorities. But whites re- The fans are thIathe are busy (working) to to see that freedom become their almeamng oftheword ,

JOHANNESBURG. South Africa mgppcontroi; “ed . bl k Io outgrow apartheid in the discriminatory and share -‘ That appeared to .mpi, a contln
— President P.W. Botha offered I10 "‘8 CNN" In It": wn- - . He appealed to black leaders to ued commitment to segregation of . ‘ .
some concessions to South MrlCa'S Sh|W' Police said mom killed Ithree negatlve sense, and have done 50 In many enuar negotlal|0n5I and (lid not re neighborhoods and \ChU‘HS “Wig . , I ‘.
black majority yesterday. including blacks and set fire ‘0 their Md"? “'1 respects.” peat such past preconditions as re standing party PM!“ .. . . '
the possibility of seats on the advi- the latest outbreak 0‘ black-against- . nouncmgcivildisobedience T