xt7k9882np13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882np13/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1977 1977 1977-03-08 2020 true xt7k9882np13 section xt7k9882np13 I
Vol. LXVIII. Number 123 K

Tuesday. March 8. 1977



Kernel Reporter

“As long as we kept our feet
moving, we could study, crochet, or
even play tag. The music kept us
going. I'd feel likeI was going to fall
right over, then I’d get a spurt of
energy." After having ‘moved her
feet’ for 20 hours, Valerie Osborne
and her partner didn’t win the dance
marathon sponsored by the UK
residence halls this weekend, but
she “sure did get exhausted.”

Osbtrne was half of one of the 17
couples who entered the marathon,
held at the Commons. “I entered
just for the fun of it and because it
was a good cause,” she said.

The dance marathon, which ended
Sunday at 8 pm, was held to raise
money for temp KYSOC, a Ken-
tucky camp for physically han-
dicapped children. According to
Drema Wire, head resident of
Blanding IV and co-chairman of the
dance, the publicity that the camp
receives as a result of the dance also
helps them to get more money from

other sources.
Continued on back page

.I. .l. Johnson. a UK wrestler, grabs Alabama's
Billy King in a crushing grip during Saturday's SEC



an Independent student newspaper


pious hip.

wrestling tournament. Although Johnson lost this

KET press conference is 'live’

Carroll hints disaster funds coming

Editorial Editor

Federal authtx‘ities in Atlanta will
reconsider an earlier denial to a
request for federal disaster relief
funds for agriculture damage in-
curred in the state this winter, Gov.
Julian Carroll said in an “ex-
perimental“ press conference here

Carroll also answered questions
about strip mining legislation, the
boost in his personal security force,
his use of state resources and other
topics in the first live Kentucky
Educational Television news con-
ference ever held.

“I talked to the White House today
and Atlanta admits they‘ve got to go
bad and examine our agricultural
damage," said Carroll in referring
to the denial of federal disaster
relief funds.

l-‘ederal strip mine legislation
under consideration in Congress will
probably be amended to allow
nountaintop removal of coal.
Carroll said. He lobbied for that
change lastweek while attending the
National (iovernor‘ Conference in
Washington DC.

Strip mine bill criticized
(‘arrolladded thathe doesn‘t think

it‘s possible to comply with a
regulation calling for returning the




The Indiana Citizens Energy Coalition. a con-
sumer-interest group that has been among the most
vocal critics of the proposed Marble Hill nuclear
power plant along the Ohio River, has decided to
withdraw as a party in the suit against building the
statim. The decision by the group means they won’t
participate in environmental hearings by the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, beginning in
Madison. Ind. today. “We have decided the city of
Madimn, people in Jefferson County, Ind. and of-
ficials in Kentucky are doing a very effective job in
bringing out the issues in this dispute," said Fritz
Wieckirg, executive director of the coalition.
"We‘re still against the project."

land “to the approximate original
contour," which the bill currently
stipulates. “We‘re not sure what
that n cans and we don't want some
bureaucrat riiisinterpreting that
later.“ said Carroll. He added that
he hopes the provision is omitted
from the final draft of the bill, which
President (‘arter is expected to sign
by this sumrner.

(‘armll said those changes “are-

going to nean the difference bet-
ween life and death to coal
production in Kentucky."

Louisville newspaper reports
about his expenses during his recent
Washington trip were incorrect,
t‘arroll said. He said he spent no
r. orethan $60 a day. which state law
allows. “It cost no more, and l can
charge (to the state) no more than
any other state official." he said.

S230hotel suite use denied

He denied that he had a $230 a day
hotel suite. as one newspaper
reputed, saying that the suite was
used by all state officials as a con-
ference room. Carroll wasn‘t asked
about his use of a state limousine on
the Washington trip.

In response to another question
about use of state resources, Carroll
said he feels free to use state planes
for tranwtrtatjon of members of his
family and visiting congressmen. “I
intend to keep myself together in a

family unit," he said, adding that his
wife has used planes for official
state businem.

The governor refused to discuss in
detail the beefed-up security detail
he has used in recent weeks.
“Security is not security when it is
described in detail," he said.

“All I can say is that [don’t know

Carter call

_. Steve Arne"

match SH. l'K went on to win the SEC cham-

a great deal about it myself because
what little I know disturbed me, and
I told them ‘I don‘t want to know any
core.' I just assume that if the

governor does a good job. he’ll have ‘

dangers to worry about."

(‘arroll answered questions from
some to reporters from across the
state in what KET hopes to establish
as a regular news conference.

Freshman gets top info for paper

Kernel Staff Writer

After deciding that some things
are more important than routine
Saturday afternoon library study,
Cheryl Clark stayed home and
talked to the President of the United
States last weekend.

Persevering througha half-hour of
dialing the toll-free number, Clark
was the fourth person to talk to
Jimmy Carter during his two-hour
attempt to “get close to the
American people."

Sh probably had a different reason
for calling Carter than anyone in the

After working four weeks on a
term paper for English 102 entitled
“Reducing Unemployment in the

US," Clark said she submitted it to
her instructor, Alison Ricke. Ricke
told Clark that the paper lacked in
content and needed a more sub-
stantial link between the past and
the present.

She went right to the top

Clark said she decided to solve her
dilemna by going to the top for an
opinion to add to her paper. Who
could dispute her conclusion if it
came right from the President‘s

Clark said she tried to get through
to Carter at noon but only managed
to connect with a recording of a girl
with “a cute little voice." delivering
an apoltgy that calls were not being
accepted yet.

Continued on back page


MAR 8 " 1977

University of Kentucky


University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

Vote to come soon

Room, board rate
hike proposal set

Copy Editor

Room and board rates will go up
next fall if proposed increases are
passed by the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees. That
comnrittee will nreet this afternoon,
according to Jack Blanton. vice
president for business affairs.

Blanton called the raised rates
“the minimum increase (needed) to
balance the (housing and dining)

“Housing and dining have to
operate in the black,” he said. “We
try to break even in terms of
revenues" from student fees.
Housing and dining budgets receive
no tax or tuition subsidies, Blanton

Increased utility costs are cited as
the major reasons for the proposed
increase. Blanton said these costs
include heating, cooling and elec-
tricity expenses.

According to Jim Wessels.
director of the Physical Plant
Division, “utility costs go up and
up" every year.

The increase as now proposed (see
chart) is based on a two-year
average of utility costs, Blanton
said. The figures are also based on a
98 per cent occupancy rate, rather
than the 95 per cent rate most
universities use. because of I'K's
“tight" housing situation, Blanton

The new rates were reviewed by
the student advisory committee for
business affairs before being sub-
rrritted to the Board‘s Executive

Blanton said the proposed in-
creases ane being decided now
because he “wanted students to
know (aboutthe increase) before the
Board meets in April."

If passed it would be the first
housing and dining rate increase in
two years.



:1 Meal—7 Day
2 Meal-7 Day
2 Meal—5 Day

Residence Ilalls



and Shawneetown)

(Commonwealth Village)


Proposed Dining Rates 1977-78

Proposed Ilousing Hates MIN-78

76- 77


Per Cent
I nc rea se



$82 1



Per (em
I nc rease




$85 13.3



Ticket lottery to be held

Student tickets for the March 12
NCAA tournanrent preliminary
round game in Philadelphia,
featuring UK against Princeton, will
be distributed by lottery at 9 am.
Wednesday morning in Memorial

A total of 322 tickets has been
allocated for sale to students. Any
student with a validated spring
scirrcster II) card will be eligible to
participate in the lottery.

The doors to the Coliseum will
open at 8 am. Any student who
wants a ticket must arrive by 9
am .—> eligibility for the drawing will

end at that tinrc. In order to clainr a
ticket. students must be present
w hcn names are drawn.

Lottery winners will be permitted
to purchase two tickets upon
presentation of two validated II)
cards at a cost of $6 cash each.

If the Wildcats win on Saturday.
another student ticket lottery for the
M'AA East Regional Tburnament
will be held at 9 am. March H, at
the Coliseum.

Details for the that lottery will
appear in Friday‘s Kernel. In
formation may also be obtained by
calling the Dean of Students' office.
257-3754 or 237-2651.



The continuing drought dropped ground-water
levels to record lows in many parts of the nation in
February and stream flows were below normal in
80 per cent of the country, the US. Geological
Survey reported ysterday. ”Ground water nor-
nally supplies most of the nation’s streamflow
during dry periods and is often tapped for
emergency water supplies," said Carroll Saboe,
chief of the survey‘s current water condition group.

President (‘arter gave assurances yesterday that
his policy for the Middle East includes ”defensible
bordtrs" for Israel. Carter made the statement in

welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Yitzalt Rabin.

the first in a line of Middle East leaders expected to
confer with the President in the next few months.

A Kentucky Supreme (‘ourt decision that blocked
strip mining of 84 acres of Muhlenberg County land

by the holders of mineral rights

upheld yesterday by the US. Supreme Court.

to the land was

Rescuers hoping for a “semnd miracle" pressed
the search for five men trapped inside a flooded-out

coal mine yesterday but expected to find no other
air pockets like that which saved miner Ronald

Adley .


Prominent Romanian actors and intellectuals
were apparently among thousands believed killed

in the earthquake that ravaged Bucharest and
struck atross eastern Europe, diplomatic and
unofficial sources said yesterday. A US. Air Force
(‘130 cargo plane landed with antibiotics and other
In cdical supplies for the stricken city. meanwhile.
and other Western governments geared up for a
nassivc airlift of medical and food supplies.

Hot flash

Mostly sunny and warmer today with a high in
the upper 50‘s to lower 60‘s. Tonight will be partly
cloudy a nd riotas cold. the low temperature dipping
to the low to mid 40‘s. Tomorrow will be partly
sunny and continued wamr. The high tomorrow will
be in the lower 70's.







W Adan-Imam
Gin Hulda “clause amt"... :flfim
Ella-tum M Saw cam aaau
.t . & Walter Illne- Illle “any. Mutants

languid“ Arum mm M m aaaga

ed] ma|:; C “ulna-lulu- Naneybaly JoaKanp ' Mark?» '
wmcmmumummchu-ueam .I'bo bat

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University In»:mwmuu.m.umm.muummuumm' mm,“ a


congressional nod I

More than two years after Watergate
culminated in the resignation of President
Richard Nixon, Congress is taking positive
action to clean its own house. This week both
houses of Congress Will consider a tough code of
ethics for congressmen, which should eliminate
some questionable, though currently legal,
sources of outside income.

The proposed code of ethics is particularly
timely, coming less than two weeks after a
congressional pay raise of 28.9 per cent over last
year. And in the past year, Congress’s image has
been tarnished by a series of scandals ranging
from abuse of Capitol Hill payrolls to acceptance
of questionable corporate and foreign money.

In addition, in a recent Harris poll com-
missioned by lawmakers, Congress was rated
ninth among 11 American institutions. 0b-
viously, Congress is suffering from a lack of
respect and trust from the public.

Under the proposed code, congressmen’s
outside income would be limited to 15 per cent of
their current salary. Honoraria for a speech,
appearance or article would be limited to $1,000.
Gifts valued at more than $100 would be banned.
And congressmen would be required to report

mm. AWN 60W£EDYES§_

Ethics code needs estate“


’0 W!)






complete. The current practice of private
records would be replaced by public records.
The annual disclosure would include virtually M

all income, assets, debts and outside financial VEAJA
interest worth more than $100;

—“Slush funds would be eliminated. The
largely unregulated and unreported Capitor Hill
office accounts, used for unofficial expenses
ranging from newsletters sent back home to
lunches for constituents visiting Washington,
would be abolished. Instead, the House would
substitute a $5,000 boost in each lawmaker’s
annual office allowance;

_. free mail or Franked mail privileges would
be tightened, including a ban on mass mailing to
corstitutents within 60 days before an election.

4/ . ME I
5’) m7 0





So, several congressmen currently making
huge sums from law practice, TV appearances Hmorab'e?
and speeches would be losing a substantial
portion of their incomes.But the code also would I" the interest, 0‘ expediency,
eliminate several potential conflicts of interest. qamfi _Earl Carter 5 Adm'mStratlon
. , IS consrdering a blanket upgrading
While the proposed code would not necessarily of Iess-than-honorable discharges
make congressmen more responsive to their for thousands of Vietnam-era vet-
constituents or more honest, it would at least cram Rather than a “casebyfase
make congressional impropriety more difficult


nearly all gifts.

In additon, the code would regulate the

following :

—Financial disclosure will become more

to cover-up.

But Congress cannotwaver and fail to pass the
code with provisions for effective enforcement,
because then hypocrisy will reign.

System goofs by placing
Haley lecture in small hall


Now I don‘t want to be the one to
bitch about the inadequacies of the
University system. Don‘t get me
wrong. I like the system. it's rather
cute once you learn the ropes.

But the other night, Tuesday,
March I the system made a blunder-

,, boo-boo. Note that I said the
system made a mistake. I'm quite




sure that if you contacted "IT" that
no one person could or would isolate
himself as the jerk who made the
decision. (Bureaucracies are fun to
hide behind.)

If you haven't got the gist yet, and
there‘s probably no earthly reason
why you should, I am referring to
the scheduling of the Alex Haley
Roots lecture in the all-too small (for
ti 4 purpose) Memorial Hall.

The little lady and I sauntered up
to the door about 10 minutes before
the scheduled beginning of the
discussion. We were informed at the
door (by a black man. mind you)
that people had been being turned
back into the cold for quite some
time now.

When I asked of the gentlemen if
my lady friend and I might slip

inside and stand in the aisle to listen.
we were informed that the aisles
were packed. There wasn‘t even any
standing room!

Now we come to our problem:
Why. oh why. did “IT“ schedule a
happening that was destined to draw
several thousand people from both
on and off campus in such an
evidently inadequate space.

I‘m sure one good excuse was that
the Christians had taken over Mem-
orial Coliseum on that particular
evening and it was unavailable for
public use. (I thought the church and
state were to be separate—I guess
that‘s only when money's not in-

Not that I have anything against
Christians. some of my best friends
are (whisper it) Christians. But
really folks, we all know that all you
have to do is throw a bible out in the
street and within 10 minutes there‘ll
be a covey of Christians swaying
around it and chanting something
about the “Word.“ (But, if I tried to
explain to them about the word
“om" they would no doubt refer to
meas a communist pinko fag).

Like I said, don‘t get me wrong, I
like Christians. my own Mom's a
Christian, and I realize that their
function did attract more people

than the Roots lecture and therefore
deserved the use of Memorial Coli~

After all, it should attract more
People-Jesus of Nazereth is the
greatest mortal that ever was
aware. Christians would do good to
study him sometime.

Back to my complaint, though,
(which is why I write this garbage)
if Alex Haley didn’t rate Memorial
Coliseum, at least give him the
Student Center Ballroom (which I
hope holds more people or I’m
gonna’ look awful dumb). To para-
phrase, “If you won’t give me the
best, “IT“, at least give me second

PS. If you are a strong devout
Christian and were offended by my
remarks (which were meant to
amuse you) please don't feel sorry.
I‘m not offended at all. I love you.

As a matter of fact, call me
sometime and I’ll get my Ku Klux
Klan chapter, of which I am the
Grand Whoopee Dildo, and we‘ll
have some mock crusade battles.
We’ll be the Turks. I love Turks too.


J.I). Slaughter is an Engineering
junior. who wants it pointed out that
this is his first adventure in jour-

Emotionalistic montage . .

This commentary IS in response to
the Kernel March 2 commentary
“No Room For Another Baby." by
“Jane Doe." While I support abor-
tion freedom. I respect and applaud
the opinions of women who feel, in
their individual, rational judgment,
that a nontherapeutic abortion is an

unacceptable alternative.


The decision whether an embryo is
a human being is a judgment that
eachindividual must make. as there
is presently insufficient scientific
evidence to firmly support either
conclusion. What I do not and cannot
approve of is an irrational, emotion~
alistic appeal to guilt and self-doubt
designed to prejudice a sensitive and
serious personal decision in any


The article in question begins by a
reasonable and straightforward ex-
planation of a dilemma that faces
hundreds every day. We all have at
least an empathetic appreciation of
this difficult situation. It requires
serious and thoughtful examination
of our beliefs and the consequences
of standing by them, whatever they
may be.

The writer continues her narrative
by concluding that an abortion is the
best option for her in this situation.
From this point on, the article
degenerates into an emotionalistic
montage of self~doubts, guilt, con-
fusion, and scattered images of
noxious stimuli.

This portion of the article is not a
valid or useful contribution to any-
one’s understanding of what abor-
tion is all about. and the author
exposes herself as an irresponsible

writer unsuited to comment on such
a complex subject. What this article
is, is an effective and subtle piece of
emotional propaganda, and its au-
thor is skilled at manipulating
human anxieties, if somewhat melo

The author seriously lacks the
courage to accept the consequences
of her decisions, as evidenced by the
failure of her rational convictions
when her doubt feeds upon her
superstitions. How quickly she sheds
her “modern woman" ideals; one
wonders if she ever truly believed in
them. The author also reveals a
dearth of personal courage and
responsibility by refusing to sign her
mme to this obnoxious work.

Nrther displays of irresponsi-
bility are strewn throughout this
piece. A third of the way through, we
discover the author not only had not
used any form of birth control

study," Robert Lipshutz, counsel to
the President, has determined that a
total blanket upgrading will be more

President Carter’s appeal to “re-
unite” Americans, first with his
program of blanket amnesty and
now of upgrading pardons, appears
to be inciting a reverse effect. It’s
difficult to understand why these
veterans should receive this “kid
gloves" treatment for not serving-
honorably! It only makes the contri-
butions of those veterans like myself
and others seem futile and unim-

While admittedly I can understand .

why someone would object to the
war in Vietnam, it is impossible to
comprehend an individuals unwill-
ingness to serve his country.

I fail to see how this “reunites” the
country—but rather to expose and
condone an overall attitude of
disrespect for military service and
the beliefs upon which our great
nation was founded.

We didn’t reach this point in
history on softhearted, weak-willed,
ill-advised decision making. Hope-
fully, President Carter will recon-
sider before making his final deci-

Steve Carmichael
Education freshman

Hospitable ldi

Jim N. Omatseye, in his letter to
the Kernel really helped me put
.things in perspective regarding the
current situation in Uganda.

Having always been suspicious of
a press so uncensored and quick to
condemn, I now see that a man who
on the surface appears to be a
paranoid, vicious, repressive,
power-crazed lunatic due to the
unfounded ratings of the media,





could actually be a kind-hearted
civil servant whose only concern is
the welfare of his people.

Mr. Omatseye (as a fellow Afri-
can-first hand information) con~
dernns this press who obviously blew
the entire situation completely out of
proportion much as they did four
years ago with poor Dick Nixon.

leave it to headline-crazed jour-
nalists to turn the murder of a paltry
five or six thousand Ugandans into a
major atrocity just for the sake of a

The other forty-odd thousand
missing are probably just being
questioned by local authorities, so
family and refugess are not to

The 240 Americans detained in
Ugandan facilities by ldi grossly
overreacted to their dilemma, also.

One should not feel threatened
when surrounded by nervous, mach-
inegun-toting guards, bars and the
screams of people having their
heads bashed in with sledge ham-

Dr. Amin, in his benevolence.
wanted a chance to thank these
Americans personally for their
assistance and good will (Y’all come
back now, hear?! ).

Idi Amin, you’re actually a hell-of-
a-guy! I

Chuck Penn

graduate student

Local politics

It would seem that someone who
would place himself in the public
spotlight and make statements in
the process of seeking an elected
office would make some effort to
get facts straight and to try to deal
with subjects in a candid wav.

With this in mind, I would suggest
to mayoral candidate Terry New-
man that he do a little investigating
before he puts words into his
opponent‘s mouths.

In his interview with the Kernel
Newman states that, “Every can-
didate in this race has spoken of the

lack of leadership demonstrated by
the present administration, and
each has suggested that he can offer
Lexington the needed leadership."

The actual fact is that on Jan. 18
Nick Martin, in his announcement
speech, said to the press, “The
notion of leadership is meant solely
tocapitalize on the false hopes of the
voters and is not a viable issue in

Martin added, “The present
mayor can be criticized for many
things, but certainly not lack of
leadership.” This is a direct contra-
diction to what Newman claims
“all" other candidates have said.

On that same occasion Martin
distributed to members of the press
an issue paper stating that he would
put mayor expenditures before the
voters in the form of referendums.
In fact, Nick Martin has said that he
would make it his policy to have
frequent voter referendums before
government action is taken.

Mr. Newman may understand the
need to apply political labels to
himself, but he has not yet learned
the decent policy of representing the
truth accurately.

Deborah Giannini
Lexington resident


The recycling programs on cam-
pus in the past were not ended
because of lack of support. There
has always been widespread student
involvement and concern.

However, recycling has not al-
ways been a priority. TheEnviron-
mental Action Society devoted its
energy for two years to stopping the
dam in the Red River Gorge.
There’s not a doubt in Julian
Carroll’s mind that students stopped
that dam.

We are committed to maintaining
campus recycling with student sup
port. Do it again.

Steve Mayes
President EAS

. Empty appeals clutter abortion issue

whatsoever, but actually has the gall
to complain of “receiving lectures"
on the subject.

After three children and in her
situation? This is not a person who
thinks straight. To top it off, she then
selects the IUD, perhaps the most
dangerous birth control method of

But the most serious fault of this
writer is her unscrupulous appeal to
the reader‘s superstitions and mor-
bid anxieties. The last two thirds of
the article abound with melodra-
matic emotional cliches like, “But
any women...knows that certain
feeling...the arrival of a life," or, “I
have this ghost now,“ that haunts

Her experiences at the clinic are
carefully laced with negative, harsh,
exaggerated images: a teenager,
retching, pulsating spots on the

ceiling, lancing pain, etc, all mag-
nified by her hysteria.

What a pile of crap. The mystical
“certain feeling" she refers to is the
effect of hormones we can isolate
from tissues in a test tube. As for the
ridiculous and ludicrous picture of
her baby‘s “ghost" haunting her
whenever she sees the full moon (I),
etc, why doesn’t she think of her
mum three young children or hus-
band, and be thankful for the love
and beauty they have given her,
iratead of pining after a shadow of
herown imagining?

Surely, abortion for the sake of
idle convenience is deplorable. But
“convenience" is not always a
frivolOus consideration. Why doesn‘t
someone submit an emotional nar-
rative about marriages or careers
(buoyed by unplanned children?
About the misery and pain of

children raised by parents who don’t
want them or love them? Or about
theanguish of parents who realize to
their horror and confusion that they
are abusing their own children? The
mystique of conception, ceiling
spots, and ghost babies dwindle out
of sight in the face of these larger
sufferings. ‘

If a woman is to reach a respon-
sible decision on abortion, she
should make it herself, not accord-
ing to the ideas of others. Her
decision should be based on a
tlmugh understanding of herself
and her beliefs, not extraneous
emotionalistic propaganda, and she
shwld face the consequences of her

decision with courage and the
conviction that her choice is best for "

all concerned.

Glen Davis h a graduate stadeat
in "logy







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Community college
enrollment climbs

Kernel Reporter

The enrollment of UK's
Community College system
was only 2,876 shortly after its
establishment, but it has
increased to 16,311 during the
first dozen years of its

Over one-third of the
students of the system, which
was established in 1964 to
bring twoyear educational
programs to Kentuckians,
are over 25 years of age,
according to Dan Tudor.
student services coordinator

-for the community colleges.

“We have such a different
comptsite of students at the
community college (than UK
at Lexington)," Tudor said.

Acetrding to Tudor, the
student body of the com-
munity colleges is a mix of
people with different
educational, social and
cultural backgrounds. They
include mothers coming back
to school. minorities,
busine$men, veterans and
even the elderly. Without the



wuitty during the year except holidays and exam
ooslge paid at Lexington. Kentuctty, 40511. Suhscrl
Published by the Kernel Press, Inc. and tounded ln 1771. the Kernel
ouullstnd continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ms.
Advertidng is intended only to help the reader
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Letters and comments should he adtessed to the editorial
double need and signed. Classification. phone number a
words end comments should be no toner than 750 words. Editors reserve the right to edit letters and comments.

community college system,
Tudor said, these students
would not have an op-
portunity to attend college.

More than 60 per cent of the
students are in two-year
career programs and will
receive the Associate Applied
Science degree, Tudor said.
The two career programs
available to the students in
1964 have increased to well
over 40 different programs.

Dr. M. Stanley Wall, UK
vice president for the com-
munity college, said, “All
courses are transferable to
the University. whereas a few
years ago, the University
didn’t accept the transfer of
technical courses.”

Tudor added that “when
there is no equivalent at UK
for a technical course, the
dam of the (appropriate)
college chooses which
courses will serve as major
fulfillments and which are

According to Dr. Wall,
several studies have been
done on community college
students who attend UK after

Spring fling
ltrenda Burris, a junior elemenatary

education junior. follows through on a
might softball heave near Blanding

two years in the system. The
studies show that the com‘
munity college students'
cumulative averages Usually
drop slightly during the first
semester on the new campus.
However. their averages
later use to a level equal to
students who have attended
UK since their freshman

Sorority wins
swim meet

Alpha Delta Pi sorority
made a big splash Sunday
night at Sigma Pi fraternity’s
Sink-or-Swim at Memorial

The group defeated 12 other
sororities in seven of the
meet‘s nine events, including
individual and relay races,
with 72 and one-half points.

Delta Delta Delta sorority
placed secmd with 46 points
and Kappa Kappa Gamma
was third with 40.

The event was “well-
attended" according to
coordinator Chuck

Tower, where she lives. She‘s a third
dependent intramural team.

for the JR Nines. an in-

The Kenhiclty Kernel. lls Journalism luildlng, University at Kentucky, Lestngton, Kentucky. loses. is malledtive times
periods. end twice weekly during the summer session. Third class

atlon rates are melted $3 oer year, orone cent per year nun-mailed.

began as The Cadet in ms. The paper has been

ouy and any false or misleading advertising should he reported and vvtlt
to be talse or misleading will be reported to the letter Iusiness Iureau.
page editor, Its Journalism Building. They should he typed.
nd address should he included. Letters should not exceed :50


the KERNEL is
the 4th largest
morning daily

in the state?

surprise !


Blind Awareness Days

March 8th & 9th ,
Display & Demonstration of aids ‘
and appliances for the blind
Tuesday, Marth 8th
Electronic Visual Aid ‘
, Talking Calculator
f FILMS Wednesday, March 9th
' “Not Without Sight”
“Meeting the Challenge of Blindness”
“What Do You Do When You
See a Blind Person"
The series of films listed above will be
shown twice in the order shown.