xt7k9882nn97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nn97/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-08-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1975 1975 1975-08-29 2020 true xt7k9882nn97 section xt7k9882nn97   


LXI! No. 19
August 29.1975



an independent student new—vspaper

New admissions policy

aids Viet war victims

Kernel Staff Writer

Vietnam refugees are now eligible for
in-state tuition and special admission.

In-state tuition is granted to persons who
come directly from refugee processing
centers. said Richard Stofer. director of
undergraduate admission.

“To qualify for in-state tuition. refugees
must comedirectly to a Kentucky sponsor.
They must also express their intent to
reside in Kentucky." Stofer said.

The policy is designed to aid South
Vietnamese refugees who left during the
(‘ommunist takeover without college
transcripts and other official documents.

Without these documents. it is difficult to
determine an applicant's educational
background and class level. Stofer said.

Refugee applicants must submit a list of
courses they have completed in the past.

The admissions office then decides how
many credit hours a refugee can receive
on the basis of class work in Vietnam.

Only one Vietnamese refugee is
currently enrolled at the University.
However. about 14 inquiries from other
refugees interested in attending classes
here have been received by Stofer’s office.

Competency in courses studied in
Vietnam is confirmed by proficiency in
higher level courses in the same subject
here. Stofer explained.

Under Department of Health. Education
and Welfare guidelines, Vietnamese
refugees are also eligible for financial aid
not normally available to international

Most refugees need financial
assistance. Stofer said. However. because
most loans and grants for this semester
were awarded last spring. many refugees
are unable to receive assistance. Stofer



2] University of Kentucky


Lexington, Ky. 4050b



Settlin' down

Senior accounting major (‘indy Starr takes a break from the first
few days of classes on a hill in the Botanical Gardens.


Odds stacked heavily against last witness Raymond

By MM'Y mm
Assistant Managing Editor

The odds that Jill Raymond will have to
stay in jail until April. 1976 appear to be
heavily stacked against her at this time.

Raymond, a 1974 UK graduate. is the
last Lexington grand jury witness to refuse
to testify about two fugitives believed to
have lived near the University last year.

She was among six past or present UK
students jailed March 8 after 6th US.
District (‘ourt Judge Bernard T.
Moynahan held them in contempt of court.
The rest have since agreed to testify in
exchange for their freedom.

Supreme (‘ourt Associate Justice
l‘hurgood Marshall refused to grant
Raymond bail last week. Bail was

previously denied by Moynahan and the 5-
tith ['S. (‘ircuit (‘ourt of Appeals. which

also refused to reverse Moynahan‘s
contempt ruling.

l-‘ew legal options remain available to
Raymond, who has not indicated any
willingness to cooperate with the grand
jury. The next and final recourse for ap—
peal is the Supreme Court.

Emmy llixson, a Louisville attorney
handling Raymond’s case. said a decision
hasn‘t yet been made on when an appeal
will be filed with the Supreme Court. She
also said it could take six to eight months
before the court hears the case, if at all.

The likelihood that the Supreme Court
will agree to hear the Raymond case is
very slim. according to Assistant US.
Atty. William D. Kirkland.

“The only way she can get out of jail is
by a successful petition for certiorari to
the Supreme Court." Kirkland said. A

petition for a writ of certiorari asks a
higher court to review a case for errors
made by a lower court.

Kirkland said the Supreme Court grants
writs of certiorari only in rare cases and
once the writ is granted the attorney has to
win the appeal on the merits of the case.

He said the issues in the Raymond ap—
peal have already been disposed of by the
Supreme Court in other cases and “we're
not on the verge of a big change by the
Supreme Court."

“It‘s very rare that this kind of case is
reversed by the Supreme Court especially
since no new issues were raised in the
appeal.“ Kirkland said.

Raymond's refusal to testify and the
appeal of the contempt ruling are based on
a belief thatthe grand jury is being abused
in this case. Attorneys have argued that

the witnesses were subpoenaed after
legally refusing to talk to Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) agents in-
vestigating the whereabouts of Susan Saxe
and Katherine Power.

Saxe and Power. fugitives from
prosecution for a 1970 Boston bank rob-
bery. are believed to have lived in
Lexington last summer and fall under
assumed names. Saxe was apprehended in
Philadelphia in April.

The grand jury witnesses stated publicly
they had no reason to believe Saxe and
Power were other than the persons they
claimed to be while in Lexington. They
said the grand jury was being used to aid
the FBI in their investigation of the
fugitives rather than performing its
proper function of considering in-

dictments. (‘ontinued on page 7



.\ssistant Managing Editor

The outcome of the UK unionization
drive and state collective bargaining
legislation will remain unsure until the
tirst few months of 1976.

Several factors. including a suit filed by
the l‘niversity. opposition by the governor
and actions by the legislature, have slowed
a final resolution.

A legislative subcommittee considering
state collective bargaining legislation is
entering final preparation before sub-
mitting a report to the 1976 General
Assemble which convenes in Janauary.

State Sen. Michael Moloney (D-Lex.),
chairman of the seven-member special
subcommittee, said, “we will try to
assimilate our information into a report
(including) what the committee thinks.“




The subcommittee hasheard “400 to 500
responses"—most from public employes

seeking a collective bargaining bill,"
Maloney said. Among those making a
presentation to the committee was
Margaret Roach, coordinator of the UK
Workers Organizing Committee, an af-
filiate of American Federation of State.
County and Municipal Employes. They are
seeking union recognition, higher salaries
and better working conditions for
University employes.

Roach and fellow organizer Jim Embry
presented their views in as July sub-
committee hearing. The two attacked
University policies toward employes and
advocated a collective bargaining bill for
public employes which would not prohibit
the right to strike.

Continued on page 7







Lettas and Spectrum articles should be add'essed to the Editorial Page Editor,

Room "4 Journalism Building. They should be typed, double spaced and signed.
Lettas should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 worcs.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor
Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor



It's a plot

To ye olde Editore (sic):

There is an economic plot being
perpetuated beneath rays of nearly
every stoplight in this hamlet.


It’s degrading enough to have to play
rat-maze games with those colors
telling you when to go and otherwise.
lt’s dehumanizing when you are the
only person in a car within miles and
because of paranoia you stay put until
the Iig ht changes for fear of not passing
goal and not collecting $200, but paying
nearly that much for treading past the
red beams and going directly to iail
(Hakkkapph, schlumph, shnivel, snork,
pppttoooiee ).

But to know that all is a plot! Cuss
and Discuss! Yes, my fine four-wheeled
friends —— a plot!

And what’s worse — an economic
plot. This hamlet’s chamber of com-
merce is plotting to suck in all the green
play dough that drives through the
yellow, green and red.

You might ask what these harmless
hues have to do with the ugly green that
is greedily sought by the business

Well...(hack, zilck, slaloop, snaffer,
eqquy) ...this hamlet’s traffic engineers
have synchronized the stoplights the
right way. Or the wrong way, depen-
ding upon where you are going. You
see, when you enter this hamlet the
lights are synchronized so that you are
rushed right into the business lair. Then
when you want to leave, they are not
synchronized, thus keeping you in its
economic web longer. All the while, you
are snarled in traffic and become
exasperated and hot. 50 in mad
desperation you turn off the road and
get something to eat, or drink, or buy a
bigger and faster car to help you beat
those stoplights. It’s a plot!



Send for your free advice on how to
stop the stoplights by sending tour fried
grasshoppers, two kumquats, one
sauteed thingamaiig and salt from any
righteous business brow-sweat. And
then a jolly good time can be had by all.

Yours for better issues,

Joseph S. Stone
Journalism Private in its

Majesty Army of blooming idiots
Senior (believe it or heave it)

Kent State


Burying the Kent State trial decision
on the seventh page of yesterday’s
Kernel wastoo much! Your concern for
student’s lives is most touching. Surely.

J. Whaley
A85 iunior


'help the


After uselessly destroying Viet-
nam, all United States attempts to
aid refugees seem particularly
sickening in comparison. There is
the distinct impression lurking
behind all this sudden good will lie
U.S. motives to better its interna-
tional image.

As part of the general help-the-
refugees craze, a group of higher
education organizations have
urged the federal government to
use colleges and universities to
help meet Vietnamese and Cambo-
dian refugee needs. The organiza~
tions’ recommendations include
adiusting residency requirements
so refugee students pay in~state

In response, UK has set up
specific guidelines that in some
instances would admit Vietnamese
refugees as instate residents. Un~
der the guidelines, the refugee
would present a copy of the
authorization to remain in the US.
The guidelines also require a
statement from the refugee’s spon»
sor including a remark that the
refugee came directly to Kentucky
from a processing center.

Only one Vietnamese refugee is
presently attending UK, but Direc

tor of Undergraduate Admissions,
Richard Stofer, has received 14
enquiries from refugees.

There’s nothing wrong with help-
ing Vietnamese and Cambodian

refugees as long as there are no
ulterior motives. Universities and
colleges across the country should
be commended for responding to
refugees’ needs, as should UK

However, it’s sad the US. didn’t
simply help lndochinese countries
in the first place, rather than


waiting to help refugees who are
fleeing from their own country to
the country who helped cause their


We goofed

The Aug. 28 Kernel Editorial, ”Does
’iustice’ prevail in treatment of
athletes?” failed to properly identify
Dr. Frank M. Downing because of an
editing error. Downing is UK’s
academic advisor.


















Comments from the University community


The other day, I lost my wallet at the
library. At least, I arrived home with a
copy of Paul Samuelson’s Economics
and an empty hip pocket. I was the
library’s last customer that day, and its
doors clanged shut behind me, it being
five p.m.

The wallet-less person experiences a
singular form of insecurity; he has no
legal proof of his identity, he might as
well not exist. His social life is terribly
affected. He cannot drive legally, buy
beer, enter nightclubs, cash checks or
call friends, without his wallet.


Distraught, I ran back to the library
in 90 degree heat, and shook the doors
just to make sure. They seemed welded

Dishevelled, I ran back down Rose
Street to the UK security offices, where
a dispatcher sat behind a grilled win
dow talking into a telephone and af-
fecting not to notice my labored
breathing and sense of urgency.

Finally he looked up. ”Yes?” he said.

”I've left my wallet in the library," I

”Which library?"

”The M. l. King library,” I replied.

”The old or the new part?" he asked.

”The old or the —“

"Whereabouts?" he said, obviously
anxious to get all the facts.

”On the counter,” I replied.

"What counter?” he asked, as in-
ferrogative as Socrates.

”Where you check out the books," I
expla'ned. "I took it out to show my

”Well, we haven’t got it,“ said the
Grand Dispatcher with an air of
finality, adding, ”— if that’s what you
want to know.”

No, it wasn’t. I wanted to gain access
to the now-closed library to retrieve my
lost wallet. He understood, grabbed a
phone, spoke into it, turned back to me
and said, ”Go to the back of the
building. A maintenance man will meet
you there in a few minutes.“

I waited for many minutes at the
back of the library. I saw a lot of men
who looked like they were in the
maintenance business, but when asked,
they asserted rather stiffly that they
were in fact graduate students.

Finally I walked around the library,
staked out the iolnt, and found a door
open-aiar and a force eight air-
conditioned gale blowing out into the
steamy southern heat.

Battling the gale, I entered. Nobody-
there. The circulation counter also was




deserted and bore not a trace of my
beloved billfold. The library was huge
and cool and quiet, like the interior of a
pyramid —— a mausoleum. l was an

Avoiding burglar alarms, booby
traps and thousands of imagined
electronic eyes, I searched for my lost
identity. I found a watch, ”coffee
money”, lots of books and rude letters
to patrons owing huge library fines. But
no wallet.

Finally I called security.

”—-Curity.” It was the laconic Grand

”Hello, this is the fellow who lost his
wallet. I am speaking to you from in-
side the library. There’s a door open.
Your house of learning is insecure. The
university’s priceless collections are
vulnerable to attack and larceny by
unscrupulous opportunists. You’d
better get a man down here.”

”It’s not our responsibility,” replied
the Grand Dispatcher. "Call main-
tenance,” he said and leaving a










number, hung up. I called my main‘


I told him I was the born wallet loser
and that I was inside the library.

”Well, did you find it?” the man
asked, obviously familiar with my case.

”No, but there’s a door open,” I said.

”It’s not where you left it?” he asked.
No, I told him, but —— "Well, maybe the
person who signed out your book took it
home, you know, for safekeeping,” he

"Yes, perhaps — or they've locked it
up somewhere. Speaking of which,
there’s a door open down here. Anyone
can walk in. You’d better have someone
lock up,” I said.

Oh’, I can't do that for at least
another hour,” said the maintenance
man cheerfully. ”I tried to get hold of
you before you left security. The
electricity’s out in three sororolties. All
my men are working on it.“

I hung up, defeated. Imagine! Hair
curlers must suddenly have ceased to



function, stereos have ground to an
excruciatingly gradual halt, all the
lights gone out and the sun not yet
down. Rush would be ruined for those
three sororities. It was a campus
calamity. After all, who wants to ioin a
sorority whose utilities are not

Meanwhile, the University’s maior
repository of intellectual works stood
insecure and unmaintained, its im-
pregnability flawed by an open door
through which I passed un-
comprehending, into the cloying August

By the way, I found my wallet at
home on the mantlepiece.


Anthony Pearce-Batten is a
graduate student in the Patterson
School of Diplomacy and In-
ternational Economics. His weekly
column will appea ron Fridays in the




.‘ u... q. as when" -- -‘




t—THI‘I KENTl‘CKY KI‘IRNI‘IL. Frida). August 29, 1975






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r----—---- CLIP THIS AD---------




news briefs
Foster son denies


Hoffa was in his car

DETROIT (AP) — Jimmy Hoffa‘s foster son. Charles ”Chuckie"
()‘Brien. denied today that the missing ex-Teamsters unior
president was in a car O'Brien drove on the day Hoffa disappeared.
a close asociate said.

()‘Brien's comments followed a report that tests by experts using
trained dogs have led federal officials to believe Hoffa recently had
been in the back seat and trunk of a car owned by Joseph
Giacalone. 22. son of reputed Mafia figure Anthony “Tony Jack"

O'Brien. 41. a Teamster organizer. has been subpoenaed to
appear before a federal grand jury probing the disappearnace of
the former federal grand jury probing the disappearance of the
former labor boss.

The Detroit Free Press said investigators close to the case
indicated the testimony about the dogs‘ reactions might be
admissible in court.

Strikes halt coal industry

(‘IIARI.I‘IST()2\'.W.Va. (AP) . Much of the nation‘s soft coal
industry was shut down Thursday as wildcat strikes spread in a
miners' rebellion against the companies. federal courts and their
own union.

About two-thirds of the nation‘s 125.000 bituminous coal miners
who are members of the United Mine Workers union were idled by
picketing in the South. the Midwest and the Appalachians

US. Steel board chairman EB. Speer called the performance of
the United Mine Workers union in the nearly three-week—old strike
“a national disgrace."

Pickets fromWest Virginia also have spread their walkout into
eastern Kentucky. where all of the more than 8.000 members of
UMW‘s district 30 were idled Thursday.

Construction companies sued

(‘.V\TI.ETTSBL'R(;. Ky. (AP) —»— The federal government has filed
suit here asking 31.231.434 in damages from four construction
companies and'an individual accused of bid-rigging during the
construction of Interstate 64 through Carter and Rowan counties
and US. 60 in Boyd County.

The total is double the amount the government claims was paid to
the defendants on allegedly rigged bids. according to Asst. (CS.
Atty. James F. Cook.

Named defendants were Jack E. Ruth. president of East
Kentucky Paving Corp. Grayson. Ky : Hot Mix inc. of Nashville.
Tenn; Hoover Inc. of Nashville: and Standard Flag (‘0. of
Youngstown. Ohio.

The suit claims that Ruth and other company officials conspired
in beginning in January of 1969 to inflate bids on the two federal
highway projects.

Three Dog Night singer
wins delay in narcotics trial

OSTOVES OSLEEPING BAGS .. LoL'IvaLLH. Ky. (a?) — Rock singer Charlesv.William
. . Chuck Negron. lead Singer of the group Three Dog Night. has
Prlmus SHOWLIOH won another delay in his trial on charges of illegal possession of


Negron was arrested several weeks ago. while the group was
appearing here. when police searched his hotel room and allegedly
found small quantities of several illegal narcotics.

He was to appear in court on the charge Aug. H. but won a delay
to today. Then today's scheduled hearing was put off until Sept.22
on a motion by Negron's attorney. according to the court clerk.

SG sponsoring orientation conference
for students interested in joining

Student Government (SGI will sponsor an orientation conference
for all students interested in working with $0. The two day event
will be held 7-10 pm. Tuesday. Sept. 2. and Thursday. Sept. 4. at the
Student Center.

The conference is designed to familiarize students with the SG
Constitution. the Code of Student Conduct. the University Senate.
the use of parliamentary procedure. the legislation process. the SG
committee structure and possible SG activities for this year.

KIN ll‘L‘M

The Kmncky Kernel, m Jownalism in l894. the paper has been



5 .

w» ct .tw wr .’. .



Budding, University at Kentucky, continuously as the Keriucky
Lexington, Kentucky, m, is mailed live Kernel since I9t5
times weeklyduring the year except wring Advertising is intended only to help the

holidays am exam periods, and twice reader buy and any false or mislmding
weekly dur'ng the summer session, Third advertising should be reported and will be
class pmtage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, investigated by the editors. Advertising
‘05". Subsaiptlon rates «8 Sl2 pa' full tound D be false or misleading will be
semester Published by the Kernel Press, reported to the Better Busines Bureau.
IncandtmmdedinlWIAheKemelbeganas ‘





rIn av sou an:

--------- CLIP THIS AD -----—---






‘ r

W «r .hx wr .i-u. .






A85 establishes
basic skills program

Kernel Staff Writer

The College of Arts & Sciences
(A&S) has established a new
program designed to assist in-
coming freshmen with basic
study skills.

The Developmental Study Pro-
gram is intended to provide the
tools necessary for good study
habits, rather than to actually
help the students with their
work, said Dr. Mary Franke,
program director.

Freshmen are offered an op-
portunity to enroll in the program
on the basis of their ACT scores.
she said. Although 400 students
were notified by mail this sum-
mer, only about 160 actually
decided to participate The pro-
gram is limited to 200 students.

Developmental study courses
have been created in the English,
math, and speech departments,
using the existing faculty mem-
bers under the supervision of
Franke and her staff.

Students who enroll in the
program are required to take 12
hours of courses. with at least two
classes from the three study
areas. In addition. the students
must spend two hours a week in a
study skill lab, Franke said.

Lab work emphasizes
improvement of basic study skills
including notetaking, reading.
math, and preparation of written
assignments, she said. Students
are also instructed in the
methods used to prepare a test.

“We’ve found that the best way
to teach a student how to take a
test is to show him how a test is
prepared by a teacher. This is
especially true in the case of
objective tests, which many
students find very difficult at
first," Franke said.

Although the program is in the
College of Arts & Sciences, it is
not limited to A&S students. The
program was organized as a
continuing plan and Franke said
she expects it to become a
permanent program.

Special education
receives $200,000

Kernel Staff Writer

The department of special ed-
ucation has received a $200,000
grant from the Bureau for the
Education of the Handicapped to
help relieve the shortage of
special education teachers in

Dr. Edmund Blackhurst. dir-
ector of special education, attrib-
uted the award to the general
need for qualified teachers in
Kentucky. and to the specific
quality of his department.

“Kentucky now has 2,500 to
3.000 special education
classrooms thaty need to be
manned," Blackhurst said. “This
requires 850 new teachers. in
order to meet this demand, the
department wants to train as
many teachers as possible.“

The grant will pay for the
hiring of eight additional faculty
members. and three secretaries.



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One of the new faculty mem-
bers will be hired to train
teachers for the severely hand-
icapped. No other college in the
state is equipped to do this.
Blackhurst said.

Last year no new doctorial
candidates were admitted to the
special education department
becuase of a lack of funds, said
Blackhurst. But. because of the
grant, 10 students were admitted
this fall, he said.

In addition. the grant will
provide funds to help revise the
curriculum to meet new require-
ments for certification, and to
continue the department’s train-
ing of special education admin-

“At the present time there are
only eight administrators to care
for the state’s 3,000 special
education classrooms.“ Black-
hurst said.



729 8. Lime

Friday Night Special
5:!) 8:10pm.
served with coleslaw,
French fries, roll 8.
all youcan eat

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. August 29, 1975—5

If you need it,
you’ll find it in
the Classifieds






LEXI. iGTON, KY.'40503




At U.K.

there are two things
no one

should be without:

a strong umbrella

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Gusty, blow-it-all rainstorms
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Building walkways where many
a shattered, soggy umbrella




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Phone 272-4511 today.


Fayette Mall












lieo'l'lllf KlCN’l‘l't'hY KI‘IHNICL. Frida), August 29. 1975





The Phoenix Hotel has employed a
counsebr for the convenience of the ap-
proximately 150 stuients residing there.
Louis Samuelson, 39, was first introduced
to the students at a meeting Wednesday

“We created this position to assist the
students with any personal or school
problems they might have," said Ralph
Harrell. hotel manager. “Actually, he is
more or less a father confessor."

Harrell said he did not expect the
students to have anymajor problems. “We
are going to do whatever we can to help
our students remain at the University and
make their stay more comfortable.“

"Generally we're going to have to play
this by car. It‘s a learning experience for
all of us," Samuelson said. “I‘m really
here to serve as a linkage between the
student, hotel and University."

Samuelson, who received his Ph. D. in
political science from the University of
lllinois in 1972. is associated with the
Patterson School of Diplomacy. He has
servedasan instructor at the University of
Alaska and Auburn University.

“I don‘t view m y role as a policeman.
My job is to maintain dialogue with the
students and to provide any assistance
needed."he said. Hehas handled about six
problems so far. butnone has been major,
Samuelson said.

At the Wednesday meeting. some
students expressed concern about tran-
sportation to and from campus. It was
explained that com mericial bus serw'ce is
available. Female students were urged to
travel in pairs when traveling at night.

The 125 students attending the meeting
were also addressed by Dean of Students
Joe Burch, Student Government President
Jim Harralson and Student Center
director Mary Jo Mertens.

Samuelson. who will be available to
students on a regular basis. noted that the
Phoenix was not required to provide such a

service and was concerned about the
student‘s convenience.


pre-washed denims


to a different drummer.

Bnttanra’s parade of ore—washed denims
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Patchwork jacket, $25.

8. Arrow deep indigo denim jean, $16.
Jacket With arrow pockets on front
and back, scalloped back, $24.

C. Basic four pocket jean, $16.

Basrc jacket wrth pleated back

and front pockets, $24.
All available in sizes 28 to 36,
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Shop by phone, 272—451 1.

$1 delivery fee for orders under $10 or
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Odds stacked against
witness Jill Raymond

('oiitinued from page I

Raymond recently expressed
hope that the grand jury itself
would ielease her from jail But
Kirkland said only Moynahan
could void the contempt ruling
even if the grand jury decides it
no longer wants her testimony.
“The grand jury is still very
interested iii what she has to
say." he added.

liiless her appeal to the
Supreme (‘otii‘t succeeds.
ltaymoiid must remain in Jitll
iiiitil the term of the grand jury
expires in April. lttITti. it she still
i'ctiises to testify Raymond was
imayailable for comment
\Iediiesday git the Madison

(‘ounty Jail in Richmond.

Kirkland refused to comment
on the value of the five witnesses‘
testimony to the grand jury. He
said the possibility still exists
that they could be indicted for
harboring or concealment of
Saxe and Power, but the decision
to indict rests with the grand

'l‘he witnesses were granted
immunity so nothing they said
could he used against them in»
dividually.” Kirkland said. "It‘s
generally unlikely that you would
grant immunity and then indict
them tor what their testimony is
about "

Special assistance given

to South Vietnamese

(‘oiitinued from page I

At the same meeting, the
su bc om mi ttee passed a
resolution seeking input on the
collective bargaining issue from
high state officials. including
(lov .lulian ('arroll. for an Aug.
3:3 hearing.

".\'o one showed up."

(‘an‘oll gave a written response
to the sutx-omiiiittee stating he
considered a personal ap~
pearance by himself or a cabinet
member improper.

“I would like to have had their
input.” Moloney said. Another
subcommittee member. Sen.
Walter Baker (It-Glasgow) said
the lack of input from state of»
t'icials “is abominable."

In the written response. (‘arroll
also stated he would absolutely
veto any collective bargaining
bill which allows employes the
option to strike. According to
Moloney. (‘arroll is also opposed
to legislation whcih Would use
binding arbitration as a means to
settle disputes which are

Moloney said a bill passed by
the General Assembly might be
“objectionable“ to Carroll,
because binding arbitration


Stuck on


might be incorporated into such a

At the Aug. 25 hearing, the
committee set a three—day closed
meeting for late September in
which the report will be pre-
pared. II will then be presented
before a preliminary meeting of
the (lencral Assembly.

“We will not write legislation"
at the three—day meeting,
Moloney said. “I don't think
that‘s what we‘re there for."
However. he said bills will be
submitted before the General

('ollective bargaining
legislation could play a
prominent role in determining
the pmgress of the UK union
drive. Asloaffecting the drive is a
suit filed by the University in 1972
attempting to determine whether
non-academic UK employes have
the right to organize collectively
for bargaining purposes.

The suit is unresolved although
several sources said a decision
will be reached before the
legislature convenes. Any
decision in the suit could be
changed by a bill from the
(leneral Assembly, if signed by


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