xt7k9882nn49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nn49/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1971 1971 1971-10-18 2020 true xt7k9882nn49 section xt7k9882nn49 l
“ 9 o o 1 . .)
(iharges by women 5 group still pending . ...
Albri htt l k' t HEW l' ‘
g 0 00 m 0 comp amt . --
By MIKE WINES on the treatment ()1 women at complaint filed wrth lll:W by “to begin [1) pull together the ”\‘tmmllt _ ,1 on», 7.”; ',
Editor-in-Chief the University. the Washington-based Women's intoriiiation that we need“ to you are in detault. trey: tilt-i, V'.
President Otis A. Singletary CWC had requested 'd Sitliif)’ Equity Action League (WPAL). answer “[in lll\\'\llg.llttls and to ,eiie tr,” c,i.,,,,,.,l,1..,,, Him r. ,i . ,
said Sunday night he has asked breakdown by sex 0f UK WEAI. pressed charges after firm up the ciiiploynicitt tlttllc} chinjilhng Alum; ,i " m up
Vice President for Institutional em ployes 1331 AUBUSt- The (‘W(‘ supplied it with a report on statement. "llic'. don‘t cw’lrt‘ .ri rial l' i
Planning Dr. A. D. Albright to request was first approval. then the status of Women at [’K, ‘Aft‘irniative action‘ it;e\ amine l-i tiii -.:: ill . it:
look into a complaint to the denied by the administration prepared by a spring semester “[1”in.\Htcmvm)Duh,” l‘il 1min this siiitl ..z t‘. z.« '
Department Of Health, after charges 0f discrimination class on “Women in call an att‘iriiiatixe .irrioi- lll \V ;«wl;.s .i; l ' m: i': v. -..,'
Education and Welfare that UK Were tilled Wllll “PW l” (‘oiiteinporaiy Society." statement for Us.“ Siiiglctaz; \lt.tl‘.‘\'\ l‘ 'i\ with? ml f-il _~ :
discriminates against women. Washington. I _ “l haven‘t heard anything said, “ -\ttii niative a ., llwll leallls t i the '-!’ lazing .:.--t,i ._ “EVA
Albright’s duty will be to I“ ‘4 . telephone ”llel‘VleW from lllzw.” Single-tar) said. statements“ are returned tr, until Ll?t.rll\ .ili' llitiil'; , 41' r ,‘Iii
assemble facts regarding the Slmdii)’ ”13m! Singletary ““9 ll" “When I do. 1’“ reply to it." ill-.W as an .iiiswci to \liai’ges wt l h c d t s c i i in i H .l l : iv .
discrimination charge for an had ‘nIotIhing more 10 say on Snigletary Hid J ltltlle) discrimination. llllL‘If'Ig‘litl.M?i\. or the gwlx» t!"
HEW investigatory L‘UIIlllllllCC the HEW complaint V‘” present. statement “ll employment 01V dll [Well it PR is round guilt) wt have ..iiicd ll"!il Mimi. :
and to draw up a comprehensive BUt he d'd Sf”, that ‘1” “"chr,i0 U K personnel *nOl lUSl discriininatoi'y hiring platticcs. :rttical. and iii ill! a ll-l.zl i: ‘
. policy on the hiring, firing and Wendelsdorfs charges was being women v-had been diss‘USSs‘d in chances are small that it will be Hootttltt lll l'riiieisit; lesi' rut. Vi
paying of University personnel, prepared and WOUId be sent the administration *lllek‘ l'dbl penalized hci'n'il} for Its lit-tilts to over Slh Tllllllttli li'.‘ it,"f
. Singletary said. SOSW h l tt t‘ Allrll- Albright’s assignment is mistakes. Slllglelul‘) said. grants. '
e ave one e er rom
News Of the dlfeethei which Margaret Wendelsdorf that we’re -‘ ‘
the president said had been in in the process of answering,”
the works “since last April," Singletary said. “That's the only
came on the heels 0f charges by request for information I’ve
Council on Women’s Concerns had.” 1‘5 .
(CWC) chairwoman MS. Margaret Singletary said the only , =‘e.: I':
Wendelsdorf that the official notice of the sex ‘V,- l 4V,.".,,
administration was dodging discrimination charge he had u ‘
requests to supply information received was a copy of the 1‘5 '5 ,
Stude t d ' d en'UC
t o o o o
A three judge appeals board of the students appealed the _,
the U, S, Sixth Circuit Court decision to Sixth Circuit Chief
Friday turned down a plea fora Justice Harry Phillips in
temporary Injunction which Cmemna“ Thursday. an independent neWspaper published by students at the university of kentucky : . V
would have allowed UK students After hearing arguments 5 _.
v ‘ ' concernin the tem orar' .. , . , , . . .. , . .
:BlDectioiife ”l the Upcommg injunction, gphimps order; ”I: Monday. Oct. 18, 19/] LEXINGTON, amnion rustic. “,L ani, x... ,3
Thirteen students involved in a empaneling of a three judge “h— . ,
voting rights suit which would appeals board to hear the case ."
permit out out town students to Friday. I l l l V
, register in Fayette County On Friday, Phillips and Judges KCL SC to S 0 "80 r 'I
sought the temporary William Miller and W. Wallace 9
injunction. Had the injunction Kent denied the appeal. Because ,‘ ,. .
been granted, students would of their limited review powers, 0
have been allowed to register the appeals board could not draft counsell "8" Class ,
and cast ballots in sealed overturn Swinford’s ruling unless -.,
envelopes to be opened after the it was “clearly erroneous” Guido I I
" said. . . - .» ‘1'.
Siftciiilgiligliiiglsluisfimement Of the The UK students currently By DANNY WILLIAMS ‘0’ KCLU‘ 51ml one can 211239313} tggLLlll‘lilel‘lllrfgitk{{[llll‘l . -' V‘
The suit which seeks a disenfranchised may win their Kernel Staff Wm" _ “PM?“ ”,1? dratt P” “Y" UK I“? p f,..p, "'d t ' i 5
Permanent ruling in the case sufferage yet however. Guido is The UK Civil Liberties Union llrlns‘lPL‘IS: l‘irst. there is no basis ' [gwtl’rrrfi‘tkSciiiluiieling. Sedler
attacks Kentucky voting laws expected to take the suit for an Will sponsor '4 class tor dratt 1‘” “kt l‘" ”l“ “1””, PM” 5 “id the lllkllVlLlllLll h OHM“! [fin-I
and is still pending in state injunction to the Supreme counselors in conlusllen W11“ ‘lusmmnwn ”t [hmlmnldwlm iiiir‘. ll\" -5 ii"l\’ (Mun tli‘ 47- .‘
courts. Court. the Student Government. through a procedural dctensel a ill I‘m iii I'ILLIIII II‘I' I IIIII'I“ ‘ . .,
The motion for the temporary If the high court WC“: in grant UKCLU . pjcgjdcnt Harry V'lttlrlllhll Ul rcgtllritlii'ts l'i_\ Ill'c‘ lIIII‘IIII-II IILWII .L.i rt ii . are i 5 III
injunction was brought before the temporary injunction. the Jacobson said the Iiiistr'uctois tor diaItt board. I l I“ r .i-tt- H 'lt]‘\liil.‘ :* II II. :5..-
U. S. District (‘ourt Judge Mac Fayette county registration the class will be ToinIand Steep A person has lily-{IL caoices legil «innit .IIIIII ”if“; It i" '.~ I i" , .
Swlnt‘ord last Wednesday. bOOkS would be OPCnCd [0 UK NCUdL‘Clfl‘T. lttlllt ”Aimed draft when he \Vr’lllh (Ity rt\i:ltl III ~IICIlIIIItIII II.IrIIcI;I.iItI,—IIII~I ,IHI IhIiI ,V . .V; 5', .V .
Swinford ruled against the students and they would vote counselors. The class will be iiiduetion. He iiiay‘u'axe the IIIIII-IILIIIIIII .IIH , m, I I “I“ .. . _ , _. a .
motion and UK law professor pending final disposition of the made tip of volunteers. Is‘ountIr} .II dcteiiId llIlIsI position Scdlcr \ImI ' “ ' “ ;_ ,. A. 5 f.-
Ken GUldO who is representing meg rights 5””- Robert Sedler, general Hum“! L iii Prom“ \ L i h “N Sedler included a \Mlllllltg to: ' , . V V 'i .
the draft evidcr lll's' itiiiirnitiui V’ I. i 'V' ""1
2,7“*\”§ ‘ ”WW“ sentence for cxadii‘ig the diarl .s V. '
:35 A “his 3 U in ontlis in prison. rla .V
I I 49* - . . A W iiia\iiiiiim. ti\c years. V" '
V. VI « V- ~ -~.. Sedler was not so ci’npliatu il‘. ' ‘
.. ' ».. . . V‘ ' ' denouncing the d tall and war. ', W
i _ _ gym' He did say the viar has to he
$1 " I, w .. , _ _‘ ___. . _ . II .. VI ' lorinall} declared by (‘oiigicss
..M ’ w ' " -_ " » One thing few people reali/e, '5'",
' , I W , . if a than both leaves the ci‘iuntr)
-'I 3-7-4" - , ,V .. w and drops his citi/enship before
5» . ’ ' _ , .W 279,5“ reeeivrng his draft induction 3.
:5; ~ '. , »- ' ' ’ " " ’ Q. notice. he has brckeii no law.
_. III ,_ «r , Sedler continued. _ , ,
, 7' ’ '_ ' UKt‘Lt.’ Will hold tl\
, $ o rga n i /a t l o n ;.- l iii eeting on i
. iV . ' 5 October 27 in the Student .
. .. .. ' . "5- '3‘ . " The speakers at the meeting
, - " . I " "“ m. _ ,5” Will be .lolin Rabiin. c\ecutive ‘
. m 3: .I KI V‘ I director of K(l.l:. Robert Sedler _
g I, , ' «M 5 sxfii 2 and Alvrn (loltlinan oi the FR '
s» .f 3* -' 5 , Q , .. ,_ t ’ Law school. .
. W”is ‘i gt fi'“ if i . Jacobson said he hopes to see . ' . ..
3;: , .; ,I if” ".‘"=s=. a steering committee elected at . ,l ', 1'.
. , ~. .. . :s ‘5 ‘ f: Vx' 4 ' the meeting. ' 1 ‘
. - I my; ‘ ‘ [ii the following weeks the ( '
' ' " ., '3‘?“ (‘lli wrll sponsor .‘ i"
iV P A Program on ilVll lll‘t'lllt‘s ’i ' .
for high school sttlilcnt~ mi ' 5 'i
,5 . I . . October 13 \lasoii Taylor. . ',
I ~ - ’.- " .. . i chairina n ot the (‘c ntral ' ii i ‘
, , w...» , m V .Vi .5 a» K e n t u c k y (‘ l. [7 Sc h ools " - , ' , ‘ V-
I , .. .:IT 1 it 5*» e . e f , I ' Z“ c My" (‘omiiiittee wrll speak. _ , ' ~ ' '
.. .5 ion-,5 D A forum on student records - .
" ‘ ‘ V V ’, , i ”if“: with the Student Government . ' ‘. -
A pharmacy student peers into a polanmeter, which is Legal Service (‘ommittee in the , _
' measuring the rotation of the plane of polarization ofIa second week of November. 5 -
Ha.—n0w I see you drug. He and two fellow students are particrpants in , A lay lobby group m . _ -. . .
Pharmaceutical Analysis and Control, a third-year Frankfort headed by Dr. Mike .
course. (Photo by Curt Nrblack) Baer. , -

Z—TIIE KENTT'CKY KERNEL Monday. ()(I. IS. I971 M/fl '
. ' . ‘ o a Ci 1
\01 men aspirin
S d? I r . 9 I i
. — . tu . III I) la macrsts on t ta (3 (11th
. IB) NORAIIBECK l’liaiiiiacciitical .\ssoci.ition (SAl’hA) include such because we‘re not going to treat tats. lle leels v
kernel Stall Writer . concerns as drug abuse education, community that the clinical t‘lilu‘m‘dri eliminates ”l"
' lhey study drugs and their ettects all day. health pioIiet ts. drag iiil‘oriiiatioii systems. credibility gap created by the textbook and lecture
They've sold some during their summers .iyyay pharmacists” relation to ecology and future roles as wh- sources of information. . .
. from school. Some of them sell stuff during the and sy stems {oi the phariiiacisi l’liariiiacy' ciiitigmg 5;in this iypc oi training Will 1
-I . week now And when they get out of school. must The work oi the student committees will be make them ti'ue ltcallll protestioiials. able to riggist
' . ' ‘ ' of them Will deal directly WlIll drugs as a source ot brought together and the UK SAPhA will host the 11‘“: doctor in making prognoses for his patients . I
' '~ ‘ income. Region Four SAPhA convention. October 21-24. through their complete knowledge oi the l
. ' ‘ ' ‘ Tiier‘re not heads. They don‘t even look like Phai‘iiiacy students from four states besides components and combined effects of drugs. In l
' 1 . freaks. In fact, most ot'tlie males haVe pretty short Kentucky» lllinois. Indiana. Ohio and Wisconsin, every discusswn about the pharmacy protessron. . j
'. ' hair for 1971. Some of them Wear shirts or Jackets Will be in Lexington. The resolutions they make the phrase “true health professional” was used.
. i . With (‘ireek letters on them. will be presented at the national contention of Where will students who want something other
. . i ' 7. These students are enrolled in the UK (‘ollege ot SAPhA. it approved by the national student group. than a clinical pharmacy find jobs? Mike LEWIS
I . Pharmancy. And one of them. Danny Betley'. said. will be brought before the American said that the field is “wide open. it all depends on ,
. . ' " - : “We don‘t even take aspirin around here. Pharmaceutical Association. your ability and what you can show." The most '
. One ot Bentley‘s fourth-year classmates. Dan The APhA is the professional equivalent of the obViuus Openings are in hospital pharmacies, but
. . ‘I - Dai‘tron. explained. "Working in pharmacy. you American Medical Association. and can exercise it [Ir-wig said the field would be much broader in the
_- » ,' ’ can never get hooked. You see the way drugs can strong lobby , according to SAPhA president Vance futurL‘I
. .I._ ‘ affect the body." Smith. In this way. said Smith. students have a “This generally conceded to be one of the best ‘
. - ' Piiariiiacy students aren’t tempted to take many chance for direct in mi into national le rislation. schools in the county.” he concluded. “both UN
. . . . ' . I b V - ‘
j‘ . . . ' _ . riiedications. Nor are they tL‘Iili‘tL‘d to slip into the ln an age when students ask, plead and faculty and the students. Kids in this
- 'I . ~ old image ot'a pharmacist. demonstrate for representation on policy-making school . . . they‘re an exceptional group of kids.
'. : ' Some ot them. like Danny Bentley. arc adaiiiaiit bodies of their schools. direct student imput is not And my class my class is something else."
‘. - ' . '1 _ in their reiection ot the stereotype ot both 1hr new to UK's college of pharmacy. or even to the
I . . I ‘ , pharmacist lil‘ul Ill“ pharmacy student, professionals in this state. All regular faculty
. . . , ' I “lzvcry body thinks we count pills. We don‘t iUSl committees in the UK pharmacy college have
.- .' . , I a \li around and .oiiiit pills iii ey'eiy ciaN‘S \nd ll \‘ st u dc iit members and the Kentucky I Od‘l T and I Olnorrow
\I . _ N . no! a place 3w: kids who can t get into med Pharmaceutical Association requested students for ‘ y
' . ‘ . -'. - school.” its committees.
- ._ . .i « “lt‘s iii to the ..i.li.id.ial pharmacist. said But {in-1m” 1m biggest change affecting
' . ‘ . L‘tlifi car stiidcit' hinge: (wit. ‘ it he hunts 1“ pharmacy students came live years agorrwell TOD’ifE 'T U C K Y TOP VALUE STAMPS “Owed by
. " . ‘. I' " «and ‘ielizzui iii: cask: a! .7 "Win". 6T1 lit“ i-cioie the l‘eadlineaiiakin‘ cuiri iiluiii retoims at STU D E N T .h H” mm “f OHM)” for a mm“ m
‘ VI , ii i. .o» ..,. mic i-.. .y liv-‘ki ti imi- l’i... .i , l' . I . ~ .V K i i A EDUCATION AS‘SQC‘ATION ”‘58 f‘m‘ls 1“”- th“ North Fnd '
. . -'. I- . . 3 3.11341 iii.” iids ‘\ J?» i I A“”: ‘IU-v‘ilrk .iV. wit tliycrsiI) til Maryland. l‘l\ s lill‘ill'lllile)’ meeting 6:30p.iii.i\lon(1a\.()et. 18. Community (enter Volunteer -
-. .' . ‘I scryiccs i‘llclTllliici\l\ ‘.\lli true to otter. \ls. (Ml? college is widely recognized as one of tiie leading Rm‘m109~S"‘d""“(i“"""‘ Recreation Ir'roiiram. Contact Dan
I . . .v . . _ . . . c v - g i . .) 7 . I ‘
I . » .« ' said. include :iitorrniiig patients oi the side etiects \._;ii._y.iic 01 11c kind In mp (“unify and one oi the Pgofi‘ 155315th ESTufl)SV!’l)" :1r)§;“lt-tl§:i3~o44) 91 W 10h" 8.0”“ .
. ‘. . I Lii . . . . . . . .a 4 ‘ ‘ " " .V.)i"
' . ’ .. I' . .. Hi tliy‘ drugs lliy‘y “dill 1“ MM- dlld Ayki‘inil reasons is that the still-new program otters ASSOCIATION moi-1mg 7:30 p.111. TOMORROW 2-.
', 3. . “tame Mi i’ggiilgr “”10”_‘Fr’\' “Most pliai‘iiiacists student an alteri'iative to community pharmacy as 3:33:30933 18~ “00'“ 20‘“ PROPOSED FORESTRY CLUB .
.- , Ii are Iiust going to have to otter more. a career. Fifth-year students are enrolled in clinical “THE THREE SISTERS .. Trwfls ggmimaug"? new? 7 £1,112. ‘
. . . II _ . ) -. . ._ i, . . . . I . H I I . - \ uesr try. e . . . oorn .
. . Milxt Lewis said «it iii; old thugs. A PthmdU-r‘t clerkship programs. for Chekhov’s play 7230 in“. ’l‘homas Poe Cooper Building.
I. i. . . is tiot simply a Supplier iii tllllgfi like another In this capacity. ”my make two sets of “Hinds glfnrigigiirvqicdnselgiz$5355.12!“ of i
‘ u retailer is a supplier of shirts or shoes. lies a wt} (1 't v 't tl , 17K ‘d"'l .. x . . I . . . .
. . . _ b f h i 1 oc or. a it . me ica center cycry day. SOCIOLOGY UNDER- . .
‘I , . - . - ‘ competent and lllghlb’I ”dangd ”Rm-I “:1 O t ‘ During chart rounds they review with physicians GRADUATE meeting 7 rum. < IaSSI Ie
. ' : ' h‘dlth Cd” “am and “0”! . ‘ “mi“ {IL 0“ any all the medications their patients have received in yiiisfijddm Baciltdmgm‘ Rom" 34‘ i '
'I _. . problem concerning the use 0} durgs. When LCW‘S the past 24 hours. They then make ward rounds ' ,,,,, , , ,, ,,,,,,,,,-,3
. :._ ‘. . . graduates 1“ May. ll“ doesn t “W” want m b“ a with the doctors. and can see the effects of drugs PROBLEM PREGNANCY AND M’om'vowmo
. ' ‘- . ' ' 'ommunitv harm'icist ~ ' ABORTION COUNSELING“ FOR SALE
~. . '. - . . ’... .. y . P t - . _ f that have been administered. Women’s Center. Call: 252-9358 WNW,,,,
. . . . ,l' ' c, ’ . U \ ' v' ) ’ L ) ,r 3; ) .. . _ . . , , ’
. . '. DEMUSWIUO” “'11“ 1h“ 014“” ‘g‘ ‘5 ”“13‘1 m 0 The tifth-year students still have tangential labs, from 7 W“. ‘0 9 9-m' Mom“) SCOTT SiXtY watt stereo receiver, .
. " « _ the change in the College of Pharmacy. Some of b t .1- -1 h . , d‘ ,I . through Wednesday and 2 i>~m- U? 5 Garrard turntable, Pickering cart,-
. . _ ; . .I . . . u t mud P armaLy lr‘vuor Dr- Jerry JOhnSOn p.m. on Sunday. If emergency during ridge. No speakers $200 firm 258-2468
. . I . the committees oi the Student American said. “We don’t care what drugs do to a rat. gggegzgaurs call Patti 01. Laurie at (“1,11,de ' 12018
. .' .. . “ ' 1966 THUNDERBIRD convertible. Dark
‘. II . . . . I Th P “II b P "" "' -"—-"""'""_'—"—_—-—-———-—————'——‘——'——_—_— ii‘ieltallliii' green With new white top. '
. .' . . . . . . . z 1 - ‘3 radio, disc brakes. power
, -, '; -.I e 9"th O Y GPGI'S (Pronounced: l)(‘l‘-f\\'lllill)\'l by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg “"“dOWS- 8°“ 0““ 255-1393. 15019
' ' .» . . i 'i m . . ~. . ..4 19711l’lggDA 450 Scrambler motor—
.I .. . . . i. . II“: {.51 1.. I, . .IIv .. .‘ iv - ~ ~ , - — A H . r: 1;: I. {’0 h /,.~ I.. V A”, ”n , . I. , i 1 eye 0. 1 total mileage; never been
. . . . I l,‘ MI II; III . II . .. . .. . «I . . h '. LI .1 u, .. ~fi Ln . 4/?t."/1_ "Viw 4t UK I 21‘. . .5 ‘1 % dropped. Simply don‘t have time to
. . I- - 'z I. . rf ‘, kirk? ‘I i‘ Af- L i. . L III; I f: 24+ “,4; : i5. r'pi .3514 C Q. a .1 I,“ . 1965 VW sedan. Good condition. Call
. ' ~. ' V - ~ n A a. . _ - i I A 7 A 'l a' k " " J‘ " l’ ‘ m 255—2706. 15019
I. . .I '.' _ g “/1 ,5 m I.‘~’ . ”c j. * ‘ -. .. L I“: * ~ uni”. a; ‘1. " " Q »~ ,. r: i , . r . .- —_——_————————-———-———
.I .__. . . . . ,. r? . ~ .. w Wu *7. VJ . ’.>O. iJ/jl’rz w 4 "v '1 .« : W . .
. - . ." . . . . ’. . :- » . .4 1""? _ Q r» u “ 1‘. " ,y ' 'l .3: . ~ ~v» w - ,I .. , I . . ' \ MEN 5‘ Ilflhlweight 10-speed bicycle,
II : . - I _ . . . , . z , .. -. . r v. ‘- . r , A “ ,. ' f i. 6.6;; .g. .4, .54.“: JV A rI . ‘4 c”. ,‘ If "v ‘, ' ’ ‘, C Cr) ROW $1er '71. Phone 2776816 after 6
‘7. ~. ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ .7 "y- " V ., A ”I Tyf 9 77.? L514 ~_ 5 L Ix 1 g . if 1,...“ .. 1.». ¢ 2y; L' ,_ ‘,/,.Ir_ " (.1 2 ~.: 2 ~ 4 ; w to) lilifffinflgtfli .15019
-, . ‘; . .. f ‘. _ '2 ~ 3 I V . ...f :V , at I. ..II, . - H , I. v, A . I I . I- , - .I . , , tn CHEVY 327ss. power. factory air, 5
III , I, l . _ .‘ II I i V . L (I , y . R .i 7, 1 v ... c . . r Hf A. . .. . l J .I. 34.4 r‘ .. . “r, 1. AI. ~ .. phi“ 2 N10“. tires; fully equipped 10p—
.; , .- . . I : -. .4 s _.. . .' > I, » .‘i.’ Ir {‘th . .3 f . L. .1 TAJMR EL '75": T ’14:. ( : ~I II "T17 .‘ line. Premium car 8625. 266—1829.
- " '- . 1 3 . W... ~ , ” " ’ ‘ ' " ‘ " 18020
_ .~ . . s. I. Iv , 1/ . I _ AILIZO TAPE PLAYER. Sony TC-20.
. . . I. -. l . I , . . . . a. ‘~ am ~.’ .-.‘-‘ ‘ 'I; s12a new, $75. super powerful. Call
. . .I x 5 €- . . . l , I 42‘ j Ebb-7091 after 6. 18020
I I. II I, I 'n if; -.‘ X . @ I\LJII1/4/ . / ‘- »-* , l N,
_ _ . .. l\ .1; .I , . .- / g - y. 1. In * @, \ WANTED
. . ‘. . . - I , , I} H V . I 1 I \e} "" "“"“""_"— \I i. l I",
. . . , I. __ I __ u, . a “““"”W
- r . ,- -. . N L; . ”I 0 ~.\ :1?ij I 4 Ni , . . . _(\\°’>\; fl / ‘- FIGURE MODEL needed by profes-
. . . ' ' " ii- (‘4: '8 i \ iii» v'" V ' ' V ‘v’ (/4 .44 £ i*\i\ \\ ’i g (A M Wmal "ho‘ogmm‘fl No experience
_ . . -. . . . Lu Iii .I I r A l ‘. 31>” - , r' W --,- i k i ,i'l "9 necessary. Write, giving qualifications
‘ 3- _ . I- .I Q ‘-’.‘ c; “I c 4 “.I ‘- 1.~ I / fr} ; 7 . I yg’ i W} as and availability to PO. Box 8152.
. g . . a w ' . 0 it ’é/ A", .: g! ,fi‘e- ; s/ i i " T WT V“ \ ‘M . » L/ m 1‘9“"g‘0“ 40503- 0135‘“
, . , I . -. I. ‘2 I m %a% \K. 4 my; — 7 iI . - . . J / I i2 . I ,I/ZI . ‘ ...‘ .,.v.-'2-‘!‘3"_”/ . ‘s MALE roommate wanted to share
. .. . , . '. . i. m ,‘u Tr ’f7% 7 9.71.412“ I: (w/ “| “,4 H-Wl ‘ .. «j {Tag-r, 4'00 .I‘. niodtern one bedroom apt. this se-
. A l 1 . ‘ . . ‘. Vi d ‘{ €7/f/ ”4/ 1/ I . 29' . i' i , 9332;: 1‘ im rl mun 0"" "'- \l.‘ i saw-i3" « ’si'mié'v» 4’ i ' niles er ()l‘i 5“ 5 minUtes to campus‘
: . . . i » ;' ' . ‘. if/m/ ' ' " "’ fl" @‘Nfia . t‘. ' i // ii (QT’Q \\V 153-0036 alter 5 p.m. 18022
I»! .-I II I PILOT wants riders to share cost of
. .. . I I. four-seater plane to Georgia game at
. ». c . iI . Athens. Saturday. Oct. 23. Phone
. . ~. _ . -. . . . . « 233-1398 or 277-4004. 18022
«V ' ." . I ———_———————’———
II ROOMMATE to share 2 furnished
I II. rooms. $37 a month. Prefer senior
.- . . , '. . . . . . ~ or graduate student. Call 255-8105.
-. j .‘ » D - 018
. r' .' . . . lMMEDIATELY — Male roommate.
_» 1 . . ue t0 p0 U or en ian - ..m... m-
'. ~. . . . . 266—0187. 4-7 pm. 18020
I I I. ,' I: I ' WW
. I, I . I .' , YOUNG married man at least 20 and
, I I. . . . ', . . . . . still desiring to attend college —- to
. I . .I . . , attend bar from 12 to 4 Monday thru
I. _ , . II . ’. . . Saturday. Apply in person. Levas
. 7 IV. .I ,I . Restaurant. 119 South Limestone St.
. I. . , .- I. 13019
. . . . 4 _—_——————————-
I. . . ~, . . TUPPERWARE— Full and part time
.. ~. , . ’. .. . dealer openings. No investment. For
I I . , . . .- information call Nita Burka 255-0765
.. . I I. or 254-6082. 15019
_ . . ' - ———————-—-—-—
.. Will b Sh Tcl'knmckgl'kmcl
. I . .- , . . e ‘ ’VV I l in The Kentucky Kernel. ilniversity
I I .’ . . Station. University of Kentucky. Lex-
, I , I . . . ington. Kentucky 40506. Second class
-. '. _ -. postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
- , - . ’ i. ,- M311“! five times Weekly during the
. . I .~ . . '. _ . . SChOOl Fear except holidays and exam
. ; . . I periods. and once during the summer
X . , . session.
.' . . : Ins ea 0 Puplished by the Board of Student
. .. . , . . . .. . Publications. UK Post orrice Box 4986.
; '. . . ' _ Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
. I, published continuously as the Kernel
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. . ' Consider the following dispatch a doubt that that privilege does administrators and local police have They will not blame it in outSide Wh
" . I " - ; as reported by the Associated Press exist in America. It is the privilege s m i 1 ed b e n e vole n t l y on agitators or Communists. They Will it?
' ' = ' i - ‘ from Pittsburgh: of silent majority to celebrate law—breaking students celebrating not actively campaign for more atte
. . . ' “Riot—equipped police sealed off things like baseball victories while football and basketball victories. police power to control such ":27
. II . . . * , . s . I I) . I . a
- l downtown Pittsburgh Sunday night the powers at be try to The disgusting orgy 01 Violence Situations. C
. ' after tens of thousands of surging. systematically suppress all in Pittsburgh will not bring a sharp They won’t do any of this ind
I V .. shouting persons mounted a wild demonstrations that seem in any indignant reply from the forces of because this time it was their tiy ‘
i s, " . 1 ' . . s . . . , a . x r O
. 1 . celebration in honor of the Pirates way to challenge the established law and order. people who broke the law. They Ke
. . ‘ World Series victory in Baltmore. order. The Nixons. Agnews. Mitchells won’t do or say anything because the
. g . ‘ Officers said Oils“ person was shot What has happened at Pittsburgh and local politicians will rationalize privately they condone such actions
' " dhd several inlured in rock and is not new. Many can remember the violence away. They will not as typically American and patriotic. T
. - ~ 2 , . . . . . . . . . . . sou
~. . ,~ - bottle-throwmg 115 the L‘CICbT'sIUOII similar instances on several college call for special commissions to There is a word tor this. It 15 pm
‘ ~I .‘ J. grew. campuses when university determine the cause of violence. hypocrisy, ace
. . 'i. The uninhibited crowds scaled
- .I' ‘-. . ' . lightpoles. set off fireworks.
" -. I. .‘ .1 _'- overturned cars. started bonfires. ,
.II . . . . l\l\lR\ll\t)l kixiitm
-7J .‘ shattered store Windows and looted is iptiuisiusii) IHEH l.lin.\'(;'l'()I\'. KY.
. I some business establishments at the e ,.I,,,I,,II,,I WWII ,1, ,,,I. ”Mam,“ at m ,II','I,IIITII‘II"II, LII/II,“FII'I-TI77IITQT'
- ~ outbursts height. At least two ' * ' 'j’ W. - **~'--*~*—-%—7-W“ n
i _ - I . I .. I I . , d n ‘d b I _ \like \\ iiies, Izdt'tur-in-(Yhit'f t
. II ' II