xt7k9882nk3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nk3m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 2011-04-08 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Thirty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Biochemistry at Interfaces" text Thirty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Biochemistry at Interfaces" 2011 2011-04-08 2017 true xt7k9882nk3m section xt7k9882nk3m t.‘ tv t‘ at -.E' 1' t.” e'
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2011 PROGRAM C Thlrty-Seventh Annual
8:00 am. Registration & Continental Breakfast generally difficult to realize attributes. These include: the ability to .2 i. Symposium on
Keeneland Room, W.T. Young Library accommodate living system—cells or microorganlsms—as well as S o g ,_
8:50 am. Welcome by Dr. James Tracy highly functional/chemically complex materials; to sustain or manipu- E g E 1‘?
Vice President for late fluid flows; enable dynamic molecular patterning that is elicited 97;; 9 Q 2° .
Research at University of Kentucky both temporally and spatially; embed complex multiscale, non-planar] O [E < ,5 t C h e m lstry
9:00 am. Dr. Georges Belfort curvalinear and 3D structural forms; and provide capacities for ena- 33 0)- r1 % E
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute bling useful forms of mechanics—flexure, folding, and actuation as 0': 3' .E 6'3 &
Proteins and Interfaces: Stability and Function examples. New materials and enabling means of fabrication are ¢ 3
_ _ . beginning to provide approaches to construct devices with properties 2° -’ .
Proteins are exposed to a multitude 0t dlfferent surfaces and of this type along with capacities for high performance. In this lecture M Olecu la r
chemistries in ViVo and yet, they must retain their stability in order I will describe a number of examples related to recently developed 3D
to function. However, conversion 0t soluble native proteins into 3’ materials platforms and microfluidic devices possessing utility to drive -
sheet-rich structured aggregates, such as amyloid and prion de- discovery in biological and bioanalytical chemistry. Of particular inter- BIOIOQy
posits can occur at interfaces. Protein stability and activity is also est will be examples taken from our recent work involving integrated
essential for use in various medical and analytical devices, such as 39 fluidic platforms for sustaining and manipulating complex 31)
biosensors, biocatalytic chips, biocompatible materials for im- cellular microcultures of neurons and novel integrated tools for chemi-
plants, drug delivery vehicles, tissue engineering and beads or cal analysis that can be used to characterize both them and biologi-
membranes for bioseparations. Although a vast experimental lit‘ cally relevant samples more generally. I will provide an overview of
erature exists on the adsorption of Specific proteins to various soiid the rapidly developing fields of soft and direct write fabrication meth-
substrates under defined conditions, difficulties in determining the ods that can be used to construct these devices and suggest opportu-
underlying reasons for the loss of stability and function remain. nities as well as needs for future progress.
Many researchers have addressed particular aspects of protein
behavior at interfaces through experiment, theory and molecular 11:10 am. Poster Session, Gallery, Young Library ,
simulation. Here, we review recent results on protein stability and 12:30 pm. Lunch
activity on solid heterogeneous and homogeneous substrates, 2:00 pm. Dr. Paul S. Weiss ‘
demonstrate the effect of surface chemistry and roughness on University of California, Los Angeles ‘
protein aggregation, describe a novel method to probe unfolding of New Dimensions in Patterning: Placement and -
a monolayer of tethered proteins and introduce new NMR titration Metro/ogy of Chemical Functionality at All Scales establlShed by M' Benton Nafi
results with chromatographic data in order to study the nature of . _ in memory 0f Anna 8- Naif
protein adsorption in multimodal chromatography. We also mention Chemists have a desrre to construct materials atom-by—atom and
the use of single molecule force spectroscopy to determine mo- molecule-by-molecule, and through the development 0t modern DOlY'
lecular interactions in the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Tethered mer chemistry, coordination chemistry, and crystal engineering. They ,_—'_—"——
fibril-like proteins that contain intrinsically disordered domains have become moderately proficient at realizing target structures. BIOChGMIStI'y at Interfaces
interact with carrier proteins that determine selectivity. Finally, we Some researchers draw the analogy between atoms and nanoparti- D ———-———
introduce a new high-throughput synthesis and screening method cles, yet as chemists, we are lUSt beginning to realize the nanoparti- t0 LlJ
to identify protein resistant surfaces. cle equivalents of molecules and extended materials. One of the E" 8 l—
fundamental challenges facing nanotechnology researchers in this ‘0'; >‘0 m SPEAKERS
10:00 am. Break (refreshments available) area is the development of a method to programmably assemble E x (b 3
10:10 am. Dr. Ralph G. Nuzzo these nanoparticles into complex 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional structures. CD 3 O 0
University oflllinois, Urbana-Champaign The ability to create these nanoscale architectures would provide a .C 'i-' "D
D . . . . . .. . . . . . c 0 Lu Georges Belfort
evrces, Fabrication Methods, and Functional means to increase sensrtrvrty, speed, and functlonallty ln electronic, 0 (D <- [r
Materials for Discovery in Biological and Bioanalytical therapeutic, and diagnostic devices relative to current benchmarks, “5 x >_ LlJ Ralph G. NUZZO
Chemistry as achieving such a feat would allow for the synthesis of designer .._, “5 X 0 Paul s Weiss
. _ . . ' . . materials, wherein the physical properties of a material could be 8 > — — '
The fabrication 0f high performance lntegrated crrcurts provrdes predicted and controlled a priori. Our group has taken the initial steps E r: S E
examples of the most sophisticated materials fabrication methods, towards this goal and developed a means of creating tailorable as- t‘ K) *5) ”J
as well as the most high performance materials, used in any area sembly environments using DNA-nanoparticle conjugates. These to Cl) C U) _ _
of modern technology. The advanced functional systems they nanobioconjugates combine the discrete plasmon resonances of gold 8% i (0 Friday, April 8, 2011
provrde are ones that are generally characterized by a massive nanoparticles with the synthetically controllable and highly selective D D 3 U)
integration of circuit elements within compact, rigid and essentially recognition properties of DNA, making them both usefu| nanoscale UJ
Planar device form factor devices. Such features, while well suited building blocks and beneficial materials in their own right. This talk [I .
to the requirements 0f electronics, are less enabling for the Classes will focus on the history of these conjugates, as well as recent ad- D Department Of Chemistry
of devrces and modes Of Operation that enable the study and ma- vances and potential applications of both the conjugates and their ° 0 University of Kentucky
nlpulatlon 0t blologlcal systems. For the latter, the desrgn rules and assemblies in medical research, gene regulation, therapeutics, and < -
forms of materials integration involve numerous interesting but diagnostics. LeXithon, KY 40506-0055
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 The Department of Chemistry, Unrversrty of Kentucky
presents the
ThIrty-Seventh Annual Symposrum on ;
C h e m istry &
Molecular Biology
Established by M. Benton Naff In memory of Anna S. Naff
- - a.
Friday, April 8, 2011 9:00 am.
Auditorium, William T. Young Library
Biochemistry at Interfaces
u w .
Georges Belfort is the Russell Sage Endowed Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering,
{lowtartd P. lsermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic
.. ns I u e
‘5 ‘ “I '3; it $3 A native of South Africa, Professor Belfort joined the Rensselaer faculty in 1978 after a one-year sabbatical 5"
i! ‘ ' {173: leave at Northwestern University and spending four years on the faculty of the School of Applied Science,
9 ~. £3 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Belfort received his Ph.D. degree in 1972 and his MS. degree in ,
' 3 ‘ 95%; 1969 from the University of California at Irvine in engineering, and his B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering) in 1963 F‘
' 4' - 15%;, from the University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Prior to joining Rensselaer in 1978, he held the ‘ i
" . w “5%? post of senior lecturer at the School of Applied Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel from 1973 to “i‘
1977. Dr. Belfort has spent part or all of his (sabbatical) leaves at Cape Town University (1972), Northwestern
University (1977-78), Yale University (1988), MIT (1988) Caltech (1988) and UC Berkeley (1996).
t Georges Belfort is one of the premier academic scientists/engineers in the field of bioseparations
engineering and is a leading academic chemical engineer in liquid-phase pressure-driven membrane-based processes. ,
He has made seminal.wide-ranging fundamental and applied research contributions to the understanding, design and
application of pressure-driven membrane processes for the recovery of biological molecules. His research, both funda-
mental and developmental, is conducted in the areas of membrane-separations engineering and surface science and the ~
behavior of proteins at interfaces. In particular, the research involves design of new membrane modules with highly effi- “
cient mass-transfer characteristics, modification of membrane surfaces for reduced fouling, and use of genetic engineer-
.- ing as a tool in the separation of biological molecules. Direct measurements are also made of intermolecular forces be-
tween proteins and polymeric films for application in separations and marine fouling. Recent interest has focused on the , ‘5 i
, effect of solid substrates on the conformation of proteins, the development of a new molecular two-dimensional imprint- ,,
" ing technique, the use of helical hollow fiber membranes to fractionate foreign immunoglobulins from transgenic goat
milk, and the modification new polymeric surfaces for synthetic membranes using photo-induced polymerization that
exhibit low attraction to proteins (biotechnology applications) and natural organic matter (environmental applications).
Ralph G. Nuzzo is the G. L. Clark Professor of Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Ur-
bana-Champaign, a faculty he joined in 1991 and where he also holds an appointment as a Pro-
)" . fessor of Materials Science and Engineering. He received an AB degree with High Honors and ,
‘ Highest Distinction in Chemistry from Rutgers College In 1976 and earned a Ph.D. in Organic s.
, Chemistry from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1980. He accepted the position of
. ’ Member of Technical Staff in Materials Research at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ in 1980,
— where he was named a Distinguished Member of the Staff in Research in 1987. He joined the Illi- i
‘ nois faculty in 1991. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the World Inno- ‘ 5
" . vation Foundation, and the American Vacuum Society. He awards include the Forschungspreis of “’
the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2011, co-recipient of the George E. Smith Award of the
IEEE in 2008, the Wall Street Journal Innovators Award for Semiconductors in 2006, and the
Adamson Award of the American Chemical Society in 2003 for original discoveries leading to the
‘ development of self-assembled monolayers. He currently serves as a Senior Editor of Langmuir as well as a member of
numerous advisory boards for both public and private entities. He Is a cofounder of Semprius—a company developing
new forms of high performance electronics.
. h.
’ "‘~ -.,5 Paul S. Weiss is the Director of the California NanoSystems Institute, Fred Kavli Chair in
’ NanoSystems Sciences, and Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Mate- ,
, ‘ rials Science & Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. He received his 8.8. i:
, and SM. degrees in chemistry from MIT in 1980 and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of g, ’
‘ California at Berkeley in 1986. He was a post-doctoral member of technical staff at Bell Laboratories ~*
T from 1986-1988 and a Visiting Scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center from 1988-1989. Before
‘ . coming to UCLA in 2009, he was a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Physics at the Penn-
. sylvania State University, where he began his academic career as an assistant professor in 1989. '
A His Interdisciplinary research group includes chemists, physicists, biologists, materials scientists,
4 electrical and mechanical engineers, and computer scientists. Their work focuses on the atomic-
— scale chemical, physical, optical, mechanical and electronic properties of surfaces and supramoiecu-
Iar assemblies. He and his students have developed new techniques to expand the applicability and chemical specificity Q:
of scanning probe microscopies. They have applied these and other tools to the study of catalysis, self- and directed
assembly, physical models of biological systems, and molecular and nano-scale electronics. They work to advance nan-
' ofabrication down to ever smaller scales and greater chemical specificity in order to connect, to operate, and to test mo- ‘
. lecular devices, and to connect to the biological and chemical worlds. He has published over 250 papers and patents, .1
and has given over 400 invited and plenary lectures. "
" For additional information, contact Professor Yuguang Cai , Department of Chemistry, ycai3@email.uky.edu.
2011 Committee: Professor Yuguang Cai (Chair, Chemistry), Professor D. Allan Butterfield (Chemistry),
Professor Mark Watson (Chemistry), Professor Bruce Hinds (Chemical and Materials Engineering) ‘5.
Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund