xt7k9882nk0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nk0v/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1997 1998 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books UK Facts '97-98 University of Kentucky, 1997-1998 text UK Facts '97-98 University of Kentucky, 1997-1998 1997 1997 1998 2019 true xt7k9882nk0v section xt7k9882nk0v History ‘ , I, ‘ ‘ " We're Proud Of... 93 g , g' g , , ,
' Founded in 1865 as a 3; 3, gm,- V I j??? ' Ranked in America’s 100 Best College Buys. } , ' ' ' ' ' ,
land-grant institution. ;.l‘ h ’ ' Record fundraising, with more than $41 9 g , g _ , , . g
- Located in the heart '7”; i l' H w ' million contributed by 44,000 alumni and f I, I, I
of the beautiful “hi? other friends. ll , , , , ,
KeptuCky Blue4grass ‘ - The Cooperative Extension Service makes is} V ' '
region OP a 76 -acre more than 5 million contacts each year 3‘ g , ‘
campus 1““ 509“” 0f through its 120 offices. L , g '
downtown Lex1ngton. M .- I H [I ,, O ,
1 , ””0”“ a ° The Singletary Center for the Arts attracts i, , , ,, , , '
. 4 community colleges . 108,000 people to more than 360 events. ‘ ' 97— 98 '
are a part of the Un1vers1ty. _ 3 . g 3
h . . 1 h _ 0 The men’s basketball team, Six-time NCAA ,' , , fl
. T e Un1versrty a SO 8.15 a large medical , champions, was champion in 1996 and ;- , ~ , , ' 3
center 1n Lex1ngton With a 472-bed hospital. runner—up in 1997 , , ,
0 Policy is set by a 20-member Board of J i I g
Trustees which includes alumni, faculty and « t _ 3 ’ fit i ' ' .
student representation. “3" ,, . .. “3% g :“k i ' i’
' Charles T. Wethington Jr. is the tenth \\ ~ .3. hi- «g I i- ,_ i; ' ' , ' :
president of the University. W ”[31“ I? , 1'3 ,
_ _ i i refit-Ti I f ' , f
TUItlon & Fees President Wethington talks with UK students. 3: g g
Tuition and fees on the Lexington Campus _ _ g g '
for the 1997-98 academic year: Key Telephone LISt'ngs i ,, '
. Undergraduate state residents: $2,400 per Lexington Campus...................... 257-9000 3 , ' , ,
year In mltion; $336 In feeS- Chandler Medical Center............ 323—5000 ‘3 '3 , , , ,
@335 3%; ,4 ° Unfiergtradggogon' Community College System....... 257-8607 , ' '
sfifiwu ” ‘r reSI en 5: , per 3 _ 3 , ' ' ‘ . , 1, ,
“agree: ; year in tuition; $336 Undergraduate Admiss1ons 257-2000 3 g g _ , - , _ ,
.g-‘ : in fees. Graduate Admissions.................. 257-4613 31 I g ' g g , , ‘
J's-9' téi¢ 7 ' . Public Relations.......................... 257-3303 i , ,
at £33 i , :, a , ;
GingW ‘ if? ’1 Registrar 257—3161 3 _ , . , , I, ,
Ev‘xé‘ i \ Etna Visitor Center 257—3595 ; , ' -
' ’ if? ‘3 My ,giéfi’mm t , ,
‘ ”who’re/£33m UK INFOLINE 606-257—5684 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
rwsgigi’ I L: ”51;,wa ’4’!” Provides daily updates on sport, fine arts and other events on 'g . ' 3 =
, 3:” r, " V‘MV W“ J’ / ”’4‘" ‘w i the campus in Lexington. , _ ' ‘i g

 William "E’. Young Libra ry _. _ 1. ,. _ -1 1 _ Students
t ' ‘ '1, . 3- 3* “.1.... f?“ E "“11. . . .

The new William T. Young Library on the 1g} : g 11' g 43-, " , ““13"... 'fg—fi g - Enrollment at UK in Lexmgton IS more than
Lexington Campus opens this year. This architec- 3?? peat-11 11MSW if ‘ 1%?” . 2410001 With another 41,500 enrolled in the
tural initiative is the finest library resource in the 5;, .1 “W“ ‘1’“. V 14 community colleges.
state and includes: W‘Vefi , '2?" m” ' i 1 1’3." - 3,100 students are enrolled in the five
' Seating for 4,000 patrons L" i :ZQML‘“‘M:V7” 11:1» ” 1 - colleges in the Chandler Medical Center.

. Space for 1.2 mflhon volumes gay W ‘1 E 3:4 ° UK educates 39% of all students gomg to
11/ .1. g, ,1. gm public and private colleges and universities
- 3,000 computer network ports “ ‘ 1,41 ' 13:3 .1, 1,, . h
. gt , p 1,. #4.   Int e state.
. 600 personal computers avallable for users 3 3 “W?“‘lfigfi 11g, . 1.1-] : . 5,200 students live on campus in 18 resi—
. 351,000 square feet of space William TYomg Mb, ‘ k ' i ' ' ' i i " dence halls or apartment complexes.

The UK library system now ranks 47th among - 250 organizations offer students a wide
all research libraries in the nation, according to Regeardfl variety of interests to choose from.
American Research Libraries. 0 Rated 45th among all public research univer— . Another excellent freshman class: 56

d 1. 511165 in the nat10n and 66th among 311 National Merit Scholars, 126 Kentucky
Asa emlc Pragrams colleges and universities, with faculty and Governor’s Scholars and 125 high school
In the 16 academic colleges students have 84 staff attracting more than $125 million in valedictorians.
majors from which to choose. research grants, contracts and gifts. ..
. . .. Graduate Education
Agriculture ° One of Just 59 Research Un1vers1t1es of the
Architecture First Class as listed by the Carnegie Founda- ' More than 51000 graduate students are
, tion with particular strengths in engineering, enrolled in 94 master’s .1./yr»,
Arts and Sc1ences business, aging, pharmacy and cancer degree and 60 4,3 .
Business and Economics research. doctoral programs. . fl”! ,1 1.
Communications and Information Studies . A team of scientists, headed by anthropolo- ° The first joint degree . 3 i 1“ ‘
Education gist Tom Dillehay, discovered at Monte Pl‘9gram 1n the state is 1 ' i if“
Engineering Verde, Chile human habitation in the being offered as‘UK a ,
Fine Arts Americas some 1,300 years earlier than ind thellllnéversuyof '3'
_ - ~ ouisv1 e egin a Jomt 1,; , A
Human Env1ronmental Sciences prev1ously believed. doctoral degree pro- “ _
Law ° Prestigious Guggenheim Fellows were gram in social work.
. 1: $.15” . , .143“
Social Work awarded George Herring and Thomas ~ git .1111... .111
All' (:1 H 1th P f , Cogswell in the History Department--one of Faculty Tom Dillelzay
. 1e ea ro ess10ns . . .
D _ only two departments at any un1ver51ty 1n the . 1,831 full—ti m e in Lexington.
entistry country With two Fellows. _ _
Medicine _ g _ g , 0 1,145 1n the Community College System.
' Royaltles from inventions bring in over $2.4 _ _
Nursmg million a year, ranking the university in the O 1917:) Of tale faculty 1.“ lgexmgtfin hgvidthe
Pharmacy top 40' 1g est egree attaina e in t e1r 1e 5.