xt7k9882nj7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nj7d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1989-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1989 text GLSO News, March 1989 1989 1989-03 2019 true xt7k9882nj7d section xt7k9882nj7d 5 Free at Selected Business Locations

Home Delivery at $5 per year



This same headline filled the cover of was the first in the firm's 50-year history.
the March edition of Consumer Reports. The Two specific production lots had been
answer to their question is emphatically - identified as containing minute amounts of oil.
YES! The article purports to tell ”which Nonetheless, all lots produced on that machine
brands are most likely to protect you against during the three month interval between
sexually transmitted disease.“ It does not! routine maintenance, a total of 35 lots, were

Consumer Reports checked 37 condom voluntarily recalled by Ansell and destroyed.
varieties by performing two different tests. Ansell's poor airburst ratings are
Condoms sold in the U.S. are tested by the probably biased by testing of damaged lots.
FDA for leakage. All 37 varieties passed the As Consumer Reports notes, condoms sold
leakage test. Condoms sold in other countries outside the U.S. are subjected to airburst
are tested for "airburst," where a machine tests. Ansell sells the same condoms in
blows up the condom until it explodes. The Canada as it markets here. Ansell V.P.
machine calculates both the volume of air and Bradley Pugh stated the Canadian condoms are
the air pressure when the condom explodes. manufactured on the same machines, using the
Since all the condoms passed FDA standards, same production procedures, but subjected to
Consumer Reports used the airburst results to the airburst test rather than the leakage test.
rate the 37 brands. The company's products comply with both

Top rating went to Gold Circle Coin, a American leakage standards and Canadian
condom familiar in Lexington because it was airburst standards. Even Consumer Reports
distributed by both ACT-Lexington and the noted that Ansell received both the top and
Health Department. That manufacturer is now bottom rating for the same model condom.
out of business. Consumers Union, the publishers of

Lifestyles Extra Strength received Consumer Reports, refused to explain the
second place honors, and other models of testing and statistical methods used, or even
Lifestyles scored highly. Lifestyles, discuss the article by phone. Directed at
manufactured by Ansell, lnc., are distributed heterosexuals, their report included
locally by AVOL and have been ordered by the instructions on what they judge "proper"
Fayette County Health Department. condom use: "Place the rolled condom over the

Despite generally excellent ratings, two tip of the erect penis. If the condom has a
Ansell models received the lowest airburst reservoir tip, squeeze out the air. Otherwise,
rankings from Consumer Reports. The low leave a half-inch space at the end (and
ratings are questionable because the article squeeze out the air). Unroll the condom down
states that last October, Ansell "issued a the length of the penis." Attention all gay
voluntary recall for defective lots Ln_e_rl! Do not unroll the condom until you
including several of the lots we tested." The place a dab of water soluble lubricant on the
Consumer Reports article offered no tip of the penis. Obviously Consumer Reports
explanation of why recalled products were has not read any "safer sex“ brochures.
tested, even though it reported the recall was The bottom line is that you have three
prompted by oil contamination during choices: mutual monogamy, abstinence, or
manufacture. As you "safer sex“ experts condoms to prevent sharing of “body fluids."
know, oil weakens latex condoms. AVOL had The FDA and Surgeon General refuse to rate
received the recall notice, but none of those condom brands, and Consumer Reports
condoms were shipped to Lexington. apparently erred in its attempt. Condoms

Concerned about the low ratings on two remain your best defense against AIDS.
Ansell products, representatives of GLSO, Sensationalism designed to sell magazines can
AVOL and the Health Department called the be hazardous to your health.
firm. Ansell executives explained the recall

I:I Please send me a free introductory TO SPEAK AT BEREA COLLEGE
issue of GLSO News and information
on GLSO. Cleve Jones, Director of the NAMES
Project, is scheduled to speak at a Berea
I: I'd like to become a voting Member College convocation on September 28, 1989.
of GLSO, including home delivery He will speak on the history of the quilt, the
of the GLSO News and discounts people involved, and show some of the panels
at GLSO functions. My Membership (via slides) telling something about the
fee of $10/year is enclosed. persons memorialized and those who made the
panels. This program will be at 8:00 p.m. in
CI I don't wish to become a Member but Phelps-Stokes Auditorium and is open to the
please send me the GLSO News each public.
"mm" ' e"°'°se the $5 annual fee‘ ' —
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County
Address: Government has awarded $5,000 to AVOL
through its Human Services Incentive Program.
The grant will partially support 1989 operation
City, St, Zip: of Solomon House, a residence for PWAs who
have been financially devastated by the
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111171 expense of their illness.

Lexington, KY 00575 Local government allocated $50,000 for
this Incentive Program, and imposed a $5,000
maximum award per applicant agency. AVOL
was one of only three organizations to receive
the $5,000 maximum. A total of 13 to 15

GLSO News is published monthly by the recipient agencies were selected from the 35
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. applicants who sought total funding exceeding
ld.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services $175,000
Organization), Box 111471, Lexington, KY 140575
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda The New York City Human Rights Commission
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist has determined that NYNEX, publisher of the
Yellow Pages for New York and New England,
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, violated City law by refusing to create a
AVOL, Keith, NOW, U.K., WSJ, Stonewall Yellow Pages heading for Lesbian and Gay
Union News, NGLTF; Typists: Steve, Alan, groups. Days later, NYNEX announced it
Dave; Equipment: Dave; Typesetting: Matt; would restructure its directories to include a
Layout: Gerry; Mailing: Dave; Courier: subheading for Lesbian and Gay organizations.
Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve. —
Dave. Jonathan, Gerry.
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are
those of the authors and do not necessarily A Los Angeles jury awarded Marc
represent those of the Board of Directors. Christian almost $22 million in February.
Submissions are welcome. All submissions Christian sued both Rock Hudson's estate and
become the property of GLSO and must include manager for failing to reveal Hudson had
the full name and address of the author. AIDS. Christian was Hudson's live-in
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The boyfriend and continued to have sex with the
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any actor until the final stages of his illness.
submissions (including advertising) to meet Although he continues to test negative
publishing requirements. for HIV, Christian was awarded $111.5 million
The placement of advertising in GLSO News from the estate as compensation for mental
does not denote a person's sexual orientation anguish, and $7.25 million from the manager
nor a business's customer preference. for punitive damages. An appeal is likely.
2 GLSO March

by Kevin Nance

If gays and lesbians in Lexington want complaints by Lexington gays. In Louisville.
equal protection under the .law, they're going a larger city with a more publicized grievance
to have to organize. procedure, the number of complaints is lower,

That was the consensus of several he said.
panelists at a symposium called "A Town For about three years, Enoch's group
Meeting on Equality: Securing the Rights of has lobbied for an amendment to Louisville's
Lesbians and Gays," held at Lexington's anti-discrimination ordinance that would
Unitarian Universalist Church on Feb. 19. include sexual orientation. He said he expects

With proper leadership and strategy, the city's Board of Aldermen to pass the
gays could lobby for a local anti-discrimination measure quietly sometime after the May
ordinance, the panelists told about 100 people election.
who attended the symposium. "Our source on the Board has been

The panelists focused on local counting noses," Enoch said, "and we've got
discrimination issues and the need to repeal the votes."

Kentucky's sodomy statute, which makes Gays in Lexington plan to watch that
private sexual behavior between consenting situation closely, Elston said. If the law is
adults a crime. passed in Louisville, Lexington may be

But given the absence of a local gay encouraged to follow suit.
political organization, they said, reaching Gay political organizations in Lexington
those goals will be an uphill battle. and Louisville could then join together in a

"The struggle for gay and lesbian rights statewide effort to repeal the sodomy statute.
is only as strong and vigorous as the gay and Hyde said.
lesbian movement locally," said Sue Hyde, That will be difficult, said Lexington
director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task attorney Pam Goldman, who served as
Force's Privacy Project. "Lexington's gay co-counsel on a successful challenge to the
community is without a political voice," she statute in 1986.
said, “ It must find one. Otherwise it will "I'm pretty pessimistic," she said of the
never be able to capitalize on the political chances of a federal court challenge to the
support we know is there." statute, noting the Supreme Court's decision

Keith Elston, a local gay activist and a three years ago to uphold the Georgia sodomy
former GLSO president, said several attempts law. “Federal judges simply feel that the
to start a gay political organization in public sees homosexuality as immoral.
Lexington were stalled by fear and apathy. Therefore, perfectly good legal arguments just

"Things are pretty quiet right now,‘I he don't work."
said. "People have their careers, they've The Rev. David Blanchard, minister of
found their comfortable niche, and they don't the hosting UU Church, said those who
want to risk losing it." condemn gay men and lesbians - often for

But many gay men and lesbians in theological reasons - lack both compassion and
Lexington are not so comfortable. historical understanding.

The UU Church's Dennis Stutsman, the "The Bible, while a significant religious
panel's moderator, said the Lexington-Fayette document, suffers from its historical and
Human Rights Commission receives five to 10 cultural placement in a society far removed
discrimination complaints from gays a month, from today's pluralistic reality," he said. “We
most dealing with employment. shouldn't impose the morality of a culture of

"Unfortunately, there's currently 2,000 years ago on people today."
nothing that can be done for them - there's no The central issue, Hyde said, is not
equal protection under the law,II Stutsman equality or civil rights, but freedom - "the
said. “Although many don't realize it, people freedom to be gays and lesbians, the freedom
can legally be fired from their jobs - and‘ to be who we are."
many are - simply because they're gay." The problem is that the gay and lesbian

Carl Enoch, of the Greater Louisville movement "flies in the face of traditional
Human rights Coalition, said he was American culture," she said, in which "father
"astonished" by the number of discrimination dominates, mother procreates and the kids

vegetate in front of the TV."
March GLSO 3

from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
On June 30, 1986, the U.S. Supreme 1989. Proposed activities include:
Court ruled in Bowers v. Hardwick that
lesbians and gay men have no constitutional * press conferences in front of capitol
right to engage in private, adult, consensual buildings in "unfree states" -- Kentucky is
sexual behavior. In a 5-11 vote the Supreme one of the 25 "unfree“ states;
Court upheld the right of states to criminalize
lesbian and gay sexuality. * demonstrations and visibility actions;
Currently 25 states and the District of .
Columbia retain laws that prohibit private, * the wearing of black armbands in "free" and
adult, consensual sexuality between members “unfree" states;
of the the same sex. Following the Hardwick
decision, the U.S. lesbian and gay community * a demonstration in front of the U.S.
reacted with outrage, demonstrating in dozens Supreme Court;
of cities to demand repeal of all sodomy laws.
From that sense of outrage, an ongoing * discussions with potential sodomy repeal bill
organizing project to support the repeal work sponsors in "unfree" states:
of activists in states around the country was
created by the National Gay 8 Lesbian Task * submitting op-ed pieces to local newspapers
Force. supporting sodomy law repeal.
CRY OUT! Pittsburgh's lesbian/gay
action group, and the National Gay and The NGLTF Privacy Project and CRY OUT!
Lesbian Task Force, are collaborating on a will be distributing packets of organizing
project to mobilize the U.S. gay and lesbian materials in Spring 1989 to gay and lesbian
community to further the fight for appeal by organizations and will document and maintain
promoting 3 NATIONAL DAY OF MOURNING an archive of third anniversary activities
FOR THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY -- JUNE 30, around the country.
from Stonewall Union News
The Civil Rights Amendment Act of 1989 "affectional or sexual orientation" among the
(the Gay Civil Rights Bill) was reintroduced in classes protected from discrimination in
the U.S. House of Representatives on January employment, housing, credit, public
25 by Congressmen Ted Weiss (D-NYl and accommodations, and government-assisted
Henry Waxman (D-CA). 63 additional programs.
Representatives had co-sponsored the bill by Senator Cranston (D-CA) re-introduced
January 25. H.R. 655 would amend existing the bill in the U.S. Senate, where eight
federal civil rights statutes to include co-sponsors had signed on as of January 25.
In the midst of a fiery mayoral the ordinance in Chicago, said the issue
campaign, the Chicago City Council voted actually hastened the bill's passage. He said
28-17 on December 21 to approve a gay rights many aldermen who were likely to delay the
ordinance. The Bill had been defeated for the bill for another year were swayed by the
previous 1% consecutive years. argument that AIDS-related discrimination
The Bill adds sexual orientation to the would make life more difficult for lesbians and
Chicago Human Rights Ordinance which gay men in Chicago.
prohibits discriminations on the basis of race, An article in Gay Community News said
religion, and ethnicity. The Bill provides that Chicago activists had feared they could
penalties of $100 to $500 a day for violating not overcome the setback suffered when Mayor
the anti-discrimination provisions. Harold Washington - a strong supporter of the
Although opponents of the bill claimed bill and the community - died in December
the bill would foster the spread of AIDS, Rick 1987. But before his death, activists said, he
Garcia, co-chair of the Town Meeting, a laid the groundwork for the eventual passage
network of lesbian and gay groups working for of the bill.

 Women’s Equalit
. ’ ‘ Y
Womc; s LIVCS
KEEP W Apnl9,1989
Aaggggm 5 Washington, DC
AND Assemble: 10 am. ontheMall
LEGAL Ml! B\\\\ March: 12 noon Step Off
«- 'r Rally: 150 Capitol West Side
' \‘ 3:135:32“;33:41:33323...
THE TEST??? . for women
ERA _""'___'____'" " "' - 29.2w“ ”W“

Protect yourself and your partner by
using latex condoms, and by arming
yourself with information about how
AIDS is affecting the gay community.
For More Information About AIDS, call:
Kentucky AIDS Education Program
Cabinet for Human Resources
DePartment of Health Services

My thanks to everyone who's contributed to
P, Esmerelda's Parlour in the last year. And |
I hope the writer's group will be as talented and
, P exciting as it promises to be. This should be
/.l smerelda 5 31-10 a great year - don't forget to keep reading
" I" about it in Esmerelda's Parlour.
See ou soon - Teresa
at a‘.\ y
w: ‘ Although this may seem like an ending,
‘c/ it is actually a beginning for me. My
‘ involvement in Esmerelda' Parlour over the
— Past Year has been a joy at its best, an
education at its worst. While I wouldn't trade
Hello Readers: I'm going to try to not have it in for anything, I am ready to move on.
this be your typical nostalgic "Last Column There are so many things that I want to do
from the Co-Editor," but it's going to be and see done in this community. if anything,
tough. I must admit, I am feeling a little my role in Esmerelda is as likely to increase as
nostalgia. It's been a heck of a year. to diminish. Like many of you, I am
Being one of the editors for Esmerelda's constantly in search of that perfect balance
Parlour has alternated between exhausting and which will allow me to do all within the
exciting. it's been great hearing the feedback community that is important to me without
from all of you over the past year regarding totally losing myself in it. Thanks to the
the many different items that have graced Womyn's Writers Group's willingness to step
Esmerelda's pages. forward and take over Esmerelda's Parlour, |
The Writing Contest has given me a have been able to move a step closer to that
chance to see all the talent that exists in this balance.
community. if we could only channel more of I hope that all of you are as excited as
it to this column! I am about the changes that we may see in
But most of all, writing these letters Esmerelda's Parlour. There are so many
with Debbie has given me the chance to share directions that it could take, and, for once, l
my thoughts and concerns with a very warm am not in a position to know what direction
and receptive audience. Being the type of that will be. I am grateful to the Womyn's
person who finds it much easier being a Writers Group for carrying on, and I look
'reporter' rather than an editorial writer, forward with great anticipation to the months
these letters intimidated me at first. to come. Goodbye, and best wishes --
However, after some gentle nudges from Debbie
Debbie, I discovered it really wasn't so hard.
As a matter of fact, I enjoyed it more and CLINIC ESCORTING
more each time i wrote the letter. So, from the Bluegrass Chapter of NOW
naturally, I'm feeling a bit sentimental this
month. The Physicians Mall on Harrodsburg
I am looking forward though to working Road has been the target of Saturday
with the Womyn Writer's Group. They're an anti-abortion picketers for several weeks.
exciting group of womyn with a lot of ideas. Sign carriers stand on Harrodsburg Road while
I do hope that some of you womyn out a group stays in the parking lot harassing
there become more active with this column. l clients that are going into the clinic. Jan
feel that the more people who become involved Harmon, Director of Planned Parenthood, has
will make Esmerelda's Parlour more diverse and organized escorts who help patients safely
exciting than she already is. It certainly has reach the clinic office from their cars. The
helped me tremendously - not only talent and volunteer escorting requires only a few hours
experience-wise, but by making me more aware of work early on Saturday afternoons. Please
of and active in our community, and I've contact Jan if you can help out, or would like
realized just how important that is for me. l to participate in pro-choice activities, by
like the feeling that I'm a part of something calling 252-ouu8.
that other people find enjoyment in. It's a The decision to have an abortion is
great feeling. You should try it sometime! difficult enough without being harassed on the
Not just for what it'll give the rest of us, but way to the clinic. The patients are very
for what it'll give you. appreciative of the support, and this service
0.K., O.K. I'll get off my soap box helps clinic staff keep track of what is going
now. I couldn't resist one last little sermon. on in the parking lot.
March GLSO 7

Now that spring is upon us, you're probably feeling the itch to travel more than ever.
And in comparison with all the delightful thoughts that go along with contemplating traveling to
new and exciting places, the more practical considerations of where to stay may seem relatively
mundane. However, if you're a little on the adventurous side, and you can't bear the thought of
spending one more night in a run-of-the-mill motel, we have some alternatives which may appeal to
you. The July/August 1988 issue of Lesbian Connection included eight pages of places to visit
and or stay during your travels. Located all over the country, they include land communities,
guesthouses, B 5 8'5 (bed and breakfasts), campgrounds, and retreats. There is something for
just about everybody. In order to see the complete listing, you'll have to get ahold of that
particular issue of LC. However, we thought you might be able to make use of a listing of some
of the places to go that are within a day's drive of Lexington. All are womyn and/or lesbian
oriented and sound like wonderful places to visit. Space dictates that we only provide the
sketchiest of details, so if you find something that interests you, be sure and write or call first.
Some of these places are booked up months in advance (one is already booked up into 1990!). so
it won't do much good to drop in unannounced. Happy travelsll
SERVICE, 187 W 19th St., Alton, IL 62002 257, Honor, MI ll96110 (616) 882-599“. Labrys
(618) 1862-11051. is a small resort with 3 housekeeping cabins
- on a small secluded lake one mile from Lake
HONEY'S SMOKY MT. WOMEN'S GUESTHOUSE, Michigan. Swimming, hiking, canoeing,
P.O. Box 1367, Franklin, NC 287311 (7011) skiing, bird watching and beachcombing.
369-5162 (one hour from Asheville, NC; two
hours from Atlanta). Bed and breakfast on a BEAR'S CABIN, c/o Ruth Bone, 70 St.
mountaintop. Spend a weekend or a vacation Dunstans Circle, Asheville, NC 28803 (7011)
on eight acres of privacy. Enjoy the view 25u-oozu (after 5:30 pm). Cozy and magical
overlooking seven mountain ranges. Nearby cabin in Pisgah National Forest. Exquisite.
gem mining, hiking trails, horseback riding, Private. Safe. Totally and tastefully furnished
white water rafting. with antiques, women's artwork, women's
books, waterbed, fireplace. Year round.
VANGUARD ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 1082, $u5/day. Asheville is a resort area with a
Franklin, NC 2873” (70“) 5211-18553. A private large lesbian population.
home nestled in a rural setting, close to a
beautiful, trout stocked stream, and ruby gem SWIFTWATERS CAMPCROUND FOR WOMEN,
mines. Accommodations include private room Box 2068, Dahlonga, GA 30533 U401!) 6811-3229.
and bath, full kitchen privileges, shared Swiftwaters is a quiet place to camp on the
common areas. Warm, relaxed, friendly headwaters of the Etowah River, deep in the
atmosphere where everyone is free to be woods. Plenty of tables, fire rings, and
themselves. Rates: $35 per night. Also, primitive river front campsites. Dogs welcome
private, women-owned vacation cottages and (if friendly). Outhouse, camping space.
homes in this area are available, with rates
ranging from $200-$300 per week.
Holly Springs, MS 38635. Located in northern
DEGREES 0F FREEDOM, 10055 Kline Rd, RD Mississippi, it is a beautiful part of the Mother
#2, W. Salem, OH l111287 (just off I-71, 50 being reclaimed from the patriarchy. Visitors
miles south of Cleveland, 90 miles north of are welcome. They are organic, nonsmoking,
Columbus). Two guest rooms with baths, 2 sober, nonchemical, over forty. uo acres.
platform tents, a cabin that sleeps four, picnic Housing, limited plumbing and electricity,
shelter with fireplace, gardens, a pond for camping space available. (Land community).
swimming, fishing, boating, skating, etc.
Near Amish country. You can cook out. go to
town to eat (1 mile), cook in, or take potluck CRICKET SONG FARM, 8677 Boyer Road,
with the household. Donations appreciated for Bradford, OH u5308 (513) uus—zum (call before
overnight stays (guest room $11, cabin $7, 9 am). 20 acres with dairy goats, chickens,
platform tent $u, camping $2lperson). Work and. large garden. Prlmltlve camping
exchange available. available. (Land communltyl.
I GLSO March

’ Andrea Weiner, South Morgan Dr., Box 65,
' Berkeley Springs, WV 251411 (301%) 258-5079 Reports have come stating the
I (located on 20 acres in Unger, WV, between anti-abortion forces are, and have been,
' Berkeley Springs, WV and Winchester, VA). flooding the U.S. Supreme Court with mail
- They welcome lesbian visitors for short demanding the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Not
stays. Semi-vegetarian: non-smoking; no surprising, reports are that Associate Justice
' drugs or alcohol. Please bring food to share. Sandra Day O'Connor is the main target of the
- Housing, plumbing, electricity, camping space mail campaign from the organized Right.
1 available. (Land community). Frankly, this is indirect confirmation of what
I many have always believed: If there is a
: "swing" vote on the High Court on the issue
BOLD MOON FARM, 5780 Plowfield Rd., of Roe v. Wade, it is O'Connor and not Justice
' McLeansville, NC 27301 (919) 375-37610. The Anthony Kennedy, the newest member of the
land is beautiful, mostly wooded, secluded, Court and successor to the former "swing"
yet just 12 miles from town. 21.11% acres. vote, retired Justice Powell.
Lesbians are welcome to help help with the Anyone interested in supporting free
chores and share the land. Housing, abortion rights should write immediately to:
plumbing, electricity, camping space available. Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, U.S.
5 (Land community). Supreme Court, One lst Street, N.E.,
Washington, DC 20518.
Overeaters Anonymous (0A) is a wise food choices. By examining why we eat
self-help group based on the 12-Step Program and our feelings of why we want to binge, we
used by Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics begin to address the issues which led us into
Anonymous, and Adult Children of Alcoholics Compulsive Overeating.
groups. 0A in Lexington has several weekly
A yes answer to the following questions meetings. The DA Discussion Meeting on
could indicate a potential problem with Sundays at 5:30 p.m. at the Chemical
compulsive overeating: Dependency Unit of St. Joseph Office Park
1. Do you eat when you‘re not hungry? focuses on lesbian issues. I have attended GA
2.00 you have feelings of guilt or meetings for 2 years yet wanted a meeting
remorse after overeating? with a lesbian focus. Sometimes in a meeting
3.Do you eat sensibly before others and with up to 30 people - mostly straight - |
make up for it alone? hesitated to talk about feelings related to
ll. Do you eat to escape from worries or being a lesbian. Although anyone can attend
trouble? the Sunday 0A meeting, with an announced
5.Do you go on eating binges for no lesbian focus, those attending are open to
apparent reason? lesbian lifestyles and sexuality.
Controlling compulsive eating can be If you are concerned with your eating
particularly difficult, since unlike alcohol, food behaviors you are welcome at 0A. Bingers,
" must be eaten daily. Several times a day we purgers, and fasters attend 0A. The only
must make sensible, healthy decisions about requirement is a desire to change compulsive
what and how much we will eat. 0A. through eating behaviors. For more information on CA
- meetings, phone calls, literature and group or the lesbian focus meeting call Esmerelda at
’ support, helps us control our hinges and make 252-7837.
3 The University of Kentucky Women Writers Conference will be April 5-8. Published authors
will read from their works, discuss the creative process and conduct workshops with aspiring
authors. For more information or registration contact: Betty Gabehart, 106 Frazee Hall,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 1#0606 or call (606) 257-3295.
I —
March GLSO 9

The National Organization for Women THE AIDS QUARTERLY 0N PBS
(NOW) is planning a March for Women's
Equality/Women's Lives on Sunday, April 9, in Medical miracles have been commonplace
Washington, DC. With the new challenges to in 20th-century science. AIDS has changed
Roe v. Wade it is imperative that this be the all that. Nine years into the pandemic, still
largest march for women's rights ever. no cures or vaccines are in sight.
Bluegrass NOW members will be joining The media have been inconsistent at best
Jefferson NOW and other Kentucky NOW in dealing with the crisis, and at times have
members to go to Washington. The March will been irresponsible,- alternating between apathy
start at 10 am and conclude by 5 pm, April 9. and alarm. In an effort to remedy the lack of
Current plans include buses leaving Louisville, detailed, current, and accurate information,
stopping in Lexington, and continuing to pick WGBH Boston inaugurated The AIDS
up participants along the route to Washington. Quarterly, a nationally broadcast continuing
Buses will probably leave Louisville at 6 pm series for public television. Premiered
Saturday, April 8 and return by early Monday February 28 at 9:00 p.m. on PBS, The AIDS
morning, April 10. There are no plans for Quarterly's magazine format will feature
overnight lodging for bus travelers, which will documentary segments, news updates, inter-
keep expenses within reasonable limits, about views, commentary and analysis. Single-
$55 per person. Jefferson NOW has arranged subject documentary hours will also be
for three buses and already has about 30 produced and broadcast as Special Editions.
eo le si ned up. Let's make the Blu rass
NOW) delegation the largest in the statif!g If NAMES PROJECT QUILT TO BE DISPLAYED
you know someone who is not a NOW member . .
but would like to come, please call 2334393. , The NAMES. Pmlea .Qu'lt’ the
Also, don't let a lack of money stop you _ the International memorial to those killed. by AIDS,
Bluegrass Chapter of NOW will pay expenses wall begin Its secsndf tour of the 1L;nlted States
- t is spring. e ive mont , city tour,
for those who cannot go otherWIse. begins in Salt Lake City on March 17th, and
— travels to Ohio, Florida, Alabama, Texas,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New York, and
Maine. In June, the Quilt begins its first
ASK AUNT MARY tour through Canada.
In the fifteen months since the October
1987 March on Washington, over 1$5,000
_ persons in the U.S. have been lost to AIDS.
Dear Aunt Mary The NAMES Project quilt is now over five
' times larger, memorializing over 10,000 people.
l've seen news reports on a new Kinsey The. quilt illustrates the impact of the AIDS
study which say gays and lesbians are only 3% cr15is by revealing _the “3'3“” and lives behind
of the population. Is it true? the statistics.‘ It