xt7k9882nj6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882nj6t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1994-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1994 text GLSO News, July 1994 1994 1994-07 2019 true xt7k9882nj6t section xt7k9882nj6t f ‘9‘ L‘IMJ‘JUII Lwimfie“ “Sim. twamwlaau i.3tt.t.¢ta.,t:
PLANS PROGRESS FOR National Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line


' For the past year and a half, representa- Teenage Gay/Lesbian Support

tIves from Bluegrass lesbigay groups have been 800 347 TEEN

meeting to share resources and disseminate infor- ( ) ' _ _

mation. This group, called the Stonewall Network, Th""°'5““' 7Pm‘M'dn'9ht

was responsible for last year’s and this year’s

Pride Week festivities. These groups have been Architects are working on the plans to

working to combine our various mailing lists--to bring the building up to code for the purpose of a

which all Stonewall Network member groups have community center, as well as adjust the layout for

access. The primary purpose for developing this meetings, rehearsals, retail sales, and sublet pos-

list was for disseminating information about politi- sibilities the space offers.

cal candidates at election time. The Stonewall As you know, an endeavor of this kind

Network is the overseer of this mailing list. needs financial support. We need your contribu-

In an effort to even further pool our tions. The Stonewall Network needs 100 people

resources, the Stonewall Network and the GLSO to pledge $20 a month for one year. This monthly

Board of Directors have agreed to merge into one pledge will help us make the lease payments each

organization. The Board has agreed to begin month. We also need startup costs: liability insur-

adopting atransition plan in which the name will be ance, utility deposits, remodeling supplies. These

changed, new bylaws implemented to expand the contributions are tax deductible.

Board to include a representative from each of the Lexington needs a community center

lesbigay organizations, along with other bylaws in where we can pool our vast resources. Won't you

order to create a “blanket" organization where be one of the movers and shakers who will make

more groups will have access to 501 C3 Tax the Pride Center happen during Stonewall’s 25th

Exempt Status, the Community Mailing List, and anniversary year? Send your contributions to

many other benefits. Stonewall Network, PO. Box 1486, Lexington, KY

This development is in large part due to 40591—1486.

the work of the Stonewall Network plan of obtain- ,

ing a lesbigay Community Center in downtown WE W GOT A NEW FACE

Lexington. Research was conducted to identify The GLSO News Will “OW be able [0

the needs of each local lesbigay groupI the accept almost any file, in almost any format,

amount of money currently being spent in rental including electronic mail. We will also be

fees 0f POSt office boxes, phone answering SyS- offering specialized designs for your ads.

tems, meeting places, etc. After looking at several Please see inside fondetails on ad and

sites, we have located a building on Main Street. article formats and ad prices.

published Monthly by the INTERNATIONAL GAY DANCE
Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization GROUP’S MEETING
PO. Box 1147]
Lexington, KY 40575 The International Association of Gay/Lesbian
Country Western Dance Clubs (IAGLCWDC) has
Editor: selected the Southern Country Louisville (SCL)
- dance group to host its organizational meeting dur-
Brlan Th rockmorton ing SCL’s annual River City Hoe-Down on July 15-
17. The IAGLCWDC was formed in March with the
Layout Editor: intent of linking country and western clubs around
Elizabeth A, Gilliam the globe. In 1995, Cincinnati will host the annual
GLSO Annual Dues: $l5 SCL president John Scussel said that SCL won
Dues for Couples: $20 the right to host the meeting “with the help of the
Newsletter Only: $10 Louisville/Jefferson County Convention and
Visitors Bureau, and with the support of the Mayor
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of and County Judge/Executive, the Louisville
the authors and don’t necessarily represent those of the GLSO Chamber of Commerce, and local businesses.”
Board of Directors. Submissmns are welcome. .All. submls- For this event, SCL has selected the Seelbach
Slons become the property of GLSO and must indicate full Hotel—a restored Beaux Arts hotel in downtown
name and address of the author. The staff reserves the right to _ _ _
edit submissions and ads to meet publishing requirements, as LOUISVllle—aS the conventlon hetel' Events Of the
well as the right to reject any submissions. Placement of weekend inCIUde a late-night dance crUise on a
advertising in the GLSO News denotes neither a person’s sex- I'E‘Slored riverboat, a major 2000-person danCe in
ual orientation norabusiness’ customer preferences. the arena of the Louisville Gardens, and social
events, exhibition dancing, games, and a perfor—
P-F|_AG NOTES mances by Voices. a Louisville chorus.
BY REV. RUTH FISCELLA Scussel said, “The Louisville and Jefferson
_ . . County Convention and Visitors Bureau estimates
P'Fl—AG held its June "‘39an at the Pride that event alone will have an impact of over a quar-
Picnic on June 12. Ways to help the ter of a million dollars on the Louisville economy,
Lexington Pride Center on its way to fulfillment and have indicated that it will be the largest con-
were discussed. Much interest was shown in vention to which Louisville will play host during the
being a part of the Teen Support Group and month 0f JUly- .
also in P-FLAG’s initial participation in Gay .“TenetSPf our bylaws reqwrethat SCL only do
Pride Week activities. business With gay-owned or gay-friendly busmess-
There are some changes in P-FLAG con- 93' Scussel went on to say, and we “.3“? .been
. . . up-front With each and every company, IndIVIdual,
tacts. Since Ruth M” be away until and entity we have encountered during our plan-
September, call Jan at 223'7339! or ASk US at ning stages. When you look at the list, a major
2552374, or Wi'te t0 P-O- BOX 55484, convention hotel, convention center, and a huge
Lexington, KY 40555. our next meeting Will airline, not to mention city and county government,
be at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church at 7:30 it speaks volumes for how friendly and tolerant this
on July 21 at 7:30 PM. You are welcome. city is.”
Why not visit us this summer?
July 1994 Page2

The Lexington Men’s Chorus' sold—out The GLSO Board elections were held dur-
Spring Concert was held at the Singletary Center ing the Pride Picnic of June 12. All those who were
at UK. We were joined by the Cincinnati Men’s nominated were elected. The new members are:
Chorus Chamber Singers. With Thomas Swenson Mike Taylor, Chris McDavid, Sue Strong, Rex Van
as piano accompanist, and under the direction of Alstine, and Gina Baker.
Kent Peterson, they performed an array of music GLSO members also passed the proposal
that included Acceptance: I Shall Miss Loving You WhtCh Wt” allow the board to Change the by-Iaws.
from “When We No Longer Touch; A Cyc|e of This step WI” enable the GLSO to work Wlth the
Songs for Survival,” and True Colors. The Stonewall Network to form a new umbrella group
Lexington Men’s Chorus joined them for In This forthe community.
Moment by Gary Simpson. The next GLSO Board meeting will be
The LMC portion of the show showed this August 1, at 7:00 at Mary Crone’s house. Please
group’s range. Under the direction of Nancy H. call her at 255'5904-
Ward, the pieces ranged from Salvation Belongeth
to Our God, to Roll Mighty River, to Dreamers The Lexington Gay and
from "Jean Seber Piano accom anist Jan . . - -
Martin was showcasid in Randall Thomppson’s The LeSDIan Semces Organization
Last Words of David. Another highlight was Mister
Sandman, done by “Fourte,” the LMC quartet, Kentucky’s Oldest Gay and Lesbian
substituting their own “appropriate" words. Organization Since 1974
Both groups joined for the closing number,
Our Time, by Stephen Sondheim. The broad base _
of support that these choruses have was demon- SEEDS” NGDWH
strated in the program for the concert, which con-
tained over 50 pages of paid advertisements. $10 GLSO Newsletter Only
Also this past spring, LMC performed at .
the annual AIDS Walk For Life. They again won $15 Membershlp and l‘iewsletter
one of the group awards, for having the largest $20 Couple Membership 8: Newsletter
number of walkers of any group. They received a
special showing of the Actor’s Guild play, Send your payment, along with your
Assassins, directed by chorus member Vic name and address to:
Chaney. LMC also made a sizeable donation .
The two Pride Week concerts at Artsplace
were sell-outs. They showcased individual talents GLSO Newsletter
of the chorus. Highlights were an appearance by P-O- BOX 1 1471
the Imperial Court for There Is Nothing Like A Lexington, KY 40575
Dame, and an ensemble group that did The Lion
Sleeps Ton/ghtlnjungle gee"- Please indicate whether you would like to
Proceeds from this concert were donated have your name added to the Community
to the Stonewall Network. LMC Will have a season Mailing List _ used exclusively for Kentucky gay
kickoff at Bell l-louse on Sept. 11. If you are Inter- and lesbian organizations.
ested In mining the chorus, contact Shelby
Reynolds at 231 -0090.
July 1994 Page 3

 4.1 h b. At center could become a home for exhibits docu-
8 es la“ menting the history of Central Kentucky’s Lesbian
and Gay communities. An exhibit I would like to
a see is one of memorabilia memorializing Amber
('5 Moon, a women's performing arts organization
'5 which produced many fine events for Lexington’s
.5 Lesbian community between 1977 and 1985.
_l Other exhibits might document the 1950's origins
IMAGINING A COMMUNITY CENTER of the establishment now known as The Bar, or the
Lately I have been thinking of all the possi- livesof famous Lexmgtonians such as Sweet
ble uses to which a Gay and Lesbian Community EveningsBrSegiealasnélnlfigrsy Filgkggier could be a
Center could be put. In doing that, I’ve discovered meetin Ilace for re ularl. held comin out su _
that thinking about those possibilities makes a very port grgiupps conscigusneés raising grgups anpd
figggfigigfmiifi ggealrfind myself returning to. overcoming internalized homophobia support
1 Library' there are thousands of groups. if the center is located near The Bar and
Lesbian and Gay books which are not available Kentucky Theater it might pick up drop-in traffic to
through the Lexington Public Library A lending and from those locations and be ideally located to
library devoted to Lesbian A l'b 'd . gfie’dSUppol” .Serv'ces to a
and Gay titles would be a y! rary, a VI eo‘raom, a MUSIC roa popu ation.
wonderful asset to our com- center: a .VOUth center; social 59" fgénzoglnt; fochfnoergbo E;
. . . . . . , | u
munity. It could include fic- woes, a local history center, his experience of coming
“0“, poetry’ “ism“ drama' shared meetin rooms h'
photography, spirituality, _ . , g _ ’ 0m to Is parents as a
Gay and Lesbian philoso_ centralized mailing servrces - all tfienasrifr- The¥ fimetly|
phy, texts on sociology, this can be part of our Lexington th 52"; $032901; 1.5:; 23:;
i:i:“:;‘;9r::rii:i::°.: Pridecemer-
queer cookbooks?). A lending library and comfort- ended u 3 en din a mrofitfiagneth: Is—terégtgtor'llhirr:
able reading room would be particularly helpful to p p g_ ‘
. was no place for him to go. He was threatened
Gay and Lesbian youth who may be fearful to own h d
ueer books or unable to afford to buy many and arasse at a “News? shelter, and adult
q 2 Video room- ima ine avideo collection Gays would not risk taking him in. Children like
and viewin room where 30 la co Id 3 8 ch this don’t go to P-Flag meetings; they hang around
films as thegAcadem Awaifd-w'iannin Udocutfrfentja the back exit of The Bar hoping someone will offer
“The Life and Time: of Harvey Mi?k ,, or “Deserryt them a place to stay. Acommunity center might be
Hearts ” or dozens even hundreds ,of films that able to locate temporary Gay-supportive foster
never played in mainstream theaters and aren’t homes for throw aways “ke my fr'elld- Acommu-
available for rental at your local video store. nity center might also be ableto prowde youth sup-
3. Music: there could be a music collec- port groups and even $.0C'al events, SUCh as
tion and listening room—a place to check out that 2232?: :zrcgfzuig Lesbian YOUth who otherwrse
new artist you're curious about, to listen to music 7 Famil services a communi center
as diverse as Four Non—Blondes, RuPaul, or the Id ' y . ' . . ty .
Gay and Lesbian Chorus of San Francisco singing 9°.” act as a clearing house Of information on arti-
choral works b such Ga com osers as Brahms fiCial insemination, co-mothering, co-parent adop-
4 Locgl historigal einbits- a community tions, and other concerns of women who plan to
)uly1994 Page4

 have children. There could also be support groups Lesbians; we Lesbians need to know that our own
for parents who are struggling with how to help have been some of the most dynamic and gifted
their children survive and thrive in a world that is people in history. A community center could be a
hostile to theirfamily. place where hundreds, even thousands of
8. Social and cultural events: if it comes Lesbians first encounter that fact.
with at least one large space, a community center I’m sure what I’ve listed here only skims
could provide a location for shows by the Imperial the surface of what a community center could be a
Court, Iris Events, coffeehouses or cabarets, home for, of the projects it could support by provid-
drama productions by Between the Acts, and Pride ing space and disseminating information. And |
Week events such as Queer Jeopardy. A location haven’t listed the many small benefits it could offer
near The Bar might increase community participa- the community, such as providing mailboxes for
tion in such events and draw business to The Bar community organizations so that those organiza-
as well. tions don’t have to rent a PO. box. Or maintaining
9. Education: a community center could a bulk mail specialist for the community; or allow-
provide a place for courses at the college or high ing groups to share bulk mail permits; or combining
school level in Lesbian and Gay history, literature, phone lines at a savings to various organizations—
and culture, courses that aren’t available anywhere all little things that could add up to strengthen all of
else in Fayette County. One man I‘ve spoken to is our organizations.
interested in teaching a course aimed at improving | just hope that people with the skills need-
self-esteem so that young Gay males learn early in ed to make a community center a reality come for-
life to treat themselves and each other with ward. If it does become a reality, it will be a leap
respect—an attitude that may be essential to their fonivard for our community that will be bigger than
survival. I can easily imagine a similar course for anything I can imagine.
Acreage for Trail Riding
3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
Lexington. Ky. 40516 Instructor-Trainer
]uly I994 Page 5

 Pegasus Travel Inc.
' Alf/Ike fiblafir—C’nku- flair!
MBMKES’V/oti' Wm Clea/(me
A LFALFA (800) 228-4337 (606) 268-433
J 2040 idle Hour Center
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. . is '1 _ ‘- . i,
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-_‘ .9’")! pi - ’_.. Laura E. Kapiiatn, MSW
, w : . '_ Clinical Social War/(er
_: _ . . . 2 Certified Clzemica] Dependency Counselor
456 West Second Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Dessems : Peeelour FUN
~ Rll Breed Pei Grooming
5 Experienced
253-OOI4 277 9365
July 1994 Page6

Montie J. Ham was murdered on July 3, 'n the
1993, at his home. Two men were arrested and
charged with murder first degree, robbery first

I degree, and burglary first degree. The trial date G LSO N ews
has been set and moved twice. Originally sched-
uled to begin this summer, it has now been moved
to November 7-‘I7. This time it was moved so that _ _
the prosecuting attorney could order a psychiatric DlmenSIOnS:
evaluation. Previously, the date had been reset so
that the defense attorneys could order the same FU" page: 7.75 X 6.5
evaluation. .

f The trial will be held in the third division of Half page' 7'75 x 3'75 or 3'125 x 6'5
Fayette Circuit Court with Judge Rebecca Quarter page: 3.75x3.125
Overstreet presiding. Michael Malone is the prose- Eighth page: 2 x 3.125

‘ cuting attorney. The suspects are still being held in
the Fayette County Detention Center.

if you have any information about this mur- COSt per month:
der or any questions, please call the Victim
Services Director, Gail Whitt, at 252-3571. 1 3 6 12
It is very important for Montie’s friends to full $45 $40 $35 $29
show support at the trial, especially during the first
days ofjury selection. Please try to be there. half $30 $27 $24 $20
quarter $20 $18 $16 $13
W W eighth $12 $10 $ 9 s 7
The GLSO will now be able to accept CIaSSIfled ads may be purchased
I files in both IBM and Macintosh formats. at the rate 0f $-10 per word Up to
The primary work will be typeset in 25 words’ and $20 for every
QuarkXPress for the Macintosh, and


9 although we prefer Macintosh documents, WOl'Cl over 25'

d IBM/Windows—compatible work is just _ _

fine. In addition, submissions may now be Ads may be Sme'tted II" any form,
made by electronic mail for anyone with althoth an IBM or Mac d'5k '5 Preferred

- Internet access. for camera-ready items. Ads'can now be

3 Advertisers now have the opportunity to de5|gned by GL3? Staff WIth ample

have their ads designed by the GLSO staff. notlce-
For typesetting details, please contact
Elizabeth at 275-7801. The deadline for submissmns
is the 17th of each month.
July 1994 Page7

1 Happy 4th of July \
1 2
Dominion Da (Canada) 9:00am Frontrunners
7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 10:SOOanE;HIV/AIDS
AA ppt- rp.
11:00am Stonewall
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
’4me ACE 15°81“ (Baa) Inde - :dénbe D3 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- 8:00pm HIV/AIDS . NM _ . 9:00am Frontrunners
6&3: MCC’”""G’°°"‘“‘ 230, . Jul Al-Anon Woodland Park Sppt.Grp. 7:00pm Dlgmty . 10:00am HIV/AIDS
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Ppm4thof y 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 7:30Pm Gay/Lesbian Sppt.Grp.
' arade " ”‘9 Bowling—Southland AA AA
1 0 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
“10019111 ACE 13868“6 (Rem) 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners— 8:00pm HIV/AIDS 0 FQ 9100am Frontrunners
6f°°Pm “”9““ “Club U Al-Anon Woodland Park 5 LG , 7 :30pm Gay/Lesbian 10:00am HIV/AIDS
6.00pm MCC/Lax.-Grcenleaf . PP rP
Motel 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA SPPLGFP- ’
7:00pm Gay/Lcsbizm AA Bowling—Southland AA 102003111 Men S Network
1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 23
GLSO News Paw” 7:30pm Fairan 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners— 7:30pm P-FLAG 0 FM . . 9:00am Frontrunners
Meeting -Alfalfa’s Al-Anon Woodland Park 8:00pm HIV/AIDS 7:00pm Dignity . 10:00am HIV/AIDS
233;: figfififigjflf“ 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian Sppt.Grp. 713013111 Gay / LCSblafl Sppt.Grp.
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowlmg-Southland AA AA
24 26 27 28 29 30
‘1‘um AFE Fug“ FEW“) 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- 8:00pm HIV /AIDS 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 0 LQ
230°?” mm?” “m“ 0'" A1-Anon Woodland Park s 1 G AA 9:008m Frontnmners
.00pm Impeml Ct-Club U. . . pp . rp. . /
6:00pm MCC/u§--Greenleaf-.- 8:45pm Rambow 8:00pm Gay/Lesb1an 8:00pm COLTS Mtg. 10-003111 HIV AIDS
7:00P” Gay/mm" AA Bowling—Southland AA SPPt-GYP-
31 June August
4:00pm ACE mane (Home) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6
‘mPSMCC’L‘X'Gm‘w‘ 5 6 7 8 9 1o 11 7 8 9 1o 11 12 13
7t00PmGWmHmAA 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31
Come Out and Be in the 4th of July Parade 6/20/ 1994

Fmall h ' T
a p arm a
ya 3C c
. Si
. c
t at dellvers C
. . , tii
And ’ ' e
( we ll do It for FREE!) M
_Er_9§same da del' V‘
x m Metro Lexington've'y X We can.a"ange direct billing ‘55
toiyour Insurance company_ v
& Io_t.a_lconfidentianty Ehgigfgflggeduced OUt'Of' F‘
nse Tl
Personal one-on-one F - pr
. , r ' -
& medication counseling 3 fiecrfimgmglhrtnsalgflfs Lt
. _ . e 355;.
K 15 minute prescription available for minimal Charge)
t guarantee x $051182? line of prescription
n 53
, . . products—unusual 2
X WKA arm
Forjacn 133:0" @Wedwme =
l te Pres - Sb ® ’33 CW 1
3,3“ we $1 m" Oppen/I , 3 Emir .
be donated to What A Pharmacy Was MeantTo Be® Ean St E]
AVOL 3 .Hichmundfld
630 E. Main Stre t-L ' E “6%:ng I
(6052333110 r
ltd)! 1994 Page 10

 ITEMS 0|: INTEREST and more. Attend workshops on “Self-Defense for
TRAVEL FOR WOMEN ONLY: Atrip to a private, Grrls," “LeSb‘a'? L995" 'Ssuesi" "HOW to Make a
all-woman beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Baby, or Eat Fire. Call 413'582'3969'
Options include swimming with the dolphins and a
side trip to the "Isla de las mujeres." Two dates: PERSONAL NOTES
Oct. 29-Nov. 5, 1994, or Jan. 14-21, 1995. Call WANTED: Housemate to share home with two
Club Le Bon at 1-800-836-8687 for more informa- really cool womyn and four animals. Your share:
tion. $175 + 1/3 utilities. Close to campus. Call 278-
Massachusetts, offers hot tubs, the ocean, and a ITALIAN GRAPHIC ARTIST, 37 years old, seeks
series of workshops for women. Rooms are art dealer or art gallery, ableto introduce him in the
named after prominent women such as Alice American market. Fantastic, effective production.
Walker and Lily Tomlin. (The Maya Angelou room Please write for samples to: Paolo Lanni, PO. Box
connects with the Eleanor Roosevelt room!) Call 11, 80100 Napoli, Italy.
(508) 487-3232.
A BIG SMOOCH to everybody who helped make
FIFTH ANNUAL NORTHAMPTON LESBIAN FES— Pride Week in Lexington, and especially the picnic,
TIVAL in Massachusetts, July 22-24. You can see such a success! It was a great occasion for cele-
periormances by Justina and Joyce, the Lesbian bration, solidarity, and water balloon fights. Agood
Lounge Lizards, Mrs. Fun, Unspeakable Desire, time was had by all!
llni cramming fi@@flfl@@.g'f the @L@@ News a o o
Q August: Lexingtonians reflect onthe Stonewall celebrations
in Neanrkfiity- "Ii::::€§E§'i§3§':3:E¥*'
Q September Eiectronprevrew What are the candidates’
,giiiiEipositiOns;.oiniie'shiainand gay issues? ,1:;:3333:3223"fiéigig:§:;.,_
000t0her Speciai'iqognjiinfigflut Day issue.,.}§§§}:_ '1jEIEia----IZ§E;'_'if;
QEENOVéfiher: A reporti'onfiéogcai husinessesiiWithv—or withbiiirt~
i§i§3222:-.:;.;aiigtidiécriminatéia.n.:eleu665 for homosexual amplbyssé-
Qflecember Lookmgatour spirituality, andtheiocaichurches
lfyoucancontributeyourtaients iet us know.l We neeel tips on who to contact for the
articles eniaii‘igiaieghfiiiiiatieh clauses and gay spirituaiity in Lexington churches. Cail
Brian at 275-0795, or write GLEO News, F0. Box i i471, Lexington, KY 40575. Than ks.l
July I994 Page II

 LE. Classic K9 5 €65 Cats
0 157 E. Reynolds Road
At Your S€rvlce Formerly (Suds <25 écissors
2 63 _5 605 Bernice & Sissy
Formerly OF Landsdownc Veterinary Clinic
16 Years Experience
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“Too busy” “It’s a hassle”
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Services Offered:
Pick-up Resumes Have you been
DELIVERY WORD discriminated against in
GIFT SHOPPING Greeting Card the Commonwealth of
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Showing NEWS CLIPPING sexual orientation?
LETTERS Phone Calling
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Research Pet Taxi (:>
I.E. Enterprises ‘
Lexington, KY @ b © © :
: 263-5605 [@iserimineiiwn Proflesi 3
July 1994 Page 12 '

 active, she has recently been quoted as saying,
I “Good parents are good parents, regardless of
their sexual orientation.”
Her statements have - unsurprisingly
—_ —_ enough - riled some conservatives legislators. In
by Elizabeth Giiliam June, 87 House Republicans signed a letter to
President Clinton denouncing Elders. The letter
LocaIJustice cited statements she had made recently: boy
Recently Lexington has had the chance to scouts and girl scouts discriminate against gays;
become well-acquainted with the slap-on-the-wrist marijuana should be considered for legalization
afforded to rapists who have had relationships with (although the Herald-Leader reported that shed
their victims. Clark Gross III was sentenced to pro- sald narcotlcs ShOUId be legal) and teenage girls
bation in a case where he broke down a door shouldn’t assume that condoms are the responsi-
dragged his former girlfriend into her bedroom, b'I'ty Of bloys alone. f . h l
gagged her with sheets, and raped her - breaking Ft F 3 a newss con ebrence regjardglg/6_ e ettler,
her arm in the process. In spite of all of this, “dis- ep. ' ames ensen renner, r. ( ' '8')' 33°
tinguished” members of our community wrote to quoted .E'F‘e's comments on what She called the
the judge to say what a great guy Gross was and “un-Chrlstlan rellglous right. She sald, We ve got
he was let off ' to be strong to take on these people who are sell-
As its precedence of Ienience had been ing our children out in the name of religion."
set for such hideousness, Fayette Circuit Judge :ou 90' glrl! h 'd h h d
Mary Noble released Scott Ratliff in June. He had ,f rf .t dehnseri (fine; owever' 33‘ 3' ef t:
served just over eight months of a 5—year sentence UO‘ ed eSt ternrlg 0 e surgeon genera 0 e
for attempted rape. Oh, in case it makes any dif- nlte Sa esa t l'k h h't l'ttl t |
ference, Ratliff held a pillow over her face at a frat oun S 0 me I e S e I a I e. 00 cose
party at UK, causing blood vessels to rupture. A for comfort for our esteemed representatlves to be
doctor testified that she was about one minute able to handle. Thetruth always dld hurtthe worst.
awa from death. . .

y Thank God for that one minute. Because Good news about being a lesbian mother .
of it, Judge Noble decided that releasing this scum h , htAt IfoEg last, we have good Anews “393?an
was perfectly fine. Maybe justice would actually I e ”a S O l omgsezua partehn 3' 3 many oflyou
have been served if the victim had died. Instead, may . ave area y nown, ere was recen y a
she's alive and now has to deal with the fact that case In Vlrglnla where Tyler Doustou was awarded
justice in rape cases seems to be non-existent. to h'8 grandmother because his “the.“ Sham”
And we can chalk another one up to violence Bottoms, was a lesbian. Sharon‘s girlfriend Ilved
against women going virtually unpunished. W'th hergald Tyler. th h d T | t k n

Circuit judge positions are elective, you arons mo er a ye.“ a en away 0
know Maybe we should all let Judge Noble just charges that because she llved WIth her glrlfrlend,
how we feel about her negligence she was an unfit parent. The Virginia Court of

‘ Appeals overturned that decision in June, saying

The ‘un-Christian Religious Right’ just loves that although homosexual acts are illegal in

her to death Virginia, there was no evidence it made her an

if surgeon generals were elected Jocelyn unfit parent. The Court found no evidence of

Elders would get my vote An open advocate for abuse or neglect, or that her relationship with her
homosexual rights, anti-racism, and teaching our girlfriend had any detrimental effect .0” her son.
youth the real responsibilities of being sexually So somewhere, there [SJUSt'Ce at last.

)ulyi994 Page l3

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5' congratulations.
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July 1994 Page 14 ‘

 Hello, possums. I stand why she’s losing her appeal for the more
“D H 0 got some respons- empowered gays we have today.
0 0 es to our set Of Here are some new questions sent in by readers:
0 ‘3‘ May questions: 0: Regarding the GLSO News interview
e ‘fi with Cris Williamson, does anyone really think
9: If there was a monogamy is radical?
U) 2 pill that would
a I? make you straight, Q: Do you agree with the chosen title of
“’4' q. would you take it? “Fairness Alliance” or do you think it is another
I ‘30 A: ABSOLUTELY closet? What about “Lexington Men’s Chorus"?
HR 00“ NOT!
0: Where are the separatists?
Q: How old were you when you realized
you were “different? Q: Does your money go to lesbian or gay
A: I knew I was “different” around 11 or 12 people/organizations first--or to straight ones? Do
years, thought I did not act on it till much later. I you choose physicians, stores, realtors, based on
realized the difference when I became a feminist-- their sexual orientation?
started to look for the lesbians in feminist organiza—
tions and found myself almost nightly reading the Q: Do transvestites, drag queens, trans-
definition of “homosexual" in the dictionary. sexuals, and bisexuals belong in the lesbian and
A: Kindergarten. As soon as l was around gay community?
other boys my age, I secretly wanted a boyfriend Send your responses, and your suggested
instead ofagirlfriend. questions, to: GLSO Roundhouse, P.O. Box
11471, Lexington, KY40575.
Q: Who is the lesbigay figure, past or pre-
sent, whom you admire most? -» if": »
A: I don’t know that I admire any public fig- WENE§§Q§E§Q
we I resent the term “Ieabtgay"—-t am not lesbigay, " ' *
I am a lesbian. ls saving a few spaces more TheGayiLesbtanServrcesOrgamzatton
important than identifying me??? i am not a child (that'sugwantsYOUWearecumntlytcok-
undeniably great and full of gay subtext, because .42: .
he helped me include sexuality in my vision of the Them‘N‘waneedf0?,2?0?‘¢k¥9‘“3‘
older man I will someday be, because he is the first teerrngtotakepartmthespeakers’bureau f0?”
identifiably gay person that a lot of schoolchildren organizationsiSChOOtSJGtctwmmquesrgay—
successful at being gay way back than than many azttatzaeews V
o l are da . ”
A: | neither know nor care what it is about tobeouradmanagerfitswafifdeflfatlsolto
A: We“, “Over the RainbOW” is a great thetrwet‘esmtheseetstmgmshedpegesIf You
song—fearful and hopeful at the same time. I do aremterestedmthisposmon,pleasecontact
think that Judy’s image gets less heroic and more Maryat266~$904 '3 ,‘
exciustvety path etc as the years rot on. so I under— , ;
July 1994 Page 15

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