xt7k9882m608 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882m608/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of North Carolina, September 17, 1966 text University of Kentucky vs. University of North Carolina, September 17, 1966 1966 1966 2014 true xt7k9882m608 section xt7k9882m608 - K V-   {gy {T;  {ji AT  ;¥;L1;;§;.§i—§
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Every Lmgmes Watch, Kentucky Bosketboll ............................................................ 54    
whatever its type, for whatever .
its use,t0day, as for almost __ I
IIEIIIEIIIIESI°III$III“II IIIIII Published by U.K. Athletics Association I,  
wvrthyioevervrcspcctlv be Called Bernie A. Shively, Director ot Athletics `· 
The World's Most Honored Watch Edited by Ken Kuhn  
Director ot Sports lntorrnation   ,.
LONGINES-WITTNAUER WATCH C0. R€"""S°"§§;I,,;§[ ,l`I§§§f,§ln;fdf§;I‘$‘“g by I ‘
MONTREAL ' NEVI YORK ' GENEVA 27I Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y.
Maker ol Watches ol the Highest Character Since 1867

l WY  f 5 '  ' /\7
KENTUCKY yg_ NORTH CAROLINA Offensively, the visitors may boast a pre-season advan-
~Millionaii.eS Row" has been renlaeetl by a bnneh ot tagc over the r\V1ldcat§ who lost heavily in this department
hustling guys named "]oe" in the Kentucky lineup that lifts of 11li1Y· But I\C11tt1CkY $_Y01111g$t'€j1$ €21111€ 31011g fast 111 $DY111S
the litl on a nroniising lg66 Season tonight against the North and pre-season. (lI`1llSV\V1lZll a varied attack that managed to
t Carolina Tar HeelS_and therein lies the story not Only of roll up impressive scrimmagetscores equal to those registered
this opening encounter but of Coach Charlie Bradshaw’s by 1119 OH€11$1"€l}"111Ol1C1€11t 65 l11111Cl1·
hopes for the entire campaign. Direction of the balanced attack seems likely to bc
The stars like All-Americans Rick Norton, Rodger Bird and shared by a pair of inexperienced but capable quarterbacks,
Sam Ball collected their six-figure bonus contracts from the Terry Berrdles and Roger W'rr]Z_
l gm? following fl Stlfccsgfll but fmsfialing %9§5 season In Countering the threat of offensive superiority posed by
; tum D ‘lCC’ kcntlm y tlls bewfm wl L IQ img On A gm? Talbott will be the running and pass receiving of Kentucky
crally unheralded and inexperienced group that hopefully t_tiib_mk Larw Seine thc Ytss Ciltchinw Ot Wimghimk noi)
will catch fire as a team to improve on last year’s 6-4 record. ,6,,   r _ Ltd' d S); S 1i11f_i and ti fb 1ndO7.n Y` Ot new
l The chances for this prospect to come about is due for { {SAM; S (in B {tn [hmm ` K l ‘1 S
l a stiff test from the star—studded Carolina Tar Heels who U hm fmmf U ml Vt
i will be engaging a UK grid outfit for only the third time in D€fC11$1{'€lYyltl1€ lD11€1€ft1f “1ld€111$ 11011C lm be 11l1l€ to
history and for the first time in 32 year; Count on tie cc ge tiat wi assure victory tiat just mig it
l Pacing the dangerous Tar Heels in a bid to spoil Coach 1g111t€ t1 §111011ld€1111$ H10 of 1911111 $P111t· 1-iks C9·1"0l11'1€1»
, Bradshaw’s unblemished record (three wins and a scoreless Wl11Ul1 f1111$l1€d li1$t _111 1116 ACC 111 wml d€fC11$€ l11$t )'€111V
{   lt] Otjgnirlg gglngs   be gpg Of the niltigglg Super gtttrg lIl1C \V1l(.1CHtS of   l`ll.1(l TUOSt of tl]ClI` lZI`Olll)l(2 STCID fI‘()l`|] il')-
i in the person of do-it-all quarterback Danny Talbott. The f1b1l1tY V10 1¤<>1<1 0PP011€111$,11tiQl1¤“€l<·_ HQ}V€V€1`» Hmm is 1111
;~ Carolina aeeV hailed as the greatest Since Choo Choo lnStieeV indication that Bradshaw s S1xty—S1xers may have made
l Won Atlantic Coast Conference "l¤layer of the Year" honor greater progress in correcting this fault than have the Tar
  last season as a junior on a losing (4-6) team. He won the H€€’l$·
i conference total offense title with 1,477 yards (1,080 pass- As the two clubs square off tonight, each holds one vic-
, ing and 397 rushing) and also topped the league in scoring tory in the scries that began way back in 1910. In that first
with 70 points. meeting, significantly played in Lexington, Kentucky claimed
' UNC Coach ]im Hickey isnit forced to rely on Talbott’s an 11-0 decision. Twenty-four years later, the \Vildcats re-
Q exploits alone, however. All told, the ’66 Tar Heel squad paid the debt by absorbing a 6-0 licking during a visit to
l shows 28 ycttermen including ground attack leader Tom Chapel llill. In that game, Coach Chet \Vynne’s Ken-
i Lampman (444 yards), ends Bob Hume and Bo \Vood, half- tuckians reportedly did just about everything to Carolina
l back Dave Riggs and tackle Hank Sadler. except score.
E INSTANT REPLAY——Hopefu| that this scene will be repeated numerous times during the coming season, Kentucky's Larry Seiple turns on
the steam to elude Ole Miss defenders in one of the high points of the 1965 game in which he starred. The Wildcats tangle with the
Mississippi Rebels next week in Jackson to open their Southeastern competition.
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A 1 °dd  
Iumnus Governor Boosts W1 dcot Gr: ers . . .  
Edwerd T. Breethitt et 4l is the netion’s second oun est Governor. A Ho kinsville ettorne T
I I y I
he continues o femily record of distinguished public service thet detes beck to pre—Civil Wer deys
when en encestor, John Breethitt, served es the stete’s chief executive.
Governor Breethitt, who in his cepecity es Governor, elso serves es cheirmen of the University
of Kentucky Boerd of Trustees, begen his cereer es e lewyer end public servent immedietely upon
greduetion from the University of Kentucky College of Lew in l950. At the oge of 27, he wes
elected to the Stete House of Representetives. Leter he wes Stete Personnel Commissioner end e
member of the Stete Public Service Commission before being elected to Kentucky's highest office
in l9o3.
V\/hile e student et the University of Kentucky, where he elso obteined e degree in Commerce,
he roved his ce eciti for leedershi . While there he wes resident of l.em end Cross senior
men's honorery, end ODK, men's leedership end scholership honorery freternity.
His distinguished beckground elso includes three yeers in the Army Air Force during World
Wer Il end the stete presidency of the Young Democretic Clubs of Kentucky.
A netive of Hopkinsville, he is merried to the former Frences Hollemon of /\/leyfield. They
heve four chi|dren—f\/lery Fren, who is lo, Linde, l5, Susen, 9, end Edwerd lll, who is 7.
Governor Breethitt continues to be one of the most enthusiestic boosters of his Alme Meter
end its foetbell teem.

· ”          i        ·        V W 
f 'i J if  A i
`   w i rt    ;· ’-Y
K {fl    l l
i ¢‘ x  
F j *     9
Q V  
V e Qi   _    1 t ‘`»,
t           Put Vitality on your team . . .
r         t   drink milk! A glass of cool,
ii} L2         refreshing milk with meals
s~       ·   and snacks helps see you
__ _   _ it ?     through the busiest fall
  ‘ ‘’`‘    ’‘l`       schedule. No other beverage
  j   helps you get the lasting
, it  _A_, Q ‘   I  . energy found only in nature’s
    Vitality drink. . . Muk. You’ll
    cheer for milk’s Vitality.
§     a message from dairy farmer members of
· american
i sg? dairy
" association

 V -i
_;   ··      L
  My Old Kentucky Home ;.
  AV   s_C_F_ sruruzzx C.Fus1-nn 1;
G4 gig . né Rnthew slowly ;‘
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  mr::::<=::-·11 ::.==V ...=.- ..... .. _..- ....2 -r:. ..¤ M
  ""}]? " `    l_ Thu sun shines bx-ig-hr. in the old Xen-tuck-y homc, 'Tis sum-mc1·V  
§ `V W? V/V7 " E . young i`u1k» i-ull on the lit V (Vie n·nb.in 1'lum-, All mer-x-y_  
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  V   ull hup-py und hri;;ht;By’n hy hard times comes an knc»uk.i11g‘ MV thu dum-, Then my V
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