xt7k9882kn23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k9882kn23/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-10-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1935 1935 1935-10-01 2013 true xt7k9882kn23 section xt7k9882kn23 Best Copy Available










1, 19:55


UK Profs Teach MESSAGE SAYS U.K. Radio Studios
First Big Ten Team TO TAKE CARE OF Night Courses for ROTTERDAM IS Will Feature New FOR REMODELING
Louisville Pupils
InNumberofYears BASEBALL FANS Announcement was made from IN NO DANGER
Series of Programs U. OF K. CAMPUS
the office of the University

OPENS Wildcats To Meet










Robinson to Appear in Load
In "The Queen s Husband."
First Production of
Season Tickets Will Sell for
Three Dollars
The Guignol Theater, opening Its
eighth season on Oct. 14, under the
direction of Frank Fowler, presents
s its first offering "The Queen's
Husband", the popular comedy by

Robert Sherwood which enjoyed
such success on Broadway with Roland Young In the title role.
Prof. L. C. Robinson of the
department will appear in the
role of "The Queen's Husband" In
the forthcoming play supported by
the following cast:
King Lewis Cass Robinson
Northrup Capt. Howard Crlswell
Birten Paul Mansfield
Granton Jack Nelson
Fellman Walden Oreenwell
Prince Frank Willis
Phlpps George Pesol
Blent C. T. Hertzsch.
Queen Frances Reid
Anne Kitty Connely Wheeler
Petley Thelma Goodrich
Virginia Robinson, Ossle T.
Jones, Ouida K. Jones
Sargent Ross Chepeleff
Soldier John Bernard Adler
Guignol Theater, under the direction of Mr. Fowler, has In the
last seven years presented such
outstanding pieces as "Peer Gynt",
"Death Takes a Holiday", "Animal
Kingdom", "Once in a Lifetime",
and more than two score other ambitions productions usually undertaken only by professional groups.
The theater draws from Lexington
and surrounding cities for Its long
list of patrons and every opening
night finds in the audience many
theater people who
come from other cities to enjoy the
high professional standard set by
the Guignol Players.
Assisting Mr. Fowler is a large
staff of trained workers who handle
the technical details of every production. Lola Robinson is in charge
of the business staff. Virginia Boyd
Cox handles the costumes; lights
and lighting effects are in charge
of Julian Lefler, Alexander Capur-s- o


Wun-derllc- h,

directs the onjhestra, Gecyrge
White Fithian heads the play read-

Kentucky Resumes Conference Play with Ohio State


When the University of Kentucky
football team takes on the aggregation
representing Ohio State
favorites to
cop the Big Ten crown, it will mark
the first time for a period of seven
years that a Blue and White grid-Iro- n
machine has played a repre's
sentative of the Big Ten.
defeat of Kentucky in
1928 by the score of 7 to 0 marked
the finale for the "Big Blue" In
Big Ten competition until this year.
Kentucky's first engagement with
a representative of this conference
was In the dawning of football at
the University. On October 12, 1895,
Purdue, now a member of the Big
Ten, defeated the Wildcats by the
score of 32 to 0. In the years that
followed, Kentucky played various
representatives of the Big Ten,
among whom were the University
of Illinois, University of Chicago,
Northwestern and the University of
During this period Kentucky has

in United States

"Development of Transfer Taxes
in the United States In the Twentieth Century," written by Prof.
Rodman Sullivan, assistant professor of Economics at the University,
was among the articles appearing
in the July, "Tax Magazine."
In the article Professor Sullivan
discusses the status of Inheritance
estate and gift taxes by the states
and the federal government. It
shows that, though inheritance taxation began In Pennsylvania in
1826, the real development did not
come until after the turn of the
century. Rates for January 1, 1900
and January 1, 1935 are shown for
comparative purposes.
The American Legislative Association has asked for 100 copies of

this article.

Meeting of German
Club to Be Oct.


Fans Behind Mickey Coch
rane but Are Placing
Rets Cautiously


defeated and met defeat at the
hands of teams representing these
schools. Some of the greatest up
sets in football history are record'
ed by the University of Kentucky
football teams over these same outfits. In 1915, the University of
Kentucky defeated Purdue Univer
sity by the score of 7 to 0. This
victory Is considered one of Kentucky's greatest In their football
The most humillatnig defeat ever

administered to a Kentucky team
by a member of this conference was
handed out by the University of
Michigan in 1908 when they over
whelmed the Wildcats by the score
of 62 to 0.
Of these schools, the University
of Indiana has been played more by
the teams of Kentucky. Indiana
has defeated the Wildcats three out
of their five games played with the



French Are Seeking Ethiopian Permission to
Guard Railroad

ing group. Publicity is directed by
Dorothy Tanner Cabot. Mary ArmAddis Ababa, Sept. 30 (INS)
strong Elliott is responsible for all
properties, and the stage crew is There was great alarm In French
managed by Malcolm Shotwell. Somaliland today over movements
Each of these department heads of Italian troops across the frontier.
In the region of Mount Aussa,
has an assistant department director under him and several mem where the frontiers are not demar
bers of the staff to handle the cated, large numbers of Italian
countless duties in each depart- troops are 20 miles across the provisional Ethiopian frontier in armed
occupation of
triangle between
This year coffee will be served in the mountains a and the French
the lounge between the first and frontier.
second act each night, assisted by
The French claim the frontier is
hostesses who are to be announced
the center
later. Other plays this year are to commander of the river bed,troopsthe
of the French
be: "A Murder Has Been Arranged"
hearing of
"The Taming of the Shrew", An- occupation,on Immediately the Italian
nual Prize Play, "The Guardsman", 600 Senegalese to hold dispatched
the French
"Accent on Youth".
Season tickets are three dollars, side of the river bed and, along posts.
experts, to mark out frontier
including tax, for six plays. StuFifty airplanes loaded with bombs
cents, Indent seats are thirty-fiv- e
cluding tax. Reservations should be leave Djibouti every dawn to paFearing
made in advance at the box office. trol the frontier until dusk. event of
a critical situation in the
an outbreak of war, the French
military governor
is assuming
charge, superseding civilian officials.
Djibouti Is full of troops destined
Professor. Discusses. Inheri- for Diredawa to guard the railroad rones as soon as Ethiopian
tance Tax Development
permission Is received.

Sullivan Writes
Taxation Article

Hotel Reservations Are Filled
As World Series Pilgrims Converge on


International News Service
Sports Writer
Ser. 30 (INS) This
town is again the hub of the base
ball universe and Is duly conscious
of the fact. Every hotel is swamped
with reservations and packed to the
doors. Salesrooms
and meeting
rooms have been converted into
dormitories and one inebriated gent
offered to pay double the regular
tariff if a leading hotel would put
a pillow on a billiard table for him
When last seen the gent was head
ing for a park bench.
And the night was colder than
a hilted chorine's smile, and the
weather man was not a bit encouraging. The weather man predicts
continued cold with intermittent
rains and says heavy bennies will
be strictly In order.
Frank Navln, owner of the Tigers,
has enlarged his bleachers to take
care of a crowd of 50,000 or more
and he says he could fill the park
with out of towners alone.
than half a million bids for some
28.000 reserved seats and Frank's
headache Is to devise a system
whereby 500,000 will divide into 28,
000 and leave none disappointed. It
will be a good trick if he does It.
He Is going to place more than
20.000 bleacher seats on sale the
day of the first game and the en
suing fight should be reminiscent
of the late unpleasantness between
Joe Lewis, public hero no. 1, and
Max Baer, a lad even the ladies
have already forgotten.
The fans are lust as much In
terested in Mickey Cochran & Co.
as they were a year ago, but they
are not going haywire as they did
then. They are taking this one in
stride. A few of the nuttier nuts
were on hand to welcome the Tig'
ers home at midnight last nightbut
the rest of the natives were con
tent to go home and dream about
four straight for the Tigers.
Last year the locals were eager to
hock the family gems to bet on the
home guard but they're as cautious
as a Sootchman with a collection
plate right now. They still believe
In the Tigers but won't risk more
than 10 to 9 on their chances. Like
Mickey Cochran himself, they're
willing to lay 10 to 7 Schoolboy Rowe
trims Lon Warneke in the opening
game Wednesday.



Arrangements for Recogni

The German club will hold Its
first meeting of the current school
year at 4 p.m., Wednesday, October 2, In the Woman's building, it
was announced today by Fannie
Herman, president.
Dr. Daniel Van Brunt Megeman
will deliver an address on his travels In Germany, Sweden, Denmark,
Norway and England, where he
spent the past summer. Elections
of officers and plans for the school
year will be held during the

British Ready to Go Limit in
Applying Sanctions Against
Italy in Event of Ethiopian Invasion
London, Sept. 30 INS A quiet,
almost secret shift of Great Britain's huge fighting forces of warships .planes, and marines from the
Gibraltar to the Suez canal area
today found the British lion ready
to go the limit in applying sanctions against Italy.
With Rome dispatches indicating
it is now a matter of only a few
days before Premier Mussolini will
order his men to invade Ethiopia
and with the League of Nations
ready to convene at a moment's
notice to vote sanctions against
Italy if 11 Duce should attack Ethiopia, Britain stood ready to carry
out her pledge to the League to
support to the limit collective action against an aggressor.
With the same secretiveness and
the same display of quiet power
with which the British air and
naval fleets were concentrated at
Gibraltar ten days ago, these fight
ing forces now have been concentrated at Alexandria, guarding the
northern entrance to the Suez
canal, and at Aden, guarding the
southern entrance to the Red sea.
A large force remained at Gi
braltar, and it could readily be
seen Britain is In a position to close
either or both the Straits of Gi
braltar and the Suez canal, as well
as block entrance to the Red sea
from the south, in the event the
League should adopt military sanc-

The Y. W. C. A. senior cabinet
hold its first meeting of the
year at 7:30 tonight in Boyd hall, to
discuss the organization and calendar of the various Y. W. C. A.
groups, and to plan arrangements
for the recognition service for all
members, to be held October 15, in
Memorial hall.
Plans will also be made concerning the membership drive, which
will take place October 8, 9, and 10.
The opportunity will be given to
all University women to Join at this
time, in order to participate In Y.
There was a general assembly of W. C. A. activities for the coming
the College of Agriculture, Satur- year.
day, September 28, In Memorial
The senior cabinet is composed
hall. Dean Thomas Cooper wel- of 17 girls, who act as officers and
comed the freshmen and new stu- chairmen of the various groups.
dents to the University. An organ They are Martha Fugett, presirecital was given by Mrs. Leila dent; Frances Kerr,
Betty Moffett, secretary and hobby
group chairman ; Charlotte Coff-inatreasurer; Martha Christian,
freshman group chairman; Theo
The College of Agriculture has Nudelstein, publicity group chairthe largest enrollment in Its his- man; Virginia Robinson, membership-group chairman; Bartory this year. There are 218 boys finance
enrolled In Agriculture and 123 girls bara Smith, Dutch club; Elizabeth
enrolled in Home Economics.
Ann Kriegel, programs; Nell Nev-In- s,
sociul service leader; Mury
Gunn Webb, Worship group leader;
Deshler-WalliIs Mury Frances McClain, world felck
lowship; Martha Hull, social group
Virginia Murrell, music
group chairman; Marguerite
finance projects; Mury Rees
Lund. "K" Book; und Betty Earle,
The U.K. Alumni association
will have headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, in the lobby of
hotel. Memthe Deshler-Wallic- k
bers of the executive committee
and other alumni will be on
father of Wesley Carter, died lust
hund to greet all Kentucky stuwas buried Sunday at
dents and supporters, who are 2 p. and Mr.
Carter died of heart
invited to visit headquarters betrouble after a short Illness. Wesfore and after the football game.
ley Carter, Jr., was editor of The
In all future games awuy from
Kernel in 1933. While at the
home, the Alumni association
University he
himself in
will maintain headquarters for
radio worlu ai.u .
Uie convenience of U. K.
fairs. After g
"N' i
editor and pub
County Enter)!

N.Y.A. Women To

File Work Sheets









All "women

students of the Uni
versity who are working under the
National Youth Administration will
report to Mrs. 8. B. Holmes, Assist
ant Dean of Women, with their
work sheets at the end of the first
four weeks period which ends Octo
The men students will report to Dean T. T. Jones.
These work sheets which will
contain a record of the work done
by the NYA students have not arrived from Washington yet but as
soon as they do they will be sent
to the various work supervisors to
be filled out and given to the students.


Tomorrow, Sheeza
Mucha Fine Danca
"Heear ye! Hear ye!" the
town crier would say. But none
of thut stuff for us. We Just
say "Wanna dunce?" and if you
don't like the idea you don't
have to come.
Anyway, freshmen, it's like
tliis. Cwenes and Keys, the
honorary sophomore organizations, have planned a hop from
4 to 6 p. m. Wednesday afternoon in the Big Gym. And
It's especially for you. There
will be none of thut
freshman gag or the
line "you are so different from the ordinary cut and
dried type of freshman."
Just another way of saying you
are all wet, my luds and lassies.
And everybody knows you're not.
You don't need a data you may
meet you heart's desire while
W'ut knows?



Car-ryin- g



Station Intercepts
from Ship Asking for Assistance

(INSi The
liner, Rotterpassengers and
dam, carrying 450
a crew of 300, apparently was In no
danger of breaking up on the reef
off Morant Cays, 60 miles from
Kingston, Jamaica, on which the
vessel ran aground late last night,
according to radio dispatches reaching here today.
The ship sent out a call for assistance shortly after 2 a. m. and
virtually every Coast Guard cutter
on the Atlantic seaboard queried
the liner to determine the extent
of the danger In which It found
The grounded ship failed to state,
however, that Its need of assistance
was urgent.
The Coast Guard cutter Analga
was off Porto Rico when It heard
the Rotterdam's call and Immediately started towards the ship.
Shortly after 5 a. m. Eastern
Standard Time, the master of the
Rotterdam, Captain Vandulkin, radioed the Coast Guard station at
Jacksonville Beach, Fla., that all
aboard were "well and quiet."
Previously the Coast Guard both
here and In Florida intercepted a
message from the Rotterdam to the
Line agent In
Kingston asking that rescue ships
once to "take off
be dispatched at
the 450 passengers and part of the
Details of the mishap that befell
the Rotterdam were not contained
In any of the radio messages received here, but it is believed the
ship was driven on the reef by the
hurricane which has
been blowing through tht Caribbean sea.
The area around Morant Cays
has long been known as a danger
ground for ships.
The Rotterdam, built in Belfast
in 1908. is a vessel of 24.149 tons.
The ship left Kingston yesterday
and was due in New York on Friday.





New York, Sept. 30










radio programs were started last
week at the University extension
studios of WHAS and several other
special programs will be presented
during the coming weeks, according to releases Issued by Elmer O.
Sulzer, director of the studios.
The series inaugurated during
the week included "Football on
Parade," presented by Gerald Griffin, Lexington correspondent of the
Courier - Journal ; "The Monthly
Round-Tabl- e
on Current Events,"
led by Norman Garllng, editor of
the Kentucky Kernel; and a series of talks on "Modern Manners
and Customs," by Mrs. Sarah B.
Holmes, assistant dean of women.
"Football on Parade" reviews the
various Wildcat games and records
of various southeastern teams. The
of Current
"Monthly Round-tabl- e
Events" features Interviews of students and faculty members on per- tinent national and University
"Modern Manners and
Customs" discusses college etiquette
in its broadest sense and tells the
college girl Just what to do on all
Another series which was begun
26 features "Famous
Plays" and Is presented on consecutive Thursdays by George White
Fithian, instructor in English. The
series will consist of twelve radio

In cooperation

with the Kentucky Academy of Science, a 15- minute broadcast will be presented
every four weeks beginning October 9 under the general title "Keep- lng Up with Science." A summary
of the
of scientific achievements
month and accounts of new appli
up the
cations of science will make
R. S. Allen, associate
professor of Anatomy and Physiology, will be in charge of the broadcasts.
Current series now being presented include "Epoch Discoveries
of the Past," by Robert Maloney,
dramatic director of the studios;
"Fifty Years of American Light
Opera," featuring Mary Louise
soprano, and Gentry Shel-tobaritone; and "Do You Know
All the Answers?" by Frank Bur
ger, head announcer of the studios.

Several new members have been
added to the University Girl's Glee
club, which is under the direction
of Miss Mildred Lewis. Tryouts
were given to prospective new
members in order to insure that
only girls fitted for glee club work i
be admitted. Those successful in
the tryouts were Elaine Allison, Coach Parks Arranges South
Mary Bess Culton, Jane Freeman,
eastern Meets with TenElizabeth Hall. Wanda Lynch, Marnessee, Berea, Georgia
Nichols, Kath-ry- n
ian Mehler, Louise
Tech, Cincinnati
Park, Helen Robinson, Rosetta
Sexton, Elizabeth Tillett, Willeta
Candidates for the track team are
Tucker, Ina Mae Wallace, Martha
Warren, Roberta Wilson and Fran- requested to be at the Alumni gym
at 3 p. m. to try out and get in
ces Young.
condition for spring track. Meetings
are held daily and the candidates
run the prescribed course.
Cameron W. Parks, coach of the
crass country, is a graduate of the
University of Illinois, and for the
past four years has been coach of
the Barbourvillo high school. He
expects to enter seven men In the
Setting for fall cross country event.
Boonville Will Be
Men reporting for varsity are
County's First Fair; UniLedridge,
versity Departments Will Steckmest, Travis, Crain, Rogan,
Ford, Spragens,
Contribute Displays
Freshmen reporting for the cross
The University of Kentucky will
make a contribution to the Owsley country are Moore, Riles, Moore,
County Fair in the form of an ex- Tooms, Crum, Chapman, Head, and
hibit of Kentucky's mineral re- Mcintosh.
If the team responds satisfactorily
sources, books relating to Owsley
training period.
county, a display of recent engi- to an eight-wee- k
neering advances and a free motion Coach Purks plans to take them
picture show, it was announced to- to the following
day. The fair will be held at Boon- meets: University of Tennessee at
Knoxville. Georgia Tech at Atville, October 4 and 5.
The fair, the first to be held In lanta, Berea College at Berea.
of Cincinnati at Cincinnati.
Owsley county In recent years, is
expected to attract a large number An amateur contest will be held in
Louisville Thanksgiving.
of people from neighboring counties, and the University's display
is being prepured with the ideu of
There will be an Important meetbeing of especial interest to those ing of the Aeronautical association
of that section of Kentucky.
at 7 o'clock tonight in Room 111,
The geological collection, besides McVey hull. The purchase of a
containing representative minerals power plane and the planned dance
from all parts of the state, will lay will be discussed. All members und
emphasis on the couls and oils of interested parties are urged to atOwsley county. Models showing the tend.
principles of oil accumulation and
a structure map of Owsley county
will be included. Several working
models, including one of a geyser,
will be found in the geological ex
The University library will send
two illuminated cases which will
The forms for the students'
contain leiiiesentative scientific
literature reluiing to Owsley coun- - directory will be closed on Monday, October 7. All changes oi
ty, interesting books on Kentucky,
inexpensive books for children and
address must be in the regisseveral other collections. A number
trar's oft ice by that time. The
of rare eurly editions may be seen.
directory is punted for the stuuse, consequently It Is
The motion picture show will be
operated by the University Depart- desirable thut the whereabouts
nient of Extension. Many reels of
and means ol contacting every
educationul ami historical film will
student be williin the reach of
be taken to Boonville, and free
all. The directory contains tlw
shows will be given continually
name, home town, local address,
"wm H,i fair. At intervals, talks,
and local telephone number of
'f-r- .
'h student.







Uni-veisi- ty



Long Sought Union Building
May Be One of Edifices Erected
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
recently approved a loan and grant
to the University of Kentucky, totaling approximately $360,000 for
the construction of several new
buildings on the University campus. The project must now be finally

Monday Last Day
ToChange Address





General McCarl before the plans
for construction can be begun.
Dean James Hiram Graham, of
the University College of Engineering, announced that the plans for
the construction would probably be
started about two weeks after the
final approval of the loan and grant.
It has not been definitely decided,
he stated, what buildings will be

The original plan, proposed by
the University, was for a govern
ment loan of $1,100,000 for the remodeling of the engineering buildings, the construction of a Home
a Student
Union building, a Law School
building, a Music building, an Art
building, an addition to the Education building, and the combining
of the present 32 heating plants
on the campus into one central
plant. This plan was cut by the
PWA authorities and approved by
the President.
A $40,000 grant was given to the
University College of Agriculture
for an addition to the Experiment
Station, in addition to the other
loans and grants. Aid was also
granted to Morehead State Teachers College and Murray State
Teachers College, and to various
civic projects throughout the state.






Wildcat Football (James and
President Approves Loan of
Dixie Team Records lo
MfiO.OOO to University;
He Reviewed
For Work on New
Three Interesting new series of

430 Passengers and
Crew of 300, Aground
Off Jamaica



tion Service, Organization
of Various Groups to Be tions against Italy.

U.K. Headquarters


tension department last week of
courses to be offered in Louisville
during the first semester 1935-3These courses will Include ethnology, geology, and history. Others
will be offered when there is suf
ficient demand.
The extension courses will be
open to students In Louisville, Jefferson county, and surrounding
counties. The classes will meet In
the Louisville Normal school bluld- lng, once each week. Satisfactory
completion of each course will entitle the student to two hours credit. The tuition Is five dollars per
credit. Students not Interested In
college credit may register as auditors. Attendance at fifteen or more
class meetings will entitle these
students to an auditor's certificate.
The same tuition as for regular
students will be charged.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, head of
the Department of Zoology and
professor of Anthropology at the
University will teach the course In
ethnology. Dr. A. C. McFarlan,
head of the Geology department
will teach the course in geology. Dr.
Edward Tuthill, head of the History department, will teach the
course In history.
Further information on these
and other extension courses offered
by the University may be obtained
by writing to the University.

To the
Interested in
Social Service? World Fellowship?
HobBooks? Worship?
bies? Art? Socials? Join the Y.
W. C. A.!!

There will be a meeting of Alpha
Phi Omega at the Delta Tau Delta
house at 7:30 p. m., Thursday, October


The University Democratic club
will meet at 6:45 p.m., Friday, October 4 ,in the recreation room of
Patterson hall. All students affiliated with the party are invited to
become members of the club.
There will be a meeting of all
freshmen tennis candidates at 2
p. m. Wednesday afternoon on the
tennis courts. All those who are
interested, be sure to be there.
The Freshman and Senior cabinets of the YMCA will meet at 7
o'clock Tuesday night in the YMCA
room in the Armory.
Dr. L. H. Ryland, head of the
Department of Romance Languages
at the University, is the
of a book) written in Spanish, on
contract bridge, which has Just

been published by Espase Culpa of

The Kentuckian editor, Bazil
Baker, has issued the first call to
all who are Interested in working
on the year book, and requests
that they meet him at 3 p. m. to
day in Room 54 on the ground
floor of McVey hall. This meeting
Is very important.
group, with ideals
locally and
nationally, will meet for organization at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night
in room 113, McVey hall. The
group will be especially concerned
with the elimination of the spoils
system from state government. All
interested students are Invited to



belter government


There will be a Theta Sigma Phi
meeting this afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the home of Betty Boyd. Members and pledges please be present,
Dean Sarah Blaiuiing will begin
her weekly talks to irishman women tonight at 7:15 o'clock in Patterson recreation hull.


will meet in Komi






There will be un Important meeting of SuKy Circle ul 4 p. m. today
in the Alumni gymnusium.
member are requested to be

� Best Copy
l'ape Two

T !!

The Kentucky Kernel

Mmhf r
LMlnnton Bnurd of Commfrra
Nation! Collrf rrfw A"orlBtion
International Newt Service


spect for the wisdom of those in would deprive the plcbe of those
contacts and the "guiding hand" of
However, It is the duly of youth the older brothers which often are
to criticize, to study, to discuss, and so needed to keep him In the
to contmplate the statesmanship "straight and narrow" during his
of those In power. It Is we, who first yea:' of college. Then too, some
will be entrusted with the
of organizations complain of the exsolving these problems In the years pense of rushing all during the first
that are to come. If we sec ft dimn-abl- e remester.
heritage being passed to us.
The short deferred system has Its
we have a right to protest. If we advantages in that It has overcome
see n newer, brighter and more in- all the disadvantages of the long
telligent heritage in the making, deferred system and at the same
we have the obligation to foster time has retained to a considerable
and encourage it.
extent its advantages. To elluci-datWe have Just passed a na ional
the short system would re
crisis. Our President has pointed move the immediate hurry and unout the? need for fundamental certainty of the first week, postchange in finance, industry, componing It over a period of three or
merce, agriculture,
and governfour weeks, and would give the
ment. How these changes are to be parties concerned a much better
realized is a burning question. A chance, although not quite as good
as that offered In the longer period
constitutional crisis Is at hand.
May both organizations
Judisystem, of determining their real
ciously end with their limited re- feelings In the matter. At the same
sources study these questions with time the fraternities would not be
a view of enlightening their fellow deprived of the financial aid of
students. We suggest that public early pledging
and the pledge
debate would create an interest In would not lack the early discipline.
political thought and increase the The objection of rushing expense
usefulness of the societies.
all semester found In the first plan
We sincerely hope that any de- Is also eliminated here. As a supbate will be of a construct-natur- e
plement to the short system, it has
and not rest on the tenets of part- been suggested that dates during
ies now defunct. American party the first week of school be eliminprinciple? can no longer rest on ated entirely. The merit of this
tradition dating back to the Civil plan is apparent for It Is during
War. It is safe to say that Repubthis first week that the freshman
lican conservatism is gone. Jeffer-sonia- n is extremely busy with registration
Democracy also exists In and matriculation and has little
name only. Let's face the facts as time to think about pledging a framanifested by the "Rooseveltlan ternity and the fraternity active
Revolution." The Issue rests on has his hands full In getting startmelhods necessary to bring about ed in school himself.
necessary permanent changes,
Both plans, as we have said, have
which will conform as nearly as their merit
and disadvantages.
possible to American ideals.
However, the old one week system
How these changes are to be is definitely on the way out. It Is
brought about Is our thesis. It is a therefore necessary that we give
difficult problem. The past cannot full consideration
to all plans
be disregarded
entirely; certain which are presented.
principles are sacred and inviolate,
Innovations may
be costly to the next generation,
not only in the form of burdensome
taxation but in the form of clumsy
structures and In- - i
flexible laws.
Let's be so practical that the
"Students Throw
"tradition exploiters" and the "radDown Books for Chicago Trip."
ical experimenters" will both turn
Story "They're off! In numbres
red faced with shame In the face comparable
to the exodus of the
of a rising Intelligence.
Children of Israel to the promised
land, the students of the University have set their faces northward
LONG AND SHORT OF DE- and begun their Journey to the field
of Stagg, a land flowing with the
milk of opportunity and the seet
A growing movement for deferred honey of promised fame."
fraternity rushing is daily rising all So goes the story of the big trip
over the country. Every day there to Chicago where the University
comes to this desk exchanges con- of Kentucky Wildcats were to play
taining editorial which manifest University of Chicago's Maroons
plain disgust at the present situa- in the second game of the year for
tion and advocate a "new deal" In the
the system.
Headline "Tough Luck, Kappa
The problems of other schools Sigs."
colleges are essentially no different
"Fraternity House Burglar Manfrom those here at