xt7k6d5pcm3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pcm3w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-09-24  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 24, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 24, 1941 1941 1941-09-24 2020 true xt7k6d5pcm3w section xt7k6d5pcm3w WW 3

Minutes of the University Faculty — August 20, 1941


Cfindiéfiffifi for the Degree 2: Master 2E Science

Name Address
Henry Reed EVans Raceland
Wendell Elihu Howard Ewing
Fannie Wallace Porter Louisa
Adele Rice Livingston
Winnie Flora Sinclair Campbellsville

Candidate for the Degree 2: Doctor 2: PhilosoRhy


Name Major Subject Address

Gladys Myra Gray History Eastbank, W. Va.


A ting Secretary

September 24, 1941

The University Faculty met in the President's Office on Wednesday.
September 24, at 4 p.m., President Donovan presiding. Members in attend-
ance were Jesse E. Adams, Paul P. Boyd Thomas P. COOper, A. E. Evans,

W. D. Funkhouser. James H. Graham, Henry H. Hill, Frank D. Peterson, W. S.
Taylor, and Edward Wiest.

Dean Henry H. Hill served as temporary Secretary. The minutes of
August 20. 1941, were read and approved. On recommendation of President
Donovan, Registrar Leo M. Chamberlain was appointed Secretary of the Uni~
versity Faculty. Following this action, Mr. Chamberlain came into the

The following statement was read to the University Faculty by Presi-
dent Donovan;

"You are aware of the great responsibilities the BOard
of Trustees has placed on this group of men designated as the
Faculty of the University. The planning and the administra-
tion of the future program of the University is committed very
largely to us. We must display wisdom, vision, courage and
understanding in our actions. In considering the problems
that will from time to time come before us. I hope we shall
think of the University as a whole, and not primarily of this
or that college. This group should consider always the general
welfare of the University.



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Minutes of the University Faculty 9 September 24, 1941

‘ There will be some criticism of the composition of

y this body. It will be charged that we are administrators and
that we do not adequately represent the teachers of the Unis
} versity. The plan will be criticised as undemocratic. Let
5L: us be prepared to meet these criticisms by practicing demo-

“ cratic procedures in the administration of our colleges.

That will be the best answer we Can give to such criticism.

y We should invite and encourage constructive criticism from

y members of our faculties. They have many contributions to

At this time I have one statement of policy which I
should like to make. In recent years urgent demands for the
extension of services on the University haVe greatly exceeded
our financial resources for meeting these services. The preSv
sure has been so great and the services so desirable that the
expansions have frequently been made. From my study and ob-
servation since coming to the University I am persuaded that
this expansion has been to a degree at the expense of the
3 r ,‘ faculty, staff and other employees. A part of this expansion

‘ has been at the insistence of faculty and staff members who
have unwittingly kept their own salaries down. It is my opinw
ion that we should for the present consolidate our gains of
the past decade, build up all the departments and agencies we
have established, restore as far as it is desirable the sale
aries that were cut, advance in salary many of the men brought
. into the institution during the depression, restore physical
M 9‘ equipment that has been worn out or neglected and recondition
l 1 some of our old buildings before extending our program farther.
ll 1‘ When these things are done and a standard is reached that is
Jiwi acceptable to us we should then extend the services of the Unis
t' ‘g versity to new fields. To this policy there may have to be
t ; exceptions but the exceptions should be rare and they should
E \ be made only after careful deliberations by the faculty of the
i University. It is my hope that the Deans of the Colleges will
fi" be in agreement with this policy and that they will help hold





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in restraint efforts to expand the activities of the University
until there are funds available for new services.


i“. , At the time of my appointment as President of the Unis
WW versity the BOard of Trustees created a new position, that of
l‘ t Dean of the University. This is a position that some of the
II, E- older and larger universities established a number of years

‘ 1 ago. The Trustees have told us that they created the position
i ! 5 ' for the purpose of relieving the President of many of the den
I tails of administration and to give him more time for public
v H relations and some leisure to plan and think through the prob-
Eji' _ lems of the University. I am grateful to the Beard for estab-
éfld fl lishing this office. '
I £ ‘

fll‘ f The Dean of the University was given general supervision
ffléj ‘1 of the office of Dean of Men, Dean of Women, the Registrar and
“3‘ U of the personnel of the Library. I have requested the Depart-
tit h. ment of the University Extension to report to him. The Dean of


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Minutes of the University Faculty — September 24, 1941

the University is expected to appoint all committees, with the
approval of the President, which relate to the activities of
the University as a whole or the activities of two or more col~
leges of the University. He is to be ex=officio member of all
committees so appointed.

I am requesting the Dean of the University to serve as
Acting President whenever the President is absent from the cam-
pus. I consider this new position as an extension of the office
of the President established for the purpose of expediting the
work of the University and to be of greater personal service to
the Deans of the Colleges and other officials of the University.

The Dean of the University will have many contacts with
you and I shall appreciate your cooperation with him. I plan
to ask him to do many things and to make many studies that re-
late to the University and often to your colleges. He has
already made a study of our salary situation at the University.
I have requested him to integrate the personnel program of the
University, to study class size, analyze the curriculum to see
if there are duplicate courses or courses that are no longer
needed, to plan our convocation programs and to preside over
them, and numerous other studies and surveys that should result
in improving the quality of our University.

With this group I anticipate anticipate many happy asso-
ciations as we plan for the future of the University."

President Donovan Called upon Dean Hill to report on the appointment
of University committees. Dean Hill stated that he had studied the personnel
and functions of the various existing committees, and that the following
appointments had been made:


Accredited Relations w Paul P. Boyd, Leo M. Chamberlain, Alvin
E. EVans, W. D. Funkhouser, W. S. Taylor, Edward Wiest.


Auditing Committee for Student Enterprises ~ H. H. Downing,
Robert Haun, D. H. Peak.

Commencement Exercises — A. E. Bigge, Jane Haselden, E. B.
Farris, Alexander Capurso, Leo M. Chamberlain, Mrs. Leo M.
Chamberlain, Howard Donnelly, R. D. McIntyre, A. J. Olney,
Mrs. waiter A. Price, Edward W. Rannells, Mrs. Ethel Smoot
Rix, Officers of the Senior Class.


Insurance ” Edward Wiest, L. H. McCain, President H. L. Donovan,
Alvin E. Evans, E. Z. Palmer, Frank D. Peterson.


‘The first named member of each committee is the chairman. The Dean of
the University is ex officio a member of each committee.

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Minutes of the University Faculty a September 24, 1941

Grants in Aid e D. V. Terrell, S9 A. Boles, T. T. Jones, D° H.
Peak, Bernie Shively.


Library - George K. Brady, T. D. Clark, C. S. Crouse, John
Kuiper. J. W. Martin, Edward Tuthill.

Music a W. E. Freeman, Alexander Capurso, R. D. Haun, John
Kuiper, C. A. Lampert, Mildred Lewis, R. D. McIntyre.

Rules 9 Paul P. Boyd. Leo M. Chamberlain, W. E. Freeman, L. J.
Horlacher. Frank H. Randall, Wo S. Taylor, Edward Wiest.


Scholarship and Attendance " Paul P. Boyd, Sarah B. Holmes,
Leo M. Chamberlain, Alvin E. Evans, W. E. Freeman, L. J.
Horlacher, T. T. Jones, W. S. Taylor, Edward Wiest.



Haggin Fund Publications 0 Frank L. McVey, W. D. Funkhouser,
Edward Wiest, E. F. Farquhar.


Schedule of Eléiiii - Leo M, Chamberlain, Marshall Ketchum,
W. L. Roberts. Maurice Seay, L. J. Horlacher, D. V. Terrell,
A. E. Bigge, Amry Vandenbosch, A. C. McFarlan, M. Scheragoe


University Defense Council e W. S. Webb, A, E. Evans, C. C.
Carpenter, C. S. Crouse, George Roberts, J. E. Adams, Alberta


Defense Activities for Women = Sarah B. Holmes, J. S, Chambers,
Howard Donnelly, J. W. May, Kathleen Shedd.

Foreign Students Committee = A. E. Bigge, Sarah B. Holmes, J.
Huntley Dupre, Hobart Ryland.


Student Standards = Margaret Ratliff, John Kuiper. Sarah B.
Holmes, T, T, Jones. The first two mentioned are anpointed
by the President to be annroved by the Student Government


Finance Committee a H. H, Downing, C. C, Carpenter, Frank D.

Social Committee a T. T. Jones, Sarah B. Holmes, William S. Ward.
L. J. Horlacher. Margaret Lester.

Student Publications Committee 6 Neil Plummer, Frank D. Peterson,
Gayle Starnes.


'All committees of the Student Government Association have students as
chairmen. The Student Welfare Committee and the Liaison Board have facul-
ty members who are elected by the Student Government Association,





Minutes of the University Faculty - September 24, 1941

In connection with the report on UniVersity committees, the Faculty
considered briefly the place of the Curriculum Committee. While no official
action was taken, it seemed to be the Opinion of the Faculty that if con-
tinued, the Curriculum Committee could serve only in an advisory capacity
as the University Faculty is charged with the responsibility for approval
or disapproval of courses recummended to it by the various colleges.

The Faculty next considered the question of a revision of existing
University rules in terms of the new University organization and the general
need for such a revision. After due consideration of this problem and some
discussion of the place of the Rules Committee in the past administration
of the University, the Faculty voted that the matter of a revision of the
rules be referred to the Rules Committee, this Committee to report to the
Faculty. It was pointed out by President DonOVan that the University would
continue to operate under existing rules, to the extent that they are con-
sistent with the new organization, until the work of the Rules Committee
has been completed and passed on by the Faculty.

On recommendation of President Donovan, the Faculty considered the
matter of the frequency and time of its meetings. The Faculty voted to
meet once a month regularly and on call by the President of the University.
The date of the regular meetings was set for the second Friday of each
month at 4 p.m.

Dean Hill reported to the Faculty on the matter of granting credit
for courses offered under the Civil Aeronautics Authority. He presented the
recommendations of Colonel Donnelly and the comments of instructors and
others who had been associated with this work. The Faculty voted to approve
the primary course for four hours of credit, with the matters of number,
title, description, and allocation left to the Dean of the University, the
Deans of the Colleges involved, and the Registrar. It was understood that
the apprOVal of credit was to be retroactive, covering all students who had
preuously completed the work.

The program of Engineering Defense training, in its broadened as-
pects. was outlined to the Faculty by Dean Graham. He discussed the scope
and character of the work hitherto 00nducted at the University, and pointed
out that during the past year the courses, while primarily in engineering,
had to some extent carried into the fields of physics and chemistry. In
view of the fact that the Government is encouraging a somewhat broader pro-
gram, covering industrial management and other areas relating to engineer-
ing, Dean Graham suggested that the cooperative relations might be extended
to include work in the College of Commerce and in the Department of Bacteri-
Ology. He pointed out that the courses do not involve credit. The Faculty
voted that approval be given to defense courses in engineering, science and
management, under sponsorship of the Federal Government, these courses to
be offered without credit.

On recommendation of the Music Department and the College of Arts
and Sciences, approval was voted by the Faculty for the University Band to
make the following trips, with the understanding that the University is not
itself in any way financially obligated:


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Minutes of the University Faculty - September 24, 1941

3y- The V.P.I-eKentucky football game, Louisville, Saturday,
;i . September 27 - the Band to leave after the 7th hour on Friday, %
y ’ September 26. M


‘f‘ The XavieraKentucky game at Cincinnati, on October 18 a
i‘ the Band to leave the campus at 8 o"clock on the morning of
that day.

The AlabamaBKentucky game, at Tuscaloosa, on Saturday,
November 1 a the Band to leave on Friday morning, October 31.

Dean Boyd presented to the Faculty a oetition from Carlton M. Davis
to be permitted to complete the final two credits of the Arts requirement
for the combined arterlaw degree, by correspondence. President Donovan
ruled that under the University reorganization, a decision on this matter
was within the jurisdiction of the College of Arts and Sciences.


‘ Subject to the apnrOVal of the Arts and Sciences Faculty, the Uni" fig.
i; l ‘ versity Faculty voted approval of Chemistry 49a, a special course for

l‘ t nurses, for four credits instead of three credits as predously authorized.

‘ This course is operating this semester as a fourecredit course, under authcr~
ization of the President.


On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, Music 203,

L ‘ Choral Literature and Technique, 2 credits, was authorized to be offered
during the regular school year. It had previously been approved for the sum“
mer session only.

‘d , On recommendation of the College of Education, the Faculty voted to
j‘ 3“ authorize the offering of Education 252 during the regular school year. It
lwi ‘ too had previously been approved for the summer session only.

Li I The Faculty voted its approval of a new course in the College of Law =
i n, Law 182, Military Law and Defense Legislationo This course is now being ‘
' is offered under authorization of the President of the University. ‘1.


1y Dean Boyd presented to the Faculty a request from John Lewis to have
1W2 his status changed from that of a special student to a regular student, so
ifli that he might graduate with the degree of 8.8. in Music without doing the
NW j 30 hours of extra work that would be required of him under the existing

I”? ' rules regarding special students. This request was referred to the Dean of
{V‘ the University and the Registrar, who are to make a recommendation to the
:f‘, f N University Faculty.

The Faculty heard four requests of students to have added to their
summer schedules courses which they had attended but in which they had not
officially enrolled. The Faculty voted that these cases and others of a
similar character should be passed upon by the Dean of the University, the
Registrar. and the Dean of the College involved.

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