xt7k6d5pch2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pch2n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1993 1993 1993-03-22 2020 true xt7k6d5pch2n section xt7k6d5pch2n  




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By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


UK President (‘harles Wething-
ion has chosen a consulting firm to
review administrative functions and
how they can operate more effi-

Wethington hired The Institute

Established 1894

for Research in Higher and Adult
Education at University of Mary-
land last Monday as part of UK’s
realignment and restructuring pro-

“I think there's been a clear indi-
cation that it would be helpful now
to have an outside source look at us
after we have looked at ourselves so
exhaustively the last 15 months,"
Wethington said. “Maybe some

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

new eyes from outside czm suggest
things for us that we rriay not be
able to see ourselves."

The main duty of the consultants
will be to suggest ways to stream-
line die administration. Wethington

“I have charged them with re-
viewing the senior level administra-
tive structure of the University
to determine whether our adminis-

trative organization tan be or
should be changed in any way to
make it better." he said 3
Wethitigton said the L’\ilCl details
haven‘t been worked out but that
the fee Will not exceed $22,400.
The money wrll come from private
funds. not state money, he said.
Wethirigton said ire received ”nu—
rnerous suggestions" of finns to
choose and narrowed the list to the

Independent since 1971

Maryland group and two others:
M(i'l‘ of America Inc. a Honda-
based firm; and (‘tmpers and Ly-
brandt, a Lexmgton company that
tdso is UK's accounting firm.

He asked each group for propo-
sals, not bids. but said the Maryland
institute also quoted the lowest

Wethington said he selected the
linn because of the experience of



By Mark Sonka
Senior Staff Writer


NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Rick
l’itino's UK Wildcats are blowing
through the NCAA tournzunent
like it‘s one big restaurant drive-
tliru lane and they're in a hurry.

After vanquishing paltry Rider
(‘ollege by 44 in the first round,
UK rolled over the Utes of Utah
yesterday as smooth as chiffon 83-
62 at Vanderbilt‘s Memorial Gym-
nasium, setting a 'l'hursday date
with No. 5'sced Wake Forest at
the Southeast Regional semifinals
in Charlotte. N.C.

“We cannot play any better at
both ends than we're playing right
now." Pitino said. “We‘re playing
spectacular half—court defense.
We‘re playing outstanding half-
court offense. And we're going to
the right options.

“We‘re peaking at the right
time. which is nice to see."



By John Kelly
Sports Editor

NASHVILLE. 'l'enn. — All the
way seems the only way for this
UK basketball juggemaut.

That‘s what made this otherwise
sleepy Nashville subregional, in
which all but one of the top-
seeded teams advanced, at the
very least intriguing.

“I'm thinking about six games."
junior forward Jamal Mashburn
said before UK's big win over Rid-
er. “Six-and-O. That's how 1 look
at this."

UK fans are looking at it that
way, too. They‘re going all the
way. Six grunes is only three
weekends for them. The long
drives won't stop Big Blue back-
ers, and classes aren't stopping
UK students.

The only thing keeping undecid-
ed sophomore Keith Stephens
away from the basketball couns
are the other courts —-— the judicial
variety. He said he's been called




'lhat is, unless you play for Utah
(24-7), which looked like a for-
midable banier in UK‘s path for
about three minutes, as the the
Cats squandered their first six
scoring opportunities.

Then UK decided to play.

A Jamal Mashbur'n three from
the wing with 16:47 left, followed
by successive threes from Travis
Ford and Mashbum again. got the
Cats rolling to a speed that proved
impossible for Utah to stop.

“1 think the first five minutes set
the tone for us,” said Utah forward
Josh Grant, who scored 24 points
to pass the 2,000-point mark in his
career. "They got on that early
run, and they never looked back."

UK fans

looking for 6 Wins

forjury duty this week and won't
be making the trip to Charlotte,
N.C.. to see UK play Wake Forest

But he was in Nashville. Ste-
phens and Steve Patterson, an edu-
cation senior, found tickets
through a connection. Stephens‘
father is a member of the Commit-
tee of 101, whose members per-
form various services for UK ath-
letics, including acting as ushers.

Friends in high places didn’t
mean much, though. Their tickets
were in even higher places: Me-
morial Gymnasium's section 31...
in fact, just high enough to rival an
upper deck, comer seat in Rtrpp
Arcna's rafters. Take some Kleen-
ex and a pair of binoculars.

It didn't matter. They were just
happy to be here.

“There’s no doubt," Stephens
said Friday. “Utah is the only team
here. Pitt wouldn't be a problem.
They’ll do it.“

See FANS, Page 4


Cats blowing through
NCAA tournament

Things would not have appeared
so bleak from the beginning for
Utah had UK (27-3) not combined
its accelerating offense with a
matching effort on the defensive
end of the floor.

The (‘ats held Utah to 31 per—
cent field goal shooting (nine for
20) in the first half, and it took
nearly 15 minutes for the Utes to
track double digits in scoring.

“Their pressure didn’t hurt us ~—
we just missed some shots. That's
what killed as." (irant said.

“1 diought our defense won the
gtune for us." 1~‘ord said.

UK‘s daunting defense was by

“One thing we wanted to do was
create two people in one jock-
strap," l’itino said. “We are play-
ing intelligent defense as well as
solid defense."

When Grant

See CATS, Page 4

finally scored


Top: UK head coach Rick Pitino instructs the Wildcats during a timeout in their 96-52 victory
over Rider Friday. Above: The UK pep band followed the Wildcats to Nashville, Tenn. They
were among the Wildcat faithful who went to cheer on UK in its hunt for a sixth national title.



UK faces Wake Forest Thursday night in Charlotte, N.C.


"""ri'c'i‘: '* 3


JEFF BURLEW. Kernel Staff

Monday, March 22, 1993

Wet hi ng to n chooses firm to review administrative functions

the principal investigators — Har-
old l-.tiarson and Robert Berdahl.
linarson is a fomier president of
(‘levcland State and Ohio State uni—
\L'l'sllle and a current member of
die Western Interstate (‘ommission
for Higher lkiucation. He has also
evaluated other universities, includ-
mg Utah, Hawaii, Memphis State

CONSULTANT, Ba... page
Track errors
not hindering

By Kyle Foster
Senior Staff Writer





Weather puts spring break plans on ice


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


Thousands of southbound sun
worshipers traded swimsuits for
snowsuits early last week after one
of the worst winter storms of the
century dumped snow across the
eastern region of the country.

The weather delayed spring break
plans for many after officials closed
parts of interstatcs 64 and 75
throughout the region, and airports
as far south as Atlanta shutdown.

Those who did make it to warmer
climes found more bad weather
awaiting them: Florida was hit by
numerous tomados during the

Rob Webster, an English senior
who made it to Florida with 44 oth-
er members of the Campus Crusade
for Christ. said the “winds. torna-
does and stuff were worse than the

But Webster was able leave town

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