xt7k6d5pch0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pch0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1990 1990 1990-10-26 2020 true xt7k6d5pch0g section xt7k6d5pch0g  

Kentucky Kernel

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UK officials upset with flag burning

Editor in Chief

Assistant News Editor

Staff Writer

UK officials reacted with outrage
yesterday to a flag-buming incident
on campus Wednesday night in
which performer Jello Biafra lit an
American flag on stage at Memorial

In a statement, UK President
Charles Wethington and Chancellor
for the Lexington Campus Robert
Hemenway criticized the former
punk rocker's decision to light the

flag during the performance, which
drew a crowd of about 850.

In addition, Biafra’s act was in vi-
olation of campus fire codes. “In a
place of public assembly, which that
was, open flames are not permitt
said Garry Beach, manager of the
office of fire and accident preven-
tion at UK.

While Wethington acknowledged
Biafra’s First Amendment right to
freedom of expression, he said the
University administration was “dis-
appointed and displeased" with the
actions that took place. “We want it
known that UK neither approves nor
condones this activity."

Hemenway went a step further,

questioning Biafra’s timing with the
United States involved in the Gulf

“I am disappointed that the speak-
er, and some students, felt it was
necessary to exercise free speech in
this manner when 250,000 Ameri-
can troops are far from home serv-
ing under this flag," Hemenway

Biafra, former lead singer of the
now-defunct San Francisco band
Dead Kennedys, performed numer-
ous monologues mocking the US.
government and the American socie-
ty’s viewpoint on religion, politics,
censorship, values, morals and sev-
eral cun-ent political issues.

The flag-buming incident was
precipitated by a comment Biafra
made about the flag, which he
called a “Yankee swastika.”

Gordon Brown. a former UK stu-
dent sitting in the crowd, threw Bia-
fra a flag and another crowd mem-
ber, architecture junior Mark Lupes.
pitched a lighter on stage.

Biafra then held the lighter to the
flag, setting a comer of it on fire.
But two protesters from the balcony
ran down to the stage, seized the
flag and ran out the side door. As
some of Biafra’s supporters began
to pursue the two, the performer
said: “Let ’em go.”

Barry Stumbo, adviser for the




Volunteers from the Lexington and UK chapters of Habitat for Humanity helped the Abner family (above) build a house on Detroit Ave—
nue last Saturday. The Abners' home was destroyed last May by a tire. See photo essay, page 5






Contributing Writer

In an effort to bring north cam-
pus residence halls closer togeth-
er and provide a little Halloween
fun, the north campus House
Councils will sponsor a costume
ball at Keeneland Hall tonight
from 9 pm. to 1 am.

Keeneland Hall is not the only
residence hall involved in “-Mas
querade," which is also a charity
event for the United Way. Blazer
Hall will provide refreshments
and Boyd Hall will sponsor a cos-
tume contest.

Although costumes are option-
a1, students may want to compete
for prizes. The person with the
best overall costume will receive
a $50 gift certificate, the scariest
costume winner will receive a
$20 gift certificate and the funni-
est costume winner will receive a
$10 gift certificate. all of which
are redeemable at Fayette Mall.

Holmes Hall will be in charge
of games and fun activities.
Keeneland Hall residents Kelly
Johnson and Chris Meter will be
the announcers and Jeff “Ani-
mal" Blankenship is in charge of
decorations. All are welcome to

“The focus is to get all dorms
on north campus involved.” said
John Shore, who spearheaded this
project with fellow Keenelarid
resident Cory Jenkins.

“It is in no way in competition
with Boyd Hall‘s haunted house,"
Shore said. "The dance was


Charity to benefit
from costume ball

’P.T. Barnum.

planned to occur the night after
the haunted house to make it
more of a cooperation effon.”

The highlight of the evening
will occur in front of Keeneland
Hall at 9 pm. As part of the fes—
tivities, UK student and resident
magician Brad Henderson will

Henderson, who has been a
professional magician since the
age of 10, will attempt to escape
from a straitjacket while under-
water. Henderson is also presi«
dent of Ring 198, the Lexington
Chapter of the lntemational
Brotherhood of Magicians.

“I try to do at least one or two
charity shows per year," Hender-
son said. “I do it to give the com-
munity back what it gives to

Henderson said the two people
in history who most influenced
him in the field of magical show-
manship were Harry Houdini and

“I will attempt this feat in the
honor and tradition of these peo-
ple,” Henderson said. “I always
strive for Houdini's two-minute

Jenkins said he expects a good
turnout. due to the effons of
three resident advisors and the
residence hall staff in general.

"All sources. as far as accom-
modating supplies and for put~
ting up with UK paperwork are
greatly appreciated," he said.

See BALL, Back page





Church group opens doors for

Staff reports

UK students will have an opportu-
nity to take a closer look at the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints on Sunday, when the church
will show a film and host an open

The new film, “The Prodigal
Son,“ is a modem-day depiction of

the well-known biblical parable of
the same name and will be shown at
4 pm. and again at 6 p.m., said
Todd Bearup, president of the UK
Latter-Day Saint Student Associa-

The 30-minute film, which will
be transmitted from Salt Lake City
via satellite, has a strong message.

“The film portrays the story of a

Student Activities Board Contempo-
rary lssues Committee, which spon-
sored the perfonnance, said the at.
tempt to burn the flag was a total

“But we did expect some conflict
because this is a controversial is-
sue," Stumbo said.

Byl Hensley, committee chair-
man, called the reaction “inappropri-
ate but valid.”

Jan Phillips, acting director of
American Civil Liberties Union of
Kentucky. agreed.

“The action is very clearly c0v-

See BIAFRA, Back page




School’s self-study
asks for ideas, input

Assistant News Editor

Faculty, staff and students took
advantage of a rare opportunity ycs~
terday —-- to voice their concerns
about the University in hopes that
some changes will be made.

UK will be taking a criticai look
at itself for the next year and a half
as it prepares for an evaluation ad-
ministered by the Southern Associa‘
tion of Colleges and Schools, an ac-
creditation team scheduled to visit in
the fall of 1992.

Yesterday’s forum is the first of
nine hosted by the Self-Study Steer
ing Committee, a group appointed
by UK President Charles Wething—
ton last January to administrate a
study of the organization and quality
of the University.

Racial tension among students and
faculty, problems with retaining stu-
dents and the attention exclusively
given to research at UK were among
the topics addressed.

The committee has created eight
other groups to more closely analyze
specific areas of the University. such
as administration, students and facil-

The purpose of the forums is to
pool ideas and concerns from all ma-
jor groups of UK‘s community to

man who has just returned home af-
ter spending months in a rehabilita-
tion center and the reaction of his
family to his return," Bearup said.
“It’s a drama that shows how chOic-
cs affect its and how we can all ben-
efit from ticccpung the teachings of
Jesus L‘iirist.‘

After the film. guests may nicw
displays or .ittciid “Urks‘hops lit the

Parking problems top
list of student concerns

Staff Writer

Parking was the dominant topic
last night as interim Dean of Stu-
dents David Stockham spoke before
the Student Organizations Assem-

Stockham led a discussion on thc
concerns of student leaders voiced
in response to a letter he sent earlier
to leaders asking them to comment
on University problems.

Saying that UK “is not a commut-
cr-friendly campus," Stockham said
parking is a necessity for some stu-
dents. but it can sometimes take two
or more hours to find a parking
space and walk to campus.

The lack of available campus
parking could create other problems
also. “Parking may hurt enroll-
ment." he said.

Stockham said a high-rise parking
structure would solve most campus
parking problems but would be very
expensive. “Would students pay for


“Would students pay
for a place to park?
Preferred parking?"

David Stockham
Dean of Students


a place to park? Preferred parking?”
he asked.

Stockham said a master plan cur-
rently being examined for the Uni-
versity is to make it primarily a pc-
destrian campus.

Other issues discussed at the
meeting were student insurance. stu—
dent loans and grcck organization

On student insurance, Stockham
said, “We need to be a communica-
tion link between students and the

He suggested that students talk to
the Student Health Service about in-

Stockham said student loans had

been frozen while the government
temporarily shut down, but that
these funds now arc available.

He said a main problem Wllh stu-
dent financial aid is that higher edu-
cation costs are going up while the
amount of financial aid available
has risen only slightly in the last
few years.

Concerning grcek issues, Stock-
ham said Phi Kappa Tau soual fra-
ternity is now appealing the Univer-
sity's decision to expel the chapter
from campus for hazing violations.
Other greck organizations have
asked for the Phi Tau‘s house if the
fraternity docs move. and Stockham
said the house probably will be giv-
en to another grcck organization if
the fraternity is expelled from cam-

Stockham took note of the sug-
gcstions of several members of the
SOA and said anyone with sugges-
tions may leave them at his office
on the fifth floor of Patterson Office


bctter prcparc tor the assessment,
said James Hougland. chairman of
the committee.

“We want to get comments from
everyone for dllic‘fc‘nl perspectives
on the L’nivcrsity." he said.

Hougland said the study‘s goal is
to analyze threc main areas —— rc-
scarch. public service and instruc-

But one of the primary concerns
among faculty pertaining to these
areas is the L'niversity‘s history of
focusing on one area at the expense
of another.

"It comes to a question of what
gives." said one professor who sug-
gested the University not play fa»
vorites in the future.

Ray Mullins, a commitcc mem-
ber. said he also sees a need for
more equality. especially between
instruction and research,

“I see a real infrastructure for re-
search but not for teaching.“ Mul—
lins said.

A few professors agreed that their
colleges tend to focus more on the
dollars accumulated from research
grants than the individual perfor-
mance of the faculty and start.

“The money we get from research

See STUDY. Back page


church, which feature diSCussion
about families, the purpose of life
and the Book of Mormon.

“We want to invite all the stu~
dents to visit With us at this open
house.“ Bearup said. ”We think the
film has a message for everyone.
and the open house provides a great
opportunity for non-members to see
our church in an informal setting."



Meeting on ”Civic
Virtue in the '90s"
a follow—up on
Robert Bellah‘s
visit to campus
earlier this month.
Noon, 206 Student
Center, open to the



UK to play
Georgia at

Page 6



Viewpoint ....................... 2
Diversion ........................... 3
Sports .............................. 6
Classifieds ........................ 9



 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Frlday, October 26. 1990

l llill /’()l.\'/'

Sober Up

Attitudes toward alcohol use must emphasize individual responsibility

Do designated-driver programs
give people an easy way out of be-
ing responsible for their own behav-

ls agreeing to sobriety for one
evening an encouragement of the
abuse of alcohol? And what of the
safety of the designated driver?

The general public does seem to
agree that impaired people should
not be allowed to kill and maim oth-
ers and themselves while drinking.

Following pressure from such
groups as MADD (Mothers Against
Drunk Drivers). the alcoholic bever-
age industry cunently supports ini-
tiatives to reduce drunken driving.

But to date. there has been no con-
centrated initiative to reduce the
consumption of alcohol.

The message the American public
is receiving is that it is OK to drink


For the


to impairment as long as one does
not get behind the wheel of a car.

The impact of this message is that
it can seriously underplay the real
truth about the health risks and other
impairment problems associated
with alcohol.

Do designated-driver programs
address or protect people from alco-
hol abuse? No. These programs seek
to prevent drunken driving and do
not. for example, address such is-
sues as self-accountability.

Designated-driver philosophy can
be summed up as: “Get as drunk as
you like, I'll take care of you and get
you home safely."








This enabling behavior keeps the
drinker isolated from problems and
therefore prevents him from taking
his high-risk drinking choices seri-

Compounding this issue is the fur-
ther problem of training the “desig-
nated drunk” that others will be re-
sponsible for his life, well-being,
and actions and that there is no need
to be in control and accountable for

And what of the well-being and
health of the designated driver?

It should come as no surprise that
driving a carload of drunks is at best
a high-risk venture.

Staying in control of your car is
difficult when your passengers’ im-
paired motor coordination causes
them to fall into you, when you must
stop suddenly in traffic because your
passenger has opened his door to be
sick, or when your gang of inebriat—
ed buddies create chaos and begin
fighting in the car.

Designated drivers can and do
lose control of their cars, too, and




Do designated-driver programs address or protect
people from alcohol abuse? No. These programs seek
to prevent drunken driving and do not, for example,

address such issues as self-accountability.

designated drivers (as well as their
impaired counterparts) can also kill
and maim themselves and others.

The solution to this problem must
come creatively in a manner that
does not promote drunkenness.
would elicit responsibility for one's
own behavior and keep innocent
people safe from drunken behavior.
including drunken driving.

One possibility: call a cab.

The safest way to transport intoxi-
cated people is a taxi (or a police
cruiser) which has a panel behind
the driver.

Taking away a dnink person’s
keys and calling a taxi sends a clear
sign of disapproval of drunken be—
havior, relieves friends of the un-
healthy enabling role, makes the in-

.liiiliiliiillililllllllllllllllljlla llllll


toxicated person pay for his ride
home (either directly to the driver or
later to reimburse the “loan” from a
friend) and forces the intoxicated
person to get himself from the curb
to his own bed.

Already this line of thinking is
slowly seeping into the mainstream.
as witnessed by one UK Alcohol
Awareness Week banner contest en-
trant: “Beer + Girl = Taxi."

This new set of attitudes will
move our culture closer to under-
standing the real truth about the
health risks and impairment prob-
lems associated with alcohol.

Cheryl Turtle is Substance Abuse
Coordinator for the Office of the
Dean of Students.



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 "T“ .II’TIL'R I). ”(It


Editorial Editor

3 When The Fantasticks opened at
{New York City’s 154-seat Sullivan
:Street Playhouse in May 1960,
:Dwight David Eisenhower was still
;in the White House, and the New
York Mets had not played their first

- Thirty years later. the world’s
ilongest-running musical is making
fits first tour of the United States.

' And at 8 tonight it opens a three-
iday stay at the 1,040-seat Lexington
Opera House. The national tour,
which stars Robert Goulet, marks
the first time The Fantastic/cs has
,toured nationally or has played be-
,fore large US. audiences.

The play has undergone a few mi-
nor alterations. The score has been
orchestrated, one song has been
added, another has been changed
and a large set has been added as
the backdrop.

. But the play's authors, Tom Jones
and Harvey Schmidt, said they
think long-time fans will find that
:T he Fantasticks has retained its
message without sacrificing any—

; “It was a very interesting chal-
lenge to keep the feeling of the
show, because the show is beloved
by people all over the world and
they think of it as a small show,"

Schmidt said earlier this week in a
telephone interview from New York

Jones added: ”It won't be as inti-
mate as a 154-seat theater in New

York where if you sit on the first

row, you feel like an orthodontist
every time somebody sings — you
can see their molars and fillings,”
he said. “The producers were good
enough to [11.151 us and let us direct
it and follow through with all of
these ideas. I’m very proud of
the way it turned out, and I feel that
it is really everything The Fanta-
sticks ever was, plus there are some
new discoveries and some new ex-

The authors had talked about hav-
ing the play tour larger venues for
about nine years.

After seeing a 1987 production in
Japan, where it has played for 18
years, they said it could be done on
a larger scale in the United States.

“We think one thing this tour es-
tablishes for people is that (the
play) can be done lots of different
ways — it doesn’t have to be done
the way it’s always been done, and
that’s a very great relief for us,"
Jones said. “... It’s wonderful to
know that it can be done in other

The Fantastic/cs is based loosely
on a play by Rostand that Schmidt
and Jones first encountered when
they were students at the University
of Texas in 1950.

“Harvey and I worked on it in the
mid-‘50s, trying to make it into a
big Broadway musical, and when
that didn’t work out we were of-
fered a chance to do it in a summer
theater here in New York," Jones
said. “If we could write it in three
weeks (the producers said) they
would give us a production three
weeks after that. So after years of

kind of working on this thing, we
really wrote the substance of what
it is in three short weeks in 1959."

On one level, The Fantasticks
can be seen simply as a story of
teen-age romance and love, but
Jones noted that the play’s message
runs much deeper than that.

“The plot kind of begins as a
spoof of Romeo and Juliet, but the
theme of it actually is contained in
the song ‘Try to Remember‘ in the
third part (when El Gallo sings),
‘Deep in December it's nice to re-
member without a hurt the heart is
hollow.’ ” Jones said.

“It has to do with the necessity of
a certain kind of disillusionment
and letting go of some of the won-
derful, stupid, hilarious, touching
romanticism that is part of youth.
It‘s meant to be, in effect, a mock-
ery of and a celebration of romanti-
cism at the same time,” he said.

With the exception of the first
group of actors, Jones said the na-
tional cast of The Fantasticks is the
best one he and Schmidt have cast
in the play’s 30-year history. (They
are still both intimately involved
with the play’s production.)

Leading the group is the world-
renowned Goulet, who plays El
Gallo, a narrator-bandit. Jones and
Schmidt said Goulet was their first
choice for the part because of his
strong acting and vocal abilities.

“Knowing that we were going to
be doing these big houses we need—
ed someone who could hold the
stage and fill the houses," Schmidt
said. “The score really demands a
singer. There are very few big stars

who have the kind of voice that's
exactly right for this score."

Jones added that Goulet also best
represented what they envisioned
when they created El Gallo.

He is “the girl’s romantic vision
of a kind of matinee idol on one
hand, which he fulfills as the El Gal-
lo character," Jones said. “On the
other, he as the narrator we wanted
someone who was a little older, a
little wiser and had been gored a
few times. A person who had
some experience because he talks
about disillusionment and surviving,
going past disillusionment to a new

A ballad, “This ls A Perfect Time
To Be In Love," was added to the
national production to showcase
Goulet's vocal talents.

One of the play‘s strengths is its
appeal to many cultures and genera‘

Yet one aspect of the play, Jones
and Schmidt said, that was a bit dat-
ed for the 19903 was the “The Rape
Song (It Depends On What You
Pay)," in which El Gallo describes
to the fathers his price for commit-
ting abduction.

The song was based on the trans-
lation of the play that was done at
the turn of the century.

The song has been taken out of
the national tour and replaced with
“Abductions And So Forth,” in
which words are added to “The Ab-
duction Ballet."

“1 was very eager to do a new
song, and I am very happy that we
have done a new song," Jones said.
“The show has never been a topical

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, October 26, 1990 - 3

?‘Fantasticks’ has long-running message

show but that was the one thing
that seemed dated to me. The fact
that one could have that number as
we did in 1960s and not say a thing
about it (reflected the times). But
our conscience has been raised."

Before coming to Lexington, The
Fantasticks played in Boston, and
Jones and Schmidt said that their
30-year-old masterpiece has won
over several new fans.

“I do feel that we are getting
some people that have never seen it,
and they are saying, ‘Oh my god, I
love this show. Where has it been
all my life?” Schmidt said.

However, the authors acknowl~
edged that some die-hard fans and
critics have found The Fantastic/cs
of the 1990s a little work in getting
used to.

“Very rarely we hit that critic or
audience member who loves The
Fantasticks in a certain way so
much that it is a part of that per-
son's youth and that if you change
anything — anything — even if you
are the creator. they feel that it is
like blasphemy and that you should
be burned at the stake," Jones said.

“The Fantastic/ct" will play at
the Lexington Opera House at 8 to
night: 2 pm. and 8 pm. Saturday:
and 2 pm. and 7 p in Sunday Stu-
dents and Avril/)1" mittens ran pur»
chase tickets 15 minutes before
each show at the box ofl'icefor half-
price. Tickets are available for all
shaws. For more information, call

Jay Leno keeps magic of comedy jokes intact

Karen Ballad/Kernel Stall

Comedian Jay Leno was all smirks in his performance last Wednesday night at Rupp Arena. He cheered

and ieered to a crowd of 2.000.

Remake of ‘Living Dead’
remains true to original

Stall Critic

"Want to see something rggfly
scary?" '

— Dan Ackroyd

“Twilight Zone: The Movie"

The first time I watched George
Romero's ”Night Of The Living
Dead," it was on a black and white
television while the local late sh0w
presented the colored a.k.a. pink-
ish-with-blood-hued version. It was
the one time I was happy to have a
vintage television set.

Some things are more effective
when monochromatic.

So, why do I feel compelled to
praise the remake of the 1968 hor-
ror classic? Any film that has the
guts to be faithful to the original
deserves all the compliments it can

Tom Savini, who acted in the
original movie and was involved in
makeup effects for several Romero
flicks, directs with a professional-
ism that should be expected, since
he‘s been Romero's best friend and
most consistent co-worker.

While Romero has never been an
auteur in the cinema field, he has a
reputation for making the most
from the least.

.. ._,__ _.-

The 1990 “Living Dead" ha the
same stripped-down quality that
made the original 11 taut, scary

The story of ordinary people be-
ing forch to deal with the incom-
prehensible notion that the dead
are walking the earth well,
need I say that it still has the pos-
sibility of being a memorably ter-
rifying visual experience.

Savini wisely avoids going over
the top with the visual gore, re‘
placing the gruesome elements
with the horror of what can hap-
pen when irrational peoplc turn
against each other instead of work-
ing together.

While many elements are un-
changed, some need to be adjusted
for the modem-day viewer.

The downplaying of racial ten-
sion between Ben, the rational
black man, and Harry. the irration-
al white man, allows the viewer to
see both characters in a more rea-
listic light.

The more violent nature of all
the characters suggest the over-
whelming increase in the tolerance
of violence. And one cannot ig~
nore that the special effects tech-
nology has not improved consider-
ably since the days of flour—based

makeup and food coloring.

Many film-critic purists have
been lamenting the redoing of a
film which they consider is a mas-
terpiece that should be left alone.

The problem with that argument
is the fact that many film-goers just
can't get into seeing a black and
white movie, and miss out on such
classics as the original ”Living

I’d rather see people like Romero
and Savini recreate their previous
work for a modern audience while
retaining the quality of the original.
instead of cheapcning the past by
treating it as if it was a color-by.
numbers project.

It’s rare to find a horror film
that's scary and thought-pr0voking.
If you've seen the original, see how
good a remake can be.

If you haven't, then give yourself
a break from Freddie and Michael
and Jason, and watch something
really scary.

“Night Of The Living Dead" is
showing at Fayette Mall, Man 0'
War. North Park and Turfland Mall


Staff Writer

The man who would be king
of late night television — or will be
king that is, as soon as Johnny Car—
son packs it in —— graced our pres-
ence Wednesday night in Rupp

The Lexington crowd of 2,000
was very responsive to the down-
to-earth comedy of Jay Leno.

Leno began with his trademark
mock coverage of the news using
“USA Today” and “20/20" as
sources — a good warm-up.

His ability to be hilarious doesn't
depend on how many cracks he can
take at minorities or the use of
four-letter words.

This portion of the show gained
the respect of the spectators, and
paved the way to a very smooth
two-hour performance.

Next, he moved into the body of
his show with several crowd-
pleasing personal anecdotes about
his Italian-American family.

Leno also relied on some old
standards such as making fun of
commercials, movies, fast food,
foreign cars and TV shows.

He finished out his show by ask-
ing several audience members

questions such as “Where do you
work?" and showing that humor is
where you find it.

Leno has the talent to poke fun of
everything from the ridiculous to
the sublime.

ln case you missed the show,
here’s a recap of the performance.

Leno on fast food: “Now
McDonalds has breakfast. Great!
Before I could only eat two meals a
day in my car." And, “Now you
can drive through and order from
the car to dehumanize the eating
process even further."

On his non-technical—minded
parents after buying them a Christ-
mas present, “I didn’t get them a
video cassette machine, I got them
a $1,200 clock."

Leno on movie theaters: “The.
aters, oh, I‘m sorry. I mean the ce-
ment bunker at the end of the shop-
ping mall." And. ‘Now they're
selling cheese nachos in the movie
theaters. Hmmm. you can bet the
janitor didn't come up \th this

Leno's stand-up routine prmes
he's still got it. even though he's
moved from his rookie guest ap-
pearances on "Late Night With
Dave Letterman” to playing hard-
ball in the late-night ”111th leagues.



Want to be in the Kernel? Write
a Top Ten List and send it to the

Arts Editor, 035 Journalism Building.




The EaSt Meadow by Zale Schoenborn



\\ X\_
\ "




Oh my goodness! There's a poisonous bug on Ted's head.
What should I do? Should I tell him? But wait, I'm hold-
ing four aces and a king Hmmm Maybe I'll just ignore it

and tell him about it tomorrow.

moving pictures

Danny Williams,
Kernel movie critic

“Pacific Heights” is the best
suspense film to see now. Mi-
chael Keaton makes a great



10. “Blue to face White
in Blue-White Game"

9. “Wallace Wilkin-
son — Satan Incarnate"

8. “Elvis-Bigfoot love-
Child lands in UFO.
leaves seven-day diet

7. “Wethington. greeks
conspiring to destroy

6. “Herald-Leader
written by weenies"

5. “Polluting the
environment — uncool"

4. “Dewey Defeats

3. “Ten more bands
you've never heard of"

2. “Correction"

1. “Kernel columnists —
the ultimate date"

Compiled by Tom
Herman. finance junior



(Dragon Street)



Living Colour

Helios Creed
Amphetamine Rep)

6. DEAR 23

Super Chunk

Cop Shoot Cop

Bob Mould

t0. RAKE
Velvet Monkeys
(Rough Trade)


WRFL-FM (88.1)






 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, October 26, 1990

Tubist Skip Gray
to open Octubafest
with debut piece

Stall reports

Skip Gray, UK professor of tuba
and principal tubist with the Lex<
ington Philharmonic Orchestra, is
presenting the American premiere
of a specially commissioned work
by Scott Wyatt. “Lifepoints.”

His performance next Monday
will open Octubafest, a three-day
festival of music for tuba and eu-
phonium at the Singletary Ce