xt7k6d5pcg1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pcg1h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1982 1982 1982-10-21 2020 true xt7k6d5pcg1h section xt7k6d5pcg1h 7 v"
{_a l
' ‘1/ u g? ‘ Cerdswlnlt
( t .
(V V /) g The St. Louis Cardinals captured their
/\ I 4| , ninth World Series championship, taking
charge in the sixth inning to defeat the
0 0 Milwaukee Brewers 6-3. For news about
\u v 4 the victorious Birds and Most Valuable
a ’ “ PloyerDarretl Porter, see page 6.
_ " v’ \ i
I Vol- lXXXVi NO- 52 Thursday, October 2i , i982- An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky
' I I l I
THURSDAY Taking a real hard, critical look
, ‘ ' I I I I
s"'°"°" "'°'° ""°" '° °"°" "“ CH E OffICIal outlines reVIew process
BOSTON — People who smoke cigarettes are more likely

than non-smokers to develop the flu, and they also get sick-

er when they fall victim to that wintertime misery, a study . - - I .

Show. or universmes aca emlc programs

~ The study, conducted on Israeli soldiers, concluded that
”smoking is a major determinant of morbidity (sickness) in
—-——_ . .
epidemic influenza and may contribute substantially to inco- ByJAMESEIDWlNMHARRlS choices. and it Will reciprocate Iby should include a list of objectives with the department's administra-
! pacitation in outbreaks in populations that smoke heavily." Managing Editor Signals to tell univerSlty adseé'lfi :he departmentosvishfiI t0 flgfilltin a tIoIrs to iron out l:Ihéeilr ditfferenfes.
Th h. d’ t . D. K k fH b 0 . umen comparing an on- ive-year pen . e o Jec lves ose meetings co ast rom an.
l U . e T202: :6; bed :W {0; fire: y lth a; g e rerv M trastlng staterde the programs could be summaries of plans to en- 1 through May, Peterson said. and
niversi y-I a assa c 00 o u Iic ea an I ommum y beingreviewed. hance the department, but Peterson their result could be a recommenda‘
Med'C'"e ”1 Jerusalem, “”5 PUbll5hed '" t°d"Y s New E"' Thirty administrators from UK'5 The Council Staff and the universi- said the report would not be consid- tion that the Council continue regis-
slahd Journal of Medicine. 18 colleges IiIiII‘esteraay hgardla prptinii- ties wiIIlIe then beginbassgsaratimre- ered incomplete without objectives. tration of the programs if additional
In a se arate stud in the 'ournal, Boston doctors found nent state ucatlon ° ““3 ex aln views, l Counci '5 on 0" v - _ funds are available to enhance
.p Y I . . the process during Which the state’s mation submitted by the .The staff‘s reVlews and the. Fe them.
that smoking women produce less estrogen. This discovery . . . '1] Views submitted by the univerSltles
l ' h k h h l’ C°""°" °" "'9‘" 34mm" “’1 - departments . 'll be com red and the staff will And in cases of du licate ro-
may exp cm W y smo ers go t roug menopause ear ier iitake a real hard, critical look” at By July 1, the Camel] mist havea w1I pa ,I . . , . f p p
and seem '0 be less llkelY '0 gel breast cancer. duplication of programs at Ken- three-page assessment of the depart- "3351;233:3303 all??? giggimsswfigl imafmfgflscggng:
The influenza research was conducted on 336 healthy tucky’seightpublicuniversities. ment reviewed. The Program Sum- o p staff considers inad uate l't
' - R0 Peterson de ut executive mar Re rt Peterson said should grams. . eq . qua ' y,
young military men who were exposed to an outbreak of a , y v . P y. y, .90 v . l. . . . , C Peterson said the staff Will recom-
new strain of flu in the winter f 1978 Of the 168 smokers director 0f academic affairs for the contain information concerning the If the umversmes and the ' mend the program be terminated
° '. ' CHE. assured the gathering at the department, a summary of the re- cil’s reviews agree. Peterson’s staff . . -
69 percent caught the flu. compared With 47 Percent of the Student Center Addition that the view, any other pertinent informa- will recommend that the cross Pro- No new students will be admitted,
non-smokers. Council‘s 1982-83 review of a dozen tion and, should the department be grams Committee registers the de- and students in the program at the
programs here will not disrupt the accredited by an outside agency, a partment until the next review. time of the tertlIiIiinaItionI ”twfll be
. . “comfortable and regularized" in- copy of its report. But if the reviews do not'agree, given aIreasoIna e me” 0 com-
DeLorean accused 0f bUYII'IQ 0008an ternal review UK conducts at least Peterson said the report also Peterson said the staff will meet plete their studies.
once every six years. M_
LOS ANGELES — John Z. DeLorean, who said two days ago He outlined, however, Ia Idetailed f3“
that he had found the cash to save his failing auto compa- group 0f informational briefings and .. ~- . ’

. reports winch Will be the first in a as.
ny, was led to court in handcuffs yesterday to answer series of annual reviews designedto -'.'
charges of being the moneyman in a $24 million cocaine allow the full Council to address the .I
deal. duplication of degree programs .

DeLorean, the high-rolling international entrepreneur throughout the state‘s eight public “ ' '- a
who had voyved to show Detroit "how to build cars," stared univerSlties. _ ' .. ... _ --
ahead as he was moved through a crowd of reporters and Peterson “W the ICouInClls " ' '-
. . . goal was not masswe elimmation of ,. ..
photographers outSide police headquarters on his way to programs and said he assumes “90
the federal courthouse for an afternoon arraignment. percent of what we look at will con- <
The 57-year-old former General Motors executive was tinuetoberegistered.” ..
"financier" of the drug operation, according to Richard T. IFlve Wheat 9! the Digerati? re- {I t ,QI: M .._
Bretzing, special agent in charge of the Los Angeles FBI of- 223232;! withglg::'fl$'llllmetl10t:a “1:351; . . I ..
fice. Bretzing said DeLorean had several pounds of cocaine the universities to enhance them be- as 3* '
with him when arrested Tuesday. fore the next reviQW. . I‘" §i
Bretzing said DeLorean came to Los Angeles to buy 220 And he saldi “Some percent great- 16"" a. W""*”” ., ..
pounds of cocaine —— worth $24 million on the street — and er than lgfgjt ibisdithan [.10 23"” be ' ' ' " . .. - . .
speculated the deal was meant to salvage the failing DeLo- ”$22222: :8i:he wiggling; proc- I_ r’ . __. ,.
'90” M°'°' C°~ e ess is important for both the image . _ . 3
and the health of higher education in _ - .3
_ - ' Kentucky. “Outside of the universi-
Recorder shows no DC 10 engine failure my, he said, We are often seen as ..
selfish, never wanting to take a real .
WASHINGTON _ The flight recorder from a DC-lO ietliner hard, critical look at ourselves. , . , l ' 1a -
that crashed on takeoff in Spain last month shows no sign don‘t believe that. This process will " “ » ,.
of engine failure or aircraft system problems before the ac- help." . . . . f l *' -‘
cident that killed 50 people, aviation sources said yester- He 5.8” It 15 also important for the l r -..
d CounCll to oversee the quality of pro- ~ ».
ay. . grams at each university. so univer~ . at » ,

The flight recorder, or "black box,’ information re. sjtjes can maintain standards that » .c
inforces a theory held by most safety experts that a blow- allow them to petition for newer pro- 1- ‘ . ' ,
out of one of the aircraft's two tires in the nose gear proba- grams. , . s ‘ i ' ’

- Peterson turned a critical eye to- £1 . I ‘ .
bly led to the acndent. . . . H » A... , -
. . . . ward the CounCll itself. saying We g »

The let, operated by Spantax Airlines, 0 Spanish charter have not done as well as we should . . g, I: _.
carrier raced off the end of the runway Sept 13 at Malaga, to plan for the orderly growth of guitar“ . .. , a “In.
Spain, and caught fire after the pilot attempted to abort the higher education. . . so“ . _‘ M ~_- ‘5’ Mill s“
takeo’f because of a severe vibration. The CounCll may _ serve the WM“: sewage - ’ I ;.' "i’%“" we "

. _. better, Peterson said, if more atten- ‘

Fi-ty of the 380 passengers, mostly Ame icans. were tion is paid to current growth and . iacxsnvtas/awes-aii
killed, according to airline officials. developmental, the universitm Ja bb I n9 for a co use

McDonnell Douglas Corp., the manufacturer of the DC- The annual review will begin Sept.

10, sent an advisory to all operators of 0010 aircraft Mon- lat each university, with its admln- Kirby Peake (right) and Frank Bickel slug it out during a preliminary round of the independent
day informing them of the flight recorder findings sources istrators deciding which Pm???“ diViSion of the annual Kappa Alpha KAYO boxmg tournament, The finals will be held Oct. 3] at
. wul be reVIewed. The unlversfiles the Continental lnn With proceeds gomg to the Muscular Dystrophy Assooation.
said. . . , .
Will inform Peterson 5 staff of their
Reagan wants lower farm loan rates
' I
— ousands attend slam Pole 8 funeral
nomically distressed sections of the Midwest, chose the oc-
casion yesterday to deliver some pro-election help to term-
9’5- By S‘ L,‘ ESTER KRUPPA bordered funeral notices appearing funeral during working hours. a workday when the funeral began,
At a 2,000-acre farm owned by the Illinois agriculture Assoc1ated Press Writer around the city announcing the buri- “We would rather launch a new Nowa Huta remained quiet because
director, the president announced a reduction in federal 3‘“ ff‘ . lPAP g strike Nov. 10 to mark the anntijy‘er- of tIighft secui‘itybin tthh: ally aiIlId a]:
. . —‘_m e o “318 news a ency car- sary of court registration of Soil ri- pea s or ca m y C UPC an
loan rates for farmers and new credits to spur agricultural ried a one-paragraph item on the fu~ ty." one worker said, referring to local newspapers.
exPO'ls- NOWA HUTA, P013”? ‘(AP’ ‘ ner 31 and said ll was attended by his the four-hour nationwide strike Church sources said Interior Min-
Even though the announcements came less than two Marching SlOWIy t0 ChOPlnIS funeral family and fellow workers from the called for by the union‘s fugitive un- ister Gen. Czeslaw Kiszczak had
weeks before the Nov. 2 election, White House officials in- glalrgiteyunlgslesbanntl‘ibzsiencdgrb’lg “8:11.; LenI:Il;IsteeIl;vorks. ed bl' d derground leaders. met With priests in Nowa Huta,
. t ' . . I . . I .‘ “ ey ve turn a in eye," “ . , asking them tohelpcalm the people.
sisted hey were no politica ly motivated . . . and despairing Poles yesterday bur- said one of many workers who Ilt should be done in every facto— Police staved out of the cemetery.
Reagan said that Farmers Home Administration loan led a young unionist killed by police showed up in grimy work clothes l'.V "1 Krakow because scattered Pl“)~ where Solidarity delegations from
rates Will be reduced to 11.5 percent, from l3.25 percent in riots set off by a government ban and removed their hard hats before {2555“ 83m nothing. the worker other cities. including the Silesian
and that the government will make $100 million available in 0n the independent umoIn. entering the cemetery. The worker a ‘ working towns of Wroclaw and Kate
credits —~ at no interest _ to promote agricultural exports. h :luntlé'deds Off-10‘ police backed by said factory officials knew men Despite the crowd, regarded as wice. announced their presence with
The $100 million will be "blended" with $400 million in gripnfm N53? 12:03:: :gerttigx were leavmg the plant to attend the unexpectedly large for 9:30 am. on banners.
guaranteed credits already authorized at regular commer~ unrest as an estimated 10,000
ciol rates, he said. mourners and at least 21 Roman ' l ' '
Agriculture Secretary John Block, who accompanied Rea- Catholic priests left the funeral of 'Story department gets favorab|e rat'ng
gan, said the combination of the $100 million credit pro- 20:¥I\¢I!lar-0ldB%gdanWloink. .
gram and the guaranteed credits will provide money for ag~ Wlosik 8::‘slte Til/rifvn‘hegiall‘i 33::
' I ' . h . .
riculturalI exports at four paints lower than regular onto her son 5. coffin. Her husband, By CHRIS WHELAN to receive some suggestions for de- bers of the UK faculty evaluate de-
CommerCIOl rates. Jozef. and their daughter Malgorza- Reporter partment improvements. Thompson partments.
ta wept as the coffin was lowered said. One proposal was to form addi- The two—day evaluation took place
\ / slowly into theground. . tional specialized fields of concen- in late Spring, Thompson said. Ques-
. "My son. sleep calmly in our Pol~ tration called “clusters.“ tionnaires were distributed; private
’ 15h earth 09 WlllCll you were "Ol per- UK's history department rates The most recent cluster started in interviews then were conducted.
mitted to live in peace," said a ban- “very favorable“ according to a the department is the military histo— They reviewed not only all the fac-
ner on one 0‘ about 60 wreatlIn evaluation from notable historians ry program, he said. Other cluster ulty members but also the dean and
placed amid flowers Plled over 51" from the universities of Michigan, include science and medicine. and thechairman.hesaid.
, feet high on Wlosiksgrave. I Indiana and Missouri. the evaluators are proposing a 50- One of the department‘s strong
WlOSll‘ was killed by ? plaln- The evaluation team, consisting of cial history and the Southern L'nited points were its three Guggenheim
ClOlheS policeman during ”05 00? Raymond Grew. Walter Nugent and States cluster. Fellows on the faculty « some of
15 sparked by the outlawms of Soh- Thomas Alexander. said UK has a Wimberly Royster. graduate the most prestigious awards in the
Today will be partly sunny and cool with a high In the darity Oct. 8. He was the 15th Pole "fine undergraduate program" and school dean, selected the three histo— country-,Thompson said.
. Q low 50:. killed mIdemonstratIons since au- could hold its own among major uni- rians for the evaluation. Thompson There are three Fulbright Schol-
Tonlght will be clear and sold with frost "holy and thorities imposed martial law Dec. versjtjes said this was unique because it was ers and one Rockefeller Fellow on
“ommmhwm m“ 30,. l3 and Sl{amended Solidarity. the The evaluators also said thehisto conductedby external sources. the faculty. he said. In the past,
1, Ill be sunn but a ' lth M h l th l'l‘Sl um?" in me SOVlel bloc free Ol ry department has a "first-rate fac- The evaluation. Thompson said. UK's history department has turned
omorrow w y ‘ o w ' ' n . Communist Party control. .. ulty.“ said J.A. Thompson. histmy assures you that favorable results out six Guggenheim Fellows and
'°‘" '° "‘ld 50'- 'We shall avenge you. was demtment chairman. are not just became your friends several Fulbright Scholars and
scrawled on one of several black- purpose of the evaluation was are reviewing you. Usually. mem- Rockefeller Fellows

 KE'ir‘ne" l '
""90“" Autumn-m Joke-0mm- ‘OmW-LOUIM llnlS.lodobl LEV-0N0... memo.“ 4;, ’
(dtloV'iwChIIl News Ediioi Aru Editor Sports Editor Special Proiocts Editor Photo Editor Graphiu Editor f2»
10ml ldwln Norris (Indy Doctor lath-n '- bollo- Mlchoy Patterson Kathie Mllllon Ion Van Nook chm Ash ‘
Managingidliov Editorialidnoi Illll-Wler- AsmmmSpori-(dltol SpQCIalProiousAuiltant ChaolPhotogrophcr CopyDashChlet
Au-siont Arts (duo's
"1 P I' h - b "- - I' i
e 0 IS are provmg re e ion IS a we _ ’
”Poland is not yet forsaken, Yet, these people are unwilling to lay down :
While we’ve life remaining; their weapons and surrender to the govern- I
What our foes by force have taken, ment they nearly defeated. In spite of all the [Ir/W //, . /W , . . _ :
We‘ll be soon regaining. police. with their tear gas, armored cars and I, I . fi/ // /M/ e. _ , ,
March, march, Dom browshi! water cannon, the people continue to defy ’1’, 49/ , /} / / . i _ 1.11 I
We shall come united, They circulate leaflets calling for work ’/’ 7 f9. ///9_ flehkeefeteee . :
When you give your orders, slowdowns and stoppages, they mill around i”, ’It/,/§:°e§t\:\ ,
When you give your orders, the faCtOI‘leS, they DOSt banners at the rebel- 3 \ex‘hh Eii'zi'iiiiégifii .2 . t
We shall come united." lion’s birthplace and hang posters of their r" 1
—Polish National Anthem idols - the electrician, and the bishop of »:ae-.:.;=.2:::=e=-.-5. ' e '
Rome ~ ' ‘ '
A New York professor once told his speh- And they resent their governments most - .
bound class to take one thought from the stern order — to forget the freedom won - t‘ ;.-.; r , 1
class he taught in Western civilization. “The after months of protests, to forget the orga- fie . e - ti, 3
age of revolution is over,” he told them, “be- nization that promised them a path to the it“? :_ W e; t « . i
bed." The people now have someone to remem- "eee‘e "are s33: ' $2? “git" T
. . . - -::-.::.::-35=::::-'~‘-‘ , , teasers? iii-see ':‘-:5::- «WVAQx New)“,
.Un‘lerhm‘e °°“d“‘°“sr “‘8 age °f ”V91“ ber- If a Person was to write and She Protest ” / 7 A e eeeeerahfi eieewe .
“0“ ‘5 Indeed Past The age 0‘ tebel‘mnw mush» among the hrst sense would he one 2'. eteeeeeeeeeee e .
however,continues to exist. about a man gunned down by police in the 1 6% Z eefiaeeiieaef’ J‘Eékeee“.-‘ ‘
' ' ' ' '55-'- ‘3 -- ' . ~=131E3:3:i:1:1:'-:::5‘3'v:7'=11:33:395:52;:$2:5:::ir:§;§:i*;.§:§':‘1:i:;:g:;:£93333;_.;\\-.- Emu'kgflzeg -. \i \‘;e<~ 1:- .ii ‘
Rebelhon In one corner of the world It streetsofasteel mllltown- . / eee. ' a he?“ re ‘
and shipyards and the wheat strikes battles were staged and the cities where c- eeeeseeeteee
that crlppled transportatlon and commumea- tones were won. They would also score the r e .. 4: e“ fittest
tithe lines have even way to street fights, government. the police and the party. / ewe “he. etherehe
with workers hurling rocks, bottles and And, to their east, they have a ready pro- . g‘ flees“ Wéfih f We «sees m
cmde 835011ne bOmbS at “0‘ P°hce- test song With lromcally apt lyrlCSI , )iihem eeeee‘eee
_ _ ./ ~ eggséh‘h‘te’ '» «\v “”‘e’h‘hV‘bi‘ttt‘Prf-‘gfi‘i‘fim’hh’f ‘MpW-Qfigfiéwmfimh. ,6;
The leadership of the struggle 15 also ’e , the r
mathetlly different The “hemmed 919“” “Rise "P W Victlmsofprwatmh» ‘ /teeeehi° / e a eei
clan wrth the threk heard and the ever-ore Rise up allye who areforlorn: ‘ t ' t“ “tee. eee
sent pipe, and perhaps 600 other skilled lead- For there ’s an end to degradation, «ch . ' [1 Ag \‘ ”Egg; 1“. ~\
ersare locked away in 13115 or party camps; For nowanew world’s being born. 2 " W ‘ ; " ’ ’/ ‘ 21,755.}: THE—“2::
their successors, unable to conduct etfeCtlve- Right close at hand, emanCipation V / ‘h , - // //-.. x [we RK“ —
ly the fight. are on the run from the police. Will loose the chains that held you fast; . ' , I, j . / , \ . . .‘ k,
The communications medium so success- The time is near for your salvation, \ \ ' ,r ’ 7‘ i, %’ — {/‘fi’ , ‘ " M. ‘T‘c‘
ful in the beginning has succumbed to fear A better day has dawned at last." iZ/fiy/g/fl/7fl/f/ ' ~ ' e” _ ‘
and party pressure. TeleViSion news '15 read ,
by party officials; all foreign dispatches are Yes. The Soviet national anthem.
patrolled closely by the government. Solidarnosc survives.
Letters Policy F , . I _
neeeere of .h. Kentucky xemel welcome to 00 a ans may $00" nee a IX
express their opinions on the editorial page. 321
Letters should be brought by in person or sent , . _ y . ;
mailed to the editorial editor at "4 Journali‘m .I haven tyet said a word. Not one No Danny White fake punts to I figured the strike would go on from his drugs and then dangling
Building - UK, Lexington, Ky. 40506-0042. Slhgle Whining word. _ thrill at? . for two weeks. Then, the. days the goods over his cell. telling him. .
To be considered for Pub'i‘°'§°n' ”"9" must be I want you to know that right up No Bengals miracles to marvel slipped by while no negotiations “You either get some after a little . 1‘
typed and double spaced. and should not exceed front. . over? were held and both sides waited for while or maybe not at all. We’ll %
300 words and opinions should not exceed .50 A week ago I was shopping mild- No Oakland Raiders to laugh the other to speak first. This is havetosee_“ m.
words. - manneredly at my neighborhood about? childish! . Sigh.The whole season. m
Writers must also include their names, addresses. grocery when a few words from a We Americans deserve better. I feel like a horse with a carrot
telephone numbers, along with their maiors, clussi- PaSSlhg 1’3le hit me like a shopping f;‘:_;...__ it How can our nation continue to be dangling just out of reach. I have
ficotions or ‘onnec'ion with UK. cart of last month‘s groundbeef. . ' James strong without our weekly gut- had patience as Sundays rolled by
The indentit of writers who send letters .. and if the player’s strike 2 crunching violence? Where are our without relief. but this latest proph-
Y . . ee .
through the mail will be checked and verified be- 15“ l settled by the end 0f the month, .. _ STOLI. battered heroes when we really need ecy is more than I can take.
fore publication. When more than one person signs the entire season may have to be »_ ' an outlet? Meanwhile, all those bookworms
a letter. the identities of all writers will be checked canceled. - __“___‘________ The whole season? You gotta be and housewives are laughing at my
and verified before the letter will be published. My “5th blurred and I staggered kidding! frustration. My fellow junkies and I
The Kernel reserves the right to edit for grom- t0 the produce counter. “MIGOdV'l Somebody has got to do some- The people are going to need a fix will remember this the next time
mor and clarity and 9° delete libelous material. mumbled dazedly, “the entire sea- thing. Enough quibbling over a pal- soon. If we don’t see Lynn Swann they burn the books or take the fab-
son'?“ try few million bucksalready. knocked 360 degrees in the air or ric softener out of some dopey deter-
some anonymous quarterback disap- gent. Every horse has his carrot.
I I pearing in the tender terminal em- Only this horse is tiring of the
068 courtroom '8 u" o varlous t es of e0 '8 brace of Ed “Too Tall" Jones within chase. After five weeks the carrot is
a few weeks, there could be real startingtosmell, too.
trouble in the streets. I‘m going to take myself to a few
_ _ , Y . i . . . . I have considered and dismissed “R k “ ' d m be f
The names In this column have copy. The magazme doesnt know giveadamn,"av151torwhispered NOise from the traffic on Walnut the possibility of a Communist plot “if, g] Braszlzeirehiclealust £22:
been cha iged to protect the identity she 5 been .ln trouble with the law. The room known as Court C is cer— Street punctuated the defendant't to weaken our great nation by psy- lieve my Freudian bloodlust. Then
Ofthosepomayed' and shed hke to keep 1‘ that way ‘ tainly hOl HOUYWOOd’S idea Of a testimony. Ahd the woman rambled chological manipulation. There‘s I'm going to forget all about foote
' please. courtroom. on to an audience that wasn't really bad political climate for that theory ball
.5101 a very pleasant Place. the Mu- ——-————— The plastic chair replaced the listening about breaking her parok right now. Who cares right? We don't need
“lclpa‘ Building .0“ Walnut Street. wooden bench 0f Perry Mason‘s day. and her lack 0‘ understanding 0f lh‘ So it must be the players and the that stuff I‘ rsonall can uit at
Grim. sterile paint lies unadomed h - f h ' . . ' he . y . q
on the walls a once-nicer marble 0h it; slide: 3’ t e F002;, heaVily penal system. owners. Collectively. they must take any time. and I “'1“ now, Without an-
staircase is the uninvitin g cen- 9:25 of ac rmfitfifigsalaeis’eggg Her lawyer was not the collected the blame. How much longer can other word on the matter. _
terplece of a sometime lobby and OPINION P up {film ‘H .. Th g 11 chic businesswoman of glamoui their stubborn bickering continue? Even though they could eaSily
the lady at the desk has to call up- as t3)? "195 18”. e wats‘ lat women's workaday magazines. Sh‘ And how much longer can Ameri- throw together some quick playoff
stairs fer information. ——_"‘- hfia:b::$:lugzrcflci;::r§mp y. had an overgrown perm, glasses anc ca do Without? M . ‘ . action if they really wanted to.
The first thing you notice about Gibbs was scared of herself and Several mien, lawyer typesln navy a polyester 5m" She spoke m a mo- chhecomlaoile tsteztsonu I did!” [hulk J A 3 ll ' th t h
the Municipal Building — that is, the future. She has a second job and blazers, sat around. The judge spoke notone, but her arguments seemed "3.. lik (i k'. 'unk' amesd 1K to 1'8 (11 “.1 fr 80p 0'
after the paint and the staircase — supports herself financially. She in his microphone with the ease of a to register. . . 5 e 0c ing a J ‘9 away more a" ‘1 em" CO umms ' . .
is the clothes, stole a dress. went to court and balding Phil Donohue. His Honor The J'Jdge sald he would confilder _____—-——————
There's no problem here telling while on probation stole another one. looked as if he realized that sitting a work release, smce Gibbs was
the difference between the lawyer “She is a victim of stress.“ Wilder through this bad drama was the only “0‘ sophisticated, enough if? realize
and the client. Here are all the peo- told the court. “She did not know way he could support his tan and his what was happening [0 her. He r ec-
ple you never see. You don‘t see the what the article she stole meant to paisley tie. ommended more counseling.
MP5 Gibbses or the Alan Jeffrey her. 1“ some vague WBY- ll was a A spectator in a tie picked his fin- Alan Jeffrey Stewart was next.
Stewarts at the mall. the mom. or gift for herself. in appreciation for gernails and played with his wed- His lawyer, a woman. entered the ______________._.__——— _ .
the restaurant. It CONd be we Skip her hard W0Fk~ NO one 8156 appre- ding ring. A blue-blazered man room dressed almost entirely in a . .
right over them. it could be they ciates her," tossed a pen. A man in a tacky hot-looking black dress, with a , serViceasuccess this year.‘
shop in different stores . . , maybe Wilder blamed Gibbs’s problems green tie and zip-up boots paced in perm, neuter glasses, thick gray Galnes-Fue” Iwould like Drew and Grace to be 77
they are unnoticeable. right now on her strong denial sys— the bullring, or the area separate socks and. as a solidly frivolous gese elected the freshmen student sen-
Court was in session on the second tem. as he terms it. “This system from theaudience. ture, red suede pumps. ators because I believe they know
floor. A Mrs. Gibbs was explaining didn‘t allow her to realize what Another blue-blazered man tried A pall. sincere and earnest. but a Over the 935‘ few weeks, I have what some senators have forgotten
why shehad broken parole. Gibbs. a Shed done. It was inconceivable to unsuccessfully to remove dandruff pal] all the same. seemed to settle become acquainted W‘lh “V0 candi- _. they represent the student bOdY-
lost-looking gray-haired twoman. her thatshe would stealadress." and hairs from his jacket. A fat, imperceptibly over what was left of dates for freshman senator — Drew I strongly encourage all freshman
wore a sleeveless kmt shirt over Gibbs slumped as she listened to pale black woman with ratty hair. the audience. Gangs and GracetFuenth t t’ l to vote for them. e. .,
flabby. white arms and a cheap someone else telling the world about lar e vin l sandals and hairs in her . . is. very rare 0 59? e 9° en ‘3 - i
skirt. She wore no bra. and looked her problems, She is worried about chili chgwed indiscriminately at Stewart was brought into the ambition and enthuSiasm 'h fresh- Kent Bar tram
as if she ha d dress ed whileasleep. her job. something in her mouth, as she Stourtroomhunder custody. A young men that I have observed in Drew Poli.sci.senior
Gibbs was a shoplifter. but not by Gibbs doesn‘t seem like the kind stared in front of her without ex- b m “man.“e. [00‘] “as charged With and Grace. . . . *
' trade. She was the victim of an un- of woman who would steal. "It‘s just prossion. rea rig ‘5 para 3' :8 wore a drab ,B‘hh were very active '" the". Closed bee b' 1. , '.
happy marriage. She has not. not me." she told the judge. “I A man in kelly green pants and a green “I???" an ad pale hair. a h‘gh SChOOI governing bodies. . . r as '
according to Dr. Gary Wilder, who‘d would never. 1 have never done any- polo shirt stepped into the room for pa e. apa e '0 "10‘5““th and pale Grace held numerous posmons 'h
given her therapy. got much of a thing like this before.“ She can’t ex- a moment, then stepped back out eygts. t . her class, ”‘01“th setretary/tree- In the past. the Sigma Nu Beer h
relationshipwith her husband. plain it to herself or to the judge. again. He wore a small gun on his . ewarh 15. unemployed. A Navy SUN??- Drew was president or hlS Blast has been an allcampus event,
She has been working at a local She wants to go home, coordinating belt. firman.” ehis on d. two-year 3le student council and was a delegate open [0 all students from all cam- ”:3,
magazine for 15 years. laying out “That judge looks like he doesn‘t There were 26 people in the room. eager e as no “current address to a Slalerde student counCIl COh' pUSES. tr.
zgunslzliii: ‘53? 5:1": Qdmlfill‘agllfi venéion. wheae be lead alforur: on This year, however, because of 31.,
. - - a; 9 W1 8‘3 stu ent apat y — a timey su ject new administrative regulations af— '5?
DRABBLE by Kevun F090” represent our country and defend It. “SK. d G ha I d fecting the entire Greek system. to—
THAI comes HERE mo BECAUSE Tim ulAs owm scam. I mum He has had daily counseling for . "’W a“ race V". “ea y "WW5 beer “8-“ Wt“ "0‘ W099"
To $151 ‘lOU ‘ ONE OF THE 565T BANANA | 6N6. ‘lOO MONEY BUT the past few months for eight hours shown they want to be active at UK tonon-Greek students..0nly students 5%:
ARE arms We EVER HAO Nose ARE video II a day He has also been on medica- by pledging Ph‘ Kathe “3“ "3mm” “Y"h Greek 'denhhcahon “’0’“ Pa" it"-
HERE A 1'? FOR 1 [U ARCH? TOKEN | tion for his illness ly and PI Beta Phi sorority. "£520 ticipating organizations will be ad-
. .._ s l O . E 5. .. ' ..i lively. mitted.
., . .' , a 9 . ' l Stewart has recently been ar- The ideas and goals they will Cooperation from both Greeks and
.43 t‘, a = / .. . ’_ gr . é " % rested for public intoxication and on bring to SGA are too numerous to go all other students will be greatly ap- .
7“ I [.5 , u l‘ ‘ (z é a a.” 7‘ marijuana charges later amended to into at any length, but I know how preciated.
/'/ A \ it 1 j Nd \ - (Z \\ L'Mj 5 fl ,7 H; A disorderly conduct. He will serve 60 difficult it is to program cam-
; ,. __ K 9/ v ”‘5 ‘ ‘ . \l‘ days. puswide activites. One such activity Steve “any,
' »~e~e-—— l - J _._.__ t . ' I \ ”'2 Next case. that SGA has. had difficulty with in Sigma Nu commander _
"’h . .4 . H1 A recent years IS the student book ex-
_ . ~~~r “—7— - —- a W ”m'edtmw new... m , >1" . , ..__ Janet Farrar is a journalism soph- change. Drew and Grace have a real David Sumner
° ‘ ' _ — w " ‘ ‘ *— omore. desire to make this valuable student Sigma Nu social chairman

 " THE KENTUCKY KENNEL, -MV, damn, 1932.3
" Suspect in 1 ylenol deaths traced to Manhattan ho tel
# . . _ . . . . ‘ . , .
By BE'rsy KENEDY All seven cyamde victims in Chi- Toni had suffered from Down‘s among Victims of the disease, not know if the Lewises had given The girl died six weeks later when
Associated Press Writer cago swallowed the tainted capsules syndrome and the surgeon, Keith He said that she had run a fever her Tylenol instead of aspirin or a blood vessel ruptured just above
Sept.29. Ashcraft, had operated on her for a after surgery and that he had pre- what brand of aspirin they might her heart.
Lewrs has been charged with at. congenital heart defect common scribed aspirin Ashcraft said he did have used.
tempted extortion for writing a let- -
Authorities said yesterday that ter to McNeil Consumer Products A ' '
James W. Lewis, wanted in connec- Co.. the manufacturer of Tylenol, ut III t "I b H“ g a p p I r urvel ance t o
._ tion with the Wienel killings in Chi- demanding $1 million to prevent fu- o a In ca eras 900 n o u a s o
cago, lived with his wife in a Man- ture poisonings. The letter was . ,_ ,,
hattan hotel for six weeks. including mailed from New York City. By RICK HAMPSON Security Systems Demand for sur- 0 A house on the intercoastal wa- Most cameras are cheaper than
the period when seven people died ' LeWis is also wanted for question- Assocrated Press Writer veillance systems has “exploded.“ terway in Flor