xt7k6d5pcf7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pcf7g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1979 1979 1979-02-08 2020 true xt7k6d5pcf7g section xt7k6d5pcf7g t
. . . i
All community college credits accepted? .4 , 454
, ~‘k‘ s 4 '
fi .
I I 2. e .
Senate Councrl ponders credit transfer plan t - .
2. I 0'
B) I)l€BBII-i.'\1('l)ANll-.I. diyision courses and all sltoiild be to setic as “”9580 chaitrnan llc W75 chaiiiiiaii ol the dcpaitiiictil M k l 259' i. 19° . "”32” w . 1.
tom taiim tiaiislci'able lot academiccicdit toatty sciied as council chairman in W75 nutrition and lood science. said the '11-. ‘5 I33") 1T ., . if It. ,
lour~yeai instititition. lhrs poitioii ol the meeting was material the department sent to the " f; it? V f it». 4 5 . '1 ‘
I'K students may soon lace "We accept tor the grade poiitt irresplicably closed to the ptiblic Senate was wrong '. t 59,44} “f _éz . 5., .5251] r It ‘
dilliculties translert'lng ”Cd” mm“ “WM!“ “C” hm” “m" KNIIWI‘.‘ 14'“ thibits closed “We sent it through the Senate «a!» 4ng4 .5 .2322"??? 5’5. if »- my- " "i
lrom community college courses such community colleges." ('haiiitian Joe meetings by public agencies csccpl t('ouncil) iii I975 and it wasapptoycd 1y 5. . . £434 1?» .~ . i i 5 fit '
as lirelighting and bcattty shop Bryant said "\M‘aiccountiitg courses when ccitain personnel. properly or on the llooi ol the Senate as the .‘z-” ”4 gs? 44§>~,‘fl 4 2%; 4., .
management it a policy discussed by lot graduation which we hate not log.” mum-1c are being (gm-“NU original plan.“ I“. Wu Mfi4g..444 we" ' -' . i I". 4;? r, ‘42.. , "ii
the Senate (‘ouncil yesterday is approycd " Krisloy I4 past-president ol the [K H“. mm“. cayalog I. being 5' . 4,4,4: 5I. . ., . $44 . “.3, f . (54’ . .
i1W’de- ”I“ d"“'“'"" included arguments American \ssociation ol l‘uiycrsity ”‘c'h‘mkd m“ 3“” I” “W‘I "I” ’2? .9 . . ' $33!“. ”29:32?
I” an ”“0” “WWW” ”‘9 Pi‘ddllltlt" that l’rolcssois chapter llc ”I“, WM“, .m incorrect itiatctial inserted oyei llic Y: i'I I‘“_:.I°4 I_5I_j;‘» . '5 4;; fi£4:,f 4:, 5 .5 ,
grade point . a\erages with nonI— lhe cotttscs aic legitimate or that the “mum. Senate m '9“;th years and the options were cross~ .7- .' 531.425“.- '5: . ‘2. ”4.444.444 W
”lidltl‘m'dl Hull‘s". ”It" ‘9'“th \ 7 t as} . t -r 1 checked with Sclttllc ( ttllttctl ltlcs 5a” 2- V". «*2; . " "'=‘55 $3“: '1. 42“ s. 5
\d . ., . . 4 . . they sctye community needs. I) — Sand “WM" .5. 53' 5-,...5)’ _«j _ I 7 5 5, , . WII@%‘IV"?‘2II2.€IV& ,IQ
- missions and Academic Standards KW I l . l- l- b l . .. l h“ ((‘olle ’L‘ ot Ilorn . j 9434 4y... . .4 ..n' . 3. $4.21? >.
(‘ommittee deyeloped a statement ot P'”!- “P “'1‘ I“ I‘ ”N“ I I“ \o action was taken on a proposal I . " . IL] yk. 2. 2:25.525.» I4”; “'2; ; 5.5.! . “fe'i . . 4 . 5
policy. Howcyet. the scnatc‘s seycn state uniyersity scnatcs \\Ill be submitted by ”K. ('“IICL’V ol Ilotne ‘I“""I”:“" ““I”II“I III“ I If“; I“ 5 4 ' "’44.. '-_' . 4 $52 .4 ,
discussion indicated the play may practically ”npowhk I"“”””“‘" “I“‘I‘ P“'l‘"“‘d “Ml”? ”.1 jnii‘liylkm I” ”J, T9915. bikini! ‘: M * .26”:I..‘%t2‘i.‘.s: 1w " if” g 33%" .L -
yrolate state law lhe political scrisiti\ity ol this [0“, “WW“ itianagenient.clrnical. “I": I“: ”I‘I"‘“ H“: “I“ “'I " aim . 1643;. ‘4"; 4' £9 1 If, 1*". i ,
lindei‘ the proposed Poltcy. l K “I” actIiIon makes the situation c-splosiyc. community and chml to the s 1th spur \iiig opttotis g: 2?, “ya . 424:. , .44.. :4; .. . .5 I "3,41! .I . I
WWW credit hours aitd grades [mm a or dynamite. as one nienibci termed gryllg'gt“s Dietetics piogtam 1 lie He said the council could circulate “’3; 4 4' .I,.Iiit5:5‘i;"f3"~'a '5' . a?“ 1 ‘. 1.1. *4 2
community college's 10““ dm‘m” ”5 policy has been in cllcct since IWS but the material. and il tlicic were no 2 m2 ‘9 4. 5 ' 5:_ , w 4,
courses it the l nl\L‘l'\lI_\ Senate. or a lhe couticil decided to unite ,loc. IL" ”sz ht'L'llill‘llltl‘s‘d h) lhs‘wnills‘ "hlVVI'tm‘- ”W “WWI" \Wllltl heconie 22723-2 5.. " I . ' . 4| ”1-5,” a: _
corresponding body oloneolthelour~ Kemp. chairman ol the ‘\(Illllssltlns Bryant said the \ersion ol the ”IC-L'JI" , 1'4 a“; I? ”zz’l‘f a. ' 1‘1;
year state uniyersities. apprmes tltc and \cadcinrc Standards(‘oinmittecz proposal appt‘mcd by the senate in “lhe program as it stands now _ . ., . ' 1* ,1' NJ 4' . ' ~ ,..a‘_ 5 44,24 '
murscs lot baccalaureate degree and \ice l’rcsident ol -\caderinc l9’5 mistakenly didn't contain the twithout the options) has been I ~5 ‘ 4 , ' .‘5 ._ f. ‘2 5 5. 1’35 2
credit. 5\llairs lewis (‘ochian to discuss the options llic options hayc ne\ei been appimcd by the \ittctican |)ietctic :2 ' i. 3;; z .' . . _. i. .1" 231+ .5. K?“
Hut twostatcstattttes. KRS 164 553 issue at a liiture meeting. circulated in or appioyed by the Association." l’aclsett said, I '4 " ' V ' 7" '2 5 ' 3",- ' ..T 5 1' «3;: Q? “.1“,
and 1645)“. state that Kentucky‘s In otltci action. the council elected senate lhe item will return to the council's . I ’ 1: ”.145" , '3 5‘5 :»_; {$44,013:
community colleges otter lower Joseph Krisloy. ecoitoiiiics prolessor lcotiaid l’ackctt. prolessor and agenda lot action , j _. r ' '4 W 3.1“": I aunt's 44:43“
~ ..---'%-'fi=-<*" . ' * I . ‘ . ‘ v- '5. .2 ’5. {252'} V 1 415,212. I
I -. ”"73 5 ‘ I" 5 . y :2 ., .-q_ *1/44 ,' 5' " 5 i 5.135. 5'. '7 _
“it? ' a??? .2 v
72% 5 . , - a"'-.<’. ~71 '11»? 1° ' 2M“ '2 , .5 5 2 .5‘ .5
' t1: 5 " 2,52,, " ‘3' . ’fi "; ,. ' 5
.1111)?" -s ’.‘ ‘ “ J "35.5152. .5 5.5:". .. ‘r/' ,"'"/- , ,, ’25» j "' '.
' . «"9. 5 5 55 1..
‘5: 21%; . é ‘ t 4:25,. ’~ ‘
' 2 ‘ .. 5" ..2’25/ ' *' '.
\ol. I.\\|. \o. "II I ntyersity oI I\entueky 44 5' av .. 7145444 . ._
mum“). Hhruar) x. ism an independent student newspaper Ie\ington. kenluelu a. 1,4 4%, . . .
M" ’m“; I "t ' I . o .
' ' De ressron usually precedes 2 -. .,
.MI, z,,// . ,4 .; ,. , 4.. .4
S u I C I d e I l I d. f d t h it a . , ; II . ‘ ..5- . . -.
this ea my cause 0 ea , : .
2.,5-‘2555“5.-‘I:':5‘-= ~= -5 .5 /.
By DALE MORTON lhis is because iticn are likely to itse mobilized." Ilariis said. “an intense “\ on don't take chances I’robably ”’1 ii 52.5....»- «43 ' , " 2“ 2’ ._ la; 4
start “tllt‘l more cstrcmesurcidc tllL‘IIlt)(I\.\llt.‘htls hatred ot otlicts turned inward It‘s ittost people hate thought abotit . «.5244 "" .. 4 “.5" ., ’94s ,...2 4;. *2: I
4 shooting or hanging. while women only w hen he begiiéstogct bettet'ttliat sumac at some point in their lites,“ .5 524 . i I... . " . II, 1’? «5 I -
First ofa two-par! seriet tend to take oycrdoses ol pills he) inobili/cs energies to carry out tlte llartis \illtI. ‘ ,. i 2 ’ f %%2 ,'
ds‘l .. “ll yoti thitik one ol yotii ti ieiids is be" .- "3W“ iii?" "t 5’
More than 900 men. women and Causes and signs “4 suicide [)cprcmon .. n.” .. .,.,,L.1y,.u...,,m.. U, Mid... tug suicide." R ”N. " . . w ' I55" ,5, V
children most ol them Americans about oseritiglit. signs that a person said.“inquiic artd tty to get him ‘3‘”-
werc dead. not as the result ol a rttay haye suicidal tendencies are protesstonal help l)on‘t ignore that .
' terrorist's bomb orawar. but ratheras Kcrby \eil. director ol children and usually noticeable in adyancc ot any "Students intnd their own business .>
I the result ol what some called the y oitth sersices tor l.e\ington‘s attempt on his lrle. lhcy Iccl they shouldn‘t intertere." 8’ ”‘IH‘ “”‘BHI anel‘tm -
“strangestsuicidalincidentinhtstory." (‘omprehensiye(‘are (enter. has doiic \L‘L‘Ol‘dlllg to Rose. sortie ol these Rose \‘dld. Students can act as a u I
lhis mass surcide. by members ot research on mental illness. stress and signs are the inability to sleep. loss ot rclcrral agent. cmmtmg a person Dlrect h't
the People‘s Iemplc cultin(iuyana on surcide and said there are \ery tew \ycight. constant sell-criticism and a contemplating suicide to rcceiye the ‘
\oy. 2|. I97X. was strange only impulsiye suicides. pessimistic outlook towards the ltelp he needs. she said. \esterday's heayy (and easily packed) snow proyided a good e\cuse for 4'
because ol the number ol people Stewert I'ishcr. assistant IUIlll‘C releasing the tensions ol high-pressured college life through the playful
inyolyed. psycholog\ prolessor and director ol lhclos Angeles Suicidel’rewntion Tomorrow: .S'ources of help for actiyity ”I snowball “2h" ”9"“ an unidentified participant hi" just .
Surcide is one ol the leading causes the Psychological Scryice ('cnter. ('enter uses a tcn5pornt list to predict those considering suicide “‘P“"I“""1‘d "W ”"9““ ”I haying some ”I ”Ii“ IMMUW “'k’aWd-
01 death lor Americans. and is the agreed. IIlCl‘C is tistially "considerable the probability ol an indiyidual .
second largest causeoldcatholcollege planning insolyed (in committing a committing suicide ' '
students.e.\ceeded only by automobile suicrdc)." he said. lhe age and sex ol the indiyidual. Fed eral act p rOVId I n g n ew m o n ey - .
accidents. People will otten ask tor help lhe symptoms shown by the ‘ 7
Between l950and I975.the stticrdc indirectly belorc conimiting suicide. indtyidual. . I I I 7
rate lor the entire nation increased lb I‘ischer said Sometimes a person Whether the symptoms are actltc fo r BaSI c Ed ucatlo n a' SCh o I arSh I ps
percent. lhe suicide rate among those makes this request tor help by taking or chronic. -
between lSand l7 years old. howeyer. an oyerdosc ol sleeping pills. knowing lhe immediate cnyironmental
increased |7l percent duringthe same he or shewill belound and takcntothe state ol the indiyidual. By BRIDGET McFARiANI) lttgle estimated that a student lrorn on the basis ot need. lhe ()lticc ol I
period. . hospital to haye the stomach pumped. Does the indiyidual hate a plan stair “Tllcl a lamily ol tour with one clitld in post- I'llltlllc‘ltll 5\id delines need as the cost '-
2 Persons between the ages ot 30 and I‘ischer said. llor committing suicide)" secondary ed ucation and one ol attending school itiiniis the lainily's " . '
40 are ”I" ”105‘ likely 10 C0mm)! He added that the beliel that Are there any supporting people I‘orty percent more Kentucky employed parent.could recciycagiant ability to contribute lnglc said all _
surcrde. “people who talk about suicide don‘t iii his lile'.’ undergraduate stiidentsareeligiblelor ol SlSlllorthc l9‘9-ts‘0actnletnic year students eligible lot a Basic (irant 5
"H" young people in college." do it" Is it myth. Hastheindiyidualcycrattempted Basic Iiducational ()pporttinity lhe inastnturn Basic (irant a sltoiild receiye one since there is no '
Harriett Rose. director ol‘ l'K‘s "Weleclthat itsomeonetalksabout stricide belore'.’ (irants under the Middle Income sttident itiay recenc lot the academic practical limit on the tiinds iised tor 3 _ _
Counseling and Testing Center. said. stiicidc.we should takeitseriously. We Does the indiyidual hayc any Student Assistance Act passed by year is Sl.l\merican government is doing. the ‘ -‘/ . l' l '0‘ N ' '
.it tit; l \ s recognition til (hina , . - ‘ \' "9V 1 i i
- lreaty would remain in ellect through Bernadette b. DuPont 'l - 4 i ‘
dhsti‘llli‘ bunkutn . ll . | . ’ . _ . . , I I . . / / ' ‘
a of 19 9 lhe lreaty states clearly Biology junior “ - .l
In their \lao—hpc wall posters . ‘ , . ‘ ' r . . .1 ‘
.. 1 l. '3 .. . that it gives either nation the right to , . , . - \ E. ,
it t ' ir . v- i . _ . s '~‘I
Ithht .nirig cgllllpltls Mata: I N’ML erd it on a one-year notice. BaSketba“ ald \"“—‘// ‘3' ’ i
‘ *U‘f'l *l' H“ ( "g‘lrd‘d Ha\ing mm on laiwan lor more . " ‘ ii
(.irtcr s iior'mali/ing relations with s- . - In my Ml” ”l Wednesday. January v .
. s than .) \ears. I also find it essential to Z. .. ' \ .~
(hzna .is committing "(ieiiocide on . ' . . 3|. I commented on the aid that I '
.. . separate the well-being of the maiorit\ . . W - - '
Human Rights. as selling laiwan. , , .' (Ouch .loe Hall proiided lor the . . . i '
~ . . ot nati\e laiwanese from the securit\ . . - \
and as breaching the l s —l;ll\\illl » . ‘ basketball PlUM‘W lht‘ uld I referred ,. :
. ol the lsuomintang regime. a minority .. . - ~ . '
tleieiise umn lhose charges by the - to was the \Mldcat Lodge not their ‘ .
- ~ ‘- totalitarian regime which has . . ~ ' i
t s \ ML. generali/ations [cis look , . scholarships. Also. while the lodge _‘ . . .
~ nionopoli/ed the l cople s Assembly in . . . . . ..‘
.it the speeities l' . -. was turned o\er to the l niversity. it t _ ' , l - .
. aiwan with its permanent-position . - . . ‘\ .' - l
' President (.it‘tct did not commit . 1 did not pay the bUildingexpenses on it. \ . ..
~- l l l "b l l“*“"‘"““‘ ““1 “mm“ member" when th liters mm d in [h ‘ It "
g' ~-.«. . vt . .. . ‘ e 1*. e . * . - '1:
3mm“ ” mm”) ”3“ “mm? \iewed in this context.the(.8..i\.s . . . p3 ' L \ \-~" ' i i "
accepting the truth that the Peoples . b“ , . l m‘“””.‘ gamed the adytintage 0' \E‘ .. ‘ " .
l . __ protest ecomes an insult not only to . - , _ ' i. / A us.’
Republic ot (hina is iti reality the \1 s, dddm‘mdl dorm rooms l‘" “5‘ h.‘ ‘ . » l , Ii
1 , _. - r. (arter buttothe American people . / K v - . , ~_;~
sincie umernriient ot( ltiria. whilctlie , other students. ’ - /‘ 6., , .-
_ ~ who are known to be staunch \ -’ t w' /' 7 I. '3 '
ktiiiriiiritanu (\atiorialist l’artsi . “:I / 5’, “ / / 3‘! .
~ . . supporters ol democrac\ and lair . . , ; / / ' s‘. //9 / .
regimeon laiwan stilllioldingonto _ ' (uaye Durham h / ’ v5.5
- s ‘ representation. . . . . , 3'.
the myth that it is goierning all ( hina .. , Home ECONOMICS JUNO! ,/‘ . .. m 434;;
i ‘_ . , (iilbert (hen is"
has l put. laiwan under martial (. d . d .52:
law sinte ,lanuar‘y l‘l-W. 3 imposed .ra uate stu em I I '9:
sum: political censorship ol all 3*“
maga/ines and newspapers on laiwan Field's mediocre ‘g s
,1 ellectnc lanuars l. lWh. and 1 fig 5
recently ltdrttssetl and arrested \Uc‘h l hgnc ill“£l_\s hccn of the Uplnltin £1; ,
opposition (the Kuommtang regime is that (iregg Helds' articles. displayed . I it:
. IS 00 umn WI no appear 0 al’ .
(hen ( hu. arrested on .lune 33. WW. mediocre quality. but the “Baby Aloe. 3|? i
l‘lll- ll ll" “ “5‘ l' d 0 ”l?“ W and lnc."article in Monday's paperw‘as an By JOHN (‘OOKE I‘m only in this lor the fringe benefits. your own line. Nobody isfunny at four I should say the glands I find exciting It:
par-turning. lolrcllgn ‘PIL'WULC‘s was insult to the intelligence of your _ which means I spend an inordinate am. except my roommate. but he has "0 one wants to talk about. 3
“-M‘“ on sl‘.‘ ~43 ”WWW“ readers _ _ I‘ll get things off to aquick start and amount oltime with the fringe. let me the medication to bolster his So. you see. no column this week. It 3.}
{:1LJEK) ol lnternationaH tiriimittee tor l he strictly fantasi/ed and then finish them up almost as quickly. put it another way; most of the people creativity. is just inhumane to expect someone to is
ilk- Lu?“ ‘1' Humap R'qgh“ ”1 “d'Wlllu‘ ‘1‘") ”MI MT- hild‘ You see.ldonthaveacolumnlorthis at the Kernel office think syntax is .___________._—___—_——————-—— g i
\piwgin. I. lll\ -4 and - . “Hit. and submitted was In ycry poor taste and week. so you can go back to whatever money collected by the church from a? 3
4 U “ll-"hf d} h \ear ”ld lormer (ml) ‘h‘mt‘d hl‘ ignorance and you were doing or whatever you were trangressors. Kinda wonder who‘s at ‘” l.
Vt‘its' ,- s . ' '.. .... , A. » -‘ . - ‘
.liagi lltllc til kiltmwllng lln southern Indhllll} [0,“ flit an acceptable drtltlt. “Oi dO|ng becaugc I am( gonna [he whee]. dont you" Maybe you I . jg: .
laiwan ilaltirig w uh hls:ttnl \(‘lt lni-A ll the [some] staff is so anxious to deliver. Yeah. you heard me. Nixville already know. but more on that later, 0 n t :00 e L“. ‘
" H“ "mm” “' It) 9' milk“ ”5 laugh. and I presume thYare from (‘ooke this week. Youjust have What really distracts me. though. is a '-
1\ttondly you don t sell something alter noting their comment at the end to fend for yourself. that constant plea "Hey (‘ooke.give us 3? i
“it“ you own it orliaie legal right to of said article. why dont you use the | mean. what a grind. This is worse something funny," What is that trash? ‘gf '
v . i . i r . ‘ , _, , j . " ~ . i _ .. . ________’_______—.._._.——————-————-—— .
Ill Iow. how can ( arier sell laiwan. space taken up by Mr. l‘lCld sdttcmpls than you-know-whm and about as What a stultitying demand! How‘ can ‘—" '37' ft
(‘ “-“r‘” d ‘lM ”l P10 ““nCd h) at amusmg us with agood comicstrip'.’ satisfying. Isit down here hanging out anyone be funny all the time‘.’ You‘re Okay. okay. just this one time I‘ll come up with something every week. -: -f
"““ “’ ’bl ”l“ “mum” Ma} I make a suggestion I0 Mr. some insights. subjugating my ego for not. Please stop calling me in the give you something funny. but watch Hey. that remind‘s me of another l
r ~r - . .. i , ‘ i .i “ , ‘ , v ‘ ‘ ‘ , . . ' . - ~ ~ i ~
gilHjflmlLrIll tiat it can be sold at fields? Either change your mvdtor or the greater good and who cares?l)ont middle of the night for a line to hand closely because lam only g0ing to do gripe. Lay off With thiswsthing! lam : .3
“m “H “n 'l ‘h‘ ( S ‘\ meant dt‘C'dt‘ ‘0 “3) permanently “11h iht‘ get the wrong idea. I don‘t need you. your distraught girlfriend. Hand her this once... just once. Learned this not an expert on the 60's and I don't t
" " ‘ m ' *H‘—W"’V"'——.————~——m———————-———* from Paul Bearer. a l5th century pretend to be. lmake the mistake of .2’
monk... (Jive me that fish. Cheryl, and passing along a few of my impreSSions {j
the harness. To your left... No. to your and now lcan’tgeta moment ofpeace. f
HEY BABY WNA b 0 o o a E SWL-D other left... I can‘t use this fish. the I’m in over my head and I admit it. | ',,L _
> s t) D F [j . ., MAYB I stand-in please. Hey!!! Are you still willnotbebOforanotheMOyears orso ‘;.'_ i
l\ l / / /’ ’I TRY A I‘m: DIRECT out there'.’... Remember.justthis once. (hard stress on the ‘or so')and there is g .
O " :1 ~ \ u ‘ I could be paralyzed orthe victim ofa just no way I can make a definitive .3 g
b ‘l // WOAQH . very embarrassinginfection...Can you statement about that very important 1;. ‘ ,
/ loosen that strap a bit. that‘s a dear... period. 3
% now 'the lotion... Ail“ eyc'es here. 'pLease. Speaking of very important periods 3’ .
//' Karl. the drum £36” a]?! w: T: that some of us might miss.lwas going .‘
é/ f one...1wo...Tltl, b 0: oy'. '- to give out the evidence I have which ; .
W 4 / ho. imahudau “0 amp... way.... proves thatthcre is no God. or ifthcrc . ,s
// /l / Glad that‘s over. Whew. that stings. is, he has a lousy sense of humor. but 3 ' .
/ Humor. birarre business. To there‘s no way I'll let that little Jewel f
/ J / paraphrase another wilde man, I out of the bag. no Sir. However. I Will ;
’ / // / / would have to say that the only thing tell you what I think one of his Jokes 3
. / , ,: ‘6 i worse than being funny is not being would go like. j .
V . ' 0K; // funny. but that stilldoesn’t make any God (divine coin resting on top of l;
' ' j ._...; i . , / ' B r f‘ easier. Hisdivincthumb.poisedforthcdivme 3
sf / ,/ r’ // / l was going to take this oppurtunity flip) —» “Heads 1 Win. tails you '059- 3
i: / g / / . , / r )1 to review Joyce Jamcs‘ new book The What do ou say to that?
'5" .3 ’ ’ / I ., Portnit ofthe Anistnslhrgecland. Adam . (Timid VOICC- ""VOUS‘IY .
1, i ' /’ U The problem is. as | see it. that l have fingers fig leaf) “Best out Of "It”?
: ,/// ,1 a never heard of Ms. James. and even it Here‘s to making the best of a bad
.f. \ / ‘ .7, f 'v' she does exists. I‘m sure she didn‘t cosmic joke. Like I said. no column I
‘ ' ”'0 l write that book. It seem a shame, this week. Better luck next time.
.. ‘ ~\ - .. because it sounds like an interesting
. . . ‘3 subject. I might try my hand at it. but I John Cooke I: an English senior- Hi!
, ‘ 3? don‘t think glands are very exciting, or column appear! on “Mil
. . l , l
. . 3 p ‘
. ' . . i l
. ‘ l,
, .1. ‘3 :1 3
L. ‘uj' '3 . L. 1.: -- : a..':--:$~ x-u‘v-wvw .e... - — - . " --r...‘- ‘ I! '- g ' ' I” ‘ "”"'“" .'W‘*" ’ ‘ ' " *1 v-....s-.ma.~,muum..ya w " ~ ‘ ' " o
.“‘u’ .- ‘ '. ' ~.‘-'. 7 " ' 1 ' -
" '. - . .‘ . .. u: ’i‘ “.' .' . ‘ " . - I ' . ‘- ‘ ‘ ° ‘ ‘ ‘
was? i. .. _ ‘ ,3” ~ ' . ‘ .3 .‘fi.v'._.‘{‘,_ (5.7": ' s- . , . , . — . . g . . _

; ' fi'. 2.21/5” 1,; x.-
.. ' t H” M \ H ( kl
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