xt7k6d5pcf4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pcf4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1977 1977 1977-03-03 2020 true xt7k6d5pcf4q section xt7k6d5pcf4q New coeed dorm

Visitation hours to be extended in the fall

Kernel Staff Wrier

Remember the scene in Love
Story where Ali McGraw and Ryan
O'Neal lie wrapped around each
other while she studied history and
he studied her?

Well, beginning this fall, students
who live in upperclass residence
halls will have the same opportunity
to study together when visitation
hours are extended to include week
nights from 7 pm. to 10 pm.

In addition, freshman visitation
hours will be increased to 30 hours
per week (or Fridays, Saturdays
and Sundays) and an additional co-
ed dam will be established if
justified by demand

The Mid comes from Dr. Robert

Thursday, March 3, I977

Zumwinkle, vice president for
student affairs and Joe Burch, dean
of students, after the two reviewed
an advisory committee’s report on
residential living.

The canmittee, composed of four
students and threestaff members,
was appa'nted last September, after
conversations among Student
Government representatives, in-
dividual students and Burch about
residential living.

Singletary approved report

Its report was submitted to Burch
and he recommended the current
changes to Zumwinkle who endorsed
the new housing policies. They were
then approved by President Otis
Singletary last week.

“Indications are the students want
these extra hours during the week to
study together," Burch said.

“We haven't charged our attitude
about that any,” he added.
“Existing policies relating to quiet
or study hours during week nights
will remain in effect."

Visitatim in freshman dorms will
equal the amount upperclass halls
currently have-Friday from 6 pm.
to I am, and Saturday and Sunday
from 12 pm. to 10 pm.

Presently, a freshman hall,
through its government, elects how
to use 15 of 30 hours available on the
weekends. For example, open house
at Haggin Hall is from 7 p.m'. to 1
am. on Fridays and Saturdays, and
7 pm. to 10 pm. on Sundays.


Vol. vam. Number 120 Kc '

Individual units to establish hours

However, a related policy will be
initiated to allow individual
residence units (a floor) to establish
visitation hours less than the
maximum for a specified time by a
majority vote of that unit.

“I dm't know if this option will
ever be used," Zumwinkle said.
“But we feel it is our obligation to
students who may not want the
additional open hours and would
prefer to have their privacy.”

If you applied for space in a coed
du‘m, the chances that you'll get it
look good.

“Based on last year’s ex-
perience," Burch said, “there will
be sufficient demand to merit an
additional coed hall. We should

an independent student newspaper

Neighborhood concerns
led researcher to run

Copy Editor

The following is the second story in a
weekly series on candidates for
Urban County Council seats in
student-populated districts.

Involvement in her neighborhood
led Anne Gabbard, UK rural
sociology research associate, to run
for the 4th district Urban County
Council seat.

Gabbard, 41, has never held
elective office. Nor has her only
announced contender in the race,
UK engineering student Bernard

But Gabbard said feels she is
qualified to fill the seat Pam Miller
will be vacating in November,
because of a belief in herself and in
“ordinary citizens" participating in
government, and because of her
commitment to the area.

“Merged government allows
ordinary people to feel they have a
chance (to participate in govern-
ment)," Gabbard said. “In addition,

the successes that our neighborhood
association has had have led me to
believe that ordinary citizens can
make changes in government."
Gabbard said she and her
husband, Dr. Fletcher Gabbard,

‘ chairman of the UK physics

department, started the Arcadia
Park—Barberry Lane Neighborhood
Association out of fears that portions
of the neighborhood would be re-
zoned for business.

The Gabbards considered moving
from their residence on Barberry
Lane, but decided to stay because
finances and the energy crunch
made it difficult to move, Gabbard

“We formed the neighborhood
association and have been suc-
cessful in fighting zone changes
along Nidrolasville Road. I have a
commitment to this particular
area," she said.

If elected, Gabbard’s first priority
would be sewer construction. She
also feels it is important to solve
Lexington‘s traffic problems.

In order to serve students living in

the 4th district, Gabbard said she
advocates stopping attempts to re-
zone the area for business, thereby
maintaining valuable student

She also feels her proposal to
improve the timing of traffic lights

at the Waller Avenue intersection _ ,

would make it easier and safer for
students walking to school to cross
the street.

Gabbard said she is interested in
“preserving our older neigh-
ba‘hoods so people don't have to
move to the suburbs." She said she
would like Lexington to have a
planetarium and natural history
museum. She would also like in-
creased police patrols throughout
the city in order to cut down on

Unless another candidate enters
the race, Gabbard and McCarthy
will not have to participate in the
scheduled May primary. Gabbard
said she expects increased op-
position and plans to campaign by
going door-to-door and by holding
neighborhood coffees.


—tod ay



State police were placed on alert yesterday when
dozens of persons gathered in front of the cour-
thouse in Shepardsville to protest the arrests of
several persons on charges stemming from a
“vigilante" drug raid on a teen-age party last
month. Bullitt County Atty. Chester Porter said
most of the demonstrators, some of whom carried
placards, were “members of the Ku Klux Klan or
their sympatlrizers."


'I‘wo wildcat strikes spread through the West
Virginia coaltields yesterday, idling some 18,000
men and shutting down dozens of mines. United
Mine Workers officials met in Charleston with
representatives of Eastern Associated Coal Corp,
against whom both protests were directed. The
walkout began Feb. 3.

Itep. Ilenry B. Gonzalez. D-Texas. submitted his
resignation as chairman of the House Committee on
assassinations yesterday in his battle with Chief
(‘ounsel Richard A. Sprague, calling Sprague an
“unconscionable scoundrel." Gonzalez submitted
his resignation in a letter to Speaker Thomas P.
O‘Neill. The Speaker said the resignation would
have to be considered by the full House, raising the
prospect of a divisive floor light.

It. Vlktor I. Belenlro.a Soviet pilot who detected
to the United States by flying his MIG 25 to Japan

last September. has told of the Russians building
phony air bases to fool satellite surveillance while
they put the real ones underground, Stern magazine
reported yesterday. Belenko was also'quoted as
telling US. intelligence interogators that Soviet
military authorities are plagued by severe troop
morale problems that led to numerous suicides.


A Spanish-horn Roman Catholic missionary has
been found battered to death, the 11th missionary to
die in the past three months in remote areas of
Rhodesia where black guerrillas are fighting the
white minority government. Right-wing members
of Parliament, meanwhile, effectively torpedoed
plans by Prime Minister Ian Smith to dismantle
racist laws a forerunner to black majority rule.

l'ganda revived an earlier theme in its war of
nerves yesterday. claiming 2,600 American, British
and Israeli nrerenaries were advancing through
Kenya toward President ldi Amin. The report was
instantly rejected by Washington. London and

Sing if you want

Scattered showers will be with us today through '

tomorrow aftemoon. The high temperature both
days will be in the mid 50‘s. The low tonight will be
in the nid 40‘s.

Compiled from Associated Press
and N ational Weather Bureau dispatches


'lhere's nothing like a break in the bad weather
to get the cleaning spirit going. llere. llan

know for sure within 30 days.”

Burch said the location of the co-
ed dorm tthe committee suggested
the north side of campus) would
depend on the number and sex of the
applicants. “We have to maintain a
similar ratio so we don‘t take any
spaces away from those who want
single-sex housing."

Regulations include penalties

The new regulations will also
include uniform penalties to be
imposed for violations of visitation

The committee’s report stated
that various different penalties were
be ng used to punish violators, and
recommended that guidelines be


Hall windows.

(linger, a sociology sophomore, removes three

Now a fad

‘The way we feel about that,"
Burch said, "is to violate visitation
privileges is to lose them.“

Burch pointed out that the only
committee recommendation not
adopted wasone proposing that open
hours begin at 12 pm. on Friday.
“We did not feel we could ask our
student resident advisers (RA) not
to take cla$es on Friday af-
ternoons.“ he said. “For this reason,
we did not elect to include this time
in open house.“

Committee member and SG
President Mike McLaughlin, one of
those responsible for initiating
policy changes, called the action
“the first move toward
liberalization in four years."

(‘ontinued on page 5

University ofKentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

months worth of winter sludge from his Boyd

Leather apparel lasts ’forever’

Assistant Managing Editor

For years, people thought the best
part of a cow could be found
fraternizirg with special sauce,
lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions and a
sesame seed bun.

But for reasons even the retailers
can't discern, there’s been a move
towarrb leather—hats, purses, vests
and the old reliable, belts—that can
justifiably be called a fad.

Edgar Hume, owner of The
leather Shop on Limestone Street,
said people are buying leather goods
because they’re tired. “The buyer is
probably tired of plastic, tired of
factory a-ap," he said. "(Leatlieri
lasts longer, it mellows. It stays

L together longer than plastic.“

Ken Guyer, who with his wife,
Karla, operates The Last Genuine
Leather Shop on Euclid, shares
Hume's opinion. “They‘re tired of
synthetics." Guyer said. “I'm sure
it‘s just a fad, but there are people
who will stick with it."

Guyer said he enjoys “doing
custom orders, creating something a
person wants. You can work it out so
it‘s exactly what they want. Then

they don‘t have to take what’s,


But Hume, a self-proclaimed
cynic, said he's disillusioned with
the trade. Shoes, a product of
meticulous work, don't sell
anymore. Factory mass-production
has undercut the prices of hand-
made wa-k. Hume concentrates now
on malrirg sculpture and leather

boxes, which he said are popular up

Belts always sell—anywhere.
.“Belts are bread and butter," Hume

The Guyers say business is good—
right now. “We sell a lot of belts,"
Ken said. “Other things sell more
sporadically. We've sold a lot of
bridcases recently," he said.

“We sella lot of calculator cases,”
said Karla. “At Christmas time, we
sell a lot of purses and vests."

Ken Guyer, a Pasadena, Calif.
native, said he became interested in
leather crafts when a girl taught him
how to make a pair of sandals years
ago. in return, he taught her how to
make pottery. “We exchanged
knowlalge," he said.

' Continued on page 5




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Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University




Maverick Oregon
leads ozone fight

In keeping with its reputation as a maverick
state. Oregon has once again taken up the battle
for protecting the environment by outlawing
tl uoroc a rbon sprays.

Although state administrators aren‘t sure how
the law will be enforced, Oregon, this week,
banned the sale of sprays using fluorocarbons as
propellants The law, which was passed two
years ago. became effective this past Tuesday.

Anyone convicted of selling the cans faces a
maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $1,000
fine. But the law doesn‘t prohibit the use of the
sprays. it only bans their sale.

The bill was prompted by reports that
flutrocarhons damage the Earth’s protective
ozone layer. Since the initial scare more than two
years ago. government scientists have been
back-stepping from their dire warnings of im-
pending doom.

Few scientists. however, have denied that
fluorocarbms are damaging the ozone. The only
significant disagreement is the rate of

l'nfortunately. the new law is causing quite a
few problems because nobody is sure what
sprays contain fluorocarbons. There is no
national labeling requirements and manufac-
tures are not telling the wholesalers which
products have the contraband fluorocarbon

In addition. the state legislature is proposing

admendments to the bill which would exempt
some industrial uses, such as lubricating dental
drills, and allow retailers to sell the aerosol
products they have on hand. Already Oregon
Gov. Bob Straub has signed one bill exempting
aerosol sprays used for medical purposes.

There is also some question about who is in
charge of overseeing the ban since the law
makes no provision for enforcement. According
to Deputy Atty. Gen. Jim Durham, local district
attorneys will be responsible for prosecuting

Since Oregon represents less than 1 per cent of
the national market for aerosol manufactures, it
seems unlikely that the new law will force
fluorocarbons off the market. But, even if
Oregon '5 ban is no more than a symbolic act, it is
encouraging to see a state stand up for en-
vironmental rights.

Perhaps this one state’s action will prompt the
federal government to officially ban
fluorocarbons before it's too late. As Bill Davis,
lobbyist for a national organization of aerosol
manufacturers and distributors, points out,
"Until the federal government takes some ac-
tion, they (aerosol industry) won’t convert to
some other kind of product. It just won’t be
available in Oregon.”

Although this may be true, it’s nice to know
that there is at least one state in America that’s
not full of hot air.



' {



If the picture that the American
Press presents of Idi Amin is really
that of the man there is no doubt that
the world is once again witnessing
another era of Hitlerism.

The average person who has kept
up with distortions and mis-repre—
sentation of situations in Africa by



mun Kora
. ' :le TeA
dithW ”teak


the American press is skeptical
about the reports one reads about
Uganda's Idi Amin. Whenever the
news media says that Idi Amin has
murdered about 50,000 Ugandans I
know in my mind that the dictator
probably murdered only 5,000.

The point is that the press would
want to make the “Field Marshal"
look as ugly as possible. The picture

GOhZO . . . Fear and loathing in Uganda

t Yesterday I came into the Kernel

otlice with the idea of reviewing an
inmginary new book by Idi .\min—-
with a foreword by Alex llaley—
called lirtttts. \\ lieu lstarted telling
peoplealmut it. the) said that Kernel
Stall \triter (‘llAS .\l.\l.\‘ had
already upstaged rue—he had ac-

tually called Amin‘s office in


it »


it dick

lganda a couple of hours earlier.
tealiling there was no way to top
this leaf of tionzo journalism. I
tunml today 's column over to (has.
llis account of the conversation


'l‘hcre's not much to do at the
Kernel office early in the morning ~—
cspecially when you don't have a
L‘irosl of an idea for a story and
intense boredom can run rampant
during those times.




Yesterday morning l reached the
depths of that boredom; Alex Haley
had promised to call me for an in-
terview by 11 am. butthe prospects
of his following through were
quickly dimming.

To make matters worse, there
were no campus stories to write
about; the collective consciousness
here IS so low that it would take a
tire at the Jack Daniels distillery to
get anyone excited.

So w e sat. Bill Patterson and l. in
silent desperation. While we con-
sidered borrowing photo editor
Stewart Bowman's police radio to
listen for fires or major drug
arrests. we indulged in some
creative whining and complaining.

Why do some reporters get all the
breaks while guys like us have to sit
and hope'.’ Take, for instance, that
journalist in Kenya. Just last week
he was sitting by his p001. drinking
Singaptre slings and minding his
own huisncss. when he was called to
the phone to speak to...ldi Amin.

I mentioned that to Bill. Why
doesn't Idi call us. I wondered. Bill
suggested that maybe he‘d never
heard of us. Well. i thought, why



don‘t we call him and introduce
ourselvcs‘.’ I swear I really didn‘t
mean it not at first, anyway.

The more I thought about it,
though, the more attractive the idea
sounded. Why not call Idi Amin? The
man is obviously w'acko—and even
more obviously in need of some good
press. Maybe he‘d realize that and




agree to grant us an exclusive in-

“Dies anyone know how to call
l‘ganda‘.’ ”


"Yeah. I‘m going to call Big

"Big Daddy Amin?"

“Big Daddy Amin."

At first, Managing Editor John
Winn Miller thought I was kidding;
he‘s heard several off —the-wall ideas
from me. Who else could make a


we A to war."

career from standing in lines
ovemight for sports tickets and
writing stories about it?

ldecided to show him that I wasn’t
kidding: I dialed the local exchange
and asked to be connected with an
overseas operator. In a few seconds
a clasicly New York‘ voice came
onto the line, accompanied by the
whine of longdistance lines.

“International, may I help you?“
The poor woman had no idea that
she was about to enter the high-
tension w orld of international
politics. ltried to sound cool, jaded.

“Yeah. doll, get me Amin.“

“I beg your pardon?“ She didn’t
understand; probably dropped out of
school to take this job. I decided to
play it straight with her.

“I would like for you toconnect me
with Entebbe, Uganda. please."

“Ulr...any particular number?"

“Yes; the Presidential palace,
please.“ There were a few moments
of awkward silence, and then she
started dialing. ’

“I’ll have to get that number for
ya: sir."

Ah, great. She understood—
perhaps l‘d soon be speaking to The
Man. I listened as a series of clicks
and multiple tones sounded through
the lire.

“Entebbe here." The voice on the
other end had a strange accent.

”Yes, I need the number for the
Presidential palace.“ (Just for the
record, that number is Entebbe

“Ah, who did you want to speak to
at that number?"

"ldi Amin...if he‘s not there I‘ll
deal with one of his represen-
tatives.“ Soon, another thickly
amented voice was on the line. This
one, though, was at the Presidential
Palace. The operator asked for "Mr.
Amin or a representative.“ There
was a silence on the other end, and
then, “Hold on.“

“This is Mr. Amin's secretary.
May I help you?“ The next three
minutes of conversation were pretty
last-paced, so hang on.

"Yes, I have someone here who

wants to speak to Mr. Amin or his-


“I am his representative. Who is

"Who are you?"

“I am a reporter for the Kentucky
Kernel. a student newspaper in

“1 know you're in America—hold
on. it is a journalist from Kentucky.
He wants to question Mr. Amin."

“Why does he want this?"

“Operator? 1 want to ask him
about the Americans in Uganda.“

“He wants to ask about the
Americans there.”

”He wants to talk to our
president? This is impossible; it
cannot happen.“

‘Sir, he says it is impossible."

“What does he want with our

“ile wants to...“

"Why does he want our president?
t'l‘lre last sentence was unin-
telligible. )"

“What did he say operator?"

“What did you say sir?”

“Who is calling our president?“

“1 am an American journalist,
operator, and l..."

“Why doesn‘t

"What did he say?"

"What did you say, sir?"

“i said our president does not talk
to citizens. Why doesn‘t he call his
president and have him call Mr.
Amin for him?“

“He wants you to call your
president and have him call Amin."
By now the operator was laughing.

“He wants me to what? You mean
call (‘arter‘.’"

“That‘s what he said."

“Uh, listen; let‘s just forget it.“

"Do you understand me? Our
pres'dent does not talk to citizens.”

"Thank you very much,

”You‘re welcome. Sorry you
didn‘t get to talk to Amin.“

“Why titres this American want

I cut him off.



Dick liowney. in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is last approach-
ing graduation from the UK Law
School. "is column appears every

would be less so if Idi Amin were not
an African.

Dictators like the Iranian Shah,
Park of South Korea, Marcos of the
Philippines are not depicted as ugly
as IdiAmin.

It should be noted that most black
African countries are horrified by
Idi Amin‘s repressive and murder-
ous regime. African newspapers are
full of outcry against the dictator
who is Africa's embarrassment.

As an African, '1 am not basing my
assessment of Idi Amin on what the
American press states about him.
African newspapers report the ter-
rible situation in Uganda more

Against an opinion expressed by a
retired UK professor of political
science sometime ago. repression
and murder is not innate in black
African leaders. The African con-
science is shocked by ldi Amin‘s
undiplomatic utterances and erratic

Africans do not condone murder
and would, without reservation.
condemn it outright. No African in
his right mind would take sides with
a murderous regime, but it should be
noted that the American press
always exaggerates whatever takes
place in the African continent to
make it appear uglier than it really
is ifit is ugly at all.

The Black world festival in which
several million dollars was spent to
attract artists from all over the
world including the United States
was referred to by the Wall Street
Journal as a tribal festival. How
could one depend on such a source

.lim .\'esin ()matscyc
Graduate student

Hard knocks

Who won the DG Anchor Splash
last Sunday? We‘ve waited several
days now just to give you plenty of
time to report on it and still nothing!

This event. in particular, was used
to raise money for a charitable
organization. yet nothing was even
mentioned in your socalled news-
paper—the DG‘s even went so far as
advertise with you and you still
won‘t report on it.

This is sad.

We hope that you‘ll take note of
this and open your eyes to the many
things that the Greek community
does for this campus as well as the
city instead of knocking the Greek
community as you usually do.

lteid Paxton
Engineering sophomore
Kelly Thurman

AG Economics junior
Deon Tandy

AG Economics junior


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 t—TIIE KENTUCKY KERNI‘IL. Thursday. March 3. l9”




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"We'll be looking for You”

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Field Jackets

Winter Parkas

fatigues 8. ieans

Now is your chance!

The l‘l'lllU(l(Y Ki‘llli“

l rs now acreptinq applications for

iditOr in chief for Summer l977 and FallSpring 77-78.
I‘nyone WtSltlllq to apply for either or both posttions should

n nlu separate applications

Require" mils lnr Fdrtor' inchret:

I, Mist beetrottedai the UK Lexington campus Juringthetermas edit:

2. Must be It good acammic, (2 pt. malaisciptinary an) linanciat standing with
the University dung term as editor.

3 The editor .n chiet mt have had a mnirnirn at are year’s publications ex-
perience andbetamrlia'wnhthe operationola newspamr.

a. Persons applying tor the position who have not worked in he Kernel prior to
applying must prov-dz a recommeidatiai ltom wevrous euployer aid-or ad-


Applications for Editor-inchiet should include:

i A resolve describing prevrous iournalism experience (inducing The Kattuctry
Kernel it any. and any other gemral intormation atom the apuicant, and a

conptete grade transcript.)

2 A mtarled statement of ptnlosodry am pals tor Tl! Kentucky Kernel, in
cludinq my specitic proposals tor charm.

3. At least three, but not more than two. letters of recommendation. inclining at
least one train a laculty noniber and weterabty me tram soneone involved in

"IQ CDT'MTIITIC ations lietd.

4 Sanplesol work. It the applicant has not publisted inviting. he a she Md
sutxnh sane val: vlnch is representative of his talent and in some way wolities
him tor the rob. lerampie: ctimings, m. palms, creative writing

augments. etc.)

Applications are also available for other staff


Application Deadline; April 1, l977~Applrcatrons can be
picked up in room It], Journalism Budding



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Keenlond Hall desk

men and women with 3.0 g.p.a.
and 90 hours are eligible


All executive council positions and
committee chair positions for the '77-'78
Student Center Board are to be selected.
Deodlinefor executive councilapplicotions
is March 4Progrommingcouncil, Morchll
Selections Handbooks and applications in
Rm. 204 of S.C. More info call 258-8867.

It took 17 hours and 57
people to publish a
Kernel that will take

you 35 minutes to read.

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Researchers study
energy, environment

Fuuire efforts to construct
nuclear power plants will
face stiff opposition from
environmentalists and state
officials, according to a
research team studying
energy needs and en-
vironmental impacts in a
four-state region along the
Ohio River.

Speaking before some 50
utility industry and en-
vironmental representatives,
Dr. James Jones of the
University's institute for
Mining and Mineral Research
(IMMR) said construction of
nuclear power facilitie