xt7k6d5pcc8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pcc8z/data/mets.xml Illinois United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects Illinois Historical Records Survey National Archives (U.S.) 1940 v, 172 l.; 28 cm UK. holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number  FW 4.14:F 317/ser.7/12 books English Chicago: Illinois Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Illinois Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Navy -- Archives Archives -- Illinois -- Catalogs Illinois -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series VII, The Department of the Navy,  no. 12, Illinois text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series VII, The Department of the Navy,  no. 12, Illinois 1940 1940 2019 true xt7k6d5pcc8z section xt7k6d5pcc8z ' - ‘ . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII { 0F FEDER 1‘
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5, , The Survey of Federal Archives %
‘. Division of Professional and Service Projects “W/
i Work Projects Administration New .
g The National Archives
% Cooperating Sponsor
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Chicago, Illinois
. The Illinois Historical Records Survey Project
I i 1940

The Historical Records Survey Program
5 } Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director
f1", _'= Royal S. Van de ‘Noestyne, State Supervisor
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
, Alma B. Kerr, Chief Regional Supervisor
Mary Gillette Moon, State Director
1 F. C. Harrington, Commissioner -
George Field, Regional Director
1 Charles E. Miner, State Administrator

 , iii

, The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of

j the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation—wide proj—

§ ect of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937,

l and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey,

' also operating as a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration, and
a group of state or local projects of that Administration and of the Work Projects

‘ The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I con—
sists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,and gen—

‘ oral discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in

‘ the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by work-
ers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned
to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other V
major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general
introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency
concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers
being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the
inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4,

\ For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related
records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates (”to date”
indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general de-
scription of informational content, description of the system of filing or in-
dexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record
itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, ctc.), linear footage, description of
the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory),
location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the num—

‘ ' ber of the Form 585A on which this information was originally recorded by a Sur—
vey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on
file in the National Archives. When it contains substantial information on ad—
denda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indica—

V tion of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda."
In Illinois the work of the Survey was under the direction of Dr. Russell ’
H. Anderson, with Mr. William E. Austin who resigned in April 1937 as his assist—

, ant, from its inception until June 30, 1937. The project then became a part of
the Historical Records Survey in Illinois with Mr. Howard E. Colgan as State
Director until June 1989 when he was succeeded by Mr. Royal S. Van de Woestyne.
On September 1, 1939, the name of the Survey was changed to the Illinois His-

‘ torical Records Survey Project, and the Illinois State Library became its spon—
sor. Since January 15, 1940, this sponsorship has been assumed by the University
of Illinois. This inventory of the Archives of the Department of the Navy in

. ; Illinois was prepared by Senior Editor Stanley Schulty, assisted by Eugene

3 Kendrick, and was typed and stenciled by Margaret Birdie of the Chicago office.

E Before final typing and mimeographing, this product was edited by Henry P. Beers

§ in the Washington office.

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Royal 8. Van de Woestyne ff
Feb. 14, 1940 State Supervisor
Chicago, Illinois Illinois Historical Records Survey

Navy Recruiting Substation ........................................ 1
Branch Hydrographic Office......................................... 2
Inspector of Naval Materiel........................................ 3
Inspector of Navy Recruiting....................................... 5
Marine Corps Recruiting Office (not surveyed)...................... 6
Marine Corps Reserve............................................... 6
Naval Reserve...................................................... 8
Navy Recruiting Station............................................ 12
Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps............................. 17
Marine Corps, Marine Barracks...................................... 18
Naval Hospital..................................................... 20
Personnel Department........................,.................. 21
, Accounting Department.......................................... 23
Maintenance Department......................................... 25
- Officer of the Day............................................. 25
Chief Nurse's Office........................................... 26
Clinical Laboratory............................................ 26
' Operating Room................................................. 27
' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Department........................... 27
XARay Laboratory............................................... 28
Physio—Therapy................................................. 28
Dental Office.................................................. 28
Pharmacy.......... .... ....................................... 28
Commissary Department.......................................... 29
- Medical Storeroom. ............................................ 3O
ward Records................................................... 30
Library........................................................ 32
Naval Reserve Aviation Base........................................ 32
Ninth Naval District Headquarters and Naval Training Station....... 37
Accounting Office.............................................. 40
Office of Athletic Officer..................................... 48
Office of the Chief Clerk...................................... 49
, Office of the Chief Machinist.................................. 51
1 Office of the Commanding Officer............................... 52
% Commissary Stores.............................................. 53
Office of Communication Officer................................ 56
Office of Courts and Boards.................................... 65

 ' v
Table of Contents
. ‘ Page
; Ninth Naval District (eent.)
Office of District Aide for Supply............................ 66
. Office of District Commandant................................. 69
District Disbursing Office.................................... 71
Station Disbursing Office..................................... 78
, Office of the District Medical Aide........................... 87
Office of Executive Officer................................... 88
Public Wbrks Office................. ......................... 89
Office of the Ships Service Officer........................... 92
Office of Station Chaplain.................................... 93
Office of the District Personnel Officer...................... 94
Office of Station Personnel Officer........................... 97
Department of Recruit Training................................ 102
Office Of Adjutf'),ntnnulnotcltln~-.loot-IOIOIICOICIIOIICOAII. 102
Office of First Battalion Commander........................ 102
Outgoing Unit Office............................i.......... 103
Office of Recruit Training 0fficer......................... 105
Office of Second Battalion Commander....................... 106
Trade School Office........................................ 107
Station Medical Department.................................... 108
Supply Department............................................. 113
Office of war Plans and Intelligence Officer.................. 128
Station Library............................................... 128
watch House................................................... 129
V Navy Recruiting Substation........................................ 130
Naval Reserve..................................................... 132
Nayy Recruiting Substation........................................ 139
Nayy Recruiting Substation........................................ 140
Navy Recruiting Substation........................................ 142
1 Navy Recruiting Substation........................................ 143 ‘
‘ Navy Recruiting Substation........................................ 146 .
CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX................................................... 147

Post Office Bldg., 18 Holbrook St.

This station is under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Recruiting Station,
and the Central Recruiting Division. It was established in Aurora in April
1935. Prior to that time, all recruiting or enlisting was handled in Chicago
All useless papers are transmitted to the Department of the Navy, washington,
D. C. The records are in good condition.

1. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1935 to date. Letters to and from Navy De—
partment, washington, D. C., substations, applicants, prospects, doctors,
postmasters, schools, Navy Club and Naval Reserve relative to administrative
affairs, rejection of applicants, inspectors‘ and doctors' reports, Navy Day,
sea service action, transfers of enlisted and acceptable men, and reports of
completed home interviews. Filed alphabetically and chronologically. (Occa—
sionally, official.) 8% x 11 covers, 2 ft., in metal filing case. R. 9. (2)

2. LIST OF HIGH SCHOOLS, 1935 — 1936. Record of contacts made with
students for enlistment, showing name of school, location and dates of
student graduations. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 3 x 5
cards, 3 in., in wooden card cabinet. R. 9. (3)

3. PAPERS OF REJECTED APPLICANTS, 1955 to date. Applications for enlist—
ment, records of physical examinations, and inspectors' reports. Held for
future home interviews with parents or applicants. Filed alphabetically. ‘

, (Daily, official.) 8-% 1: ll covers, 1 ft., in metal filing case. R. 9. (l)

4. RECORD OF LOCAL MEN SERVING IN FLEET, 1935 to date. Names and ad—
dresses of enlisted men, date and place of enlistment, name of father or
nearest relative, and destination. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally,
official.) 8 X 5 cards, 6 in., in wooden card cabinet. R. 9. (4)

address of applicant, age, place of birth, schooling, police record, prior
military experience, marital status, and date of acceptance. Filed alpha;
betically and chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 ft.

6 in., in wooden card cabinet. R. 9. (6)
1 address of applicant, age, place of birth, education, police record, prior
3 military experience, marital status, and description of physical defects,
‘ which warranted rejection. Filed alphabetically and chronologically.
§ (Occasi?nally, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden card cabinet.
1 R. 9. 5

 ' Branch Hydrographic Office, Chicago 2
F Court House B1dg., Adams and Clark Sts.

This branch of the Hydrographic Office was established in 1899. Its of-
fices have been located in the following buildings: 1899 — 1903, Old Masonic
Temple; 1903 ~ 1915, 537 South Dearborn Street, and 1915 to date, at present
address. The primary function of this office is to issue notices to mariners
and shipmasters, and furnish useful serial and maritime information. It also
broadcasts by radio, information warning of danger to vessels. The Chicago
office covers an area including Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, St. Clair River,
Lake St. Clair, Detroit River to 12th St., Detroit, Straits of Mackinac, Lake
Michigan, St. Mary‘s River to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and Green Bay,
Wisconsin. Monthly, quarterly, semi—annual and annual reports are forwarded
to the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington. Useless papers are
destroyed every three years in accordance with governmental regulations.

7. CHARTS, 1926 to date. Refer to navigation aids, soundings, depth of
water, lights, buoys, unlighted buoys and courses. Variations of magnetic
compass which show contours of shore line, give idea of elevations to ship-
masters. Filed numerically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 30 x 47 charts,

27 ft., on shelves in wooden cabinets. Rs. 337 and 338. (3233)
8. INDEX FILE, 1926 to date. Record of original charts and all changes
‘ and corrections since date of issue. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
3 x 5 cards, 4 ft.,in 4 wooden card cabinet drawers. Rs. 337 and 338. (3234)

9. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1933 to date. Observers‘ reports, list of

activity reports, addresses, change of request for reports on annual census,
F. annual report fiscal year, Army engineers‘ correspondence, Bureau of Naviga—

tion letters, Chief of Naval Operation letters, correspondence Branch Hydro—
graphic Office (other than Detroit); Great Lakes Distress Conference and
Coast Guard correspondence; commandants' circular letters and memoranda;
division circular letters and discrepancy reports, Chicago National Govern—
ment Employees' Credit Union, personnel roster Branch Hydrographic Office,
enlisted personnel correspondence; officers' fitness report, Army correspond»
ence, headquarters' correspondence, correspondence with division, Naval Re—
serve orders and letters 5th, 6th, and 14th battalion. Naval reserve, 2Cth
to the 30th division; personnel efficiency rating, telephone bills, radio
broadcast and news items; club invitations, Yacht Club correspondence and
list of boats; conference cepy report to lighthouse, leave of absence, civil—
ian personnel, lighthouse district correspondence, request for charts or
information (public), mailing list reports, masters' correspondence, request
for changes in mailing list; muster rolls; sea plane anchorages; Secretary
of Navy correspondence; office equipment; orders to officers; enlisted per—

; sonnel; pay vouchers and lieutenants‘ leave reports; personal correspondence

; of officer in charge; Navy Day file; personnel report; publicity correspond—
ence; federal business association correspondence; National Emergency Council;


 Inspector of Naval Material, Chicago 5
real estate; report of civil service force; ships equipped with radio; re-
ports of changes; changes in radio broadcast schedules; vacancy reports; sea—

' son reports; monthly reports; requisitions; sale of hydrographic office pub—
3 lications; subsistence report. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 6 ft., '
; in steel filing cases. Rs. 337 and 338. (3237)

THIS AREA, 1934 to date. This office circularizes radio stations with blank
forms requesting that they fill in all data, including latest changes in
weather broadcast schedules. When changes are received they are sent to the
office in Detroit, published in book form and issued free of charge to ship—
masters. Filed numerically. (Annually, official.) 8 X 10% sheets, 1 ft.,
in wooden cabinet. Rs. 337 and 338. (3236)

11. NOTICE TO MARINERS, Dec. 1934 to date. Recommended drafts and
changes in aid to navigation, reports of obstruction and menace to naviga-
tion, reports of areas affected by dredging, water levels, stage of lake
above sea level, high stage in summer and low stage in winter. Ice reports,
particularly in fall and spring; reports of discontinuance of aids for
season. Filed numerically. (Dec. 1934 to Jan. 1935, never; Jan. 1935 to
date, daily, official.) Variously sized envelopes and sheets, 8 ft., on
clip board on wall and in wooden cabinets. Rs. 337 and 338. (3235, 3374)

12. WEEKLY NOTICES TO AIRMEN, 1935 to date. From this office and other
government offices concerning air navigation; recommended drafts and changes,
and telegrams of urgent nature relative to aid to air navigation. Filed
chronologically. (Daily, official.) 11 x 17 loose sheets, 1 ft., on clip
board on wall. Rs. 337 and 338. (3375)

Post Office Bldg., 433 W. van Buren St.

This office was established in 1917 to inspect materials purchased by the
Navy under contract. In 1927 Congress authorized it to inspect material,
machinery, etc., purchased by other departments. Records covering inspection
of materials for other than the Navy are consolidated into a separate file.
Sub~offices are located at Minneapolis, Minnesota, St. Louis, Missouri, and
Beloit, Wisconsin. Records of contracts yet to be filled are retained at
these sub—offices, and those for contracts completed are forwarded to the
Chicago office for filing. This office has Occupied space in the Monadnoek,
Great Northern and Edison Buildings, 191? to March, 1923; Transportation
Building, March, 1923 to July, 1924; Burnham Building, July, 1924 to July
1930; Trustee Building, July 1930 to July, 1934, when it was moved to its
present quarters. About every two years certain of the old files are de—

. stroyed in accordance with government regulations. Lists of the papers de»
1 stroyed are said to have been sent to The National Archives.

 Inspector of Naval Material, Chicago 4

13. BLUEPRINTS, 1917 to date. Blueprints of Bureau Engineering drawings,
specifications, ordnance yards and docks, Naval Aircraft factory and miscel—
laneous. (Daily, official.) Variously sized folders, 2 ft., in steel cab—
inets. R. 1107. (123) ' x

14. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1917 to date. Relative to civil service
personnel, commercial firms with which the Navy has no contract, and routine
communications with various bureaus of the Navy. Filed numerically. (Daily,
official.) 8 X 15 folders, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. R. 1107. (125)

15. SPECIFICATIONS, 1924 to date. Federal specifications for Army,

- Bureau of Aero Naval Aircraft Factory, yards, docks and machinery, and
Bureau of Ordnance supplementary naval specifications. Arranged alphabeticn
ally by name. (Daily, official.) 7 x 9 folders, pamphlets and loose sheets,
64 ft., in steel filing cases. R. 1107. (124) ,

16. CONTRACTS AND SUB~CONTRACTS, 1931 — 1932. Correspondence relative
to test reports, shipments, notices, chemical analyses, etc., small blue—
prints and contracts from various manufacturers for the purchase of materi~
als, naval equipment and machinery required by U. S. Navy. Copy of inven—
tory has been forwarded to The National Archives, washington, D. C. (Never)
9 x 15 folders, pockets, printed forms and loose sheets, 42 ft. 6 in., in
14 wooden boxes. 14th floor. (130)

17. CONTRACTS UNFILLED, 1932 to date. Contracts and sub—contracts,l
reports of shipments, small blueprints, test reports, chemical analyses, and
correspondence relative to contract. (Daily, official.) 9 X 15 folders, 194
ft., in steel filing cases and on 3 steel shelves. R. 1107. (127)

TIES, 1933 to date. Contracts and sub—contracts, test reports, chemical an—

' alyses where necessary, report of shipments, and correspondence relative to
Depts. of the Treasury, Agriculture and Interior, Veterans‘ Administration,
and contracts by other departments. Arranged alphabetically and numerically.
(Weekly, official.) 8 x 15 folders, and 3 x 5 cards, 24 ft., on 6 steel
shelves and in steel cabinets. R. 1107. (131)

19. COMPLETED CONTRACTS, 1934 ~ 1935. Contracts and sub—contracts, re—
ports of shipments, small blueprints, test reports, chemical analyses, and
correspondence pertaining to contracts. As purchase contracts are filled
they are placed in this file. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 15 folders, 96
ft., in steel filing cases. R. 1107. (128)

20. CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECTS AND CONTRACTS, 1934 to date. Relate to Naval
and Military affairs; also confidential contracts other than general con—

‘ tracts. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 ft., in wooden and steel fi1~
ing cases. R. 1107. (126)

21. ASSIGNMENTS AND NOTICES, 1936. Assignments, notices and record of

L telephone calls received in the absence of field inspectors. Arranged alpha—
betically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 15 folders, 8 ft., in steel filing
cases. R. 1107. (129) '

 Inspector of Navy Recruiting, Chicago 5
- Post Office Bldg., 433 W. van Buren St.

This is the office of the Inspector for the Central Recruiting Division.
Nothing could be learned regarding its existence prior to 1928. The area of
the Central Recruiting Division coincides with that of the 9th Naval District
and includes the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wis—
consin, Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and
Nebraska. This office has general supervision Over matters of recruiting in
the main recruiting stations located in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincin—
nati, Louisville, St. Louis, Kansas City, Ohio, Des Moines, Minneapolis and
Indianapolis. There are also recruiting substations in the various states.
The records are in excellent condition.

22. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1932 to date. Between the Recruiting
Inspector, officers in charge of main stations, and Chief of Naval Opera~ ‘
tions at washington, D. 0., relative to enlistment and recruiting activities
within the Central Division. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)

9 x 11 folders, 4 ft., in steel filing case. R. 828. (6737, 6972)

23. MONTHLY DISBURSING RETURNS, Jan. 1932 to date. Schedule of disburse—
ment, computed monthly, supported by public voucher; shows cost per recruit
and enlistment; concluded with depository statement sheet listing deposits
made and checks drawn. Filed by date of payment. (Jan. 1932 — Dec. 1934,
never; Jan. 1935 to date, daily, official.) 9 X 11 folders, 4 ft., in 2 steel
filing case drawers. R. 828. (6973, 6976)

24. INSPECTION REPORTS, Jan. 1934 to date. Compiled every three months
after the Inspector's tour; give detailed observations of the Recruiting

. Inspector‘on scheduled inspection tour of the eleven main recruiting stations
and substations of the Central Recruiting Division. Copy sent to washington.
’ Filed chronologically. (Jan. 1934 — Jan. 1935, never; Jan. 1935 to date,
occasionally, official.) 9 x 11 folders, 4 ft., in 2 steel filing case draw»
ers. R. 828. (6971, 6975)

25. LOGISTICS, July 1934 to date. Records governed by the logistics of
the Bureau of Navigation consist of appropriations, allotments, requisitions,
funds, specifications, proposals, inventories, tires and tubes, receipts,
bills of lading, surveys, allotment of pay, and officers' travel. Filed
chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 11 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing
case. R. 828. (6970)

26. REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS FOR TRAVEL, Sept. 1934 to date. Form 1012A.
For travel and per diem allowance for each substation. Each request bears
indorsement of Commanding Officer. Filed by location. (Monthly, official.)
9 x 11 folders, 1 ft., in steel filing ease. R. 828. (6974)

 Marine Corps Reserve, Chicago 6
824 New Federal Bldg.
(not surveyed)
Court House, Clark and Adams Sts.

This unit of the 9th Battalion Headquarters was established in July, 1926
Vat the present address. The Commandant of the Marine Corps, under the di—
rection of the Secretary of the Navy, is charged with, and is responsible ‘
for the procurement, discharge, education, training, discipline and distri— -
bution of officers and enlisted personnel of the Marine Corps and the Marine
Corps Reserve. Records are sent to washington every four years with the
exception of correspondence which is destroyed every two years. The records _
are in good condition.

27. VOUCHERS FOR CLOTHING TURNED IN, 1929 to date. Reports and affida~
vits, by commanding officers of companies, show articles of clothing taken
from reservists who have left the service, give name of article, quantity,
and name of reservist. Filed chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 10 X 12
folders, 4 ft., in steel filing case. R. 363. (6304)

28. ASSIGNMENTS, July 1933 to date. Original and carbon copies of let—
ters to applicants. Give name, rank, home address, and name and location of
company to which assigned. Original is given to applicant when accepted for
enlistment. Filed chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 10 X 18 folders, 3

. in., in steel filing case. B. 363. (6303)

29. COMPANY REQUISITIONS, July 1933 to date. Show number, name of com~
pany, date, name and amount of article wanted; signed by company commander.
Divided by company and filed chronologically and numerically. Indexed.
(Weekly, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 363.

30. INDIVIDUAL CLOTHING RECORD, July 1933 to date. Issue slips on which
items are checked and signed by the marine and a witnessing officer. Filed

. alphabetically and in reverse chronological order showing the last issue of
clothing. (weerty, official.) 3 x 8 bundles, 2 ft., in wooden racks. R.
363. (6313)

31. INDEX TO REQUISITIONS, July 1933 to date. Shows name of item, re—

. - quisition number, and name of company making requisition. Filed alphabetic-
; ally by name of item. (Weekly, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 9 in., in card cabi—
‘ net. R. 363. (6316)

32. INDEX TO RESERVISTS, July 1933 to date. Shows name of marine, ad-

dress, file number, rank, date of enlistment, and name of company. Filed '
; t

 Marine Corps Reserve, Chicago 7
alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in card cabinet. ,
R. 383. (6314) '

33. MEDICAL RECORD, July 1933 to date. Gives name of marine, rank, re~
sults of physical and dental examination, record of distinguishing marks and
scars, and abstract of service. When a man leaves the service, this record
is sent to washington. Filed alphabetically. (Seldom, official.) 4 x 11
covers, 3 ft., in wooden boxes. R. 362. (6297)

34. MUSTER ROLL, July 1933 to date. Quarterly record submitted by the
battalion to headquarters at washington, shows complete history of the unit
for the quarter, officers, privates, and accomplishments of battalion. Made
in triplicate: battalion commander retains one copy, one copy to this office
and original to washington. Filed in reverse chronological order. (Weekly,
official.) 10 x 12 folders, 3 in., in steel filing case. R. 383. (8299)

35. PAY ROLL LIST, July 1933 to date. Shows name, rank, rate of pay,
number of drills attended, amount of pay for each man, and grand total.
Filed alphabetically. (Monthly, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 6 in., in steel
filing case. R. 363. (6298)

36. SERVICE RECORD OF HEADQUARTERS STAFF, July 1933 to date. Shows name,
rank, date and place of birth, enlistment, education, professional and con—
duct record, pay account record, prior service, promotions and reductions,
reappointment record, issue and beneficiary slips. Filed alphabetically.
(Monthly, official.) 3 x 8 folders, 2 ft., in wooden racks. R. 383. (8312)

37. TRANSFERS, PROMOTIONS AND DEMOTIONS, July 1933 to date. Orders from
local headquarters to transfer marine from one company to another; or orders
from headquarters at washington, D. C., of promotion and demotion. Filed
numerically. Indexed. (Seldom, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in steel

. filing case. R. 363. (8315)

38. WAIVERS, July 1933 to date. Copies of correspondence sent to the
Major General Commandant, requesting waivers of physical disabilities of
applicants. Filed in reverse chronological order. (Monthly, official.)

10 x 12 folders, 2 in., in steel filing case. R. 383. (8311)

39. BILLS OF LADING, July 1934 to date. Copies of purchase orders, and
bills of lading on material delivered. Purchase orders show name of article,
quantity and price. Bills of lading show name of article, quantity, and name
of cartage company. Filed alphabetically. (Seldom, official.) 10 x 12 fold—
ers, 3 in., in steel filing case. R. 363. (6307)

40. COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE, July 1934 to date. Letters to and from the
Quartermaster‘s Office to the Company Commanders relative to operations and
chages in orders. Filed in reverse chronological order. (weekly, official.)
10 x 12 folders, 8 in., in steel filing case. R. 383. (6305)

41. CORRESPONDENCE, GENERAL ORDERS, July 1934 to date. To and from
Major General Commandant, washington to the commanding Marine Corps Officers
regarding administration, procedure, technique, and answers to inquiries. -

 Naval Reserve, Chicago 8
Filed in reverse chronological order and alphabetically by name of company. _
(Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in steel filing case. R.
363. (6309)

42. COMPANY PRORERTY RECORDS, Dec. 1984 to date. Name of article, date
of issue and charge, amount issued and total. Filed alphabetically. (week—
ly, official.) 3 x 10 loose—leaf books, 1 ft., on desk. R. 363. (6301)

43. LIST OF APPLICANTS, Jan. 20, 1936 to date. Marine Corps Reserve ap—
plications give date of application, name of applicant, name of company, time
of appointment, whether accepted or rejected, reason, and date sworn in.
Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10 vol., % in., on desk. R.
363. (6310)

44. STOCKROOM RECORD, June 1, 1936 to date. Name of article, amounts
ordered and on hand, amount charged out, and company to which material is
charged. Filed alphabetically. (Weekly, official.) 5 x 9 cards, 6 in., in
card cabinet. R. 363. (6308)

45. CORRESPONDENCE OF MAJOR BEECHER, July 1936 to date. Correspondence
with the company commanders relative to special meetings, date and time of
non—commissioned officers schools, selection of men from the ranks for pro—

. motion, etc. Filed alphabetically by subject and chronologically. (Daily,
official.) 10 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in steel filing case. R. 327. (6296)

46. GREAT LAKES PROPERTY, July 1, 1936. Inventory of property, bedding,
rifles, clothing, etc., at Great Lakes Camp. Filed alphabetically. (Seldom,
official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1% in., in steel filing case. R. 363. (6306)

47. ORDERS, July 1936 to date. Relate to procedure in all phases of
operation, i. e., circular letters from washington, D. C., regimental orders,

- and quartermaster‘s instructions for handling Reserves on drill nights.
Filed in reverse chronological order. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 fold-
ers, 1 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 363. (6300)

48. REQUISITIONS TO WASHINGTON, July 1936 to date. Carbon copies of
official requisitions for yearly supply of stationery. (weekly, official.)
10 x 12 folders, 3 in., in steel filing