xt7k6d5pcb2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5pcb2w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1990 text GLSO News, November 1990 1990 1990-11 2019 true xt7k6d5pcb2w section xt7k6d5pcb2w 5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO News staff
Video Against AIDS, a compilation of 22 Pro ram #2 on November II will include
original video works by artists, activists, and the IoIaning themes and videos:
health educators, Will be held on three
successive Sunda s - November 4, II, and 18
at 2 pm at the Lexington Central Library RESISTANCE
Theater, I40 East Main St. The event Is The ADS Epidemic;
sponsored b‘y AVOL (AIDS Volunteers of Snow Job: The Media Hysteria
Lexin ton) wit support and contributions Irom of AIDS;
The 9Bar Com Iex, Bluegrass Human Rights We are NOT Republicans;
Advocates, GESO (Gay & Lesbians Services Stilt Sheets
Or anization), Kentucky Film Artists Coalition,
and The Metro. Admission is tree but donations
will be accepted. MOURNING
Video Against AIDS was conceived as a Mildred Pearson: When
counter-representation at the AIDS crisis and as You Love a Person;
cultural intervention through the venue at home The Inaugural Display at
video distribution. The works in Video Against the Names Proiect Quilt;
AIDS are diverse in Iorm and style, too - from Danny
IyricaI and campy music-videos to experimental
and surreal pieces to boldly confrontational
All proceeds from Video Against AIDS and a Se Met Ko.
pre-opening brunch at FIeur-De-Lys restaurant
will 0 to AVOL. To attend the opening
bruncTt, call 252-7946 for reservations. There Pro ram #3 on November I8 will include
is a $20 minimum donation for the brunch. the ioIaning themes and videos:
Program #I on November 4 will include the
following themes and videos: LOSS
A Plague Has Swept My City;
Survival of the Delirious; A;
Work Your Body: Options For This Is Not An AIDS
People Who Are HIV Positive Advertisement
The Second Epidemic ANALYSIS
They are lost to vision altogether;
SaIe Sex Slut;
Cori: A Struggle for Lite;
Doctors, Liars and Women: .ACTIVISM
AIDS Activists Say Another Man;
No to Cosmo. Testing the Limits, NYC, (Part I).

[ ] Please send me information on GLSO.
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of
GLSO, includin home deTive of the _———
GLSO NEWS ant? discounts at gLSO Dear Aunt Mary,
functions. Membership of SiO/yr. Why are people gay?
individual, ST 5/yr. couple, is enclosed. Sincerely, Jonathan
[ ] i don't wish to become a Member but Dear Jonathan,
please send me the GLSO NEWS each Some people are just lucky. Others are
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. born with limp wrists and have domineerin
mothers or ssive fathers, or so they've saidg.
Aunt Mary fiiges the first reason and views any,
Name: and all other reasons, as politically motivated.
Whenever Aunt Mary has appeared on a
Address: "What's my line, I’m a homosexual" nel this
question is almost always one of the fir; to be
City, St, Zip: asked. And how does Aunt Mary respond?
Well, decorousl of course, but beyond that she
Mail to: Newsletter, Po. Box 11471 has grown tired, of the question because of the
Lexington, KY40575 underlying assumption (0 cause in many
people 5 minds implies a curei).
‘ he two current theories represent either the
constructionist or the essentialist position.
Basically, we either construct our identity through
GLSO News is published monthly by the our experiences and shared values as 0
Lexington Gay Services Organization, inc. subculture or we’re born with same-sex sexual
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), preferences. Previously, Aunt Mary preferred
P.O. cBiox 114%, Lexington, KY 405%5. the "we're born that way” and was surprised
by gay and lesbian writers who or ued against
Craig Clere, Managing Editor that position. After all, how coulg mainstream
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour society condemn us for somethin over which
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist we have no choice? The probgem with this
argument is that it misses the point. Regardless
Additional Contributors: NGLTF, HRCF, Crai , of how we've arrived there, there are a lot of
GLSO, Laura, Tril y Pro'ect, Steve, NAMEgS us out there and if ten percent or more of the
Project, Joyce, HeaortTand, the Advocate; Typist: population is something we ought to deal with
Craig; Equipment: Dave; Layout: Craig; Mailing: it. In addition, the essentialist position might
Bill; Courier: Craig; Folding 8. Stuffing: Steve, explain why someone is homosexual but can it
Mark. explain why someone is gay? How does one
develop a go identity? What constitutes gay
culture and why do most of us share similar
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the perceptions of what it means to be gay? Who
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO created gay culture and how is it transmitted.
Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions By genetic structure???
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the Full name Well, before Aunt Mary goes off the deep
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not end let's just say that, as of today, no one
accepted. The editorial staif reserves the right to alter really knows why; and, our current theories,
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as Wt‘lile more humanitarian, are Still political. Try
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or diverting the audience's attention when the
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does question is asked. Or, at least, point OUt the
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's political implications of the question.
customer preference. Aunt Mary
2 Nov GLSO

from Craig Clere & Teresa Reynolds

The September meeting of the GLSO Board The Coffeehouse and Dance committee
of Directors was held at Bill Loggins' home. reported that the traditional coffeehouses will
Committee reports were the first item of the end with the November event. There will be
agenda. T e Phoneline committee reported lar e scale events on a quarterly basis.
purchasing~l the first equipment necessary to ElI'he Board approved a request by the Trilog
upgrade t e Phoneline. Additional e uipment Project for updated letters to be sent to GLSg
an a new computer system are stiil to be News subscribers describing the project's
acquired. Edwin Hackney, Phoneline progress. The Board also approved urchasing
Coordinator, has begun planning for the 50 calendars from a local artist as a fiJndraisin
expanded use of the Phoneline. A recent roject. This approval followed a reminder 0%
training session has resulted in several new limitations non-profit organizations are required
volunteers and a regular staffing of all four to follow for fundraisin projects.
nights a week. The Board was inTormed that the Bowling

The Speaker’s Bureau reported several League has 72 persons bowlin this ear, 0
engagements scheduled for upcoming months league record. A gay men's cqhorus has also
be ore ear-end. The GLSO News committee been formed with a proximately 25 men
reported, a continued increase in memberships showing interest in the chorus.
and subscriptions resulting from improved Following the scheduling of next month's
renewal procedures. meeting, the Board adjourned at 9:30 pm.

from Steve R.

The eleventh annual fall campout at Eddie's anywhere?” to Steve B.; The Battle of the
farm was the most difficult one to reach in the Virgins (never camped out before) to Alan and
history of the campouts. Almost thirty people Steve 8.; Convention of Names to "Steves" to
mode it up the muddy slope to the top of the Steve 8., Steve 8., Steve G. and Steve R.; Most
farm, with a little help from our friends. Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles to make it up the hill
Eve one had a fantastic time again this year; Award presented to Henry Ford | for doing what
thanks to Eddie and Willy from all of us. The he did the best! Best Rear End Curves Show
skies cleared, the stars came out, and, thanks to Award to Alan and Gerry; Worst Baby Jokes
the cooler weather, more people huddled (and best homemade chocolate chi cookies)
around the huge campfire. We had hot dogs Award to PJ. from Louisville; "Keep fway From
again, but this year smores took the place of My Husband" Award to Peggy; The Decade of
the lain toasted marshmallows. Togetherness Award to Steve and Mark for their

Tihe campsite was moved closer to the 10th year anniversary; The Mighty Mutt Award
entrance because of the ground conditions, only for the dog who has made it to the most
a half mile instead of the usual mile! The tents campouts (even more than his masters) to Ricky;
were lined up along the trail, so we looked a and finally, the Top Honors Award - Best
bit like a tenement row, only we did not have Twirling and Blowing of the Flaming Fire Batons
our numbers. The dew was a bit heavy the to Bruce.
next morning with fog as thick as ea soup! Every year the campouts have their own
The coffee was as great as ever, ancFeveryone personality. One year was motor homes and
made breakfast. The annual "walk through the over a hundred ople, one year was Disco, 0
woodsll was rather uneventful' the cows had not couple of years hive been cold, last year was
left their annual trail markers for us. the warmest (80 degrees), and this year the

The annual awards have some really special fo giest. No matter what it's like, those of you
categories this year: Most Obvious Question wlgo did not make it missed a lot of fun, food,
Award — "Have you seen Josephine Road and companionship. Try it next year!

Nov GLSO 3

Irom NAMES Project

World AIDS Day is December I and Jessye Norman was the feature reader in
volunteers with the NAMES Pro‘ect are working Chicago and led those present in a chorus of
with other Lexington based AIDS service groups "Amazing Grace".
to organize a series at events in Lexington. Throughout the three-day event, Kentucky
Katie McCormick is arranging for an volunteers were able to work with volunteers
organizational meeting as this article is going to from Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati,

rint, but it's not too late to volunteer. Call and the state of Iowa, to name a Iew. The
Katie (223-3855) for details about how to help. chance to see how a major display is handled

The NAMES Project Kentucky was and experience the message that a large
represented by more than 20 volunteers at the display ot the Quilt convey helped all of us
Columbus Day Weekend display of the Quilt in renew our commitment to have a major display
Chicago October 5 — 7. Lexington was one CI in Kentuck soon.
the cities co-hosting the Chicago portion oi the The NAMES Project Kentucky Chapter meets
live—city national event. Nine Kentucky chapter the second Wednesday of each month. We
members were selected to participate in the also sponsor a Quilting Bee the second
traditional Unloldin Ceremony as Cleve Jones Thursday at each month courtesy oI Ms. Beckie
began reading NgMES from the site at the Olson ot Quilter's Square in Dudley Square.
Houston Quilt display. Cleve was Iollowed by This month's eneral meeting is on the 7th with
readers Irom each oI the other host cities: the Quiltin 9Bee on the 8th. CaII Katie at
Washington, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Chicago. 223-3855iior more intormation.

Irom Craig CIere
Bluegrass Human Ri hts Advocates has

Interweave, a grou within the Unitarian suspended its regular mongtluly meetin schedule.
Universalist Church oI fexington, will start 0 Amy Steele, spokesperson Ior tfie group,
monthly "Night Out" beginning in November. reported that the group needed some time to
The evening will consist of dinner at a local re-group but will continue to work on special
restaurant IoIIowed by a program at a pro'ects as the need arises.
member's house. This month Interweave will be IBHRA had been meeting tor the past year
dining at Joe Bologna’s, I20 West Maxwell, at on a monthly or bimonthl basis. Its projects
7 m on November 9. Thej—program will be a have included bringing Pobert Bray of the
vidtD-zo/discussion of a "48 ours" episode on National Ga & Lesbian Task Force to Lexington
gay bashing. All are welcome to attend. tor the 193,0 Pride Week activities; staging

For the past five ears Interweave has been several protests in conjunction with the Crossover
involved within the local Unitarian Universalist Ministries conference; participatin in the
Church oi Lexington and the greater lesbian Louisville Pride Week March and RaIIy (where
and gay community in Lexington. They have BHRA member Dennis Stutsman promised a
worked extensivey with te Pride Week Lexington march in I991); and, coordinating
celebrations, being responsible tor the Pride local response to the Human Rights Campaign
Week Worship Service during those ears. Fund's congressional postcard project.

Interweave is a local cha ter of the Unitarian Individuals associated with BHRA seem to
Universalists Ior Lesbian andPGay Concerns, an indicate that member burn-out is a major reason
affiliate organization ot the Unitarian Universalist tor the decision to "pull-back” from a regular
Association (UUA). The UUA has a long history plannin schedule. Hopefully, those currentl
of support and attirmation of lesbian/gay rights attiliateg with BHRA, or new individuals, wiII
both in the community and in their local find a way to increase involvement in this
churches. extremely worthwhile organization.

4 Nov GLSO

from Kentucky Gay and Lesbian

INSURE, a national non-profit foundation Educational Center
funded by the health and life insurance
industries and part of the Insurance Indust Louisville's controversial hate crimes
AIDS Initiative, has awarded $2,400 to AIDS ordinance, which makes it iIIe al to intimidate or
Volunteers of Lexington to help the organization terrorize peo Ie because 0% race, religion,
move into a new a fice that is closer to its clients disability, and3 sexual orientation, among other
and wheelchair accessible. categories, became law on October 14 despite

INSURE’s funds come from member a non-binding opinion by Kentucky’s Attorney
companies of the Health Insurance Association General that its enforcement provisions were
of America (HIAA) and the American Council of unconstitutional. The ordinance marks the first
Life Insurance (ACLI), two Washin ton, time that gay men and lesbians have received
DC-based trade associations. Members of; both Ie aI protections of any kind, as ay men and
associations also participate in the Insurance Iegbians, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Industry AIDS Initiative by providing funding The ordinance, passed b Louisville's Board
directly to AIDS service organizations in their of Aldermen in July on an g4 vote, met with
local communities. stiff 0 position from radical right reIi ious groups

In presentin the $2,400 check, Ronald who fJeIt that the ordinance would Re itimize a
Scowby, chair 0? Bradford Life stated "The focus "homosexual lifestyle." It was drafteg in large
of the initiative is to continue insurance indust part as a response to two widely publicized
support of community-based organizations sucrfi cross burnings and an attempt to burn the home
as AVOL. America's health and life insurance of a black famiI in a mostly white
companies continue to be the largest funder of nei hborhood earlier this year.
such programs in American business, and we Tts main problem, according to Attorney
hope this provides an incentive for other General Fred Cowan (who is felt to be
businesses to become involved in what is still a generally favorable to liberal causes), is in its
critical national problem.” enforcement provisions. He felt that the

Lexington-Fayette Urban County council aldermen overstepped their authority by
members Debra Hensley and Teresa Ann Isaac enhancing the penalties of existing state laws -
also attended the resentation. They facilitated a Ie aI prerogative retained by the Kentucky
AVOL's receipt of tfie rant by aIIocatin part of stateEIe isIature under its constitution.
their discretionary funds as matching fimds for Pausl; Bother, a black alderman from
the grant. Louisville's West End who drew up the

Pam Goldman, AVOL's executive director ordinance, has requested that commonwealth
said that the funding will help the organization and county attorneys, but not the Iice, delay
be more accessible to its clients and to the enforcement of the ordinance untilpcap ropriate
disabled community. "We need more space amendments can be devised that would) answer
that will accommodate support group meetings the Attorney General's objections. Local lesbian
and more than one activity at a time." and gay activists assented to the move.

from GLSO News staff

The Letter, successor to The Lavender The paper is an excellent way to keep
Letter, has begun publishing in Louisville'by The Kentuckys gays and lesbians aware of issues
Letterhead company. The ublication, while and events across the state. Kentucky has
primarily focusing on Louisville: news, includes lacked such statewide focus being one of few
advertisin and news from around the state. states in the area without a statewide
The Octoier issue of the paper included ads lesbian/gay organization.
from Lexington's The Bar Complex The Metro, The etter is distributed in local bars and
Crossings, and McMillan Design - the production Joseph-Beth Booksellers, or bjj/ mail for $10 to
company for the paper. Letterhead, Box 3882, Louisvi e, KY 40201.

. Nov GLSO 5

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS. '
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
6 Nov GLSO

9W”. , ' -‘ ‘
’ T 4
I , N
”M15830“ DOORS OPEN AT 8:30 pm BYOB
($4.00 W29 Card) AT 9‘30 Pm °:3 and snag“
Members Unitarian Universalist Church Va'lable
3564 Clays Mill Rd., Lexméton, KY
For more Information, calI 31-0335


As many of you known, GLSO has been AdditionaII , the approach taken by the Trilogy
assisting with the Trilogy Project during the last Project wiIIIprovide Information which can more
year. The Trilogy Project is a five-year study accurately portray the lives of Kentuck] lesbians
which examines such issues as victimization, and gay men - unlike the many stu ies which
discrimination, social support, chemical use and make universal claims based on surveys
abuse, AIDS and physical and mental health as conducted in metropolitan bars and both
they pertain to Kentucky lesbians and 90 men. houses.

The study is being conducted by Dr. WiIIiam F. It you have not received a survey packet
Skinner oi the University of Kentuck Department and would like to, please return the coupon
of Sociolo y and is funded b a {ederal grant provided below. It you have additional
from the fictional Institute on Drug Abuse. questions, ou ma contact Dr. William F.

The local communit has responded Skinner at 557-683,] or Melanie Otis (GLSO
enthusiastically to the T);ilo y Project with Board member and Trilogy Project Community
approximately 64% at the 70% survey packets Coordinator) at 257—6878.
distributed by GLSO and Lexington indi enous .
researchers resulting in compqeted
questionnaires. This is an excellent return rate
For a survey at this type and demonstrates a lwouId like to receive the
sigrjzjticant commitment on the part of community TRILOGY PROJECT questionnaire.
resi ents.

In Louisville, where approximatel I475
qjuestionnaires were mailed or hand délivered, Name:

t e overall return rate is 4I%

Based on the first 500 surveys coded, 280 Address:
(56%) men and 2T8 (43.6%) women have
participated in the project. (Two rticipants did City, State, Zip:
not indicate their sex.) In addIiiicon, ages of
participants range from 18 to 74, average
ength of education is I5.3 years and over
904) are white. Mail to:

IF you still have a questionnaire, we hope Newsletter
you will consider completing it and participating PO Box II47I
in this community project. The data being Lexington, KY 40575
collected will provide important information tor Attn: Melanie Otis
Iuture civil rights struggles in our area.

from GLSO News staff

The Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) Res nding to AIDS) Housing Task Force. In
announced a $15,000 chaIIen e grant to the addition to AIDS issues, the NGLTF lobbyist wiII
National Ga and Lesbian TasE Force (NGLTF) Iocus on gay and lesbian outh suicide, lesbian
to help fundI an AIDS and lesbian and gay health care advocacy and, other health issues
health Iobb ist position. facing our community.

The NCZLTF lobbyist will represent the gay "NGLTF has been working on AIDS since
and lesbian communitjy in pressin Iederal I983, often in con'unction WIth GMHC," said
involvement in AIDS. he health Iogb ist will Urvashi Vaid, NGLTP's executive director. "We
advocate especially on behalf of jga , bisexual are pleased to receive this vote of confidence in
and lesbian eopIe oI color with I\/and AIDS our work. This rant will help strengthen our
and will stafi NGLTF'S on-going role as the role as an outspogen gay and lesbian voice on
co-chair of NORA (National Organizations nationalpolicy.ll

 WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT REFUSES of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
TO HEAR CASE REGARDING The activation was the largest number of
GAY CLASSIFIED ADS messa es sent to Can ress by HRCF since the '
from GLSO News staff "Speai Out" program Tics existed.
The compromise language supported in the
In a decision that could have the effect of Senate would give the courts the res nsibility to
severely diminishing major civil rights protections determine what is obscene. This Ifngua e is
in Wisconsin, that state's Supreme Court refused supported by a broad coalition of arts and9 civil
to hear the appeal of a gay man and two rights organizations. Funding for the NEA has
lesbians who claim they encountered been hotly debated in Con ress for the past
discrimination by the Green Bay Press Gazette ear, with a particular empgasis given to the
which refused to acce t their classified Endowment's support for the works of openly
advertisements because tfieir announcements lesbian and gay artists such as the late Robert
contained the words ”lesbian" and "gay." The Mapplethor e and performance artists Holly
Press Gazette is owned by the Gannett Co., Hughes andPTim Miller.
the largest media conglomerate in the country. "The 20,000 'Speak Out' messages on the
The Wisconsin statute at issue prohibits com romise langua e guarantee that members
discrimination on the basis of race, sex, sexual of tfie Senate will lgwear from supporters of the
orientation and other categories by businesses NEA, not just from our 0 nents," said Steve
and places of public accommodation. Though Endean, Director of the EfRCF's Field Division.
the statute specifically desi nates approximately Those interested in 'oinin the "Speak Out”
i5 businesses (including tieaters, restaurants, program can call HRCF at €202) 628—4i60.
hotels, and hair salons) as places that may not
discriminate, the law clearly provides that it PARENT & CHURCH PARTNERSHIP
should be interpreted broadly by the courts to TO ADDRESS YOUTH SUICIDE
prohibit discrimination by 'any place where from GLSO News staff
accommodations, amusements, goods or services
are available.‘I By refusing to review the case, Right-wing religious and political leaders who
the Supreme Court has approved a very narrow wave the banner of "traditional family values"
construction of the law made by a lower court are a major impediment to overcoming the teen
which could result in more widespread suicide problem, accordin to a
discrimination throughout the state. parent-church-educator coalition formeg to help
"It is an outrage that the Wisconsin Supreme prevent the gay/lesbian youth suicide problem.
Court would implicitly approve an interpretation The project, "Respect All Youth," is bein
of the state's major civil rights law which would undertaken by the Federation of Parents Chg
now allow discrimination not only by Friends of Lesbians and Gays, with financial
newspapers but by department stores, travel assistance from the United Thank Offering Fund
agents, banks and thousands of other businesses of the Episcopal Church.
not explicitly noted in the statute," stated Paula Its principal function will be to develop and
Ettelbrick an attorney in the case. "This is an furnish training materials to those who work with
intolerable result in a state that made the bold outh, according to Paulette Goodman,
first move to ensure that lesbians and gay men Fresident of Parents FLAG. Goodman said the
are protected by law." In 1982, Wisconsin project will alert counselors, school
became the first state to pass a state-wide gay administrators, and church educators of what
rights law. needs to be done to "counteract the devastating
effect of society's anti-gay attitudes toward our
ON NEA DEBATE Government studies show that lesbian and
from GLSO News staff gay teenagers are u to three times as likely to
attempt sutcide as other young people, because
The Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF), of the stigma society paces on tern. Rep.
the nation's largest lesbian and 90 political William Dannemeyer (-CA) recently prevailed
organization, has activated 20,006 ’Speak upon Louis Sullivan, Secretary of the Department
Out" messages to members of the United States a HHS to disavow the studies in the interest of
Senate in the controversial debate over funding "traditional family values."
Nov GLSO 9

 that I do and deal with it. Racism and the
racial stereotypes it spawns are so subtly
interwoven into the Iabric of Western society
1d , I) that every so oiten, even those with the best at
smere a 5 81‘10 intentions, will display bad cultural manners.
1'. r This does not necessarily mean one is a bad
fi‘t“.\ person. Sometimes we iust don't know any
I etter.

by So, what will it take to bring white womyn

n / and womyn of color t ether?
"Race' is an afigitrary and meaningless
concept anyway. There are no real divisions

I am a privileged, white womyn. I am a between us, only a continuum oi variations that
Lesbian. I am a Feminist. | work to educate constantly chan e, as we come together and
our world about RAPE; that includes: sexism, separate accordping to the Ilow and movement
classism, sex role stereotypes, homophobia, and at human populations.
racism. So, where do we go from here? Well . . .

I have one Black womyn iriend, or do I so From Blanche Jackson's Anti-Racism: The 7
African American or Womyn oi Color. | work Step Pr ram:
with no black womyn. The human service I. Oge an active ally to all oppressed
agency where I work serves few black womyn. people. Take the initiative in

W y is that? Are our cultures so diiierent? Intercepting oppression.

Is it fear at diversity? I hear black womyn trust 2. Do not let anyone be racist or racially
the men that abuse them more than they trust reiudiced in your face.

white worn n. I hear white womyn have power 3. Elave the courage and commitment to
and control/ issues; is that the barrier? Is it trust, lovingly confront even your Iriends and
saiety issues, anger, hostility? your employers when they are

Is it white womyn's ethnocentrism, the belief offensive.
in the inherent superiority of one's own culture; 4. Sup ort Iarmworkers by boycotting
seeing white people as t e center and everyone roditce from attending companies.
else as variations on that theme? Or, is it black 5. B‘lrite letters to the editor.
women being preiudice (pre'udge white people); 6. Do outreach.
but this is not racism. Racism = power + 7. Stand up Ior what you know is right.
preiudice. In the United States white people 8. Seek out or start anti-racism groups.

ave the power. Therefore, racism In the 9. Read books by and about people at
United States is white people's problem. color.

Oppression, is that the barrier? Our own Feedback, please . . . anyone interested in
internaized oppression, maybe. That which ettin an anti-racism group going in Lexington?
keeps us living behind walls of protection, walls Call Egsmerelda it you are.
at isolation . . . Unlike the obvious oppression In Sisterhood,
oi apartheid in South Airica, our oppression - Laura Drew
that at Western society - is so sophisticated, so
much so that the dominant class, the patriarchy,
has little to do to oppress the subordinate class, NEW PERFORMANCE GROUP IN TOWN
that being womyn, we do it to ourselves. We irom Laura Drew
tear and judge one another’s diversities. We
keep ourselves Irom the Ieeling oi sisterhood, Working Class Kitchen: Poetry and
from our own empowerment. Periormance Art is a new non- roIit organization

I have been very Iortunate this past summer established and directed by faverne Zabielski.
to have attended three Womyn’s Music Festivals The rou will be performing at A La Lucie's,
and The National Coalition Against Sexual 159 ilortIh Limestone, 6 pm, on the first Sunday
Assault (NCASA) Conference. At each event I at each month beginning November 4. ,
was challenged to confront racism. What I All are welcome to attend the performance.
discovered was to no Ion er deny that I have Anyone interested in performing may contact
racist issues but that the Tirst step is to accept Laverne at 278-4107.


from Laura Drew

The National Lesbian Conference (NLC) is has been to spread the word about the event to
committed to fighting racism and other forms of as many communities as possible to include the
oppression. NLC is committed to accessibility for diversities of our communities in all planning
al lesbians with disabilities. and to build our rassroots strength.

During‘l the last few ears lesbians across the A DOLLAR 2 DYKE H! - What if 5,000
country ave‘ been discussing the need to lesbians of all shapes, colors, and abilities were
create, publicize and implement a national to come together from around the country? And
lesbian agenda. These discussions have taken what if they listened to each other? And
place in a variety of settin s includin learned from each other? And what if, after 4
conferences, women's music festivaETs, social aha days of listenin and learning, they returned to
spiritual gatherings, and political events. their homes of? over the country with a new ‘

The National Lesbian Conference (NLC) is on respect and understanding of how magnificently
opportunity for lesbians to bring these diverse a communig we are?
discussions to a national settin . Our lesbian The goal of NL is to provide a forum for all
agenda must come throu h colfalborative means of the diverse populations of the lesbian
to form a lasting foungation. Through the community throughout the United States. They
conference we can meet each other, Identify need assistance to fund this effort. If every
common issues, have fun, build coalitions and lesbian in the nation donated $1 to this roject,
plan for our future. annual conferences could be funded