xt7k6d5p9z16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p9z16/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1922 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_137 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 137 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 137 1922 1922 2014 true xt7k6d5p9z16 section xt7k6d5p9z16 . — o` <>$
    Extension Division
i THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Poultry Project, Junior Agricultural Clubs.
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l By
g Lexington. Ky.
L` October. 1922
t _ l`lll‘ll>l-wl in ¤·»¤111x¤>t·1i¢»n uiill i];.· ;l;ri.—1;I111:·;1l n*\l\II>l·*II \\·~?`li ~'~l¥`i`i··l
2   rw'.v"""lJ*`I`illI·¤l1 <~I` llw <`nll¤~;;¤· ¤»1` _\;1‘i`·11ll11:‘¤~_ I'11l\‘¤·!>lI)‘ ¤·C` l{¤·IIIYI¤'li}',
Q [Jl; U1" l· S- ll*`IilI`II!l<‘Ill I»r`.\:;r1t»u1im·.·_ ;m.I Ill·‘¤l in r`11¤‘:Ke¤1‘;1m·¤· _
  *1~·~—·~·w\ I*1`¤~\‘i·l:··I l`¤v1'l11 thu .\r-1 p1` a`··u;1·~>·s ¤»1` llzay r, li*iI. ;

 3* `!·

1 The Feeding and Care of Laying Pu11ets.
_1  By J. R. s1v1vT1—1
 · 'l`111·1111_11--1 111.11|1*1'1`*1_1""1 i~111111-1111111~11-:111-111-11111-r1111-1111111;
1 1111111* 1-:11-1- 1111 1i1_\`1lI2` 111.11*. '1`111< 1-11*1-111:11- 1•‘}|1‘1l•‘* 1111- {11111121*
= 111 1·1~ ·1‘1`1'111*1111111`_\'1111|‘1{ 111;111:1z1-111··11? 1.11*1111*'11111111I1111111111111 1*1111-
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 ` \1'111.1( 111::1 111- 111- \111` lIl2I_\' 1111111-1·1:11<1-.
- 1. 11111_\' 1111-111111-1-~111`.111111:11· .\:1.11'1111111I111 1111111* :11*1- 111311111- 1`1*I`
2. 11.1-1;1T1~~111:111-1`111·1111·11111111-111 1~ X·11‘1-111111-1- 1.
` 51. 11::11 1-11111 1111-111111-1* \1111111|1 111111 ;1i 11-;1~1 111*1-111- 11*1-11-111:111111-11
1 }1111111111I11·111.1°11 1111111-1~. \\1I1<‘11 ~11;111 11- 1-:11·1··1 1'111· 111 1111* V11111
 1 111*1111'1‘1`111`11111X11\~1°111111`1· 1 1*111211 1.11111111111·111‘·1,11-1-1 1‘1·1F0°.
V 1. 1·1;1 F1 1-11111 1111-111111-1- I11‘1~1 I;1-1-11 :1 1·11*11;1I·-11- 1·1-1-111-11 111- a111
— 11111-1·;1:}111~1t11`1111‘1-11 111 1111' 11--1111:;-, ·‘[ll`-‘ :11;11 111:111:eu`1-1111-11111f
I111- 1;:11113 11¤‘1‘1{.
` F. .\1l 11111-1; 1lllI~1 111- 1111111- 111 1111- 111111 1111·111111-1- :11111 1111- 00111-
· 1-11-11- 1‘1-.-111*11 1111111{ 1111-111-11 111 :11 1111) 1·111~1· 111` 1111-111‘11_11‘1·*.
11. 11:11111 11111 111'°11111111` 1:11r~1 :121*1-1- 111 \11111_\· 1111) 1!lS1l'llL‘11011S
 g e-11*1-111111111<1·11·1-111:11-:111111111111-1·1111111_1·:1u1-111.
1· 1121~1~ 111` :111:11-11; 1)l11111$ ·
g ·\\`1‘I`J1;'1* 1·!`g‘ 111‘111111.·I11111 . ..... . .. .. ·1-11
  1·`1-1-11 1'\1\1 111` 111·1111111-1113 :1 1111X1`11 1·:‘u‘< ...... 40
11***1 $1*11'}' 1111 "11<1\\' 1 .11:1111- X11 [1l`11$ 1’:11" . .. 211
1111:11 . .   .. . . .   11111
1 1·`11-~1 111-11111- 1111:11 111-1-1-11 (111 1111111111 1111} 11-:1111 111 1·:11s0.
 Q 11. 11*11 \\‘1*1‘1· 111 1111- 11;:11-11111;- :11111 ]`;l1N11lQ' 111-11,11-.-1 11111 1*:111 $010Cf
_ yUm`111111*`1‘1'1"1111 11111N1` 111:11 11111 1·:11s1-11, I1` 11111 11-1-1-1- 11111 11111115

4 ('IiI`t'l([tII' No. 137 `
i projeet the lireetl seleetetl shoultl lte the popular ltreetl in yer V
i community or the ltreetl whieh you like best. ll is not so ng:}. i
E the lircetl you seleet as it is the strain of that ltreetl antl the   Z
they receive. lt you are going to ltuy pullets front a l>ree·l·-;· Et,
sure tl1at he has a gootl laying strain known l`or high ez; gui  y
· Pullets that are to lie usetl in this lll'CLlth€I`€
i ··t` tt"- » will i>i·t»l»ul·ly l»t· st»nit· i·t·i»uii·s to l1lill{t‘ lt·~l't·1·t; it will hc suitublc for
vn; t·1'   t tlic pttlluts. li1‘lllt.‘llllIt‘l' thut this lit»ust· is to l>t:tl1t:l1o1nc of )'O11I‘
tt· lt1‘ _;· i i ptlllwts untl shoultl ht- us h·»1nt·lilA__j_;/_iE?";;.· · . CL-     gwt2.;:_T—-;·;,~·.
·t ·»tt ir   .. ».,, . an->j’ _      
- t.,-ti i i 1   F ,.,,¢, . . ,   ,,.»I ·-··"%
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l·`i:. 2. SEtt·tlr1·t»¤·t` tttvtltzy li··u>·i
Q_ i Nutt]! t»_/` Iftitnn; l·]ut·li l»ii·tl shttultl he ulltiwod four square
fut·t ttf tlt»t»i· sput·t~. To utwtiiiuntttluto twclvu birds. thc house
it slttttiltl l»t.· six l`t·t·t with- und oight t`t·t·t tltwp. Depth is nicusured `
_ astl1t·tlistunt·t— li1't>l11 the iil`t1lll to thc wut'. Tho buck of the
.= · house should lic built i.(tlll` l`t-t·t high und thc lil'ttlll six foot high.
[lt'!/1tt.untlunt·0 of sllllligllt 111
` H10 l111lg` 111111·11< QIII11 1'1111>1 111111·~_
I1' _\`|1ll 11111·1·1111 1111I 111111111·_1· 111111<1·_ 11 111·111111111_1‘ 11:111   1
11101* $11 111111 11 1*.111 11:11*11 1111 111` 1111·~1· 1`<\1`111111I 1·11111*.11·*1i~‘·
)I211l}` 1111111s 111111*11 1> il SIIIII11 N11l`*1 111· 11111*11111* (I1. 11111 11111*11 1 ~
cam 1111 11>1'|1 1.(1l' 11111 1i1_\'1lILl` 111111~1·. Yl`11|` >11111111-11~1 1·111*111·:· `
1(,11)211‘('<111Z|l'll 1*:111 l'il\11_\' 1111 11111111 1111 11(11` 1111<11111*1111~1·. 1'~\11¤1,—
that 1s 111~.·11ss111*1* 1s 111 SII'111 11111 1·1·111·1;s, 1111x 1111 1111· 11‘—` ‘·`` * 1
z1111<111111 1111 s11211·11 111111 11111 111 11111 \\`1lll1l1\\'$ 1111 11111 $1111111 —1~11‘- 1 ·
t111s1·11s11 1111— 1I11<11· N111)111(1 111- 1111 I11(‘ ('IIN1 $1111* 111- (111 1111* 111~'*1" 1 r
1110 11&ll‘Il. 1"1>l' 1·ll1'11l1‘l' 111·1;111> 111. 1'(1I1S1I'1ll‘11(11l_ $1111 1‘1X11*11~1*'T1l1·1`
CU1l1I‘ 107, " 111111s-111; 1·`111·111 l’1111111·y." _ *
All 111. 11111 <‘11ll11lll1<‘1I1_ Nlll'1l 11s I]1‘S1S_ s1·1l`-1`111·111·1*s. 1*11*11 *1**1
110 1111 11111 1111· 1111111*. '1`111s \\`111 }\11(1\\' lll()l‘(‘ 1111111- S1)iI1‘1‘ \\`11*’1"` 

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1 ‘1\‘1 `§ . . 1.111111 (11.1111‘ 111lX 111 11*1111 111-- ~T1‘:1\\‘ 111 111** 111-~1. 1St‘1‘ 11:‘;tl‘1- Z1- 1
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_ 1-11-.. >1’-*1-·· . V0111, 1111111-1- 1-2t1·11 \\`l1lQ`. 111 1111- 11i1\(‘ 111 1111- 111-1·1{ z11111 :11 1111- 1111s1- 111
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thc 111111·11i11g‘.
llluc 1>i1111111·111 1·11111:1i11i11;· ISZI 111-1* 1·1·111 1111·1·1·111*y is :1l~·. ..1;.
1·cll1·111 I.1>l' killing l1111ly li1·1·. (Ill 1l11·1·111l11l';1 li11g‘1·1· 11l:11·1· il 1»E· -···-
1l1osiz1~ of il 111·:1 :1111l I'lllI IlIi< wvll i11111 1l11· Slilll lll. 1l11~ I'11\\`l 111;
l11—l11w the vc111.
The lvust IIIIIIKXIN will 11111 1:1)* il l:11*u1· IllIlIlII1‘l` 11l` 1·;·g·~ lllll*‘\\ _
g*ix*1·11 1hc 111·11111~1* ls:11*)‘ 111 l1;1l:111 ··1· i;.~
. 1‘:11i1111 :1111l give tho 1111ll1~1s 111*1111·i11 \\iIIIVII 111:1l<1·< 1111 il lill`Q·‘ g·1*-
11111·1i1111 of [Ill} whitu of 1l11~  
The TOIIl)\\'ll1g_` sa111111le 1·illII_III$ h:1\‘1- 111·11x*1·1l s:11i~l`:11·1·11·)‘ i~·
lllillly who use IIICIII:
C1*:1el<1·1l 111· shullml 1#111·11 ..,___   ..1... T IIIIIIIIIIN _
OMB llll1'1]Il1g' :1111_l 1 1)OlIIllI T11 the cvciiiiig.
N0. 1
Sl1i11s111ll' 1/111ill-1*1111 l`1;1_·1l,1 ...11.....,............4.......,. 5 111111111ls 111* 7.5 11llill`l*  _
(.`111*11 1111-:1l .,1...... . .,11... . ,...11_,,   .,......,,__...11,,_,   ______ 3} 111111111ls 111· 2.7 <[ll¢ll`l” ,
T:111l<21g0 o1· 111ca1L S1.‘l'2l1)   .................................. 2 1>l>Illl1lS 111* I.l 1111:11*1% _
Tulul ........................... . ....... . ...................................... I0 111111111ls A

 ]·'¢¢¤/my; am] (Win of [Jl]/Illlfj I'i!l/(lx fj
ii .~ No. 2 l
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U '_X_ ·yH,,]{;,g,· . 2 pmiiuls or 1.] qimrts
1,3, ._.,. *—
I mq ']‘i,];|] __ ]() Imlllltls
'I`li·· ·li·_v m;i~li mix111i·<· ‘!‘llll¤'I' Nw. l or Nu. Zi >lmi11·l lm
1`wl iii ;i ~·~lI'—l'·····l··i‘ <¤i‘ li<·[¤]»··i‘. ~$¤·¤,·1i!¤1i‘··—l.i lz >l1r»i1l·l lm kvpt `
lh lii·;`·»1·»·ili·· i·iill··1<:ii ull liH1¤·<. Iii ii~i1i:‘ iiiiilqiiuwn ··;ii··· >li<»i1ll1<¤l1l¤l l
    l·i·1`»·»l ii1~i··;iil ·»l` il ·li·_v m;i~li. lll\\'•*l\`¤· I»i1ll··I< will ilriiik ulmiii
.,,1-_. l; ;;ill·»ii ·»i' milk ii ii;i_x· aiml ii llll~*l~
A :ll;lllIi1iii·~ iii ]·l;i··.··»l`·li·ii;l—_ V
iii 13.0
lll‘*l¤l~‘ lllil ;l`l'&llll ;111il 4l1·_x· ][l;i)¤{i·1·>l;i·ll mi]‘g‘1‘i¤1111il limi~~1¤»m· lwpl lll‘lllll`l‘ lll<‘111 V
lll llll lllll·‘*. lllliv zi il i< ll*\‘¢l iii pl;i··i·<»l`1lii·im·ilil»yIliwl10ii.21Hil
llllillv  » 1llllll¤ll¤<*ll:lI‘nl uml ywiiigli in ;»1‘(li·1·1i» Q`I'lllgl lll{‘ lla‘n‘lll‘ll\ \\ liliniit. llll< ogg >l1i·ll lllill1‘I'l;ll {lin l>ml_\‘ nl {lic
i lll’ll Sllllll l¤<‘r·¤»ii1¤·s ilvplillml iii Nll¤‘ll—ll<¤l`}lllllQ` m:11¤·i·i;1l< \\`lll¤‘ll rc- ,
“llll* lll ll’\\`<‘l‘ vnu p1·i¤·liii·ti·m_ _

· 1
10 ('1'1‘1·11/111· X11. l.?}"
'l`l11·1l111·l{ ll11IS1 111* \\`1‘ll 1;1li1*11 1·:11‘1· 111. i1' 11 1<1~x111-1·11·11111111—.,: `
11111·1~ il l:11·g·1~ 1111111l11·1· 111' vggsl 'l`l11· l`111l1111‘111u Ql'|11‘l'ill 1)1`1lQ['j1111
5111111111 111- l'()11ll\\4(`l1 11111111:*1l11·1-11111·1·_1‘1·:11·:
1. l`l1~:111 111111l1‘111111111g‘1111111‘1l~:11 11~;1~1 11111·1· :1 \\'l°l`l(, `
- 2. (ll•’iIll 11111 1lll‘ Nll'il\\' :11111 11111 111 1ll·\l\ll.l'I|l1ll1\1l·1l\\- 11l11·11··1’1·1
Z1, 1'l1‘1‘1l 1·1~g·11l:11·1_1‘,g11‘111;‘1l11·~:11111· illlllllllll 1·1` l`1-1·1l :11 1l11· $$111;*  1
111111* l.11l'll 11111.
4. 11111- 1l11· llllllNl` il 111111*11 1·l1·:111111;· 1·:11·l1 ~111111g· :11111 l':1ll :11.11 l
>111·:11 1111' lll1\l1`1(ll` :11111 :111 111·—1~, l.l‘1'11 l11111111·1·~_ 1·11·., 111111:1 _
l1\`1* 1111' 1*1*111 >11111111111 Illl ~111111· g‘11111l \111.·l{ 11111_ l1111·11111111j'
l 1111·11i1111121: u·1lll(}1l$ 11‘:111·1· 11111 111:1l<1· :1 1i1·~· 11111·1·111 1111;;- · 1
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llU\\·ll 1l1>e;1s1~_
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l11·1·. l1' l11·1· :11·1· 111‘1·~1·111 lllllill 1111*111 11~ 11111l1111·11 1111 11:1!1· 1. §
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11~1111:1<:11l111. — *
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]1•‘ZlI'. l1`1l11· 1111*11 >ll|1\\`S l'1111l11l1g‘ 111 11111 1111\1· 1'11111·1·l11·1‘11~1‘111‘ ~
1111 1111~111:»11·1ls 11:1111 :111 1·1s1· 111·1111111·1·_ 111] 1·:111111·1`1~111l11*1‘. I
1 .