xt7k6d5p9s1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p9s1f/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1943;1944;1945 journals kentucky_leaflets_001_100 English Lexington :  The Division,  1938-1943. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Leaflets A-P / Extension Division, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. text Leaflets A-P / Extension Division, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 1943 1943;1944;1945 2014 true xt7k6d5p9s1f section xt7k6d5p9s1f 
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 pruned. Apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees from l
to 10 years of age will produce more fruit if given no •
. . O
pruning. Peach trees need pruning more than other G `H F t d B
fruit trees. Heading back is necessary to prevent tall, ·     S    
le¤ owth and to maintain a lar e bearing area. .
¤gY sr g an     I I I N
Q. Is spraying necessary?   _ O 9  
. S ra 3 0 4 t`mes h season to rotect the r if »
A P Y , Y I Cac . P . J   t By w. w. Msertt
tree and fruit from the damage of insects and dis- qc
eases. For spray information, see your county agent.  
if Q, What spray equipment is needed? G THOUGH you may have the money to buy fresh and _
A, A barrel spray pump or a bucket pump. canned fruits and berries this year, you may be unable
_ _ _ to et them. Shi nments abroad to meet re uirements
Q, What 1S the best time to plant fruit trees? — f gh _ _   . . q _
. o t e wai program limit the supply and sometimes
A. In the early spring or late fall. . . , ,
use 1t up entirely. \our family may lack these neces-
Q_ What Varieties? HOW many [regs? SHYY h€21l[l1 foods llHlCSS YOU g1”OW [ll€Il'1 ll'l YOUT OWU
A. Apples, 5 to 8 trees, Transparent, Wealthy, " fruit garden.
Y¤11<>w_D<>1i¤<>¤S. Grimes: R<>m€. OT Stayman Vm`1efYr The questions and answers in this leaflet give some
all mslstam to apple sca? P€“Ch€S¤ 3 to 6 trC€S* essentials for growing fruit and berries for home use.
Carman, Belle of Georgia, Hale Haven, or july .
Heath varietr. Pears, 2 Kieffer trees. Cherries, 2
l .
Montmorency trees. An orchard too large 1S fre- Strawberries
uentl neglected. . .
q Y ° .. Q. Why plant strawberriesr
Q, Is it desirable to cultivate and intercrop young   They me generally liked; Fife easy I0 gT0W; fe-
fmic trees? quire little space in the garden; ripen earlier than
A_ They do bctccc if cumvatcd Tobacco or vcgc_ any other similar crop; and seldom fail to bear.
tables are satisfactor intercro s. Broadcast manure `
_ Y P Q. How many plants are needed?
around the trees each year.
A. Two hundred plants should produce next year
Q_ Wh€1·€ Shollld [mcs be Obtained? . 25 gallons, enough berries for the average family.
A. From an established nurser. Varieties sold . ,
_y Y Q. VVhat 1S the best variety?
by tree peddlers too often are not well chosen. A Blakemore
Q' Sh¤¤ld 3* mmpomry [mmm Pfam R fm gardeni Q. Are everbearing varieties successful in Kentucky?
A. Most land owners want the tenant to make A NO
farm improvements and probably will buy plants and
trees for him if requested to do so. The tenant that ~ Q- \’Vhe1`e Sheuld $[Y¥iWbe1`1`ieS be planted?
"raises" a good living moves less frequently and is A. ln the garden or on any fertile land used last
usually a better citizen. year tO p1‘Oduce a cultivated crop
1 Q. YVhen should plants be set?
‘ A. Late March or early April.
(3/\\g_\GHB0QAb%       given [U you h`  
» y Leaflet l
in _ gc   e——i——————»———- 
* V YQKXT who has roluntzrrili agreed ro bring UNIVERSITY OF KE
i ~ t NTUCKY
@ ' I V/` '·‘’ this and other important war inforrnn- ci College of Agriculture and Home Economics
. THE Srgcmm OF THE NATION iron to families in your neighborhood.   Agricultural Extensjgn Service
200M—1-43   Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director
[ 4 ] _ / Lexington, Kentucky _ January, 1943
r ; it sj Q Q; é 1 T
t ` ) u U 1 J .· -

 Q. How should plants be set? » Q. What makes grapes rot?
A. Place them 2 feet apart 1n rows 4 feet apart. A. 'A disease known as Black Rot. Control by
Sgt {hc basg Of [hg Crown lust lgvgl wlrh [hg Surface S1)1`Zly1l'1g Hf 2—week lHl€l`VE1lS lVllll l)O1`(lC21LlX ]l1lX[U1`€
Of the 5()1l_ Eggllnging whom hrs; leaves expand, End continzninég
. . .. . SD1`21 s iave ( ' 1 rs. ,@
Q, Will it pay to use fertilizer? »  I Y Cm 1PPh€d` yl P *5 l// 5
A, Use 25 pounds of superphosphate for 200 plants.     llfhai is H good yield of grapes? 5   e   r
  c A vine should · l · * ffl  
_   . - piocuce a peck, b to 10 _ .;
Q. What Culture 15 H€€d€tl? O   Should supply the family_ ’ ‘  —*.
A. Frequent shallow cultivation from May to Au~  _;
gust and sufficient hoeing to remove weeds. Keep M Q· flow long will §1`i1P€S Continue to bear?
blossoms Picked during rho nrsr spring so runners l A. It properly pruned and fertilized they will bear
  form early. fO1` E1 g€1'1€1“2l[1OIl.
Q. Where should plants be obtained? Bramble FYUUS
A. From a nursery or from a neighbor. Bought in Q- What fruits are in this gi-Cul);
small uantities, one cent er lant is a fair rice. A- R?*$l>b€`1"l`i€S, blackberries dewbeit _
Cl P P P _ , ies, and Boy
_ senberries.
Q. What growth will appear the first summer? _
A- On Cacll Plant   to   runners during June Q, HOY\’ Illillly l)l2lllLS HFC 1lCC(lC(l [OY llOITl€ use?
and Jury. They will bear {run rho following Spring Is Asrllsurlly 50 plants of each kind are sullieienp
·am1 1€S tiat prefer only one or two kinds of br bl ·
Q_ Should-p1;]_]'][$ be mtilehetl during winter? — fruit need more plants of each kind, am C
A. Apply 1n December a 2-inch mulch of strawy Q xm _ _
material- . 1’ lat varieties succeed best?
A Latham red ras b ·· —
_ · < p Clly, Cumberland black -
Q_ May plants be dug from a bed one y€2u° old? . b€1`1`}', Eltloriltlo blackberry and Luci·eti·t tlewbltgili
A. Yes. Enlarge your bed with them. _ l'
Q. Is pruning necessary?
I .
Gees . ti£tQ2$E$1`..·Z“i§g..fl§Z°lS if will *`“Sl’b“"y md
_ _ 1nc1es ta , pinci out their ·
Q. What 1S the best general purpose variety? tops. In February or early March, cut side branches
A. Concord. V ol) red and. black raspberries and blackberries back to
Q- HOW Should grapes be Planted? .   out 1;) inches and head top to about 4 feet; lift
Ar Pram them in Carr S rin r ro rem a an in 1nes o cewbeiites and Boysenberries from the
Y P g P Ground tw1 · l i` > ’ ‘
rows 8 rect apart. gl , st tie xincs of each variety together and
l r r tie them to a stake or wire trellis. After harvest, cut
Q. VVhat is the best wat to train the vines? off near the rounc · ` ` tr · >
_   I r V g ol f1 uiting cancs of all brambles
A. Use a two-wire trellis with the hrst wire 3 feet and burn them. This stimulates the rowt r
g 1 if the
above the ground and the second, 2 feet above the new canes and also helps to control diseases.
first. Old, tangled vines rarely can be trained in this Q D by b _
way. Keep them as they are until new vines begin A' Pi) A `am lm ml Wmmr l)l`OlCC'l1Om
m bear grapes- r . iotect dewberry and Boysenberry canes from
I r severe win-ter weather by covering them with a straw
Q. ls pruning necessary? I I mulch while they lie on the ground.
A. Cut new growth on tangled vines back to 2 _
buds: trained vines to 6 buds. Prune in February. Frult Trees
. _Q. Vlhy do old trees fail to bear?
Q. Should grapes bercultivatcdr I A. The chief cause is nitrogen starvation. Liberal
A_ Qulttvate young vines until they begin to b€ilT. USC of ulilnure. esperiiallv poultry manure_ ine;-eyiggq
r then, if desired, seed to a cover crop of lespedeza. the yield of fruit. F { I A
Q. Do grape vines need feeding?   ' Q. ls pruning necessary?
A. Use 1 liberal annual application of initnurt. { A. Many home ortharcls have been greatly over
[2] i [Fl]

 RECORD ` '_A‘· T
*3+ ..
p   I
at OU U' FOO I H
Name I A;
Address _ 2/ ,»
r * * for 4-H Clu@r * *
County Age Years in Club work   ~ _ 'ggr
.c 4 _» 2  
Leader iv 7.
Date chicks were started I V t
* 2
Number chicks started l `
Number chicks raised to market age : P FOOD is no less a weapon `
than tanks, guns, and planes.
Number of pullets for winter layers As the power of our enemies
*~ decreases, the importance of
the food resources of the
Fill in items below as of October l. United Nations increases.
.   With this thought in mind,
Costs Receipts , · . .
we must further mob1l1ze our
Chicks .,....s,. $___ Sales of meat . . . $___ resources for the production
  V, of food.
Fuel ...l....... Chickens on hand " —President Roosevelt ‘
. . l
Starting mash . . . Chickens eaten . . . _
Grain .......... Chickens canned.
Total ..... . . . . Total ..........
Gain or loss ._...............................,.. _
After your record is Hnished. turn it in to your
leader or County Agent. L Leatlet 2
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: Col- .
lE§€ of AgTlCUlCUl'& 8Yld Home Economics, UI1lVE1'SlE}J of KCIILUCKY, and College of Agl'iC\.lltUI'€ and Home Economics
the United States Department of Agriculture, cooperating. Thomas , . .
P. Cooper, Director, Issued in furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and Agl`l€ullul'al Extenslcll Servlce
June 30, 1914.
w0M_1`43 Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director
V Lexington, Kentucky January. lm?

 • 4. Have water, feed, litter, and heat ready for chicks
Poultry Broodlng for 4-H Clubs when they arrive. Dry sand only is used for litter
C _ _ _ eva in lantern brooders.
_ bmeem eemee   rem by eb Frbb membeee r 5. Do     emeks or allow em .0 become
e in their brooding project will be an important help 1,Hcd
in producing the [ood needed by our country. More cu ' _ _
eggs, more Poultry meat, more Puncts LO add to the . 6. Do not crowd too many chicks 1nto small brooder
laying flocks are needed now than at any other time Slm°°‘
in Our histOrv_ Tliis'is One ininnrtent wav that 4-]-I 7. lf possible keep chicks off the ground. Provide wire
boys anti girls are helping in the vvnr eliOrt_   runs or sun porches with wire bottoms for them.
_ 8. As soon as the chicks will use the sun porch, place
Requirements ` feed and water in it rather than in the brooder
l_ lzittv Or more eliielts mrtlte e stentlrtrd nrt-,ieet_   ¢ house. Hang old feed sacks on the windward side
However, if brooder house and equipment is suit- l of Sun porch to make it more comfortable.
able for a larger flock, plan to raise the larger num- 9. Use movable range shelters to keep growing pullets
ber. The full use of all equipment is important is ‘· on clean ground and away from the laying flock.
this year when our country needs more food.
2. Keep a record of this project. Turn it in to your l Buying and Marketing
leader Early   OC[_ObCI·_ USE the record On Page 4 C   HZl[Ch€rl€S, farnl bureaus and organizations lnlelx
et tliis leeilet_ l ested in 4-H Club work will assist you in starting
poultry brooding projects this year. See your
Equipment   county agent or leader about this help.
l. Use present buildings or those made from ma- 2. lf chicks are furnished, End out when you can get
terials on hand on the farm. t them, and on what terms. If later you are to pay
g_ Provide emnle equinrnene per 50 to 75 eliielss { ,, for them, as well as their feed, with poultry meat,
you   need: 2 l-qualcl·_ jars tyllh ustar {CPS', {Or t find out how Hlluch is l`CqulI`€(,l. Get all the (.l€[¤llS.
milk and water, and 2 feeders, each 2 feet long, 3. If you buy chicks, get them early for best results.
2 inches deep and 6 inches wide. r Although you must give early chicks careful atten-
3. Clean and disinfect thoroughly both house and den You eee mart? larger Proms On them and Pro`
equipment and eheete iigiitiiig and ventilation duee pellets in time fer winter ieyers-
arrangement. , 4. Buy chicks rather than hatch them with hens.
4. If no equipment is on hand make a lantern brooder 5. Feed broilers abundantly. Sell them when they
from material to be found around the farm. For weigh about 3 pounds.
plans see Ext. Cir. 358.
5. Operate the brooder a day or so before chicks ar- Fbbd
tive, to be sure it is serviceable and will Provide t 1. Use commercial starting mash. Follow feeding di-
Prerier heat. v V . rections given by the manufacturer.
l 2. \Vhen the chicks are 4 to 5 weeks old begin self-
Chicks · feeding a 32-percent commercial supplement and
l. Obtain chicks from a reliable hatchery, it grain in separate hoppers. Or self-feed yellow corn,
2. Choose chicks of e general ptitpese breed, such as ” eerbeee ed mee! with we i><>¤¤de ef eedt edded te
Rocks, iuseae Island Reds, ami New llampshires. eede 100 P0¤¤dS» e¤d beee r¤e=d· Feed eedt in
3. Start chicks early. From March 1 to April 15 is the Separate hopper
t best Starting time 3. Provide ample green pasture at all times.
[2] · [3]

 How to Keep the Bugs From Ruining has not been practiced. No vegetable should be plant- VIQTQRY GARDEN RECORD S —
Y G d ed where it rew last tear; there should be a a of .
_ our ar en _ I g ) g P l. Kind of garden (check below)
For lnsccts that eat the leaves or other parts of Ht East Om? Year- H _ _
the plant put poison where they feed, The best Wilt dries up cabbage, tomatoes, and watermelons, Omc VIUOYY Garden ( ) · ’·
poison is rotenone dust or spray. Another is a dust and is caused by germs that live in the soil. The only Individual Victory Garden ( ) ¥ * for 4_H   ¥ ¥
made by mixing l Part calcium arsenate, or arsenate way to combat 1t 1S to use reslstant varieties, as M ts Spcclal Cmp Vlcmry Garden: Potatoes ( ) V
of lead, or magnesium arsenate, with 6 parts lime. comm All Seasons cabbage (or others the seedsmen _ 6 1 re
Or, a wet spray may be used, 2 rounded tablespoons list as "resistant"), Break O’Day, Mmglobe, or Rm- tomatoes ( )· If some other GOP Wntc
of any of the arsenates dissolved in 1 gallon of water. gem tomatoes, and Kleckley N0. 4 (or others) water- name .
B au ·e of dan er of o`sonin eo le, do ’t u e the melons. . . · »
cc 5 g P 1. g P P .n S _ 2. SIZC of garden: feet long feet wide.  
Zlrscmlms On greens, €&UhHOW€I`» cabbage in h€3d» OY Bhght may be caused by several germs, but the re· ,
beans in pod. Rotenone, however, is safe on these. su]r is the Same: the Spr-ming and final killing Or [hg 3. How many kinds of vegetables? _____;.
E tfrb belle d mb btle,bein »· · - ‘ ‘ V . . _`
XCQP 0 6311. € HH CUCQ 6F 86 g leaxes. Aslthe gél ms are carried by the w1nd,·the con 4_ Esumatc [Owl hOurS WOrkOd , »_
dllSl1¤g OT 5Pf€1Y1¤g at fh€ first Slgfl of d3m21g€· trol 1S to copper coat’ the leaves, by spraying wlth
. . - at H ‘ — ‘ ‘ 5. Number of da s ve etables used fresh from ar- _
For sap-sucking insects (plant lrge, gqugsh bug b0Yd€ZlllX H11XtU1€. Start when the spotting first is y g g MANY MEN m Our Hgh/[ing forces and in
and the like) use “contact p0isons" that actually hit Seen (On the wwe? leaves) and leljeat m 2 W€€kS· d€¤ 1...;.- ·: ~· factories making war Supplies formerly
their bodies. There are two such "contact p0isons"— Cmnplétg COU€’ms€’ IS ¤€C€S$?‘YY» “`1[h 3 good SPMYEV 6 B h I { I - h bb d { worked on farms and cultivated gardens.
H H _ n lahn nl, H { 1 . us es o r1s potatoes, ca age, etc. store or
tobacco te:1 and rotenone dust or spray. If the ln- SP S Ingo W1 HO ‘O· _ Somebody must take their place. Food is
sects are not dead in 30 minutes after such treatment This 1S an easy way to make borgleaux mixture in €h€ wmtcr il-- 3 A HOW Shipptsd tO Our SOICHOIS Overseas and to
they should be dusted or sprayed again. a gitriglensize amouxnti 1 lb [ bl 7_ Total quarts Of au vegetables Canngd from rhe l our allies. To meet this need more gardens
. , . . . n a stone croc', isso ve 1 . 0 uestone in 5 quarts
For the Mexican bean beetle dont Walt unul of water, the bluestone hung in a cloth sack so that its tip is garden _ are necessal-y' _S0mebOdy must plan and tend
[here are holes in the leaves, but begin dusting Or just in the water. This is "bluestone stock." ,_ fh€l'I‘1. Who W11] p1'OdL1C€ the food SO GSSBH-
gpmying when the []r5t eggglugtgrs are seen On the 2. In the tank (preferably brass) of a sprayer, put 9 quarts 8- Amount Sold from garden $j;-T- tial HOW to the life of our nation?
I . 1 O I 1 d h d . of water, l quart of "bluestone stock" and yr pound of screened _ · A . 1 .
%ln( Crslce OL tlc €uVcS’ an t en ust QT Spray agaln liIl'1€, lllld   ll1S€C[S 2lI`€ pl`€SC1'l[, l,h€ I)l'OpCl` Z1l'llOllll[ of Z1I`l}' of   SIZC of   gHI`d€H . NHIHCS of V€g€· grlcu tural leaders belleve   4-H  
tn 10 clays, and perhaps 1n l0 days again. Dusters or th€ ¤1‘S¤¤¤t€S named under "Ins¢ct Control? [ bl _ _[ e , members will produce part of it in Victory
sprayers with up-turned nozzles must be used, to put Th3· Cloicthe sprarr, anfmshzrlgebit §nd—wis<-2, 10 to 15 times. a Cs m 1   Gardens and have prepared this lgaiiet to help
the material where the beetle always feeds, the under- e msu I ls 2% ga Om O ` `J O1 €‘mx‘   . them. When a 4-H Club member has a victory
Sides of ih-€ l€¤\'€S, Hlld covering should be complete. Winter Storage Name Of member O garden he supplies the family witli vegetables
The striped cucumber beetle, sometimes Called Harvest and store vegetables in late September or for the table and for carmmg and st¤¤¤g, and
[he Hrnglon bug’" is the Cause {Or the Carly death Of early October, Look well to the condition of the Town   $$115 @11059 T10'€ 1'1€€d€d f01` home 1158.
(juCllmb€l'S, mglgns, and Squash_ Dgad Plants haye vegetables BHC]. to storage 3I`I'ZIDg€H"1€I'1[S. UHd€fT1p€ County Ncighborllood Z
their side-roots eaten away, by worms that hatched vegetables will will UO matte? h0W g00d lh€ $t0T&§§€ A Y _ I b k
from the beetles eggs laid in the first soil cracks the conditions. Choose mature vegetables, free from dis— g€—;—· Em m C “ Wm —-——————
seedlings made as they came up. Start poisoning, €3S€ mfection, bruises, cuts, and other wounds. Sue- Name Of Leader _; O
therefore, when the soil over the hills begins to C€SSful Storage also requires proper temperature, hu-
"hump_°° Ugg I·()[€nOng’ Or this dust;   Hfld V€l’1[i13.[iOI`1. SqI,13Sh€S, CUSIIHWS, 3.Hd
Calcium arsenatc, 1 part by weight sweetpotatoes require a temperature of 500; c0l‘1- This leaflet was prepared by
' GYPs“‘“_ °’ *“"“ Pl“$*°Y· 15 Pam · trolled ventilation ("sweating" may cause them to jenn s. GARDNER, Field Agent in Horticulture, and " `
Sift the dust from a loosely woven sack over the mid- rot); and dry gtgrage Place Turnips, beets, carrots, E. E. Frsn, Field Agent in 4-H Club Work
dle of the hlll. Repeat the dllS[1Dg every 3 days, for cabbage, and Porerroes require gr tgmlggraturg bguvegn
ul l€?*$[ 19 Um€$· ?>4° and 38°, and a moist storage place. ` Lmncl 3
P t t Y G F D_ For further information about storage see Ken-
x-0 ec . Our arden I-Orrl . lseases , lucky Extension Circular   "HOl]]C StOrag€ Strlu} C00p9\'£1ti\'€ EXT3€‘USl0Il Work lll Agl`lCUlEl.1l`B and Home Economics      
,_ Y“g€‘§`b1° d‘S€’PS“$ MC F’? [hm kmds ‘ wml tum ml Em<¢¤t·" S§E°g§r§‘ €§§€§§““s€€e€;‘$"r‘5‘e°£$t§§3’€°";l°s’A§$L$§i}$§ °2O‘§9£;%€l§y·   °°“€g** Of Ag“°““¤*€ and Hm E¤¤¤°ml¤==
bllght, and 21 general Kind that causes the crops Theme pd cooper, Dirggigyg Iggugd in furtherance er er,epAeee gr Agricultural Extension Service
— r ‘ ‘ · Vlay 8 an June 30, 1914.
to do poorly The last is usually a sign that rotation ‘ 1OOM_1_43 ThOmOS p_ COOOOO Dum and DWUOT
[ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] { Lexington, Kentucky January, 1943

 l Plan Your Garden Earl 0f the e d ` ‘ ‘
· n · L QA l y [ sle . There 1S more 11kel1h00d SAMPLE GARDEN PLAN for e FAMILY op FIVE
Dgglde Whgch Garden You Wlll Grow i TO $3V€ UH1€ and WOYYY l?1€€1' OH, O Planung [OO deep than {OO sh3·u0W· (R€€0111111€1'1d€d Varieties when [0 plam and plaminu d' [ h
I 4 · · ’ ¤ 1S HHCESQ [ €
For a Victory garden you may have elther 3 home and to} bi sure of giltung the things USG Fresh Seed of a Good Variety 11€¤VY 1¤<>1<1€1 represents the boundary of [he 100 fe {100 {L garden)
. . . . amen t at you rea y want ma c 21 , . .
arden an 1nd1v1dual arden or a s ecnal-cro arden. P . ’ Dont r1sk the d1sz1 0' L » ~
g ’ g ’ P P g ‘ · dctzuled plan of your garden before the f _. PP m mcms that WHEN b;:;‘En Y -
Planting Season Comes around Make €0H1€ 1"O1T1 plz111L1ng poor seed; unless [0 pram mm 11HAT and HOW MUCH no plan: (rows m0{r_10ng)
Home garden , ' you know it is good, d0n’1; plan; it. ` -
a plan hke the one shown here, on a The V _· _ h 1 . A51’··\RAGUS(Marzha zvasnmgam) 2 rr gpm in the mw
Old€Y 4·H m€mb€Y$ mkf? €0mP1€1€ Charge Of the cardboard big enough to be read cas- anew S Ouk be Suited [O KCI} (P°r°""iah q` Asmmcus , ·
. 1 · ’ ‘ . 1 ` w h h' .... - -
home garden They Plan lt; Prepare the Seed bed; ` ily, and tack it up Where it is handy [O ;;C1;y€SShC11€T1211;e, and the Ted sheulql gy PARSNIPS (cfjerfej ?g“$h1’14;;;?;1lfeg0[;1·2,’ in ;1;1UBAR?\`fIZf1;r:i,R4g {Z, 3 lrlr apgmf
. 1 - ~ , , » ·p * 1 . . . If
plant, culuvate, spray, and harvest the vegetables for gee, Measure your garden SO you will Kcmu k’ O glsuig ja §°O( Fund- 111 2; 1¤1·;As(A1a];r,,)_1%,1b_,€cd sown ,1 10 2 incheg xpm ( ‘ " "‘)· 5 ‘·
. . 1 c sc · · M h V ' ’
dau] usc, canmn , stora c, and sale. _] know exact] how much room on Y C SO m G25 O I Pound am ° Z *’EA$1T·"*’P’·0·1¤1
Y ` I Y Y 01‘ H101`e must bear offmal smre mg; [0 Z LETTUCE(1V0nd4r/ul cy IR pu) 30; RADIS
· - · _ _ ‘ [ ' » *1111 ¢111, ¤.—— HES wm T' s I .70t.2 ‘_
Plan; Jus; enough vegetables to sausfy the family   mx; 1 `d 1 _ grarmg the U-uc v;1y1€m1 name, the PCI, April 1 izl 11’1U$TAR11($0u1/wra Curled), 50 tz. -— SPINACH (B100,,,;d,,1;l),c50li),_ mr el) { plammgs
uppcumz beans, Peas, tomatoes, Corn, Cabbage, OH_ I 1e;211T¥;1e gzulcnfis 10wn 0n [h1S Cem Of germination and the year in ZZ. CABBAGE(G0lde1zAcre), 100 plams
. t . A . ‘ · ~
xons, beets, potatoes, greens, carrots. For fall plant- _ mee. S Ou Supp Y Vc Persons 21 which the seed was rrmwn, 2 gNI;gi§E·(§lwCml0"’ Copmhagm 01 Wlmnsm All S”"‘""‘)· 100 P'“""
. . . . . 2 _ servmgs 21 week of fresh vegetables m D April 1 2 · · - (1¢11<1ws¤1s), 1 gallon or seas plamcd 2 rc. 3 inches apart
mg add 10 [hm IISV w1`mPS» $PmaCh» Seven {OP: ka1€» ‘ Season ,md 12 SBN/in S Of Cami d Keep the Weeds Out no Z BEET5 (€r~s1¤y’s Egvprian) 2 oz sced· min [O 3 inches
. ` y < C Ol` . 4 ’ ’ ‘
mustard, and chmese cabbage. _ d g. T1 _ . . AP'11 15 27 CARRO'1`5 (Chmzrcnay), 1 oz. seed; thin [0 2 inches
st01e vegetables, b€S1d€S potatoes, 16 1635011 101 C11111\’31111q 21 garden " BEANS (Valemiae) 50 feet 1 lb s.eed· Hmamaa Bush lima 501 1 lb d
' ` · · ` · ' ' · · . 1., . sc
For a f21m1ly of five 21 home VICKZOTY garden should * each week dumng the res; Of the year; 1S to stop the weeds, HO; merdy {O AP111 15 3 SWEET COR`: (Adams) 1 DZ seed _ hu mf C
· ' - . . 1 » · I H - . ` —
be from % [0 yl acre. A plot 100 feet by 100 {cet IS ` Th1S garden has vzmety, and makes loosen the $011. In fact, deep working M;° 1 3 SWEET COR`; d I I S I apart' °r dmkd % {L api"'
about 1 acre. But thc wa a arden is mana cd is double use 0f round for the fall ar- and cho nin with gr hog even in [ ‘ (A mm)
4 g · P1 g ’ K C 3 SWEET CORN 0 za c · ~
Hlorc lmportant than us SIZE. A Small garden Well den. mlddles Of the rows, can do S€I_iOuS 3 [ ( 0 en ros.; Banlam),wnh 20h1l1sofCUSHAWS(Green-Striprd)
fertilized, properly cultivated, and full of growing 1 . 11 YOUY garden 15 51112111, make {1111 d3m&§€ 10 1116 10015- 3 SWEET CORN (G°'d"' C""’B“”'”’”)
CI-OPS will produce more than 8 much larger garden USC Of 1[ by plaflllllg l3.t€ C1‘Ops in 1‘0ws Weeds CHI] be st0pp€d €35i@5[; when 3 TOMATOES (Earlianu, Break O'Day), 35 p1ams_ staked
Poorly Planned and Operated. of early crops taken out,. or between they are small, before they rob the 3 PEPPERS (Ruby King), 50 fm., 25 p1ants—EGGPLANT(A'ew1‘gr/{1,500,20 prams
the rows 0f crops that w111 be our of vegetables 0f plant f00d and moisture. May SQUASHES (Summer Srmighmeck) 30 mus
_ , Q- . ’
Indwldual garden the way when the later crops come on. They can be scmjmd 017 with a sharp 3 SOUASHES (Table Queen) 20 hills
. . . Some of tl · h ` . ` ` '
TIIIS garden may be cxthcr a plot by itself or a . le lows Could be Crowded 3 OG Or Wlth the scqmehoe gtmchmem 3 01   (PUT"} Rll`0), 13 SIIPS SC!   lnqhgg gpg]-[
ld < b mi { (i   hmilm (ir; arm; much. used, the 16-100111 cultivamr is best, 91 SWLETPO1 ATOES 1"°"<> Rim}
or 0 enmem crs may uc p W1[ t c ar jobs suc Kee the Garde Soil R_ h Iécep [116 Sm-[ace Of the garden T——T0MATOES (Mm·glut·e, Greater Barezmrm), 25 plamg, muxched
g · ' 1'1 1 · , .
IS plowmg. Plant at least four 0f the following , k PIOW Ende L bl (if smooth an all umeg; don r make hr11$ TOMATOES (MargI¤»l~¤·,..G»·eazer Bal/imore), 25 plams, mulqhgd
· ‘ . r sa e ma .· __
vegcmbles. beans, tomatoes, potatoes, 01110ns, c21r10ts, mn Ct it at th t E“iI£)€> 1 You and udges. It takes exua work to June 1 4; TOMATOES (1\1a»·gl¤l»e, Greater Bazzilprare), 25 pl3m5_ mulched
greens, cabbage. IL IS better to plant larger amounts ‘ g 1 1 6 YH C O mm an make them, and in scraping $011 away [O Bi BEANS (smnglm Cmnpod Kenmky WO d )
_ L — _ ° , ¤ ‘ ‘ . ' » 11 ET
of [our or Hvc commonly used vegetables than just um P (LW gbofgt IO mchcs deep AS from the mlddles Of the rows 10 make 15 3 SWFKT CORY ($10 11'5 E B E
_ _ • _ . _ "'_"" · ` . - ZL't' UUT TECH, [ ·
?1l1U1€ of many 1‘¤¤/ Dark Red), 2 oz. seed; [hir. [O 5; incheg
gaxdcn may bc 20 [cet by 40 feet but Z1 large garden 011011Sh m?1m11€ €?1m101 be $01, 11S€ F1 m' ’° [O *‘ CCI Of mw O[ P""" ` ·
011C 21Cl`C Ol` mOI`€. F q F0mpl€t€ fertilizer (4.8-6 Or 5-10-5) at [OCS will be gI`OWl1 in 3 separate Patch, ]1"`r` 1 LATE GARBAGE, in Alaska pea row
pr rare of 400 [O 1,000 pounds per acm, 0uts1de the garden. But if [he pergrrgeg gl. BEANS (S~·i>¤glm Grcmpad), in Inrrsrardvanrnepirmh ,-my
Special-crop garden in the same manner as just described must be SYOW11 111 1110 V€§€1¥1b1€ §?11`d€I1y july 1 no 15 E`   1111··‘·N$ ($11i11g1·*5·< G¤‘¤·*»1{¤¤>r1), in half of Tezepmme pea mw
In this gmxlcni 1/10 acm Or more, Plant (Either [Q_ I for s11perph05ph3[e_ OU€dW3—Y F? IVWG {11¤mlzmc1 $[111 110t h21V€ 1u1y 15 Q   BEANS (Stringless Grcmpcd), 50 fx. in reg; gf Tp[;·p;m,,¢· pea mw
, _ _ _· _ tO 0 w1L10ut me 0[1 · '_ 1 Y , . .
nmmcs Ol IILSII Ol swccmpmmocs. Orher grep; Such as Make a Fine, Deep Seedbed m Plant them Carly (§gf(;]s§Cgi;?_g$S’I6; _·‘\ugSs[ 1     KALF ($11¤¤·r1¤11)» 100 f1· 11'1 1¢11ucc ww, or TURNIPS (parpze Tap 510;,,), 100 1,,, 1 0,_ SW1
¥\CC£ COI], [011DSi Ol 1[)O[ C1`OpS Hlzly PYOVC d€S1l`21b1€ U Il: 21 good seedbed [116 [OI) 3 to 6 il] 1`OWS 3 f€C[ 211)211`l. Hfld [hCf1 b€{WCCI] August é $’PINAC}—l 1Kmg 0/ Denmark or Nqr/Olk), in Golden Arrc caI>hn;;c rox`,
1 F1 111?11 ct 01 11€111 lb f1€211` by. The Cmp may b€ ,1,* mches 0[ sml 1S as fine 35 [he Sm;111eSr June 15 and July 15, 10 Plant late 10. 8 "·*L“1"‘°""1»5°"·’*“" CHINESE CABBAGL 50 f‘·· 111 °"°°f*“1'[""'·‘“"'1 10115
used 111 home OY SOM- [ $€€d 10 116 SOWT1. The righa depth to mzrmes, Imc sweet mm, lam beam, 1am GREEN5 O' TURNIPS i“ 01116* Adams (0111 ww and in early 1>¢c1 row
sow seed ¤s 8 times the least thickness cabbage, berwem me PM10 mw S€*"°'“b°' 5§§“Y§f0*f,;‘Qj§§‘j,,f§?P§s€§S §g°‘}}"`° °§§’“'°1"°""""°' °""°‘° “°1’· C°"**·“*°
‘ " · ,., 70 OT OSEIZ Tyé.
[21 "
· [3] [4]
1 [5]

I W I1   S I I
X 9 I`] to r y 9
PRICES farmers must have their lambs ready
for market at the right time. Information on ‘
production of sheep and lambs can be had gg;
from the following Kentucky Extension cir- l
culars: i
Breeding Season for the Farm Flock G I
of Sheep—Circ. 301
Larnbing Time—Circ. 346
Farmers who have their spring
‘ ‘· lambs ready for market early get
the best prices, year after year!
affecting lamb prices see your county
agricultural agent, or write to the Col-
lege. of Agriculture and Home Eco- I
nornics, Lexington. 3*/
cY !
· Lenilet 4
L°“"‘g°°"· K“‘°“°“y I I vw Gelugw mi " ‘ UNIVERSITY or KENrUc1
Q tooo / x 0
\ I ‘
uc I +-
tu \ 7 cs
— °· / \` tn
gg / \ E
— 9.50 \ — 6 tu
¤¥ / /'\ <.>
ct \ \ tu
ti [ ~ 5 “
2 / \.. ’\\ E
¤: 9.00
E 1/ \ 4 ¥

\ 2 "
\/ /\
soo \ I
L. 0
° week or season °°‘ ‘O
When is the best time to sell lambs, is a question quality lambs. The average price declines more
often asked by Kentucky farmers. The answer is rapidly than the price of better quality lambs.
found in the above chart showing average market- In some seasons, of course, lamb prices through the
ings and prices of lambs at four principal auction season follow a somewhat different course, and the
markets in central Kentucky from 1927 to 1939. peak fails to come at the time shown here. Those
The broken line in the chart represents the aver- years are the exception, however, not the rule. Those
age prices at which lambs sold on these markets dur- farmers who have their lambs ready for market in
ing the 13 years. \tVeeks of the season are shown late May or early June year after year hit the market
along the base line, April l to October 30 represent- right more often than they miss.
ing the lamb marketing season. From this chart it is Lambs weighing between 76 and 8-l pounds bring
evident that the prices are highest from the 7th to higher prices than lambs of other weights regardless
the 9th weeks of the season (usually from the middle of time of sale. Eighty-pound lambs sold in late May
of May to the tenth of _]une). The solid line repre- bring the highest price. Average weight of lambs de-
scnts the receipts of lambs expressed in pounds. clines, as a rule, as the season progresses. For lambs
More lambs are sold in _]une and july when prices of any given average weight, the value per head de-
are steadily going down than in May when prices are clines from month to month throughout the season.
iighest; and after May, in general, the later the sale following closelv the decline in price per pound.
he lower the rice. . . .
P . (T/its leaflet zs Imsed on rz derailed study of lamb
One reason why the average price of lambs goes . . - ,...
, _ _ /M‘1ccs, In Ixcnluckv Agricultural Exjmrzmetil Slnilovv
lown after m1d—]une is the fact that receipts later Bulldm 427) · ‘
n the season contain a larger proportion of lower- f 1 `
This leaflet is prepared by C. D. Phillips and R. W. Rudd of
the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station

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