xt7k6d5p9m4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p9m4f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1990 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1990-1991 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1990-1991 1990 1990 2013 true xt7k6d5p9m4f section xt7k6d5p9m4f  u·   e                   u u    
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  e UH1V€IS1ty of Kentucky
 u 1990-91 u  etm
      A Traditibn of Value  
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      1  990-91
I , · M U¤IVers!(·y Arcmvu
  I y. hq _ - vaaref I. King Lgbmy _ North _ I
{ — L UI1I\/érsify 0} Kentucky .
The Unlverslty of Kentucky Bulletln (USPS 384-610) Is publlshed slx tlmes a year, once
‘ In the sprlng, three tlmes In the summer (Summer I, Summer Il, Summer III) and twice
_ I In the fall (Fall I, Fell II) by the Unlverslty of Kentucky, Lexlngton, KY 40506. Second
I class postage pald at the Post Office, Lexlngton, KY 40511. Postmaster: Send address W
  changes to the RegIetrar‘s Office, Att: Malllng Center, Unlverslty of Kentucky, Lexlngfon,
  KY 40506. A cooperative publlcatlon of the Reglstrafs Offlce and the Publlcetlons
fg V Bureau of Publlc Relatlons.
. s. ~ / FL h, n I; _! _ .‘ · _. ‘   __ `V.» ,4, lv, `t_

) Y 
PUBLICATIONS Efforts to com-ply with thellaws and regulations applicable `
. . . . . . to qualified handicapped individuals are also coordinated by
Thls Bullelm 'S d'9"‘b“*9d t° all _n°W|y admmgd under` the Affirmative Action Office, as required by Section 504of the _
graduate students through the Advising Conference, and to Rghabffffaffon ACI Of I973_
e*aaaa*a ataaaata taraaala Tha Graaaata Saaaal ¤**·aa- saasiiaaaaaaaamiaa compliance with regulations maybe _ 
Add't'°_"al °_l mplacgmgm °°p'°S may aa purchasgd thmugh directed to UK’s Affirmative Action Office, or to the Director of f
*9 U""’9'9'*Y B°‘?"9‘°'9·_ _ _ the otiiss of civii Rights, u.s. ospanmsm of Education, , 
Reference copies are distributedto all high schoolcounsel- Washfngfon DIC. Qugsffons about admfssfon fo fhg UfIIVBf_ ·
ms In the Cgmmonwgalth at Kemycky sity should be directed to the appropriate admissions office. A
· information about the Community College System may be
obtained by contactingthe Community College System Office, CONFIDENTIALITY OF STUDENT RECORDS  
U"'V9'S'tV at K9"tU9ky· L9X'"9l°"· KY 4O5O6'OO56· ln accordance with the Family Education Rights and Pri- I 
OTHER INFORMATION vacy Act of 19-74, University of Kentucky students have the  if
__ _ _ , _ _ rightto review, inspect, andchallengethe aocuracyofinforma- , 
Specific information aboutdifferent parts of the University ffon kept In a cumufaffve fffé by Ihe Insfffuffon UIIIQSS fhg '
mavea °b}9'“9d by dllecung "lqumgs t° raamaara °T mg student waives this right in writing. Records cannot be re-  ’
adm'n'Strat'V9_Stalf· Tha p°st °"'°g addlgsé 'S· Umy°rS'ty °f leased in other than emergency situations without the written  
Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. TGl9pl't0n9- (606) 25-]‘9OOO· cgnggnt Of the student, except in the following SifU3ti0n$Z  
General Information, transcripts of credits- A. to other school officials, including faculty within the ‘
AdUlIlV€fSlfY Rgelsflal IM _ _ I educational institution or local educational agency ‘ 
'“ °°l°"°"" '"°’9t°' ° m'SS'°"s . who have legitimate educational interests; ·-
i:;1IznA2:;*;Isfgg/§?°::j`Ii:ii%;r;?{yS;IL;?Ii?£Ifffalrs B. to officials of other schools or school systems in '
Offfce which the student intends to enroll, upon condition g
A particular college and its programs- - that the student be notified of the transfer, receive a  "
Dean of the College, Director of Admissions copy ofthe record ifdesired, and have an opportunity
Cegimunlty Cg|lIT9¢$gCh6¤¤€ll¤F f¤l the for a hearing to challenge the content of the record; . 
°'“'“""l*V ° 999 Y9*9"‘ C. to authorized representatives of 1) the Comptroller * 
Graduate Work-Dean of The Graduate School . ¤
s...aa... Finaaaia. aia-aiaaaai saaaat Financial ata Gaaaral at aaa Uataa Stataa at tha Saaatarxat
Academfc ScfwIaI,shIp$_D9an fof Undefgfaduafe Education of the United States, 3) an administrative _ 
Studies head of an education agency or 4) state educational ,
General publications about the University- authorities;  
Office ef Public Ftelatiens D. in connection with a student's application for, and I 
Placement services-University Career Center fecgipf Off Iinanciai aid; i
c°;'I;I$$2;§n?I"g€:$;l'"g"D"9°l°r °f C°u"s€|'"g E. where the information is classified as "Directory ` 
Exfensfonf Evenfngf weekend, and Correspondence information."Thefollowing categories of information  
cOur$e$...EXGcuIiVۥ Director. Uniygrsity have been deslgnatgd   the   as    
Extension information: name, address, telephone listing, date  {
Fort Knox Center, Fort Knox, KY 40121 and place of birth, major field of study, participation  
COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS in officially recognized activities and sports, weight  
_ _ _ _ _ and height of members of athleticteams, dates of at-  [
The UFNVBVSIYY ef K€nl¤€l] _.7   .;   \z" Q.;
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i t 
i Students should check the Schedule of Classes for each semester for any calendar changes which may have been approved after publication of this Bulletin.
1990 Fall Semester . . .
{ gram before the be lnnln ofclassesforel ht 8 hours orless are
i  Application for Admission exempt from this diadlini. g ( )
  February 1-Thursday-Deadline lor international applications to Deeemher 7—Friday—Deadllne fer applying fdr admissien te a
, be submitted to the Graduate School tor the 1990 Fall Semester pregram in The Graduate Seheel ter the 1991 Spring Semester.
February 15-Thursday-Priority deadlinefor Freshman applicants: APPll¢¤Tl¤ll$ i¤T lG8dml$$l¤l’1. PGSWGGGGIGUTGGIG status. Gnd
-  Applicants for the 1990 Fall Semester by this date who meet visiting student status will be aeeepted after the deadline.
automatic admission criteria will be guaranteed general admis- Deeemher 12—Wednesday—Deadline fer applying te The Gradu-
Sign; applicants after this date whether meeting automatic gdmis- ate School for readmission, post-baccalaureate status, and visit-
l  sion or delayed admission will be considered on a space-available l0Q $iUd€¤i status i¤l' the 1991 $Plll’lQ SGm€$Y€l' lll ¤l'dGT te T€9l$iGT
_· basis only. January 7 and avoid $40 late fee
_  February 15-Thursday-Deadline for submission of all application Registration
, tttat°ttats· C°tt°g° °t Mt?dt°tn°’ t°t Fgtt tggo June 18-July 20—Summer Advising Conferences for new freshmen,
· Apttt t5_Sunday_D€adttn9 t°t apptytttg wtth cttttegg deans ter Community College transfers advanced standing (transfer) stu-
 ·' tlggiiisgsqrgggiratter a second academic suspension for the 1990 d€l`li$. al-ldii0l$. l`10¤dGQl’€·€ arid readmitted students enrolling ter
i May 1—Tuesday-Deadline for undergraduate International appli- Augt;2isi":/iLg;;ti}_i::;grerrerien fer n ew Stu d e nre whe n ev e b e e n
g  J sang; $f;‘rtbmiS99gr.FattrS9m€;tet aPptt°itt°n‘ I. r. d rr cleared for admission but did not advance register
`  une . tt ev ee me er sfu mtsstttn. 0. app tea ton an at August 22-28—Wednesday through Tuesday—Late registration for
r  re¤¤·re¤. deeumenete the 9"ee et A¤m·$S·¤re.t¤r ¤··
ina exammaiidti in e ra uate c cc cants for readmission, ost-baccalaureate status, and visitin ‘?
November 15—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a December student status will bg agggptgd erler the deedllne_ g i 
degree to schedule a final examination in The Graduate School April 15.Mendey-l=lnel deedline for submission ofapplication and i_
Ncvember 29—Ttiureday—l.ast day tcr candidates tcra December all required documents to the Office bi Admissions for under-  it
graduate degree tc sit fcr a final examinaticn greduete edmissien for the 1991 Four-Week lntersessien  f
December 14—Frtday—l.ast day tcr candidates tcr a December April is-lviendey—beedline ter applying with college deens ter  r
degree tc submit a thesis/diesertatien tc The Graduate Scitccl reinstatement after a second academic suspension for the 1991  .‘r
Other Important Dates—Beglnnlng and End of Fall Semester _ _ ` 
Semester and eeeemie **¤·*¤==·tS ’*9éiLniiT£i;"eii$r2;i;5‘°"r‘52{‘§eL‘;L,.ZE$.L";9 I°tJ*9 $i*'a"ii*"*  
Aegggit tlgageggtiigréjitiiuicziggtiseh M°nday_Faii Oriemeiieri ier eil student status for the 1.931 Four—Week Iitergeisiiiiniiii oiiliiriig i 
. register May 6 and avoid $40 late fee ,
gggéssiftsgi;/Eaiaggzgag-gL:iSDV;°iigiggismic Honda May 1—Wednesday—-Deadline for undergraduate International _
p _ _ y ii y , . applicants to submit 1991 Fall Semester application . 
Nevember 22 29 Thursday ihreugh SeiUrdey_The°ksg'Vi"g May 15—Wednesday—Final deadline for submission of application ‘
  Eggdgyciass work and aii required dOcUm€nt$ to ti'lG   of Admissions lQ[’  
_ . . . . undergraduate admission for the 1991 Eight—Week Summer
@22;;;  diiygtihiigggeiiéggisgiigizmineiiens Session. Non-degree students who enroll through the Evening! _ 
Dagampigar 17_Mc&aay3Finai daadiine iorsubmission Ofgradasm iilgtanelteisddzgiragw before the beginning of classes are exempt  
i e e9i$iFal"$ ice Y 4iOO P-m· May 22-wednesday-Deadline for applying to The Graduate i 
*99* 9¤""¤ 9°"*°S*°' §E'2i‘;‘?l L‘ietEZ°5iTlirZ‘i'£te‘i°§§iiii`Eli‘r1’e?t?r$.°n2?§E’§‘ i"°’·“‘i"£i"9 i
Aveileaticn ter Admieelcrt to register June e end avoid site iete tee ss'°" "` °i Gi  I.
Jug; sl jg ri1?ii;a§)F1qid;i2T;?ieiadi·r;e Otter irlteriiatteétgi gclclllcagcnc tc June 1—Saturday—Dead|ine ter submission of application end all gi
e e ce cr e Prmg emee- required documents to the Office of Admissions for undergradu-  ii
ier· atea licants la nin ' ‘ A
ceggegtsgrgépiigeigajtglggnggedgce tcréutdertiraduate lriter- (inclueiing regigreiieniieriteiieeiejsiiegimeiAdvising Conferences  
i Pimg emee er aPP ica i°ii July 26—Friday——Dead|ine for applying for admission to a ro ram  
September *9-;*99°—cat¤rdav—¤eadi·¤e teraeelvtbe wuit cclieee in The Graduate School ter the 1991 Fall Semester. Appiieeiiens ,
gtiaqgédféimgagagiggtzgei a Secdlid academic Suspeiisleii ict fcirireadnniision, post—baccalaureate status, and visiting student it 
October 15, 1990—Monday—Deadline for submission of applica- R S ia Us wi 9 accepted after the deadline ir 
tion and all required documents to the Office of Admissions for egistraticn ,t
undergraduate applicants planning to attend November Advising January 7—Monday—jRegistration for new students who have been l
Conloronoo (including registration tor spring classes) cleared for admission but dld not advance register i 
october 31. lggO_.wednesdoy_Doadiine tor International aooii_ January 9—15—Wednesday through Tuesday-—Late registration for F 
cations to be submitted to The Graduate School for 1991 Summer reierrimg Students wbc did ner advance ie9i$iei’ and new appli- ‘ 
School cants cleared late for admission. A $40 late fee is assessed Z
December 1, 1990—Saturday—FinaI deadline for submission of Students whe reeieter ieie· i
application and all required documents to the Office of Admissions January 3e_Wediie$daY—La$i day tc ciia¤9e Qiadiiig cPiic¤ (Pass! I
ler undergraduate admission fdr ine lggl Spring Semester. Non- fall to letter grade or Iettergrade to pass/fail;credit to audit or audit  `
degree students who enroll through the Evening/Weekend pro_ to credit) in college dean's office .‘
grem beforethe beginning eteiesses foreight(8)hours eriess are January 30—Wedneedav—Laet day te tile ter repeat cpticn in i
exempt from this deadline. gollegeéieans office, if student is retaking a course in the 1991  _
pring emester r

 March 26-April 9—Tuesday through Tuesday—Advance Registra- January 21—Monday—Martin Luther King Birthday-—Academic
tion for the 1991 Fall Semester and both 1991 Summer Sessions Holiday
April 1—Monday—1991 Summer Session Advising Conference for March 11-16—Monday through Saturday—Spring Vacation—Aca-
new freshmen, new advanced standing (transfer) students, audi- demic Holidays
tors, readmitted and nondegree students, Community College April 26—Friday—End of class work i
transfer students and Community College applicants cleared for April 29-May 3-·Monday through Friday—FinaI Examinations
the 1991 Fall Semester May 3—Friday—End of the 1991 Spring Semester
= Add mmp May 6jMondayjFinaI deadline for submission of grades to the
g . . Registrar s Office by 4:00 p.m.
n January 8—Tuesday—First day of add/drop forAdvance Registered May 6_AuguSt 17_COnBg€ of Pharmacy 15_W8ak Summer Term
I students
i January 8—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially drop a 1991 Fgur-Wggk |mg|·$g$gign
course or cancel registration with the University Registrar fora full
.  refund of fees Application for Admission
. January 15-Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized class for the October 31, 1990—Wednesday—-Deadline for International appli-
{· 1991 Spring Semester cations to be submitted to The Graduate School for 1991 Summer
é January 15—Wednesday—Last day to officially withdraw from the School
¤ University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent refund February 1-Friday—DeadIine for International applications to be
I, January 30—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course without it submitted to The Graduate School for the 1991 Fall Semester
Y  appearing on the student's transcript March 1—Friday-Deadline for submission of application and all
 ·· March 1—Friday—-Last day to withdraw from a course required documents to the Office of Admissions for undergradu-
  March 1—Friday—-Last da