xt7k6d5p9f0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p9f0b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-08-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  4, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  4, 1944 1944 1944-08-04 2013 true xt7k6d5p9f0b section xt7k6d5p9f0b The Kentucky Kernel


1944 K Book
Off Presses
Edited By Members






The 1944 "K" Book which has
been prepared by the Young Men's
and Young Women's Christian As
sociations of the . University, will
soon be released for use in the fall,
it was announced by Mr. Bart Peak,
head of the YMCA, this week.
The book is press sixteen size,
about 6 by 10 inches, the cover of
which is illustrated with a picture
of Memorial Hall, and the seal of
the University. The editors are
Norman Chrisman, Betty Tevis, and
Fuzzy Wells.
This publication has been the tra
ditional handbook for the incoming
freshmen, and contains information on campus activities, classes,
the Union, library, dormitories,
sororities and fraternities, clubs,

Last Day!
Today, August 4, is the last
day on which seniors and graduate students expecting to complete their requirements for
graduation in August may make
application for such degrees.
No student will be considered
for graduation who has not
filed an application.
These applications should be
made in Room 16 of the Administration building.
Candidates for the bachelor's
degree will be charged a graduation fee of $9. This will cover
the diploma fee, the Kentuckian, and senior dues. Candidates for advanced degrees will
be charged a fee of flS, which
will cover the above with the
exception of the Kentuckian
and in addition the cost of the
hood to be presented the candidate. Graduation fees are
payable not later than Sep-



Leo M. Chamberlain
Dean of the University

honoraries. Kernel and Kentuckian,
football and haskpthsll and mnnv
and Registrar
other things of interest to fresh-- j
One of the especial points of interest is map of Lexington giving
bus and train depots, park facilities, routes to nearby towns, and
campus buildings, and grounds.
It names and locates the various
Paper Collected
churches, and stores, as well as
points of recreation in the city.
Regularly On Campus
Illustration!, of all sorority and
If you are inclined to meditate on
fraternity pins are included for
quick identification,
and pictures, the innumerable mysteries of towhen possible are given to illustrate day's college life, including what
happened to that beautiful (extenthe numen as features.
sively padded) theme which you
managed to turn in after two sleepless nights, let this report soothe
Extreme Heat Killing your fevered brow or bring bitter
anguish to your already much bur-

Save Waste Paper,
Help Win The War



The extreme heat, as well as the
scanty rainfall, has done considerable damage to trees and shrubs
on the campus, Mr. Norris R. Elliot, of the department of Horticulture, said.
The temperature which reached
101 degrees in July has drastically
affected the shrubbery, since the
rainfall has been no more than 13

The old trees have survived very
well, but are losing their leaves
early. The watering of the shrubs
by the maintenance department
has made possible the saving of the
entire growth.
From 18 to 20 of the younger
trees have been killed and more
are dying, while the grass which
looks very brown, is reported to
be in good condition.

Social Calendar...
Sweater Swing 6 to 7:30 pjn, in
Jewell hall lounge tonight, in honor
of Company A.
6:15 pm.
Tuesday, Y room of the Union
Baptist Student Cnion Meeting
6:15 pjn. Wednesday, in room 205
of the Union building.
Invitation to Reading Series 3
pjn. Tuesday, in the Browsing
Dr. Thomas D.
room. Library.
Clark will speak on The Commonplace Literature in America.
BSC Hayride Leaving the Union
at 3:30 pjn. tomorrow.
Residence Halls Tea 4 to 6 pjn,
Thursday, Jewell hall lounge.
to 8 p.m. MonSerial Dancing
day, Wednesday, and Friday, Alumni gym. Instruction by physical
education teachers for summer
school students.
Snrgical Dressings Class 9:30 to
12:30 a in. Tuesday; 6:30 to 10 pjn.
Thursday, in room 1, basement of
the Home Economics building.


4, 1944

Men's Dorms Colonel Chipman Replaces
Brewer As Military Head
A reception room for

parents and

guests of students will
be one of the improvements made
in the men's dormitories according
to Dr. W. S. Ward, who has been
named the new director of the residence halls for men.
The dormitories will be ready for
University men students when the
fall quarter opens in September,
and the rooms will be renovated, as
restrictions will
far as
equipment repermit, and worn-oplaced.
atCreation of a more home-lik- e
mosphere in the dormitories will
be one of the objectives of Dr.
Ward. He will be there to work
with the students when they need
guidance in adademic or personal
No new or special rules are contemplated, according to the new director, who said he wanted to study
his duties before thinking about
any detailed regulations. A gentleman's code"' seemed sufficient
for the present, he added.
Dr. Ward and his family, including his
old daughter, will reside in an apartment in
Kincaid Hall, and Mrs. Ward will
act as hostess for the halls, he said.

Formerly Commander

At Camp Campbell
Col. Ouy Chipman, recent com
mander of Camp Campbell, will
arrive on the campus soon to assume the duties of CoL B. E.
Brewer, who will leave the University Sept. 1, to spend four months


accrued leave, before officially retiring in January, Maj. Gen. James
L. Collins, commanding
officer of
the Fifth Service Command, an
nounced last week.
Colonel Chipman is a native of


The summer issue of "In


CoL Gny


217 Trainees
Now On Campus

Gains Fame



One hundred and seven men en
rolled in the Army Specialized
Training Reserve Program arrived
at the University Wednesday, ac
cording to an announcement by
the Military department.
These men, who will be members
of Company A, the only remaining
company on the campus, will be
housed in Breckinridge hall. Any
overflow of men from Breckinridge
will live in Kincaid hall.
Eligible to remain at the Univer
sity three terms or more, the men
will begin classes Monday. Their
courses will include mathematics,
physics, English, and
Approximately 60 of the present
group of engineers and 50 of the
students enrolled in
the AS TP will remain on the campus. They were granted furloughs
this week, and will report Monday
for classwork. These men are also
members of Company A and will
be housed in Breckinridge hall.
A total of approximately 217 service men will remain on the. campus for specialized training.

Coeds Express Views On War Marriages
By Mary Jane Dorsey

war and its effects on marriages,
is strictly is causing lots of marriages. I guess
"Marriage in war-tiOn the other hand, people think the chances are now
no go."
"It all or never!" '
all the same."
Another commented, "Sure, bedepends." And. "Circumstances, lieve in weddings during war. I It's
couple can all the same. If I was in love with
which no one but the
understand, rule such a situation." someone, and vice versa, I'd marry
So they say, they being persons in- now, war or no war."
Although most of the opinions
terviewed this week in the weekly
were offered in a more or less inKernel survey.
different manner, several discussed
It isn't hard to start a discus- the question rather seriously.
sion on this subject, for when a
"I think the hardest part of a
group starts talking (especially war-tiwedding comes when the
dorm bull sessions) the talk-tophusband and wife must be separated
usually gets around to this.
for such a long period of time. This
"War marriages, as any marriage is especially true when the husband
may well be called now, are simply serves overseas. No matter how
marriages which become the vic- sensible the couple may be, things
are not the same after the husband
tims of circumstantial
has been overseas fighting for
or marital," said one coed.
In the case of the present martial months, most probably years. He



war-marti- al


Falmouth and a graduate of the
United States Military Academy.
He is a cavalry officer and is one
of the few Army officers to have
attended both the Army War College and the Naval War College.
He served as camp commander
at Camp Campbell from the time
it was activated in July, 1942. He
served in the Southwest Pacific but
was returned to the United States
a few months ago because of ill
CoL Brewer, retiring commandant
of the University post, and Colonel
Chipman, were classmates at the
General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in 1924-25.

107 Are ASTRP
Student Soldiers

tucky," official publication of the
state, contains an article concerning the Bacteriology Department
of the University and its work in
relation to the war effort.
The article traces the department
from its founding when Dr. Morris
Scherago came to the University
twenty-fiv- e
years ago and began
the building of the department.
Since that time, the article goes
on to state, it "has grown from a
department with a handful of students until last year there
were 100 undergraduate students
training in bacteriology and medical
technology, and 20 graduate students in bacteriology. A staff of
three professors, one assistant professor, two instructors, and seven
graduate assistants instructed these
students in the laboratories of the
department which is considered one
in the South."
of the
With the introduction of the new
quarter system and the completion
of the Bachelor of Science degree
in three years, national recognition came to the department, and
a great demand for its graduates
(Continued on Page Four)

dened soul.
Your theme has gone to war!
Just where it went before the
war we won't worry about (Ed.
note: We don't know.), but Elgan
B. Fan-is- ,
chief engineer of the
Department of Maintenance and
Operations, disclosed that the University yields about a ton and a
half of waste paper each week. And
yes, that priceless
your theme
masterpiece (which you pieced together out of the best and smallest
textbooks you could find) was most
likely thrown unceremoniously in
one of the loads hauled into the
baling room the other day.
Mr. Farris said that regular collections of scrap paper had been
made on the campus for more than
a year and that bales are delivered
to junk dealers (yes, your product
of long labored hours on a junk
Who knows, they may end up as
the wadding in a bomb headed
straight for Tokyo!



may come home crippled, either
physically or mentally, and it's a
difficult problem for a young wife
to face his
these conditions." Stress on this
point was accentuated with this
statement from another, "Have you
ever seen a young girl receive one
of those
which begins. The War Department
regrets to inform you' ? I have,
and believe me, it makes you think
about a lot of things you ordinarily
wouldn't have thought of twice."
Defending war weddings, one girl
maintained that love during war
Is the same as ever. "All's fair in
both," she reiterated.
"It all depends on the girt, the
boy, and the situation, in generaL
Every story is different. Some work,
some just dont, but that could happen anytime."

red-starr- ed


H. L. Donovan,


president, announced that Colonel
Chlpman's early arrival on the
campus will be to study conditions
of the post and to familiarize himself with his new duties before taking over in the fall
The new ASTRP unit now stationed on the campus will receive
its primary training under his
leadership, as he will be stationed
here for the duration, as far as is
known now. Any other units which
may be sent here will also be under
his direction.

By Martha Yates
Question: What is the first thing
you are going to bay after the war?
Doris Hall, A&S, junior: A nice
steak fried in a pound
of butter!
Louis McDonald, A&S, freshman:
Jane Ann Redd, Education, senior: A pair of njlon hose!
H. D. PauL A&S, freshman: A
nice big quart!
Mar jorie S n 1 s e r , Engineering,




A bright red
Mclnturff, A&S,



A helicopter!

Marion Salsbnry, Commerce,
soph: A red Buick convertible!
Joe Stephens, Engineering, soph:
A red Ford convertible with red
plush cushions!
Helen Taylor, Education, junior:
That dreamboat with a million
dollar smile!
Bettie Tattle, A&S, freshman: A
battleship complete with crew!
Mrs. Twila Herbert, A&S, freshman: A hundred Hershey bars!
W. B. Ren, A&S, freshman: A
big red convertible and twelve gallons of gas!
Mrs. Ruth Martin, A&S, junior:
Ten cartons of cigarettes!
Kathleen Poor, Agriculture, freshman: A Northrop Black Widow and


Page Two


The Kentucky Kernel




at u po omm at u- - Carolyn
m aassna daa mattar
tha Aet of March a, lia.





Lmnctoa Boar of

Kantaeky Prii
Rational Editorial





Margaret Julia Wharton


Business Manager


JS Oa Quarfr
On YaaT


Adele Denmm, Billie Fiacber, Martha
Yatea, Nancy Taylor, Winn Hord, Mary
L. Mitt, Jean House, and William

riatkMialrUhertising Service, Inc.
a CO
All atoaaf artieJaa



a4 eatema trtlaW

Naw Voaa. M. V.
aaaataaraa' taa eHatoa



The Fischer Howl

By Billie Fiacber
wise woman who knows
her own weight! And few know
their weight better than we. We've
been weighing ourself at least 16
times a day. It's not that we want
to find out tt those fudge cakes
have caused any change in our
poundage, but those questions and
answers attached to the penny
scales are so intriguing!

It's a

our penny in, and
turned to the question, "How shall
I preserve my youth?" and our
answer was, "Stay pickled." Well!
Then we wanted to know "Is my
sweetheart true to me?" And into
the small aperture came, "Yes,
when he's with you." We immediately severed all relations with our
sweetheart. We also kept away
from the scales for two days. But
the spirit of the scales was in our
blood, and we had to return.
We missed our old sweetheart, so
we asked. "Shall I fall in love?"
The answer was, "Yes, but be careful!" So we're careful. But we
wanted to know, "Am I right?" We
were told. "Yes. but don't argue!"
Then Just on general principles, we
turned to the question "Should I?"
And into view came "No, you'd better not!" So we didn't.
We stayed away from the scales
for a few days, but we felt an irrepressible urge to go back. So we
did. And we set the dial on "Shan
I enter politics?" When we read
"Only to vote," we got off the scale
deeply hurt. But we stayed out
of politics. When we wanted to
know --What is my main talent?"
the machine answered "Music and
poetry." So we've been going around
singing all of Shakespeare's poetry
to the tunc of "On. On U. of K."
When we asked "What is my greatest fault?" we weren't quite prepared for "Snoring!" We've slept
with ourself for many years, and
never have we heard ourself snore!
We started to distrust the scales
from then on. In fact, we didnt
trust anybody. So we went back
to the scale in the Grill and asked
"Whom shall I trust?" It said
"Yourself, but not too far." Now
we dont know what to do.
We dropped


We like the way our mother's
letter read, "Be prepared for a terrible shock, dear. We've had the
piano tuned!"

At this time, we would like to
pause for our
have a three-minu-te
dear, departed soldiers. Their furloughs certainly are hell on the
Please pause and meditate.



We never were good at math.
The other day In the 'book store
we handed Mr. Morris a
check to be cashed. When he gave
ten-doll- ar

Friday, August 4, 1944

us the change, he counted off,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve." Not
having the brains to sea that he
had given us only ten dollars, we
said, "But the check was only for
ten dollars!" To which he replied,
"I know. But you're a good

Watch Out Now !!


Secret Weapon


By Adele Denman

1. We would now give a toast to
one of the smoothest M. D.'s on the
campus. As far as operators go,
Mayo Brothers are quacks compared with Wanda Spears.
b. The month of June brings out
many interesting things, namely
weddings and ones to come. Bob
M easel and Betty Henry have done
the honors, and Mary Margaret
Kiebold and Jess McCone have
serious thoughts on the subject.
2. And then there are several instructors namely Minna Fast of the
Physics Department and Shelby
Richardson of the Music Department, who are doing anything but
teaching their subject to Ann Mc- Brayer and Ann Biggerstaff. Where
does Nsrman Chrismaa stand, as of
b. A bit of human interest at Mc- Vey hall is the love affair of Alton,

By Billie Flsvber

the janitor.
S. Flash! Bin Pope will present
After tearing around town in
"Blue Heaven" for ages, we finally to the campus in the fall, Katie
went for our driver's test. Need- Pope, his sister. Boys, we hear she
less to say, we passed. And need- is swell looking!
b. We could mention something
less to say, we passed only by
cheating. When the State Exam- about Bin Barton, but he said no,
iner was out testing someone's so we wUl mention a little incident
driving ability, we were in his of- about Harold. One of this Casafice studying the written test which nova's girls decided to call it quits,
he had so foolishly left on his desk. and called to tell him to come and
get his, to which he replied, "So
When we finished that, we memorized the eye chart. So that end of that's where I left it, couldnt remember who had it now."
the deal ran smoothly.
4. Topics for thought: Who has
One of the multiple choice questions read: What would you do if been giving who courting lessons
you were driving along a highway In front of Jewell hall? Jim Beas-le- y,
faithful forever, has been makon a dark, foggy night? Naturally,
we checked: Stick my head out of ing regular trips to Clncy to see
the window to see what's ahead, Mar jean Winstrop, Donald Lail ts
and keep blowing the born to let again on the prowl. Speaking of
people know I'm coming. All the MarJean we think Marjeaa Hill,
expected newie in the fall, wiU not
other choices seemed illogical.
When the examiner climbed into only make good in mathematics,
"Blue" his foot went through the but can make her dates add up to
floorboard, and the gas pedal fell something.
b. What's all this about Jo
off. But that didnt bother us. We
and football player, H. L.T
just kept on driving until we came
5. While we are toasting, both
to a funeral procession. And then
"Blue" made a dive straight for the from the heat and attempting to do
hearse. But, as the passenger was honors, let's mention the new Junalready dead, it didnt matter. Wen, ior Commandos. They have just
arrived, but like the Marines, they
it's a relief to have a license.

have the situation well in hand,
when we run over people and policemen demand us to pull over,
we'll stop the car. Before we had
the license, we just stepped on the
gas we didnt want to get in
6. Joyce Kason, well known date
for most, has begun on the army,
good luck!
b. Why dont we see more of Jim
7. Where did the expression originate, "I just love that boy"?
and then there was the
little freshman who had been on
the campus aU summer before she
found out the football team could
have dates.

By Adele Denman
If you sit with your dream,
And he thinks she's on the beam
If she comes over to talk.
And they go for a walk,
She's got
A secret weapon
If she dresses just so.
And sits on the .front row
If the teacher does stammer,
She gets an A for glamour

She's got
A secret weapon
If she goes out in his car.
And they visit a bar
She's ended her search,
And they visit a church.
She's got
A secret weapon

If they park on lane
And it begins to rain
And his tank Is dry
He gets a black eye
She's got
A weapon

What's secret about It?

Of The Week


This Week's Colonel of the Week goes
Carolyn Hill, senior from Carrollton, Ky.

"Meet You At The

Join the gong ot the

The favorite spot
of all U.K. Students
All you Sorority Gals k
Take a RUSHEE to the
Cottage, enjoy a delicious
meal in a cool, clean



Miss Hill Is editor of the Kernel, past secretary
of Jewell hall. She Is on
the Social Committee, a member of Theta Sigma Phi,
journalism honorary for women, and a member of
Kappa Delta social sorority.


For these achievements we invite Miss Hill to
enjoy any two of our delicious meals.

Doris Singleton, Independent
Adele Denman, Chi Omega

Margaret Wharton, Chairman

11:45-1:3- 0
5:15-7:3- 0
Sunday Dinner 11:45-2:4- 5

Cedar Village

� aesi uopy Avaiiaoie
Friday, August


4, 1944

Stick to truth in what you say,
Man is not allowed to know what
and youll never be stuck in say- will happen tomorrow.
ing something.

'Til' Clark Stationed

US's UKs


At Hunter With Waves

News has been received from 2nd
Lt. Thomas F. Duffy Jr, a former
student at the University, who was
wounded in action in Italy on July
2. His father, Thomas F. Duffy Sr.
of Midway, who received a letter
July 11, says that the Lieutenant
says he is "feeling swell aside from
Bohannon-Meyer- s
cuts and bruises, am OK, expect to
Miss Betty Bohannon, daughter be out of the hospital soon, and
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohannon home soon." He was a navigator on
which crashed from "flak
Jr, of Versailles, has chosen Fri- a B-day, August 11, as the date of her damage'' on his 43rd mission.
wedding to Officer Candidate RobAviation Cadet William Shropert Wulfing Meyer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Meyer of Lexington. shire, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Shropshire, Paris, graduated from
The vows will be exchanged at
pjn. at the Versailles Presbyterian the Army Air Forces technical
church. Following the wedding, a school at Yale University, when be
reception win be held at the home received his commission as 2nd
Lieut, and a rating of technical
of the bride-elect- 's
officer in communications. A graduate of Washington and Lee UniLancaster-McNei- ll
versity, he was granted his Master
of Science degree at the University
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lancaster
of Lebanon announce the engage- in
daughter, Mary
ment of their
First Lieut. John E. S. Disney,
Jeanne, to the Rev. Robert Blakely son
of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Disney,
McNeill, Lexington, son of Mrs.
Barbourville and a University gradWalter McNeill, Birmingham, Ala- uate, has received the Distinguished
Flying Cross at his post as a pilot
was graduated in with a 'fighter bomber squadron
The bride-ele- ct
1943 from the University, where she operating from a base in Burma.
was a member It Mortar Board, He has completed more than 50
Phi Beta, and Phi Upsilon Omi-cro- n. combat missions.
Upon graduation she received
a Danforth Foundation award to Major Harry Gamage, former
do religious work at Louisiana State football coach at the University,
is now on the faculty at WashingThe Rev. McNeill is assistant ton and Lee's Special Service
minister at Maxwell Street Pres- School for the Army.
byterian church. He received his
master's degree from the University
Captain lUbert T. Sweeney, 664
in June and is a graduate of the Higgin Avenue, Paris, has been
Union Theological Seminary in transferred from his duties at WalRichmond, Va. and Birmingham nut Ridge Army Air Field. ArkanSouth University, where he was a sas, to Maxwell Field, Alabama.
member o! Alpha Tau Omega and Captain Sweeney has been stationed
Kappa fraternities. at the Arkansas field as Provost
wedding will take place at Marshal and as Commanding OffiThe
7:30 pjn. Friday, August 25, at the cer of the Guard Squad since SepUnited Presbyterian church in tember, 1942.
Vernon Alexander, Lexington, has
been promoted from First Lieut, to
ley-MrGerard-K- el
Captain, according to an announcePerry Williams of Banford, ment made by the group commanWashington, announces the mar- der at an Eighth Air Force bomber
station in England.
riage of her daughter. Miss
Captain Alexander is lead crew
Girard, to Jack Alton Kel-le- y,
Liberator "Kenson of Mr. and Mrs. James A. pilot of the B-tucky Kloudhopper" that particiKelley of Lexington. .
The ceremony was held Thurs- pates in bombing attacks



it it it


Page Three

The 300th Wave to be recruited in
the city of Lexington, is Miss Mary
Lucille Clarke, a graduate of the
University, who is now at Hunter
College awaiting further orders, it
was announced by a recruiting officer at the Lexington Enlistmen
Miss Clarke, who graduated from
the University in the spring was a
major in Physical education, and
did park director work, to fulfill her
training. She also worked in the

Have Your Picture
Made Today
For the men and women in
the service there is no lovelier gift than your picture.
Lafayette Studio is equipped to photograph you in

University book store.
Some outstanding University women now in the Waves stationed in
Washington are Ensign Josephine E.
Howard, graduate in Home Economics, 1942; Lt (jg) Eleanor W.
Smith, B. A. degree, 1932; Yeoman
3rd class Catherine Bert rand, 1940,
now stationed at the Bureau of
Yards and Docks and Lt Virginia
Eversole of the journalism





Pictures may be had in many sizes
and tinted if you wish.


Wards of the Wise
today, forgetting the anxi-

eties of the





North Lime


Bpkurean Maxim

it it


it it it






it it il
















day afternoon, July 27, in the par- Nad military and industrial targets
sonage of the Calvary Baptist in support of Allied ground forces
church in Detroit, Michigan. Mrs.' in Europe.
Kelley was a student at Henry Clay
it it it
First Lient. James D. Drymon,
high school. The bridegroom at20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Drytended the University.
mon of the Russell Cave Pike, was
honorably discharged July 27 from
Bill Blanton Reported
the Army Air Forces. He has 88
combat missions to his credit, and
Killed In France
he was one of the youngest comLt William Blanton Jr, Univer- missioned officers when be received
sity graduate, was reported to have his commission in 1942. Stationed
been killed in action in France on in Panama for five months, he was
July 5.
transferred to New Guinea where
He was the son of CoL W. L. he remained for eight months as
Blanton, who is now in France with a fighter pilot. After contracting
the 28th Division, and Mrs. Blanton malaria, he was sent to Australia
of Durham, N. C, formerly of Lex- and returned to the United States.

it ir ir


gUff Sergeant Howard F.
Lieutenant Blanton was inducted
son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
into the army immediately after
his graduation from the University F. Wilkirson, 1253 Scoville Road,
in 1943. He was a member of the has been awarded the Air Medal for
Sigma Nu fraternity and an ad- meritorious achievement in bombAfter ing attacks over German military
vanced R.O.T.C. company.
Wilhis induction, Blanton was sent to and industrial targets. Sgt.Eighth
Ft. Benning, Ol, where he received kirson is a tail gunner of an
B-Flying Fortress.
his commission, and then to Camp Air Force
Breckinridge before going overseas Before entering service, he was a
in February. Lt. Blanton and his student of electrical engineering at
lather had the opportunity to meet the University.
in England soon after he went

. . and her breezy descriptions of personalities and
fashions delight feminine readers of Kentuckiana
RHEA TALLEY . . featured Woman's Page writer of The Courier-Journis "lovely to look at . . delightful to know," as the song
goes, and she's "heaven-sen- t"
as far as women readers are concerned.
Missing no detail dear to feminine hearts, Rhea interviews visiting
celebrities, Kentucky notables, and dotes on the "little phases of life
with cosmic implications" which she finds most often in the average
Virginian with a BA, degree in French and English,
Rhea adds her warm accent also to Spanish, which she speaks
fluently. Spending several years as Woman's Editor and on the
City Staff of the Richmond
Miss Talley's nose for
news in women's fields was well trained before joining The Courier-Journ- al.

soft-spok- en


Hats are Rhea's first love . . "personality bursting forth . . unsup-. . is the way
puts it Her interest in clothes penetrates
Eressed" deeper strata she the significance of fashion trends. "Rhea
Bays" . . is rapidly becoming a favorite catch-liTalley
current comment in women's circles . . and a more capable spokesman could scarcely be quoted.
Hardly a day passes that Rhea doesn't interview and write about
Kentucky's great and near-gre- at
Her Southern charm and beauty
make her welcome wherever she goes. After hours, Rhea's talent
is flanked solidly by handsome escorts . . in uniforms.

Wil-kirso- n,



Journalism Grad


Arthur Muth, who was graduated
from the University in 1934 with
a degree in journalism, joined the
Led By Merl Baker
news staff of radio stations WLW
meeting and WSAI in Cincinnati on August
The weekly
will be held at 6:15 pm. Tuesday 1. A former managing editor of
on the balcony of th t Union build- The Kernel, Mr. Muth has been city
ing. Merl Baker will lead a student hall reporter on the Kentucky Post,
discussion on "Whs". Present Day the Kentucky edition of the Cincinnati Post.
Students Are Thinking."


Rhea Talley't lively and lovable feature articles
ure morale builders for the women readers of

(Courier --Sanrual





� Best Copy Available

Page Four

Former Graduate Joins
Press Association

UK Student Improves
After Polio Attack

A. E. Punk, University law student who was stricken with poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis last
week, is improving and will probably be released from St. Joseph's
hospital this week or next.
Able to be up and around his hospital room. Funk is convalescing,
but is still unable to have visitors.
So far as the doctors treating the
case now know, he will not be permanently affected by the illness.
Funk first attended the Univer
sity in 1939, enrolled in the college
of arts and sciences, and remained
in school through the first term of
summer school in 1941. At that
time he left school and entered the


R. W. Wild, former associate edi
tor of the Kernel, has been named
as manager of the Maryland Press
He recently visited the University
to study the Kentucky Press Asso- elation headquarters located In the
department of Journalism.
With the appointment of Mr.
Wild as manager of the Maryland
Association, 30 states now have association managers. Of this num
ber, 15 are in operation in state
educational institutions.
Mr. Wild graduated from the
University in 1935, and received his
M. A. in Journalism at the University of Wisconsin. He was assistant
professor of journalism at West
Virginia before going to Maryland
as head of the department of

After receiving an honorable dis
charge from the service in Decern'
ber, 1943, Funk returned to the
University and enrolled in the law Armory Redecorated
college in January of this year. A
were begun this
Junior, he is a member of Sigma week on the interior of the Armory,
the military headauarters on the
His wife, Mrs. Nancy Funk, is a campus, according to Mr. E. B.
Lexington resident.
Farris, chief engineer, department
of maintenance and operations.
Our living must match their
The improvements will consist of
plaster repair and repainting.

9dl Suede


Better Think About Those

Get The Most for Your Precious Coupon

Former Student
Killed On Saipan

Radio Schedule

Sad But True

The University radio studio anHave you wondered lately why nounces the following programs to
Charles L. Gardner, 19, hospital
you have been seeing big tough G. be broadcast over station WHAS, apprentice 1c, a former student
Louisville, during the week of AuI.'s wandering around daintily puff- gust
at the University, was killed June