xt7k6d5p9d8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p9d8g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-11-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  1, 1946 1946 1946-11-01 2013 true xt7k6d5p9d8g section xt7k6d5p9d8g 11




The Best Band In



Community Chest Drive
Opens With Dance



sponsor. Sue Ann Bradford,
drum majors Ken Finchcr and Bill Jones.


escorted by

The University section of the nation wide Community Chest-USdrive will be launched tonight with
a dance from
in the Bluegrass
room of the Student Union building
Charlie Mack and his orchestra
wiuu furnish the music for the informal affair, and the office oi the
Dean of Women has granted women
living in the girl's dormitories late
permission for tonight's dance.
This Issue Opens Campaign
In a meeting cf all the campus
Community Chest workers held
Tuesday night In the Union building, the Kernel was designated to
offcially open the University drive
today, and the drive for funds will
terminate with next week's edition
of the Kernel.
With several speakers and visitors on its program, Tuesday night's
meeting was a last minute instruction affair for all the workers on
the campus.
M. E. Potter, head of the physical education department and chairman of the entire University drive,
explained the purpose and organization of the campaign on the
campus. Jerry Eastham, campus executive secretary, then introduced
Dorothy Titsw'orth, heed of the
women's section, and Jim Crowley,
head of the men's section ,who in
turn introduced the chairmen and
members of the five divisions under
each of them.
Beers, Robb Sprak
Dr. Howard W. Beers, chairman
cf the City Education Division, spoke
briefly and Introduced Lester Robb,
executive secretary of the Lexing- -

The Kernel inadvertently
failed to publish last week the
winners of the Suky Homecoming Day house decoration contest.
Kappa Delta won the women's
division and Sigma Alpha Epsi-lo- n
won the men's division.




Wildcats Face Spartans

In Tomorrow's Tilt
Krnturky's biggest intersectionalrivalry will be renewed' Saturday
before another sell cut crowd in
Stoll field when the Wildcats try
to maintain their undefeated home
record against Michigan State.
Coach Charles Bachman. one of
Mie country's outstanding mentors
nd Spartan skipper sini? 1933,
brings his team here as undrrdog.
ftrr its 7 upset by Cincinnati
last Satralay at East Lansing. Twas
Kentucky's 26-- 7 win over the Bear-rathat put the 'Cats in national
football fanfare.
The Spartans have won two and
lost three, but one of these victories

passes, but his understudy at left
half. George "Little Dynamite"
Guerre, outplayed Reader this year
until If st week. Balge. a pre-wletterman. and Warren Huey man
the Spartan flanks commendably.
Russ Gilpin directs team tactics,
was named on Associated Press'
Reeky Mountain team. Lynn Chand-no- is
at riant half won
honors at Flint before Navy service.
Cutrhin Passing Doubtful
Kentucky, whese two losses were
both recorded on the road, will be
handicapped in point production if
Cutchin's dislocated finger on his
passing arm does not heal sufficiently. Leo Varutis. who tested his
broken arm against
'Bama. is still not really ready.
"Wash" Scrini, veteran tackle, received a slight concussion last week,
but will start Saturday. Lcn Preston,
cut since Georgia where he was
burned by the line markers, will
be available again.
The Spartans won five including
wins over Pittsburgh and Missouri
and lost three last year, have registered 65 successes. 29 losses and
10 tie since Bachman took over 14
yeprs ago. Michigan State uses the
"Flying Z." which Bachman inaugurated two years ago. Offense runs
off a balanced line on the theory
that every nlay should hit or threaten the middle of the line before
disclosing its final course.
Here at home Coach Bryat has
gone back to rough work in practice
sessions, has drilled his charges long
and hard on fundamentals. Blocking and tackling, below par against
Tide, have been especially emphasized.
Probable lineuns:

all-sta- te



was a

success over powerful
Penn State, the other a 42.0 romp
over Wayne. Mississippi State defeated Bachman s boys.
College bested thrm.
"Cats Winless in Series
Kentucky has not won a game
wnre relations began with Michigan
State in 1944. but the Michiganders'
victory margin for both games only
totals three points. A safety enabled the Spartans to win.
1944; last year the lads from Lansing came from behind to edge the
Another interesting feature is that Michigan State will
oppose its third Kentucky coach in
three years. Ab Kirwan was Blue
boss in 1944; Bernie Shively, now
athletic director, directed the 'Cats
last fall, and "Bear" Bryant hopes
that "third time's charm'' adage
proves true Saturday.
Kentucky's Phil Cutchiri will be
facing an old football foe in the
Spartan lineup, for Ken Balge. right
end. was an opponent In service




6-- 0.

34-2- 0.


7-- 6.

starts. Cutchin's Third infantry


vision eleven lost to Balge's 71st division team. 20-in a
clash last fall at Frankfurt. Germany. Balge scored State's only
touchdown last Saturday against
Cincinnati, when he grabbed Russ
Reader's pass in the end zone.
Reader. Incidentally, was the big
tun in Michigan State's barage for
last year in completing 53 of 90





LT ..
LG .
C ..







Ciitchin .
Chambers ..

Engineering Student





Michigan State




Council Officers

Until The Kernel finds some
solution to the newsprint shortage it will be impossible to run
pictures of social events, group
presidents, or committee chairmen.
Space will be available only
for front page news pictures.
When it Is passible to run social cuts again a notice will be

Howard Stewart was elected chairman of the Engineering Student
Council in the first meeting since
the war. Ed Jones was elected
and Ed Youngblood.
The meeting was
beld Monday in room 234 of the En-



gineering building.

The orcanization is composed of
members two each from the


campus engineering societies
and two from the Freshman assembly.

Lamp And Cross Plan
To Initiate Eleven

Second Bid Day

Lamp and Cross. Senior Men's
leadership society, announced that
11 men will be honored this fall.
The 11 new men will bring the hon
orary to its full complement of
twenty-si- x
Lamp and Cross was founded at
the University in 1903. The present
members include Carl Bell, Bill Cay
wood. Pat Conley. Harold Lindsey.
Bob Landrum. David Mahanes. Lewis
Sawin. George Barker. Jack Atchln- son. Cal Rozell. John Young. Stanley
Saunier. Buddy Parker. Bill Sulll
van, Jim Crowley and Ed Barnes.

Second bid day for sororities
on the campus will be held from
10 a.m. to 12 a.m.. November 16,
in the dean of women's office.
Women interested in joining a
sorority should sign up for rush
how in the dean's office. The
women who signed up for fall
pushing are included on the
rush list.
There will be no formal rush
nrriod and open rushing will be

Faculty Coiinnillees Named

Ag College

Moreland. Maurice F. Seay, W. S.
Taylor, M. M. White.
Commencement Exercises: A. E.
Bigge, Leo M. Chamberlain, Anne
Callihan. Alexander Capurso, E. B.
Ferris. Jane Haseldon, Helen King.
Colonel G. T. Mackenzie. Mildred
Lewis. A. J. Olney, R. W. Wild.
Jessie Wilson.
Foreicn Students: A. E. Bigse,
Jane Hasclden. Grant C. Knight.
Dorothy Linvillc. J. R. Schuende-maAlberta Server, Amry Vanden-basc- h.

Founders Day: Leo M. Chamberlain. H. H. Downing. E. B. Farris,
E. L. Gillis. Jane Haselden, Helen
King. Margaret King. Mildred LewMcLaughlin. E. G.
is. Marguerite
Sulzer. W. S. Taylor. James W.
Whitehou.se. R. W. Wild.
Frohman Week: L;sle W. Croft,
W. E. Beals, W. A. Heinz, Sarah

Insurance: Edward Wiest, Charles Barkenbus, C. C. Carpenter,
E. Evans, E. F. Hartford J. B.
Kelly, L. H. McCain, Frank D. PeAl-v- in

terson. H. A. Romanowitz.
Library: J. W. Martin, George K.
Brady. T. D. Clark. C. S. Crouse,
H. B. Price. Frank H. Randall, Herbert P. Riley, W. S. Taylor.
Music: Alexander Copurso, Howard Beers, Frank C. Fowler, John
Kuiper, Mildred Lewis, Maurice
Leo M.
Chamberlain, Frank Murray, Frank
D. Peterson.
Personnel Office: Lysle W. Croft,
Paul P. Boyd. Thomas P. Cooper,
Sarah B. Holmes. T. T. Jones, Maple
Moores. W. S. Taylor, D. V. Ter
roll, Edward Wiest.
.Contimiel on Pae Fourj





day morning.
Election rerflts will be withheld
by the sponsoring grouos until the j
Erika. Mann
next issue of the Kernel, but candidates were listed by Jim Welch,
Block and Bridle president, as follows: Marjorie Bradford, Flemings-burFrances Horlacher, Lexington;
Sue Warren, May field; Sylvia Smith,
Brandenburg; and Mary Montaguj,
North Bend, Ohio; King. Carl Bell.
Miss Eiika Mann, foreign corCcntertown; Wiliam Cropper. Lexington;
Jack Veech, Finchville; respondent and author, will address
Richard Womack, Harrodsburg; University students at quarterthird
of fall
Tom Cobb, Owenton; and George convocation
Memorial hall Monday, November
Freas, Salmons.
4th. at 11 a.m.. Dean of the UniAlpha Zcta Pledges
versity Leo M. Chamberlain has anFledged to Alpha Zeta. honorary nounced.
agriculture fraternity, were: RobMrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
ert C. Buckner, Greensburg; Jeffer- women, will preside at thedean of
convoson Callahan, Booneville: Homer cation and introduce the speaker.
Evans. Tyner; Leslie Hammonds, Invocation and benediction will be
Barbourville; Robert Koch. Cincin- given by Miss Dorothy Collins,
nati: George Luster. McKinney; secretary of the University YWCA.
Char'es Thompson, Stark; Russell All fourth hour classes are to be
Williamson, Inez; George Young, dismissed for the program. Dean
Greensburg; Robert Bryan, StanChamberlain said.
ford: Linville BuFh. Winchester;
By virtue of her extensive travels
Saul Goins, Manchester; George throughout Europe both before and
Paine, Ludlow; Charles Shelby, Sa- since the war. Miss Mann has an
lem; Roy VanArsdall. Bur gin; excellent background for the subGeorge Freas, Salmons; James ject cf her address, "Education for
Kemp, Pickett; Jay Young. Jr..
Peace." Before the war. she visited
and Ort hello Gaskin, Republican Spain. Czechoslovakia
Keith Vice. Lloyd Antle. Jack J. at the time of the Munich crisis
Scott and William- Gabbert. all of and, during the war, was in LonLexington.
don at the height of the "blitz."
During 1943-4she was accredited
Phi Upsilon Omicrop
Phi Upsilon Omicron. home eco- to the U. S. armed forces as the
nomics honorary, pledged Jane only woman correspondent in the
wood. Maysvllle; Emogene Greg-cr- Middle East and visited,- among
Somerset; and Oliie Lee Hays. other trouble spots of that area,
Palestine and Iran. After the war.
According to Dean L. J. Horlach- as a foreign correspondent for Liberty magazine and the London Ever. two members of- the University
livestock judging team, Robert Koch ening Standard, Miss Mann completed an extensive tour of
and William Crooper, won ratings many. France, Czechoslovakia. GerAusjudging competition
in the
at the Kansas City show last week. tria. Hungary, and other countries.
In Frankfort. Munich and other
Cropper took second place in judgcities, she worked in close
ing sheep, and Koch was third in German
cooperation with the military govthe hog judging division.
rendered "invaluable
"The team as a whole made a good service" toand prosecution at the
showing in judging cattle, hogs and Nuremberg war crimes
trials. She
sheep." commented Dean Horlacher. has studied
"but did not do so well on draft methods as compared to those of
hcrse judging.
the American and British. She was
The team, with their coach. Prof. present at the discovery of the
R. W. Pifer, left Thursday for Michi-ga- n Nazi Masterfile, the
State College at East Lansing,
of all party memto judge with teams from Ohio State. bers considered one of the greatest
Purdue. Michigan State and possi- documentary finds of the war. She
was the only woman permitted to
bly Wisconsin.
"This is just a practice event for interview Hermann Goering and
training purposes." Prof. Pifer said. other high German
"No competition is involved. It is in their cells at Monsdorf where
preparation for the team's next trip, they awaited trial.
A realistic and vivid interpretato the International Livesock Show
tion, in human as well as ideological
at Chicago, in November."
terms, of the full significance of
current events in Europe is promised by Miss Mann's lecture. Dean
Chamberlain declared.



Erika Mann, Author,




Will March

In Armistice Parade
The University ROTC Cadet Corps
and the marching band will participate in an Armistice Day parade
through downtown Lexington on

November 11, Col. O. T. MacKenzie,
head of the University military
science department, announced
Nearly 700 student members of
basic and advanced units will form
the ROTC column which, with police escort, will leave the campus
assembly area and move downtown
via Limestone. Euclid. Rose and
Main Streets. The regiment will be
joined bv the band on Euclid ave
nue and the parade is scheduled to
be in the downtown area by approximately 11:10 a.m.. Col. MacKenzie
Return to the campus will be over
Broadway. Maxwell and Limestone
streets. All members of the Cadet
Corps wil be in regulation wool uniforms with black ties.

Pep Rally

to wear
is requested
or tops anyway) to the
rally which will begin in front of
the Alumni gym. Led by the band
and a police escort, the parade will
march down Limestone to Main
street, stopping briefly at the Phoenix hotel to welcome the Michigan
State team. A stunt is planned by
SuKy to be presented at this time.
The parade will then go back
over the Viaduct down Lexington
avenue to a huge bonfire on the intramural field. Demonstrations by
the band majorettes, pep calls led
by the cheerleaders, and music by
the band will spur the rally.
In a question box recently published in The Kernel, general student opinion was that more pep
rallies were needed. SuKy is sponsoring this rally to give all the
students an opportunity to show
their enthusiasm for the Wild Cats
and experts 6000 supporters.



Library Is
Willed To UK
Jurist Leaves
$1,000 To

Will Address

Third Student Convo


poses were outlined.
Visitors in
troduced included Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean and registrar of the
University, Miss Jane Haseldon,
dean of women, and Dr. T.
T. Jones, dean of men.
Five Wemcn's Divisions
Under the direction of Dorothy
Titsworth are five women's divi
sions with a chairman for each
division. The chairmen are": resi
dence tails. Martha-Rich- ;
ties, Angela Meisch; town girls,
Anne Biggerstaff; residence unU
Sue Warren; and commuters, Gwen
Pctrey. .
These divisions are further broken
down Into groups with the following captains apoointed for the vari-- (
Continued on Page Five)






Samuel M. Wilson, distinguished

jurist and historian who died Oct.

conditionally bequeathed his extensive personal library to the University of Kentucky, his will revealed
last Friday when it was probated in
Fayette County court.
Should the University decline the
bequest, the library is to be offered
to Transylvania University under
the same conditions. If both decline,
the library is to be given In substantially equal shares to specified
members of the Wilson family.
Four Conditions
The conditions' under which the
library can be transferred to either
institution are, in form: 1 suitable,
adequate, and fireproof rooms for
c'assification and cataloging of the
library must be provided; (2) no
parts of the collection may be sold
or removed from Lexington or Fayette county; (3) the collection shall
be kept "for reference and research
only, in the custody and immediat?
oversight of the librarian"; and (4)
the library shall not be turned over
to the University until the death of
Mrs. Samuel Wilson, unless she gives
express written consent and approval.
The University, the will provided,
shall have two years in which to
accept the terms, and unless it does
The University
so, the collection will be offered to
Saturday named 10 additional memTransylvania.
bers of the University faculty to its
ranks which are exclusively open
Student Library Fund
Another section of Mr. Wilson's only to personnel conducting some
will beaucathed $1,000 to the Uni- form of research.
As announced by Dr. Dewey G.
versity for the purpose of establishing a Student Library Endowment Steele, professor of Genetics and
Fund, the annual inccme of which President of the organization, the
is to be awarded each year to the new initiates are: Dr. C. C. Carpenstudent or students adjudged to ter, professor of economics; Dr. Lj'le
of R. Dawson, head of the department
have the "choicest collection
of Chemistry; Dr. Daniel V. Hege-mabooks."
associate professor of German;
Lawrence Henson, assitant agronomist in forage crop investigations,
department of agronomy; Laura K.
The office of the dean of women Martin, assistant professor of library
has approved regulations regarding science; Dr. Vincent E. Nelson,
girls' costumes for Sadie Hawkins associate professor of geology; W. C.
celebrations submitted by the
Haag, curator of the musuem of
archaeology; Dr.
may be worn anthropology and
Doqpatch clothes
on Friday. November 8. which Dr. J. T. Spencer, assistant
in the department of agronomy; and
Donovan has designated as
Day," but no skirts should Donald V. Mac Laury, assistant
be shorter than ordinary street poultry. The nature of the was not
being conducted by each
clothes length.
Since the Sadie Hawkins dance disclosed.
Dr. Charles D. Barkenbus. profeson Saturday the 9th is, in reality,
a costume ball, there will be no sor of organic chemistry, was elect
restriction other than discretion on ed at the last meeting of the club to
succeed Dr. F. W. Warburton, forgirls' wear for that night.
merly associate professor of phvsic3,
who has left the University. Dr. M.
M. White, associate dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences, is secOfficers elected this week to head retary of the organization.
the University chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers are: chairman, Ed Young-blooBethlehem. Pa.;
Bill Cay wood. Manchester,
Any students who have not
Conn.; treasurer. Walter W. Aton,
received their student athletic
Mllburn; secretary, Harry Mackey.
books can now get them at the
Newport: and representative to the
athletic effice in the Alumni
Edengineering students' tuuiicil,
ward F'der, Brodhei-n-



UK Research Club
Chooses Ten
Faculty Members


Dogpatch Costumes



ASME Officers


Athletic Books

"Students will wear Dogpatch
costumes the entire day In keeping with the Sadie Hawkins
theme. At 4 p. m.. a
contest for men will
be held on the intramural field
behind Alumni gym. A foot race
girls chasing the boys) will follow immediately.
"The first boy caught in the
race and the girl who captiuTS
him will be 'married" by 'Mar.
ryin' Sam' at the Sadie Hawkins
dance in the Student Union
ballroom the next night.
"Keys and SuKy, who are
Jointly sponsoring the event this
year, should be given hearty
support and
of all
students in this traditional
Kentucky celebraUniversity of
Howard Stephenson. President,
Student Government Assn.

Election of the "Ag College King
and Queen," plus their two attend
ants and two knights, and the pledging of 23 men and three women by
Alpha Zeta and Phi Upsilon Omi.
cron were highlights of an agriculture college assembly p.ogram Tues-

the USO. crippled children.
and Boy and Girl scouts,
in that their interests were nearer
those of the students.
The chairmen and members of
the four principal committees were
introduced and the committee pur-


R. H. Weaver.

"I hereby designate Friday.
November 9. 1946, as 'Dngpatch
Day' at the University of

Honoraries Tap
At Assembly

Twenty administrative commit- tees and four committees of the B. Holmes. J. S. Horine. P. L.
University faculty for the school
Maple Moores, Bart N.
year 1946-4- 7
at the University of Peak, C. C. Ross, Dewey C. Steele.
Kentucky were named today in an
Haggin Fund Publications: Frank
announcement released by President L. McVey. Howard Beers. T. D.
H. L. Donovan's office.
Clark, E. F. Farquhar. W. D.
Members of the administrative
Edward Wiest.
committees are as follows:
Honors Day: L. J. Horlacher,
Pajamas in plain colors, bold
Accredited Relations:
Paul P. Ralph Cherry. Sarah B. Holmes, stripes, and glaring plaids will highBoyd. E. N. Fergus. J. S. Horine. T. T. Jones. Maple Moores, W. L. light this week's pep rally sponsored
A. J. Lawrence, Maple Moores. Roy Roberts, R. W. Wild, D. V. Terrell, by SuKy at 7:30 tonight.


Picks Festival

Jerry Eastham


Final Sadie Hawkins Day Rules
Announced By Keys-SuK- y

Contest Winners

Late Permission
For Dorm Women


1, 1916



Stan Kenton And
Elliot Lawrence
Signed For Dances
Two nationally-famouband lead,
ers. Elliott Lawrence and Stan
Kenton, have signed contracts for
their orchestras to play for dances
in the Student Union building on
November 16 and January 25. respectively, the Union dance committee announced this week.
Plans fo the Kenton dance are
not yet complete, but Mrs. Dorothy
Evans. Union social director, released tentative arrangements for
the Elliott hop two weeks from tomorrow night. The Lawrence dance
p. m.. November 16. will
follow the Wildcat-Weafternoon football game, and will
be informal.
Admission for the dance to be held
in the Union's Bluegrass room, is
S150 per person, and tickets will
be on sale in the Union from 10
a. m. until 2 p. m. Monday and
Tuesday of next week, and all day
every day of the following week.
Kenton Dance Plans Later
In discussing the Stan Kenton
contract, Mrs. Evans stated that
the Kenton date. January 25. is
too advanced for any definite arrangements to be formulated now.
Details of the dance will be released later.


Art Article Published

"The Bulletin of the Bureau of
School Service," University Kentucky, volume XVIII, number 4.
June, 1946. which was issued this
week, published a report on "Art
Education in the Junior High
School." by Edward W. Rauui!r,
head of the Department of Art.


1, 1046



Dogpatch Day
Is Friday;
Dance Saturday

By Charley Whalcy
Know whut Ah heerd?
Somebody told me thet males outnumber the females cn this here
campus. 'Course, maybe it ain't true,
but ifn it is. jist think whut it
means: a smaller Vi' smaller chanct
of bein' ketched on Sadie Hawkins
Day. which, 'cording' to mah
is Novimber 9th.
One man Is ali tl'.et one gal nin
ketch; it's all she's allowed and ifn
she tries to be a haw? about it n'
ketch two or three, then she'll be
dragged right out of the contest and
be powerful embarrassed all around
iter cheat in".
This here is a new rule on

the reported unnormal


dance of ma.e critters, and it's a
good "ua too. 'cause it pertecks them
what manages to get sway from the
female clutches.

But Wait A nilnit
But hold everthing. here Ah am
gettin' ahead o" mahself. Maybe you
who is readin' this is unacquainted
and unfamilyer ton. you happv ignorant people) with the rules and

regoolashims of Sadie Hawkins Dm v.
So fer you. ah goes thru the horrible
things hyar "n now:
Bein' as how men has done all ?
the chasin' and spoonin' of the
360 days of the ar, 2 days in
Novimber is set aside so as the m-- n
can rest their weary carcasses by the
telephone and wait fer the wimmin
to call "em fer the dates.
Dogpatch Day .
The fr.st of thefe hyar days is
called Dogoatch Day. and it's the
day jist before the offishul Sadie
Hawkins Day. On Dogoatch Dav.
there'll be
and (groan foot races (gals natch-erl- y
doln" the chasin') In the afternoon. All that day. which U Novimber 8th. everbody and everthing on
the campus has gotta wear Dogpatch clothes. (Fer fashun hints.
Unely comsult the L'il Abner comic

will be
held from 6:15 p. m. to 8:15 p.m.
Thursday. November 7 in the Student Union ballroom.
. . . will meet at 7 p. m. Tuesday in
128 of the Union.
PHOTO CLUB . . . organizational
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday in
the YMCA lounge.
the upperclass group of the YM
and YW are planning a barn dance
on Tuesday night, November 5,
from 7:00 to 9:00 at the Stock
Sadie's Saturday
PITKIN CLUB . . . meets at
noon Wednesday at the Maxwell
On the (ugh) great, flna'. and
Street Presbyterian church.
(oh. happy day) last day which Li
WOMEN'S DIVISION OF THE Saturday night Novimber 9th at 8:TO
VETERANS CLUB . . . will meet p.m.. all gals is supposed to hog-- ti
in room 128 of the Student Union their extra special boyfriend. er a.iy
at 5 p.m., Thursday. November 7. miserable male, fer that matter "n"
bring it In, any convenient way (jut .
The meeting is open to all
so It's alive when it gits there to
the big Sadie Hawkins dance and
evening at Maxwell celebrashun in the Bluegrass Room
. . '. Sunday
Street Presbyterian church. Sup- of the Ciiion.
per. 6:30; Evensong. 7:00: Forum.
Members of Keys and Suky has
7:30. Professor W. C. Gibbs will planned out a lot of stuff fer tha'.
speak on "The Ecumenical Move- night. There's gonna be all 'cind.i of
ment in the United States." Open prizes fer the best costume.- - 'hrm
to all university students.
who Is sporrin' the
WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP. (meanin' most natcheral-lookinHobo party, at Daisy Mae and L'il Abner outfits,
. . . Hallowe'en
8:00 p. m., Friday night at Max- and them who is dressed in any othwell Street Presbyterian Church.
er fashun. sich as Hairless Joe. er
PHALANX . . . will meet at the Earthquake McGoon. er even Lonesome Polecat, er Moonbeam
Bowl at 12 o'clock on Tuesday.
Thers gonna be moosic too.
FRESHMAN CLUB . . . meets on
Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. in room 128 at that there shindig Gals who ain't
of the SUB. All freshmen are In- bought tickets !,',uld cughta get 'em
right away, 'cause the populashun at
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB . . . the University Is buyin' "em up lika
meets Monday at 7 and Kyian pic- hot cornpone and mo'asses.
ture will be made.
Rruiuhun N Prorlnmashiin
COMMITTEES . . New here is whut it's all about
meet Monday at 5 p.m.. room 206.
WHEREAS: Some men ain't hav-i- n'
the social life they orter. 'n'
SUKY . '. meets Tuesday at 5
WHEREAS: Some wimmin. ditto,
p. m . room 205. SUB.
KEYS . . . meets Thursday at 5 n"
pocke' books
p. m.. rcom 206. SUB.
DUTCH LUNCH CLUB . . . . need to recooperate fer a while from
meets Friday at noon in room 204 overwork;
of the SUB. All members will please
BE IT RESOLVED AND PROlocate a male creature and drag CLAIMED: Saturday. Novimber D'h
along as luncheon guest, carrying is hereby designated a3 University
out the theme of SADIE HAWKINS 0f Kentucky's Sailie Hawkins Dav n'
Friday. Novimber 8th. the day befr.rs
PHI BETA . . . will meet at 5 Sadie Hawkins Day. is designated a3
p. m. Tuesday in room 17 of Guig-no- l. Dogpatch Day.
Whut To Do
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASOn these hyar two days, gals Is to
do all
meet Monday at 4 p. m. in room open the askin' fer dates: they hoM
the doors: they walk on the
128 of the Union. Meeting open
oi'tside of the sidewalks: thev obto all students.
CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH serve all them niceties which men i
Fellowship burdened with durin' the year.
. . . will hold a Fireside
Also cast your eybal!s on this her?:
prcgram. Supper will be served at
It's ihe winimen who pay duiin"
the church at 6 p. m. Sunday.
ALPHA ZETA . . . will hold a them two days.
Final Words
combined active and pledge meeting at 5 p. m. Tuesday in the dairj
To wimmen: Start savin' up yo'
money, gals.
To men: Run like you've never
meets Thursday at 5 p.m.. In room runned before.
206 of the Union building.
meet at 5:30 p.m.. Thursday in the
card room. SUB. Caxton Doggett of
the Board of MLssions will be the
speaker and all Methodist students
Selby Hurst. Lexington, and Wilare welcome.
meet eve- liam Coldiron. Greenup, have been
ry Wednesday night at 7:15 in room appointed editor and manaine
respectively, on the staff of th
204 of the Union building. All unaffiliated fraternity and sorority Kentucky Law Journal, quarterly
publication of the University's Colmembers are invited.
lege of Law. it was announced thii
Other members of the staff include: James Adkins. Catlett.sburg;
girl Interested In earnAny
James C. Brock. Harlan: William K.
ing a Guignol key by acting as
Francis. Richmond: William O.
may contact John Young
Clinton. Tenn.: Doyle B.
at 5181 R. Anyone Interested
Whitley City: J. Pelham Johnin earning a key by working
son, Lexington:
John Kinnaird.
in the box office, see the busNicholasville: Giles J. McCarihv.
iness manager in the business
Cold Spring: Arnett Mann. Bloom-ingtooffice of Guignol.
Berlel M. Sparks. Waneta:
and Elmer D. Weldon, Georgetown.





New Staff Appointed

For Ky. Law Journal



Guignol Keys




� FrMav. November 1. 1946

rase Two



Tat Bi'Rsftt

entncfry iDtercollerlate Ptpm Amorlfctlon
1eitncton Board of Comtnrrc
Knturky Prrsi Asportation
National Editorial Affectation

C"siv CioMAN
Tom Din-cavk Sokkiiik
I kiiiikkk
h ihh
IImi Mil ion
O. C. Hu.tARi

rratUNTio ro

Jamy Jamison

fnterM t tb Ttxit Offlc
wcr.fi claaa nmiter under th

at Lerlntrton, ITenturky,
I, lb7.

Act of fcurcn



National Wvertising Service, Inc.

40 ktOUON
C:..o MM



tl 50 One

.M On

Issislant Managing




Assistant Sxirts


By Corky ( larke ami Jim Wood

It's the general

Business Manager
Advertising Manager

C.ioKi.r IWkhlR


tot Aatllta


Tom Chicory

N. T.



dud eotumnt r to o contidered th
ofrinfont of the writert themtelvet, and do not necettarUa
reflect the opinio of The Kernel.


tip 4

About Anything





most onlniikers who to:k in the
little fi.ethull t;: .le between the
Sigmn Ckis and Fi Kappa Alphas
Monday tveniiv; tli't the intramural referees .should g't on the
ball and call the penalties instead
of standing around with a whistle
in their collective mouth.
This particular episode ended
with two S&nin CI. is and one Pi
Kappa Alpha b iiw injured: Ray
received a
Sigma Chi
jaw and Jimmy Bostic 'Sigout with a bor'.ly
ma Chi time
bruised rib: Travis Diii-- (Pi Kuppa
Alpha received a slight brain cona cracked
cussion and
Fraternity opinion is that if this
sort of thing is not stoppid. there
will be no more intramural football competition in the future, so
let's watch the gaim and call the
penalties when they occur.

Crowded Kernels Are Compulsory
The paprr shortage at last has liit The Kernel.
Iih- war years, the
often didn't know
' m '!.( next paper
as coniint; from, but it always
N w we dent know where the next paper is
liuin again: we don't think i:'s coming at all.
Kpt"'! is not larse enmiah to run all
r Di as Ise you turn in to us. An
lit page Ker-- I
L::!(i!y docs it. But because we are not sure that
'i : re ji i;ig to have a Kernel through this quarter.




i: f.iu e according
to present paper yitpnlies you
;:i't have one next quarter, we have 'r -- ir nn a
e schedule. If paper gets too low. vi . ...
10 f;o to a fiur-ptedition.
this reason much of the nrv.-- which you turn
nrver reaches the newrprint. Most of it is set up







Orman Wright

Ci'lwnwists and editors ipartic-r!- y
six.ris editors and alway
niDlaining about the tremendous
l'riins of publicity they get