xt7k6d5p980k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p980k/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Mason County--Directories Kentucky--Mason County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Mason County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Mason County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7k6d5p980k section xt7k6d5p980k     Q I 1IQIIIII[|?@ |IIWIIIWIIT!HM              
  "i5'HBEIIII El I — .
    ‘ I   GUIDE TO   J
  Compiled for
  I       BY THE l

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 _§__UIDE -T0 . `
- _ TI-IE;   on COUNTY
  I Is ` _
. _ K 0 I
_? ` By Tho
E l Weir Scrviccs Section
  _ Scrvicc Division
Ex IE, Work Projects jidmi1iis1:ra.tionJ ~   I
`I Louisvillo, Kcmtucky f
Q, Docombcr 1942

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CQ ` The Mason County Defense Council is Affiliated
it with the Kontucky'Defense Council
yi Frankfort, Kentucky
in Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
[ Chairman
I John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
l Civilian Defense
  ‘ Maysville
Q Clarence L. Wood, Chairman
. This guide is prepared for thc official use of
the Defense Council of Eason County and other
` agencies engaged in defense work. It should not
Y be made available for commercial use Additional
E copies can be obtained only at the office of the
lf Nason County Defense Council.
E ?i   * ”
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AA AMERICAN LEGION, LESLIE H. ARTHUR PCST]%l5 (National American Legion), 0/6
"A Dr. V; E. Hines, l5 nest Second Street, Maysville. Founded 1921. Adjutant,
T, Dr. TL E. Hines. Telephone 655. Term expires, 1942. ·
! Yembership: lOO. Open to veterans of World Ihr l, with an honorable dis~
y_ charge.
t] I
A Committees: None re orted.
! ""’*"""""""*i“ ,
1 ` , i
EA Purpose: Preparedness and peace. Aid to service men_and their fwnilies.
I r
I . . . . . . . . . . he
{ Normal Civic Activities: Co-sponsor of all patriotic activities. makes don-
 · atiors to Milk Fund, Tuberculosis Fund and Red Cross.
  Defense Activities; Training for Auxiliary Police, Salvage Demolition Service,
Q _ Interested in Air Raid`Wardcn Service, Civilian Aircraft "erning Service, Aux~ l
 A · iliary Fire Protection, Motor Corps Service, Ambulance Service, Hospital and
T Clinical Assistance, Red Cross Assistance, Operation of Canteens.
I \ . .
A Local Publications: None.
~ AMERICAN RED CROSS, MASON COUNTY CHAPTER (American Red Cross), Cochran Bldg.
I Maysville. Founded 1915. Chairman, Wadsworth Clarke. Telephone 1156. Sec- ‘
l retary, Jean Roebuck, 555 Forest Avenue, Maysville. Terms exniredINovember,
Membership: 500. Open to all annual contributors of one dollir or over.
r Committees: Disaster, Thdsworth Clarke, 5rd Street, Maysville; First Aid,
1 ··—··~w:t——··=··· F. .— H W · ‘ ' ' ` `
A ¤ C. r. hilgus, 12o East ord otreet, maysville.
§ A Purpose: To act as liason office between the Army and homes of members of
A A the Armed Forces. To provide emergency relief.
i · Normal Civic Activities: Aid to vactims of disaster. Cooperating with army
A- officers in the matter of correspondence between soldiers and thcir ramilics.
Q Defense Activities; §n§agcd in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressinpd,
· Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking. -Training for Salvage Demolition Service,
_ First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food,.Opcration of Cantecns. Interested
Q in Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Ambulance Service, Hospital
i and Clinical Assistance, Radio Cpcration and Repair. . A
A · Local Publications: None. , L
1 _ A - . » . A A

 .. 2 .. . 
. . . . . .. `_·_,   . . fi
BAHACA CLASS, FIRST BhPTIST CHURCH, c/o Sam Troughber, Sutton Street, nays- j
ville. Founded 1915. President, Sam Troughber. Telephone 762-J. Secretary, §
J. L. Bradford, East Second Street, Maysville. Terms expire December, 1942. { y
. . . — U- . · . F?
Membership; 60. Open to adult males of Maysville and environs. g
Cmmnittees: Vklfare, Charles Bate, Houston Avenue, Maysville. · · %
Purpose; Bible study.~ ·. i» ` · 4 _A` All g
i M
‘ Y2
-, . . . . . . . . . _ . n
rormal Civic Activities: Aids and works with various community services. Q
""‘""”“"""‘“""“""‘ ”' ¤ `  C 
Defense Lctivitics; Interested in Air Raid Harden Service, Civilian Air- § X
  ¢—······. ——·:—·—·r····=-·····—-·-. . . ·  TT
craft Larning Service, nuxiliary Fire Protection, Motor Corps Sorviee,_Lm- ,§
bulancc Service. {E
Local lnblicatiens; Tone. pg
·- BETEUL D-TT1ST CHURCH LSSOCILTIOU, Colored, (State and National association), }é
q/o Roy. 1. T. Keeton, 127 Nest Fourth Street, Maysville. Founded 1866. Pres- ·@
ident, Menu L. T. Keeton. Telephone 850. Secretary, Miss Janie Smith, 110 if
West Fourth Street, Neysvillo. Telephone 658—N. Terms indefinite. iQ
. . . of
Membership: 55o. Open to church members of either sex. is K
` ‘ 1  
1 C0mmitt:~e; iblfare , Mrs. Sadie Brayton, East Fourth Street, Maysville. tg
l ··Purpose: To better the community ani public service and welfare activities. .§
Normal Civic activities: Cooperating with the Health Depsrtmon in any and all ]§
emergencies. ln` · ji
Defence activities: Interested in Air Raid Harden Service, Auxiliary Fire gi
Protection, hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Sur- gi
gical Drcssings,‘hed Cross Assistance, First Aid, Preparation‘and Serving of `§
» . q ,, · . - . .  is
Food, Child Care, Collection oi Scrap Metals and Other petals, Entertainment, ,%
A Library Service, Collecting Books. ‘ »§
bocal Publications; Uone.i ` _ T Zi
`°`°' “""“`”"" "" °"`“_`"`_` ‘ L i 
America), e/e L. H. Travis, 1250 Uast'Secend Street, Maysville. Founded TE r
1957. District Chairman, L. F. Travis, Term indefinite. ”· fg
‘ ` — x
Membership: 10e. Open to boys l2~18 years able to pass scout tests. r ig
‘ ° 1 v ~ ·  
Committees: Camping, Emory Rogers, 409 East Second Ctrect; advancement, John _@
Shaw, 216 last Third Street; Finance, George L. Fitzgerald, Edgemont; Loader- _§
ship and Training, l. H. Travis, 1250 East Second Street; Public Safety, Ray- Ӥ
mend Lnderson, 1OSO East Second Street, all of Heysville. EQ
l be
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  v5 ·-
tg Boy Scouts of America, Northern Kentucky Council (ContinuedO
lib Purpose: To~train boys in character building, first aid, and citizenship.
C- lEnt§£;pivic Activities: Cooperate with civic enterprises of public interest.
rj DefenseQActivities: Interested in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other hotels,
is Collecting Books.
} Local Fublications: None.
_ ‘ EUSINQSS ALJ IRCFESQIOLAL '.`, ·OEQ*'S CLUB (Kentucky Federation of Business and
Professional Honcn*s Clubs), c/o Ethel Griffin, l45 East Third Street, Lats-
|· ville. Founded 103l. rresident, Ethel Griffin. Telephone 269-J. Secretary,
i` Bess Hauer, l&O Zbst Ihird Street. Telephone 456. Terns expire June, 1945.
I Hentership; $5. Cpcn to business and professional women.
_   Comni tees: Health, Mildred =_~ Ellis, Forest Avenue; International Relations, `
i Doris Yan Uinkle, Tbst Second Street; Public Affairs, Lillian Hardyman,
' Forest Avenue, all of Maysville.
Purpcse:>To further better business standards for women engaged in business
C _ and tic professions. Also general public welfare. ·
I Normal Civic ActivitiesE Built and»neintsins Tuberculosis Cabin. Cooperates
i vnth.;:lh fund for underprivileged children. Assisted Cancer Control and Red
E Cross drives.
L l _ B . . . . , , . N . 1 v . . . , _.
5 Lercnse Activities; Interested in sewing ana rrepuration Ol Surgical Lrcssings,
{ 1 =*····*··•·*· ·······—····*•·•:···1·······   ··:······*·· . . _
i ned Cross Assistance, Eirst Aid, Collecting Books.
E Local Publications: None. ` ,__°
I- .
'. I I . I
i _·,l grceses of P. T. A.), c/o Irs.'Goorgo Duley, 157 nest Second Street. Ways-
{_ ville~ Founded 19ZG. President, hrs. Ceorgc Dulcy. Term expires June, IOAE.
e Nemborship; 20. Open to parent or teacher attending school.
p Committees} Tone reported. ‘
_ Furposcé To maintain closer relations lotwccn the hmwc, school and church.
. Normal Civic Activities: Materiel cid to underprivileged school children.
It Defense Activities; Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-
ii ings, Child Care. _ .
I local Publications; fone. A ` ` V
i .

 .. 4, -  
. Q
CENThnL dIGd SCKOOL PARENT-TEACn£H ASSOCIATION (State and national Congresses g
of P. T. A.), e/o Mrs. Bryan Greenlee, 216 Ibst Second Street, Maysville.' E
Founded l92l. President, Mrs.‘Bryan Greenlee. Telephone 202-HL Secretary, ' g
hrs, Madison Breeze, H. R. #5, Maysville. Telephone 425-J. Terms expire June, L
. if
Nembership: 50. Opem to parents and teachers or other interested persons. i
-—-—-·—-•-——»~ ·-- Ti
Committees: Zone reperted. Q
vvvvtvvtvrt M
Purpose; To maintain closer cooperation between the home and school for the g
_ inprovement of child welfare. » é
formal Civic Activities; Ceoperatcs with the school in providing food and eg
clothingdTor*R}YY77@Pjdren. g
Defense Activities g lrterestcd in Semin? and Preparation of Sureical Dress- lp
-,.......... -.._....-.--- ..- -.. . e...,.....,............ —# — ~·  
inss, Chyld Care. ?
Local lrslioetiens; Keno. f
DLUGHTAIG OF LNEPICL, DIVERVIEJ COMfCIL¤#Z3 (Netienal Council, Daughters of It
Americe), c/o Miss Llma Potts, Center Street, Iaysville. Founded 1924, Con- M
ncilor, Ars. Jane Sprague, Maysville, Term expiret January, 1045. Secretary, F
Kiss Alma lotts, Telephone 48l. Term expires July, 1945. z if
_ ‘ IC
T Lembersipy; 156. Qualifications, must be American born mele or female of g
i good character and belive in a Supreme Boing. I C ` jj
Committees; None reported. 5
Purpose; To rpomote patriotism, loyalty to God and country and defend the flag. Q
Normal Civic nctivities; Donating hnerican Tlags and Bibles to schools. VQ
Defense getivitiesg Interested in Sewing and Preprration of Surgical Dress- 1%
; ines Led Cross Lssistanco Public S.cakin . ‘ ?@
e » a . E
y  j,.
Local luelications: Lone. _ _ , _ ~ pg
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. E? 
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ers oi ,meriean hevolution), c/o urs. wary e. Davis, maple Leaf Road, nays- V fé
ville. Founded lOEl. Regent, hrs. Iary G.‘Davis. Telephone EEC. Secretary, ·$
.. _ ._ _ ,_ _ ,_ W Q .. . . y le
urs. L. alberta brand, hast Second street, naysville. Telephone 74. Terms_ex- px
= . .i~ ~ eg
pirc, lgie. %.
· . ` ?&
ncmbershipz od. Open te vwnendqgccydcg frmn ancestor who gave aid to the I kg
Lnericin cause in the Revolution. y V §,
· I -  
Cmmnittees: Americanism, Irs. now Caldwell; Girl Eomemakers, Irs. Ernest ig
. Gordner; Conservation, Mrs. Berry Clerk, all of Navsville., · *§
= » 'ss
, , , 4. . ns
· » ss
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{E Daughters of American Revolution, Lhnostone Chepter (Continued)
y. Purpose: To cherish, mnintoin and extend the institutions of American frecQ—
, om. To foster true patriotism ond love of Country and cid wenkind in secur-
ii ing the blessings of liberty.
‘u_o ; Noniil Civic Activities: Coopcretes with Rod Cross and schools in furnish-
t —,»t ing milk, books ond clothing for underprivileged children.
V’ EEXEEEE Activities: Engaged in Collecting Books. Interested in Hospital
Q end Clinical lssistsnce, First nid, Preparation end Serving of Food, Child
as Core, Collecting Books, Public Speaking, Typing and Other Clerical gssistencc.
J" Loorl Publicrtiensr None.
FIWST PISTJTCT PLHXJT-TELCWHF ;SGOClnTlOF (Stete ond National Congresses,
. P. T. 4,), J/o hrs- Yhlliom Trexel, Hillcrest Terrace, Maysville. Founded
l l9Zl. Preéiiant, Mrs. ldllicm Truxcl. Telephone 679-lL Secretary, Irs. H.
I N. FiJP2r, Edgemont, Maysville. Telephone 252. Txrms exyirc*June, 1945. _
Q hemhorship: 16. Open to porcnts ond teacher of children cttending school.
T Cmmcinteesz Sociel`Scrvico, hrs. Henry Volker, Tbst Third Street, Maysville.
, Furro ez To m*omote ceoncrvtion between the homo one school.
V ______£__ Mu J. I ..
} hornei Civic Activities: Cooperating with the school in providing food and
} cloin ng for underprivileged school children.
¤'v.}fx}.:v;.l1v.» rn » · ·, I. : __ .. J 15-: _ '.r · .. ((1,L.}-;-·'_ 2,.; e. R kl n.. sr. I ’. 4. \   L.; I .1. ·.. .   un"
I D·¤# { q wp       lvl IJ-¤_~· J-W12; n·lA l·I\¢3-lJr1I¤f ‘>‘•1   FLIFS1 CM] V\I‘O€'¢
l —~.--•··.a··· ·,_-—--•—¢ -—-=··—-·-;•--·- ,•·*·•·•·•*1••·*—’*‘*"*,¤,""" ¤ ~ { _ J .' . .
an inma, rrepsration and—Eerving oi Food, Operation of Centeons, Child Caro.
O0 .
Local Tublicctions: None.
i, . . ‘
_ m,;r;;;‘   clean or   , AERIL ;;'=l5G*L (11::.ti <>m·.1 Frctn rnr.1 Oréier of   S } .
 f c/o 4. L. Everett, 35 East Second Street, Iuysville. Founded l907. rrosident,
;; John Ttrothcr, Secretary, James Downing, Control Hotel, Market Street, Keys-
i ville, Telephone Sl. Terms expire July, l9€5.
,_ ;; ```C Mem@,yghgp,·200, Qunlificctions,.n white mole citizen of good standing.
V it Trustees; Gee. Frey, Ncysville;_Hcrry Svmmons, Lhysvilleg nrcnie Erczze,
_ List Second Street, lkysville.
s- Purpose: Tbrking for the welfare of the community and aiding the unfort-
fl lHlQlX;:·“` ’ ‘ T~
_ ”j Normal Civic nctivitics; Ceopcroting with and denotes to Ted Cross, Tubcrcul— N
! 0Sis and Gnncer cnmpoigns, Dxws Stocking Fund and Boy Qcouts.
, §j Defense nctivitiosg Interested in LU$iliiFV Policw.
in local Publications; None. `
;@ ·
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FHnE ndw nCCEPIED MlsOLS, ;MYSVlLL$ ;ODGn5%b2 (Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F. g C
& 4. M.), q/o John Cochran, Court'Stroot, Maysville. Foundcd'l8l6. Poster, § E
· · 1 ¤ -;— · n - _ Z'?
Lager Ralpn Evcnburgh, Fort Bragg, north Caroline. secretory, J. L. Cochran. y _
Teleshonc 1. Terms expire December, 1942. g L
s . s s
. . . . . . . . _ _, _ . ,_   lg
Membership; 140. Open to mole mmcrican citizens of good standing and boliev- E i
ing in A Supreme Boing. é
. Q
Committees: sono reported. Q E
"""‘ .. ,  
Purpose: 3ociaT and Frdtornel. - L ` M, ` _`4 l V ll é E
. . Q
· Normal Civic Lttivities: No specific activities reported. E f
’;"*‘*"""""' """ *"" ‘*"""'*"" "‘* . , .  
_ .. . . - . . . ` . . u . .. - . T, » § I
Defense nctiv ties; litorested in nuxiliary rolice, nir Maid narden Service, g _
Khxi[iery`?irr Prote~tlon, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair Ser- §
vice, Motor Corps Service, ;mbul;noo Szrvico, Rod Cross Assistance, Publis Q E
Sncekinev Consrmvr Trotoction Qctivitios. §
Local P tlicdtionsz None. , ·· - ·p’. { ;
. . . i V tl I
. ‘ i' .
GIRL SCOUTJ OF Z;YSVlLLZ Fation l Girl Scouts lne. c o Hrs. Clsrcnce '” L
.9 J p V.
_Wood, QO7 East Second 3trcct,_Maysville. Founded l940. Lender, Hrs, — I
L Clor .. .‘.,.. ‘ .. -.,.   Z);
p Lose, lo proxioc noopic liz tion l ...· 1 indipents. L · ,   x.` ]_;-.;1L» Q O.LL» *.1 1 UL-C,
· * “aysvill . Feunded lS?l. Iresident, Liss Stella‘Downing. telephone 652. Term
§ .,l· exoircs January, lQ45. Secretary, Yrs. Sen Cill, Sl? Limestone Street. Term
w indefiniEe, _ I
‘n i, lonkership; 40. Omen to active women Sunday School “brkersu
O1 to "*··r·—·~— `
fi r   _ _
li7§‘ E Committees; None reported. P _
ne - L *·~—~··~~~— ‘
1 FY E} > M .
°“T’ _; Purpose; Service and study.
t Q. Bernal Civic Activities: Cooperating with schools in jroviiin; food, cloth-
a or 2 ,·,. =—~——-——T·——————-—»—T-——-~ . - e— V ,
T C ° gv lhg, and other assistance ior the Hoody. · A
_; Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital an; Clinical Assistance, Sewing
j, and Preparation of Sursical Crossings, Preparation awd Serving of Food.
o- 3- ~ . . -
L 5; local iublioations: None.

 ·· 10 ·· L 
4.), c/o Hiss Medelyne Maher, 28 Tkst Third Street, Maysville. Founded 1953. Q
President, Fred N. Ring, H. R.-#1, Springdale. Telephone 5204. Term Expires §
1942. Secretary, Miss Nodelyne Donor. Telephone 156. Term indefinite. §
_ remhership: 1,156. Open to melee, sctivoly ongeged—in forming in meson Coun- g
Comiiit-te_e£4 County, Fred M. lling, R.‘l1; #1, Sprinjgdsle; Representing. Ernest  
L. [f$7'Pi-Zf‘$_q ll. ll. #2; £3even.Community, John 12. Poe, R. R. g,¤2, both of lisysville,  ·
Purpose; To ncintmin farmers income and to conserve the soil. §· 1
I , . ,,  
Bernal Civic Activities; Soil conservation. d '
’Defer¤o Qetivitic¤T “Interestod in Civilien nircrcft Zbrning Service, Luxil- E p
iery };ro rrotsczic;, Lalvuge Demolition Service, Collection of Scrap Hotels g
pond C4ler letalsn Discussion Lenders. §
··· • ¤, -_ .  
Local :ub1ieLtiens; None. g_
VLGOT VCUNTY FLRI BURE;U, (State and Notionsl Fed ration of Form Bureaus), § —
c/o Ce¤1ty ;gent's Office, Maysville. Founded 1956. Tresident, Stanley. @
Woodwdrd, I. R. 1, Days Lick. Telephone Mays Lick 2536. Secretary, Udmes E ]
Pylec..R. R. #2, Maysville. Telephone 5441. Terms expired October, 1942. Q ‘
~   ·
T iemberrbipz Open to form owners or form operators of either sex. Q `
* """’ "" """' * .   _
T T . , , ., ,.   . X33 ;
Comricvyisg Progrmn, J. M. Jelton; Livestock, Dr. M. B. nd&mS, R. R. #5, §
Fdyavilleg Crops, "LZQ Robb, D. R.-#1; Legislative, A. H. Calvert, R. R. Q ]
,1, both of ncysville. Q - Y
Pure~ne: To improve the economic and social welfare of Form Folk of Mason § I
CeurLjT gg Y
Toraai ’.·.. Citi: Activities: Cooperutes with %—d Clubs and other agricultural § I
. groups. *V “ $ `
Defsrxe Activities: Interested in Civilian Aircraft Turning Service, Lux- ` § I
ilier; Fire Protection, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergenny Repair Service, i 5
¤et*i Corps Service, Red Cross gssistnnce, Collection of Scrap Motels and ii }
Cthcr let ls, Collecting Books, Discussion Lenders. fs 1
Loenl lublicntions None. § L
i  c
e= -
“.-.JC;. 1lC>lI’TjYllOECY1l*!E.`.ITCPC. ,'.fiiiwOCl-`-TlOl? (iientuclcy Tlememeicers Federetieli), G,/0 Y  S
~ - —»- s » · »~ .- . . . T. . as
Doris Van Tinklo, n.N.M., B? ;est Third street, neysville. Founded 1929. kT 1
President, Irs. Glenn Tillingford, L, 1.>jl, Y;ysvi1lo. Telephone 460. §
secretary, Ire. J. H. Hutchings H. L. pl, Maysville. Telephone 552. Terms Q. I
eitpirg 19/LZ. —   "
. Tp
T Tn\— q 
\r— W _ Aiilm >—_*_*M V *v—**~4‘_i .. ., __ __ T

 E5] ` — ll —
» J~ , Nason County Hewemskers Association (Continued)
.953. Tg
-T¤S *§ _ Membership: EIO. Open to women of rural cmmuunities and farms interested in
5 the pncblcms of heme ccenmnics.
, _ ‘=V _ : _ `   ,- _ ` H _ W, ___
»¤J¤· p, Committees: Clothing, hrs. H. B. Cordrcy, R. R. yl, Dover; Food, hrs. H. U.
p n Holton. 4. 3. fl, Dover; Citizenship, mrs. Otis Tucker, R. L. p5, Maysville.
'QO§t Q Purpose: To improve living conditions in rural and farm hmnes.
rsvillojr ““" [
Q, Normal Civic Lctivities: Soil conservation.
? Defense Activities: Eneesed in Red Cross nssistence Trninind for Pre erst-
_.. ......i.¥.... _. .-.-....i. .........   ’ .._.........‘:l....--
t· ion snr Serving of Fv·n. Interested in Hospital and Clinical gssistancc,
. ,,_, Sewing nn; Pyrrarction of Surgical Dressings, Child Core, Collecting Books,
1Ill' ,1 Discussion Lenders, Typing and Other Clerical issistuncc.
ztslf · A I
Locsl ¥u}1icet;ens; Ion;.
_ LASCH @®UjTY TUBQRCULQSIS ;S3QiIiTIOf (Kentucky Tuberculosis issocietien),
_ c/o Dr. Su 7. Christine, Herd Building, Maysville. Founded 1017. Chairmen,
3): [ Dr. C. YQ Christine. Telephone 597. Term expires l942.
5 t Yenhcrehij: 50. Open Ee persons of either sex taking ectivc pdrt in the cause.
{ Committees: gppcinted as needed.
6 Purposcr Ccitrel of Tubirculesis.
I I U `
. · Norr;1 Qlvic Lctivities: Cooperating with I. Y. A., Sccectivt Service Bonrds
p · end·other cherity groups. , ‘ ( I
SOD f Defcnsc jqtivitios; Interested in Hospital and Clinieel Assistance, Ped
,2 Cross ;i,?:bsnco, First nid.
  · I '
ll ?_ Local rublicftiensz JOBS-
1X* ' Q I;Y£VILU“ ROTQRY CLUB (Rotary International), c/o‘R. A. Browinski,'58 Ybst
?ViCO, J Second S rect, Maysville. Founded 1925. Presidvnt, R. M. Browinski, 1240
ld Q Forest lrenuc. Telephone 1045, Secretary, E. C. Reyes, 13 ”bst Third Street.
j Telcphczu 5iG-R. Terms expired June, 1942.
Q_ Iembership: 40. Open to business and professional men, else Banners.
  Committees; Voc;ztions.l‘Scrvice, J.   incG-ibnc>y, 1241 Forest J-venv.¤; Uermwnity
/0 jf Service, Farry Purncll, Hillcrest; International Service, D. R. indmrson,
· Q 1050 East Second Street, all of Heysvillo.
is I. Purpose: To promote the ideal of service to the community and country.

 .. 12 ..  
Ioysvillo Rotary Club (Continued) V
Normal Civic nctiviticsz Sponsor of nnnuul clinic for cripplcd childrcn. Q
Dcfcrsc Qctivitics: Intcrcstcd in Air Raid Uhrdcn Sorvico, Collccting Books, §
T;pi;g andFOthcr Cloricnl nssistoncc, Q
Loc r·`, 1 Publicitiomsg Mono. .j
M;YCVTrlT TOjLN'S CLUB (Kcntucky Fcdcrotion of Tomcn’s Clubs; Gcnoral Fodor- i ,
gtior of-Dcmcn's Clubs), 907 East Sccond Strcct, kcysvillc. Foundod l9l2. gg (
Prcsidonte Qrs; Cl¤rcncc Ybod, QO7 East Gccond Strcot, Moysvillo. Tolophonc 5 “
VOB. S crct ry, Err. Conrad Loop, lOl Hsin 3t?OGt• Tclcphono $@5- TGFHS ?‘· I
expire Loy, LQQSV §
icmbcrship# HC. Oprn to rcprcscntctitc womrn who arc intcrostcd in civic § 3
bo ttc.*;=~_o :1%;.  1 " I
Cmmvittccs; Book Uopcrtm nt, Irs. J. G. Murphy lOl? East Scccnd Stroct; Gar- g; (
don, Cys. T. H. Morgan, BO Tkct Third Strcct; Dcfcnso and Social Scrvico, A? `
· - . .. . . ,, -- . Li 
Lrs. donry .cy,, l;O Cost Tnird Strcct, all oi xoysvzllo. . ;§ ]
Purposc; To providc cultural ontcrtoinmcnt, promotc civic improvcmont, and rg I
giwo aid to nvory Worthy community cntorpriuo. ?i_ '
_ Iorrnl Civic ictivitics; Sponsor of Tubcrculosis Soul Solo and gleyground 32 · Q
i for wvdxryrivilcgcd children. Contributor to Rod Cross ind Studcnt Loon Q2 *;
· Func. Covpcratzs with vdrious civic cntcrpriscs. Sponsor Community Christ- Q
C rd; b.nl;t =,‘ projzct. S V V .% I
“ " ii  `
Doftns. nctivitics; Engagcd in Pccrcution, Library Scrvico, Collccting Books, .§
lnt»rsotod in Hospital and Clinical gssistincc, lcd Cross gssistanco, Family é 5
Soci ‘‘·. “ oirvicc in lndustriil Lrcas. V zi j
C Lco¢l Pub iortionsg Ho;c. {V l
.§ w
T3 I VUETHL CTURCI‘;SSOCl;TIOH, COLCZHD (Stnto and Imtional Conconticn), Q/o i L
— C. 3. Qriyton. lOl5 East Third Strcct, Xcysvillc. Founded lQl3. Prcsidont, 5 E
C. Tc Crayton. Ttlophon: 815; Sccrctary, Tr;. John Guinn, f*st Third E
Stn   an Kklopliozi;. 945. I'»‘·r;;1;: ii¤_d;;f‘initc, V -   C
lJDbL}QhlP: SOO. Upon to malc and fomolo church mcnbors. § 5
` ""`_"' " """' . , , ·   _
Cowuittous: ~bllorc, Irs. Dcrtio Pccscj Hoot Third Gtroct, Koysvillo. T
-. ,   1;
imypqgq; LblV;ro and public czrvico. . ‘ i Q
`Yormal Civic Qctivitits: Cooperating with Kcolth Dcpurtncnt and othcr org- § D
onizztions in any rar; gcy cntastrcphc. %{ Q
, .Jy B
. * I
n ‘ .__-o--i.i-o,. 
\._ ________l_C ._.-l-- ...— s- -—~·~s. 

 ;  "   ··
`% Pentecostal Church Association (Continued) ·
.  I I
{ i Defense Qetivities; interested in hir Raid Tkrden Service, Auxiliary Fire
1- é ‘ tretection, Emergency Repair Gcrvice,_;mbulcncc Service, Seeing and Prepara-
O‘»·¢¤   tip; of Eiurgical Dressi;1g;s_, Red Cross j;ssj_stance, First (rid, Q°1"