xt7k6d5p927c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p927c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1989 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, 1989, no. 4 text images Kentucky Alumnus, 1989, no. 4 1989 1989 2012 true xt7k6d5p927c section xt7k6d5p927c . 4 , - _ _ -4.--sw?f% ¤iVVV·:..Z,§g¢E¤*4 V
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· PROGRAM FOR 1990 •
O ,
· · January AMAZON RIVER/GRENADINE ISLANDS from Miami $2699 · · l
I5-26 CRUISE aboard Stella Solaris. Airfare add-on from i
Louisville is $240; from Cincinnati airport, $200.
· February EGYPT AND THE NILE RIVER from Atlanta $3475 ·
8-l9 A l2—day comprehensive tour of this land of antiquities
· with a 5-day Nile river cruise & an on—board lecturer. · p
Optional pre-tour stay in London.
· T3-29 A l4-day tour with visits to Madrid, Grenada, Costa del · ·
Sol, Seville, Lisbon & Salamanca. TNA departure from i
· Louisville or Cincinnati. ·  
3—l9 Delta Airlines flight from Cincinnati. $2995 y
· SOLD OUT A l7-day tour of Alpine region, highlighted with visit to .
Oberammergau's Passion Play. ,
l7—3O Aer Lingus from New York $2495
Five nights in London, four in Edinburgh & 3 nights in l
· Dublin. Optional extension in southwest Ireland. · _
Flying Scotsman train transfer to Scotland.
· August GERMANY & PASSION PLAY $2462 · 3
ll-23 A l2—day tour to selected, romantic spots in Germany
including Oberammergau & the "Passion Play" with direct ,
· Delta flight from Cincinnati to Frankfurt. . I
Aug. 28 ROMANCE OF THE SEINE from Atlanta $3695 .
· Sept. 9 Flight to Paris;stay at Le Grand Hotel Intercontinental I
prior to boarding newly built M.S. Normandie for 7-day · p
Seine cruise to Honfleur. Jetfoil crossing from Calais  
to begin 3-night visit in London. Superb dining and
. · accommodations throughout. · .
· Participation is restricted to active members of the ·
. UK National Alumni Association ·
· · and immediate families. · ·

 E1 l
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l VI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
[ The Kentucky Alum11us is published quarterly by tl1e University of Kentucky Alumni Msociation, 400 Rose Street, Lexington. PW 40506-0ll9. for im dues—
_ uyin· members. Opinions ex ressed in the Kentucky Alumnus are not neccssnrily those of the University of Kentucky or ofthe UK Alumni Msociation.
11 is 11
1 lhstmuster; Forward and nddress correction requested. Send to The Kentucky Alumnus, UK Alumni Awociation, lexington, KW 410506. (606) 257-8905

     ` -         
GED Recognition AT&T Gives $1.1M in Computers
State Superintendent of Public Instruction program and in providing teachers for the The American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
john Brock cited the University of Kentucky GED training. He said the partnership be- has given the University of Kentucky $1.1
as an outstanding example of what an or- tween Fayette County schools and the Uni- million in computer resources.
ganization can to doto encourage employee versity of Kentucky is the first of its kind in The computer giftwill be used forinstruc-
participation in literacy and GED programs, the area of basic adult education. tion and research by students and faculty
including giving employees time off from He said the arrangement is unusual in in the college of Engineering, including
work to attend classes. another respect. It is generally understood the Center for Robotics and Manufactur-
At a news conference at UK, Brock pre- thata university will provide helpto the local ing Systems, and the Department of Com-
sented achievement awards to UK President school system, but in this case, the local puter Science.
David Roselle and Payette County School school system is providing an essential serv- New electronic services which will be
Superintendent Ronald \X/alton for their ice to the university. provided to students through the AT&T
cooperative efforts in providing GED train- Brock said the programs are excellent gift will include electronic mail (the capabil-
ing and literacy programs for UK employees. examples of how all levels of education are ity of sending messages to fellow students
Brock especially recognized UK as the working to improve literacy in Kentucky. and faculty via computer); computer net-
first university in the state to give employees working (linking one computer with another
time off from their work to attend GED and   " V     lg y l   “’ for information exchange purposes), and T
literacy classes.     i     scientific computation (solving mathemati-
'I`heGliDprogratnbeganatUKlastMarch. -. ay   ,   _;_: S     t V cal equations). V
stx employees have earned GED certificates  A M V  gt       l a;   »l°h¤ Q"€€“» AT&T °l“[“ ltmsh ‘“”““f%‘”
and at least one of the students has now _ M   ”{l'  ;.a,.,,v;g;     {   for Kentucky, Arkansas and Tennessee, =
enrolled in college courses at Lexington l _    it acknowledgesa"strongstrategicpartnership
Community College.   _   ,.V_l d l    4 .    V with UK."
Forty UK employees have participated in ·° l Mt"f_`V   E j    _‘  'V·A Queen said AT&T made the contribution —
literacy training since that program began   ”€>     through a University Equipment Donation `
three years ago. A total of 10% staff, faculty,   w r    An   Program designed to "significantly impact
students and Donovan Scholars have volun-     yy  {  Qg..ij-1  ' the quality and delivery ofacademic instruc-
teered and been trained as tutors in the   tion at universities."
reading program. J V,  _    The AT&T officer praised UK for "the
{TK President David Roselle said that V QV     outstanding job the university has done in
of those still employed at the university.           utilizing and maintaining equipment previ-
9% percent of tlte GED participants and  r        ously donated by AT&T." AT&T computer
Ul percent of the literacy program partici- V   xg equipment gifts to UK in the past few years
pants have continued to remain active in the ,r   totaled more than 52.5 million.
programs. ~, it { r jf   _,   l ,t¤»~’·’·l   The latest contribution will includeawide
Several employees have received on-the- *··“°" "   ,,.. V I   r   variety of data networking equipment, work ,
job promotions as a resultoftheir successin ,.»·r·¢"'""AW _ ’ if l ’ My-   stations, and superminicomputer technol-  
the learning programs. if “ " ` ‘   ogy, said Alan Rose, AT&T senior data sales
llrock ttrrrrttrert \‘£*'alton for the school lilitfbitlt\1¤K*t:;·Cqttét-*$**¤¢fl(*;]¤· executive, data systems group. l
, . . < . ' ' " ’ Q ' _` * ’ { _' ' i _ I , _ r
systertrs role rrr tratrurtg tutors tot- the literacy ;"MQm\T;G'§,§;‘;t_ ltxmgxcs     (tk U UK will reeetve three 5152/lO0O's, afford-
ttrrrv ttrtt tttrttr trtr rtrttrt tttrr tttrttr ttat is namet1),she mg 16 ¤tilli<>¤ i¤S¤¤·<‘¤<>¤S t>·=r S¤¤<>¤<* =¤¤<*
returned to Kentucky from her home in San Francisco, Calif, 600 IU€g21l7yI<:‘S of internal storage per ma- ~
to share items from her family's estate with the University. Ching
Among the gifts she brought were pieces ofsterling flatware In addition, AT&T will provide 36 6586
which ltatl heett tn the White fanttly hir over l()0 years. _ _
workstations, two 6286 workstations and
appropriate STARGROUP data networking
components to link the host 5B2/1000's
together through a high-speed data network. t
An assorttnent ofhigh level programming  
languages is also being donated.
JKY.-\|.l`\lNl`S #

  ’4*’A     .°.vi i '»“ ;     ji
j   __v_  J}.; _=_y ~   _--~’v   _,.;   _v.._     E
Best Student Organization Dance Festival j
The Student Development Council culti— All Central Kentucky dance students should Sllfllfllllll`. Jlarclv 17 — "Gala Concert" j
vates caring alumni, and unites organiza- make plans now to attend the Southeast featuring student and faculty works judged X
  tions. university faculty. and the people Regional Festival of the American College best—of—festiyal. ’
of Kentucky in the common goal of making Dance Festival. to be held March 15-18. 1990 Lizenbery‘s appearance is funded in part X
the University of Kentucky an outstanding at the lfniversity of Kentucky. by the Lexington Fund for the Arts. [
institution. Some 500 dancers from colleges and Foradditional information.contact: Rayrna  
Voted "Best StudentOrganizationof`1989". universities in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Beal. festival coordinator, 221 Seaton Build- j
the 55-membersofthe StudentDevelopment Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina and ing. (>06-2€7-2706.  
Council sponsor projects designed to im- Kentucky are expected to participate in the
prove the quality of education at the Univer- three-day event.  
sity. The students assist the Development Gregg Lizenbery, known throughout the  
Council in fundraising efforts as well. dance—world for his extraordinary dance Cone Book
Priorities of the Student Development technique. formerly with the Bill Evans Dance   .
Council are to encourage Kentucky's bright- Co. and the 17tah Repertory Theater. will be The I’11i1*w;(> pages that take a look at life on the l'K  
of Kentucky. ern,jazz, tap.African and llamencodance.as campus over the years. The book covers
The annual 15lue—ribbon Speaking Series well as choreography and improvisation will faculty. student life, student leaders. sports,
l sponsored by the council does just that. be available. founding fathers, presidents, the war years.
Duringthe Christmas holidays studentspeak- Dance concerts scheduled each evening and more.
ers recruited and trained by SDC return home will be open to the public with ticket sales The book`s release was planned to coin-
` to address local high schools and civicgroups. handled by the Singletary Center Box Office. cide with the Alumni Associations centen-
They speak about the advantages of attend- The performance includes; nial year celebrations. and about 1.000  
ing the University of Kentucky, and about Tlvzust/qv, March li- Greg Lizenbery in copies are set aside for sale to Association j
the new developments on campus. Alumni "Men Dancing"—A concert about prominent members at a discount. The price to mem-
are invited to contact the Student Develop- men in American modern dance. bers is 52950. (Kentucky residents must
ment Council regarding this program. ]·`rid¢ri·, March I6- Performance by guest add Sl.-iS for tax.>The book is on saletothe
Otherprograms ol`l`ered by the council in- artists and teachers. general public for $54.9%.
clude the awarding of two $1,000 scholar- j
ships to outstandingstudents. an essay contest D ' .1;;}     lj -» j
that also awards scholarship dollars. and _       -`.»      
recognition of campus organizations that __ _     __ ~   3   1
give to the university. The Student Develop-   D 'I `i:`   _ IA ~ l     "'     5
r ment Council also acts as liason tothe deans y  Q \  l`W'i"°f°"f-`;   Y ·‘   ·   `_ y 1
I ofalluniversitycollegesin developingalumni xl   "  vi   » ` ·` Q. t '`. , l       l
j and community support for their college. V  V   _    ·        it  `   _
`  ~ "   ` [* ‘· t `  ¥>`f;: ·`2$   . ‘
1 ’ . .   ‘     . 1 S   `in‘ ·‘r     ·‘ ‘  
‘ .   ~   l   ‘ I :1 ·· ‘ it'   I    /
` r`:. l'  ll ;:  if .. 2*  
-.J   H t   `  V s,   fg
l < i "°- \ U; _.Q_-ij n ·   is '•\ L  /
V   __ W, _ r ,é" .  I`?  
l l .-\lumni.r\ss0ciatiur1prt·sitlt·i1t·t·lt·ct Rirlrartl liean. Dr. (Earl (kim-.
rtssirciatiurt prr·sidt·iit llntce Davis. and associate vice presiilerrt
hr alumni and dt·vt·loprtit·rrt 'Ibrry Mulilvy. intruilurt· ()urtt·`s
latest Irrmli. Hm I 'uin¢·rwi(r Q/llx1'H[ll('klZ‘ .·1 l’icl0riuI lliv/mj:
’ l