xt7k6d5p9190 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p9190/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1986 Volume 11 -- Number 16 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1986-1987) coaches Sutton, Eddie players Miller, Derrick University of Louisville UK vs. Iona (December 19, 1986) statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  "December 27, 1986" text The Cats' Pause,  "December 27, 1986" 1986 1986 2012 true xt7k6d5p9190 section xt7k6d5p9190 SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER COPY
University Archives Mcrgeret!. King Library - hj^tih ^ University of Kenfcuc
 The Cats' Pause
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PUBLICATION NO. USPS 707340 Published By WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY P.O.Box 7297 Lexington. Kentucky 40522 Second Class Postage Paid at
Lexington. Kentucky 40511 and additional Mailing offices
Editor and Publisher
Staff Writer NICK NICHOLAS Staff Writer MIKE ESTEP Staff Writer TODD HALLUM Composition Coordinator WINFRED JENNINGS National Recruiting Columnist BOB GIBBONS Columnist LARRY VAUGHT State Columnist BOB WATKINS National Basketball Columnist LARRY DONALD
Columnist MEL HOLBROOK SEC Columnist STAN TORGERSON Columnist DICKY BEAL Kentucky Basketball Recruiting RICK BOLUS Contributing Columnist
JAMIE VAUGHT Sport Hobby Columnist JACK MAIDEN Business Manager
DONNA COMBS Staff Photographer GARY CROMWELL Staff Photographer CLARENCE MILLER JR. Circulation Coordinator
Published Weekly: Sept. 13-April 11 Monthly: May. June, July. August
Advertising Representative WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY 2625 Regency Road Lexington, Kentucky 40503
Subscription Price $25.00 per year in USA $35.00 per year in Canada Phone:(606)278-3474
Postmaster: Send Address Changes to THE CATS' PAUSE. P.O. Box 7297v 1 . Lexington, Kentucky 40522
Kentucky-Louisville Matchup Looks V-e-r-y Interesting
Kentucky wildcat* '5-1)
T 30 - Irv Thorn** (6-7 sophomore)
C 44 - Rob Lock (6-11 junior)
C 3 - K*x Qmpwn (6-5 frsshman)
C 10 - Janes Slackaon (6-3 senior)
C 15 - Ed Day.nd.r (6-3 junior)
10 - Mark McSwain 6-7 **nlor)
41 - Herbert Crook (6-7 sophomore)
42 - Pervia EUiaon (6-9 aophoocre) 12 - Craig Hawley (6-5 freshman) 44 - Tony Kimbro (6-7 aophomore)
7.3	5.)
. 7	5.0
16.3	2.0
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16.6	3.5
f st	Indiana)
6.6	5.3
16.6	10.6
19.7	8.7
5.4	0.8
10.6	3.3
KDfniCKT AT "'
FREEDOM HALL: The, Wildcat* will b playing ac Loulaville'a Tratiom Hall lor tha 39th ^ tlm* Saturday, but it will Bark only tha second Claw tha Cats haw*'* faced a hostile crowd thara,    Slnca tha 1957-51 aeaaoo. Freedom Hall ha* been a aacond hone for Kentucky, as th* Wildcat* haw* played at leaet on boa* game there every y*ar.   Until UK met UwUvUlt two yaar* ago, Kentucky alway* had the crovd behind It.   Th* Wildcat* will find the aurroundingamor* to their liking neat Tu*ad*y, Dec. 30, whan they oterteln $outh*a*tecn Conference rival Georgia at freedom Hall. Like th* UK-UofL gaata, tha UK-Ceorgl* gas* la a co*a?l*t* **ll-out. UK'* ov"11 record at Fraado*. Rail now stand* ar 29-9.   Kentucky'* ovarall record In Louisville 1* 89-20 (atnee 1936-37). S
A quick check of the record* shows that Kentucky and Louisville have earned a place among college basketball'* elite during the 1950'*. th* itvtn aeaaona of the 80'a (19)9-80 through 1985-86), the Wildcat have finlahed In th* final Associated Preen Top 10 four times. whll th* Cardinal* have finished there three tinea. The only teas that I. appeared In the final Top 10 atore tlarea than Kentucky la North Carolina, *"  ~- "maelng six appearancea.    Tying Kentucky with four *pp**rancea
Here are the team* which have appeared thre*
of th, MIT l.,c ...tend. domI5 Io 75-59 Frld., ntgnt. th."
--------"-7 -lS,nt.
I'll     i Pl*yr* In double figures, led
-. the Wildcat ,
''I U!ld"" M-lnit Boston U.  in th. championship g,
with 26 points, etching his season/career high. 
23 and earned Tourne Tournament teas.
MVP honors.
Ed Davender tossed Chapaan was named to the All-
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Rob Lock'i 19-polnt,  11-rebound performance against lona Friday
night was by far the best of the Junior center'* UK career. His previous
high-point total was 11 against Pepperdin* last season, while his
high-rebound total was 6 against Austin Peay earlier this season.....
Freahsian sensation Rex Chapaan took high-scoring honors for th* UKIT with 2 points in two games.    His 26-point performance against Boston University matched his career high, set at Indiana three weeks ago.  .  .   .Junior forward Richard Madison seeoed to break out of hi* sluap against Boston U. scoring 1! points and pulling down 15 rebounds against the Terriers.  .  .  .Junior center Cadrlc Jenkins saw his first action of the season during the UKIT.    The Dawson, Ca., native has been sidelined by a stress fracture to the left ankle aince Kld-Koveaibcr. That action was Halted, however, to 22 seconds agalnat lona and 50 second* against Boston U.    (Lditor's Kote: Tou will notice that the composite stats show Jenkins with only one game played.    The SCAA now peralts schools to not count a gaae played Cor statistical purposes If the player plays less than 30 seconds and has no entry in any statistical category.    That gaa>e still count*, el igib 11 Ity-wi a* . >.   .  .  . Th* Wildcat* were not as sharp fro the floor In th* UKIT.    UK caaie into the tourney 5i.l ahootlng percentage, but hit only 46.2 and 46.3 agalnat lona and
Boston U.....Kentucky continues to struggle at the line, connecting
on only 58.9 percent of Its shots fro* the charity stripe. .   .  . The Cat* have finally aoved ahead of their opponent Kentucky out rebounded both lona and Boston U
Hoit" jXtrtUCKT Georgetown
BeF*"1 \ndl"
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in rebounding, 32.0 - 31.
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WILDCAT BASKETBALL S0TE5 Kentucky vs. LoulavlH* Saturday, Dce*iber 27, 1986 Freedo- Hall - LouisvllU, Ky. . Cflpaclty:  =05 p.*. EST
UM0 NETWORK (Cawood Ledford and Ralph Hacker) - 90+ atatlons"^ throughout Kentucky,  Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas.    Anchoring the coverage this season Is th* powerful 50,000-watt clear channel WLU in Cincinnati.    Located at 700 on the AM dial, WLW beans the wildcat action to at least 40 state*.
CBS TELEVISION NETWORK (Brent Husburger and Billy Packer) - Seen nationally on CBS-TV Network.
EDDIE SUTTON Is now in his second season at Kentucky after coospletit the atost successful first-year in NCAA history.   Last season, Suitor guided the Wildcats to a 32-4 record and a spot in the NCAA Final Eight.    He also led UK to its 36th Southeastern Conference title with a 17-1 league mark and guided the Cats to the SEC Tournarwnt championship.    For his efforts, Sutton was naned National "Coach of the Year" by Associated Press and the National Association of Basketball Coaches.    Sutton Is now in his 18th year as a college coach and has compiled a record of 37B-I29.    That's a winning percen of .746, which places hi aong the wlnnlngest coaches In the country.    Sutton's record against Louisville Is 3-1.
DENNY CRUrl Is likewise one of the giants aong college basketba coaches. He la now in his 16th season at Louisville, where he h. coopll*d a 374-U8 record, including two NCAA titles. His wlnn; percentage of .760 ranks hi* among the nation'* wlnnlngest coacl Crust's record against Kentucky Is 2-3.
Kentucky leads the series between th* two school. I2-V el---  series r*sua>*d In 1983 after a 2'
FREEDOM hail: The Wildcat* will b*- playing at Louiavll1*' Fteedoa Hall for v.
tl*t Smturdmy, but It will wtk only th* teconi tim* the Cat* have  'iced a Saatlle crowd there.    Since tha 1957-58 ****on, Frcedota Hall ha* i a eecond hoete for Kentucky, as th* Wildest* have playtd mt l*s*t hoae gaae Cher* every year.     Until UK eiet Louisville  two year* ago, tucky mlvtyt had the crowd behind it.   The Wildcat* will tlnd th* round fngaawjre to their liking next Xutaday, Dec. 30, when they :ert*In Southeastern Conferanc rival Georgia at Trttoom Hall. k the \JH-\iotL Rase, the UK-Ccorgl* gnoe Is a cowplcte nell -out. .' o/ed ln Louisville
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Ely-released NCAA Hens listing of student-athletes who have perfnrmeu ln the classroom.   Kentucky ranks tied for third with Indian. of plavers which have won both achievement AND acadeialc honor*.    In /*-,. to be mentioned ln th* listing, a player must earn BOTH All-America honors AND at least one major academic award.    Here is the complete listing of the top schools:
n aye-fa /
North Carolina.....
** r* Dame........
rlny5* 10
11 10 15 13 M 10 10
tV*" M.l Jfci", , it. 1Mu U*
i"'  ,ooi.^v.Ai" SI.
Kentucky will travc. leaving Lexington at 1:30 p.m. Executive Inn, 830 Phillips Lan*. 502/Jot -
hold a practice s*sslon at Freedom Hall at 5:00 Friu., : 1 . ....
again at Freedom Hall Saturday morning at 11:00. Th* t*am will return to Lexington alter the game.
Kentucky returne to Louisville next Tvtaity, Dec. 30, to boat Southeastern Conference rival Oeortlf et Freedom Hall.   That game Is set for 8:05 p.at., with national television coverage on the USA Network.   The Wildcats will once again be headquartered at the Executive Inn. PUBLIC TKACTlCt SLSS10H:   The Wildcat* will hold their annual public ~acllce aeation at freedom Hall at Noon on Tuesday, Dec. 30.   Last year ex 14,000 fans showed up to watch     the "'.':.:"' iii:^i njunii for 30
The UK-Georgia game that night is a complete sell-out. ^ ie return* to Freedom Hall next Saturday, Jan. 3, to hott llpolt in acheduled tor 8:00 p.m.
mmrnm ^December-27, 19$&
77l& (do/Xs' (3xtM&
'Cats vs. Cards More Than Just A Game
It's Kentucky versus Louisville.
Which means there will be more talk off the court than on the court.
For years, all the talk was about the non-series and how the issues should be settled on the court. Yet, three games into the four-year set and the fourth just around the corner, talk of the future monopolizes the sports pages.
It would be nice if the game could be played first, then the future cussed and discussed after the game.
But that won't happen in Kentucky, so we might as well throw in our two cents worth.
There are several interesting topics for discussion this week, and in one way or another they touch either the University of Kentucky, or the University of Louisville or one of the two communities in which the two schools are located.
They are:
* The Game.
* The future of The Game.
* A Louisville Courier-Journal poll on several UK-UL issues in that newspaper this past Sunday.
* Billy Reed leaving No. 1 for No. 2.
* John McGill Jr. is not gone.
First things first, though.
Changes in the sporting world have been numerous in recent weeks, but we at TCP think we have landed the biggest catch of all with Kentucky's best-known sports columnist. Earl Cox.
Cox announced last week he will join our weekly state-wide radio call-in show as a regular co-host.
Without question. Cox is TOE authority on sports around the Commonwealth of Kentucky. No one knows more Kentucky sports figures, has a better knowledge of the games and more contacts than the man who has been the top fixture at the Louisville Courier-Journal for the past three decades.
Earl Cox took over as sports editor at the Louisville newspaper when Earl Ruby retired in January of 1969. It was during the days of Ruby and Cox that the newspaper earned its reputation as the nation's top newspaper in sports. And in those days, the C-J was required reading for every sports fan in Kentucky.
Cox, who will be retiring from the Louisville newspaper next month, is also doing television commentary at WHAS-TV in Louisville and plans are to expand his broadcasting package around the state within the next few weeks.
Our Cats' Pause Sports Hotline has been an enormous success around the state as we continually add stations each month. This one-hour each Monday evening from 7 p.m. til 8 p.m. EST apparently is what radio listeners have been itching for, a chance to hear the latest on Kentucky sports and then participate in a lively discussion.
For all our radio listeners around the state, there will be no show on Monday, Dec. 29 because of the Christmas holidays, but our show will return on Monday, Jan. 5 and continue each Monday evening through the NCAA Final Four in April.
Tune us in and Earl and I promise not to tune you out.
The Game.
The four-game series between Kentucky and Louisville will stage its last contest this Saturday at Freedom Hall and while it should be a competitive one. look for the Cardinals to hold off the gamely but outmanned Wildcats.
At first glance, one might be tempted to favor the Wildcats in this one because of Louisville's slow start and the fact that UL has to prepare for both Indiana and UK in the same week.
That could have a draining effect on UL, but the Cardinal squad is extremely deep and the two games will certainly eliminate any possibilities of the Cardinals getting fat on Christmas feasts or the like.
Kentucky, meanwhile, has a week off after winning its own invitational tournament. UK's biggest headache will be keeping the 'Cats from eating themselves fat during the holidays.
UK coach Eddie Sutton gave the 'Cats a
two-day leave for the holidays, but they were scheduled to return to the Lexington campus on Tuesday. Sutton should have control of the players' diet, even on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Other than those outside factors, it should be a heckuva game.
Louisville's outside game versus Kentucky's inside game.
No, you're not reading an error.
Sure, the experts are calling it the other way around. Louisville's inside game versus Kentucky's outside game. But folks, we already know about the Cards' great inside work and the 'Cats' fine guard play. What we don't know is whether UK's inside people will play better than UL's guards. That's what will decide this game.
For Kentucky, big Rob Lock has to stay out of foul trouble and the 'Cats will have to get a superb performance from both Richard Madison and Irv Thomas. If those three don't perform, get the kitty wagon ready because there will be a lot of blue blood splashed on the Freedom Hall floor.
And Louisville? Well, the Cards certainly cannot afford 20 or more turnovers and still expect to maul the 'Cats. Keith Williams had all the credentials coming out of high school, not to mention the Ail-American status of Kevin Walls. Mike Abrams has talent and Craig Hawley is one of the most underrated players in the country. They're going to explode against someone. Will it be Saturday?
What most fans have not realized is that UK's only chance of an upset rests in Kentucky's ability to create turnovers against the Louisville guards?
Fine. But to create turnovers you have to play hard and aggressive. That's the negative side for Kentucky. To play hard and aggressive you have to number one, have depth to spell starters, and number two, stay out of foul trouble if you don't have depth.
And Kentucky certainly doesn't have depth when you have Winston Bennett, Cedric Jenkins and Paul Andrews all on the sidelines
with injuries.
Only seven scholarship players will be ready to give maximum performance for Eddie Sutton. An eighth, Jenkins, will be in uniform and likely will see some action, but it will be shocking if he goes more than two or three minutes. His two brief 30-second appearances last weekend was more to fire up the home crowd than anything else.
There certainly won't be a Kentucky crowd in Freedom Hall to fire up this Saturday.
Another reason why Kentucky won't be able to attack the Louisville guards as much as Sutton would like to is because Sutton cannot afford to run its offense without either Ed Davender and Rex Chapman. If those two get in foul trouble, the game could turn into Custer's last stand, or worse yet, no stand at all.
If Louisville is able to get the ball down low, look for Crum to take the ball inside to his "monsters of the midway'Pervis Ellison and Felton Spencer.
Isn't it strange. Here we have Denny Crum taking on the look of a Joe B. Hall inside power game and Kentucky going with speed and quickness.
My. how times have changed.
It wouldn't be the biggest shock of the year if the 'Cats pulled an upset, but Kentucky has no business being on the same floor with this collection of Louisville talent.
Louisville by seven.
The Future?
Already, the action is hot and heavy.. Charges and counter-charges are flying about the problems of renewing the contract.
Sutton says he wants to continue the series if a situation can be worked out where UK doesn't have to play at both Louisville and Indiana in the same season. At the same time, he refuses to play UL at Freedom Hall two years in a row before the home crowd.
I've got a great solution for that and I'll mention it later.
On the other hand. Crum has expressed dissatisfaction with the current contract. He doesn't want to play two years in a row at Rupp Arena and he doesn't want to play early, as in December. Crum prefers, like his boss Bill Olson, a circus-like atmosphere complete with special ticket pricing and doing away with the season ticket holders.
It sorta sounds to me like neither coach wants this game very much. In fact, both were quoted in newspaper stories recently as saying the death of the series wouldn't be the end of the world.
When all is said and done the game likely will be renewed because the media will demand such.
Perhaps the best way to settle the problem would be to sign a new two-year or four-year series with the first game being played in Louisville next season and then rotating year about.
Like that Denny?
Figure you would, but there's a catch.
Let's really spice this thing up. When the game is played in Louisville, all the tickets go to the University of Kentucky and when the game is played in Lexington, all the tickets go to the University of Louisville.
Such an arrangement would give UL fans an opportunity to feel the atmosphere of Rupp Arena and vice-versa for the Wildcat fans. It would add to the economy of both communities since each town would be full of visitors.
Each school would be able to re-distribute its tickets (like Denny and Bill want to) and each school could put their fans right down on the front rows.
The switch would also reduce the homecourt advantage and give us a more competitive game.
But there's always a hitch in every good suggestion.
The Wildcats would be trading 23,000 Rupp Arena seats for 19,000 Freedom Hall seats, a difference of 4,000 fans. Of course UL could give Cliff Hagan 2,000 of the Rupp seats but the Cardinals would then want 2,000 of its Freedom Hall seats.
Then, the domino effect would take over and we'd be back to playing UK home games in Rupp and UL home contests in Louisville. Pretty soon we're back spitting at each other and before you know it the Dream Game once again literally earns its name.
A poll which was published in the Louisville Courier-Journal & Times Sunday, indicated there is massive public support for the game. But I think the numbers would be less if one considers only basketball fans in the state. The same poll indicated that all but eight percent of the people polled would like to see a Kentucky-Louisville football game. Basketball rivalry, perhaps, but football? I gotta question that one.
Secondly, it would have been interesting if the poll had included a couple more questions such as should Eastern Kentucky and Louisville play each other in basketball and should Kentucky play Western Kentucky in basketball. If all but eight percent want UK to play UL in football, I gotta believe the numbers would be just as large for an Eastern-UL football clash and a UK-WKU battle.
The poll said 61 percent of the people contacted outside of Jefferson County are fans of the University of Kentucky while only 4 percent said the University of Louisville is their favorite school. In Jefferson County, 54 percent said Louisville and 18 percent contacted said UK according to the poll.
The poll also indicated Louisville is the favorite in this week's game by almost a 2-1 margin.
Almost 8,000 prep high school fens got their money's worth in the Coca-Cola Thoroughbred Classic last Saturday when three of the four Lexington schools sent their opposition home with defeats.
The biggest upset of the day came when Donnie Harville's Lafayette Generals stunned Marion, Ind.the nation's No. 1 ranked high school, 78-74.
Followers of Marion, which many experts felt could be the best all-time team in the
[Continued On Page 22]
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Coca-Cola Thoroughbred Classic Results
Tales Creek Handles Chattanooga Baylor
Lexington Tates Creek jumped out to a 16-8 first quarter lead and held on to defeat The Baylor School of Chattanooga, Tenn.. 52-48 during the first contest last Saturday. All four ballgames were played at Rupp Arena.
Tates Creek, 4-4, was led by Jerome Coles' 16 points. The Creekers also got outstanding performances from Damian Clayborne (12 points) and John Bates (10).
Baylor, 7-2, was paced by Eric Smith who poured in a game-high 17 points.
Nam*............... B- A-> lb  pf (p
John Reid........... 4-13 2-4 8 3 3 10
Evans Dunn.......... 4-5 1-2 2 0 4 9
Mike McCamtsh....... 1-2 0-0 2 1 2 2
Brian Partridge....... 4-9 0-0 4 2 1 8
Eric Smith........... 7-13 3-4 3 5 3 17
Matt Brown.......... 0-3 0-0 0 1 0 0
Doug t rivers......... 0-2 2-2 4 0 4 2
Team 1
Total* 20-47 t-12 24 12 17 48
TATES CREEK (52) Nam*............... fg-a ft-aitapftp
Adrian Stevens...... 3-5    3-3 6 1  1 9
Darnian Clayborne ....   6-11    0-1  6 1  0 12
Jerome Cotes........ 5-12    6-8 8 1  2 16
John Bates.......... 4-5    2-4 4 2 3 10
Kevin Jarvts.......... 1-6    3-4 1  5 4 5
Bruce Harris......... 0-0   0-0 0 0 0 0
Bobby Smith......... 0-0   0-2 13 1 0
Team 1
ToUtt 18-3* 14-22 29 1S 11 52
B*yw.....................  11 12 1748
Tam* Creek................ 11 IB  17
FieW-goal shooting Baytof. 42 6 Tales Creek 48.7. Free-throw shooting Baytof. 66.7., Tales Creek. 63 6 Technicals: none. Turnovers: Baylor 12. Tales Creek 11 Ofhciate Mike Bus Tommy HaH
Mason County Tops Bryan Station, 50-49
Deron Feldhaus pumped in a game-high 17 points as the Royals went on to upend Lexington Bryan Station, 50-49. Feldhaus, who will be attending the University of Kentucky next season, hit on six-of-15 shots from the field, while pouring in five-of-nine free throws. He also grabbed 18 rebounds.
Once tied at 37-all, the visitors reeled off 10 unanswered points in the fourth quarter to take a commanding lead.
Bryan Station, 3-4, was led by Michael Allen with 14 points. The eighth-ranked Royals improved their record to 6-1.
UK's Shootist Is Gunning Down Foes
Miller Learning About All Phases Of Game
They ought to call him the Shootist. Through Eddie Sutton's law this Wildcat is licensed to gun down opponents without hesitation.
Who is this sharpshooter? Derrick Miller, that's who.
The same player whose 6-foot-6, 160-pound frame has been compared to Manute Bol, or such objects as a stringbean or toothpick is the same one who is a lethal weapon from 3-point range.
Derrick Miller is the Kentucky Wildcats' Shootist.
Prior to the UKIT, Miller, a freshman from Savannah, Ga., was hitting a team-leading 61.9 percent from the field. Included in his 13-of-21 trophy are six three-pointers which he bagged while tak-
	Nick Nicholas Cats' Pause Columnist
[Continued From Page 6]
ing 11 shots on target. That's a mark of 54.5 percent from 19'9" range.
"Every since I was little that was one of my strongest points, shooting the basketball," said Miller, whom like teammate Rex Chapman plays the game as would a solid veteran performer. "1 use to shoot a lot when I was little. I would spend a lot of time shooting.
"That hurt me a little bit. Right now I'm a good ball handler and I'm fast for my size, but if I had worked on my defense as much as I had on my shooting I'd be a good (overall) ball player."
A good shooter and modest, too.
Everyone associated with basketball seems to believe the new three-point line has disarranged the college sport. Some say it's turning college hoops into pro ball, while others believe the bonus area should be pushed farther away from the cylinder.
Supporters of Kentucky these days are not complaining, however. In Miller, UK's designated three-point bombardier, the Wildcats have a sensational shooter.
I wonder what was going through his mind when he found out that a three-point shot would be added to the college game. . .and from 19' 9 of all places?"
"The first thing that came to my mind was that it was going to give me the chance to play more than I thought I would play," Miller said. "I can shoot the three-point shot. That's my shot. I told myself I just had to prove it to Coach Sutton that I could shoot the three-point shot.
"That's where I shoot the majority of my shots."
A lot of people now are starting to suggest that Miller might be one of the best pure shooters ever to play for the 'Cats. If he continues to improve year-in-and-year-out they may be right. And if the three-point goal remains a part of college basketball, then Miller might go down in hoop history as the Wildcats' three-point king.
After this season the three-point shot could be a thing of the past.
The future of the 19' 9" line? It might be pushed back or it might be wiped out from college ball altogether.
Would Vote "Yes" For Three-pointer
If it's pushed back, "then that's fine with me," Miller said. "If they go International (20' 5") it would be just as close to me. It's the same shot. If they go pro three-pointer (23'9') then I can still hit that shot. But it would limit the number of perimeter shots the perimeter players can shoot on our team because it's so far out. But I can still shoot that shot."
What if the decision was left entirely to him? What would Derrick Miller's choice be in regards to the fate of the 19'9" bonus shot (as if we didn't know)?
"If I had to vote. . .1 would go International or leave it like it is now. I feel it puts a little fun in the game." To Miller, losing the three-point opportunity probably would be like losing a close friend.
There's more to Derrick Miller than just a nice jumper. Sure, he still has a lot to learn about the collegiate ranks. Admittedly, Miller knows he has to improve his defensive skills. This is not to classify him as a bad defensive player.
"He's learned his defense much quicker than we anticipated," noted Wildcat assistant Doug Barnes. "That's brought his whole level of play up to a level you can win with as a freshman. A lot of times freshmen will have one area of their game that's strong but their others will be so weak that it's hard to play'em.
"He's always been able to shoot the ball well. It's amazing to me that he can shoot the ball that well as a freshman. He's done
that ever since he's stepped on the court. What he has done is raise the other parts of his game, which enables us to play him. He's not only a plus with his shooting but he now doesn't hurt you with his defense."
Barnes stressed three areas of Miller's game which need to be improved:
1) His ball handling lechnique, especially in pressure situations.
2) Hitting the defensive boards is an area in which he needs to advance. Basically, the important factor to upgrading his board play is blocking out his opponent.
3) And, learning to work for his shots without the basketball. Against Indiana, he watched one of the best players in the game at working for his shot without possessionSteve Alford.
"Those are the phases in which he is working on every day," Barnes noted. "The great thing about Derrick is that he has worked on all of these phases and he's gotten better.
"He's listening and he's gotten better at it. As long as he continues to do that then he'll someday be a great ballplayer."
Miller's contributions already have succeeded beyond the call of duty. Everyone expected great things from Chapman. UK's other college rookie on the squad. The book on Miller was he possessed an excellent outside touch and was a hard worker
Now. Derrick Miller also is considered to be an improved defensive player and a decent passer to boot. While Kentucky was com piling a 3-1 mark. Miller was averaging 16.5 minutes per contest During this period he was credited with five steals.
Three-point Bombardier Derrick Miller
All signs indicate Miller's defensive cycle is beginning to take shape.
"The best thing I can do now is listen to Coach Sutton," said Miller. "I feel I'm playing pretty good defensively. I have menta breakdowns sometimes in the game. But Coach Sutton is a defen sive wizard, I'll just listen to him."
Miller also needs a few hot tips to some local spots where ex Wildcat Melvin Turpin once dined at. Once he puts on some add ed beef and muscle, he could be an effective penetrator against SEC competition.
Has Reason To Smile
Nobody, meanwhile, can shoot the roundball like this kid. And this kid isn't acting like a kid, either.
At Indiana's Assembly Hall with less than a minute remaining and UK trailing 67-64, a play was set to get Miller a three-point attempt. Chapman, though, was called for traveling and Indiana eventually prevailed, 71-66.
Different from most freshmen. Miller is a cool as well as an easy going person. He scored 10 points against the Hoosiers while cashing in two three-pointers. Always smiling, he helps keep col lege basketball fun. With his downtown jumpers from three pointville Kentucky has added an important ingredient to its lineup. Overall, Miller is a person who keeps things in perspective.
"Against Austin Peay I had a bad game." Miller said, in reference to UK's opener when he was held scoreless. "I said I can't get down on myself; I have to have fun when I go in. If 1 do have a bad game then I can't put my head down. Instead, I have to have a smile on my face."
And if the three-point shot stays in college basketball, at least until 1990, Derrick Miller should be smiling for the rest of his college career.
"Let me say this," said Barnes pausing for a moment, "if I was able to shoot the basketball like him, I would smile a lot, too  &7i (oats' &am&
[Continued From Page 4]