xt7k6d5p8z9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k6d5p8z9c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1980-07-sep16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-07-sep16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-07-sep16. 1980 1980-07-sep16. 2011 true xt7k6d5p8z9c section xt7k6d5p8z9c 

        Minutes c- the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi.y
of Kentucky, Tuesdav, September 16, .980

        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday,
September 16, 1980 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the Lexington camous.

        A. Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered

        Mr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
tollowing the invocation pronounced by Mr. Black, Mr. Darsie administered
the oath of office to the following:

            Mr. A. Stevens Miles, appointed by Governor John Y.
            Brown, Jr. to replace Mr. George W. Griffin, for a
            term expiring May 1, 1984.

            Mr. W. T. Young, Sr., appointed by Governor Brown to
            replace Dr. John R. Woodyard, for a term expiring
            June 30, 1984.

            Mr. Brad Sturgeon, who will serve as student trustee
            during his term of office as President of Student

        B. Roll Call

        The following members answered the call of the roll:   Mr. William B.
Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R. Black, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler,
Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mrs. Edythe J.
.tayes, Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer, Dr. David A. Hull, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger,
Mr. W. Terry McBrayer, Mr. A. Stevens Miles, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer W.
Ramsey, Mr. Brad Sturgeon, Mr. W. B. Terry, Professor Constance Wilson, and
Mr. William T. Young, Sr. Professor Michael Adelstein was absent. The Uni-
versity administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice
Presidents Jack C. Blanton, Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clapp, Lewis W.
Cochran, Raymond R. Hornback, John T. Smith, M. Stanley Wall, and Robert G.
Zumwinkle; and Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel.   Members of the various
news media were also in attendance. The secretary, Mrs. Clark, reported a
quorum present and the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 2:05 p.m.

         C. Minutes Approved

         The Minutes of the August 12, 1980 meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees were approved without objection.

         D. Nominating Committee Report

         Under the Governing Regulations, officers of the Board and the
Executive Committee are elected annually at the September meeting. Mr.
Sturgill, who had appointed a Nominating Committee which was composed of
Mr. Homer Ramsey, Mr. Thomas Kessinger and Mr, Frank Ramsey, called on
the chairman of the committee, Mr. Homer Ramsey, to present the committee's



       Mr. Ramsey Diaced the name of Mrs. Betty Pace Clark in nomination
for Secretary of the Board. Mr. Sturgill called for nominations from the
floor.  There being none, Mr. Ramsey moved that Mrs. Clark be elected
Secretarw by acclamation.  His motion was seconded by Governor Chandler
and passed without dissent.

        Mr. Ramsey next placed in nomination for Vice Chairman the name of
Mr. Albert G. Clay. There being no nominations from the floor, Mr. Ramsey
moved that Mr. Clay be elected by acclamation. His motion was seconded by
Mrs. Clark and Dassed without dissent.

        Since the next office was for the chairmanship of the Board, Mr.
Stursill asked that Mr. Clay assume the Chair. Mr. Clay asked that Mr.
Ramsey continue his report, and Mr. Ramsey placed in nomination the name
of Mr. William B. Sturgill for Chairman of the Board and moved acceptance
of the nomination. His motion was seconded by Governor Chandler. There
were no nominations from the floor and the motion was adopted without

        Mr. Clay congratulated Mr. Sturgill and said he felt the Board was
very fortunate to have Mr. Sturgill reelected as Chairman.

        Mr. Sturgill resumed the Chair, and Mr. Ramsey continued his report
by placing in nomination for membership on the Executive Committee the names
of Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. William R. Black, Mr.
William T. YounE and Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, with Mr. Sturgill as Chairman.
There being no nominations from the floor,-on motion by Mr. Kessinger, seconded
by Mr. Terry and passed, the slate was elected as proposed.

        E.  Committees ADpointed

        Mr. Sturgill announced the following committee appointments for 1980-81:

            Finance                        Student Code

            Albert G. Clay, Chairman       Frank Ramsey, Chairman
            Thomas B. Kessinger             Betty Pace Clark
            A. Stevens Miles               W. Terry McBrayer
            Tracy Farmer                   Brad Sturgeon
            William B. Sturgill             Sally Hermansdorfer
                                             Constance P. Wilson

             Hearing                        Investment

             Homer Ramsey, Chairman          Thomas B. Kessinger, Chairman
             Edythe J. Hayes                 Albert G. Clay
             William R. Black                William T. Young
             Betty Pace Clark                A. Stevens Miles
             Albert B. Chandler              Tracy Farmer
             William F. Wagner               William B. Sturgill
                                             W. B. Terry

             Honorary Degree

             Mr. Sturgill, indicating that the Board of Trustees wished to
             have representation on the Honorary Degree Committee, appointed
             Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer to serve on that committee.



             Council of Supervisors, University H.ospital

             Mr. Sturgill appointed Mr. W. Terry MPBrayer to serve on the
             Council of Supervisors, University rHosiztal, along with Mr.
             William R. Black, Mrs. Sally Hernmansdorfer, and Dr. David A.
             Hull. Mr. McBrayer's three-year term will expire on June 30,

         F. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

         President Singletary reviewed briefly the items in his monthly report
to the Trustees, calling particular attention to (1) the increase in fall
enrollment which is estimated to be 23,500, a 2.5 percent increase over last
year, and noted there were aporoximatelv 19,000 students enrolled in the Com-
munity College System, (2) the dedication ceremonies for the Southwest campus
of Jefferson Community College which will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 28,
and (3) the two search committees which were recently appointed to help find
deans for the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Business and
Economics. He pointed out that a Trustee is serving on each of these committees.
Mrs. Clark is serving on the Arts and Sciences Search Committee and Mr. Clay is
serving on the Business and Economics Search Committee.

         As a matter of information, President Singletary said he would like
Lo read a letter from Stanley Wall, Vice President for the Community College
System, in which Dr. Wall indicated he would like to retire on January 31,
1981, or as soon thereafter as possible. An advisory committee will be named
soon in the search for a successor to Dr. Wall.

         Upon the recommendation of President Singletary, the Chairman received
the President's Report to the Trustees and ordered it filed.

         G. College of Law Visiting Committee Report

         President Singletary recently received the first report from the
College of Law Visiting Committee which was appointed approximately one year
ago, and said he wished to share the report with the Trustees. He read a
summary of the report which included the recommendations of the committee.
The report indicates that the Law School is performing "creditably but that
its standing with respect to other law schools is threatened by inadequate
funding". President Singletarv's reaction to the report was that it contained
no great surprise. The Law School, not unlike other areas in the University,
is definitely in need of additional resources. President Singletary said
the report required no action; he merely presented it as an information item.
He added that he would be happy to make the report available to any member
who might wish to read it.

         H. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

         Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Frank
Ramsey and passed, the recommendations in PR 2 consisting of (1) the
appointment of Mr. George W. Griffin as a public member of the Council of
Supervisors, University Hospital, for a three-year term which would expire
June 30, 1983, (2) the naming of the service road connecting Tates Creek
Road and Cooper drive as "Alumni Drive", and (3) the routine appointments
and/or other staff changes were approved and ordered made an official part
of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)



         I. SuDplemental Recommencations of the President (PR 3)
         President Singletary explained that the proposed amendment to the
Governing Regulations as presented in PR 3 would define more clearly the
conditions under which professional work (consulting or professional practice)
outside the University can be undertaken and would provide better clarification
with respect to the Board's meaning of a conflict of interest. He then recom-
mended that the proposed amendment to the Governing Regulations be received
for preliminary consideration and placed on the agenda for action at the next
meeting of the Board of Trustees. On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by
Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed, it was so ordered. (See PR 3 at the end of the

         J.  Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 4)
         President Singletary pointed out that the proposed amendments to the
Governing Regulations to change the name of the University of Kentucky Student
Government to University of Kentucky Student Association, as presented in
PR 4, were received and tabled at the June 27, 1980 meeting of the Board.

         The Chairman then recognized Mr. Sturgeon who, speaking on behalf of
the organization designated by the Board to represent the 23,500 students at
the University, said he enthusiastically supports the amendments to the
Governing Regulations in PR 4. Mr. Sturgeon presented a statement expressing
his feelings about the significance of the proposed change for the students
and for what is now known as Student Government.

         On motion by Mr. Terry, seconded by Mr. McBrayer and passed, the name
University of Kentucky Student Government was changed to University of Kentucky
Student Association. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

         K. 1980-81 Budget Revisions (PR 5)

         Noting that the proposed revisions in the 1980-81 budget were routine
in nature, President Singletary recommended approval. On motion by Mr. Clay,
seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and passed, the proposed budget revisions in the
1980-81 budget were authorized and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the

         L. Approval of Degree Candidates--University System (PR 6)

         Without discussion, on motion by Mrs. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Black
and passed, the President was authorized to confer upon each individual whose
name appears on the list presented in PR 6 the degree to which he or she is
entitled, upon certification by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar and
approval by the University Senate, that the individual has satisfactorily
completed all requirements for the degree for which application has been made.
(See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

         M. Candidates for Degrees--Community College System (PR 7)

         Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr. Homer Ramsey
moved that approval be given to the awarding of degrees and certificates as
specified to the persons named in PR 7. His motion was seconded by Mrs.
Hermansdorfer and passed without dissent. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)


        1a. Change of Deoartmental Name from DeDartment of Theatre Arts to
            Department of Theatre (PR 3)

         Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. McBrayer
and passed, approval was given to change the name of the Department of Theatre
Arts to the Department of Theatre.  (See P` 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

         C. Reestablishment of the Denartment of Mining Engineering (PR 9)

         President Singietary recommended that the Department of Mining
Engineering be reestablished as an educational unit in the College of
Engineering, effective with the appointment of a Chairman or Acting Chairman
of the Department. This recommendation has the approval of the College of
Engineering and the Senate Council.

         On motion by Dr. Hull, seconded by Mrs. Clark and passed, the
reestablishment of the DeDartment of Mining Engineering was approved. (See
PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

         P. AcceDtance of Audit ReDorts (FCR 1)

         Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the Finance
Committee had met twice since the last Board meeting. The committee has three
items to present to the Board for action, the first of which is the audit
reports. The Finance Committee has reviewed the audit reports submitted by the
firm of Arthur Andersen   Company, Certified Public Accountants, and found
that they adequately reflect the financial position of the University. He
then moved that the Board of Trustees accept the University of Kentucky Purchasing
Compliance Letter, the University of Kentucky Cash Reconciliation and the summary
audit report of the financial records of the University of Kentucky for the
fiscal year 1979-80, consisting of the Accountant's Report from Arthur Andersen
  Company, Balance Sheets, Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures
and Transfers, Statement of Changes in Fund Balances, Summary of Significant
Accounting Policies. and Notes to the Financial Statements. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Kessinger and carried without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end
of the Minutes.)
         Q. Land Exchange (FCR 2)

         Mr. Clay said that the land exchange recommendation in FCR 2 is
prompted by the desire of both the University and Kappa Kappa Gamma to
improve their respective parking facilities. He then moved that the Vice
President for Business Affairs and Treasurer be authorized to contract
with Beta Chi of Kappa Kappa Gamma for the exchange of certain properties
whereby the University would acquire from Kappa Kappa Gamma a portion of
238 East Maxwell Street and Kappa Kappa Gamma would acquire from the Uni-
versity a portion of 248 East Maxwell Street. His motion was seconded by
Governor Chandler and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of
the Minutes.)
         R. Agreement with R. C. Durr and the Heirs of Hager Combs Concerning
             the Robinson Forest (FCR 3)
         Mr. Clay explained that the Finance Committee had an additional item to
recommend to the Board which was not included on the agenda. He said the Finance
Committee feels that the proposed agreement in FCR 3 between the University of
Kentucky, River Mining Company, R. C. Durr and the heirs of Hager Combs concerning
the Robinson Forest is in the best interest of the University. He added that by
this agreement the University is preserving the ongoing research in the Robinson
Forest area and is preserving the ecological and natural integrity of the forest.
Mr. Clay then asked Mr. Darsie to make a presentation to the Board which is a
summation of the agreement before the Board.




         Mr. Darsie explained that the University had acquired the Robinson
Forest in separate conveyances from the E. 0. Robinson Foundation ir 1923 and
1930. .He then stated that the University had for a period of approximately
ten years resisted efforts to obtair. strip mining permits in an adjacent area,
comprised of approximately 6,000 acres and known as the Buckhorn watershed.
He then stated, that in his opinion, the University could not realistically
exDect to prevent strip mining in the area to which the University does not
claim title for an indefinite period of time. Mr. Darsie advised that in
early 1980 the University had received notice that the heirs of Hager Combs
claimed ownership of approximately 900 acres of land in the Robinson Forest,
in the Cole's Fork area, and that R. C. Durr had filed applications for strip
mining permits both within the boundaries of the Robinson Forest itself on the
disputed 900 acres and in the Buckhorn watershed. Internal consultations have
established that the water aualitv research being done in the Buckhorn watershed
can be completed prior to March 1, 1982. He then presented to the Board for
their consideration an agreement, attached as FCR 3, which provides (1) that
the Combs heirs will quitclaim to the University the 900 acres in dispute, (2)
that R. C. Durr will amend his mining permit application to delete any areas
within the Robinson Forest, (3) that R. C. Durr and the River Mining Company
will delay mining in the Buckhorn watershed until March 1, 1982, and (4) that
the University will withdraw its protests to the mining applications sought
by R. C. Durr and the River Mining Company.

         The Chairman recognized Governor Chandler, who indicated he had
some misgivings about the agreement. He then read a letter to President
Singletary from Dr. Charles E. Barnhart, Dean of the College of Agriculture,
in which Dean Barnhart acknowledged his support for the agreement. Governor
Chandler said that, based largely upon Dean Barnhart's statement, he will
support the agreement concerning Robinson Forest.

         Following discussion, on motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Terry
and passed, the Board approved the agreement between the University of Kentucky,
River Mining Company, R. C. Durr and the heirs of Hager Combs and authorized
the President of the University to execute same. (See FCR 3 at the end of the

         S. Meeting Adjourned

         It having been determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting
adjourned at 2:52 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Betty Pace Clark
                                       Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and FCR's 1, 2, and 3 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                              Office of the President
                                              September 16, 1980

   Members, Board of Trustees:


I.             Council of Supervisors Appointment

    Recommendation:   that approval be given to the appointment of Mr.
    George W. Griffin, Jr. as  a  public  member  of   the  Council  of
    Supervisors,  University  Hospital,  for  a  three-year term which
    would expire June 30, 1983.

    Background:    The   Council   of    Supervisors  recommended   this
    appointment to the President, who in turn   recommends  it  to  the
    Board of Trustees.

II.            Naming of Drive

    Recommendation: that the service road connecting Tates Creek Road
    and Cooper Drive be named Alumni Drive.

    Background:   At  the  August  14,  1970  meeting of the Executive
    Committee of the Board of Trustees official action   was  taken  to
    name various campus streets and drives. This proposal would add
    to that list the name Alumni Drive to refer to the road connecting
    Tates Creek Road and Cooper Drive which is currently known as Road
    D. This action was requested by the Alumni Association Board of
    Directors in a resolution adopted at its annual summer workshop.

III.           Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendations:   (1)  that approval be given to the appointments
    and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2)
    that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
    approved by the administration be accepted.

    Background:   The  following recommended appointments and/or other
    staff changes  require  approval  by  the   Board  of  Trustees   in
    accordance  with  Part  VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the
    University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by
    the  appropriate vice president through the President and have his

    Under  the  Governing  Regulations   the  authority to make certain
    appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
    President or other administrators who are required to report their
    actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations
    requiring Board approval.



                         BOARD ACTION

A.   Academic Appointments


           College of Arts and Sciences

           Igarashi,   Yoshihide,  Visiting   Associate  Professor,
                 Computer Science, 8/16/80 through 5/15/81.
           Revesz,  Gyorgy, Visiting Associate Professor, Computer
                 Science, 8/16/80 through 5/15/81.

           College of Engineering

           Shin,    Jeong   Ho,   Visiting    Professor,   Chemical
                  Engineering, 8/1/80 through 7/31/81.

           College of Home Economics

           Schrank,   Holly,   Professor    (with   tenure),   Human
                  Environment:Design   and   Textiles,    effective

            College of Law

            Dykeman,  William  A., Associate Professor (part-time),
                  9/1/80 through 12/31/80.
            NietzeL,  Deedra  Benthall,   Associate Professor (part-
                  time), 9/1/80 through 12/31/80.
            Perlman,  Peter,  Professor (part-time), 9/1/80 through


            College of Allied Health Professions

            Pisaneschi,  Janet, Associate Professor*, Allied Health
                  Education and Research, 8/1/80 through 6/30/81.

            College of Medicine

            BreipohL,  Winrich, Visiting Professor, Anatomy, 8/1/80
                  through 10/31/80.
            Huber,  Gary  L.,  Professor  (with  tenure), Medicine,
                  effective 9/1/80.

* Special Title Series



College of Nursing

Cary,   Doris  E.,  Associate
      8/1/80 through 12/31/81.
Gartner, Claudine, Associate
      8/1/80 through 6/30/81.





B. Administrative Appointments


           College of Medicine

           Noonan,    Jacqualine,    Professor    (with   tenure),
                 Pediatrics,  reappointed  Chairman,   Pediatrics,
                 7/1/80 through 6/30/86.
           Straus,  Robert,  Professor  (with  tenure), Behavioral
                 Science, named Chairman, Department, Behavioral
                 Science,   and   Chairman,   Community  Medicine,
                 8/13/80 through 6/30/81.


      Henderson Community College

      Butler, Ronald W., Associate Professor in the Community
            College  System  (with  tenure),  named  Division
            Chairman,   Division   of Arts,   Humanities  and
            Related Technologies, 7/1/80 through 6/30/83.
      Caudill,   Sharon   Kay,  Associate  Professor  in  the
            Community   College   System,   named    Division
            Chairman,  Division of Behavioral/Social Sciences
            and Related Technologies, 7/1/80 through 6/30/83.

      Somerset Community College

Garrett,   Glyncon   E.,   +
      Community College  S  
      Division Chairman,
      Business and Related

Associate Professor in the
estem (with tenure), named
Division of Social Science,
Technologies, 7/1/80 through

* Special Title Series



C.   Non-Academic Appointment


           College of Allied Health Professions

           Pisaneschi, Janet, Associate Professor*, Allied Health
                 Education and Research, named Director, Center
                 for Interdisciplinary Education, 8/1/80 through

           Madisonville Community College

           Buzzard, Ruth A., Associate Professor in the Community
                 College System (with tenure), named, Coordinator,
                 PennyriLe   Associate   Degree  Nursing  Program,
                 effective 7/1/80.

D.   Reappointments


           College of Agriculture

           Rice,   Harold   B.,  Associate  Extension  Professor*,
                 Agronomy, 7/1/80 through 6/30181.

           College of Arts and Sciences

           Ekstrom,   Philip   A.,  Adjunct  Associate  Professor,
                 Physics and Astronomy, 8/16/80 through 5/15/81.
           Spacks, Barry, Visiting Professor, English, 8/16/80
                 through 12/31/80.
           Wiserman,  Frank  L.,  Jr., Visiting Associate Professor
                  (part-time), Chemistry, 8/16/80 through 5/31/81.

           College of Engineering

           Deen, Robert C., Adjunct Associate Professor, Civil
                  Engineering, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.

* Special Title Series



E.   Promotions


           College of Medicine

           Gerson, Kenneth L., from Assistant Clinical Professor
                 (part-time), Pediatrics,  to  Associate   Clinical
                 Professor (part-time), Pediatrics, 7/1/80 through


           Somerset Community College

           Morrow, Connie B., from Assistant Professor in the
                 Community College  System   (without  tenure),  to
                 Associate  Professor  in the   Community  College
                 System (with tenure), effective 7/1/80.

F.   Changes


           ColLege of Medicine

           Marx,   Martin   B.,   from   Professor  (with  tenure),
                  Community  Medicine,  and  Associate   Professor,
                  Community  Health,  to  Professor  (with tenure),
                  Family Practice, and Associate Professor, College
                  of   Allied  Health  Professions,  Department  of
                  Community Health, effective 9/1/80.
           Vandiviere, H. Mac, from Professor (with tenure),
                  Community Medicine, to Professor (with tenure),
                  Pediatrics, effective 9/1/80.
           Weitzel, William D., from Associate Clinical Professor
                  (part-time), Psychiatry,  to  Associate  Clinical
                  Professor (voluntary), Psychiatry, 8/1/80 through
                  6 /30/82.

* Special Title Series




           Henderson Community College

           KoelbL, Dorothy L., from Associate Professor in the
                 Community   College   System     (with    tenure),
                 Hopkinsville   Community  College,  to  Associate
                 Professor in the Community College System (with
                 tenure), Henderson Community College, effective
                 7/1 /80.

G.   Retirements


           Paducah Community College

           Hill, Howard V., Disabled Associate Professor, College
                 of Business Affairs, Employee Benefits and Risk
                 Management,   after    12   consecutive   years  of
                 service, effective 9/1/80.


           Vice President for Business Affairs

           Coomer,  Earnest,  Painter,  Physical  Plant   Division,
                 after  15.5   consecutive    years   of    service,
                 effective 1/1/81.
           Houp,  Robert  S.,  Carpenter, Physical Plant Division-
                  Medical Center, after   15  consecutive   years  of
                  service, effective 1/1/81.
           Sparks,  E.  B.,  rood  Service  Supervisor,   Auxiliary
                  Services, after 33 consecutive years of service,
                  effective 10/31/80.
           WeLch,   Alene,  CustodiaL  Worker   I,  Physical  Plant
                  Division, after 15 consecutive years of service,
                  effective 11/1/80.

* Special Title Series



H.   Post-Retirement Appointments


           Henderson Community College

           Carrico,  Sister  Angela M., Associate Professor in the
                 Community  College  System,  and  Coordinator  of
                 Associate Degree Nursing Program, 8/18/80 through

                    ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

I.   Academic Appointments


           College of Agriculture

           Boadu,   Fred  0., Assistant   Professor,  Agricultural
                 Economics, 8/15/80 through 5/15/81.

           College of Architecture

           Kingsley, Julia W., Visiting Instructor (part-time),
                 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.

           College of Arts and Sciences

           Allen, Timothy W., Visiting Instructor (part-time),
                 Philosophy, 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
           Ashraf, Jaweed, Visiting Instructor, Chemistry, 8/16/80
                 through 5/31/81.
           Bennett, Adrian Thomas, Visiting Assistant Professor,
                 Anthropology, 8/16/80 through 5/15/81.
           Bierley, Deborah L., Instructor (part-time), English,
                 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
           Chen, Dien, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/80
                 through 12/31/80.
           Church, Alan S., Instructor (part-time), Psychology,
                 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
           Dahmane, Abderrazak, Instructor (part-time), English,
                 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
           Evenson, Rene M., Instructor (part-time), English,
                 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.

* Special Title Series



Feix, Jimmy B., Visiting Instructor, Chemistry, 8/16/80
     through 5/31/81.
Fletcher,   Jennifer   L.,    Instructor   (part-time),
     Philosophy, 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Fulmer, Constance M., Instructor (part-time), English,
      9/1/80 through 12/31/80.
Furnish,  Shearle,  Instructor   (part-time),  English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Gilbert,   Theresa,  Instructor  (part-time),  English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Glick, Rochelle C., Instructor (part-time), Psychology,
      8/16/80 through 12/31!80.
Goode,  Okey   D.,  Instructor   (part-time),  English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Hall,   DanieL J.,   Instructor  (part-time),  English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Hershberger, Robert L., Assistant Research Professor*,
      Physics and Astronomy, 7/1/80 through 6/30/81.
Holwerk,   Mildred,  Instructor  (part-time),  English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Hossain,   T.I.M.,   Visiting   Instructor,  Chemistry,
      8/16/80 through 5/31/81.
Kao, Theresa S., Instructor (part-time), Slavic and
      Oriental  Languages  and   Literatures,   8/16/80
      through 12/31/80.
Maruskin, John R., Instructor (part-time), English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Patterson, Sandra, Instructor (part-time), English,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Rabinowitz,   Levi,  Visiting  Instructor  (part-time),
      Slavic and Oriental Languages and Literatures,
      8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
Ralph, Margie, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/80
      through 1 2/31/80.
Rea, Joanne, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/80
      through 12/31/80.
Reynolds, Woodson, Instructor (part-time), English,
      9/1/80 through 12/31/80.
Rokem, Ann-Marie 0., Instructor (part-time), Germanic
      Languages  and   Literatures,   8/16/80   through
      12/31 /80.
Scott, Joanne