xt7k3j393399 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j393399/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2003 text GLSO News, February 2003 2003 2003-02 2019 true xt7k3j393399 section xt7k3j393399 l.-

-. —_ GAYaDd '
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Mum Kentucky February 2003

A publication 01? the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 18 Number 2 ,

"Love Exciting And New...Come aboard, For an evening of New Orleans-style
we're Expecting You!" The Lexington Men's revelry plan to attend the AVOL MARDl ‘
Chorus will be setting sail on its "Love Boat GRAS BALL on Sat, Feb. 22, at the
Cabaret on Friday, February 7th, at 8 pm Sheraton Suites, 2601 Richmond Road.
(sharp) at the Downtown Arts Center. The Featuring the Music of Zydeco Bon Tickets, 3
Arts Center is across from the Main Street this will be a party to remember. 3
Public Library where parking is available. Doors Open at 7 pm and opening cere- 3’3
Performances by members of the monies start at 8 pm. There will be dancing, 3
Chorus with a special parade of the casino gaming, a costume contest, and a g
"Chocoholics Dessert Buffet" & Coffee/Tea cajun dinner buffet. Tickets are $50 per 3
are included with admission There will also person or a VIP Table of 8 for $500. A spe- 3
be non-chocolate and sugar-free selections cial rate of $79 is being offered for a suite :1
available. at the Sheraton for that night. For more 3
Tickets for this "lovefest/fundraiser" are information or tickets contact AVOL at 3
$15. Call 859-269-9739, Fax 859-266- (859) 225-3000 or check our web site at g,
9396, or email friends@lmcky.org. Order AlDSVolunteers@aol.com. 3
tickets soon, LMC's last successful cabaret 3
had 'em standing in the aisles. Admission Honoring Black History Month ,3
will also be available at the door...Don’t ”hm jam“ pm 14 3
Miss The Boat! *3
, , The Pink Pages are Out 33

Q MISS vaLe_M’tLM 2003 at the Pride Center and other locations 3
the celetilairietitallenrqififigf: SSUZtO'i'hKeYBaa: Labby for Fairness-page 7 3
Complex. Contestants will bgttle it out for Valentine G'fi shopping...page 3 3
the coveted title of Miss Valentine 2003 on 3
Wed. Feb.12 at 9:30 pm. There is a $5 .
cover. Proceeds to benefit the charities of Sponsor Of the Month 3
the Imperial Court. ‘3
Empress Nicole and her line of per- Dr. Ted M. Richardson 0.0. 3
formers will also rovide entertainment for . ,.
the evening, inclfiding JD Vaughn, Lady 24 Hr' Emergency service 3
Marmalade, Jenna Jive, and many more of 278-4201 3
your favorite local entertainers.
Contestant applications may be picked 277-4684 ,

up from Empress Nicole. Info about Court is 3'
at http://kentucky.impcourt.org 33


 Remembering Our History: Christine Jorgensen
., : GAY and by mary crane
\ Ti} . LESBIAN Fifty Years ago, around Thanksgiving of 1952, George
WC]; Jorgensen made history by flying to Denmark to have the
ORGANIZATION surgical procedures known today as sex reassignment
. Lexington, Kemucxy surgery, that would change hers genitalia to conform to .
hers core identity of female. George had served in the ,
TGLSO MEWS‘ army during World War II and started hormone treatment I
soon after his release from the service. |
Volume 19 Issue 2 Since this surgery was not offered in the United States 5
. at that time, George arranged to get a passport that
ӣ12233; rngylLyezzian would reflect the change he would undergo. It is believed I
, , , that the press was alerted by a passport official that knew (
Servrce Or ganization that George would be going to Denmark as George and l
389 Waller Ave' returning legally as Christine. c
Christine was certainly not the first to undergo the
Editors long process of creating a body that corresponded to her
Mary Crone JOh" Ridener felt sense of being female, but she was the first American
to allow her life to become a public one. Becoming pub- E
Board Members lic may not have been her intention, but when she was J
Terry Mullins, PreSiéent greeted at the airport by dozens of reporters looking for a
Jerry Neff, Vice Presrdent sensational story, she faced them with a great deal of c
Sharon Howard, Treas. pride and charm. In New York City, headlines on Dec. 1 IE
Mary. Crone, Editor 1952 read “Ex-GI Becomes Blond Beauty.”
John Ridener, Secretary One of stories recalled on NPR recently included a 2
Thomas Collins newsman’s comment that Jorgensen exited the airplane
Cary Sudduth tottering on high heels. In response, Christine remarked
Tom Collins that as a lady struggling to carry an armload of packages,
Bi" Chandler she was surprised that no man had stepped up to assist 0
Sarah Martin her. The NPR interviewee noted that this response C
Lee Noble demonstrated a willingness to engage reporters in an tc
Marc Roland ongoing dialogue, and an ability continued on page 4 IV
Joan Branon
.49 e
GLSO Annual Dues & 0“
Individual - $15 ’0”
Couple - $25 --— --- --- ---- is
Motor Cars r
Opinions expressed in the GLSO J(
News are those of the authors and [209 5 NEW CIRclE RD. LEXINGTON, Ky. S;
dont necessarily represent those of
the GLSO Board. Submissions are . 255-1900 F'
welcome and staff reserves the right
‘° :5.":58? mm mm mmm DRIVE I” p.
|'srlielomissions or advertisegments. J “We’d love the opportunity to earn your DUSlnessn SI

 Communit ZNews
e y _
e Tiffany & Co. Benefit Show Soulwrce
1" It might be below-zero outside, but Soulforce Lexington is starting biweekly
1° things are HOT at Club 141! Tiffany and meetings beginning February 11th. We will
e Company invites you to our Fabulous meet the second and fourth Tuesday of
it February Benefit Show for Moveable each month at the home of Jamie
Feast! Come join us on Wed, Feb. 19 for McDaniel. We will begin an in-depth study
’5 sizzling performances by Tiffany Andrews, of the Civil Rights Movement of the 50's
3“ Mescha, Val E. Sheridan, Miss Sheena, and 60's.
d Rayna Starr and our two very special Each participant will be given a free
W guests Clarissa Cumberland and Stacey copy of the book Free at Last: A History of ,
d Bryant! Showtime is promptly at 10pm. $5 the Civil Rights Movement and Those Who ’
donation at the door. Died in the Struggle. Also, each participant a
e will need to purchase a copy of the book A 4
ar SiS’flhS in The Life Call to Conscience: The Landmark
n Sistahs in the Life is a support group for Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For '
" Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. more information or directions, visit l
‘5 Join us for provocative discussions about www.Sou|forceLexington.org or call Jamie 1
a our lives and experiences. We meet at 7 McDaniel at 859-230-5625. (There is an ;
3: pm every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. article by Jamie on page 19) 1
For information, contact Joan at 859-539— . .»
2657 or email Jweslie@aol.com BenEf't for KY Advocates 5
a Ace League of Berea will be hosting a
: Valentines Giftsale “Illusions of Self”, a fundraiser for KY
5, There will be another opportunity to buy Advocates For Equality at the , Berea
St or sell craft and pride items at the Pride Campus on Feb.1 from 6pm until midnight.
e Center on Saturday, February lst from 11 La Femme Fatale Will perform. Admissmn
n to 2. If you would like to set up a table, call costs '5 $5_ for students and $10 for all Oth-
Mary Crone for details at 266-5904 or ers. We Will also have some great refresh-
email marycrone@aol.com. ments all through the night.
Memberships to KY Advocates For
A’Cmt Fr555nt5 Equality are $20 per person per year. As
always, any donation will be greatly appre-
The upcoming play produced by ACtOUt ciated. Memberships or donations can be -
is The Twilight of the Golds by Jonathan sent to KY Advocates For Equality, 2251 W
Tolins. It is directed by Robert Parks HWY 80 #19, Somerset KY. _.
Johnson and stars Michael Thompson,
Sarah Kate Moody, Andrew Hyde, Bill MISS GAY LEXINGTON 2003
French and Robyn ROth' Join us at the Bar complex on Wed,
Performances will be at The Lexington February 26 for the Miss Gay Lexington
PUbHC Library Theater, March 14 “"0th Pageant & Show. Contact Chelsea Pearl
Sunday, March 23. Mark your calendar. for Information. .
..continued on page 4
— GLSO page 3 J

 Lax DRESS ANd GENdER AlliANCE (”~75 6W 7W
Dress and Gender Alliance (LexDGA) will Counseling and Testing Center, is offering a
be Saturday, Feb at 8 pm. Email therapy group for gay lesbian bisexual and
LexDGA@aol.com or call (859) 433-8388 transgender students. To qualify you have
for the location. to be taking 6 or more credit hours.
der affects our lives, to help members net- ety 0t backgrounds and Presenting con-
with the difficulties they face in navigating tified as QLBT or be questioning their gen-
open’ dress any way you feel comfortable_ can if yOu have any questions. 257-8701.

If you live in Ky and want to know more ,
about issues related to gender, check us out Lax Men S Chorus
at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TGinKY, The Chorus will begin weekly rehearsals
You can subscribe by following directions for its Pride Concert (June 03) on Sunday,
at the website or just send an email to March 2, 5130Pm at St- Michael's Episcopal
TGinKY-subscribe@yahoogr0ups.com Church, 2025 Bellefonte Rd. For info about
joining the chorus or the Pride Concert, call
CLUB I4] HAPPY-"OUR Kenneth 255-1974. LMC is a gay and gay

Club 141 is pleased to announce they supportive men's choral esemble and there
are now open for Happy-Hour! We will be are no auditions required to 10m.
open Tuesday - Friday at 5:00pm with fan- ...Community NeWS continued Page 10

' _ . “
tastrc happy. hour specrals! Relaxwrth a Continued from page 2 Jorgensen
refreshing pitcher 0f BUd or BUd't—tght for to draw attention to our cultural gender
only $4.50! ALL Bud products are only $2 expectations.
and wonderful well drtnks for $31 gome Jorgensen became the target of media
and to"; bartlegdetr Ketth wthile enjoyrtng 'a scrutiny which continued until her death in
game 0 poo, a S or grea conversa ion. 1989. Although some in the media treated

Men Of All Colors Together her asa bad joke, she was also asked for

P , t t th d l t serious interviews and her views of what it

romrnen ac or au or an ec urer .

’ ' m t dh tflttobtss al

James Earl Jones will be visiting Centre . ean an ow 5 e e ran exu
College on Sat. Feb. 15. He will speak at increased public knowledge and no doubt
Norton Center for the Arts and take part in encouraged many people to become more
other events as part of a community Black tolerant and even accepting.
History Month celebration. Christine had a powerful impact on

MACT KY members and friends will those of us who were struggling to under-
travel to Danville for dinner and attend this stand our own difference. I” Tr engender
lecture. We plan to depart from the Pride Warriors, Leslie Feinberg states "I had no
Center and share camaraderie on the hour- other role model Wh° crossed the bound-
long trip. For more information and ticket ar res 0t sex and gender. Christine
availability email mactky@aol.com, tele- Jorgensens struggle beamed a message
phone Jon at 859 351_445_ to me that I wasn't alone."
—————_—_.______________ _
GLSO page 4

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— I GLSO Page 5 I

 g PRJDE aemen News g
389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
The GLSO Discussion/Support in honor of Black History Month, we'll be a
Group meets every Wednesday viewing Set It Off Friday, Feb. 14 at? pm. This . h
evening at 7 Pm at the pride Center, 1996 action-adventure film stars Jada Pinkett, is
389 Waller Ave. We are always open Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox and Kimberly Elise v
to new people dropping in to join us. as four African-American women, who have s
We discuss a whole range of issues. If been trying to work their way out of the neigh- e
you have something that you need to borhood they grew up in. Despite their progress,
think outloud about, we will listen. For the system keeps pushing them down, and as a v
information contact the Pride Center at last resort they turn to crime. Queen Latifah L
859-253-3233, or Jane at email lady- plays a butch lesbian, WhO enjoys cars and F
janeky@yahoo.com. guns as much as her femme girlfriend. This film F
is rated R for strong graphic violence, pervasive L
GAYMES NIGI-fl' language, some sex and drug use.

Remember the Pride center is Pride Center Library Highlights: 2
opened the fourth Friday of every Mystery Stories 2
month for Gaymes Night which in
February will be Friday, 28. Bring a What better to read on those cold winter C
deck of cards or your favorite board nights than a mystery. GLBT fiction abounds
game to the pride oehterfor an evening with stories of intrigue, crime, mayhem, and
of fun and games. All the fun begins at death. Here is where you will read about the
7:00 P-m- adventures of gay cops and lesbian detectives.

These are just a few of the hundreds of GLBT
Young Adult Group mystery and detective stories you will find at the

Andrew’s Group, a social support Pride Center Library. Follow the clues and

group for GLBT folks in their twenties, solve the mystery for yourself.

Wi“ meet on the 2nd and 4"“ Saturdays Butterscotch Prince by Richard Hall

at the Pride (Femer at 7 pm; In Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse by Mabel Maney
February that Will be the 8th and the .

22nd. Andrew Hyde is 21 years old False Confessmns by Steve Johnson
and sees a need for a fun alternative to Federal Fag by Fred Hunter

the bar scene. Although this group was Love YOU to Death by Grant Michaels
started out of a need for activities for Murder Undercover by Claire McNab

this age group, it is not exclusive. W9 Other Side of Silence by Joan M. Drury

do ask you to be at least 18 for legal Soon to be a Major Motion Picture by Warren Dunford
“tame. If. y°u are Older than 29 you Tell Me What You Like by Kate Allen
might fit in iust fine.

Sponsored by GLSO, Andrew’s Club Two—Bit Tango by Elizabeth Pincus
will plan activities and may go on road These and many other books and videos
trips to places of interest. if you have can be check out from the Pride Center Library,
an idea for a fun activity, please come. 389 Waller Ave. Suite 100, open Mon-Sat, 10-3.

GLSO Page 6

 . Kentucky Fiorness Alliance Tues, Wed, and Thur beginning Feb 4th .
a by Matt Nicholson from 8am to 2pm at the Capitol in Frankfort. 3
Our current planned lobby days are: ;
' The 2003 Kentucky Legislative Sessmn Feb 6th Transgender Lobby Day a
is set to go back into ses5ion on Feb 4th, .
be and once again we urgently need your Feb 13th Hate Free Kentucky Day 3
- _ Feb 20th Youth/Student Lobby Day
“5 help. At the end of 2002 conservative leg- F . .
ett . . . , eb 27th People of Faith Lobby Day .
. islators tried to ban state agenCies and um— .
se versities from providing domestic partner- There is information about Transgender ‘
V9 ship benefits. We were able to defeat that Lobbying 0“ page 10- Please contact U5
ih- effort, but they may try again. and let us know what days you can attend. 4.
as, We are also likely to see the bill that We will provide you with directions, train- %
‘3 would erase the fairness ordinances in ing, and lObe materials. Thanks for YOUr g
ah Louisville and Lexington, as well as ban the support and W9 |0°k forward to seeing YOU 5
“d passage of future ordinances in any town. in February! i
lm Rumors continue to loom of attacks on Community email addresses: t
ve LGBT families. You can post message at: l
The good new is our statewide fairness KentuckyFairness@onelist.com ”i
bill continues to gain steam. We have To subscribe: I
already picked Up three new COSPOHSOFS, KentuckyFairness-subscribe@onelist.com r
and with your help we could add more to List owner; KentuckyFairness-
ter our “5t owner@onelist.com .
ds As in years past we will lobby every
nd .
:he I E
uegrass airness
:3 Promoting equality for all people .
‘ regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity
in sixteen central Kentucky counties.
ey . ' .
Jom us for Lobby Days In Frankfort: _
February 6: Transgender Day
February 13: Hate—Free Kentucky Day ,
February 20: Youth and Family Day
' February 27: People of Faith Day 1
0rd March 6: To be Announced
P.O. Box 22032 www.bluegrassfairness.org
305 Lexington, Kentucky 40522 www.kentuckyfaimess.org .
ary, 859-806-4114 .. , info@bluegrassfairness.org 1
l-3. '
"_ . GLSO Page 7 §
.. L-LL LL _.__.__.______._.__.__._.___.__..____

 "wean” Unitarian Universalist Church
lntegrity is an organization for GLBT The Unitarian Universalist Church wel-
Episcopalians and other persons of faith. comes visitors any time. There are now
Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of two services every Sunday at 9.30 and
this ”Prim" "9m 4 t0 5‘30 Pm, at 5t- 11:15. On Feb 2 there Will be a first
M'ChaEIS EP'SCC’pél Church at 2025 Sunday brunch starting at 9:30. For more
Bellefonte St' '” Lexmgton. ' _ _ information about UU Church check the
The topic for the Feb. 9th meeting is web at www.uucl.org.
"What Does the Bible Really Say About
Homosexuality?" If you have any ques- Women's Spiritualim Group
tions, please call the Rectors David Boyd Th W ' S _ 't l' G ,
or Sandy Stone at 859—277-7511 or email _ e omans pm uaity roup '8 a
St . . somal support group where we learn about
and celebrate the sacred female energy
Jubi|ee Fellowship within the universe and within ourselves.
The Jubilee Fellowship meetSr most Vlflenvlwllmegton Fr'dily :597t26:?:0h°me
Thursdays at the Pride Center at 7pm. On °_ ary “We: ca , _- 4 for
the second Thursday we plan an activity at directions or information. We Will be cele-
a different location. We begin the evening brating St' Brigets day around a warm fire.
by singing songs of praise and worship We meet at 6.30 for pot luck and at 7.30
and then read bible passages to study for the program. All women are welcome.
together. continued on page 10
Real Estate SerVIce With .
:~ . RESULTS 3 i
if INTEGRITY nggwwi
Scott Ackerman m, gmw
Mobile: 859-338-8483 ENTHUSIASM
Voice Mail: 859—294-2055 S _ L _ t
ervm exm on
Office: 859-269-7331 9 & 9
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
GLSO Page 8

 v v ' . " . _ MMMMWMWW '

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3““ °*' mam»; 5.... . .. m a :

Q provide mtefimmegtmfireéfme 0". 1°me Will also . l
' Wash). Lady Marmalade J 8 Waning including JD . 1
'j emits local enter-tamer; if?” 31"“, “’4 many more of yam. V i
.‘ 11”me 601m“ 0’} Kentucky 038845 benefit the was 0% the . i
60 . v I
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_ V'V’QVQ » ”W“

 llliccnn Pathway the Earth Mother to awaken slowly and

Pm! I lmbolc peacefully from her winter slumber.

. Next month I will write about Sabbat 45:31

by lggle Ostara or the spring Equinox. If you would f;

l have started the Wiccan/Pagan Study like to learn more about pagan beliefs, call
Group to bring like minded people together me at 859 492-9904. We have some
and to bring my religious beliefs into the meetings scheduled. Blessed Be!
light. Vlficcan/Pagan religions have a long
history and yet the general public is still .
often misinformed and some even think of Lax Lyons Lem/Leather Club 3
us as evil. lwill be writting articles overthe - The Lyons Club continues to meet at
next few months in hopes of changing that. the Pride Center on the second Monday
This month’s topic is lmbolc Sabbat which in February is the 10th. Meetings
which is on February 2, The present day are open to any interested individuals.
celebration of Groundhog Day is related to n
this old celebration. In various cultures, MOVCODIC PCOSI‘
lmbolc has been know as Candlemas, Moveable Feast is always in need of s
lmbolc Brigantia (Feb 1, Caledonii), Lupercus volunteers. If you can drive a car, you
(Strega), Candlaria (Mexican Craft), and can change a life. Call 252-2867.
Disting (Feb 14 Tutonic Tradition). All of these
are close to the cross quarter day, or the Transgender Lobby Day
day half way between the winter solstice [3y Dawn
and the spring Equinox. All celebrate the
banishment of winter and welcoming of The AnnuaLKentucky Transgendered
early signs of spring. lobbying effort IS taking place Thursday, a
lmbolc is a festival of the Maiden in Feb.'6th. There Will be a organizational :
preparation for growth and renewal. The meetingat 4pm Sunday'Feb 2nd at the
darkest three months of the year have HIM burlding m Loursvrlle at 8th and
passed, the days are growing longer, and Breckenridge. If you have any questions
we know that winter is losing its hold on the call Dawn at 502 454—5657 or at 475-4559 3
world. lmbolc is the feast of renewing light, Dn lobby day we ask that you dress m M
as the Sun God grows and strengthens, business attire appropriate t9 your presen- if?
The name Can dlemas comes from the tatlon. There Is a lot of walking and stand— ::
ancient tradition oflighting candles through- 3/39, SC; Elsjsehwear ofmfortable shois. 2
out ones home, sometimes in the shape of att O . . as spo en to staff at t e $3
stars, to welcome the son of the Goddess-- Capitol burldlng and they assured ”.8 there 33*“
the Star Child. would be no problems getting folks in If our if
The term lmbolc comes from the Celtic presentations and names don't match our .
word “oimelc” meaning sheep milk (ie: first legalle. They WI” be alerting the guards
milk). lt was in ’part a celebration of the working on the 17th that we are coming. a
return of milk to the homes of those who 80 feel free to be your fabulous femme or [‘33
. manly self! Security has been stepped up 3;;

kept animals. , _ J;
A simple way to mark this sabbat is to at the Capitol 8.0 please leave anything 4“
place a glass of warm milk or spring water that can be consrdered a weapon by secu-
on your alter, light white candles, and invite rity personnel at home. M,
GLSO page 10 :3

a GLSO News Sponsors 2002
all SisterSound..............................243-0243
“9 Diverse music for all women

Richardson Vision Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
, 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
at Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055
:3: For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483

Prudential Securities, David Cupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033

Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families
0” TeresaWagoner ..........................494-1831
Caldwell Banker
Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
A Charity Organization
‘3’ TheBarCompIex .........................255-1551
n; 224 East Main Street
In: Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
ms Seeking a Diverse Congregation
sin Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
3“" 1513 Nicholasville Road
es. WindyKnoIIFarm .........................299-7410
:2: Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
:3: Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
ids Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
in: Rehearsal every Sunday
up PegasusTraveI ..........................253-1644
”‘9 Donating 10% to GLSO
GLSO page 11

 Ca" ""mbe’m 1 I ebruary Q 2003
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Pride Center Open 10-3
11am Valentine Gift
Sale, Pride Center
2pm Fiarness
Lobbying Training
6pm Ace League,
Fundraiser, Berea
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,
9:30 & 11 :15 uu Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Sistah's 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
Worship Service 7 pm P'FLAQ Berea Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center ’ (Call for place) _ .. ‘ , ’ _
BRUNCH 9:30 PUbl'C Library—Berea 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Transgender Lobby Day , 7PM Wiccan/Pagan (Call 1' PW ”Vital/‘1’ 5‘ 21199141"
6 pm imperial Court 8 pm AA Step StUdY (Call for place) Frankfort for Place) voting adults A Prlde
Pride Center (Call for place) . 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Center
6 pm SisterSound Southland Lanes
(Call for Place)
7P Dignity (Call for Place)
9 1 O 11 1 2 . 1 3 14 1 5
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7PM Lexington Lyons 7 Pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group Hate-Free Ky Lobby Day, 7 pm Lesbian Movie Pride Center Open 10-3
6 pm lmperial Court Pride Center Soulforce Study Group Pride Center Frankfort . _
Pride Center 8 pm AA Step study call Jamie 2305625 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Night, Pride Center
6 pm SisterSound (Call for place) (Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Call for Place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling (Call for place)
7P Men of All Colors ‘ Southland Lanes
1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 21
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7PM GSA (Call for Place) 7 pm Discussion Group Youth and Family Lobby 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
6 pm SisterSound (Call for place) Pride Center Day, Frankfort (Call for place) 2pm One World Films,
(Call for Place) 7 7 pm GLSO Board 7pm One World Films, 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM Wiccan/Pagan (Call The Educatrion of
7PM Dignity (Call for Place) Meeting; open The Truce, Central 9 Pm Rainbow B°W|in9 7 Pm Jilbi'ee Fe”°WShiP for Place) Little Tree, Central
3:15 One World Film: Library Theater Southland Lanes Pride Center Library Theater
Lagaan, UK Student 1°Pm Tiffany and CO. 7pm Andrew’s Club-
Center-Worsham Benefit - Club 141 Tb, young adults _.
Theater Pride Center
23 24 25 26 . . 27 . 28 .
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Fairness Steering 7 pm Discussmn Group People of Faith Lobby Day, 7pm Wiccan/Pagan Pot-
6 pm SisterSound 8 pm AA Step Study Committee Pri d Center Pride Center Frankfort Luck
(Call for Place) (Call for place) e 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6PM Imperial Court Pride SoulforceStudy Group (Call for place) Pride Center (Call for place)
Center call Jamie 230-5625 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7pm Gaymes Night-
7 pm One World Films Southland Lanes Pride Center
Stranger With a
Camera, Ky Theater
W __——_—_—
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Barbara lorban: early on to use her deep, rich voice to her
Stateswoman advantage, making a nametfor herself In lea
1m Mam Crone hIgh school oratory competItIons. In the ing
early 19505, one of the nation's few African- ofi
In her brief political career, Barbara American female lawyers, Edith Spurlock
Jordan repeatedly made history. In 1966, Sampson, spoke at Jordan's high SChOOI OP‘
she became the first African American and inspired the young woman to become a gra
since 1883 to sit in the Texas state lawyer - a difficult career path at that time, wh
Senate and the first black woman ever a when only one law school in Texas admitted Thi
member of that body. In 1972’ she blacks. Jordan's family knew she was capa- vot
became the first southern African ble, encouraged her and helped finance her com
American woman to become a member of education.
the Congress of the United States. Jordan graduated from Phyllis Wheatley the
More than these landmarks, Jordon is High School in 1952 and attended Texas State Du
remembered for her moral leadership, her Univ. where She earned a degree in govern- J0!
commanding presence, and her powerful ment. She was accepted to Boston P01
oration. She addressed and captivated University's Law School, where she had her 3h,
our entire nation on several historic occa- first non-segregated educational experience. fen
sions including the televised In 1959, at age 23, Jordon was one of be<
Congressional debate on weather to two black women graduated from Boston wit
impeach President Richard Nixon. She University Law School. She quickly passed Jo,
was the first black woman to make the both the Massachusetts and Texas bar wa
keynote address at the Democratic exams. She returned to Texas where she wo
National Convention in 1976. After her was only the third African-American woman
death in 1996, she made history one last to be licensed to practice law in that state. |es
time when her long-term relationship with Jordan's first clients came from her family's Jor
a woman became public knowledge church. Wills and divorces for church mem- shi
Jordan was born on February 21, bers became the staple of her law practice, acc
1936 in Houston Texas, well before the which she ran from her parents' dining room. fen
beginning of World War "_ She experi- The routine of this work was not enough to Eai
enced the Jim Crow days of the Texas engage her brilliant mind so she became edI
south, lived in segregated neighborhoods involved in the local Democratic Party where Jor
where she was nurtured by an extended she thought She might have the opportunity anc
community, and attended segregated to make a larger impact in support of her am
schools that were no doubt poor in community. _
resources but supportive and encourag- Her f'rSt campaign work was for the JOh"
ing. She is remembered as a tall, stout Kennedy- Lyndon Johnson “Cket m 1960‘
. .. . . . She started out by stuffing envelopes, but
girl who was ”Ct traditionally femInIne m was soon asked to fill in at the last minute for
appearance. a speaker who became ill. "I was startled
Her family was actively involved in the with the impact i had on people." Jordan
local Baptist church, and when Jordan recalled of that first campaign speech, deliv-
was a teenager, her father took up ered inachurch. "Those people were just as '
preaching. Perhaps inheriting and/or turned on and excited as if some of the head
emulating her father's gift, Jordan learned candidates had been there to talk about the (Pitt
ISSUES." ...oontinued on next page ijm
GLSO page 14 1

 er; Recognizing her talentei local party friendship, even after the two women
m leaders promptly placed her on the speak- bought five acres of land together near
'9 ing circuit, where she came to the attention Austin and custom-built a house there.
Tani of many prominent Texas Democrats. In 1972, Jordan achieved one of her
k 5 During that campaign she also devel- greatest ambitions when she won a seat
0' oped a well organized black-worker pro- in the US. House of Representatives and
a gram for 40 predominantly black precincts became the South's first black congress-
3: . which resulted in an 80% voter turn out. woman. She asked past us. president
d This was the most successful get-out—the- Lyndon Johnson's advise on which com-
ii'i‘ vote campaign in that county that anyone mittee to request and he advised her to
=r COUlCl recall. seek a seat on the Judiciary Committee.
In 1952 and 54 She ran and lOSt bids for Johnson put his considerable influence
Y- the Texas House of Representatives. behind her and she got the seat.

9 During the second campaign, some of Within two years, Richard Nixon was
5;, Jordan's advisers warned her about a under investigation for his role in what is
h potentially career-damaging predicament: known as the Watergate Scandal and it
r She had gone on the stump with a c