xt7k3j39333s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j39333s/data/mets.xml Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Sponsored by the Tennessee State Planning Commission; xiii, 138 leaves, 28 cm; Reproduced from type-written copy; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14: Am3/2/no.20 books English Nashville, Tennessee: The Tennessee Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Checklist of Tennessee Imprints, 1841-1850 text Checklist of Tennessee Imprints, 1841-1850 1941 1941 2015 true xt7k3j39333s section xt7k3j39333s     V   T.     -`»    °   l                  ·
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 T »” -111-
In the summer of l958 the American Imprints Inventory of the
Historical Records Survey Program undertook e survey of extent copies
of eerly American imprints located in libraries and other depositories
throughout the nation. More particularly, the purpose of the American
Imprints Inventory is to make s complete record of printing and publish-
ing in the continental United States since the establishment of the first
American press, in l659 et Cambridge, Massachusetts. Over 2,lO0,000
, volumes have been examined in Tennessee, and of these, nearly 80,000
were found to be printed in the United States prior to l877, the date
limit for the survey. Of this total, the number of Tennessee imprints
is approximately l,2OO different titles dating from l795, three yeers
before Tennessee's admission into the Union. In Tennessee, as in other
states, the Historical Records Survey also is engaged in the preparation
of inventories of county end municipal archives, church archives, manu—
script depositories and collections, and in making transcripts of
especially significant public records. Approximately l,6OO books heve
been published by the several state Historical Records Survey Projects.
A list of publications of the Tennessee Survey eppenrs in this volume.
This book, Qggcg Lis; gf Tennessee lmerints, l84l—l&§Q, is the
second imprints publication prepared in Tennessee end the twentieth in
the country. The orthodox practice has been for publications of the
American Imprints Inventory to be prepared in the central editorial
office of the imprints program in Chicago. The general pattern of check
lists has consisted of listing ell issues of the press of e particular
state in chronological order end alphabetically thereunder; the holdings
of depositories scattered throughout the country have been described.
The first Tennessee imprints publication devieted from each of these
principles. The gist_gQ Tennessee Imerints, l]95—l340, in Tennessee
Libraries, published in the summer of léel, wss the first imprints publi-
_ cation prepared in e state editorial office of the Historical Records
t Survey, end, es indicated by its title, limited its coversge to holdings
J found only in Tennessee.
i The Check List gi Tennessee lggrintg, l§gl;l§QQ, also wss prepared
by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey but returns to the netionel
pattern in that ell reported titles, irrespective of locations, ere listed.
- Thus titles found in Tennessee libraries have been supplemented by titles
» loceted in other states. These titles have been furnished the Tennessee
. Historical Records Survey through the notional clearing-house of the
imprints program nt Chicago. Tlwse titles have not, however, been checked
with the Union Cetnlog of the Library of Congress for additional locations.
A third check list of Tennessee imprints, being prepared by the
Chicago Office, is nearing completion. Thst check list, to be issued
early in l942, will supplement the List gi Tennessee Imnrints, l7€5—l840,
in Tennessee Librgrige in that the holdings of Tennessee imprints for
the period l795—l8QO, regsrdless of location, will be listed.

This book lists 505 Tennessee titles found in some 57 states.
Among them are a few held by private collectors. Each entry is a full
description of the title page of a Tennessee imprint, Books for which no
title pages were found are so designated by brief notations. Other
pertinent information on certain titles also is included, following the
pagination and measurement of the books. After every title paragraph a
symbol for the collection in which a copy may be found is entered. A `
list of symbols designating the title of the library or owner of the
imprint is included in this volume. A general subject index and an index
to printers follow the listing; references in both are to entry number
The field work which resulted in the preparation of this book and
preparation of the draft of this volume were under the supervision of
George F. Bentley, former Imprints Editor of the Tennessee Survey,
assisted by Edna Evans, Lucile Hosale, Belle H, Gaines, and Silas P.
Grady. The draft was prepared in accordance with instructions of the
Washington Office of the Historical Records Survey Program, It was re-
viewed by the editors in the Washington and Chicago Offices, headed by
Wilhelmina E. Carothers, chief editor of the imprints program, and in
the State by Robert Cassell. Typing and stencil cutting were done by Ona
Mae Chilcutt, Helen P. Allen, and Patsy R. Floyd. Much of the field work
in Tennessee was done while T. Marshall Jones, State Supervisor of Research
and Records Programs, served as State Supervisor of the Survey, and while
Dan Lacy, Assistant to the National Director, served as Regional Supervisor,
Grateful acknowledgment is made to all librarians and custodians of
institutions whose holdings are represented in this book. Chief among
this group is the staff of the Joint University Library of Nashville.
Dr. A. F. Kuhlman, Director of the Library, has taken an active interest
in the program of the Tennessee Survey and has assisted the program in
many ways. Also invaluable has been the assistance of Mrs. Brainerd
Cheney, Reference Librarian of the Joint University Library, and Miss
Isabel Howell, Head of the Catalog Department. Grateful and particular
acknowledgment is made to Hrs. John Trotwood Moore, State Librarian and
Archivist; Miss Gladys Wiley, of the Tennessee State Library staff; Miss
Lucile Deaderick, former head of the McClung Collection of the Lawson
McGhee Library; Miss Helen M, Harris, Librarian of Lawson McGhee Library;
and Miss Mary E. Baker, Librarian of the University of Tennessee.
Acknowledged also are the efforts of the Historical Records Survey staffs
in other states in making available many of the Tennessee titles listed
in this volume,
Madison Bratton, State Supervisor
The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
December 27, l94l

 .. 'V' ...
Preface ........ .........¤ . ..........¤........................ .... iii
Key to Symbols ................................. , ................. vi
Check List of Tennessee Imprints, 184l—185O .............. . ....... 1
Appendices ....................................................... 10 7
Index to Printers . ....... . .... . ..... . ......... ..... ......... 4 .... 118
General Subject Index .... .................. .... ....... . ...... .... 125
List of Publications of the Tennessee Historical Records Survey .. 157

A-Ar State Department of Archives and History Montgomery, Ala.
A—GS Geological Survey of Alabama Library University, Ala.
AAuP Alabama Polytechnic Institute Library Auburn, Ala.
AB Public Library Birmingham, Ala.
ABBS Birminghmm—Southoru College, Mi Piwl
Phillips Library Birmingham, Ala.
AECC Circuit Court Library Birmingham, Ala.
AFL? Florence Store Tocchcrs' College Library Florence, Ala.
AHuOJ Oakwood Junior College Huntsville, Ala.
ArBaA Arkansas College Library Batesville, Ark.
ArCH Hendrix College Library Conway, Ark.
ArClC College of the Ozarks Library Clarksville, Ark.
Az Arizona State Library Phoenix, Ariz.
G California Store Library Sacramento, Cul.
GLSU University of Southern California Library Los Angeles, Cul.
CSansS Son Francisco Theological Seminary Library San Anselmo, Cal.
GSjoSCL Santa Clara Couniy Law Library Son Jose, Cul.
CSmH Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery San Marino, Cal.
CSi Stanford University Library Stanford University,
CSt·L Lane Medical Librcry Stanford University,
GStrSL Sonoma County Low Library Santa Rooo, Cul.
CU University of California, General Library Berkley, Cul.
CU—B Bancroft Library Borklqy, Cul.
CLHG Hartford Seminary Foundation, Cass Memorial
LibTGI§' Hartford, Conn.
GtHT Trinity Collogo Library Hartford, Conn.
CtHW;bk Hatkinson Library Hartford, Conn.
CtMH Wesleyan University Library Middletown, Conn.
CEY Yolo University Library New Haven, Conn.
DBRE Euroou of Railway Ecomomico Library Dist. of Columbia
` DQS U. S. Goologiccl Survey Library Dist. of Columbia
DLC Library of Congress Dist. of Columbia
DSC Supreme Council of the 550 Dist. of Columbia
DSG U. S. Surgeon Gcnorcl's Office Dist. of Columbia
DC Delaware State Library Dover, Dol.
F—SC Supreme Court Library Tallahassee, Flu.
FLl Public Library Lakeland, Flo.
FQ Public Library Quincy, Flo.
GA Carnegie Library Atlanta, Ga.
GAGTh. Gummon Theological Seminary Atlanta, Go.
GAU Atlanta University Library Atlanta, Gu.
GAuX Young Mcn's Library Association Augusta, Gu.
GDocCT Columbia Theological Seminary Library Decatur, Go. A
GEU Emory University, Asn Griggs Coudlcr Library Emory University, Ga.

 _ — vii —
Key to Symbols
‘ GEU—T Emory University, Theological Library Emory University, Ga.
»l GHi Georgia Historical Society Library Smvannuh, Ga.
GMilvC Georgia State College for Women Library Millodgcvillo, Ga.
. GMW Wesleyan Collcgo, Candler Memorial Library Macon, Ga.
I Illinois State Library Springfield, Ill.
ICBB Bethany Bible Seminary Chicago, Ill.
lCHi Chicago Historical Society, Gilpin Libra1y· Chicago, Ill.
ICJ John Crorur Library Chicago, Ill.
ICN Newberry Libra1y· Chicago, Ill.
ICT Chicago Theological Seminary, Hammond
Library Chicago, Ill.
, ICU University of Chicago Library Chicago, Ill.
IE Public Library Evanston, Ill.
IRG Garrett Biblical Instituto Library Evanston, Ill.
IHi Illinois State Historical Library Springfield, Ill.
L IRA Augustana Collcgc, Dcukmnum Memorial
Library Rock Island, Ill
IU University of Illinois Library Urbana, lll.
Ia Iowa State Traveling Library Dos Moines, Iowa
IaBo Erickson Public Librmiy‘ Boone, Iowa
laCrM Iowu Masonic Libroiy Gcdzr BapidS, Iowa
luDuGL Grant Law Library Dgvouport, Iowa
IuDaM Davenport Public Museum Library (formorly
Davenport Academy of Science) Davenport, Iowa
luHi State Historical Society of Iowa Library Iowa City, Iowa
IaHoL Lenox College Library Hcpkinton, Iowa
lcU State University of lovm Library Iona City, Iowa
IaU—L ____Law Library Iowa City, Iowa
Im—SC Indiana Supreme Court Law Library Indianapolis, Ind.
InBo Public Liluw1y" Bedford, Iud.
InFtwL Lincoln Nutiouil Lifo Foundation,
Lincoln Library Fort Wayne, Ind.
InGrD Dcpauw University Library Greencastle, Ind.
IuHi Indiana Historical Society, William
Henry Smith Memorial Library Indianapolis, Ind.
lnNd University of Notre Dame Library Notre Dune, Ind,
IuU Indiana University Library Bloomington, Ind.
KBB Baker University Library Baldwin City, Kan.
KHi Kansas State Historical Society Library Topeka, Hum.
Ky Koniucky Stats Library Frankfort, ky.
KyBgB Businoac University Library Bowling Groom, Ky.
KyBgW Western Kentucky State Toachors' Collage
Library Bowling Grccu, Ky.
KyHi Kcmtucky Stats Historical Library Frankfort, Ky.
KyHop Public Library Hopkinsville, Ky.
KyLx Public Library Lexington, Ky.
KyLxEL rgyutte Souuty Luv Library Lczington, Ky.

 — viii - `
Roy to Symbols
. KyLxT Transylvania Collogo Library Lexington, Ky.
KyOw Frcc Public Library Owensboro, Ky.
‘ KyU—L Univeroity of Kentucky, Low Library Loxington, Ky.
L Louisiana State Library New Orleans, Lu.
LNB Baptist Bible Instituto Library New Orloano, La.
LNBA Louisiana State Bar Association Librc;y· New Orleans, La.
LNHT Tulane University Library Now Orleans, Lu.
LNM1s Masonic Library Now Orleans, La.
LHStM Saint Mary Dominica College Library New Orleans, La.
LU Louisiana Stuto University Library Baton Rouge, La.
M Massachusetts Stats Library Boston, Mass.
MA Amhorot Oollcgo, Converse Memorial Library Amherst, Mass.
MAbD Dyer Memorial Library Abington, Hass.
HB Public Library Boston, Mass.
MBAt Booton Athonaowu Boston, Haos.
MED Diocesan Library, Episcopal Church Boston, Moss.
MBFH Massachusetts Grand Lodge, F. & A. Q.
Library Boston, Mass.
iiil Boston Medical Library Boston, Mess.
M3NlHi Now England Methodist Historical Society
Library Boston, Mass.
MBr Public Library Brookline, Mass.
MGM Massachusetts Instituto of Tochnology
Libr¤ry· Cambridge, Moss.
MH Harvard Universit; Library Cambridge, Mass.
mH—AH Amdovor—Horvsrd Theological Seminary
Library Cambridge, Mass. `
MH~BA ____Lusimoos Administration, Boker Library C2mbrid€o, Moss.
HH—L ____Low School Library Cambridge, Mass.
MH—Z Muooum of Gompmrotivo Zoology Library‘ Cambridge, Hows.
MHi Hossuchuoctto Historical Society Library Boston, Hass.
` MNtcA Andover Ncwton Thoologiotl Library Newton Center, Moss.
, MWA American Antiquarian Society Library Worcester, Moss.
MUGL Worcester County Law Library Association Worcester, Mass.
Md Moqylond State Library Annapolis, Md.
HQBB Library Company of the Baltimore Bar Library Baltimore, Hd.
MdBD Maryland Diocesan Library Bultimorc, Md.
HQBE Enoch Pratt Froo Library" Bultinoro, Md. A
MGBJ John Hopkins University Library Baltimore, Md.
MGBLC Loyola Collogo Library Baltimore, Md.
MQBH Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of
Maryland Library Baltimore, Md.
MQBP Pomboly lnstitutoLLibr;qy Boltimoro, Md.
Mdhi Maryland Historical Society Baltlnoro, HJ.
MdU—L University of Maryland, School of Law
Library Bnltimorc, Md.
MdU—M Medical Library Baltimore, MJ.
Mo—LR Maine State Library Legislative Roforcnco
Burouo Auguste, Mo.

 Y 4,
.. j_X_ ..
Key to Symbols
McHi Maine Historical Society Librapy Portland, Me.
MeSc Public Library Scarbcrc, Me.
Mi Michigan State Library Lansing, Mich.
M13 Public Library Detroit, Mich.
MiD—B Buxton Historical Collection Detroit, Mich.
miDB Detroit Bar Association Libruxy Detroit, Mich.
LiGr Public Library Grand Rapids, Mich.
LiL Public Library Lansing, Mich.
MiS—B Butmun—Fish Library Saginaw, Mich.
MiU University of Michigan Library Ann Arbor, Mich.
MiU~C ____Hillium L. Clements Library Ann Arbor, Mich.
MmHi Minnesota Eistorical Society St. Paul, Minn.
MnSH Hamline University Library Si. Paul, Minn.
HmU Univcr$ity of Minnesota Librupy Minneapolis, Minn.
M0 Miasouri State Library Jefferson City, H0. ~.*
m0CgSV Saint Viuce¤t's College Library Cape Girardeau, M0.
h0FayC Central Collage Librmyy Fayette, H0.
M0KRA Rcdcmptcrist Acudmqf Kansas City, M0.
MOS Public Librayy of the City of Saint Louis St. Louis, M0.
M0SHi missouzi Historical Soeicty Libyary St. Louis, M0.
MOS; St. Louis Lswcimtils Lib?;ry Association St. Louis, M0.
MOSU St. Louis Univgrsiby LYbrary St. Louis, K0.
M0SU—m School of gcdiciue and Dcmtisiry
Library St. Louis, M0.
MQSW Washington University Libraqy St. Louis, M0.
MoU University of Kisscuri Library Columbia, H0.
Hs Mississippi State Libru1y Jackson, L1sS.
Hs—Ar Stats Department of Aschivcs and History Jackson, Miss.
MsCliM Mississippi College Library Clinton, Miss.
MSJMG dillsnps College Libraqy Jackson, Miss.
MSJPED Diocese of mississippi Protestant
Bpisuopol Church Jackson, Liss.
MSLE Eastman Memorial Foundation Libr&Kf Laurel, Kiss.
MSU University of Missis$ippi Library Umivcrsihy, Miss.
NBLiHi Long Island Historical Society Library Brooklyn, N. Y.
NBLS Medical Society of the County of Kings
and Academy Of Mcdiciue of Brooklyn
Library Byuokkyn, N. Y.
NBu Buffalo Public Library Buffalo, N. Y.
NBuDD Delaney Divinity School Libra}? Buffalo, N. Y.
NCH Hamilton College Library Clintmn, N. Y.
HB1 New York Historical Society Library New York, H. Y.
NIC Cornell University Library Ithaca, N. Y.
NN Public Libraqy New York, N. Y.
ENA Ameyicuu Guographiuml Seciety Library New Yurk, N. Y.
NNC Culumkia University Library New Yurk, N. Y.
NNC—L Law Library New York, N. Y.
NNEM Gran; Ledge of New Y¤yL, E. SYA. L. Nyc York, N. Y.
NRG Gumcrul Thquiogicgl Seminary Librrry New York, N. Y.

 ’ 'S
.. X —
Kay to Symbols
NNLI New York Law Institute Library New York, N. Y.
NNN American Museum of Natural History Library New York, N. Y.
NNAHi Methodist Historical Society Library New York, N. Y.
NNHAJ New York Academy of Medicine Library New York, H. Y.
NNHHi Naval Historical Society New York, H. Y.
HNUT Union Theological Seminary Library Nc‘ .ti· York, H. Y.
NNim Public Library Niagra Falls, H. Y.
Nb Nebraska State Library Lincoln, Neb.
Nc North Carolina State Library Raleigh, N. C.
Nc—SC Supreme Court Library Raleigh, N. C.
NcAS Scndlcy Reference Library Asheville, N. C.
NcD Duke University Library Durham, N. C.
NcMHi Historical Foundation, Prsskgtcrian and
Reformed Church Montrtat, N. C.
NcU University of North Carolina Library Chapel Hill, N. C.
NcNsH Moravian Arckives Hinst0n—Salem, N. C.
Nh New Hampshire State Library Concord, N. H.
Nj New Jsrscy Stats Library Trenton, N. J.
NjwE· Drew Cniversity Library Madison, N. J.
NjN Public Library Newark, N. J.
Nj? Princeton University Library Princeton, N. J.
NjPT Princeton Theological Seminar? Library Princeton, N. J.
NjR Rutgers University Library New Brunswick, N. J.
Nv Nevada State Library Carson City, Nev.
O Ohio State Library Columbus, O.
OBerB Baldwin—U≪ce College, Philura Gould
Baldwin Memorial Library Berea, O.
CC Public Library of Cincinnati, County
Library, District of Hamilton County Cincinnati, O.
OCHP Historical and Philosophical Society cf
Ohio Library Cincinnati, O.
OCLsw Cincinnati Law Library Association Cincinnati, O.
OCLl0yd Lloyd Library Cincinnati, O.
OC4 Masonic Library Association Cincinnati, O.
OCl Public Library Cleveland, O.
0ClU Lcstcrn Reserve University Library Cleveland, O.
OClLHi Western Reserve Historical Society Library Cleveland, O.
ODaB Doncbrahs Theological Scrinary Library Dayton, O.
OTH Hayes Mcmcrisl Library Fremont, O.
OMC Marietta College Library Marictta, O.
OO Oberlin College Library Oberlin, O.
OHLuw Trumbull Count; Lai .‘.¢ Library Warren, O.
0kHi Oklahoma Historical Society Library Oklahoma City, Okla.
Or—SC Supreme Cwurt Library Salem, Orc.
U?S&W—L Lillmmcttc University Libraiy, Law Library Salem, Orc.
P Pennsylvania Stats Library Harrisburg, Ps.
PCA Ambrican Baptist distcrical Society Library Chester, Pa.
PCC Crczsr The0l0;icsl Scninary, Bucknell Library Chester, P2.

 ,- xi —
Key to Symbols
PHi Historical Society of Pennsylvania Library Philadelphia, Pa.
° PPAmP American Philosophical Society Library Philadelphia, Pa.
i PPE Philadelphia Boy Association Library Philadelphia, Po.
PROP College of Ph sioicns of Philadelphia
_ Library Philadelphia, Po.
PPTJ Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. Philadelphia, Pm.
PPL Library Company of Philadelphia Pliladclphio, Po.
· PFL—R ____Bidgwoy Branch Piiladelphia, Pu.
PPLT Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth
Memorial Library, Mount Aipy Philadelphia, Po.
PPM Mercantila Library Philadelphia, Pm.
PPPrHi Presbyterian Historical Society Library Philadelphia, Po.
- PPTU—L Tomplo Univorsity Library, Low School
Librapy Philadelphia, Po.
PPiAL Alloghomy County Low Library Pittsburgh, Po.
PU—L University of Pennsylvania Librozy,
l Biddlo Law Libroiyo Philadelphia, Pu.
» R Rhoda Island Stotc Libyory Providence, R. I.
RFB Brown University Stoke Library Providence, R. I.
RPL Stoto Low Library Providence, R. I.
ScClcA Clemoon Agricultural College Lioyary Clemson, S. C.
ScCoCG Columbia Collogc Columbic, S. C.
ScCoT Lutheran Thcologicol Southern Seminoiy
Library Columbia, S. C.
ScSpW Wofford Collogo Libroyy Spartanburg, S. C.
SGU University of South Carolina Librory Columbia, S. C.
T Tonnossoc Stats Library Nashville, Toon.
T—SC Tonnossoo Supreme Court Library Naohvillc, Tonn.
TBriK King Collogc Library Bristol, Tenn.
TCh Public Library Chottouooéu, Tenn.
TCIQL Chattanooga Collcgo of Law Library Chattanooga, Toon.
TClc Public Library Cleveland, Tenn.
TCooP Tonmoosoc Polytechnic Institute Library Cookeville, Toon.
THHS Tomncssoc Historical Rccords Survey Nashville, Tenn.
THi Tonmossoc Hiotoyicul Sooioiy Hoohvillo, Tenn.
TJ2L Lamo Collogc Library Jaogson, Toon.
TJoLum Lambuth Collogo Libyory Jackson, Tenn.
TJaLow Jockoon Public Low Libroqy Jcckson, Toon.
TJuU Union University Library Jackson, Toon.
TJOT State Tu2churs' Collcgo Librmiy Johnson City, Tenn.
TK—SG Supromo Couyt Library Hnoxvillc, Tonn.
TKL—mc McClung Collection, Lawson McGhoc
Libyufy Knoxville, Toon.
TMoB Bax ond Low Library Association Momolis, Toon.
TMcC Cossitt Libraiy Mompbis, Tenn.
TN Public Librory Nosbvillo, lain.
THE Tonmossoc School for the Blind Libroyy Nashville, Tenn.

 -— xii -—
Key to Symbols
TNF Fisk University Wallace Buttrick Memorial
_ _ .1 9
~ Library Nashville, Tenn.
L TNL David Lipscomb College Library Nashville, Tenn.
THMPH Methodist Publishing House Library Nashville, Tenn.
TEP Georre Feabodr Colle¤e for Teachers Library Nashville Tenn.
0 J O J }
· *’¥‘*,Yn3 f" ..~-.»   4·+ '\ '[ _ G ' - ·».·».q Y ‘-W -7'l ` 1, "R -»-
lim.; »:Ce;.;l].co Coi...og~, LllJl<1.Lf L¤&SLl»7.;..»..LL, léllfh
TUV Vanderbilt University General Library Nashville, Tenn.
TNV—L School of Law Library Nashville, Tenn.
TNT Y. M. C. A. Ccneral Library Nashville, Tenn.
TU University of Tennessee Library Knoxville, Tenn.
Tx Tones State Library Austin, Tex.
Tx—SC Supreme Court Library Austin, Tex.
TxAbM Hcdurrv College Library Abilene Tex.
·. ·. .. _ 9
TxuaM Soutnern Mctnodist University Librarv DHll&S Tex.
. ¤. 3
TxDaM—L _Lan Library Dallas, Tex.
TxHuT Sam Houston State Teacners' College,
Estill Library Huntsville, Tex.
TXU University of Texas Library Austin, Tex.
TrU~M __School of Medicine Library Galveston, Tex.
ViL Jones Memorial Library Lynchburg, Va.
ViHA Richmond Academy of Medicine Richmond, Va.
ViRC Confederate Museum Library Richmond, Va.
ViU University of Virginia Library Charlottesville, Ya.
W Wisconsin State Library Madison, Wis.
WHi State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Library Madison, Lis.
WM Milwaukee Public Library Milwaukee, Wis.
UMFWN First Wisconsin Nationel Bank Library Milwaukee, His.
UU University of Uisconsin Library Madison, Wis.
VU—Geo Geology and Geography Library Madison, Wis.
HU—M Medical Library Madison, His.
UaU University of Washington Library Seattle, Uask.
Brmus British Museum London, Eng.
l Qgivnte Collections
Allen Hrs. Penelope Johnson Allen Cnettanooga, Tenn.
Arkansas School for the Arkansas School for the
Blind Library Blind Library Little Rock, Ark.
Laker J. Leroy Baker Princeton, Ky.
l—Beptist First Baptist Church Knoxville, Tenn.
Barham Judge H. R. Barham Jackson, Tenn.
Lenoist Hrs. P. Lcncist Natchez, diss.
Bevill Dr. C. Levill Waldron, Ark.

 A — xiii —
Key to Symbols
Eishop Dr. D. H. Bishop Oxford, Miss.
niece Gov. Jes. D. Black Berbourville, Ky.
. ¤0¤q C. G. Bond (estate) Jackson, Tenn.
Bono R. H. Bond Jackson, Tenn.
Crrrier C J Carrier D·" " o
W - » . . e ·riugemeter, Ve.
G¤§@¤Fm _ Col. Gereld Chothem Hernando, Miss. _
College of the Bible College of the Bible Lexington, iv.
County bupt. County Supt. of DeSote
_ _+ County Hernando, Miss.
CoulCer E. Merton Coulter Athens, Ce.
Cf¤¤@ R. C. Crane Sweetwater, Tex.
, CYPGFD Judge Eugene Cypert Searcy, Ark.
Eberstsdt Edward Eberstedt New York, N. Y.
Hqys* Hrs. Mille W. Heys Menden, Le.
. H€&T~m&¤ Cnerles F. Heurtmnn Memphis, Tenn.
Huston A. J. Huston Portland, Me.
Irvin Rev. M. K. Irvin Lake Village, Ark.
Johnson Mrs. James G. Johnson Knoxville, Tenn.
Jones Troy Jones Harrison, Ark.
Lungford L. A. Longford Cookeville, Tenn.
We " "’• ’.`1-‘." i 1
%CAitnuL J. T. heArtnur Coroele, Ge.
w ‘* ‘ 2 ‘rc< `r”·»»» · Y w - ' *•
int lmtC1 nr. & Mrs. J. G. Matthews Jmcxson, Miss.
noxxlwetner J. H. Merriwether Jackson, Tenn.
goore Mrs. B. W. Moore Durant, Miss.
noore 'G. H. Moore Newurk, Ark.
Morton H. D. Morton Mt. Home, Ark.
s .-. . . . _ _
O Helo hrs. J. C. O'Hnre krinceton, Ky.
éslntcr .Pnlnter Collection rrinrs Point, niss.
)nlllioe Judge E. P. Fhillips Murrqy, Ky.
Tipnin Mrs. Ninos Pipkin Mena, Ark.
Potter Mrs. J. C. Potter New Albony, Ind.
§uvlor T David F, Teylor Russellville, Ky.
momneenu Jenn Hiilinm Townsend Lexingtonp KY.
Tuttle Churles L. Tuttle Hutlund, Vt.
1,*;&3—jL;_md Izp-,... oh.-, w .,  o 1:.*... fn q v ..--- 1 .
urs. C .rlce i. unJlnne nnonvillc, Tenn.
Yonge Julian C. Yonge Pensacola, Fla.

 - 1 -
__ 1841 ’
» 1841 ·· 1850
Almanacs. Tennessee,
Ho. XTIC Cumberland elnendc for the Veer of our Lord 1842: being
9 •.
the second after hissextile or leap yesr, and €6th & 67tn of Amezicen in-
dependence. Contuining the motions of the sun and noon-—the true phases
and aspects of the plencts—~the rising end setting of the sun-—the rising
and setting of the moon—-soler end luner eclipses, &c` Celculeted for
the horizon of Nashville, Ten, latitude E60 9* 4E" I,—·1ongitude 90 47*
l5" N. from`Weshington, and 860 47‘i15" from London. And with slight
variation, will onswer for Kentucky, Mississipfi and Alebemec By William
L. Uilleiord, A. M. Nashville: Printed end yublished by`H. F. Bang &
Cc. et the Reputlicsnllunner Office. [1841]
[ZG] p. illus. 17 cn. [ll
1.17}.. T.
Anderson, Alexander,
Address, delivered before the Chi-Delta Society of Bust Tennessee Uni-
~ i — versity, August Z, 1611. By Hon. Alexander Anderson. Knoxville; E. G.
Eastman. 1841,
» is p. 20.5 em. [2]
_· DLC. M3At. TTL Whi,
Baptists. Tennessee. q
State of Tennessee, Bedford County, Decrnbor 25, l84l, Je, Elders
William G. Wood, William Nnrtin, and John`Drdmlet, have this day entered
into cn agreement to try to unite the Baptist Church of Christ, and have
proposed this plenzi [Outline of the plan] Done in council with the
church at Rowsville, and assigned by order of the church, and consent of
the whole. Lodwic Holt, c1’k. [Shelbyville, 1841]
Broedsidc, 13.5 x 21 cn. [Z1
Baptists. Tennessee. Duck River Assoeixtion.
Ninut,s of the Duck Riv,r =,’ Lssociution of U~ptists, met and convened nt
— » ·¤ . ‘— ~» ‘ -`» " m rr H ·*
North Fork Church, Bediord Count* Ten., on Sctureuy b~fo.e tnt lst eundiy
3 J

 - g -
in September, 1841, and following days,... 1841. Nathaniel O. Blake,
printer, Shelbyville, Ten. ·
Cover title,4 p. 20,5 cm. [4]
No record of information omitted.
Finley, James.
Speech of James Finley, Esq, delivered before the New-Hope Temperance
Society, in Dickson County, Tennessee, on the Bd of July, 1841, (Pub-
lished by request of the Society.) [n.p. l84l?]
' 14 p. 20.5 cm. [5]
‘ Half title.
MdHi. OCHP. T.
Freemasons. Tennessee. Grand lodge,
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the state of Tennessee, at a Grand
Annual Communication, held at the Masonic Hall, in the city of Nashville,
on Monday, 4th October, A. L. 5841, A. D. 1841. Nashville. Printed by
Cameron and Fall-—Ofricc Tennessee Agriculturist, 1841,
26 p, 20.5 cm, [6]
IaC rl.’I. NIQFII. T.
Freemusons. Tennessee. Royal Arch Masons. Grand Chapter.
Proceedings of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, of the state of Tennes-
see, October, 1841. Nashville, Printed by Cameron end Fall——Office
i Tennessee Agriculturist. 1841.
_ ie p. zo em. [7]
Halsey, Lc Roy Jones.
Address to the Alumni Society of the University of Nashville, on the
Study of theology as a part of science, literature and religion. Deliver-
ed at Nashville, Tennessee, October 5, 184l, by the Rev. LG Roy J. H&1S9y,
Y A. H. With an appendix, containing a catalogue of the Alumni and certain
proceedings of the Society, Nashville; Printed by Cameron and Fall-

 - 7 -
Tennessee Agriculturist Office. 1841. {
48 p. 21 cm. [8]
Sabin 29922. C l
DLC. NH. PHi. T. THi. TKL-Mc. TEL, TEP, TxD; Whi. `Brhus,
Iiwassee Railroad Company.
_ First quarterly report of the president to the directors of the Ei-
, wassee Rail Road Company, for the year 1841. Athens, Tennessee: Hi"as— [·.
1 see Patriot Office print. 1841.
18 p. 23 mn. [9}
La Grange and Memphis Railroad Company. Chief Engineer.
Chief Engineer's report. To the president and directors of the La
Grange and Memphis Rail Road Company. [La Grange, l841?] 1
_ [8] p. 23 cm. {10]
Caption title.
Date on p. 4: La Grange, Dec. 1841.
Mack, William.
A discourse, delivered before the Senior Class of the Kbivcrsity of
East Tennessee, by Rev.`Um. Mack, minister of the Second Presbyterian
Church, Knoxville. 'Knoxville; Printed by Jas, C, loses. 1841.
Cover title, 12 p. 21 cm. [11]
TKL-Mc. TU, TXU, ’UIi.
Nuller, Albert A.
A funeral discourse, commemorative of the death of William Henry
Harrison, late President of the United States, pr·ached before the In-
depondont Guards and other citizens of Clarksville, Hay 14th, 1841, in
Trinity Church, Clarksville, by the rector, Rev, L. A, Muller, D. D.
. {Published by request.) Nashville, T. Printed 1y‘B.R..N'K©¤¤19»:Whl5
and Steam Press. 1841.
22 p. 22 cs. [121
lCHi. Mdhi.

 - 4 ,
Otey, James Hervey.
Christian education, a pastoral letter to the members and friends of
the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Tennessee, from Rt. Rev. James .
Hervey Otey, D. D., Bishop of Tennessee. January 1, 1841. Nashville, T.
Printed by B. R. M'Kennie,`Whig and Steam Press. 1841.
2O p. 25 cm. [15]
IMBD. MnHi. T.
Polk, James Knox.
Address of James K. Polk, to the people of Tennessee. Nashville:
4O p. 22.5 cm. [14]
Protestant Episcopal Church. Diocese of Tennessee.
Journal of the proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the
cler¤· and laitv of the Protestant E isco al Church in the Diocese of
of u 1
Tennessee, held in St. Pau1’s Church, Columbia, on 50th June, and lst, 2d
and Bd July, 1841. Nashville, T, Printed by B. R. M'Kennie,Ӵhig and
Steam Press. 1841.
25 p. 22.5 cm. [15]
‘ Remarks and facts in relation to insanity and‘the Lunatic Asylum.
Directed to the members of the General Assembly of the state of Tennes-
see. [Nashville, 18417]
15, [1] p. 25 cm. [16]
Caption title.
Signed and dated on p. 15: A citizen. Nashville, Nov. 25, 1841.
A statement of the facts and circumstances connected with the late`
trial of Dr. A. A. Muller, late rector of Trinity Church, Clarksville,
Tenn. Nashville, T. B,FL lUKennie, 1841.
22 Q. 21 cm. [17]
Sabin 51277.

- 5 - `
[Taylor, James B.]
.‘ Memoir of Rev. luther Rice, one of the first American missionaries to
.7 the East.... Nashville, Broadman Press, 184],
A sos p. zo cm. [is]
I `e No record of information o