xt7k3j393326 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j393326/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-01-07 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 15,  January 7, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 15,  January 7, 1915 1915 1915-01-07 2015 true xt7k3j393326 section xt7k3j393326 s
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’ University of Kent k
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I; Judge Lafferty Makes Ad- ~· Q rg EE ,l"""' " » i Gospel Teams Visit (jarljslo
· dress Before Amemcan ” * T and Falmouth During
Law Schools Body. _ , . the Holidays.
_" ll 2 l   —
__`__   ` O- . V l ,  _
State Unlvcrslty of Kentucky was , ·  _ * _   l ln a tearless, yet helpful manner
repnsonted at the- annual meeting of Q l_   t F l the eight men on the State University;
  tho A··¤¤l¤¤¤¤ of ·¤¤¤¤rl¤¤¤ IM ,,__ _ .   o  Y. hr. c. A. gospel mms wom at their
to ’ 8°h°°l’ in Chl°'•$‘l· J““““'Y 2830- DY ' - __·: WH l _ W _ ow I   · sl i   r v_ work of teaching practical Christianity
r ·'¤°•° W- ’l'-}+•¤°¤Y· Dew °* °h° C°‘· l   . _,     l to the men and boys or Carlisle gud
· l°" °' LV'- ‘**~r—· Falmouth, Ky.
This unoclstlon is composed ot The campaigns W d
. » . er
{ fcrty·thr•• law schools ot standard .----»-- ._..._.... l me days beghmm V:} gon Ected for
l gndo. Ita purpose ls to advance law mth and 'endm mi S ednes `:y’ D°°‘
· s
l school work ¤d.t¤ build up the grade NATURAL SCIENCE °U'L°'N° Carlisle is B sue C0 un as;   3m`
r    mm
l and nundord of the schools. _ —i;"i— 1300 people Som f rt un ic about
I ·' r 9 0
· _ Q 9 _
, The ot the law college ot             I   g Lexington on th L Z :1 es from
· Stats University will be raised next They did not med I mm°°d‘
l YOU'. All students under the age ot |‘ ’ ’ _ mma pahaps than¤t;0¤D6 team any
{ ·"·"*··· ¤···**°··*··*···—= M Str l I lllll lll llllllll llllllll! llllllllll Slllll Sllllllll   town     l °£"°”‘° “°“"
. whim- 1, ms, wm. mroquiroa to ao “"` “* “‘°" hw
__...... ____ pened to have a few live wires living
one you ot collage work before grad· _ _ _ i there who knew th t dm
Moog mm ol, Conoco 0, Low First Ed1t10h of Journal for Umon and Patterson Meet Rehearsals for B1g January ,,,,,,3 md blooded °w° mi"°°° “
t . . , l _ · · Diesen on of
• A number or aaaromn were made Kentucky H1gh m The1r Annual Production Resumed at Christianity to the young people C
at the meeting. Joseph H. Beale, Dean Schools I D b t P C Cole a pmmi t M th . .
. »- . heh .
or uio Law School, mma the prmci- ° a €• atterson Hall- nm mn headed th I il °‘"“ l’“*“
.1. ..1 . o
pal address. Judge Lailcrty made an This week las b'r ht [ th th and was aided r i 0; c°mmm°°’
r i ou r .. , ., om n
dare.- on the uwork of the Pr·cti%‘ g 0 E         The CBSY. {OP Ch8.l‘lBYS Aunt, [h6 b E J D en y throughout
Gnu"'}, l Iflrst issue of the Kentucky High play which is to be put on the road y ‘ ‘ Beem S¤¤<>rl¤t¤¤¤<>¤¤ of the
—-—-—— P b
A very gnurymg incident of tholS°h°°l Q““"“"'l*'· TM ·l°“"‘“l ml The annual debate between the early this month by the Strouem the b;1`§l;r1;;;r;?:nj:;d}?y uSch00L also a
meeting was that, ot the ninety dole- published under the direction of Prof.l Umon and lmwrgon Llmmn, Socio Dramatic Club °f State U“i""S“y· ’·"l house But th Ga if a` wholesah
· . . . o m
Solos prooom from rortyohroo slalom J. T. C. NOG, head of me Department] ` ·ah··ounoed at the close or hutushuuuuyll V an 0 pronounced
ave of the deans were   Kan I · [l€b   be ll€ld ln chapel Friday night l‘€ll€8.l'S8,lS 8{ Patterson   by Her' eadgrshlp in the community is Rev'
mcklum . lor Educatmm and from the mst edi` at eight o'cl0ck. The date for thislbert Graham, stage manager, is as w` F` Reason puswr °f uw Christian
° _ , _ [ ’ l· . rr _
Arrmnmuw no about to be com! tion augurs to become a valuable pub contest was Set for December, but m|l0llowS_ xlglcllwlea ugdo lhs if you ever Saw
rlma whereby Judge George Duran. "°““°“ “" K°“‘“°"’ "‘g" ”°“°°‘*‘· order to sho ore member of the PM- Sir lmls Ch°’S"“y_E‘ L` F""i°”’ First ohrl r e pastor of the
; of Lounvum gndmw of Yolo, wlll Professor Noe has put forth much of- tgrggn Society umpio time to prepare Lawr€m`€burg` but his hesalgu shllm:1 of Portland,
w v · l F0
d•liv•r a course of l•cturo• on Federal fort that The Quarterly might be pub- · , , . S*~*¤l¤€¤ °p°mg“°_“m“““ Shin" , B Own' and he
_ Ihis speech it was pontponed until Fri- mok Shelbyvme mm Gd buck to Kentucky, which he
court practice to the law students of lished and at the Salllo llmo llas been V , ' ' .. ., .. , .
Sum University Judge Duran was a Ida; night, January Sth, rlmSSotl__lolm Marsh, Muysvmo eels seems prowidenttai, as both the
judge on me Appellate bench for Bigml assisted by *”°f"SS°"S· *‘t“d""“* ““d 'l`he Union Society will be repre- Jack (‘hesuey—Louis 1\Iacl0skey, (Qmldr?1 can g° “’ “h°°l HOW ln ***6
y•·r8 and for the   four years has principals of lllgh SCll00lS. sented by luessrsl     Combs C `V Collingswood,     !b0uth* Those Yuen Dl`€[J8.l'Bd [hi) way
Th 1 ui - I ' " ' ~ . · . . Iforasret kb ·
been Federal District Atwmeyn ) e open Hg ar ce was produted Bailey and H. N. Fmmer, and mel (harley tt yhuhummjullleb Maroo.! a w°' Y States gospel
by Professor G. M. Baker, associatel nel', Arllllgtom |t°8·m·
J“d$° L¤·¤°"Y GU'! uw I"' llbmw r I, t, Fd i I Patterson Society by Messrs. 0. \‘»’. . .
is to be In md with addition of 600 p 0 essor 0 . ucat on in the Univer- Wmot J S S tl d F O L I Lord pullrourr Bubbr,rloy..Loo _l_| Skeptical at Start,
V0 \lm9B W ¤ ¤· 0 UW- nci€m_y.,, Many other articles follow U18 ° Br M"S· MANSON CAWEIN   me **-r*~r ¤·¤¤¤r· w·¤<···] tm J"   ,"lE"‘ r .   ..m.....y ...... ru “ T" 21,
. T In b _ i U I i ie excep on o . r. ru or, ows w io cou
After  Sark For 0 GIVE A READINGHl‘_mU“‘“;;vi;;y  ‘;:;“i’:;t°;‘ea;" Aihelall members ot the mlm, which ls rt l"““`ll ll straight Christian massage
G ICS. ` · so ull-on o l l ll and follow it with a al ·
___ Mrs Madlson Cawoln. Loulsvlllo. ll ust or mt- judges has hooh soiohtou ` S [w' mw lu pam in pr°"°°° mn Mrk-
_ Sl ll rl l _ ll I hand-to—hand en- t ... l V 4 _
          give u reading In Lexington Tues. to Select thnxe Iuvlubors from the two] Y0 BF hll'0 UC[ ODS 8l1(*B,l'S&l§ W9]‘6 tin U B I   (Dull er 8 Ul<*d AI. gét
-—— day afternoon. January 12, undgp rho “_um_ to mmwm the Umve it .l`*`=llllli€ll lmmediately oh the ruluru ur! K l resi ent to make url out and
(Lexington Herald.) . r . . _ ` rg y.the members of the cast from their out *******1 Y0? Christ.
l’·u8l·*l¢·98 of UN') (~0ll¤S¤ Wolllllll S Ul·lb· against lleorgetowii ln the Kentucky I ll ·
Eau;-tu of Connie Muu; the lggdgr This Bngugenwm was made www lmmmg Asslwiuuonl lhollday, I llt Mate had the men at Cggrliglg,
O or the Philadelphia AUIIBNGB of the the death of her husband, and Mrs. 'l`ht~ Kontut·ky—Georgetown debate. ———_•-•-•-W M_ las wen as the other mum of me Same
American IAa'8u8' to land James Park' (`uwélll lltibl (l€(?ll.l\éd ll0[ to Cull('€l l[. I “ il] [lp |ll·|d lll our yhupel Friday I       ,5ort at huhuoulhi and both teams
the stellar hurler with the State Uni- Mm llowolll lo ooo or [lm wldolylmgml Mmm no ,l_h`_ question {Url SATURDAY 3:30 T0 5:30 "'“d" '“j°d·
vorslty base ball team for his pitching known ro dom , _, ,. l _ __ { _ Q-- The larllslo Wlllll WHS led by E. L.
u or this ronntu. llw this tlvbztto will be Resolved That 'l`l lll lrd ·· l· l ' · ·‘
Nl! nut ¤0•¤¤¤. Wow nlndo known progyanl rollowo. lu ot Y R 'k ' ‘ " ' "“" “’l’ °‘ “‘*` F"' “lll Nall. Secretary or the irulrrrulry y_
‘ m.`·t· '·t·· l · . ,,¤_ _,l._ , Y _
yesterday   Coach   Brun]- Aurruveung Niall H bv Lady Gregory ith X dig. t) ` lt ll 'llt ) Bl10Uld &(lUl){' lltl llllll lll lll? ··\|lll_0l) 5dllll`\ld) cull l"   ( .     l[ll llllll W't*I`•$ Clluufd [lul-
IDIBG, of NIB UDlV6fBi[y team, through Ur“up of poelns __Yl:hH (Nd q rin   ( Inu kjuuelu h-) steal of govern- llllllll ll`lllll .lj.{ll [0 ,lj;{0_ A Saxophone Sou. Hart Peak and Karl zerfosi
who r · · —U K. uncut. lreorpgvtovitt chose the nega— trio will furnish the music for the Thr. l tu —~
lll the Philadelphia management is --llroumS.·· ..·l-ho whlmmrwm .. ..,1,hel U 1 I _ vi _ ' _ l ll Vlrlsl hosted in advahco by
.,.,,..,... M r....·.. ...rm..   .,..._..,...   ..., »     5,           " ` '`i`i‘` ” ``’''      ' ``’‘' `“¤ ‘’'` `     ‘‘``    
' ’ ‘ · lL\$ \‘t‘ll lftlti YULLFS 5 HUG I 1656 two llS>illl'•.‘tl. · . , _ x , H V
Wright, an outtlelder, also is slated forl Mm ouwoln wm Slug {mw pmlnml msmuuuus mw um in debuw nd TI It iw. i r 1 lint ·l lhnd lssut! Proton! {rlloll
a berm with me Cleveland team, it BN to musk. bv mm!. d Hm J P l ' l n lost trslrut, to attend who lluvoluospel meetings beginning \\'t·dnes-
M l d - · ** » · ·ltli1s contest will be one of much in- unt yet t‘t¤‘t*lV9d lh€ll' tickets Gull Ub·|tl|y evening at the llaptist lillllr ll
l t Eli li »   . ¢ -
(Continued on Page Su,) l run an u. ausen llartmtss. teicst, itnm sauna from tllé &‘0I1llllulld&lll. Il·`all1el‘ and sous meeting and cluuilll;
.l• - \

 Best Copy Avail
• »» H
* s
• 1
2 T H E I D E A •  
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s Go.
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °""""°" °" **
Me At ‘ Admission l0c
FURIT-ct.Asa IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. OTAMPKR. Jr. Own•r and Mana or. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. I,
1 l ’
wservlce at the (`hrlstlan Church," etc., "Do My Sins Effect Others," Saturday   tion was held ln Birmingham. Ala-4 WANTED TO KXCHANGI t  
etc. evening. Mr. Lee M. Terrell, State   bama. Mr. James Park was the dele· ._.... 2
A U A M   D E L Opens Wedn••d•y Nlght. \Student Secretary or the Y. M. C. A., gate from the local chapter. Messral wmmit thm hn mgm with h" ·   I
5 The team arrived just In time for Mr. Terrence and Mr. Redwlne made Clark Rogers and Harry Melton aIs0· H°°v°" "°°"‘
D   the opening service Wednesday night. · talks at the Fathers and Sons meetlng   attended the convention. '_"` ‘——‘1__—  
      i·l·lle (-rnwd was smell, but they gotlsunday afternoon. Frank Kennedy.; The hl·annuaI conference 0f the   QI Many
lrlght down to business, every man me uve leader or the team, made thelslgma Alpha Epsilon {Mmmm, was U , ,t ; tu
2 NEW SHOWS WEEKLY l"“""““ °" "“"‘“"'“"‘° "'°°"""“’"""“ °‘°""* °‘"‘ °" """‘° '“"¤’“ '°' C“°’·lhem ln cmme. Mr. E. B. webb me nlv¢!°9l Y ¤
talk. Thursday nlght Dotson ham- acter," Sunday evening. resented the State University chapten ’
8 ' '     ' ° 8 mered down a few facts 0n the calls All the meetings were enthuslastl- The nluouu convention of the M_   J
ef Ulf das. mr men. Peak followed the cally attended and m-uch interest was ph. Tm Omen fraternity was ln K K  
next night with a heart-reaching an- manifested by the people of Falmouth Nuhvmg Tenn. Mr- Roy wwwa   y r
      pea! to cutout bad habits. On Satur- In the work of me team. The mem-lwu the ,0mcm delegate from me Offers free tuition in all dum"' TM
      day night, Zerfoss exposed the evil hers of the team held personal Inter-B chapter here • , TY:
ilnfluence of a sinful life on others. Ivlews with a large number of men of, méntl to thé Q I'8 d \1 8 t 0 l M I . ° '
l All Into It by Sunday. the town each day. The boys and  of Kentucky High School; who Q   m
  l By Sunday the town was awake. young men of Falmouth were especial-‘   are prepared to enter the Fl,“h_   prlnzc
lThat afternoon a crowd of fathers and ly requested to enlist ln Christian M   l
  lsons crowded ln to hear Zerfosn and service and to interest themselves in - man Cl·”• ‘ °' °x°°
· [Hall. Decisions were recorded to the young peoples' organisations oft   Each county in the State ig > Thq
'   lllltt.9 Wtth thB Ch\1TCh and llve b0t.tBl"thg various ()h\]l'ch¢§, Each of [118   to     of mi. V :l:·b;·c
5  lives. But the closing service brought tegm gpnke to them nrgnnlnnllnnn gndl A . , ee
,   over halt the town out and seats were to the gnndny §ch°°]g_ I rl. mon. mIt1'i¢\1lIti0¤, ]Ib01‘It0l’! try. con
_,   G at high premium. even the aisle! belns That the unselflnh work of these Y. _ ` ·· and other fees, one or more ap- l md m
r}%$g•§ / I/aka filled. M. C. A. werken was appreciated byl · A ’ . O v Pointe". · ::°n;,1
  On Saturday nlsht f0lll' cellese men. the people of Falmouth was shown byl mr
"~ K is Bart Peak and Karl Zerfoss, of State. the tact that they were so courteouslyy     Necessary QXIWDWU m°d9!°·tU• I Th?
  Paul Reagor and John Barclay, of received Into their homes and treatedl ¤”mP£ABO¤Y@@,TMN! For full inf°¤nati°¤ rgggd.  
" {fj-- ’ Transylvania, and Howard Wills, man-'with the utmost kindness. The   · .
  . lager of the Carlisle skating rink,|team wishes to express its apprecla- mg appointees, cout". of .tud,° um °u`
T` Q played s. local team a game of basket tion ot this kindness through the FOR PENS AND PENCII3 rest ef boardo ctcn ·PPlY to ‘ Th° d
ball at the rink ln which the f0l'lnG|' columns of The IDEA. , H. S.   ` puum
won 35 to 10. In this way many of the -j-•--1 TAB!-ETS AND FINE Prqddqut, { Bundu
V fellows ln town were interested in the N O BASKET BALL $1'A110N£RY Idlinltbn, Ky. g mm °
meetings and on Sunday afternoon a GAME FRIDAY NIGHT   ’ mu"'
....,6 Crewe ot bm cme out ———— *°“"$"°”'$ °*”°Y —·—————— i ···¤···
The presiding Omcer in introducing Both games of basket ball that were  e c z     Tum
scheduled to be staged ln Buell Ar- keeper
Secretary Hall as the closing Spénkéf. mory Friday night have been cam   E     {
expressed the gratltlcation of all whol I ’ °   ¤”t· 1
celled. The neason for cancellation 339 W"; Mnln ur"; ht",
I   had attended the meetings tor the was the mmm of mow in charge be   be bot
great awakening ot the community. mg unable to agree on Omcms mal Q U
,He stated met lt was the ilrst time mm!. I     ‘° °‘;
{since he had lived there that thel A majority of the umu of the boys,   & C0_ mm _ ’ Zzgé
churches had gotten together; umtlteam will be played away from h0me.\ ·u°°·“°r t° BARE', ‘ co' , , ` mae
  he me ¤r¤·=¤··¤ M ¤· ·—···|S,.,, gm. will M T. U. gm. ... .. 107 W- Mm St- Lewin Cigar Co. , ,,
church who had avoided it for twenty practice game next week. IQQT QODA FOUNTAIN IN TH! W °°°
years; that the leaders ot "dlves" had` UTY- FINE CANDIEU ·· tum `
• actually been reached; that just "t0- the si
  Reduced day we have organized among our-   WHERE AM I GOING? TM 1
And at Prices that Count selves to clean up this town." --t— To °r°°t
Make Good lmpnulcm Graduate Manager Turner has an- used
..Bm of extraordinary im_8mst’·· he nounced that arrangements have been       C    P. Dr. Je
S • Ov t 'Bmted_ ··“.8S the fact that Bmw UDL completed with Vanderbilt to hold a g g p Y   perlm
    sy v€,.Sm,_ our Own umv8,.sny_ uw,. track meet on Stoll Field April 17. ` T lng 1
a ` tmany years of reputation entirely com} Other colleges and universities are · Charlr
    wary to this sort of thing, has geguu asking dates for a meet and it is evi- gave
through its Y_ M_ C_ A_ to show au`dent that the track team will enter feedir
Kentucky that among her students are,B€v°"“| °°m°°”· C. C,   &     °l°°t°
    men of Christian leadership and ln-} Tm
ltluence. "We shall," he added, "all}     •¢18•Sn l   '"'-
Caps Etc. ’°"‘ “""” ‘T? “"“‘““"   "°’“ “‘°’“ "‘ A .. . ..s. tm.! me ,..,...¤c SPORTING GOODS AND HARWVARE g
Y the future. t 8
M committee fourteen ot the rresnmeu Foot Ball and Gymnasium Snp{,"es E
Prices marked way d¤W¤»1°E""·$ °'” ‘”°”" AT F*""°°"' t°°"’°" °°‘"“° °[ Sum U”w°:°l°{ Bicycles and Repairs, Pennants and Posters, ~ ‘
look at the winkows as you ` ....- were awarded their numerals, 18. Fi hi T kl •
'llle Y. M. Y. A. G0¤D6l Team. ¢0¤l· The committee considers the wearing S ng ac e .
pass' posed of Frank Kennedy, MBTCUB C. of the clggg numQrQ,l§ gg much gu     on     mn M, l • ; ‘
Redwlne. J. T. Gelder and Jee T0l'·lhonor as the coveted   The men md suppuw -I-°y·_ · l
l‘9n(5€, which Vlslted Falmouth, Kyqlgwllrded the nllmgrglg wgre; C, Hgy- L
from December 30 to January 3, re- don, rl·_ Hnydnnl Wm_ R0d8s_ Gibson, ‘46_I48 WEST MAIN ST- LEXINGTON. KY.   ¤ i j
    PU"! H Dl°0l°l¤lbl9 !il1l9. 'Earl Grabfelder, Kelly, Britton, Kin- I ‘   ·
7 The y<>¤¤s men held e series ef ney, nubeuk, meuereeu, James sur- ___._.._...._...-_,_-____ _,___ s____ ___ __________ . J
meetings at all the churches of the ver, Dempsey and gpaldlnn   Q
& CO• xtown each evening in the interest ot A ‘*K" te Robert C, Dabney of the  
houwnud ‘tll6 b0>’l=l Mid lllell of F¤l¥¤0\lUl· Th9Y '14 class, was given for tennis playing. W E   H & M U R   5
i were ably supported by the ml¤l¤tel‘¤\ it is the nrst time that such a recog‘ni· _  
The College Fellows!   xot the town and other local W0l‘k9l'I. [ion wg; mgdg for {gnu]; Thg gwgrd   5
Mr. Redwlne made the first talk of was made by Dr. John J. Tlgert, Wh0       j· V
_ • • the l=l**l'l<*S 0ll '"l`€lllDi¤U0¤»" Th¤l'¤d¤Y based his decision on the rulln made ° P l
  Cigar C0' evening. Un Friday evening Joe T0l'· hy former Coach Sweetland tlfat any l¤C0!l0l’Il.d•. ` ki p
M“:::;:::·': M `rence spoke on "'l`he Kind of Men the nlndnng rnnrnnnntlng the Unlynrnlty I
    W0l'ld le Uelnlllldlllg." M¤¤¤l‘¤- K€¤· for a certain number of times should • • /_ '
  nedy and Ibedwine sang a duet at this be gllglblg {nr n ··K_··           1; ,
meeting. J. T. Gelder made a talk on __ ____•_,___; g · \
*“ WE" '“'*'" [glu" __-__......_._._____._ ern: s·ru¤zn·ra A·r·r:N¤     Nl
unlmsuy nmol. smc DR _,_ D_ USER "‘""‘j‘LTI_ °°"""‘"°‘   l l
c·‘•r• •x°|u•|V•Iy `° ·`“d•”" A Eye, EAR, NOG! ·”d THROAT Several State students Htwndbd COD-     A      
wd F““nY °' ·““ U”I""“Y I ·P¥clAl-WT ferences of their respective fraternl- x ‘
A. B. B  0'•\::g•:;:‘:”:s::df:":•'· Inep};u:`¤:;uth;ll:1<;;::2’¤é`ll0u wmu_\ D 124-128 North Limestone L¢Xi|\It0|\, KY-   ' I
\OI. I. LIMIITONI AND COLFAX Omg Phgng |§¢.X kggldgylgg 1||-X I 1* ·
· 1

.opy Avallable
i. _ l..
•   I T n 11: 1 o m A s
,.._g;;,  -• ..  
* · ···‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ` I   I *°"'°'· Call and get acqualnted
° ""‘*‘ with r dv rtlsers.
J J (Agricultural J J nm, o uhm, to mo. ot ts. wise; _._2.‘L.i..L......-.._
. Take counsel of those observant who’ve strlven
. —---;-- lang ln the haunts of men. Dssplse  
.· ln .... ...,..-....... .......... s.un.. ~·> ···¤··>¤····»¤ ¤•·¤~· ····¤ BARBER SHOP
I     `and lectures were hlghly lnstructlve T° D"' Y"' '"Y M \-•0MN| H¤t•| ’
{uu u...·..e¤.. “`·> · ¤·¤¤*•* dv ~¤~¤ urns
e         The Peunn Aeeeehuen We- new And an earthly llfe llke Heaven. BOOSWELL IRO8., Proprlatora
z U Wednesday ln the Agricultural Bulld-
I In- The exnIbIu In me ennery ue When breeses steal ’neath hlblscus or palm, W, S,  
2 ---1- Bright stars twlnkllng hlgh ln the skies,
I excellent and the llne of spectators ls The Sanital, Gr
I. Occ!
2 Many F8l'm6l‘S Attend LQC-Islwsys present. The swine Breeders‘ C‘°" "‘ °"m“ “"“°““· *"‘°°f“l 'md °‘““· Ph y
I _ .u......l.u.... also met 0.. w..r.....¤.y. ¤¤·"*¤¤ tm uv-- ·¤¤¤¤¤*· v¤··= ·v•·— one 720
l tures and Farm Pro The eenereee envee every Inmeeuen Temptatlon’s whlsp’rlng Cor. 8. Llmeatone and Vlrglnla Ave.
· duct D1s la s ·
I p y ° of belng highly successful and ls sure A' °h°mb° lupus- "`“’"’
· I     to be an annual agrlcultural fclthal Ba whe' O Mndcm bo Who!  
2 to the joy and prollt of a.ll who are ln- G d n
N A 1 :1,
~' “·· e····*···* **·**¤··*···*·* ¤·····*¤··· ‘°'°"°"· ·.Z....'I..`Z.Z.. .'ZZ..Z.'Z..`Z"?ZI° .‘.1`L'2....?I‘,.‘i£ un 1 T turns
l· known as Farmers' Week, ls now ln -——-—~••-——· · ° '
l l Gam t Lu , d ll ·
O   sssslon. Tuesday was the opening l to pv me ° ° ° m W 127 Ch€aP9'd€
‘ say and the congress Wlll contlnue wml mmm. chmmgo md bouuul nt' Hourss s rn tos p rn Phene 864 X
Whom Chance there lead ` ‘ ‘ ° `
during tb• andre week with a well
0 F t de eed,  
Q planned series of lectures and displays     The cqsrzt line,. my hem, ,, I
ot excellent agricultural products. l D Y K
T. —————
> M enum mum of agriculture in · · Tho hoary hls locks and wrinkled his brow, O Ou now
embraced ln the congress. Beef cat- Course In H1ghW8y COD- , .
, , Steps grown feeble, whod not, forsooth. The heat sa none too good
I': ‘;°mk;::’f::;° §:;d°;:d:;:;` struction (ln TIPS week sit in the game you’re playing now when it comes to a photo-
' ’ ' ' p ' at UYUV€Y$1tY• And klndle anew hls flres of youth, graph? Be on the safe aids
and mule breeders indicate to some —· And 'xu M. rmt md “•
’ extent the scope of the falr of such Am"! um t°°t‘"`°° °t um C°m°°° °t Or mm in b
_ e_nee,.nIne Inteneet ne the I.e_I.n,e,._ Highway Construction belng glven at
0,lf elth,h1 dttruth?
· There ls also an assoclatlon for the 3;:::iE"::;'::'·§h:;;::°;*1;::*::: r n Gr · wor °      
ladlea. The Home Economics As- ° 3]] W, Mnin Sg“•g_
soclatlon has s wlde promm covering ¤¤*l¤*¤¤ of · tml- mo ¤¤ tho ¢·¤¤· ‘;“" ‘;‘I“:' "':‘h‘° th: °”°,’;;‘ ’;‘" T The S, d I, Photo be
. the entire llve days of the conventlon.| p“'· mm mm 9 D G se 0 l u an · lr-P
The nIenIe" In tm. Inte,.eeI_Ine de_ This exhibition of construction ma- Bwk in hu WM w" “ b°“°' ny; I
I Still l th 1 t bl rt.  
partment are located ln the Education °hm°"y i' pr°b’bly '·h° l"'°“ °f iu M; 6 u ur: yr`: no er p· Isnkart I Fotach, Proprietor;
euuour me no qulte stu-scm. and **¤¤ ¤v¤* bold *¤ K¤¤t¤¤¤- A ¤···¤<·| ° “° '““ ’ ° ‘° E I B b Sh
To sharpen the edge, a e     0
Wen enendee SneeIeI Ieetnree endl tent has been erected on the campus g p
lllustratlons have been glven by the t° °h°lt°r um m*°m°°ry wh°'° tha As you Mm for Bly Cupid, hi. duh O 1°7I°°“"‘ ;""‘”*°”• °*"°•*
I public ls lnvlted to come and Inspect P"' °° U" h°°""‘ H°*" B'°°k
"°°°' °°""°Yt°° with mu °°°°"'”°'"‘\ cohslder the wager, tho, Malden fair! I-•¤l¤st¤¤. Ky.
I Tuesday the Beef Cattle and Bee- °h°’° m“°m“°'·
. A heart like jessamlne seen ln the night- Fmsmcl-Ass WORK OUARANTEUO
neenen. Aeeeehuene met [ne tonne,. The public ls also cordially lnvlted
‘ ’ , lal
nut, In the Ag,,IenItn,.eI Bnumng end to watch the construction ofthe tarvla A" ° "il t° ° °hr°°d °'° ° p°l°'°° t° r Mag M. Agar the Gun, nt
nur In chlpal when the crowd could need wmen Ie the new eemneemen fe,. Of a bandit who shamedly skulks from the light-
e s. better ..u.mm°s.t..s. The mess. md ¤¤**¤*¤¤ ¤¤¤t *¤t¤>¤¤¢·¤- T“° ""‘°° ’°“ ""°° MCGURK S
. eeuen et the stew end Neuenu Gev_ In addltlon to these exhlbltlons T° um °°° h° lu" .
I In III I, In I I ,_II Is lt rlght, lovely meld, ls lt right? wh•¤’• •" ¤• wd! •¤d GOOD-
I ernment ln slaughtering animals in- °°° W il d° ‘;° ur: °°°"° °°i H cel I.
_ modern met o s o roa construct on, of occ tc clad d [
‘ {acted with tho foot and mouth di an of which will be 0 an to the ubuc Whot if You win all Yet mit remains.  
’°"f ,{"' ‘§"'°'°" “““,,j°°',j’j’“‘§‘°I s.......... ..............°... ._..,.,.. ...°.... .. And oe. ol tho oo¤¤i¤s om my unt. D, I Edward Gerd n
2-eso u on- mwln up` th 6 its an urged ee eteend tneee Ieetn,,ee_ Will happiness crown so hazardous gains ° ‘ 0
ss: ·::ku;::dth:irp:;sn§ ::;;:16; Wlth never a sorrow, regret, or sting? DEN’|'|$’|'
The Leglslature was also asked to     glnththo :01:;: s;:_:;s Mcckualld Building
l' 6 I ll B  
°'°°* ‘ "“""‘“* °" “‘° °“‘“"“° *° "° _ -- Find s place lh the lap of sprhn;2 -c. B. w. .,0 TO
I used as a lecture and exhibition hall. Examlnatlons to remove conditions ’
nr. Joseph Kestle, director or the Ex- wlll hegln Thursday srternoon end YQUNG JOURNALISTS olthor sldo of tho question to bo so- Johns DYUK st0|'€
.. perlment Station, gave a very lnterest- I will also be held on Friday, Saturday       l9°Wd· N°xt t° Put °m°°
4 _ lng and instructive address. Mr. and Monday of next week. Any stu-   For hacrtptlousp Slauouuyp Soda
' Charles Caldwell, ot Danvllle, also dent who has one or more conditions John R, Mnrsh, Maysville, Miss wltif (utk Pi $ and us
gave an lnterestlng talk on cattle which he desires to remove should Chrlgtlne Hopkins, Loulsvllle, and , —···—···*··—·—-··——·—-—·—
feeding. Mr. C. H. Berryman was re- confer with the registrar and the pro- Herbert Graham, Frankfort, were the     -*-4 , _, _ 4, I__  
¤!•¢t•d president. fessor in charge ot the subject and ar- winners gf [hg three prlzgg, 0u6|'QdI This is · ·p°cI·1t’ mn mus. our I- I      .  
The beekeepers’ assembly was held range the date for the ordeal. mr the best "storles" on a lecture de- t·u0rl¤‘ JI,“,.|¤m_ B, nudymg your I ·.   I !fIn__ __  *  
I   llvered to the students ot journallsmlpersonallty we are able to tailor lndl- ..._Y JQ     ;____  
—- . and the members of the Strollers, by "id“*:t7 mw Y°“’ °l°th“· N W• out . --.. .. -...`
INGISDB VOD HOUEOH GUN100, !IlH.I18gBl'l€:d’°`:n, tgegatsgaztlcgg  
· • e B • S or the Ada Meade Theatre. The prizes        
_ Léxlflg tons 7gg88f ¢OT8 In no. to and :4 were zivon oy $ 1 8 UP By weunng on tacked
Messrs. Gurnee, ot the theatre, and Ce_II
• and see our large display ot lm- golgg wh
l       S   Enoch Gl'8h&l1, hold of [[10 j0\|l’DB.li8¥l1 DOYtOd and (IOIIIOIUO WOOIOIII llld hlY8   ,   W:  
I • I   .. ,. your measure taken. on on OY t 6 B8m€
I ,......._........-.....--  department. The stories were price work done  e
' l passed upon by James M. Ross, man-   you eeait
‘ k A ° P ° °‘"" °‘"°°' °‘ T"° "’“°°" ““" P"°“‘ To be ·¤·out.u nl ......T.;...,,.., `
I Untl8Ud,,y t¢'T(lCC1U€ T1C28 OT! ley Atkins. city editor or Tho Herald. and glve murseuou in every umn, cmgagg uumk shag Hapalnng
' “ Mr. Marsh, who won the llrst prlse, W° 'und bwk °t ""Y °'d°' '·‘k°¤•
I *¤t¤ ¤¤· ¤¤¤•¤t·•- 113 South Broadway
· lis a Junior in the Arts Department. Rteeuelln we CUT AN¤ FIT ALL ______
L joring ln journalism, Miss Hopkins °A””lNT• oN TH; P
Cl 11 3Tx Im ¤=M·¤=• ·
\   C f Ils a Senior and Mr. Graham ls a L•xIngton'a Rsllabla and Orlglnal Ktnkcad   CO,
Suite and Overcoats   ‘““‘°"“‘ ‘“   t°`°   A¤**·*·¢**¢ and B**·····i·······
` I O
  _ lustnght Tanlurlng co. COALS
= I
§·. I . ·   ENTERS N. I. Corner Ihort and Market. .
  = And All Shvm. Neckwwn. PENTAGONAL LEAGUE  
* `#~ ' Underwear and Other Furnishings.
— Prot. J. T. C. Noe chairman of the
¤ • L. M. LAIL
‘ • debating council, has announced that JACK DUNN
ft;.       f0f YQung Men arrangements has been made to meet .
fl n `0hlo uulversltles ln forenslc contests.   Haberdashery
W   The Iwo is composed of Cincinnati
-.1 .....-.--M»»—  ~-»-————-——-—————————
I ’ _ University, Ohio State University, Sfykli for C0n¢y¢ Men
= · Miami Unlverslty, Dennison Univer- and
· I I hln C0 . . .
_ I   C   S O Islty and State Unlverslty ot kentucky. Mak"' of Engheh Clothes
I 3I 4_3I6 Week Mein Sweet I The questlou for discussion and the
I O I date has not been announced but eoah Pho.-h Hotel Bleek llxineeon Ky
_ llnstltutlon will have a team debating, ’
. * V ° -

 Q . 4
I ""` `   THE IDEA _ T `
    ! Insst be composed or married men.  
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the stasont bod! TM "°!“‘ "°"°’ “"’ “‘° “°M W   S . [ 
or the ltate University of Kentucky, for the b•¤•¤t of the under- tha rush" ls equally applteable to the ee y   *
graduates, alumni and faculty of the lnstltutlon. umm ommnu on mm, no me . I
TRI IDIIA ls the oftchl newspaper of the Unlverslty. lt ls lssnod with km '°"mN° “ U" °°‘°“"*  ""
the view of turnlshlng to Its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky --—— —— ,
mcafee; = gt:-est of ltems ot Interest concerning the unfvsrsltles or R. L. Blerbaum says the more he gpg gyupggvg Ngw ygAn•• .·•°LU·yI°”•_ I I
 ;__·_‘__·'___________________I____ __ _g_o_r____+_____; reads about the moneys and supplies ...; ,  .
htlld-at Lexington Post Oflloe as second class mel! ||II¢\•|'· M0"! M *'*¤h9¤ M *9*6 • mth B•'• l WILL take down any pictures or mottos from my walls that do not ` 
 :t:·.;,i;::ve——z———·v;—. Klan b0y_ h I the th f   t   b tt   I  
·¤·*¤···~ ·*······ ·•·~·•··· .-. "2 w.ZL'§I...$ .I’.`Z.. ‘Z..,Yf 3...2, `3,’..r..f, ..   .... ....... .....,.. .. .. ..  
CLYDI P. TAYIDR .............................................. Idltor. Flirting by freshmen co•ds st Penn- mn no www time In the at I h V tt rl f nod ml h' G mm _Q
J. owns aamoms .................................... Assistant seam mv•¤s• u su-may uw tm me mm wh", mn"' " " ° " ° ' ‘ '° °‘° " ;
h lol l l I h bl b ` ‘ 
A•••e•••• letters   ' ‘°° :2. ' A':" °·° gmt: I: 1 wm. make a perslstest and aetermlseu snort to msrove oo my habits 21
JBANITTE BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. and Elec ch M; an   of W"! of study. My temptation ln the past has been to go at lt In a slip-shod and  ‘
A. B. LEIBOVITZ ........... Alhldlcl G. C. ROGERB..... ......... .“ll|I| h·]f.hg·ng(| mgunggg _ V 
H. I'. BRYANT ........... Agriculture KENNETH DORRIB ....... Exchange A mov. L". on mot w mc a | wm], bg exact".; In my No gf c°n·,ct_ wh°|°·°m• gllmm own I., I I
    *;,; . ·. _ _ _'     lnndlnl   M       ;)Q;l0ll|; Tpmnce, [nd   the cuIu'·¤°¤ of   M N M  
"*"'* by substituting drlll ln plane of atb- "° °t °up°"°r t° m°°°‘ I o
LISTIIR W. GRAD! ................................... Bnslness Manager hm, In mms". Fwthu men In I WILL do Munn, o domino ond roooonoblo omoum of Noam. on no . 
J- T- GILDIR ······················ ···;;;; j;;;§l*3f4"i;:_';_““*‘°j` mm, oxomm mm. from force of jects that are forelgn to my school work ln order to help overcome my hunt]-  I
0 mon moy num in to comb o com iatlng prolgnclallsm, and keep me in touch with the real world ol the campus. ’
 ........._..—.. ;.j._._... ooo MIL I WI if God gives me strength to overcome my plot fallnrn, meet all I
FARMERS, WEEK my engagements and other obligations promptly. I have been unfair to {
° Mu,. on', omo., oomohmom hoo others and myself in these matters. I
' {mod, oo o lon noon tho lon of o I WILL regularly attend my Bible class, church, the college Y. I. C. A.  ~,
Some years ago there was lnstltuted at the University an exhibition of Csmomu ck In-- wa hutch with monk'. ond chooot I hou boon wumooic md wo mann"' to my on  ZI
· as I II . rs, ·
farm products and farm machinery which is known as Ihrmers Week. I b L do M. “ me d it hood. md my mmlonoo upon onion II
This affair has grown and thls year hundreds of Kentucky farmers are ·' ° u nm u N · r 
. ....... me ml. .. ....... of me U...m..r .t........ I.cr..... ...¤ v».w.;¤··°• · *··•*·· *···*··*··¤· "”“"‘ °°"°"""’ """" °°" '°’ "‘° "’°"""""° """‘°‘° ”° '"' ""‘ W
p' 8 U y· g me ln getting a college education, and will from now on try and do some- s 
•-•¤1¢$•-:·——— e ·
ln! *1*** p"°d“°" nd *“‘P'°m°'“’· I thing for someone less fortunate to show my humble gratitude for this ·· 
The exhibits cover nearly all products grown In our State, are all of an IO O 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 9 9 Q nut Noam;  if 1
excellent quality. Here much infomation valuable to the farmer can be'O WHO'! WHO AT ITATI O I WILL ronow my nom for oo"_m“°o,”· tn to uvo o mo of `moouoh; ’
readily obtained. It may be said that farmers week is related to a oountyit 0 O 0 O O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q moo lot only pm., motive- gown, and otrho In ou thm!. to dn my Lord V
fair, yet many differences exist. The county falr has a. display of products Joouo Chun me m_o_ommo¤oo_
and shock, but thls department is visited only by a few farmers,