xt7k3j391r0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j391r0g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1940 journals kaes_circulars_003_324 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 324 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 324 1940 1940 2014 true xt7k3j391r0g section xt7k3j391r0g O Circular N0. 324, (Revised) August, 1940 Q
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director  
Published in connection. with the agricultural extension work carried on by cooperation of  
the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and
distributed in furtherance ol the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May 8, 1914.
All kinds of meat can be preserved by canning. The rural housewife ,
should include in her yearly canning budget several kinds of meat, pre- f
pared in different ways, such as roast beef, pork, lamb and chicken; broiled
steak, pork and lamb chops; baked spareribs, fried chicken, beef and lamb
stews, sausage, tongue, liver, etc. This makes it possible to have fresh meat _
prepared in a variety of ways, ready for use, during the entire year. Many
farm families can their late fryers, slacker hens and extra cocks in the fall ;
and thus save the expense of feeding them thru the winter.  
Glass ]m·s. Only jars manufactured for canning should be used for
canning meats. jars in which salad dressing, peanut butter or pickles have
been purchased usually are not adapted for tight sealing and sometimes ,
are not strong enough to withstand the pressure to which they may be
subjected in processing.
Tops. If screw-top jars are used the lids should be new. The wires on
clamp—top jars should be adjusted to make them seal perfectly.
Rubber Rings. Only the best quality of new rubber rings should be
used on the jars in canning meats as they must withstand the high tem-
perature at which meat is processed.
Tests for rubbers
l. No cracks or breaks should appear when a rubber is bent sharply
back on itself.
2. The rubber should return immediately to its original size when
stretched to twice its width.
3. The rubber should bounce back quickly into its original shape
when released after being crumpled in the hand.
Tin Cans. Plain tin cans are very satisfactory for canning meats and
poultry. It is not advisable to use enamel-lined cans, as fat. may cause the
enamel to peel off. Altho this does not harm the product, it makes it
unattractive. After the initial cost of a tin can sealer, canning in tin is no
more expensive than canning in other types of containers.

 2 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 324
FOR PROCESSING ALL MEA TS because, in it, the high temperature and has
can be maintained which is necessary to ensure the destruction of heat— top and
resisting bacteria.
l. Meats for canning should be from healthy animals, as otherwise there
is danger that disease may be transmitted to persons eating the meat. A11 n
2. Animals and fowls should be handled carefully before killing, to smtp
avoid bruises and the formation of blood clots. Proper methods of killing some 1
should be used in order to have the best quality of canned products.* 10 pmmds
3. Sufficient time should be allowed between the time of killing and
canning for the carcass to be thoroly cooled. Meat should be kept in a Rom
refrigerator or cold place until it is canned. The same careful attention · rememb
should be given in killing chickens as in killing other animals. lt is well to or three
keep these points in mind, in killing and preparing chickens: bleed well. all sides
dry pick or scald in water below boiling point (160 to 180 degrees   with sal
» remove all feathers, singe, wash, dry and cool quickly. one Cup
<1—. Beef, veal, pork, lamb and mutton should be wiped with a clean, hot OV€i
damp cloth before canning. Housewives usually prefer to remove the Gd, Hlid
bones (except in chickens, spareribs and small game) to facilitate packing. ilii'€€-{O
5. Frozen meat does not make the best quality of canned product. lhelmis
inc i a
Meats should be precooked before packing in the container when glass complet
jars are used. XV hen tin cans are used, it may be precooked or packed raw Siva
and the air exhausted before sealing. Precooking helps to shrink the pro- sizes COI
duct so that it packs to better advantage and ensures adequate processing, tilig Sli€
Many persons think that precooking helps to preserve the natural flavor. bone, if
Meat may be precooked in the oven, in fat, or in a small amount of water. Until Hi
Meat should not be packed too tight. One-half inch space should be meat, af
left at the top of glass jars and tin cans. \Vhen packing sliced meat, it complet
should be arranged in the jar or can so that the handle of a wooden Cho
spoon can be inserted in the center and strike the bottom of the con- bong S
tainer, to leave room for expansion. umu 3
SEALING courammns meat P
Glass jars should be only partially sealed before processing and com- seal ant
pletely sealed as soon as removed from the pressure cooker. FH?
Since tin cans have to be completely sealed before placing in the cook- desired
er, the air must be exhausted before sealing. This is done by placing the njjowin
Hlled cans in a bath of boiling water that comes to within one and one- hm im.,
half to two inches of the top of the can. Cover the bath and heat 40 to jimtjajj
*See Farmers’ Bulletin 1*762, Home Canning of Fruits. Vegetables and Meats, U, S, De- will YUM
partment of Agriculture; Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 261, Killing, Cutting and Curing Pork; ——-
and Farmers’ Bulletin 1377, Marketing Poultry. · Om,

 Home Canning of Meats 3
60 minutes until the meat is steaming hot in the center (170 degrees   l
and has lost its raw color. Remove cans from water bath, place cover on
top and completely seal with commercial sealer.
15 pounds ])I'€SSl.1I'E
 . 2 tin CMS , ‘
All meat——beef, pork, fowl, liver, etc. .............. l 60 min. 5FT1H$ V
Soup stock ....,....,.,.....................................,................ [ 45 min. j 40 min. ,
— Some housewives prefer the texture of meat canned in quart glass jars or No. 3 tin cans at i
10 pounds pressure for 90 minutes, or tive minutes less for pints and No. 2 tin cans. j
. Reorrns i
Roast Meats. Cut into as large pieces as possible to go into the _jar, g
remembering that meat shrinks about one»third in precooking. Heat two `
or three tablespoons of fat in a pan, put in the meat and sear quickly on
all sides, in a hot oven, being careful not to pierce when turning. Sprinkle
with salt, using about one teaspoon of salt per pound of lean meat. Add ‘
one cup of boiling water to drippings in the roasting pan and place in a j
hot oven for 30 to 40 minutes, to brown. \lVhen the meat is nicely brown-  
ed, and about one—third done, pack into hot, sterilized jars to within I
three-fourths of an inch from the top. lf desired, the boiling liquid from  
the roasting pan may be poured over the meat, leaving a space of one-half l
inch at the top or, if a dry roast is preferred, one teaspoon of fat may
A be added to the jar, but no liquid. Partially seal glass jars, process and
_ completely seal; or exhaust tin cans, seal and process. See time table above.
· Steak. Cut steak one and one—half inches to two inches thick and into `
. sizes convenient for serving or which can be rolled for packing. All cut-
_ ting should be done before searing. Wipe with a damp cloth and remove
_ bone, if too large for convenient packing. Sear in a hot broiler or in hot fat
_ until nicely browned, season, allowing one teaspoon of salt per pound of
; meat, and pack while hot into hot jars. Partially seal glass jars, process and
[ completely seal; or exhaust tin cans, seal and process. See time table above.
I . Chops. Cut chops thick. Trim the fat and, if desired, remove the
' bone. Sear quickly in a broiler or in a small amount of hot fat and cook
until a light brown. Season, allowing one teaspoon of salt per pound of
meat, pack into hot jars to within one-half inch of top of jars or cans.
A Partially seal glass jars, process and completely seal; or exhaust tin cans.
- seal and process. See time table above.
Fried Ch icken.* Clean chicken, wash, wipe dry and cut into pieces of
· desired size. Precook in hot fat or broil until nicely browned. Season.
E allowing one teaspoon of salt per pound of meat, and pack while hot into
l Partially seal glass jars, process and completely seal: or exhaust tin cans.
._ seal and process. See time table above.
I ‘ Other fowls and small game may be canned by the same method. _

 *1 .5 .», ` ., j
4 Kcntuc/cy Extension Circular No. 324 ;    
Ba/ted C/tic/um. Prepare as for frying. Place in a pan and put into ` .  
a hot oven until the fowl begins to brown. Sprinkle with salt, using one Y_   JV  
teaspoon per pound of meat. Pack while hot into hot jars. Partially seal V ‘   y if
glass _jars, process and completely seal; or exhaust tin cans, seal and pro. _ n, V T4·Z]’ _J
cess. See time table, page 3. ‘  ,   zi
Liver. Slice liver about one inch thick. Remove skin and large blood Y l
vessels. Brown on both sides in hot {at and add one teaspoon of salt pep ’€“
pound of meat. Pack while hot into hot jars. Partially seal glass jars, ‘ ·   0
process and completely seal; or exhaust tin cans, seal and process. See g § g
time table, page 3. V *
Satzsage or Hamburger. Shape ground meat into small cakes and brown -
well in hot frying pan or oven. Drain off the fat and pack in hot jars. n ·‘ y `
Add sufficient water to fat in pan to pour one to two tablespoons of drip- ? ,4
pings into each jar. Partially seal glass jar. process and completely seal; F ‘
or exhaust t.in cans, seal and process. See time table, page   . j  
Tongue. \tVash the tongue and drop into boiling water and simmer ~   M
lor about 45 minutes until the skin can be removed. Skin and cut into V Q ‘
` pieces that Ht into containers. Reheat to simmering in broth. pack   .
hot into hot jars. Add one teaspoon salt per pound and cover with boil- V _    
ing hot broth. Partially seal glass jars. process and completely seal; or i s` V.
exhaust tin cans, seal and process. See time table, page 3. Y .
Heart. \tVash the heart, remove the thick connective tissues and cut _ fi
into convenient size for packing. Simmer in water for l5 or 20 minutes. · ‘
Pack while hot into hot jars. Add one teaspoon of salt per pound ol
meat and cover with the W21lC1‘ in which the heart was simmered. Par- ¢ _ P »
tially seal glass jars, process and completely seal; or exhaust tin cans. seal ..·i ’ j__
and process. See time table, page 3. i ,  
Soup Sfoc/c. Stock in which meat has been cooked may be canned. .
Remove excess fat, reheat, pour hot into hot jars. Partially seal glass _
jars, process and completely seal; or seal tin cans and process. See time ‘  
table, page 3. V t
Canned meats should be stored in a cool place, in the dark if in glass.  
Meat .............................................................................................................................................. 70 B
Condition of product chosen—uniform size, free of bone and excess fat. `
Condition of finished product-
Natural color of cooked meat.
Meat firm and tender in appearance.
Pack .................................................,...........,,...... . ........................................................................ 30 I
Neatness of pack. .
Condition of liquid-clear and no sediment.
Container of uniform or specified size, of clear, colorless glass. All
containers clean and attractive. plainly and neatly labeled , . V
according to directions. · i ·__V ‘ —
TOTAL ................................................................................................................ 100 __