xt7k3j391p82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j391p82/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals 1_08 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.08. text Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.08. 1939 1939 2014 true xt7k3j391p82 section xt7k3j391p82  ` 
li lm
at · `Z
eas I
`er~ Q Vol. I April, 1939 N0. 8
nps   .
ity   Q
are   W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor I
Q   .
l°‘l· t SPRAY SERVICE NOTICE seah fungus penetrates into the leaf i ;
  SPM). S(,l.\.i(,Q p,m,l.S HH, going where it pr·oduees groups of sinall. Q
Um. out regularly to county agents; in l>lPi<‘l{ il`l|lllll;! hothes Just evident g
wh tl·(¤(¤ fruit gppiigyug (lf {hp gt;l](·_ 'llypp tt) t·l|(} (F.}'(} (lll lllt‘ Sll1`i2lt'(5 ot ·tllt‘ l€2ll .
my fruit. growers who spray or dust \\'l1l('ll is uppermost. During late i
mw for the eontrol ol` inseet and disease winter or early spring some of ’
up 1 pests should tind these notices ot` these fruiting bodies grow larger ;
Emil insect and disease Il(’\'l‘l<>])||l<‘lll and than others during warm. wet l
Nl; $lN`?l}’ mill*’l`l**l *“}!U*`*ll"*l* l**‘ll*l.*il- periods. and in these spores or seed- E
il..· EVCYY "m’l`t l* l""“¥! '“***l" to "_l?'li" like hodies are developed. These   -
wp. this a valuable part ot' our hortienl. Hui m.,.HHw,d in groups of S in .
l·t,]]_ tuml l“"’§U'”m and il I'*‘**l **""'*"" l*’ saes whieh are shaped like sausages.  
1..,1, gi`0“`(’¥`*· linder a sutlieiently high tempelra-  
[sor Such growers as are interested ture and when the <>\`t‘l`\\`11lt<‘l`lll!   _
A-jp in reeeiviiig these notiees should lt‘2i\`i‘$ are Wet. tl1<‘S<‘ $H\1$%ig<’lili‘$
{ing.   15 llllt ll·U$.Tllllt’ ttl lllltlt‘l'Sl2lll(l IIN]-lng the spl-lu! ]l(¤“· {1-llptlllg  
iH_j___ ll ‘("l`*U“l “l‘} *l’l`¤}}'* lt"' l‘*'<‘\`¢‘II· hodies on the dead leaves eontinue    
VCH. l“‘“ ~*¤¤¤I·ll><·¤¤r1>1·<··1. to ripen and to diseharge spores  
mpi A Short statement ot' the inethod during or l'tlll0\\`Illg‘ every hard  
lor of U\`(‘I`\\`lllt("l`lllQ` o1' the tungus and I‘ill1l.  
thc lll(‘illlS hy \\`lIlCll llllit‘t'tl(lllS t2ll{<‘   {hp lulc “'i]l]pl·   pqlld und flip  
.... v1¤¤¤m=·>·1¤<·1i» lll llltlllllllli it *I‘l`¥*}' spring dry. it is not likely that  
mi progzrain. spores will he inature at hlooining  
lm`,. In the fall as soon as eool xyeatlier time or until alter a hard rain. so  
will 00\llIllenees, numerous inleetions that spraying ]ll2l·}' easily prevent  
ml]   00CUr on leaves linost of which do seah. But lollownig an open \\'1ll—  
H_(__l` 110t develop sutheiently to become ter such as the present one. seah  
wwl Gvltlent. After the leaves fall. the spores are likely to he mature when  
i ¥2

   the first green shows in the buds ened canes during the summer and is
; 1 and be discharged with every heavy fall, Many of them emerge from  V HH
1 i mln- OH F0b1`U¥U'Y 23- Ylllc SPOYOS the winter dead, and the verdict is  
f were found in dead leaves at that ··,,.,‘,,{(,- ,‘,,_i,(,·y" did jt_ in z I
i ` PI`i“°°t°“ uml it is likclr wilt wb reality it is a combination of the Lia
l L spores have already Htatulicd m several factors, and very often win~ fr
E n1a11y other orchards in western wr iujurv phws a uw`, mmm, or HU 0
T Kentucky. “ · `- ` blt
_· ,, . .‘ . . part at all lll 1t. _ I
· llns tact would seem to indicate ._ x __ _   r -, 1 _ W, lf
V that the earlv spravs reeonnnended Itdh gcutmul Hm:”’uM0( (mm T . ttl
· ( ‘ ` horticulturtsts that sunnner spray
111 the spray schedule may he _ _ , ._ _ _` 011
"   V 11€G€SS81‘y this year if the early and tug tor the control ot these diseast s , iu;
= l most dangerous infections are to be 15 tl ll°C‘J“ll}`_ tl """ l“t"“‘lS to k°"l` ve
; p1·€\·(¤ntt¤d_ '[‘ll(»l·efU1·(»_ gl-O“·Ql-S llls ptltcll 2l.llY(§ ()\'t‘l° S0\'{!l'2ll }'CtIl`S gr
' » should be prepared to put on the and make a profit. 'l`lns was again Im
Q , first scab spray as soon as the green expressed hy our Mr. W. W. Mzngill, Pp
i of the buds is distinctly evident. Dr, XV, D, Yalleau, Dr. ·l. ll. Jore tip
  unless the early blooming period is (lan, and ltr, tt. M. Ilarrow ot` the lh
_· ` · warm and dry when the tirst spray U s_l)_,\_ at the reeent l(entnck_v In
` may llc flclalvml lllllll will lllwiltclls llortienltnral t'onvention. \\'eather “ pc
I , ` OY lmlll lll" "l“‘l“` buds 1****** conditions, during the sunnner an·l of
  ; SClmm‘l(`d‘ winter, play a big part in the cll'·‘~· en
  tiveness ol` a spray program. l-`ol mi
if ¢ { SPRAY FOR RASPBERRIES lowing a dry season heuetits front lll
r ,—_’   \V· D- ARMSTRONG spraying may lie very small or Uilll- fl"
  J The i-ngpbe;-ry dogg best in goo] not be noticed at all; but following th
ii ¤ weather and short summers, when tt \\‘0t **‘¢1#<>¤ *\t<‘lt 2** l*’*l* ll _{"**S* if
QQ g diseases do not have an opportunity hc <‘¥t>·‘<‘l<‘' t!"*‘l'l "ll""l` m
l¢   to build up to the destrnetive pro- will he noticed. often enough lo
2-     portion that they do f;u·th€·i· gputlp ltlctttt the tlll¥(‘1'(*ll(‘t‘ l»t*t\\°et‘11 llie  _ {111
    That is why they grow to sneli per. loss of a complete crop and a good ac
QE; fection in sections of Minnesota, harvest. The S]ll`2l}`S.i!l't‘ ot cout- ‘  
    ~ Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, paratively little heneht to the croti wt
  and other northern regions, Ag of fruit to which they are apptze. tl1
  they are grown farther south it but keep the leaves of the. new . sp
  becomes increasingly more tlitfienlt canes clean and tree troin disease wt
ifi °`  for them to succeed due to the so that they may produce a crop bc
igfilii warm weather and increased dis- the following year, ev
  ‘ -· CRSC ])1'Obl€II1S. TlliS is p£i1‘tl‘· s one might have called it wlntpy because of this earliness. Trials of i
"` injury; yet the winter has been the Chief red {`a5Pl>€1‘Q’ at tl1€ Kan-  
`l’ · rery mild so far. There is much tueky _EXPel`uueut Statleu have ?
rs . g,.,,y and (.],,ick,.d b,,,.k_ ,,,,,.,,,,,,_ shown it to suffer so severely from j
ul larly on those unsprayed. The same leaf Slaet detellatleu aud ualury ,
ll- plots were treated during 1937, and that it has P_i`0Veu Pi`aetleallY ”
n-- the lmspmycd p 0 1. t i 0 ,1 cum,. worthless for this state. , A
l*" through that winter in good condi-   ‘
li} lion; alltl il1•J1'0 Wt1S Olily 8 crates STRAWBERRY YELDS  
rr per acre dillerence in 1938, in favor , ,  
u·l of the sprayed plots. The dilter- BEIOW we ar€_ hstmg Hgures  
..,s um h-Om the was Siu-sys wai be ¤·ele¤Se¤_ hr the ue- Department g t
..1 much more marked, however, as ef Agriculture, Bureau ef Agri- i
,,,, there will he practically no crop cultural ECOHOHHGS, Wllillll Sl10W   _
,,,i from the unsprayed portion; and the yield per acre of 24-quart crates   · Z
M the sprayed portions should yield of Kentucky and a number of the    
;,—, il SHtlSta¤¤BYlV¤l1i8»{ 65 { 100 { 70 to l`ertilizer as far as stimulating  l
=Y fruit hud formation is concerned. · lll
;_ Y Heavy nitrogen added in 1939 0 Sll
  0 SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR would then encourage heavy fruit A
  0 CORRECTION OF ALTERNATE bud production in 1910 for a heavy A
{ BEARING IN APPLES crop in 19-ll—the next regular
l. l   One of the big problems in apple ll‘{l1l"}’ €l'0P >'Plll`·_ ll9_“'°"°l`» ll ll€ll"}' E
V,   production is tho tendency for tho nitrate application in, 19-10 _would g
  trees of many varieties to bear a ll}Cl`°“$,°_ lllllll _bllll l°l`lllllllllll_   {
 0 heavy crop one year and .. iight 1111 lilllll 11111% l°l,ll{° 11q11,g1·11é ,
  is — cmp or no cmp at an the next year. °l°l’ ° lllllllcl lll? °llll"‘ ll lllll ‘l   0
  {E Th. It _ t b _. U b _. Y month to six weeks after·blooinnig i
. ez IS ll ellla 6 €allll¤ llllgs llllllll time), for a larger crop in 19-12-   lll
; ; · problems 1n ma1·ket1ng and produc- tho ,.,,,,.,1],,,. Short Crop ,.o,,,._   ai
  g. tlfllli gl, g€ll€llal‘ 'l`l1<*_l1*?111’>’ “l`°P In yliiriting for the March issue of — Sl
00l  " E; . 9 i Wllll {lll lls ”°l`l°llS lll*ll" Hoosier Horticulture, Mr. li. Y.   ll
    , _, glllig t °S€‘§>thlll;_l€ll$l€°l 11;, llllllll Hawkins, apple grower of Mitchell.   lll
  T, as Oal 16 legs lll pllll ll°lll¤ Indiana, pointed out that he did 1
"§¤_-§; lg (lll lllllllla CllOpS‘ some fairly heavy pruning in the l il
  lj The Pl`€S€l}t P1'O$P€€tS of ii l1€i1VY spring of 1937 ahead of that heavy { N
.`  3PPl_€ CYOP Ul 1939 ll3~V€ g1`0W€1‘S crop on some 20 to 22 year old l Tl
    loolflllg fllllllllllly l$0lVll~I`d lll0l`€ m_€ll`· Grimes, Rome Beauty, Delicious, { ll
  ketlllg lY0lll?ll€S‘3·lld WOlld€l`lllg Stayinan, and \Vincsap trees. He F D
  tt Wlllllf they Pall _‘l0 to l1?lV€ ll€tl€l` did not get all of the trees primed. l 1
    qllallty flllll? llllS Yea? and to lll1V€ He states: "I cut some pretty big   (
jf*   · Some SOl`l¥ Of Cl`0P lll 1940, l00· branches in sonic cases. This cut-   0
»·   During the past winter much was ting, ahead of the heavy crop of { l*
· ll 0, said at the several Horticultural 1937, reduced my thinning job, re- ‘ t
·     Society Conventions in regard to sulted in better size and color of l 3
0   i evening up the fruit load of apples fruit, and I could spray those trees { T
— L . from year to year. much better. I might have cut @» l
I ` l
“ l

,t away a few bushels of apples, but given good borer control during i
t- ‘ l know that l got rid of a lot of midwinter in Georgia. It appears
it ? cull apples and that I did not to be safer on young trees, as well
“ reduce the number of bushels that as more effective than paradi-
*1 I I could sell, and I know that those ehlorobcnzene. Furthermore, the >
  R bushels I got were worth. more ethylene di_<:hloride treatment re- ¤
it money per bushel. The 1‘e111v1g01‘21t- ({Ul1'CS a minimum of preparation  
i_  i tug etfect upon the tree resulting of the soil before treatment and no
lc from the heavier pruning caused attention subsequent to mounding 1 ’
- more of the pruned trees to pro- after treatment, and just as good V
s_  _ tltwc Swtl VVUPS lll 1938 tlltm “`8§ results are obtained by pouring it
fc the case 111 the ul1p1‘l111€tl PMT Ot around the trees as by the use of 8. ;
in  I the _0l`cl’{u`d· Alllloilglhuil trees sprayer. The cost is a little less 7
in 1 {lm t°rl,lllZ°d “'°ll* 1. me ll ul?r?u‘S` than that of paradiehlorobcnzene,"
m P mgly ditltpiilt to inaintani sutiteriilit i
· vigor 111 iese ma are rees wi 1- _ _ »
  out fairly heavy cutting which Preparation of E1I111lS1011 E
in needs to be done about every other gm-C Should be when not to I
in year. I tlllllli, to<»,_tl3¢¤t_ llw ltmal breathe too much of the fumes of j
sn l<{ t1111€ to ile this Just ttl"°t*‘·l the ethyleiie diehloride; hence, the 1
Sn ot ll1€ big (TOP }`€i’·i`· _ emulsion should either be prepared  
lg _ Of eU\11`S€_, the HUUVG {`€l¤1`$ to out of doors or in a well ventilated E 1
ii, J maturehbearing trees. Think these ;·0Om_ Bggiiiise of its inn- boiling l
gg  i suggestions over. point heat should 11ot be used in { .
tit  t preparing the emulsion. 2 ·
VF A NEW PREPARATION FOR Stir vigorously 9 parts (meas-  
ti? THE CONTROL OF THE ured) of ethylene dichloride into l "
VY  I PEACH T R E E B O R E R. one part of a good grade of potash  
I _ . · g 1 1 ‘
lil F ‘,E‘§%‘{§;`i§'§‘ D IC HL°mE €ilt;°§l “étL%ttt$S3@tt$§??’u$°t92   i
i` S . s1nootl1 emulsion ` t
it OlTF}1¤$ti·<·=g¤r¤¤t~=‘y_@g’€i¤p;stb>’ acts- an S pta§SOE11€`%°ii;t-tifiii t i
US umn ‘ `}l‘l_llll* ,   " ‘, ’}llO` stir until the whole mass is smooth. l" E
·‘ _ mOl°gl”t‘ 1`mt _\"ll°)’ C'°°l%im‘ This is the stock emulsion which   -
I we fllas Ptigl °:fl)°liHl1°l}m°l lilill contains 50% ethylene dichloride;  
of ` Sam dqmlll lll Lwolgm umu DT; a11d if 18 gallons of the stock emul- l  
y_ to 1931 and m southern llllllOlS Simi were mine U . _ · ;·,
_ _ _ , _ ,   _- . p, it sl1ould co11 | ,
ill. » and lleslem TC" xml` m 19`;l' tain 9 gallons ethylene dichloride. J  
lid "Tl1c results of experiments eon- i n;,ii(,,, Poms], nsimii n,,ii,_ and S _- in
;he ducted i11 the states of Georgia, gallons Of ii-ninin  
_vy New York, and Illinois have shown €  
old that ethylene diehloride emulsion . .  
us,   its tt Busta- of advantages as- ¤¤t¤*¤¤¤ and D¤S==~g¤ its
He T paradiehlorobenzene (P.D.B.) for This emulsion has to be diluted  
ed, I the control of the peach borer, further before use and different;  
bjg t Cmzopia e,rit'1'0sa (Say). Ethylene dilutions and amounts used on dif- e __·_  
ut- » diehloride emulsion is effective at ferent aged trees. The accompany- - {
Of low soil temperatures and can ing table gives the dilutions and  
re- _` therefore be used late in the fall amounts found most satisfactory  
of _ and early in the spring, when it is for use on peach trees of various  
·ees I too cold for paradichlorohenzene to ages in the sections where the  
cut   be effective. The material has also experiments were carried on.  
[ 5  
  ·: .-·-  
lt a t

     *  ·
I ¤ To make 10 gallons  _ tm
1 i ot diluted emulsion  I to
f _ for use on ditferent D { :
= _ asc trees SI""“gIh tngklggiitzd “ (`OI
; ( Age and Size Use; of the Emulsion _- 5,0
’ of Trees .._.—..-— Diluted for Each Y I,
· ld
~ — 50 Emulsion Tree _
I I “‘¤Ie·‘ DSESEIEI ‘ iii
Y Emulsion   bo
‘_ Gallons Gallons Percent   E?]
. Ol` 0I`   '
j  _ ~ Parts Parts = of
g ‘ I _ I _ Le
V ` Six years and older ............ I 5 5 2o I lé Dlllt · at
Q (Average size and largerl $ , _
._ I , trees.) | _ WI
_ . Six years and older ............ I G 4 20 lé DIM lil
; t (Small size trees.) i px
_ i Four and five years ........._..   6 4 20 li; Dlul ` wl
»_ Three years ..r...,.................., I 7 il 15 lé Dim .
1 . Two years .....».........lr......_...... I 7 3 is % pint . III
I One year ,.......»...........,........... I 8% 1%; 7% ’x§ Dlul ` in
I I . to
    When and How to Apply absorbed will give better results. V  
_   _ FOI. best results the Emulsion Several shoyeltuls ol soil ihould be n on
,1, E i Should be applied in the fall about placed against the tiunt of the ,:1,
Q,.—_; Z the same time P.D.B. is ordinarily INI? after II`0*mII"IIE te PI‘€""III sul"  ` eq
g  J applied, while the borers are small. fill? less el IIIB Ilmllgalls TIN vc
Wy Good results are to be had, how- treatment requires no later atten- In
  ever, if application is made any tion. th
·,vs.   '§lm€ dllllllg ll}€ fell OY '¤Il€_f0ll0W- "A tin household measuring cup V9
  Ing sprmg- MIdWI}II€I` iIppIIC?IIIOHS holding one—half pint, with marks  ‘ sI`
  in Georgia have given good results for Ongeighth and Ongfourth piup I th
      alnd Sare leonsidered satisfactory in will be found useful if the ethylcm th
lj _Q § e- I Is Out I· dichloride emulsion is to be applied
...- I A ur · · . ql
egg ; _ Phe emulsion een be applied by pouring around the treo. p ·
gg { I €Ith€I`_by spraying Ol` P0Ul`m&’· The A bucket pump or a power sprayer S II
    quantity SllOl1l(l be I`€gl]l3t€d I`3l',ll€I` can be gynploygd for   thy Il
    closely, Si¤ee appllcilllmls mllllh lll 1na1 erial as a spray. \Vith a little  
    excess ef the I`€C9UQmI‘md€- T
l Late applications in Nov¤·mber gave l ""“"l"_"l I **"‘l   lI""l"’l`l ('£’Cll' Q ·
excellent eontrol bv this method l`*}'l— *"‘—'l"‘l*"'}"l*"'*'$“l"’l`· lhe l
WM", l»_])_];_ u_,.([` in th,. WIN, tlir¤·<·tors`elet·tt·d were ll. ll. Clark, i .
time gmc \.(,1.}. pom. c,,,m.,,l_ It ig l`. · ll. l·owler. and Ro); Arnold,   Q
‘ in this ability ot` the new lreatnient (`_l`lll"ll‘l('ll ilmllll}`? ll·_l‘· Sll°ll’}`·  
__ g., gjw SmjS{m.tOl·}- mlm-(,1 ]Htl.l. Livingston ('ounty. A (lll'CCl`Ul‘t*21'Cll  
V in the t'all than it is possible to *1***11 ‘i`*·l·l“‘¤ll {md LY"“ Cllullllcs  
js' _ get using l’.ll.l¥. that this material le ta ll" €`lt`Vl0‘l ll] tllc {mill` lllllll`?   ,
111* omit-S gl-Cut p0SSp)i]m(.S_ j\[m,)- Most ot the associations acreage is Q _
lll) growers who have both peaches and l11 (`1`1ll‘-‘11*l"11_ l`°1l'1l}'§ l1‘1"`("`€l`i ; _
l" T apples have found that apple har- tl1<‘1‘¢* lb <‘<111>1
ll? vest interferes with the regular l·l1'l111!>l'>11· _(`*1l*l“`(‘ll· LYON: and   "
11- program ot' l’_l)_ll_ treatment nl. lvnion counties. i _;
their peaches. Many of these wel- l _
lp . come the ethylene diehloride emul- EARLY HARVEST APPLE   ;
ks _ sion treatment because it gives FOUND RESISTANT T0   E
IL them more time in wlneh to get WOOLLY APHID    
no their work done ettecttvely. _ I T I I it d 1 _ eutomoli   .3
Bd 'l`he prepared emulsion IS avail- __" lc; E UQ}?   Q.   . Hum] ty-·§
ac. able from a number ol` lIlill1lll`il1‘· Uilllliii X le-.1_HY’1n1§`]$U%u,H .  
cl, turers whieh also l`urnish direetions li-*_1’Q11111{11*·v”__·1l‘?11 _. lefml   t ag- tgif
he ` for dilutions and dosage. A list of ‘_*`*T_·fl‘l‘ 0 la_llClll_ll`lSf (SHN On;  
no . these can be had by writing to the l°S“l‘“ll l°_ r"ll‘l€I_T_ _° __ lg lmO_ —§  
th ‘ lixpernnent Station. *‘l‘lll° illllllély {lb `tu ld    
.u_ This treatment can be given in Ste1‘te<11¤ 1—·$·>_e¤§ we Cm] lu 9  
lllf‘ f*|1l`lltg` ill the same mamter as ll$lllL` l“`(ll1l}' \?ll`l("ll€‘$ of llplllps-  
llilll ll`(‘2lllll(‘lllS. l)Ct\Ql1 gl'()\\’(¥l‘$ wht) Olll1‘1` \`?ll`l(`ll("$ l·l$(‘¢ $11l*.1°°1 te “`OOllY **l‘l‘_l“  
l last fall are advised to treat them illlllld l“Jm`};_“`“`C lllc Bell *1**1*-  
en I this spring, if there is a brown \Vll¥(`ll§l`- \\l‘“’§*}ll~ )l§ll_l_‘?[1`·NSt_a?Y'  
,01- ; Eunttny mass around the base of lllilll “1¤¤S=1t*» IP"? D*“l‘· · mt lz  
me l the trees, with either this material “`*`$l(`l`ll Gl`(`°m“?!· Sl‘”u`k· Black  
,n_ l or with the regular l’.l).B. treat- ll`“;l¥· L0“'1`}`· Jollillllalb '1`<*l1¤¤_11-  
C},   1l\<‘Ht‘. l*`or a eomplete discussion GY`\ll10$ G0lll011. Y01`l¥ Ifl1D€‘1`1?tl, V11`·  
he   of peaeh tree borer eontrol by the ¥¥l111i1 B@¥mlY» T€lOfSkl>_Du°h€SS of  
nt   l’.l).l%. treatment. refer to the Ol and Baldwms _ vga;
Oy l $epteinber issue of Kentucky Fruit 'l`he Northern Spy vamety again  
  Notes. proved its resistzttice t0 th1S pGSf,   f'
. (V ·
l i t

   L as it has been known for some time posed to spray, consumers, and re-
, that this variety is resistant. Wliile tired orchardists. l Vo
j the Early Harvest is not considered Each of these persons will be ——
an important variety in Kentucky, given tl11·ee examinations before the
i this information is very valuable, work is completed, but Dr. Dreessen .
in that it gives the information as assured listeners there were already
; ° to a variety that can be grown in indications that recommendations i
A locations where woolly apple aphid would result that would materially .
» injury is known to be severe and aid in the spray residue problem.
where other commonly grown varie— It was the Public Health Service
ties are not profitable because of it. work already done that brought  `
·  . ` This woolly apple aphid is por- about last fall’s tolerance changes. c ll
’ i ticularly injurious to young apple —Bettcr Fruit.  - He d
. trees in the nursery, and in early V cf
years in are orchard. it attacks an Anvmarrsxne raoenams   °"l"
Z parts of the tree but is particularly SPREADING Q ct tl
injurious on the roots where it is C E Chase See,.ctm,\,_~\I,m,,gm, ' Conf
o e rccccllccllr lccccccllclc. cc. cclcccl of are iwasiiirigma Aplaié Leila-. {$,21
the pest by Spray apPh°3‘t1OnS· tising commission rcports—\Vash- · Of ]
_ ington growers are pleased with fiold
- EXPERT FORECASTS SPRAY the advertising campaign the pres- A and
· ` RESIDUE AID cut season. Michigan, Ohio, llli-  , J_ T
y . An onsoheauioa but ruler-Cairo ;§§T,QZ;;‘f,Y“,¤,§."2,§§"ff‘§,j"’QQ§§f,f,f§ lem
‘ talk at the Wasliingtoii State Horti- fm,. .ee,;pp]se,.,,( ,.p.p,eptE fp,. edi  » dnl
l l cultural Society Convention in \.e,.tiap,,, pe   , ile; like. thege in I ug
pi Yakima was made bv Dr. NV. C. pnlepilzt ll? ` i an
‘ Dreessen of the United States P ih- ( ` ·]” fm S- 8 Q` - · - J' L
. . . I A lull is being drafted in l\I1chi· 2 tuck
_, l1c Health Service. Dr. Dreessen U .1 · ,1 F _
c ¥i has been in charge of the "human "im “ ml pmlldes for it tax Of I HM
; r . . ’=. cent per bushel to be paid bv each tv 1:
  ; guinea p1g" work in the Wexiatcliee W , , _ f H I I p ‘ _ {   I
  laboratory where spray residue ¥llO“c1 gra ami-CS lc Sc Sexciip `
_ i g Work is in prowess. rose _go1ng to vinegar factories. Ken
r s ». *= \\ ashington has such a law in well
c »     Scmc 1200 ll€l`$Qll$ ll?ll'€ bccn €X· force and they are collecting ap- I com
  cmlcccl lc determme llm elliccl? (lf proxiinately $100,000.00 annually — in v
  ;;;(;1I?ti1€°§agi1a(l(Y;;;[5il§;;q%?€t:;$£g xliicp is being psed to advertise ’ tion:
Nl = · ·· c asnngt n . v . ` . . 'o . m
j     ` to complete the job will be required, wa}-_ iiijfeh.   igeipr:1   ·  
    . __ but when itlis finished, the Public to a(p·m-Use {md Sep tllc apples · will
  ; Health Seryiee will be able to deter- from other states, Mr. Chase, man- . can
it \ géggg €X?}CthY “’}?ll?1?;lll({llllt of SPl`?ly agler of the \Vashington program. 3bOi
    D ge IS arfn H _ 0_ lllmimsi was said recently at the Illinois Horti- furt
_o -;,. I`· ccccccnc Ollmlon- cultural Society convention that Tal
v_    Of the ·1200 examined, Dr. the purpose of their campaign was PPGF
   { Dreessen said there were 700 men being served as long as it stimulated Z  lhél
,.v;4   and 400 Women and 100 children. the interest in, and the sale of 1 9KDf
    _ They have been classified into apples; whether they were eastern — duct
.   groups: orehardists constantly ex- apples or western apples. ¤ tllfcl
e_ ' H1€H`
_   "  Q E:
E?   c was
. i . e BUL
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